Words by ESMe WYNNE.

Music by NOeL COWARD.

_Andante grazioso._

1. The sweetest name that ever I heard is

Faith,... Oh! fair-er than the voice of Spring it seems;.... I

think all day on its de-light, And when my eyes are dim with night A single star shines

ever thro" my dreams.... The star of Faith.

2. The dearest name that ever I heard is

Faith,... Though all the gifts of G.o.d were mine to choose.... And

I were Lord of night and day, At Love"s dear shrine I still would pray "For Thee this pow"r and

treasure I would lose.".... Just give me Faith.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: SCENE PLOT--This scene plot indicates how the scene was set at the New Theatre, London. The play can be given, of course, without a staircase.]


1. Club fender.

2. Small sideboard.

3. Chesterfield.

4. Jacobean form.

5. Armchair.

6. Small sideboard.

7. Chair.

8. Armchair.

9. Chair.

10. Small table.

11. Expanding table. If difficulty is experienced in obtaining an expanding table, a small table can be used for the first two acts and a table of sufficient size to seat three people on one side subst.i.tuted for the last act.

12, 13 and 14. Chairs.

15, 16 and 17. Cushions.

18. Gong.

19. Hall stand and hats.

20. Chair.

21. Small table.

22. Mirror.

23. Electric light switch.


Open out all curtains in windows.

Open window up L.C.

Remove 2 and 7.

Subst.i.tute in their places a Baby Grand piano and a piano stool.

Bring 9 and 10 down to above table (11)--the chair facing window L.

Change cushions.

Place model of motor on piano.

Place typewriter on 10, cover beside it.

Change flowers.

Place papers on window seats, Chesterfield, table and form.

Flowers in grate.

Ash tray on club fender.

Matches on mantel.

Syphon and gla.s.ses on sideboard.

Writing materials and music paper on 11.

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