Chapter 11: Princess Seria’s Chast.i.ty ##

You may be completely immersed in the aftertaste of the climax, but sorry, that’s just the preparation phase. Her v.a.g.i.n.a got pretty loose, I want to do her soonー, while I was thinking of that, princess Seria said something outrageous.

「That’s the end right? Could you untie the wire in my arm soon? Uhm…It’s embarrasing…」

Princess Seria’s head seems to start working again, she blushed at her own unsightly appearance.
However, it’s too early to end.

「That’s not true. The real thing starts now」

I unfastened my belt and took out my c.o.c.k from the trousers. The c.o.c.k that has been released from prohibition rose like a tower.

「Kyaa! W-what are you taking out?」

Princess Seria bent backward a little to her surprise.

「Is this your first time seeing one?」
「Err, when I was small my father’s… Then, onceー. But, it’s too big…」
「That’s probably true. Someone who gets aroused to their own daughter is just a pervert」1
「No, it got erect, but not to this…」

Hey, what do you mean by that? Aren’t you just a great pervert father? 2 King, I despise you.

「*sigh*, we’ll it’s fine. Then do you understand what will happen?」
「!! Don’t!! Don’t!! That’s absolutely no good!」

Princess Seria curled herself on the corner of the carriage with her legs closed tightly. With both her arms bound, 3 I put up a knee and separated her from the edge of the sofa.
Apparently she has the proper knowledge. If she wasn’t taught and made a child it would be a big problem, it’s not that strange.

「It would hurt at first. But I will violate you, so give it up」

I put both of my hands on princess Seria’s knees and forcefully opened it.

「Noooo! Please stop!! Stooop!!」
「Be quiet!」

Pressing down the rampaging princess Seria, I applied my erect c.o.c.k on her p.u.s.s.y. I removed her panties, then her drenched genital glans was rubbed blending with the love nectar. The feeling of her squishy mons veneris 4
Seeing that scene, princess Seria’s face distorted in fear.

「No, please stop it! Impossible, that’s impossible. It won’t enter!」
「It’s not impossible. It would only hurt in the start」
「Noo! That’s really impossible. You aren’t supposed to do that. I’d do anything else so please stop!!」
「I don’t care about that. Also, you may have felt good but I still haven’t. So you’ll go along with me until I’m satisfied」

Princess Seria screams that she seriously dislike it.
That reaction is fun and makes me want to tease her a lot.
Especially her face dyed in fear when my p.e.n.i.s touching her hole is irresistible. It’s a face as if she saw the world ending, her facial expression loosened for a moment when my p.e.n.i.s slips over her p.u.s.s.y. Then, when I placed it on her hole again, she was in fear.
I repeated it several times, then her c.l.i.toris got hard. Even she’s afraid she can still feel it, wonderful.
The moment I thought that it was the good moment push my waist, I felt a rise in magical power.

「I-I’ll use magic! You might dieー」
「Do you think I’ll let you?」

I buried my p.e.n.i.s with the force of my waist. I stopped once I felt some resistance.

「…Eh? No way, you inserted…」

Her concentration was cut off and her magical power having no shape disperses. She can’t use magic in this kind of situation.

「I’ll be taking your virginity right now. It’s a once in a lifetime moment. Remember this well」
「Eh? Uhm, Eh, Eeeh?」

Princess seria turns her eyes down to her belly as she was confused. What’s there is my p.e.n.i.s’ tip spreading out and was being accepted by her own hole.
It’s the moment where we celebrate her loss of virginity. Look properly.
The erect p.e.n.i.s mercilessly pokes and inserts to her small virgin p.u.s.s.y. As I push my p.e.n.i.s I felt that I was breaking her hymen. Her walls are so hot and sticky. Without hesitation, I pushed it up to the base.

「It hurts!! It hurts!! Wait, it hurts! It huuuuuurts!!!」

The part connecting us had red blood flowing. It’s the proof that she was a virgin a while ago.
Her v.a.g.i.n.a just had it’s virginity taken away, she’s tightening my c.o.c.k painfully. The v.a.g.i.n.a’s wavy folds entangles my p.e.n.i.s, it feels so good that I might e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e even if I don’t move.

「It hurts… Please stop, it hurts… This is…just cruel…Uuu, hiku5」

Princess Seria cries as I pierced her with my c.o.c.k. The tears falls down from her cheeks.

I finally did it. I did it. At last, I became one with princess Seria. She’s the cutest, her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are big, A kind beautiful girl, I thrust my brutal c.o.c.k and took her virginity. It’s the best feeling.
I can feel that my p.e.n.i.s is delighted as it’s pulsating. ‘Hurry up and rampage’, it was insisting to smear the insides of princess Seria.

「Uuuu, you’re…the worst… This, doing it forcefully, hiku」
「I’m fine being the worst. I’m the lowest among the worst, and I live on the bottom of the ground」

I licked the tears running on her cheeks, it was a bit salty. 6
Princess Seria had calm down when I stopped moving. I can feel her v.a.g.i.n.a getting used to it. It should be fine now.

