Chapter 4

The world setting of the otome game is, Angelique! Young women knockout compet.i.tion of love! That t.i.tle, in the previous life seemed to have taken the world by storm.

At that time, this Oba-chan did not play, however my daughter despite multiple scoldings, continued to pull many sleepless nights immersing herself into the game.

Each time, my daughter would pa.s.sionately tell me about how wonderful the game or the target characters are.

Extremely so, that it is enough to cause one to draw away…… (TLN: I imagine Oba-chan backing away from her daughter who is breathing heavily while showing her game scenes.)

According to my daughter, the main character of this game is called Angie, whom I had met earlier.

The game begins when Angie is 16 years old and enrolls into the academy. In this country, when the sons of n.o.bility become 16 years old, they must commute to the school designated by the country.

In the span of 3 years at school, sons and daughters of n.o.bility will receive an education and also build relationships and friends for after entering into high society.

Normally it is just that, but for his highness the crown prince, his circ.u.mstance is different.

His highness the crown prince inside school, the screening tests to determine the prince’s fiancee is performed.

Each of the young girls based on pedigree, appearance, grades, and so forth,  will be a.s.signed a basic amount of points determined by the school and receive a ranking. The basic points a.s.signed in school, can be said to have been established by the county, and a detailed breakdown is not disclosed.

Also, once a year, a popular vote is carried out by the whole school, student body and faculty, the number of votes is then added into the rankings.

The points from the vote are not disclosed. It is also rumoured that his highness the crown prince, school personnel, and prominent n.o.blemen also possess points. (TLN: 王太子殿下本人および教職員や有力子息達は高い持ち点をもつと噂されている I have no clue what this means and am guessing it means they have points they can use/give to affect the rankings… either that or those people get ranked too and possess a high score…)

After graduating in three years, the highest ranking young women can be a candidate to become his highness’ fiancee.

These candidates were selected one by one in each grade, up to two grades away down and up from the grade of his highness and the final decision will be made by his highness from within the candidates.

In other words, the nature of school, is a trial to grasp the ability and political power of talented individuals with the highest scoring compet.i.tor possibly becoming his highness’ fiancee.

From the candidates, in the past many have become concubines when the crown prince became the king. Even if it is by a little bit, many young daughters will desperately try to keep a good score.

The heroine enters the academy as a scholarship student enrolled in the special civilians cla.s.s. The system was made to ensure the securing of excellent talents from outside aristocracy.

Naturally, I will also be partic.i.p.ating in the ranking, points gained from family parentage are few, but not nonexistent. There is also no example in the past where the queen came from normal civilians. (TLN:家柄の基本持ち点が少ない、もしくは無いためか、過去民間から王妃がたった例は無い。 I need help with this. It is very confusing to me)

But of course this is an otome game. Naturally, the route where the heroine becomes the queen exists.

If certain conditions are met, one on one contest event with prominent ladies will occur.

The event is voting in a popularity contest against the opposing young lady.

Not with the whole student body In this case, but by influential sons.

Who are, the prime minister’s son, son of the leader of the chivalric order, and a young marquis who is also a teacher of the school…… In other words, the capture targets.

When winning an event, the points they possess will be added to the basic points, and by acc.u.mulating those points, the route for the commoner heroine to become queen is also opened.

Incidentally, the influential young lady…… the partner for one on one combat, Remy-sama, the three colour ladies of red yellow and blue…… as well as myself.

Of course Remy-sama is the last boss. Family status of Duke’s daughter and overwhelming beauty, Gathering overwhelming support from aristocrats with refined and somewhat arrogant gestures, always shining at the top of the rankings with the exception of the dark horse heroine.

The three colour ladies are also ranked high on the rankings. Each respectively, consolidating at 4th place.

And I…… Earl’s daughter Cosette, am the one on one contest event practice round. As in tutorial……

Cosette as an Earl’s daughter had a rather high basic points, despite being a little…… No, rather considerably plump physique, The score for physical appearance is equal to zero.

In addition to that, I have almost no popularity with aristocracy as a result of blankly being in a daze.

In other words, a tutorial girl who can be beaten without having to do much of anything. That is also why her name does not appear during the game.

Her notation in the game is Earl’s daughter B. Incidentally, A also exists. A is underweight (TLN: garigari megane or skin and bones I prefers underweight or skinny though. it sounds more pleasant for a young lady)

And the bad end…… The bad ending for us young ladies happens after losing in the single contest compet.i.tion.

Ladies of n.o.ble lineage who lose to ordinary commoners despite being educated by their family, in the aristocratic society will be treated as sc.u.m and hated by everyone.

To put it simply, there is n.o.body who would receive them as a bride.

Going down the unmarriageable route, what awaits is a straight line course to becoming a monastery woman.

Unreasonable! Its unreasonable! Luckily being born into a n.o.ble household, living comfortably, living a minimal frugal life of self-sufficiency is impossible! !

Furthermore, the monastery is famous for many nuns being ogre aunties.

In my mind, the memories of my mother in law in the previous life flashback.

Somehow, I should avoid single compet.i.tion, if not win……

Gazing intently at my own hands, pukkupuku, I have plenty of meat. (TLN: I have no clue what pukkupuku/プックプク is… my best guess is sfx for jiggly fat. Or maybe knuckle cracking? If anyone knows anything, please let me know)

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