Baby couldn"t help but click her tongue. This host"s jungler Twitch is simply too 6.

But she was a little angry and she spoke while her lips twitched, "The bottom lane is getting pushed. Come over and gank."

"The most important principle of jungling is to help the winning lanes and not the losing lanes!"

Baby: "… Then why are you still s.n.a.t.c.hing the kills? Why do you need so much kills as a jungler?"

Xiao Ran had an expression that didn"t mind and made a guarantee, "If I take more kills, I can carry!"

Baby rolled her eyes and replied, "How are you going to carry? You are a jungler. Are you trying to become the main damage output? Nurturing the ADC is the proper way to do it!"

"That"s right, I am the main damage output. During the late-game, you can have a break, I will be the ADC."


At the 25 minutes mark, Twitch already had 10 kills and three late-game items: Infinity Edge, Youmuu"s Ghostblade, Runaan"s Hurricane, along with the Berserker"s Greaves and Skirmisher"s Sabre.

The current Twitch"s damage was off the charts.

Xiao Ran"s eyes was now targeting the Viktor and Tristana who were clearing the minions at the mid lane"s turret.

He activated the Q ability and Youmu"s at the same time, allowing Twitch to enter the camouflaged mode. He then rushed at incredible speed and once he was in attack rage, he activated the R ability, "Spray and Pray". After looking for a correct angle, he started a violent shooting spree at Tristana.

Spray and Pray: Twitch gains 300 Attack Range and 20/28/36 Bonus Attack Damage. For the duration, his basic attacks become piercing bolts that deal 20% less damage to subsequent targets, down to a minimum of 40%. Lasts for 7 seconds.

As Xiao Ran used a crafty angle, while Twitch"s ultimate ability had the piercing effect too. When he was. .h.i.tting at Tristana, Viktor had also suffered the damage from the piercing attacks.

Chain attack!

Once, twice…

When Tristana was left with a hint of hp, she pressed the W ability and wanted to jump away.

Just as Tristana jumped, Twitch"s third attack landed and Tristana landed back on the ground and left behind a dead body.

Viktor executed his Flash but still wasn"t able to dodge Twitch"s fourth attack.

Immediately after, Xiao Ran pressed down on the E ability, Expunge.

The double carry was instantly slain by Xiao Ran under the turret.

Baby was flabbergasted, "What situation is this? What situation is this!?"

Double Kill.

The killing spree was now up to 12 kills.

Not only Baby, but the viewers in Xiao Ran"s streaming room were also dumbfounded.

It was too shocking, it was ridiculously shocking and utterly stunning!

The visual impact! The shock in the heart!!

They knew that Twitch was a late-game champion and if he got fed, he could deal out destructive damage. Many hosts had used Twitch to show off their skills and would frequently exhibit dazzling mechanics.


They weren"t comparable to the aggressiveness of Xiao Ran"s Jungler Twitch!

After Xiao Ran killed the double carry, he carried on with high spirits and fighting spirits while he controlled Twitch to roam around and kill.

After camouflaging with the Q ability, he sneaked behind Lee Sin who was trying to kill the Gromp. After activating Youmu"s and tossing out the W ability, he landed a few more normal attacks before ending the kill with the E ability.

Killing the undeveloped Lee Sin wasn"t simply as easy as blowing off some dust.

The pitiful Lee Sin was almost traumatized after getting tortured by Xiao Ran.

He was truly bewildered. No matter where he went to clear jungle camps, he would encounter the camouflaged Twitch that came to claim his life.

G.o.d d.a.m.n it, was his jungle area fully planted with wards by Twitch?

After killing the double carry and Lee Sin, Xiao Ran pinged at the Dragon.

There was no longer any more suspense for the later part of this match.

After Xiao Ran took down the Dragon with his teammates, they immediately ended the game.

Baby stared blankly as the opposition"s Nexus was destroyed and the in-game screen appeared with the word, "Victory".


Why couldn"t she get happy?

After returning to the game lobby, Baby saw the private message from Misaya.

"Apologies, I had something urgent to attend to earlier. Are you still playing?"

Baby suddenly understood why wasn"t she happy.

When playing with Misaya, she would frequently hear…

"Hurry, come over and kill him."

"Brilliant, that"s a Double Kill."

"Hurry up and hit him too, I will give you the Triple Kill."

"Ahh, sorry. He got killed by my Ignite, otherwise, the kill will be yours."

But when playing with this Kun Shen, he didn"t even bother about me!!!

Baby looked at the private message from Misaya and took another look at her friend list before making a decision.

"Play another match with me. Another win and I will advance!"

When Xiao Ran saw Baby"s private message, he immediately nodded and agreed.

Putting aside the fact that Baby was bringing in a lot of popularity for his streaming room, he felt that he couldn"t refuse her just based on her beautiful looks.

After Xiao Ran agreed, Baby immediately created a room.

When Xiao Ran entered the room, he noticed that Baby wasn"t going to duo queue with him, but…


Apart from him and Baby, there was also Leader Nose (Big Nose Misaya).

The other two players were ‘liussyu" and ‘I don"t like underpants".
(TL note: I will just call him Underpants)

‘Underpants" was a player ID that Xiao Ran was familiar with. Before he transmigrated to this parallel world, Chen He used this ID before his divorce. But in this world, there wasn"t the tv series called [iPartment], hence, Chen He wasn"t that famous yet.

The other player ‘liussyu", was a person that not many would know.

This player ID belonged to Baby"s BFF/photographer, Liu Siyu. Her looks were pa.s.sable but her strength was indeed formidable.

Xiao Ran still remembered that in his original world, Liu Siyu had reached the Diamond tier.

Normally, a Diamond I player would be almost at the level of a Challenger player. This sister could be considered an elite for her status.

After seeing so many famous people, Xiao Ran"s streaming room exploded immediately.

“Wtf, Leader Nose is leading the team. He is revealing his thick thighs to carry Baby, host, and Chen He!”

“Host, you are finished, when our Leader Nose plays with Baby, he will always deliver kills to Baby. You are going to be abandoned.”

“F**k, I just cannot get used to how Misaya bootlicks Baby. Don"t mention about him, it is making me disgusted!”

“The one above is just jealous of my Leader Nose!”

“To be honest, I think it is rather excessive. It is fine to give kills to our Baby, but I feel like vomiting after hearing his pretentious words!”

“Haha, my great Kun Shen is still the best. He didn"t really a.s.sist the bottom lane for the previous match. He only went once and even stole two kills.”

“Ahhhhh, Kun Shen actually didn"t feed our Baby. In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!!!”

Xiao Ran was only looking at the messages flying at bullet speed but didn"t get involved in the conversation.

Everyone did things differently and one must not enforce their ideas onto others.

If you didn"t like it or couldn"t get used to it, you simply had to stop watching. There wasn"t a need to find a reason to anger yourself.

Just as Xiao Ran was pondering which position to play, a male voice echoed, “Hey Hey Hey, can you hear me?”

Leader Nose immediately replied with a friendly voice, “I can hear you loud and clear.”

“Kekekeke…” Chen He"s characteristic laughter broke out in the voice chat before he immediately declared, “I am playing jungler.”

“I will play top lane Riven then.” Liu Siyu had spoken too.

Misaya thought about it and asked, “Kun Shen, right? Support or mid lane, which lane can you play? Baby, shall I play support for you?”

Support? Is this a joke?

I am such a carry. I shouldn"t be playing support okay?!

Just as Xiao Ran wanted to take mid lane, Baby suddenly said, “Misaya, you take mid. Let Kun Shen play support for me.”

< =="=">> Chapter 17

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