Publishedat 20th of March 2020 07:33:10 AM
Chapter 47

The game was around the 14-minute mark and at the dragon pit, the second dragon was sp.a.w.ning .

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This dragon was the Infernal Drake .

At the 8-minute mark, the first dragon was slain by Xiao Ran’s team and that was also an Infernal Drake .

As such, the opposition wasn’t going to allow Xiao Ran’s team to take this Infernal Drake so easily .

When talking about dragons, it was hard to not mention the patch on the dragons .

In this patch, before the 35-minute mark, there would be four types of different elemental drakes (Wind, Fire, Earth, Water) .

After slaying each elemental drake, the team would obtain a permanent elemental buff .

If the same elemental drake was slain again, it would enhance the buff and the maximum enhancement would be up to three times .

Infernal Drake: Ranged attacks, AoE attacks . After slaying it, the team would be given the Infernal Might . It is a buff that permanently increases attack damage and ability power .

Infernal Might: 8/16/24% increase in ability power and attack damage .

This fire elemental dragon was also known as the Infernal Drake .

The Infernal Drake’s buff was one of the best buffs among all the elemental drakes and it was something that teams would contest for .

Because all players would obtain a percentage increase in damage and it was the greatest benefit .

Even if the team took just one of the Infernal Drake, it would provide an additional 8% increase in ability power and attack damage . It would be an advantage over the opposition and it was a dragon that must be contested .

Ocean Drake: Ranged attacks, slows target . After slaying it, the team would be given the Oceanic Will . It is a buff that permanently increases the recovery rate of health and mana .

Oceanic Will: 10% of the missing health and mana would be recovered every 18/12/6 seconds .

The Ocean Drake’s buff was a little more placid but the recovery rate was similarly important . Be it the early laning phase or the later team fights . In the eyes of professional players, it had the highest priority .

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Mountain Drake: Ranged attacks, slow and deep breaths, AoE attacks . After slaying it, the team would be given the Mountainous Vigor . It is a buff that permanently increases the damage output on Epic Monsters and Turrets .
(TL note: Epic monsters are the large monsters like Drakes and Baron Nashor)

Mountainous Vigor: 10/20/30% increased true damage to Epic Monsters and Turrets

The buff was obviously the favorite buff for junglers and turret pushing champions . It could increase the speed of turrets breaking and it was a great boost for split pushing strategies .

This Mountain Drake was an elemental drake that everyone didn’t pay attention to at first .

Afterwards, the advantages of the Mountain Drake’s buff was slowly realized .

League of Legends was a game that emphasized on taking down turrets . If the Mountain Drake’s buff was acc.u.mulated, it didn’t just give a huge advantage when taking down turrets . It was also a great buff for slaying Baron or to steal the dragons and Baron .

Finally, it was the dragon that no one preferred .

Cloud Drake: Ranged attacks, fast attack speed . After slaying it, the team would be given the Cloudbringer’s Grace . It is a buff that permanently increases the movement speed while out of combat .

Cloudbringer’s Grace: Additional 15/30/45 movement speed while out of combat .

The Cloud Drake’s buff was very simple to explain . It increased movement speed but when out of combat .

Xiao Ran remembered when the elemental drakes were introduced, the Cloud Drake was always at the bottom of preference . In order to increase the contest rate of the Cloud Drake, Riot made an update .

Riot increased more movement speed for each stack of buff .

From an additional 15/30/45 movement speed to an additional 25/50/75 movement speed .

But after getting enhanced, the Cloud Drake was still at the bottom…

Alright, back to the game .

The first Infernal Drake was taken by Xiao Ran’s team and it was inevitable .

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But for the second Infernal Drake, the opposition wasn’t going to give it up no matter what .

Furthermore, the opposition’s Ashe was farming well and they felt that had the ability to contest .

What about Xiao Ran’s team?

They didn’t wish to give up on this Infernal Drake even more .

As such, both teams’ champions were starting to converge at the dragon pit .

The junglers and supports of the two teams were starting to plant wards at the river to maintain vision and to prepare for the battle .

Of course, Xiao Ran only planted a  ward totem for show .

