Just as Xiao Ran was flaring up righteously and threatening with anger, his private message was flooded with messages and they were all Wechat and QQ numbers.

But was Xiao Ran such a wanton human?

Of course, he wasn"t!

Because when he was getting wanton, he would be inhuman!

He was still playing a ranked match, how could he go add the WeChat and QQ numbers now? He had to wait after the match, right?

This, was his dedication towards his job!

"Alright, your att.i.tudes in admitting your mistakes are good and my anger has been finally quelled a little. But I still have some residual anger, what should I do about it?"

Xiao Ran controlled his Twitch to the brush at the mid lane"s river and said, "It is only natural for me to mess up the mid lane."

"Lee Sin might have failed his gank earlier, but he had forced our Orianna to waste her Flash. Orianna doesn"t have any displacement ability and has a low movement speed. An Orianna that doesn"t have Flash was simply a big fat piece of meat in the eyes of Lee Sin."

"Furthermore, I had obtained First Blood by ganking Darius at the top lane earlier. The opposing Lee Sin will surely want to gank our mid lane"s Orianna to start this match with a rhythm. That is why we need to mess up the mid lane!"

After chugging a health potion that complimented the healing effect of the red buff, Xiao Ran"s Twitch was almost fully healed.

With the [G.o.d"s Vision Card], Xiao Ran could clearly see that Lee Sin had finished slaying the Rift Scuttler before returning to the brush as he prepared to hide for one wave of minions before ganking Orianna at mid lane again.

The current situation at the mid lane was a 1/2 hp Orianna going against a 3/4 hp Viktor. Both the top and bottom river brushes were hidden with a 3/4 hp Lee Sin and a full hp Twitch.

Orianna and Viktor knew that their junglers were hiding and they were also plotting their own schemes while playing abnormally aggressive.

"Do not run towards the top lane later, Lee Sin is hiding there." Xiao Ran typed some cautionary words inside the game.

Just as Xiao Ran finished typing, Viktor"s body lit up with white light as he reached level 3 first.

Immediately after, Viktor took the advantage and placed a W ability "Gravity Field" behind Orianna to cut off her retreat.

Gravity Field: Viktor deploys a gravitational imprisonment device for 4 seconds, slowing enemy units and adding a stack every 0.5 seconds. At 3 stacks the target is stunned for 1.5 seconds.

After Viktor placed the Gravity Field, he followed up with an E ability "Death Ray".

Death Ray: Viktor uses his robotic arm to fire a chaos beam that cuts across the field in a line, dealing magic damage to every enemy in its path.

With Xiao Ran"s reminder, even if she had to suffer some damage, Orianna firmly stepped into the Death Ray and ran towards the bottom river brush. As she ran, she used the QW combo to reduce Viktor"s speed while claiming last hits for two minions.

"Swish." Orianna"s body had also lit up with white light as she reached level 3.

When Viktor saw that Orianna wanted to escape, he immediately executed the Q ability "Siphon Power", before chasing after Orianna.

Siphon Power: Viktor blasts an enemy unit, dealing magic damage while granting Viktor a shield that absorbs up to 40% of the damage done to the enemy unit.

As Viktor"s E ability was to prevent Orianna from running to the bottom, the Death Ray didn"t deal out its full damage. Hence, even if Viktor followed up with his Q, Orianna was still alive with a trace of hp left.

After Orianna reached level 3, she instantly leveled up the E ability, "Command: Protect".

Command: Protect: Orianna commands her Ball to travel to and attach onto an allied champion, shielding them for 2.5 seconds. Enemies the Ball pa.s.ses through along the way will take magic damage. In addition, the Ball adds Armor and Magic Resist to the allied champion it is attached to.

After instantly raising the level of the E ability "Command: Protect", Orianna immediately executed it. The ball that "buzz" from its original position and flew towards Orianna, giving her a layer of the shield, while dealing damage to Viktor who was chasing her.

When Viktor placed down the Gravity Field to cut off Orianna"s retreat, Xiao Ran had already executed Twitch"s Q ability. When Viktor chased towards the river brush, Xiao Ran controlled the camouflaged Twitch and made his move.

