I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 377 – I Don’t Need A Change Room

Chapter 377 – I Don’t Need A Change Room

I opened the door for Xiong YaoYue before she even knocked.

As we discussed prior, she was wearing an outfit that was suitable for her.

She was wearing a T-shirt with the Superman S symbol in the front and a pair of denim shorts. It really accentuated her proportionate body figure created from long periods of exercise.

“How does it look? Would it be too rude to be dressed like this?”

She breathed a sigh of relief after receiving my approval and began to smile.

I noticed there was only one band aid left on her face compared to the three I saw on Friday. Maybe the other two were taken off because her wounds had already healed.

Why does it feel like her recovery speed is even faster than mines?

Not only is it faster, it’s also more effective. Every time she injures herself, it heals within two to three days without even leaving any scars behind.

It’s just not the same for me. When I was taking a shower this morning, I realized I had three light scars on my back. I may not have been crushed by the tree that day, but my skin still got cut open.

Of course, I don’t mind since scars are medals branded on the flesh. Also, I obtained it by saving my sister, so I would show it proudly to others wherever I go.

I checked my watch and it was 6:40. Peng TouSi should be almost here, so I didn’t waste anymore time and headed downstairs with Xiong YaoYue.

After she saw me wearing the elegant uniform with a tidier hairstyle than usual, she said:

“It looks like clothing makes the person! You look much more coquettish than usual.”

Coquettish? Would it kill you to call me handsome? Peng TouSi is going to bring you a female Qing Zi Academy uniform for you later and I want to see how you rate yourself.

Since Peng TouSi is very punctual, I brought Xiong YaoYue to wait at the entrance of our neighborhood at 6:50. I didn’t worry at all that Peng TouSi wouldn’t be here at 7.

“Ah, would we seem to stingy if we go empty-handed?”

Xiong YaoYue suddenly mentioned.

“If I’m going to the cla.s.s leader’s house to get a free meal, I would usually buy some apples or oranges on my way there… but would it seem bad bringing oranges to a rich person’s house?”

“You don’t have to buy anything.” I waved my hands, “Ai Mi doesn’t really need anything, but…”

I looked at the nearby convenience store, “If you want to make Ai Mi happy, then but a bottle of cola and a can of chips. Make sure to buy the smallest sizes so you can carry it easily and it won’t be found.”

“Huh, why those two?” Xiong YaoYue ran towards the convenience store while asking, “What brand should I get?”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Even if she was full of doubt, she still brought the two items back. I asked her if she could put it into her pant pockets, and it actually just barely fit.

“I’m not really sure what you’re planning.” Xiong YaoYue complained, “It makes my b.u.t.t look bigger…”

Peng TouSi drove Ai Mi’s black batmobile to pick us up. I was planning on sitting in the back with Xiong YaoYue, but Peng TouSi said to me quietly:

“Lin, you should sit in the front pa.s.senger seat. Miss Winnie may be changing on the car later…”

I might feel a bit conflicted sitting next to Peng TouSi, but I can’t use it as an excuse to take advantage of Xiong YaoYue, so I sat down on the front pa.s.senger seat and buckled in my seat belt.

“Then, Miss Xiong YaoYue, please sit in the back…”

Xiong YaoYue laughed out loud: “I’ll get older quicker if you use honorifics, but I’ll be grateful if you call me Winnie. Tell me how you want me to call you.”

Peng TouSi scratched his bald head with embarra.s.sment, “I like it when others call me Peng Peng.”

“Okay, then I’ll call you Peng Peng from now on.” Xiong YaoYue agreed without hesitation, “Peng Peng, let’s go.”

After we began driving, Xiong YaoYue glanced left and right and began to relax in her seat.

“The seat is so soft.” Xiong YaoYue sighed and praised, “No wonder people say they would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on a bicycle.”

You don’t have to worry about it, since even if you were in the back of a police car, you would still thoughtlessly joke around with the police officer:

“Teehee, I slipped up.”

Xiong YaoYue finally settled down and began looking at the scenery out the window. Then, she noticed the windows slowly getting darker until they were completely opaque.

“Huh, why did the sky suddenly turn dark?” Xiong YaoYue was surprised, then she asked, “Why is the front window still bright?”

“Miss Winnie, the window has the ability to change color.” Peng TouSi explained, then said to me:

“Lin, hand the bag under your seat to Miss Winnie.”

Xiong YaoYue tooked the bag and found a female Qing Zi Academy uniform inside. At the same time, there were also the linings for the winter lining and the spring linings. There were even stockings and three pairs of matching shoes.

“Huh, are you letting me borrow this?” Xiong YaoYue asked.

“We’re not lending it to you, we’re giving it to you.” Peng TouSi had a slight smile.

“What? Are you giving me these good clothes for free?” Xiong YaoYue was pleased beyond expectations, “Miss Ai Mi is really generous, I didn’t even do anything… oh, did Peng Peng darken the windows so I could change?”

“That’s right.” Peng TouSi answered, “As long as you press the b.u.t.ton under your armrest, the entire back section were be sectioned off by plates and you can change at ease.”

“I guess I have to wear the uniform in order to get into the academy? Do I have to change right now?”

