TN/ED: Guy, we did it! Triple digits, chapter 100! It took a while, but it feeels good. Thanks for everyone who’s reading and definitely thanks to everyone that donated!

The cla.s.s leader’s complexion immediately changed, even her tone of voice became more strict:

“No! No way! It’s fine if I stay, but how can you let a boy stay here? Especially when your parents aren’t here?”

Xiao Qin pouted her lips:

“But… But, Ye Lin cla.s.smate needs extra help with his studies! Cla.s.s leader, you should know, if he misses one section of the the lesson and can’t understand future lessons, he would bully me during cla.s.s to vent his anger! So, help him with his studies as if it was for helping me!”

“Even so, can’t he just come back tomorrow? Why does he have to stay overnight?”

Xiao Qin looked up to take some time to think.

“Yeah…. Recently there’s been that incident where the panty thief breaks into the home to steal, it would be dangerous if there were only girls at home!”

“That would still be safer than letting Ye Lin spend the night!”

The cla.s.s leader fiercely stared at me as if rebuking me for not speaking.

What should I say? Should I say the cla.s.s leader can stay and I’ll leave, but the next day when I come back I’ll find the living room covered with blood with Xiao Qin warning me to not open the refrigerator?

“Don’t worry about it, cla.s.s leader! Ye Lin is actually afraid of my mom, so he definitely wouldn’t do anything!”

Xiao Qin gave a rough explanation about Auntie Ren.

“Previous MMA Champion?” The cla.s.s leader widened her eyes in surprise, “I’m pretty ignorant, I can’t believe I didn’t know…that Xiao Qin had such an incredible mother!”

“(*^__^*)Hehe, cla.s.s leader, you should be relieved!”

Xiao Qin formed a victory sign with her hands.

“Since Ye Lin cla.s.smate has always been naughty and always bullied me since we were kids, my mom has already disciplined him many times! Although at school, he becomes unrestrained, but when he’s here, he doesn’t dare mess around because of my mom’s scent!”

Completely distorting the truth…. you’re even more shameless than the who are fighting over the DiaoYu Islands! Who were you even talking about? Who was bullying you since we were kids! Also, why would I be scared to mess around if there’s Auntie Ren’s scent? I’m not a dog!

I carefully sniffed the surrounding air.

What a cheap lie, there’s no smells at all.

The cla.s.s leader noticed my strange actions.

“I see, no wonder you like dogs…”

Cla.s.s leader, I didn’t know you were like this! Are you saying that the reason why dogs love me right when we meet is because we’re the same species and the same species attract? How can you even imply such unscientific claims? If I was a dog, how come you’ve never given me IV drips while hugging me!

Even after Xiao Qin’s pleading, the cla.s.s leader was still determined to head home.

“Not only do I have to leave, Ye Lin can’t stay either!”

She dragged me to the entrance without an explanation.

“Okay….” Xiao Qin dejectedly brought us our shoes.

She picked up the cla.s.s leader’s skate shoes and seemed reluctant to part with it, then pa.s.sed it over to me.

Why’d you give it to me! The cla.s.s leader was standing right beside you, why couldn’t you just hand it to her? Asking me to pa.s.s over her shoes makes it seem like I have special interests in her shoes.

But the workmanship of this pair of shoes was pretty nice, it had a good design, it was lighter than I thought, it should have good breathability.

The cla.s.s leader s.n.a.t.c.hed over her shoes in one swoop.

Why is your face red? Was it because you heard I was sensitive to smell, and you were afraid of me smelling the scent in your shoes? Who has such a perverted hobby! Do you really think I’m a customs detection dog!

Not only is my sense of smell not sensitive, I even get a slight case of rhinitis during winter! I can’t even smell any special odors or scents! From this distance, the smell of your shampoo is actually stronger!

The cla.s.s leader’s s.n.a.t.c.h caused a clatter sound.

It turns out the left shoe, that had a small crack, actually had its sole split in two halves.

Wait, that’s not right! We didn’t even use that much force! How can such a thick sole just break!

“Oh no! It’s all because Ye Lin cla.s.smate used too much force!”

Xiao Qin admonished me with both hands placed on her hips.

“Now that the cla.s.s leader’s shoes are broken, how would she walk or ride a bike?”

Actually, with her shoes in the current state, she can still walk, but riding a bike would be dangerous.

But that’s not the main point! Xiao Qin, don’t act like it has nothing to do with you, you’re the one that broke it! So you weren’t just staring at the shoes with reluctance, you were inspecting it for a structural weak point! Your dislocation technique even works on immaterial objects! As long as it has a weak point, you can probably even tear down a highway bridge!

Her treasured shoes broke, but the cla.s.s leader didn’t have any signs of regret.

“Can’t be helped if it’s broken, I’ve already worn it for a long time after all. I’ve also had my eyes on a new model by the same company, I was planning on buying it when this pair broke…it’s fine.”

I thought the cla.s.s leader would give in to her ‘destiny’ and stay, but she didn’t admit defeat and asked Xiao Qin if she had a pair of old shoes that she could borrow.