At this same moment, the opposing Lee Sin had run over from the top river too.

After breaking the invisibility effect, Xiao Ran"s Twitch was buffed with 30% attack speed. Before Viktor could react, he had already taken two normal attacks from Xiao Ran.

When Viktor first saw Xiao Ran"s Twitch, he had paid no attention at all.

It was true that he couldn"t bother either. An Orianna with a trace of hp was much more enticing than Xiao Ran"s full hp Twitch.

I will kill this Orianna first before coordinating with Lee Sin to kill Twitch, making it a "Double Kill".

This was Viktor"s ideal imagination, but the reality was extremely cruel. He had completely forgotten that this Twitch was an ADC and his damage was much higher than normal junglers.

After taking three normal attacks from Twitch, Viktor"s cold sweat dripped down. When he was contesting with Orianna earlier, he already had less than half his hp left. After getting hit with three normal attacks from Twitch, his hp was in crisis.

There was something even more horrifying that he had just recalled. If he allowed Twitch to hit him another two times and detonated the E, he would surely explode to death!!

"Lee Sin, quickly shield me!"

If Xiao Ran could hear Viktor"s cries for help, he would surely snicker.

A level 2 Lee Sin that was ganking with red buff would surely pick up the Q and E abilities.

Of course, there was the possibility of Lee Sin picking up Q and W as well…

When Lee Sin appeared he didn"t chase after the Orianna that had vanished from his vision, instead, he had launched a Q at Xiao Ran"s Twitch.

Would Xiao Ran allow Lee Sin"s Q to hit him? Xiao Ran shifted and dodged Lee Sin"s Sonic Wave before rushing at Viktor again.

Viktor didn"t hesitate and immediately pressed down on his Flash, returning to the mid lane"s minion wave and avoiding Twitch"s attack range.

Xiao Ran didn"t give chase after Viktor had Flashed away as Xiao Ran had already used his Flash and he wouldn"t be able to catch up even if he wished to.

Xiao Ran controlled Twitch and turned around to start attacking Lee Sin who was running towards him.

The ally Orianna had yet to escape far away but when she noticed that Viktor had escaped with Flash and Lee Sin had used his Q, she got bolder and actually groveled back to support Xiao Ran.

"It"s done for. Our Orianna is dead…"

Just as Xiao Ran"s voice ended, Orianna cast her Q ability at Lee Sin and followed up with a W.

Thinking that her QW combo was very graceful, Orianna actually fearlessly kited Lee Sin and attacked him with a normal attack.

Orianna was left with such a small amount of hp and still wanted to coordinate with Twitch to present a brilliant counter kill performance. How could she have expected for Lee Sin to Flash and immediately follow up with his E ability "Tempest / Cripple"?

Tempest: Lee Sin smashes the ground, sending out a shockwave that deals magic damage. If Tempest hits an enemy, Lee Sin can cast Cripple for the next 3 seconds.

Cripple: Lee Sin cripples nearby enemies struck by Tempest for 4 seconds, slowing their Movement Speed. Movement Speed recovers gradually over the duration.

That"s right, after using Tempest, Lee Sin followed up with a normal attack before instantly pressing E again to execute Cripple and taking Orianna"s first death.

Immediately after, something unimaginable happened to Xiao Ran.

After Lee Sin killed Orianna, he immediately turned back and ran towards Xiao Ran.

While Viktor who had Flashed to the lane to escape was also returning.

These two individuals was going to coordinate with each other to kill him!

"My fellow students. Earlier on, I felt extremely confused when our Orianna didn"t run with her last trace of hp and insisted on coming over to deliver her head to Lee Sin, but I was still able to maintain my composure. But what is going on with this Lee Sin and Viktor who are only left with minimal hp? Are they trying to deliver a Double Kill to me???"

Xiao Ran bewailed with a voice that was asking for a spanking, "I am stupefied, please give me an explanation!!!"

< =="=">> Chapter 13

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