Publishedat 27th of March 2020 08:04:15 AM
Chapter 50

The match was already at a state where the opposite was powerless to reverse . Furthermore, they were playing while cursing, saying how trash Xiao Ran’s team composition was and it was the exotic Jungler Kog’Maw . But they were actually humiliated like this .

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Actually, it wasn’t wrong to say this . In a League of Legends match, the team composition was important but even if the flow of the game was in your favor, even a trash composition would be able to win the match .

During S1, S2, and S3 Worlds, the China server’s ranked games had all sorts of team composition .

There were team compositions meant for killing the enemy team with ultimate spells .

There were team compositions meant for turret pushing .

There was also the global a.s.sist composition that was still being used right now .

These team compositions might sound strange but if an early-game advantage could be taken, any kind of team composition would work .

As long as kills weren’t intentionally surrendered, the enemy team would be tortured with ease .

Take the strange turret pushing composition . Your team might have all sorts of G.o.dlike champions that could crush our team that only had two farmed champions . In theory, you would have the advantage during team fights and Baron fights .

But I am not fond of team fights and not fond of the Baron either .

When my ADC and support were pushing the turret, you would go and gank my bot-lane?

Fine, my Top-lane Irelia would be stealing your turret .

Splitting your team to gank both the top and bot-lanes?

Who was going to control the mid-lane Diana then?

If you sent just one individual, it would be enough as that person would be solo killed by Diana .

Were you going to send two individuals to try and deal with a farmed Diana? She might just get the Double Kill and continue to push the turret .

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The opposition team would truly be tormented to near insanity .

There was also the current global a.s.sist composition that was still in use .

When talking about global a.s.sists, one couldn’t help but think of the originally popular Shen, Pantheon, Twisted Fate, Nocturne, and a few others . All of their ultimate spells would allow them to teleport half the map . (After patches, the teleport distances were shortened)

As Nocturne was nerved and when Pantheon had more obvious flaws, the global a.s.sist strategy was slowly getting countered and had lost popularity for a period of time .

But when various new champions emerged and after having understanding of the various champions, the global a.s.sist strategy started to get popular again .

A cla.s.sic team composition would be Twisted Fate, Rek’Sai, Tahm Kench, Shen, and Taliyah .

Sometimes, Ka.s.sidin, Sivir, Gangplank would also be included . They were champions that could either travel across lanes quickly or would have global ultimate spells that could deal great damage .

The combination of Mid-lane Twisted Fate, Jungler Rek’Sai, Top-lane Gangplank, ADC Sivir, and Support Tahm Kench was a very formidable composition for the global a.s.sist strategy .

After hitting level 6, Twisted Fate would use his ult, Rek’Sai would use Tunnel, Tahm Kench would swallow Sivir, while Gangplank would use his ult to support . The five were able to gather instantly and could gank anyone they wished .

Was this composition strange? Not really but it was effective .

Back to Xiao Ran’s current match .

Was the team composition strange?

If something was strange, it was definitely Xiao Ran’s Jungler Kog’Maw .

But when thinking carefully, the Top-lane Maokai was tanky enough and could engage in a team fight by tangling the enemies first .

The Mid-lane Lulu wasn’t only able to use spells to deal consistent damage, she would be able to use her ult to protect the ADC .

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ADC Vayne…

Okay, let’s not talk about Jay Chou’s Vayne, she was useless . If she was of any use, it would be her ability to draw aggro .

Support Malphite was able to use his ult to bang into people . If the enemy team was gathered, the ult would be able to knock up at least two or three enemy champions .

Afterwards, it would be Xiao Ran’s Jungler Kog’Maw .

Maokai was tangling enemies, Malphite smashed over with his ult, Lulu protected Kog’Maw at the side, Vayne would rush in to draw aggro… what about Kog’Maw?

He simply had to stand in a good position to dish out damage .

To be blunt, this was simply a protect the ADC strategy 

But of course, they were not protecting Vayne but Kog’Maw .

