“When a.s.sa.s.sin type champions like Zed, LeBlanc, and Talon get fed, they will be instkilling people. Due to the early-phase mistakes that we made, the opposite Zed is now fed. So, what I have to do now, is to avoid confrontation.”

We1less was controlling his Talon towards the opposition’s Kalista while explaining, “Take a look. With the current situation, Kalista is still farming by herself at the bottom. It is needless to say that she is giving us a chance to make a comeback. Next, I will show all of you the fragility of an ADC in the face of Talon!”

We1less’s eyes were narrowed into a seam. He was now in extreme desire for a solo-kill so that he could recoup his reputation.

Just as We1less was getting closer to the ADC Kalista, in his peripheral vision, he saw the figure of Zed in the distance.


We1less was stunned and had immediately controlled his Talon to retreat. Without any hesitation, he immediately activated Flash and the E skill. He resolutely executed a double displacement move with Talon, instantly pulling a gap of 800 to 900 units and fled towards his own base!

The speed was so fast that one would have to hold their breath!!!

This time, not only We1less’s streaming room audience were flabbergasted, but Xiao Ran was also flabbergasted.

“Oh my f**king G.o.d! No wonder he is the man who could do the reverse Q during S5 Worlds. He is so confident even when fleeing!”

Xiao Ran had also used Flash to chase after We1less’s Talon. When he was giving chase, he was shouting in his streaming room, “Ladies and gentlemen, are you convinced by We1less fleeing speed? I am convinced nevertheless. If We1less wants to flee, no one can stop him!!!”

“Haha, if We1less wants to flee, no one can stop him +1!!!”

“If We1less wants to flee, no one can stop him +2!!!”

“If We1less wants to flee, no one can stop him +3!!!”

“Host, you are simply a bully. You actually tortured a professional player so much until he had to Flash+E to flee! No one else can do it!!!”

“Host 666! You have to slaughter We1less and display your Kun Shen’s prowess!!!”

“Host, this time if you can catch up to We1less and solo-kill We1less to become Legendary, I will stream myself eating s.h.i.t!!!”

“The one above, how many times have you said you will eat s.h.i.t? Why haven’t I see you doing it yet?!”

“This time it is for real. I will clear my bowels while I watch the stream. If host can catch up to We1less and solo-kill him, I will immediately plunge my head into the toilet bowl and eat up everything to compensate for my previous bets!”

“I shall wait for the one above to stream himself eating s.h.i.t!!”

“I shall wait +1!”

“I shall wait +2!”

“I shall wait +3!”

“I shall wait +10086!!!”

Xiao Ran might have activated Flash, but We1less had immediately reacted. After using Flash+E to do a double displacement, it was nearly impossible to catch up to him.

We1less was currently bragging in his streaming room, “A professional player has to be constantly aware of the surrounding situation. For example, I was heading towards Kalista earlier but I saw Zed appearing at the river, hence, I immediately used Flash+E to retreat with a double displacement!”

“Right now, my equipment is still far inferior to Zed’s equipment. Thus, I have to retreat first and wait until I am fed enough before claiming his bounty! Under the same grade of equipment and level, Talon doesn’t have to fear Zed!”

“All of you just wait and see how I make a comeback in this match. From now on, Zed will not be able to kill me again!”

Just as We1less finished bragging, he realized that his in-game screen wasn’t moving. On the in-game screen, there was a rectangle box that had three big words.

“Attempting to Reconnect…”

“Wtf!” We1less picked up his mouse and smashed it on the computer table ruthlessly.

After Xiao Ran had used the [Drophack Card] on We1less’s Talon, he immediately took two steps forward and activated his ultimate skill with lightning speed.

A shadow stayed in place while Zed’s body along with two other blood-red shadows suddenly converged towards their target, Talon!

“Death Mark!”

After activating the ultimate skill, Zed rushed towards Talon who was still standing still!

Staring with Ignite, followed by the W and Q combo, Xiao Ran completed the damage for the second Q and instantly executed the second cast of the ultimate skill. Zed then suddenly vanished from Talon and returned 1000 units back to his original place.

With the final E skill, “Shadow Slash”, the shadow beside Talon executed another blood-red sweeping slash and caused another damage.

In the blink of the eye, We1less’s Talon’s HP bar had drastically dropped to less than 1/4. 