Since he was using G.o.d’s Vision Card, he already had the habit of not planting wards…

Planting wards was a great habit and it was a skill that all professional players required . But planting wards was also very dangerous .

Just like what fat chick was doing right now .

Fat chick’s Support Malphite had planted a ward in the river and was running straight for the opposition’s jungle area .

When Xiao Ran noticed fat chick’s movements, he asked anxiously, “Where are you going?”

The fat chick only realized Xiao Ran was asking her after a long time and replied, “I am going to the opposite blue buff to plant a ward . ”

In the opposite jungle area’s blindspot, Xiao Ran saw several enemy champions in ambush . He didn’t have time to explain and immediately shouted, “Don’t go, come back!”

It was a pity that the fat chick’s reaction was too slow .

Perhaps she saw that she was extremely close to the blue buff, or she didn’t even want to listen to Xiao Ran .

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No matter the reason, the conclusion was the fat chick’s Malphite was ambushed by the enemy .

The opposition knew that Malphite didn’t have any allies behind, hence, they didn’t reserve their spells . Ashe shot out her R spell, Enchanted Crystal Arrow and froze Malphite .

Rek’Sai emerged from a tunnel and when Malphite regained his movements, he was knocked up .

Trundle erected an ice pillar in the narrow jungle entrance to cut off Malphite’s route of retreat .

After Ashe used her R spell, she immediately followed up with the W spell and started to normal attack mercilessly .

In just a short moment, Malphite had fallen .

Xiao Ran’s team had instantly lost an ally .

After Rek’Sai, Ashe, and Trundle killed Malphite, their two other allies rushed over as well .

The five of them swiftly and decisively attacked the Infernal Drake .

In order to stay on guard against the opposition’s Kog’Maw, Lulu, and Maokai, the red team had pulled the dragon out of the dragon pit .

Mm? Why weren’t they on guard against Vayne?

Because they had already confirmed that Jay Chou’s Vayne was extremely noob…

“This is my fault…”

In Jay Chou’s mansion, the fat chick spoke with an embarra.s.sed tone . After speaking, she sneaked a glance at Director Chou .

Xiao Ran sighed and shook his head to console her, “Don’t worry, we can still win this fight . ”

Jay Chou wanted to complain but after hearing Xiao Ran saying that this fight could still be won, he held back his words .

This fight could still be won indeed .

Xiao Ran’s team might have lost their support, but their frontline Maokai was still around . Lulu and Vayne could still continue to deal considerable damage . Furthermore, Lulu’s ult could be used to protect Xiao Ran . As such, they could still win this fight .

When the Infernal Drake’s health was less than a fifth, Xiao Ran spoke, “Big Brother Jay . Whether we can win this fight will be up to your Vayne . We just need to kill their ADC . ”

When Jay Chou heard how important he was, he was immediately br.i.m.m.i.n.g with fighting spirit, as though he was able to 1v5 .

“Don’t worry, it is just a measly Ashe . Leave it to me . ”

Xiao Ran nodded forcefully and spoke with respect and admiration, “Big Brother Jay, I believe you can do it!”

“Aiyo, that is natural!”

Just as Jay Chou’s confidence was bursting through the roof, Xiao Ran suddenly issued the command, “Maokai, go and tangle Ashe . We will concentrate our attacks on Ashe first!”

Ergua responded with an ‘Mm’ before he rushed into the enemy team without hesitation . He had even used his Flash before using the W spell to tangle Ashe .

Jay Chou followed behind closely . After using his R spell, he executed Q and rushed towards the opposition .

Lulu had also followed behind Jay Chou closely . She was using her spells and observing Vayne’s health while preparing to use her ult on Vayne .

Maokai, Vayne, and Lulu were like warriors that were rushing into death fervently as they rushed into the enemy team .

As for Xiao Ran, he used the Steal Dragon Card first before he controlled Kog’Maw and was so far away from them as he leisurely attacked the… Infernal Drake!

The Infernal Drake’s health was almost empty and when so many people attacked together, its health was dropping at rapid speed .

Xiao Ran executed Kog’Maw’s R spell and combined it with his Smite!

The health bar above the Infernal Drake’s head was immediately emptied…

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