When the match was in this state, there wasn’t any more suspense .

Standing at the backline, Jungler Kog’Maw activated his W spell when all his teammates charged ahead, he simply had to attack the place with more enemy champions .

There wasn’t even a need to kite and the team fights would be won easily .

That’s right, it was that simple .

When your team’s economy, levels, and items had an obvious advantage, all the minor problems would be compensated with the huge lead .

Vayne might be trash but when Kog’Maw activated W and spat out the attacks, the damage output was exaggerating . Was there anything you could do?

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Why did you allow Kog’Maw to get farmed during the early-game?

As such, the opposition had no choice but to respond and resist under heavy pressure . All while they watched as Kog’Maw led the charge and gradually s...o...b..lled their advantage .  

At such a stage, the remaining time in the match was just a waste .

As long as Jay Chou didn’t lead the way by charging the turret and surrendering kills, Xiao Ran’s team didn’t need much skill to easily take down the victory for this match .

After getting Aced by Xiao Ran’s Kog’Maw over and over again, the opposition finally could tolerate the torment and chosen to surrender .

When Jay Chou saw how easily the match was won, he felt very comfortable . During the last few team fights, he was even able to s.n.a.t.c.h a few kills, making his mood extremely great .

Immediately after, as the boss of ‘J Team’, Jay Chou made a post-match summary .

“Ergua and Xiaoqiang’s top and mid-lane’s skills are very average . Just based on this match, you guys don’t have many contributions or mistakes . ”

“The reason we had just a great advantage in this match and had obtained a complete victory, it was entirely because our bot-lane resisted the pressure very well and had also brought out the rhythm . ”

“Of course, apart from me, the great contributor would be Xiao Ran’s Jungler Kog’Maw . Indeed very good!”

When Xiao Ran heard Jay Chou’s evaluation, he vaguely rolled his eyes .

Too G.o.d d.a.m.n shameless!

He is even more shameless than me!!!

If this person wasn’t Jay Chou, Xiao Ran wouldn’t have been able to stop himself from giving a tight slap across…

“Alright, our post-match summary will end here . ” Jay Chou finished speaking and patted on Xiao Ran’s shoulder . He laughed and said, “Xiao Ran, you are very good, I have high hopes for you . ” As for your test to join J Team, it shall continue . ”

“This time, you will play other positions . I want to see your standard for other positions, I will play jungler . Hahaha!”

Xiao Ran sighed silently . He had just taken a flight in the morning and had been exhausted for an entire day . He simply wanted to have a good sleep!!!

But after seeing Jay Chou’s excited and exhilarated expression, it seemed like Xiao Ran would need to accompany him for the entire night .

Perhaps it was because they had obtained victory on the first match, or perhaps they were on form, with Xiao Ran’s command and mid-lane’s guarantee to win, it had given Jay Chou, fat chick, Ergua, and Xiaoqiang absolute confidence and fighting spirit . For the rest of the matches, they were playing much better and had maintained their winning streak .

As a result, it had led to the outcome of Jay Chou dragging Xiao Ran to play for the entire night .

If it wasn’t for Xiao Ran’s constant yawning, Jay Chou would have released him .

Jay Chou was happy from all the playing while Xiao Ran nearly cried .

During these few weeks, Xiao Ran had been constantly ‘tested’ by Director Chou, causing his worship points to decline sharply .

Playing ranked games with Jay Chou without live streaming was such a waste…

It was until the third week when they finished one of the ranked games, Jay Chou suddenly recalled something .

“Hey, Xiao Ran, next week will be the cadets battle, have you prepared your song?”

Xiao Ran wanted to cry without tears: I have been playing ranked games with you every single day, what can I prepare?!?!

But Xiao Ran had a stack of songs in his mind . After silently complaining about Jay Chou for a moment, he pondered and said, “I still have original songs but I don’t have accompanying music . Why don’t I sing for you?”

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