“Dear students, this is when there should be a round of applause!!” Xiao Ran controlled Zed and starting running towards mid lane without turning back. He left behind Talon who had less than 1/4 HP.

But in the next second…

The Death Mark on Talon’s body activated.

There was an abrupt explosion that took away Talon’s last segment of HP bar.

“Kun Shen is Legendary!”

There was utter silence in the streaming room. It was as if no one had reacted to the sudden and dazzling change in the situation.

But just a few seconds later…

The entire streaming room flared up!!!

“Kun Shen is awesome! I am really convinced this time!!!”

“There is nothing else to say, delivering a rocket!”

(TL note: A rocket is a gift during streaming that is worth 500 dollars)

“I have turned into powder, eternal powder!!”

“1314 delivered. One year’s worth of breakfast money!”

“Villa delivered. Host, I will always support you!”

(TL note: Also a type of virtual gift. Not sure about the value)

“Host is formidable and incredible. You don’t even fart when c.r.a.pping!!”

“Who is the one that saw he is going to eat his s.h.i.t? We are all waiting for you to plunge your head into the toilet bowl!’

“That’s right, stream yourself eating s.h.i.t!!”


“Hurry up and eat, hurry up and eat!!!”

Everyone was excited and had instantly showered with various kinds of gifts. In just a short 10 minutes, the virtual gifts had exceeded 10,000 dollars.

The popularity of the streaming room had instantly increased from near 400,000 to 500,000 spectators!

The pitiful We1less and TBQ had turned into Xiao Ran’s stepping stone.

It was also because Xiao Ran was playing against the smurf accounts of We1less and TBQ. Otherwise, his popularity wouldn’t increase so rapidly.

But what made Xiao Ran most excited was that his worship points had increased from 150,000 to 280,000 points in just this short moment. Furthermore, it was still rapidly increasing!


This was simply too satisfying!!!

Under the command of Xiao Ran with cheats, TBQ’s every gank had been unsuccessful and he had been counter-gank plenty of times by Xiao Ran.

There wasn’t a need to mention about We1less whose mentality had already collapsed.

As such, this match ended very quickly. The four other players were carried by Xiao Ran and marched towards victory.

“Kun Shen, please carry me and help me find happiness!!”

“Host, I have already lost nine consecutive provisional matches. Please duo queue with me and help to pull up my rankings!!”

“The one above better give up. This is already my great Kun Shen’s last provisional match. He will be a.s.signed to a tier now. After his tier is a.s.signed, the rankings will be too far apart and he will not be able to duo queue with you.”

“It is possible for him to be a.s.signed to Diamond tier?”

“The one above must have a faulty brain. I have been following Kun Shen all along and he has never lost. He will surely be a.s.signed the top Challenger tier!”

“The one above, you might be a die-hard fan, but please be practical? The highest tier for an account that has never played a ranked match would only reach Gold tier.”

“Highest is Gold tier? How many years have you been playing? Let this professional give an explanation. I have just seen host’s records. Since the day he registered, he has never lost. I have also checked host’s hidden points, which are his rank points, it is very high. It is why he got sorted with opponents by We1less and TBQ in a provisional match. In theory, host should be a.s.signed to the Platinum tier.”

“Not necessarily! Host might have high rank points, but everyone knows that the S6 a.s.signments are frauded. I feel that host will only be a.s.signed to Gold V at most.”

(TL note: S5 = Season 5, S6 = Season 6)

“If I am to decide it, it will only be fair if he is a.s.signed to Diamond tier!”

“Diamond? My Kun Shen is at least Challenger tier!!”

Xiao Ran was feeling extremely nervous right now.

Since the day he created this account, he had never lost and his hidden points were extremely high. He had even won 10 consecutive provisional matches. What tier would he be a.s.signed to?

The higher his tier, the faster he would be able to rush to the Challenger tier and the faster he would be discovered by professional teams.

I am a person that needs to obtain the Olympic Champion! I don’t have time to climb the tiers!!!


A ball of light started to dazzle and change shapes inside the in-game screen.


A giant symbol was formed. This symbol represented Xiao Ran’s a.s.signed tier.

“Dayum, satisfying!”

Xiao Ran looked at this giant symbol and felt his blood surging as it was just too d.a.m.n satisfying!!!

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