The long braids warrior was taken to the sidelines to get his leg treated while I was changing into my costume. It seems like he was both relieved that he did not have to perform dangerous actions while also disappointed at losing a hard to come by chance in front of the camera.

I ran and jumped up the wall, hmph, who can still say I have short legs! If you say my legs are short, then you should try jumping up the wall!

Ai Mi’s eyes was filled with ridicule after she saw me wear a full suit of golden armor while holding a prop sword that was the same size as me.

“Hahaha, you look so dumb! You look like a d.a.m.n villain! Hmph, are you ready to receive your punishment?”

She said as she knocked the tip of her foot against the ground a couple of times as if she was a bull preparing to charge.

Once the director yelled action, she rushed at me in a hurry.

What was Auntie Ren talking about when she mentioned beasts, it seems like in this scenario, Ai Mi is the beast! Her feverish eyes are like a predator who’s about to eat its prey!

Her first kick struck my knee. Although I could not feel anything because I was wearing armor, I still knelt down like someone who was shot in the knee by an arrow. This scene made me think back to the time when I first met Ai Mi at the subway station.

The next hit to the head should be the hardest to bear. Although Auntie Ren has told Ai Mi multiple times to never raise her feet up to the temples, who knows if Ai Mi could follow orders properly.

I have to be extremely careful since I would not want to live anymore if I get KO-ed by my younger sister.

Who knew that when Ai Mi kicked me, her hit was way off from my temple. Rather than kicking my head, it was more like kicking my shoulder and back.

I did not have much time to think and sent myself flying. It was hard due to my lack of experience, and my chin sc.r.a.ped against the mat, but it did not bleed.

Also… I forgot to scream! My dream of torturing American viewers with my blood-curdling scream has been shattered! I hate myself!

The overall effect was incomparable to the scene with the long braids warrior. However, Ai Mi did not call for a re-shoot and instead she stood on top of the wall for half a second to confirm if I was injured before she said her line.

According to the director, he recommended Ai Mi to re-shoot the scene. But because Ai Mi persisted on saying her performance was fantastic, I did not have to fall a second time.

However, the staff told me that my expression as I was kicked off the wall was fantastic. It really demonstrated the threatening power of the loli. I hope the director can consider giving me a role as a villain.

“Don’t get excited too early.”

Auntie Ren dampened my mood after I finally freed my self from that tiring set of armor.

“One of the reasons you were let in front of the camera was because Ai Mi was having a fit, and secondly because the director thought I brought you here… If you want to get a long term role on the set, you have to have pa.s.sable English….”

I thought it was incredibly foolish that I had to learn English in such a vast and magnificent country.

I made an expression that would make people want to hit me (It’s not like Auntie Ren would acutely hit a minor in front of this many American colleagues) and asked:

“When do I get paid…”

If Auntie Ren used to think I was worthless, now she saw me as a complete money grubber.

Xiao Qin jumped out from behind Auntie Ren.

“I know, I know!” Xiao Qin cheerfully rose her hand as if she was a student waiting to be called upon by her teacher, “You get your money as long as sign your name with the financial manager! Rest a.s.sured, I’ll keep my eyes open and make sure no one takes your wages!”

The crew was always busy and did not have a lot of time to chat. Auntie Ren shook her head at her daughter who was always glued to me and went back to work.

I got a bit hungry when it was noon, so I asked Xiao Qin if we were provided boxed lunches like the ones from the school cafeteria.

Xiao Qin stealthily shifter her eyes, then she suddenly grabbed my hand and exclaimed: “Let’s freeload off of Ai Mi! She would always have good food at her RV!”

Huh? I cannot believe you would say that! It kind of makes sense for me since I am her brother, but who are you? Also, based on what you said earlier, have you been eyeing her food for a while now? Did you keep thinking about the food in her bowl while you were treating her as your nemesis? You are definitely worthy of being a glutton!

When we got near the RV, we discovered that it was like a transformer. A rosewood counter was flipped out front inside the car. Ai Mi had changed into a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. She sat in the middle of the counter holding a knife and fork while waiting impatiently for her food.

A fat chef with a gleaming face was cooking barbecue outdoors. On top of the large U-shaped grill, there were steaks, tenderloins, chicken b.r.e.a.s.t.s, scallops, flounder, prawns, and basically anything you could hope for. He was busy brushing barbecue sauce and also seasoning some of the food with red wine.

I remembered that Xiao Qin loved seafood, and her sights were locked onto the prawns sitting on the barbecue.

“Ah, what a coincidence! You guys are eating too!”

Xiao Qin cheerily greeted Ai Mi. Her gluttonous expression was met with heartless disdain from Ai Mi.

Xiao Qin then ran in front of the fat chef and said loudly:

“Mr. Chef, can you put some BBQ sauce on my scallops? Please add a tiny bit of minced garlic! It’s embarra.s.sing, but Miss Ai Mi really wanted us to eat with her (*^__^*)”

It seems like the chef did not understand, so she repeated herself in English.

Enough! Why don’t you ask Auntie Ren to help you buy prawns and scallops! She would definitely fulfill your requests since she spoils you! The American chef is looking at you with a strange expression! They always say Chinese girls are more introverted and bashful when compared to western girls, but he met a glutton right when he came to China! You definitely look bashful and introverted from the outside, but the first you do is to ask for food?

Xiao Qin then shifted her sight towards 005. Currently, only 005 had pa.s.sable Chinese among the bodyguards.

“Stool… Can you help me bring two out? Thank you…”

Xiao Qin was acting cute with her expression and tone of voice… how bashful and introverted! But he will not forget! You once used the ball buster on him and almost sent him to heaven!

005 shivered even though it was a hot day. He brought out two round stools from the interior of the car and carefully placed it on the ground 10m away from Xiao Qin.

Before I even reacted, Xiao Qin already brought me to sit down behind the counter. One sat on the right, and the other on the left, and Ai Mi was stuck in the middle.

“It’s not like I can’t treat you guys to a meal…” Ai Mi struck the edge of the plate with her fork while thinking carefully about her wording, “Since the two of you voluntarily became my servants, then it makes sense that I should be responsible for your meals… Obama didn’t come today anyways… I’ll permit you guys to eat with me!”

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