Xiong YaoYue still couldn’t calm down after receiving clothes. She’s a girl after all, I would never be this happy receiving clothes.

“Yes, it’s best if Miss Winnie could wear it right now.” Peng TouSi patiently reminded her, “Don’t forget to press the b.u.t.ton or you will be exposed.”

Then he added on another sentence: “But I’m gay, so I wouldn’t get any funny ideas about Miss Winnie…”

“Eh?” Xiong YaoYue exclaimed, “You’re also gay?”

“Why did Miss Winnie add ‘also’?”

Xiong YaoYue suddenly had a moment where she stayed silent.

“No wonder it looks like you have a pretty intimate relationship with Ye Lin, so you guys are the same!”

d.a.m.n, I knew it.

“Lin still might be a bit different than us….”

It’s not a bit, it’s a huge difference.

Xiong YaoYue laughed and had an interested expression.

“Why do I need the separation if you’re both gay? I wouldn’t lose out on anything if I change in front of you guys.”

Please don’t do that. It’s fine in front of Peng TouSi, but if it’s in front of me, I would start pumping blood towards a certain part of my body.

Xiong YaoYue didn’t have a lot of guts as she hid behind Peng TouSi’s seat so she wouldn’t be seen from outside the car. Then she quickly pulled off her Tshirt by grabbing the collar.

Golden brown skin came into view. Although I didn’t turn around, I couldn’t help but glance at the rearview mirror. Before I stopped her she had already taken off her shorts and she was left only in her underwear. She really doesn’t care about the gazes from the two men in front of her.

“It’s the first time taking off clothes in front of men.” Xiong YaoYue giggled, “It’s pretty exhilarating.”

Stop playing around and wear your clothes properly. It’s a good thing I was wearing my seat belt, because if we were stopped by the police, Peng TouSi and I would be caught red-handed with a naked female minor.

I sighed when I saw Xiong YaoYue begin to wear the uniform from the rearview mirror.

After struggling for a bit, she was finally able to wear the uniform and she also changed her shoes. She jumped in the middle of the seat and asked excitedly:

“How do I look, would I fit it?”

The girl in the rearview mirror had a carefree and bright smile that was brighter than the sun.

Peng TouSi smiled and said: “Miss Winnie doesn’t really look like a student from Qing Zi Academy.”

“How come?” Xiong YaoYue was a bit upset and puffed up her cheeks.

“Miss Winnie is too cheerful. At Qing Zi Academy, as long as a girl has a bit of looks, they always think they’re superior to others and they are never happy.”

Xiong YaoYue didn’t really seem that happy when Peng TouSi complemented her.

“I don’t really have the right to look down on others. I mean look at the cla.s.s leader, she’s better than me at everything and she never looks down on others. And my skin is as dark as Zhang Fei.”

“Miss Winnie has to be more confident. In America, your skin is considered the prettiest and the healthiest.”

“Is that right?” Xiong YaoYue cheered up, “Does that mean Peng Peng would like me if you weren’t gay?”

“I like you a lot right now.” Peng TouSi beamed a smile at Xiong YaoYue through the rearview mirror.

Xiong YaoYue casually patted my shoulders.

“Ye Lin, would you also like me if you weren’t gay?”

I had a serious expression: “No comment.”

“Tsk, how narrow minded.” Xiong YaoYue rolled her eyes, “Why can’t you just say something to make me happy?”

We were able to easily get into Qing Zi Academy under the cover of the luxury car and we soon arrived near the VIP building.

004 and 005 were standing guard outside. When they saw me bringing a girl over, the first thing they did was cover their crotch. They wiped away their sweat when they realized it wasn’t Xiao Qin.

“Even the gate guards are so muscular!” Xiong YaoYue exclaimed, “Miss Ai Mi probably spends a lot every month on security alone!”

Peng TouSi followed us from behind carrying a bag with Xiong YaoYue’s clothes. I a.s.sumed the chips and cola were there, so I tapped Xiong YaoYue with my elbow to hint at her to carry the bag herself.

Although she might not have understood I was worried about the chips and cola, she still said to Peng TouSi:

“Peng Peng, I can carry the bag… I have at least enough strength to carry one bag.”

Peng TouSi handed the bag over to Xiong YaoYue with a smile.

As usual, 004 and 005 did a quick frisk on me to prevent me from bringing chips and cola to Ai Mi.

“Are you checking for weapons?” Xiong YaoYue widened her eyes, “How strict, I guess I’m next.”

Peng TouSi waved his hands, “Miss Winnie doesn’t need to be checked, I already did a check in the car earlier.”

What check? You mean you watched her change her clothes and felt there was no place for her to hide snacks. Well, you were careless!

Or are you purposely letting us go so Ai Mi could enjoy her forbidden snacks once in a while?

There was a large mirror right as we walked in the VIP building. Xiong YaoYue looked at herself and whistled.

“Private school uniforms look way better than our school’s. Look, don’t I seem more coquettish than usual? If you were a man, then I bet you would flirt with me.”

I am a f.u.c.king man! Also, don’t use the word coquettish on yourself, it was already shocking enough when you used it to describe me.

“Let’s head to the dining room first.” Peng TouSi directed us with his hand, “I bet the Miss is getting impatient.”

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