"Welcome to Summoner"s Rift……"

[Last Hit Card], activated!

[G.o.d"s Vision Card], activated!

After using the [G.o.d"s Vision Card], Xiao Ran felt that the entire Summoner"s Rift came to light!

The five enemy champions surrounding the fountain could all be clearly seen by Xiao Ran.

The five of them then split up into their respective lanes and roles.

Not only that, but Xiao Ran could even clearly see their icons, HP, summoner spells, and ultimate spells.

To put it simply, it was just like watching a live broadcast of the game. The entire Summoner"s Rift and even the statuses of ten champions could all be seen.

What the f**k!

This is way too cool!!!

Xiao Ran withheld his excited inner heart and controlled his Master of Shadows – Zed and bought the starting items.

One long sword and three health potions.

And off he went into his lane.

"What?! The host is trolling, right? He bought a long sword instead of a corrupting potion?"    

"Host, 6666666,these items are meant to straight up pressurize We1less!"

"Can"t the host just play a proper game?"

"Kun Shen, mighty, domineering, and headstrong, what"s there to be afraid of!!"

"That"s not right, look at the host"s champion build, what kind of runes is he using?"

"Holys.h.i.t! Host, what kind of build are you going with?"

"You actually used a few crit runes,do you think you are a Yasuo?"

"Host has already given up this match, it looks like he will be solo killed more than 3 times by We1less."

Those that mentioned Xiao Ran was headstrong suddenly all went silent.

It was headstrong to buy a longsword for starting items. But what was the logic for Zed to be using crit runes?

There were always weird builds but not this weird?!

Xiao Ran didn"t say anything but controlled Zed to enter the mid lane instead.

At this moment, The Blade"s Shadow – Talon who was controlled by We1less arrived at the mid lane too. Facing Xiao Ran"s Zed, he began to taunt.

As he taunted, We1less concurrently talked on his streaming channel: "In LoL, Zed and Talon have always had a hard time determining which of them is the strongest AD a.s.sa.s.sin. But let me tell you the correct answer here. When I use Zed, Zed is the best AD a.s.sa.s.sin. When I use Talon, Talon would be the best AD a.s.sa.s.sin!"

We1less"s streaming channel was much more popular than Xiao Ran"s channel. When We1less boasted, countless viewers would agree with him.

We1less was pleased for a moment before he continued his statement: "A level 1 Talon must learn the W spell [Rake]. This spell can be used to quickly clear off minions who are in the last hit state and concurrently use it to cut down the enemy champion"s HP."

"As for Zed, learning the Q spell on level 1 is a must. As during the early laning phase, it is about who can successfully deal damage on more occasions."

"Whoever can deal more damage, would determine whoever holds the initiative advantage in the lane."

"Later on, I shall show everyone how I own Zed!"

After We1less finished his sentence, he saw the opposing Zed come over. As he suddenly turned 180 degrees to launch a Q in the other direction.

"Wahahaha, host 6666, this is a fancy taunt!!!"

"Reverse Q, We1less"s eternal trauma. Host, you are spreading salt on We1less"s wounds!"

(TL note: In the past, We1less accidentally shot a Q spell in the opposite direction during a Worlds match)

"Host is so despicable, but I love it!!!"

"Kun Shen, you are so dead. We1less will definitely humiliate you for the whole match. Hahaha!!"

At this moment, We1less typed out to "All", a long string of ?????.

Xiao Ran noticed that after he did the reverse Q taunt, his worship points actually exploded! He naturally didn"t let go of this opportunity and typed: "My respects to We1less!"

Due to the fact that Xiao Ran used the ‘All" chat too, it caused an impact that instantly stirred up We1less"s streaming channel!

There were spies who instantly gave out to Xiao Ran"s streaming channel.

In a short moment, Xiao Ran"s room was flooded with viewers, but most of them were here to berate him.

We1less couldn"t hold back and cursed back in the chat, "d.a.m.n you, Kun Shen, f**k you!"

Xiao Ran didn"t show any weakness and replied, "F**k you back! How can you even play professionally with your mediocre skills? Do you know which are the two most "popular" move mechanics during S5 Worlds? They are the Asian Root and your reverse Q! And you still have the face to boast!"

