Chapter 10

Regardless of whether, Jin Dao looked at face or temperament, Chi Feiran"s role was settled.

Chi Feiran group of three can"t believe, and Li Yuan has the urge to call the big boss.

Ask if this is the big boss who has spent a lot of money on the baby son and smashed the backbone of the Jin Dao.

The truth is not true.

Jin Dao felt Chi Feiran is suit for the role, the image is good, he is happy, excited!

Jin Dao: “You two will stand up together, and let me see!”

Chi Feiran: “…”

Rong Jin stood up and walked to Chi Feiran and stood still.

Chi Feiran was not able to look at him too long, but found Rong Jin also looked at him slightly, his eyes were like a smile, look carefully and like no.

Rong Jin whispered to him: “Younger brother.”

Chi Feiran only feels the itchiness of the ears, and thinks about it. How can Rong Jin sing only one song, he should sing more.

He thought that there was some blasphemy. Jin Dao looked at the two people in the eyes. There was a kind of old-fashioned satisfaction: “It is this feeling!”

A few sub-directors and screenwriters next to each other, all felt that this scene feels good.

I tried a lot of people before, because what I asked for in the script is to have a sense of youth, so they are looking for the ages that are around Chi Feiran.

But in front of Rong Jin, those beautiful children were covered with things, and there was no glory.

Originally, they have already prepared themselves psychologically. Those who do not seek to find it can compete with Rong Jin, and at least don"t lose too much.

Can only look at a very good child, one with Rong Jin put a piece, from the appearance to the temperament, they are all out of the air.

How do you match this?

So they all thought that they would save by the later stage, but the Jin Dao did not do anything, and he said nothing.

So that the Chu Bai plays was deleted and deleted, and it was about to become a character in only the lines.

But now, these two people.

A sharp combination, a pearly introverted, temperament south and north, can be biased and generally good looks.

Unlike the deputy directors who lamented this person, the writers wanted to hug and cry.

It"s good to have it! The script should not be changed anymore! woo woo woo woo!

Li Yuan and Chen Mengyang are also watching each other. Chen Mengyang smashed Li Yuan with his elbow: “Li Ge, how do I feel… weird?”

Li Yuan is happy, this flag is victory!

Chi Feiran is the starting point of this actor career! The first part is Jin Dao"s film! Will he be worse later?

Li Yuan, who was so happy, listened to Chen Mengyang"s words and replied casually: "It should be because the two have not yet dressed up. If you change the costumes, it will feel right!"

Chen Mengyang: “…”

Do not! He doesn"t mean this!

No matter what Chen Mengyang means, Jin Dao had already brought Chi Feiran to try Chu Bai"s style.

In the end, it is a martial arts film, if the costumes do not work, it certainly will not work.

A group of people, Wh Song, followed Jin Dao to see Chi Feiran tried to make up the makeup. Jin Dao was supervise, and the others watched the excitement.

The rest of the writers are afraid that if the real costumes are not good, then it is not a break, so they are very nervous.

Chi Feiran was surrounded by a group of people like a giant panda, and was slowly smeared by the makeup artist.

Jin Dao saw him become a little bit of the imaginary “golden jade pile, the embroidered belly hidden inside”, the mood is quite flying, waved his hand: “Come! Rong Jin! You also dress up!”

Rong Jin had a hard time to rest today, so he didn"t wear makeup.

This time he listen to the Jin Dao and did not say anything, sit in front of Chi Feiran and let the other stylist help and get his make up done.

Although Chi Feiran started to get ready first, this is the first time to try makeup, and the wig was adjusted several times. Therefore, Rong Jin finished first, because his stylists are skilled.

Fortunately, it is the effort of the front and rear feet forRong Jin to change the costumes, Chi Feiran"s image was also fixed, they also changed the role of the corresponding costumes.

When Chi Feiran came out from the locker room, He saw Rong Jin, who had changed.

It was a kind of good-looking difference from the previous one. He felt like He saw a knight from thousand years ago.

The eyebrows are sharp and the eyes are like a cold star, as if you can hold the sword in your hand, you will be able to squash the world.

Their eyes met in one place, and the chill seemed to dissipate.

Chi Feiran thought of his “younger brother”, and when his ears were hot, he also made a little joke.

He smiled, just like Rong Jin called him, and returned: “Brother.”

He was born with a good look, his smile was soft, but his eyes were hidden, and the whole person was immersed in the unique temperament of maturity and youth.

Rong Jin looked at him and smiled. He said, “I didn"t look at the wrong person.”

Chi Feiran did not understand the meaning of his words. Jin Dao next to him laughed happily: “Yes right! You have a credit!”

Rong Jin corrected him: “My credit.”

Gold guide: “…”

Jindao: “Don"t talk to you! Chu Bai come with me! Go and take a makeup photo!”

Rong Jin also followed, and Jin Dao looked at him and felt that he was suspicious: “What are you doing! Free to panic and play with your computer!”

Rong Jin said: “When props.”

Jin Dao: “…”

The biggest brand props in history, Rong Jin, did not come in handy.

Because it is a single person"s makeup photo, it is not a poster, you need a woolen prop, let alone a real person prop.

It is also simple to say that the makeup is taken, and there is no technical content. Just follow the photographer"s instructions and it will not end soon.

Li Yuan has already checked the contract with the producer, and waited for Chi Feiran to sign.

Li Yuan is professional, and Chi Feiran is not worried about the details.

As a result, a slender hand was stretched out and held on the wrist he was about to sign.

Rong Jin reminded him: “Read it again, and sign it."

Chi Feiran was stunned and realized that he was afraid that he would have problems with the signing of the contract. He couldn"t help but laugh and said, “Nothing.”

Li Yuan is the person whose father specially invited him to bring him. It is definitely no problem.

Rong Jin didn"t know what was going on inside. He only thought that Chi Feiran was still young and doesn"t know that contract could not be signed casually.

In the end, Li Yuan came out and said: “Ah Ran, you can read it."

Rong Jin is kind, Li Yuan said so, Chi Feiran feels that there is nothing to look at, just…

Chi Feiran looked at Rong Jin"s hand on his wrist and whispered, “Hand.”

TN: sorry for the late update guys(>人<;). Please don"t expect too much from me this week, I already in h.e.l.l mode( ̄▽ ̄;) for my exam. I did not spend much time on editing this, please make do with it.(//∇//) Ps* today I surf through novel update for a second…..I can"t help it(*´◒`*). I found a novel that roused my interest. to see it.

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