After I followed Xiao Qin to a place with a lot of shade, I saw Ai Mi’s private car, or should I say RV.

A dining room, bedroom, makeup room, and bathroom, whatever you need is there. The satellite on top of the RV can also receive over thirty different channels. According to Peng TouSi, he would often bring the sleeping Ai Mi on the RV so they could clean up and eat on the road, and she can even sleep a bit more.

By the way, Peng TouSi should be back in America being punished, right? I am not sure when he will be back, does Ai Mi’s sudden temper have anything to do with Peng TouSi leaving?

But I had no idea what she was thinking when I saw her sitting crossed legged while wearing her costume. She was wearing with 004 and 005 to her left and right while sitting under a sun umbrella and eating cantaloupe.

A makeup artists who was wearing knee pads was currently kneeled in front of her and busy helping her put on makeup. Due to the result of Ai Mi constantly eating cantaloupe, her lipstick would have to get reapplied. But the makeup artist was too afraid to say anything since she did not want to make her mad.

When Ai Mi saw me arrive suddenly, she was stunned, but then she turned away and pretended she did not see me after she saw Xiao Qin tightly holding onto my hand.

Ai Mi’s costume was actually very pretty.

According to Xiao Qin, Ai Mi played a character whose Chinese name was ‘Jian’. She was a descendant of a hero, but she was adopted by an evil demon king. She wore a vampire-esque cloak that was black on the outside and red on the inside (the one that she hid and a worker had to find). The neckline was lotus-shaped, and on the inside, she was wearing a tight-fitting suit like she was a relative of the emperor. She also had a pair of silver-colored wristbands on her bare arm. It can be said that it looks a bit sloppy but it was very fashionable, and it had a unique beauty.

Ai Mi’s head ornaments were exceptionally beautiful. They used an ancient style headband adorned with jewels to deal with her ponytails. It gave an effect where her ponytails do not make her look particularly childish and it definitely helped her loli role in the show.

Other than the outfit, the makeup artist also put in a lot of effort. Thin eyebrows without a single blemish, just the right amount of blush, and even the few strands of hair that were intentionally left behind the neck would cause any lolicon to be sent flying from their erupting nosebleed.

But it is all useless if she does not go on scene.

I signaled Xiao Qin to stop for the time being and I walked near Ai Mi alone. 004 and 005 did not block me, and only watched from a bit of a distance away and they unconsciously covered their crotch.

Other than Peng TouSi, do any of the other bodyguards know that Ai Mi and I are siblings? If I think about it from Ai ShuQiao’s perspective, there seems to be no reason to let the bodyguards know about it, and it’s probably another group of people who would have to deal with me.

Perhaps it was out of respect for their leader, Peng TouSi, but these bodyguards treated me pretty well. At least they did not pick me up and toss me out like other fans.

“Why are you not going on? I don’t think it’s good to make a lot of people wait for you.”

I used the dignity of an older brother to question Ai Mi. The makeup artist sent me a weird glance like, where did this brat come from who has the guts to offend Ai ShuQiao’s precious daughter.

“I’m not happy today, so I’m not going!”

Ai Mi threw the piece of cantaloupe on the ground and it attracted a lot of ants. Then, she proceeded to take a gla.s.s of iced juice from 004 and began drinking through a straw.

Due to the fact that there were no males here, Xiao Qin walked towards us with all smiles. She then tried to persuade her with a never used before older sister tone of voice.

“Ai Mi, stop playing around, can you behave, okay? Everyone is waiting for you. You can rest after you get a few good shots!”

Let’s not even talk about the terrified faces of 004 and 005, even Ai Mi was not comfortable with Xiao Qin’s sudden change:

“Did… you take the wrong medicine? Who let you call me Ai Mi? You won’t get anything by fawning over me! You’re just a violent woman…”

Xiao Qin did not perceive it as disobedience and continued to persuade her: “Don’t worry, I won’t use violence on my beloved Ai Mi, listen to your big sister…”

“Who’s your sister! Don’t confuse your own ident.i.ty! If you’re with my manservant, you would only be my female servant at best! You dare make your master call you sister?”

Xiao Qin floated behind Ai Mi like a b.u.t.terfly and began to ma.s.sage her shoulders without even asking for permission.

“If Ai Mi likes playing pretend games, I’ll play with you… How do you feel? Miss, does this feel good?”

Xiao Qin’s ma.s.sage techniques were learned from Dr. Zhao and practiced on Auntie Ren, so it’s definitely effective at releasing stress and fatigue. Ai Mi initially wanted to resist, but she accepted Xiao Qin’s service probably because it felt good.

“Hmph, you’re probably trying to get on my good side because your mom is also part of the crew.” Ai Mi moved her neck and shifted to a more comfortable position, “Did your mom send you as a token of friendship?”

“No way~~” Xiao Qin ma.s.saged Ai Mi with her best effort while speaking in the most flattering tone I have ever heard: “I just couldn’t help but want to protect you after seeing how cute you are~~~~”

“Lies! You’re definitely plotting against me!” Ai Mi commented and turned around to ask me: “Manservant, is this the result of your teachings?”

Since I could not explain Xiao Qin’s change without revealing the secret, I could only admit and say: “You could think of it like that…”

“That sounds about right…” Ai Mi gestured at 005 to bring her a small and round silk fan, then she handed it to Xiao Qin, “Then you can act as my female servant and fan me!”

Xiao Qin received the fan with vigor and her sincerity made 004 and 005 look at each other in dismay.

The current mission at hand was to make Ai Mi go on scene. It won’t happen with her eating, drinking, and relaxing. I’m guessing even Auntie Ren and the director are at their limits, it would not be good for her future acting career if this keeps up.

Thus I said to Ai Mi: “I came to watch you act. The other performances aren’t really interesting, especially that Kyle jumping around like monkey… If you’re not going to act, then I’m going to leave!”

I beckoned Xiao Qin to come back, and she packed her bag like she was going to leave with me.

Ai Mi got up anxiously from her lounge chair, tightened the collar of her vampire cloak, and said:

“Who said you could leave? I never said I wasn’t going to act, I was just mulling over something! I’m going right now! But… don’t have the misconception that I’m going on just for you!”


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