After killing Jhin, Xiao Ran controlled Evelynn to run out of the turret"s attack range.

But as soon as he ran out of the turret"s attack range, he ran into Thresh who was just left with a trace of hp.

After a casual attack, the system voice echoed again.

"Double Kill…"

"You stole my kill!!!" Baby"s lungs nearly exploded from anger.

She had been chasing after this Thresh and had even used Flash. She lacked just one more attack but the kill was taken by Xiao Ran conveniently.

"Hehe, this… is my conditioned reflex. My hand slipped." Xiao Ran spoke in an embarra.s.sed tone.

This was obviously a very bashful and embarra.s.sed reply, but why did Baby find it rather shameless?

"Your Jungler Twitch in the previous match could serve as the ADC during late-game and it is a pa.s.sable explanation. But you stole my kill again this time! Are you trying to infuriate me to death!?"

"Don"t be angry. I will not steal your kill next time. All the kills will be yours." Xiao Ran slapped his chest and guaranteed.

"Really?" Baby wasn"t convinced at all.

"Really, really. Just look at my performance later."

"Hmph, that"s more like it!"

After killing Thresh, Xiao Ran ran into the brush and pressed the "B" key to recall back to base.

He was only level 2 and after taking one attack from the turret, he was only left with very spa.r.s.e hp.

Furthermore, Xiao Ran had a huge sum on him and he should return to buy some items.

Baby saw Xiao Ran recalling back to base. Her hp wasn"t healthy either, hence, she cleared the minions and returned back to base too.

"Xiao Ran, what items should I buy?" Baby asked in the voice chat.

"Get an 875 first." Xiao Ran finished speaking but was afraid that Baby couldn"t understand, thus, he supplemented, "It is that Pickaxe that gives 25 additional attack damage."

"Hmph! You stole my kill, I don"t have enough money."

"Eh… Then get the Dagger first, the one that gives an additional 12% attack speed. You can form the Berserker"s Greaves first before buying Runaan"s Hurricane. With enough attack speed, Jinx can be very powerful."

Actually, Xiao Ran had an ulterior motive for his suggestions.

Without such high attack damage, Baby wouldn"t be so reckless and would play safely while taking last hits.

Furthermore, Berserker"s Greaves could also increase movement speed and was great for escaping.

Why did Baby have to increase movement speed for escaping?

That"s right!

Xiao Ran didn"t have any intention to stay in the bottom lane obediently. He might be a support, but he wanted to carry too!

Even if he played support, he wanted to be the violent support that roamed around!

After hearing Xiao Ran"s suggestion, Baby bought a Dagger and a Boots of Speed with high spirits. She then bought another health potion before exiting the base.

When she was exiting the base, Baby looked at Xiao Ran"s item build subconsciously. She got a shock and quickly asked, "What are you buying??!!"

"I am not playing jungler this match, so I am not buying Tiamat. Let me buy just a B.F. Sword to liven things up." Xiao Ran explained seriously.

"You are the support. Shouldn"t you buy a Sightstone first?" Baby questioned loudly.


"Also, I am the ADC but I bought the Dagger and Boots of Speed, while you actually bought the B.F. Sword. Who is the support and who is the ADC among us!!!"

After hearing Baby"s statement, Xiao Ran was a little awkward and responded with silence.

Xiao Ran chose to escape when dealing with a woman that was flipping out.

That"s right, Xiao Ran didn"t head for the bottom lane after exiting the base. Instead, he took a trip to the jungle area…

"Didn"t you say you aren"t playing jungler, so you are not buying Tiamat? What are you trying to do by killing my neutral monsters?"

"I will reach level 3 after killing this camp. Don"t worry, I will kill anymore." Xiao Ran spoke with a tone that indicated: Why are you so stingy?

Chen He was unhappy, very unhappy. "It is true that you are playing Evelynn, but please get things clear. You are not the jungler in this match. Hurry up and support Baby at the bottom lane!" Chen He emphasized more on the word "support".

In fact, it was very normal for Chen He to be angry.

The most annoying thing for junglers would be laning champions coming to kill their neutral monsters.

Similar to laning champions, the most annoying thing for them was when junglers came to kill their lane minions.

It would be fine if it was a mid-laner or ADC that required more experience points and gold.

Chen He would endure it even if it was the top-laner.

But Xiao Ran was the support!!!

After killing the neutral monsters, Xiao Ran"s Evelynn successfully reached level 3. He then said, "Stop playing, be good. Follow me and kill Shen." Evelynn then started to move towards the top lane.

After hearing they were going to gank, Chen He immediately got spirited.

Xiao Ran immediately got three kills with his strategy at the start of the match. Thus, Chen He still had a little admiration for Xiao Ran.

The cheaper and dirtier the strategy, the more Chen He liked it.

Chen He didn"t retort after hearing Xiao Ran"s instruction and responded with a casual "Ok". He then followed behind Xiao Ran obediently.

Liu Siyu controlled her Riven to withdraw from the minion wave a little after seeing Evelynn and Wukong coming over to a.s.sist her. She frowned and reminded, "Shen has Flash and this Shen is an old-fashioned one, he is especially timid and isn"t even greedy to exchange moves on the lane…"

Before Liu Siyu could finish talking, Xiao Ran immediately started the gank on Shen!

Liu Siyu and Chen He were dumbstruck.

This person didn"t even discussion on the coordination? He simply rushed in like that?

"This fellow…" Liu Siyu cursed silently and gave up the minion that she was trying to last hit. She braced herself and followed up.

Chen He followed closely with excitement too.

Seeing the Evelynn appearing out of nowhere, Shen turned pale with fright, "Wtf is going on? Why is the enemy support already level 3? Also, why did she suddenly come to the top lane?!"

If it was just Evelynn coming for the gank, Shen might consider hitting back twice before escaping. At least, he would be able to show this Evelynn that he wasn"t so easy to bully.

But right now, Wukong was right behind Evelynn and Riven was behind him too. Shen immediately forgot about his anger and fled!

"GO GO GO, do everything to take down Shen here. We have to make sure he has malnutrition and is unable to coordinate with Hecarim." Xiao Ran gave swift commands.

While talking, Xiao Ran"s hands didn"t stop for a moment. He executed the E ability, Ravage and started a frenzied a.s.sault on Shen!

< =="=">> Chapter 23

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