"Hi everyone! I am the one that everyone loves, the one that makes the flowers bloom, the one that makes car tires flat, the fashionable a.n.a.lyst, Small Wisdom! My voice is still the same, deep and s.e.xy…" 

"Today, I am a little late due to Brother B"s wife, also my sister in law"s request. But it isn"t important. The important thing is that I have made it in time for this match."

"Alright, enough for the nonsense, let us watch this ranked match that is known as the battle between China and Korea."

Small Wisdom"s wretched laughter echoed, “Haha, I didn"t think there would be a show as soon as I came on stream. Take a look, everyone. DanDy is at the bottom jungle area, Mata and Deft are in a 50-50 situation with Smlz and five. Dopa is playing safely at mid-lane and trying to freeze the lane. The important point is…”

"Graves, Elise, and Katarina. Does MaRin think his Rumble can survive just by hiding under the turret? No, that isn"t the case. It is the same when Brother B teased a lady, it ended with him surrounded by three burly men while standing beside an empty police car. It is useless!"

"It is time for excitement. The minions are pushing towards the turret, Graves launches his W, Smoke Screen, Elise follows up with her Q. Just nice to go across the turret. Eh? Why isn"t Katarina entering…"

The ones that were more confused than Small Wisdom were the players.

Clearlove had tanked two turret attacks and felt something wrong. He quickly changed to Spider Form and used E to fly up into the sky and dodged the damage from the turret. He then cursed loudly, "WTF, G.o.d Kun, what are you doing? Hurry up and enter the fight!"

Xiao Ran was hiding behind Graves and casually clearing the minions under the turret and speaking as though it was inevitable, "I bought Soulstealer, so I need to be safe. You should understand, right?"

Even Clearlove who had the composure of a general was also enraged, "Understand your a.s.s. When have you ever played safe since the start of the match? Hurry and enter the fight."

After Clearlove spoke, Flandre yelled in the team voice chat too, "If he doesn"t enter the fight, then you just have the withdraw from the fight. Don"t care about him."

Xiao Ran was feeling wronged: How could these idols do this and bully a delicate newbie like me?

Without a choice, Xiao Ran said, "Alright, alright. Flandre, can I trouble you to ult for me? I am going to enter."

Flandre was already numbed. For him to encounter such despicable teammates like Xiao Ran, it was truly a great setback to him.

But in order to achieve victory and in order to exit from turret range, Flandre executed his ult and retreated a little before he executed his E to exit the turret range.

Rumble used Flash to dodge Flandre"s ult.

Rumble"s Flash was used in perfect timing but after he dodged Flandre"s ult, he knew that it wasn"t going to escape this calamity.

In fact, a moment ago, Rumble"s health was already at the killable mark!

But Xiao Ran didn"t enter the fight as he was waiting for Rumble"s Flash.

This Rumble is really a little wretch. Rumble is a damage dealer, why did you buy Abyssal Mask…

Alright, buying Abyssal Mask is fine, but isn"t this first item a little cowardly?

Also, why did you buy Giant"s Belt for?!

Is your second item going to be Rylai"s Crystal Scepter?

The most disgusting thing is you holding onto to Flash!

Xiao Ran was extremely unhappy!

Abyssal Scepter increased magic resist while the Giant"s Belt increased health. It had made it impossible for my spell combo to instantly kill him.

With the addition of Flash, even if Rumble"s health is at the killable mark, I still cannot go recklessly!

Hence, I waited.

Clearlove actually doesn"t understand me. No one knows me well enough!!!

But after the earlier performance from Clearlove and Flandre, especially after Rumble used Flash to dodge Flandre"s ult, it is my turn to perform now.

Without hesitation, Xiao Ran controlled Katarina and used her E spell to blink over a few hundred units. With the fearsome and ice-cold murderous intent, she a.s.saulted MaRin"s Rumble!

At the same exact moment…

The keyboard"s QWR were smashed down at almost the same timing!

The speed made it looked as though Katarina had tossed Q in midair and as soon as she landed, she started the spins of the Death Lotus.

The spells were integrated…


The fans in the streaming room were exclaiming with surprise:

"WTF, this sudden entrance!!"

"That hand speed!!"

Rumble originally hugged onto a thread of hope but he was now in despair.

He had been keeping Flash just to avoid Katarina"s spell combo.

But if he was blasted by Flandre"s ult, he wouldn"t even have the chance to use Flash.

