The cla.s.s leader, who was wearing a dark blue tracksuit with white stripes, couldn’t jump over the third hurdle because her a.s.s was sore.

Don’t try to be brave if you have injuries, just request a leave of absence. Xiao Qin clearly has Super Saiyan blood, but she never partic.i.p.ates in gym cla.s.s because she claims she’s frail. What’s there to be embarra.s.sed about?

Ah, your knees. .h.i.t the ground first! That looks like it hurts. Even though you used your hand to stop yourself at the last second, but it didn’t really cushion the blow and instead injured your fingers. Luckily, we’re on the synthetic track, it would have been a disaster if we were on concrete.

I never would have expected the cla.s.s leader would ‘kneel’ during practice. The girls crowded around her and asked her condition. Although I was also worried, I felt it would be embarra.s.sing to go with that many people so I could only stand and watch from afar.

Xiong YaoYue was chewing on a leaf with both her hands behind her back. She arrived in front of the cla.s.s leader along with the instructor.

“What happened, did you miss a meal? Cla.s.s leader, how are we going to take first in the volleyball tournament if you’re always like this?”

Even though the cla.s.s leader’s knees might already be bleeding, but she still stubbornly raised her head and gave Xiong YaoYue a glare.

Xiong YaoYue’s fake dignity as a PE committee member dissipated after being glared at by the cla.s.s leader. She shifted her gaze elsewhere and saw me who was hesitating nearby.

“Hey, you, come here, stop looking around. Ye Lin, I’m talking to you.”

After I jogged over, Xiong YaoYue told me to bring the cla.s.s leader to the infirmary.

Looks of doubt appeared on the faces of the girls, and the cla.s.s leader also immediately opposed it:

“Stop joking around. The instructor will deduct marks if he sees a student of the opposite s.e.x escorting her to the infirmary.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Xiong YaoYue smiled ambiguously, “Ye Lin isn’t really considered the opposite s.e.x…”

“What?” All the girls including the cla.s.s leader were at a loss.

Xiong YaoYue knew she slipped her tongue, so she modified her previous remark:

“I meant… Ye Lin’s strong. If you can’t walk, he can carry you there.”

“Nonsense.” The cla.s.s leader’s face turned red, “Even if I couldn’t walk, you should be the one to take me there. Don’t forget you’re the female PE committee member who’s even stronger than many of the male students.”

“Ah, sorry.” Xiong YaoYue placed her hands on her hips like she had nothing to do with it.

“…although I could carry you, I don’t want to.”

“You still act like a proud general even when injured, so I won’t feel a sense of accomplishment even if I take care of you.”

“If I had to choose, Gong CaiCai is still the best. She would tremble like a rabbit every time she sprains her ankle. She’s so cute, I can practically carry her onto my bed.”

Gong CaiCai who was standing on the outside turned pale when she heard her words and covered her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

“Xiao Xiong, you…” The cla.s.s leader had enough and stood up while clenching her teeth:

“I’ll go myself.”

I was hesitating, but I saw Loud Mouth sending me suggestive looks from behind the cla.s.s leader, so I stepped forward and supported the cla.s.s leader’s arm.

“Let go, it’s not your problem.”

How is it not my problem? If I never hit your a.s.s, you wouldn’t have fallen. And as Xiong YaoYue mentioned, why are you acting so proud as an injured person?

I ignored the cla.s.s leader’s refusal and put one of her arms around my shoulder. I bent my waist and began to support her towards the school building.

“Didn’t I tell you to let go.” The cla.s.s leader struggled violently and her long hair got into my eyes.

What are you getting stirred up for? I’m taking you to get your injuries checked out, not to spank your a.s.s.

Fortunately, the cla.s.s leader couldn’t really exert much strength because her knees and fingers were in pain.

But even if you went all out, you would only be 3.5 times Gong CaiCai. I’m confident I could even overtake Xiong YaoYue, who is 5 times Gong CaiCai, so I’m not afraid of you.

When I supported the cla.s.s leader for a few steps, Xiong YaoYue chanted from behind.

“Carry her, carry her.”

Loud Mouth also quickly joined her chants.

“Carry her. Don’t be shy. Hurry up and carry the cla.s.s leader.”

Even though the girls had no idea why the two of them were chanting, but their obsession with gossip made all the girls join the chant.

“Carry her, carry her, carry her.”

Even though we were the only cla.s.s who was in gym cla.s.s, and there weren’t many spectators, the cla.s.s leader still blushed because of their rowdy jeering.

She said threateningly and a bit of hesitance: “If you dare…”

Huh, it might have gone better if you didn’t say anything. But now you made me want to disobey. I’ve already carried Xiao Qin, so you might be jealous I haven’t carried you yet.