「I’ll move」
「Fuee? It hurts, it hurts. Don’t move, Aaaa!」

I pulled my p.e.n.i.s out slowly. Her v.a.g.i.n.a is sucking up my p.e.n.i.s like it’s begging for more.
I stopped when I took out half, then slowly inserted it again. Every time I push my p.e.n.i.s inside, my glans is rubbed and my waist trembles.

「Aaa! You inserted it again, nnnn, take it out, Please take it out!」
「What are you saying? It’s just the beginning. Hey, you move too」

Even though princess Seria is in pain, the sweet appearance mixes with her voice. I attacked her v.a.g.i.n.a with a monotonous slow movement.

「Nn! …Haa…Nn!! …Fuuhaaan! …N, it hurts…」

Her small v.a.g.i.n.a tightens around my c.o.c.k. If I get careless, I might e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e immediately.
Princess Seria is enduring the pain with a desperate face. I want to move more intensely, but I’d be a bit more patient.
I kissed princess Seria as I move slowly.


Surprised, her v.a.g.i.n.a tightened for a moment. Incidentally, I stretch my hand on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.,
As expected, the feeling of rubbing this chest feels good. My hand sticks on it and doesn’t want to leave the softness.
I knead, and rub it stickily.

「Fuaa, not my b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I’ll feel good」

When I separate my mouth, that’s what she said. Her chest seems sensitive. Did you ma.s.sage it yourself? If this was natural then it’s likely to grow more. 7
Love nectar also increased inside her v.a.g.i.n.a, so it became easier to move.

「I’ll be increasing my pace」

The pace I move my waist was raised gradually.

「Ah, Ah, Ah! Wait, Hyaa! More Slowly」8

Princess Seria desperately trying to endure the stimulation. I sometimes. .h.i.t a good place then she returns an interesting reaction. It doesn’t seem painful to her anymore.

「Ah, there, good! Hyaa! Ah, Ah, Fuaaa!!」

When I changed my angle, her body started trembling. I focused on the same place and rubbed my glans.

「Ah! There, it’s amazing there, it’s making me tremble, this, this is…s.e.x?」

Why are you asking? It might be another form of s.e.x, but rape is different. The implications are very different.

「Yeah, that’s right. Right now you’re having s.e.x」
「Ahn! Don’t. If I have s.e.x I’ll be pregnant with a child, aah! that’s no good!」
「Do you hate children?」
「That’s not it. Naah! I love children, but right now!」

Even though princess Seria is saying no, but whenever I thrust her v.a.g.i.n.a heavy breathing leaks out.

「But it feels good isn’t it? An unknown man p.e.n.i.s’ thrust, you can feel it right?」
「I don’t know! It hurts, but strangely, I feel good! But, I shouldn’t feel good, not unless it’s a special person, I don’t know!」

She’s quite confused. It’s understandable.
She was attacked on her journey, betrayed by the knights that were supposed to protect her, a stranger slaughtered them to help her, and right now she’s being raped. Even I would say that it’s the worst.

「Even if you say no you can feel it right? What a lewd princess」

I further accelerated my piston. Her v.a.g.i.n.a became slippery that my p.e.n.i.s feels good whenever I stroke.

「Yaaa! That’s wrong, It’s not like that! I’m telling you no but you’re not stopping!」
「Even if you say that, but isn’t your v.a.g.i.n.a excreting love nectar as if wanting my p.e.n.i.s?」
「Don’t say it. It’s no good that I feel good! Even though I don’t want it. I’m going crazy!」
「Then go crazy. Look, you’re going to c.u.m again right? Your p.u.s.s.y is trembling」
「c.u.m? yes, c.u.m, I’m about to c.u.m. What’s this?」

Princess Seria shakes her head saying no.
Did she notice that she’s moving her own waist? Even though she pleads, her waist is moving lewdly.

「I told you that you’ll feel good right? I’m about to c.u.m soon too. I’ll be releasing it inside your small v.a.g.i.n.a so accept it all」

I gripped princess Seria’s waist and strike my waist with all my strength. I finally piston seriously. My erect p.e.n.i.s rampages inside princess Seria’s v.a.g.i.n.a.

「Releasing it inside…? Naaaah! Too intense! Inside, my insides feels amazing!」
「I’ll pour my lots of s.e.m.e.n inside your womb」

I stuck my c.o.c.k deep and knock the cervix with my glans.

「Aaaaah! Naa! Aa! Ah, Se-s.e.m.e.n?」
「That’s right, s.e.m.e.n. Sperm, s.e.m.e.n, seed, 9 It’s the seed of a child」
「s.e.m.e.n…!! Don’t!! Don’t do that! I’ll get pregnant!!」

It seems that she knows how child are made. However, her body can’t resist. The interior of her v.a.g.i.n.a is attacked mercilessly.

