After returning back to base, Xiao Ran instantly bought a "Serrated Dirk" and two health potions before he announced with high spirits, "Gogogo, let us kill Lee Sin again!"

Kill, kill him again?

The viewers in the streaming room were stunned after hearing Xiao Ran"s words.

You are just a Twitch. You might be leading in items, but it is really good to confront Lee Sin?

Besides, where are you going to kill Lee Sin?

But the viewers quickly understood Xiao Ran"s intention.

Xiao Ran controlled Twitch and pressed down the Q ability to increase his movement speed and ran out of the fountain at high speed. He then immediately sprinted for the enemy"s jungle area,

"The enemy Lee Sin and I had started off with red buff. Hence, Lee Sin will surely be heading towards the blue buff jungle area."

To the viewers, Xiao Ran was a.n.a.lyzing and predicting the enemy jungler"s movement, but Xiao Ran the mighty G.o.d was using the [G.o.d"s Vision Card]. He could clearly see the enemy Lee Sin heading straight for the murk wolf camp after running out of the fountain.

After entering the enemy jungle area, Xiao Ran controlled Twitch to camp at the opposite wall of the blue buff. This position was a blind spot for Lee Sin where he would never be able to see.

But with the [G.o.d"s Vision Card], Lee Sin"s every movement would never escape Xiao Ran"s eyes.

But to avoid the suspicions of the viewers, Xiao Ran even planted a ward at the blue buff"s wall.

The viewers were all rather flabbergasted.

This this this…

It is already good enough that Lee Sin didn"t counter jungle you. However, you are actually camping Lee Sin??!!

Isn"t this a little overboard?!?!

In just another five to six seconds, Lee Sin appeared in the vision of the ward.

The unlucky Lee Sin had just delivered a Double Kill with the mid lane Viktor. He was obviously feeling very depressed, but he didn"t know that…

There was something even more depressing waiting for him.

Inside the in-game screen, the Lee Sin"s players scouted the blue buff"s brush first. After he realized that there was no one, he started to fight the blue buff boldly.

"Sigh. Did everyone see? The rift spirit of the murk wolf camp didn"t even float over, meaning that Lee Sin didn"t use his smite on the murk wolf camp. If he had smited the murk wolf camp, our counter jungling would have failed and he would be able to escape. What a pity…"

Xiao Ran was staring at the in-game screen at Lee Sin"s blue buff progress while he spoke, "While there is still time, let me give all of you a lesson. When jungling, there are two neutral monsters that must be smited. One of them is at the murk wolf camp and the other is the raptor camp a.k.a. F4."

(TL note 1: Wraiths camp > Raptors camp due to the lack of knowledge of the game version)

(TL note 2: F4 is also the famous boy band originating from the manga Hana Yori Dango)

"What is the largest raptor that the raptor camp called? I think it is called the Crimson Raptor? I don"t remember it too. Smiting it will allow the jungler to possess the razor-sharp buff. When you are spotted by the enemy ward, it will give you a warning and magical sight for 10 seconds."

"This buff has the best smite effects before ganking. For example, level 2 Lee Sin, level 3 Xin Zhao, level 6 Warwick… whenever they are preparing to gank or counter jungle, it was best to smite the F4 first."

"Because the razor-sharp buff that is provided will allow you to know if the enemy has warded the brush before you gank. It would also allow you to know if you are spotted by the enemy ward when you are counter jungling. It will prevent you from getting caught or counter-camped. It is a great help for aggressive junglers."

Xiao Ran looked at the blue buff"s hp and saw that it was still ample, hence, he continued speaking, "Next is the murk wolf camp"s largest wolf, which should be called the Greater Murk Wolf. The name isn"t as important as the buff it gives."

"After smiting that large wolf, you will obtain a wolf spirit to guard the jungle area. It is equivalent to a mobile word that lasts for 90 seconds. When it is chasing enemy champions, its sustainability time will rapidly decrease."

"The smiting time for the murk wolf camp is very important. It is generally 7 minutes after the game started which is also the refreshing time for the second round of buffs. At this timing, the enemy jungler should be at level 6 and there will be a prominent increase in combat ability, as such, the probability of stealing jungle camps and counter jungling will be much higher. Smiting the murk wolf camp will give a guarantee of safety for allied jungle area to a rather significant extent. During team battles, it could also be used to observe enemy champions" movements."

"Just like the moment earlier. If Lee Sin had smited the Greater Murk Wolf, I would be spotted and this counter jungling would have failed."

After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he saw that the blue buff"s hp had dropped significantly and Lee Sin"s hp had also dropped by a portion. He pressed the Q ability and after being camouflaged, he controlled Twitch to ran towards the blue buff"s brush.

The viewers in the streaming room were all holding their breaths with wide-opened eyes as they were afraid of missing any detail.

After entering the brush, Twitch arrived just after Lee Sin slammed on the ground before he normal attacked and claimed the last hit for the blue buff. After activating the Serrated Dirk"s effect, he immediately started to torture Lee Sin from within the brush.

Serrated Dirk: +20 attack damage.

Unique Pa.s.sive: +10 armor penetration

Unique Pa.s.sive: After killing any unit, your next basic attack or single target spell deals 15 bonus damage

With the 30% bonus attack speed from Q ability, bonus damage and +10 armor penetration from Serrated Dirk, the recently revived Lee Sin with a Dagger was as fragile as the baby"s skin, breaking upon contact.

In just two attacks from Twitch, Lee Sin lost a huge chunk of hp.

W… T… F…!!!

At this moment, the Lee Sin player"s mind was only left with these three, giant and surprised alphabets.

The Lee Sin player reacted and frantically planted a ward before using the W ability. He had moved for a short displacement, but before Lee Sin used W, Twitch had tossed his W over and added two more stacks of Deadly Venom while reducing Lee Sin"s movement speed by 25%.


Was there an afterwards?

If something had to be said, it would be Xiao Ran"s Twitch being in constant pursuit and normal attacking while moving.

Soon enough, Xiao Ran pressed the E ability gracefully and Lee Sin"s body fell to the ground as all strength left after his body exploded to death.

The Lee Sin player had died with a remaining grievance while being stupefied!

His mind was simply flooding with over ten thousand curses:

d.a.m.n it, this Twitch…

Aren"t you an ADC, why are you playing jungle!!!

Even if you are playing jungle, you should just mind your own business, right? Why are you ganking everywhere at level 2?!

Even if you are ganking, you have already taken three kills. Why can"t you just clear your jungle or gank the top lane? Why did you come and counter jungle me??!!

I am Lee Sin!!!

The king of jungle during the early phase and you actually counter jungle me?!?!

The most infuriating thing is that I got killed during the counter jungle!!!

Does the Heaven"s law still exists!!!

Yes, your item is good and you are counter jungling. But… how can you be so dirty!!!

Why are you so dirty!!!

This is all a trickkk!!!

"An enemy has been slain!"

When Lee Sin was killed the second time by Xiao Ran"s Jungle Twitch, the bottom lane"s Baby heard the female system voice"s kill announcement again.

Baby was startled for a moment before exclaiming, "Isn"t this host too 6? How can he actually play Jungle Twitch so brilliantly?"

"How many minutes has it been since the start of the match? He has killed the enemy Lee Sin twice consecutively and has successful ganks in the top and mid lane. He already has four kills…"

"Does he have to be so ruthless? He is so much more ferocious than Misaya!!!"

< =="=">> Chapter 15

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