(TL note: During the Season 5 Worlds Championship, an Asian team made the mistake of rooting a minion instead of the champion. And hence it is called Asian Root)

After Xiao Ran finish typing, the mid lane minions slowly arrived one by one. We1less must have had digested a stomach of flames, as it wasn"t good for his reputation to suddenly start scolding into the mic. He wanted to quickly level up and humiliate this b.a.s.t.a.r.d.

"Swash swash!"

We1less"s Talon shot out a semi loop-shaped revolving blade. As it shot out and returned, the minions received full damage.

But what irritated We1less was that the opposition actually took a step back to step out of the spell attack range.

Zed countered with a Q spell, which shot out a shuriken but was easily dodge by We1less with a diagonal sidestep.

"These mid laners have good movement mechanics!"

"Kun Shen, 6666! Actually able to play even with We1less!"

"This is just level 1, how can it be considered even? Wait for my We1less to show his true abilities!"

"Don"t talk about anything else. For that series of mechanics, I"ve got to give 666666!!"

"Why do I feel that their standard seems a bit low…… It feels just like Silver or Gold tier."

"The one above me, please do not use your Bronze tier status to judge this match. Had it been you playing, no matter if you were Talon or Zed, I estimate that half your HP bar would be gone by now."

"Dayum, such good movement mechanics! It seems like mid lane will need some time before it gets exciting."

Very quickly, this sentence proved to be wrong.    

Once their spell had CDed, Zed and Talon moved up at the same time towards the minion wave.

(TL note: CD means to cool down before the spell can be used again)

This was to make sure they grabbed every minion with the last hit attack and to level up faster than your opponent.

Talon moved forward and brandished his arm blade to kill a blue minion. Getting the last hit.

(TL note: Every last hit on a minion or champion is important as it provides gold and experience points)

Zed also used his arm blade to stab at a red minion to pick up the last hit.

The distance between both champions began to slowly get closer.

Talon then came closer again, this time he seemingly wanted to deal a normal attack on Zed. 

Zed then retreated slightly and once again put a gap in between the two of them.

We1less controlled his Talon to move back quickly to claim another last hit on a minion.

Xiao Ran move forward again towards his target, We1less moved back in response.

Xiao Ran and We1less constantly made small movements, but the distance between the two champions was accurately kept within a radius of 100 units.

Even though they seemed to be very near to each other, but it wasn"t a distance where they could melee attack their foe.

Finally, when We1less was taking the last hit, there was an opening that lit up Xiao Ran"s eyes!


Capitalizing on the opportunity, Xiao Ran committed on his advance. He then landed a normal attack and a Q spell flawlessly on We1less"s Talon.

The HP bar of Talon was decreased by a small square, he then returned an attack to Xiao Ran and quickly retreated.

Xiao Ran wouldn"t let this opportunity go to waste. He controlled Zed to chase after Talon for another attack. Talon then fought back as he constantly retreated.

Both of their attack paces went on like this. Taking turns to attack each other and exchanging hits. It may seem boring, but as both champions" HP bars was gradually reduced, the excitement was slowly built up and made the viewers" heart race.

"d.a.m.n! Clashing at level 1! This is too thrilling!"

"Zed actually got the initiation, unbelievable!!"

"Host 6666, come on! Solo-kill We1less and I shall gift ten sets of 1314!!!"

"Kun Shen sure is valiant! I like this style!"

"d.a.m.n it!" We1less swore in a soft voice.

He didn"t expect this Kun Shen to possess such great movement mechanics and to be so headstrong!

In this scenario, neither side should back down because once you turned your back to retreat, the opponent would definitely follow up with another two normal attacks.

Taking two more normal attack damage would mean losing the mid lane pace to your opponent.

But…… If they continued exchanging attacks like this, his champion would drop down to less than half an HP bar!

Was there a need to be so aggressive during level 1?!

Xiao Ran gave a hehe smile and activated the [Bless Card].

"What the!"

"What the f**k!"

Two consecutive critical hits… Xiao Ran brought We1less"s Talon to half an HP bar.

< =="=">>

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