I held her by her waist and before she could react, the cla.s.s leader was in my embrace being princess carried.

The girls stopped cheering and began to whisper.

“I’ve heard rumors about things going on between them, maybe it’s true?”

“The cla.s.s leader has no taste. It’s like a movie where the cop falls in love with a fugitive.”

After hearing the gossip, Xiong YaoYue berated them:

“Stop, there’s nothing special going on between Ye Lin and the cla.s.s leader. It’s just manual labor like carrying a girl to the infirmary is most suited for him. What are you laughing at, if you guys were injured, I would tell him to carry you guys too.”

“Huh, why?”

“I don’t want him to carry me. Xiao Xiong, were you bribed by Ye Lin. There were some people who saw you leaving with him at lunch.”

“That’s right.” Xiong YaoYue admitted it outright, “Ye Lin treated me to Häagen-Dazs at lunch, it was pretty sweet… but these two events are unrelated~~~ hey, what are you laughing at, don’t laugh, hurry up and line up in lines!”

The cla.s.s leader’s face was as red as blood and I could feel her body burning up. Based on her ashamed expression, she might have even had thoughts of dying.

“… hurry up and put me down.”

She was finally able to force out a sentence.

I ignored her. Now we can arrive at the infirmary faster, why would I give up halfway?

“I’m ordering you to put me down.”

The cla.s.s leader concentrated her malice into her eyes and tried to threaten me, but her red face made her completely unconvincing.

“Put me down, we already violated the 100 rules for intimate contact between boys and girls. We’ll lose marks, did you hear me?”

The cla.s.s leader pinched my arm, but I groaned and endured it.

Hmph, your pinching skills are still too far behind Loud Mouth. Come back when you have trained for another hundred years.

The helpless cla.s.s leader used her fists to pound my chests. Her white running shoes began to sway along with her movements.

“Hurry up and put me down. How… will I still act as the cla.s.s leader if someone sees me.”

You’ll still be the cla.s.s leader as before. I’m basically akin to a medical stretcher. Are you saying you don’t have the face to be a general any more after your troops see you lying on a stretcher?

When I was walking up the flight of stairs, I ran into an unfamiliar teacher walking out in a suit.

He came to a halt when he saw how intimate we were. The cla.s.s leader quickly buried her head in my chest so she won’t be recognized.

It’s probably a waste of time. Your long hair is an eye-catching attribute, there will now be rumors spread all over the offices about cla.s.s 2-3 cla.s.s leader being carried into school by a boy.

I glared at that teacher and hinted at him to not spread rumors. He probably heard my bad reputation in 28 Middle and evaded us.

My usually troublesome gaze actually came into use today. I was a bit satisfied, but I never expected… there was another teacher behind him.

d.a.m.n, it’s teacher Yu! Cla.s.s 2-3’s teacher who has no presence. He recognized me and Shu Sha and gave us an awkward smile.

“You guys go ahead and don’t worry about me.” Teacher Yu took a step to the side and let us through.

Then I won’t be polite anymore, the wounded comes first. I nodded to teacher Yu and carried the cla.s.s leader inside.

The cla.s.s leader turned the front of my shirt into a mess. She didn’t have the guts to meet teacher Yu’s gaze, and she was biting her lips to the point where it was almost bleeding.

The only reason I became the PE committee member was because the cla.s.s leader threatened her position to make teacher Yu agree. Now that he’s seen the cla.s.s leader in my embrace, he will definitely have weird thoughts.

Shu Sha, you shouldn’t be so righteous in front of Teacher Yu anymore. Teacher Yu will now think that you have improper relations with me, and had selfish motives.

The cla.s.s leader finally stopped resisting after it seems she exerted all her energy even when she has been lying in my arms the entire time. She resigned herself to fate and was brought in front of the door to the infirmary.

I heard the sound of a boy laughing inside and pushed the door open with my feet. I found Sun Yu from our cla.s.s basketball team sitting on the bed and chatting happily with the school doctor, Chen YingRan.

She was wearing a white lab coat on the outside, but a s.e.xy purple gauze dress on the inside. Chen YingRan’s thick red lips always made it seem like she just drank wine, and she was emitting her feminine charms.

I suddenly remember Sun Yu was sent to the infirmary last time during the basketball game with Niu ShiLi and he almost crushed his b.a.l.l.s…

How did Chen YingRan even treat him? Did she give him an erotic t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e ma.s.sage? Sun Yu, why are you acting so guilty? Why did you bid farewell to the doctor and run away without even asking why the cla.s.s leader is in my embrace?

Teacher Yu, you should come here. Compared to me and the cla.s.s leader, Sun Yu is having improper relations with a certain person.

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