Hence, the moment, he used Flash, Rumble knew he was dead.

After Flashing, MaRin"s hands were off the keyboard and at the same moment, the in-game screen had turned black and white.

"You have been slain."

MaRin was rather composed at this moment:

This Katarina is really good.

Originally, I have already planned out everything.

Earlier on, I was hiding within the minions and if Clearlove used E to stun me, I am 100% confident that I can dodge using the minions.

If Clearlove didn"t manage to stun me, no matter what they did, I am confident that I can take one of them down before dying.

But Katarina didn"t enter the fight and had turned my plan into a daydream.

All of my calculations were for nothing.

Furthermore, there was also all the various moves since the opening of the match…

If this Katarina plays in the professional league, he will truly be a nightmare for Korea.

In the streaming room, Xiao Ran"s fans were in an uproar after the performance and the barrage of the chatbox had started:


"G.o.d Kun is so explodingly 6!!!"

"Four kills. Clear the airfield, Katarina is going to take off, woo woo woo!!!"

"Isn"t woo woo woo a train…"

"d.a.m.n satisfying!! It doesn"t matter if it is a train or a plane, thrash those Koreans!!!"

The streaming room was in jubilation and the fans had a huge boost in morale. On the other hand, those haters were speechless and couldn"t say a single thing.

After killing Rumble, Xiao Ran didn"t forget to look into the camera and interacted with the fans in high spirits, "My Soulstealer has four more stacks. Hohoho, this is what they call true satisfaction!"

After landing on the ground, Clearlove didn"t want to talk with the shameless Katarina but he endured and reminded Xiao Ran, "Hurry up and take down the turret."

"Mm?" Xiao Ran paused for a moment before shaking his head, "The turret must not be taken down."

"Must not be taken down?"

Clearlove felt his blood pressure shooting all the way up to 220, "Why can"t we take it down? First turret gold will bring in a lot of gold. Why can"t we take it down!!!"

The streaming room"s haters were rather astonished too. They thought that after killing MaRin, the red side should make use of the advantage and take down the tower too.

But after hearing Xiao Ran"s reply, they were all invigorated and was preparing to use this chance to mock at Xiao Ran:

"This person doesn"t even know what is first turret gold."

Furthermore, this is a game that is meant to destroy turrets. He doesn"t even know this is a great opportunity to destroy the turret. No matter how good your mechanics is, you are just a fool."

But at the subsequent moment…

Xiao Ran explained seriously, "Keep the outer turret of the top-lane. It will be easier for us to continue killing Rumble later."

Before the haters could mock, they were silenced.

All the haters" faces were turning green and they had so much pent up anger they were about to vomit blood!

"Get the f**k out. How can this Katarina be so arrogant!"

"Do you know who is playing Rumble in the opposition?"

"It"s MaRin!"

"The publically accepted no.1 top-laner of the S5 Worlds Championship!!!"

"He is the world"s no.1 top-laner with a dedicated skin, MaRin!!!"
(TL note: Champions have different skins that can be changed. For every champion team in Worlds Championship, the players are given dedicated champion skins for their most notable champion)

"What gives you the right to be so arrogant!!?"

The answer was very simple and was only three words: Base on facts.

In just two minutes later, Xiao Ran cleared the top-lane"s minion. He mentally calculated the opposition resp.a.w.n timing before he led Clearlove and Flandre to enter the brush at the blue side"s turret and jungle area.

Begin ambush.

One minute later, MaRin controlled Rumble and walked towards the turret.

Just as MaRin was preparing to use his Q spell to clear the minions under the turret, his eyes were suddenly widened as he noticed that three enemy champions emerged from the brush…

Flandre"s W spell and Clearlove"s E spell were tossed out at almost the same timing. The two of them instantly executed their damage combo, causing Rumble"s health to drop with dramatic speed!

Afterwards, Xiao Ran"s Katarina made her entrance with the flawless EQWR combo.

Ultimately, Rumble had died again with a remaining grievance.

In the streaming room, be it the fans or the haters, all of them were flabbergasted.

"You have been slain."

The female system voice announced the kill emotionlessly again.

Staring blankly at the black and white in-game screen, MaRin finally reacted and was so angry that his body was shaking.

Why did this happen!!

Didn"t they just gank me? Why are they here again!!!

This G.o.d d.a.m.n…

What kind of strategy is this!!!

< =="=">> Chapter 35

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