By the time the car reached Mai Ding"s house, Mai Ding was already sleeping soundly on An Ziyan"s lap. An Ziyan tried to wake him up.
"Hey! Wake up quickly!"
But no matter how much he pushed Mai Ding, all that guy did was frown, push An Ziyan"s hand away, and go back to sleep. An Ziyan had to resort to some violence. He even shouted at Mai Ding, but Mai Ding was unaffected, sleeping away like a dead log.
Mai Ding was so tired because the night before, he was just tossing and turning in bed because he was thinking about Bai Xiaosi the whole night. Furthermore, he was running here and there today.
Now that he could finally sleep, it was bound to be a deep and sound one. Waking him up now was close to impossible. An Ziyan was getting irritated but he quietly sat in his car. Resting his head on his hand, he continued to watch Mai Ding.
And just like that, the night went by.
Mai Ding started to wake up, and for a moment, he couldn"t tell where he was. He suddenly got up and found that An Ziyan had draped his own jacket over him and it had fallen off. An Ziyan was also awoken by Mai Ding"s sudden movement. "Why didn"t you wake me up?" Mai Ding asked in a fl.u.s.tered way.
"How am I going to tell my parents? It"s all your fault! If you had woken me up, this wouldn"t have happened. Furthermore, there could be neighbors who might have caught us. How could you let this happen?" Mai Ding was just putting all the blame on An Ziyan, not even realising that he, too, had a huge part to play.
An Ziyan just kept quiet. In his mind, he was thinking to himself: was he spoiling Mai Ding too much? An Ziyan got out of the car and approached Mai Ding; his facial expresion was now all cold and sombre. Mai Ding could sense that things weren"t right. He backed up, saying, "Don"t be rash. We can discuss this calmly."
"There"s nothing to discuss with you." An Ziyan said coldly.
"That was rather unkind of you. Whatever you say, I am like a wife to you. Why are
you so sensitive?"
An Ziyan grabbed hold of Mai Ding, who was trying to run away, and then tossed him
out of the car. After that, he pinned Mai Ding to the car and held him in a rather dubious position. He hissed at him, "Say something nice to me now."
"What the f.u.c.k for?"
An Ziyan then proceeded to remove Mai Ding"s belt, knowing full well that he was near Mai Ding"s house, and it was done in broad daylight.
This time, Mai Ding was getting fearful. His heart was beating so fast that he thought it would just jump out of his throat. He wanted to retaliate, but An Ziyan held him firmly. The only thing that he was thankful for was the fact that it was still very early in the morning, and ther weren"t anyone on the street.
"My dear big brother*, please don‘t go overboard with this. It"s near my house if you
know what I mean."
(* - big brother in Chinese can also be used to call someone who is older than you but not related. Like "bro" or "big bro" in English)
An Ziyan didn"t bother. He proceeded to undo his belt. Mai Ding spread his legs in order to prevent his pants from falling off.
"You f.u.c.king gangster, I will go to the police, I tell ya. Let everyone know how much of a rude person you are."
This time, An Ziyan pulled his zipper down and Mai Ding panicked. "Ok, Ok, I"m at fault. Please forgive me for falsely blaming you. I shouldn"t have done so."
"That"s not enough."An Ziyan said curtly and pulled Mai Ding"s pants off. Mai Ding was
fighting hard to keep his pants on. He never expected An Ziyan to be this mean to him. And it"s not as if he did something severely wrong.
"I will write an essay stating how sorry I am." Mai Ding was all willing to compromise. His innocence now was at stake and he needed to protect it. An Ziyan was thinking about how he had to accompany this guy all night, not being able to move one bit. It was also so miserable because his legs were totally numb, and not only did he not get a word of thanks, but he was also scolded by this guy. He was definitely not going to let this go easily.
He took Mai Ding"s belt and threw it onto the backseat of the car. He then purposely damaged his zipper and b.u.t.ton so that he couldn"t really hold his pants up properly. Only then did he let Mai Ding go. "I want the report sent to my email by the end of the day." And after saying that, he got back into the car and zoomed off.
His actions were just too fast for even Mai Ding react. With his damaged pants, he hobbled back home, but before that he shouted loudly. "An Ziyan! You f.u.c.king b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" But just as he was done scolding An Ziyan one last time, An Ziyan"s car zoomed back out of nowhere and stopped just next to Mai Ding. Winding down his window, An Ziyan asked sarcastically, "What did you just say?"
"Oh I was just saying how I just love you so much." Mai Ding said as sweetly as possible. Feeling a little more satisfied, An Ziyan drove off a second time.
Sometimes a little punishment is in order so that one knows who"s top in the relationship.
As for An Ziyan"s overbearing nature, Mai Ding didn"t dare say anything anymore. He finally understood what kind of person An Ziyan was: just pure evil. Pulling his pants up, he quietly sneaked into his house and stealthily tiptoed to his room.
Unfortunately for him he was caught by his mother.
"Where were you the whole of last night?"
"I--" Mai Ding couldn"t think of reason.
Mai Ding"s mother could tell that her son was up to no good, and she saw him
holding his pants. "And what"s wrong with your pants now?" The minute Mai Ding let
go of his pants, it dropped to the floor. In just his underwear, Mai Ding was dragged
to his room by the ear.
"Just look at you. Out one night with G.o.d knows who. You better tell me now! And tell me how did your pants end up this way?! What have you been doing?"
"Ouch! Mom, stop pulling my ear. It"s not what you think. Please let me go"
In fact, while An Ziyan and Mai Ding were busy arguing, someone who was out jogging actually saw what had happened.
After all the ruckus, Mai Ding was done writing his apology and essay to An Ziyan:
An Apology to An Zi Yan
I, Mai Ding, did not respect my husband, An Ziyan, and my actions resulted in an unnecessary quarrel between us. I was wrong. And it was under the guidance of my husband, An Ziyan, did I realise that I was the one in the wrong and it showed how I was not serious with our relationship. This whole incident made me realize that my husband is my entire world. Whether it is right or wrong, he is my everything. I wasn"t blaming him in any way. And I will continue to love him with all my heart, and take care of him and be as obedient as possible.
After sending it to An Ziyan, he got a reply from An Ziyan.
"Your report was utterly disgusting."
"You should actually be happy that I wrote it."
The debate continued...
"Please watch your att.i.tude."
"Sue me. That"s who I am. Why don"t you come hit me? I"m at home now. Let"s see what you can do." Mai Ding thought that An Ziyan could do nothing since he was safely at home.
"Don"t force me to do things you will regret." That was An Ziyan"s advice.
"Don"t be too overbearing." That was Mai Ding"s advice.
An Ziyan hung up and Mai Ding made a face at the phone. He thought he had won. "Nothing to say to that, right?" he said to himself smugly. "My home is my fortress."
Five minutes later, Mai Ding"s mother suddenly appeared in his room, full of rage. "So you thought you could lie to me? And to think you said you were at some cla.s.smate"s house! If it was not for An Ziyan who told me the whole truth about you going out to drink and behaving badly, I would have also been in the dark! So you think you are old enough to deceive your own mother?!"
From a distance, one could hear Mai Ding screaming for help.
After being punished by his mother, Mai Ding couldn"t accept what had just happened. He called An Ziyan. "What kind of gentleman would do this out of revenge?"
"It wasn"t revenge. It was a lesson."
"What do you mean by that?"
"I"m just teaching you how you to respect your own husband."
To be continued..

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