Xiao Qin smiled while showing that her shoes were one size smaller and her mom’s were too big, so there weren’t any suitable shoes.

“But…there should be a shoe repair shop nearby, right? I’ll just get it fixed so it would last until I get home.”

The cla.s.s leader still wanted to leave.

“There’s a shoemaker in the food market below….”

Xiao Qin said while posing in a thinking pose.

“But… Ye Lin cla.s.smate, what time is it?”

I glanced at my watch, “5:37.”

“Right, it’s already 5:37! This shoemaker has strict principles, he won’t work after 5! Any shoes dropped off after 5 can only be picked up the next day!”

What principles! He’s just lazy! If such a lazy shoemaker can make a living, I’m full of hopes for my future career!

The cla.s.s leader finally gave in after all possible routes were blocked.

“Then… I’m sorry for intruding….”

It kind of feels like the cla.s.s leader doesn’t want to return home anyway. Since Shu Zhe went to a party, even if she went home, wouldn’t she have to sleep alone in an empty home?


The cla.s.s leader pointed at me.

“Ye Lin has to leave!”

I actually wanted to leave. If I wasn’t concerned about your safety, I would have already left.

The current question is would Xiao Qin do something that harms the cla.s.s leader.

I firmly stared into Xiao Qin’s eyes.

She also stared back at me affectionately.

I added a bit of anger and warning into my gaze.

Xiao Qin closed her eyes and puckered her soft lips.

Screw you! You want me to kiss you in front of the cla.s.s leader?

I carefully weighed my options.

I might have to shamelessly stay.

The old man went to his vile HHH Enthusiasts get together, so even if I went home, I have to get my own food.

Honestly, I really wanted to eat the cla.s.s leader’s cooking.

Even if she didn’t cook any new dishes, I’m still thinking about the leftovers from lunch.

After I made a decision, I cleared my throat.

“Cla.s.s leader, let me stay, I won’t dare to mess around at Xiao Qin’s home.”

I was polite and modest with an honest tone of voice. It made the cla.s.s leader uncomfortable.

“Why do you want to stay? Do you really want to study with us?”

The cla.s.s leader interrogated.

I decided to be honest.

“Actually I just wanted to eat your cooking.”

The cla.s.s leader blushed, “Do you not have any food at home?”

“Since my dad went out, no one’s at home to cook for me.”

I made it seem like I was pitiful, but this was actually a common occurrence.

Perhaps it was the excuse of not having any cooked food that softened the cla.s.s leader. After I made a vow, she started to loosen up.

Xiao Qin also made supporting statements form the side: “My house has a lot of empty rooms, the cla.s.s leader can sleep in my mom’s room, Ye Lin cla.s.smate can sleep in the guest room. You don’t have to be worried about night attacks as long as you lock your doors!”

Attacks? Stop giving the cla.s.s leader any more unnecessary thoughts! I won’t attack you guys! I’ll go to sleep right after I’m full! I’ll thank the heavens as long as you don’t attack me!

Unable to endure Xiao Qin’s pleads (she even called her ‘sister Shu Sha’), the cla.s.s leader could only agree to let me stay.

Xiao Qin immediately displayed a victorious expression.

Hence, I brazenly ate the cla.s.s leader’s cooking again.

This time, Xiao Qin also partic.i.p.ated. She took out some half finished food from the fridge and made me a serving of fried chicken.

The cla.s.s leader also made some meatball soup on the side to balance out the grease from the fried chicken.

Plus the leftovers from lunch, I had a wonderful meal.

If there were any benefits for girls, I guess it would be that they’re great at cooking?

I thought old-fashionedly at the dinner table.

Xiao Qin’s culinary skills weren’t as bad as I thought. Although the temperature was a bit rushed for the chicken, it was still pretty good.

It might be because it was already half-finished? I’ll test her again if I get a chance in the future.

After dinner, Xiao Qin ordered me to help the cla.s.s leader repair her shoes.

“Don’t just eat without doing any work! At least drop off her shoes at the shoemaker’s shop!”

Xiao Qin, who was usually docile and submissive, made me feel uncomfortable when she ordered me around.

But since the cla.s.s leader was here, I could only hold it in, as long as she didn’t have any outrageous requests.

As if she realized this, Xiao Qin became even more arrogant:

“Oh right, stay out for a bit longer! One hour….no, you might as well go out for an hour and a half, we’ll use this chance to shower! Go to the supermarket to buy us some snacks!”

As I carried the shoes towards the elevator, I heard Xiao Qin tightly close the door behind me.

I could still faintly hear their conversation.

“Xiao Qin, make sure to lock the door, he might come and peek….”

“Don’t worry! I’ll protect the cla.s.s leader! If Ye Lin cla.s.smate peeks, I’ll use my naked body to cover you!”

“Xiao QIn, that’s strange, it sounds like you want to bathe with me…”

“Is that bad? I just want to investigate….no, I mean, advance our relationship. Since we’re both girls, what’s wrong with bathing together!”

At this moment, the elevator arrived. I walked in because I didn’t want to listen to their embarra.s.sing conversation anymore.

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