「That’s right, you’ll get pregnant. Look, I’m c.u.mming!」

I nailed my waist with all my power. Being squeezed nicely tight by her v.a.g.i.n.a, the feeling of e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n rose up quickly.

「Aaaaa! Don’t! Don’t poke me so much! Amazing! It’s taking me away!! Aaah, no, I’m c.u.mming again, c.u.mming! c.u.miiiiiiiing!!!」

Princess Seria’s back jumped up with great force. Then, her whole body began to spasm.
The v.a.g.i.n.a that reached it’s second climax, princess Seria squeezes my p.e.n.i.s tight. And my glans were pushing against the mouth of her womb.

「I’m going to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e!」

At the same time, sperm runs out my urethra.
*Splurt**Splurt**Splurt*!! I magnificently threw it inside princess Seria’s womb.

「Aaaaaaaa!! Something’s coming in!! Somthing hot is coming out!!」
「That’s s.e.m.e.n. Enjoy it」

I thrust it once again while ejaculating.

「Hyaau!! Dooon’t! s.e.m.e.n, I told you not to release it inside!! Yet you came!!」

*dokun dokun* my s.e.m.e.n was injected inside and princess Seria’s body was trembling.
The princess is finally my thing. I defiled her with my own hands, the indescribable sense of achievement and euphoria is rushing into me.
My s.e.m.e.n is overflowing endlessly. My e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n lasted very long.
Princess Seria’s body is shaking as she was taking it all in her v.a.g.i.n.a.
For a while until princess Seria settle down, I soaked myself from the aftertaste while connected.
It’s a dreamlike event, but the heat that’s being transmitted to from my p.e.n.i.s tells me that it’s not a dream.
The color of sanity returned to princess Seria’s eyes eventually.

「Haahaaa, a…What was I…」
「Did you calm down? How was your first time? You didn’t look in pain, did my p.e.n.i.s feel that good?」
「Eh, Ah…No way I wasー」

Princess Seria’s face turned pale. It seems like she recalled her own foolishness.
When I pulled out my p.e.n.i.s from her v.a.g.i.n.a, mixed blood, love nectar, and s.e.m.e.n flows out.
Princess Seria can’t belive the spectacle she’s seeing.

「No way…Did you release it inside? Was I pregnant?」

It might be.

「No way, why did this…」

It’s because I want to, there’s nothing else to say.

「Why am I, that thing…」

I really wonder why. Isn’t it because you’re easy to drown in pleasure? Or you might be weak against advances. The conclusion, because you’re an easy woman.

Princess Seria repeatedly mutters to herself. Despair and and bewilderment appears on her face. Despair for being violated and defiled, the pleasure that she can’t control. The complex feelings mixed together that her mind was tortured. Unable to bear it, tears flowed from her eys.
But, it’s still too early to be in despair.

「It’s not over yet」

That’s right, it’s not over yet. My son is still energetic. There might be no more second chance. It’s impossible to end it with just one round.

「No! Stay away!」

Princess Seria exclaimed. It’s not like a sweet talk like earlier, it was a serious rejection.

「Do not touch me! Don’t do strange things to me!!」

It seems I got hated seriously. The beautiful girl who’s dress is broken is trembling in fear. I wonder how good if feels if I do her by force.

Since princess Seria’s arms are tied up in the carriage, she can’t run away easily. But, that’s as long as she doesn’t use magic.
Princess Seria was in standby, waiting to be able to fire up her magic. If she attacked, it would end already, but I have a countermeasure.

「Go out! Don’t approach me anymore!!」

The enraged princess Seria. She’s pretending to be tough, but I can see her body trembling. It looks like a small animal before being eaten by a savage beast. Originally, the difference in power is reverse.

「I refuse. I’m not satisfied yet.」
「Please stop this! It should be enough already. I’m grateful that you helped us, but this…is too much…」

Princess Seria speaks in a shaking voice.

「I know that I did a cruel thing. But, I don’t intend to stop」
「It’s not possible to return anymore. I’ll only do what I want to do」
「…By all means, can’t you hear me out?」
「Then…I’ll attack you. 10 You won’t be able to prevent this」

Princess Seria’s magical power swell up. Even without your easy to understand threat, I know that I’m no match against you. Butーー.

「Even with this?」

I pose my dagger. Not to princess Seria, but on the one sleeping on the other side of the sofa, Lululie.

「Wha! Stop that! Lululie has nothing to do with this!」
「I haven’t received her grat.i.tude after all. If I get killed as a result of helping you, I tell you that I only helped you for myself」

I only intend to threaten her, I don’t plan to really kill you. Also, I helped you because of work, and there was a reward. But, the effect was outstanding.

「Don’t do that! Lululie is my friend. Don’t kill her!」
「Then subdue your magical power. Then we’ll resolve it all」

Princess Seria suppressed her magical power reluctantly while grinding her teeth. Then, she scowled at me.

「You’re the worst as expected」
「I know」

Let’s continue then if we already reached to an agreement.

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