That’s not good.

I may have said something wrong.

Judging from Gong CaiCai’s change of expression, what I just said may have caused her to have a bad misunderstanding.

Although I felt that I was being warm and affable when saying those words earlier, but because of my notoriety, Gong CaiCai definitely won’t think I’m saying anything good to her.

I just remembered, other than occasionally taking the place of the cla.s.s representatives to collect the homework, isn’t this my first time speaking to Gong CaiCai?

Although I often hear boys discussing her behind her back, I have never carefully looked at Gong CaiCai’s appearance.

Gong CaiCai did not wear the school uniform shirt today, but wore a white chiffon shirt with a small floral ornament around the neck.

Each petal of the floral ornament was shaking non-stop.

Eunuch Cao’s “28 Middle Beauty X Files” seems to record that Gong CaiCai is 1/16th ethnic minority, so her hair is a little naturally curly.

The hair near the left ear was clipped with a very simple sh.e.l.l hair clip. Probably to avoid her vision being blocked by her curly hair when studying?

Behind the wavy curly hair, her big eyes with contact lenses was helplessly staring at the square checkered book, as if the square book was a life-saving Bodhisattva that can save her from death.

I suddenly shivered and felt that there was an extremely sharp aura that stabbed me.

Looking up, as expected, the cla.s.s leader woke up.

The cla.s.sed leader looked at me with a sleepy look. The number one loyal dog bro pointed at me with a pen while explaining the situation to the cla.s.s leader who just woke up.

That’s not good! The loyal dog bro especially likes to take words out of context and may distort what I said to Gong CaiCai!

I subconsciously wanted to run.

However, the cla.s.s leader immediately stood up from her seat seething with anger after just a few words from the loyal dog bro.

A ~DONG~ sound resounded, not caring about disrupting the quiet cla.s.sroom.

Three steps turned into two steps and then she rushed straight to the lectern as if she wanted to kill me.

“Ye Lin! What kind of vulgar things are you saying to the study committee member!”

Due to her drowsiness, the cla.s.s leader’s eyes weren’t completely open yet, but this kind of teeth gnashing expression and half-sleepwalking state is even more scary than usual.

I heard that some girls are grouchy right when they wake up.

Based on the cla.s.s leader’s current appearance, she’s clearly venting because her sleep was disturbed.

Wasn’t the one who woke you up loyal dog bro? Go to him if you want someone dead! I will get restless when you stare at me so fiercely!

“CaiCai, don’t be afraid, what did Ye Lin say to you?”

The cla.s.s leader saw that I did not answer her, so she first investigated and obtained evidence from the study committee member.

With the cla.s.s leader’s support, Gong CaiCai became a little bolder.

“Cla.s.s leader, Ye Lin told me… He wanted to give me money…”

“Give you money? Give you money for what?”

“Well… it seems like, he wanted me to use my hands to help him…”

After Gong CaiCai said that, she blushed and lowered her head and continued to copy the text to calm herself.

Hey, you study committee member, don’t just say something halfway! I don’t want to use your hand, I want to use your wrtiing! Arent you a 1/16 ethnic minority? Where did the heroic and straightforward actions of your ancestors go to?

I held out a hand and put it in between me and the cla.s.s leader.

“Cla.s.s leader, don’t come over! Let me explain!”

The cla.s.s leader may have stood up too hastily. She probably had blood rushing to her head and felt dizzy. She stretched out her hand on the lectern for a few seconds and her complexion returned to normal.

Seeing that I wanted to explain, she looked at me with the side of her face and tilted her head back slightly. She had a posture of “I’ll give you 3 seconds, no more.”

I cleared my throat nervously.

“I have nothing to do with the study committee member!”

The cla.s.s leader’s gaze was like she was saying “nonsense!”

“Well… I just wanted to ask if the study committee member wanted to make some extra money…”

She didnt cry earlier, but after Gong CaiCai heard me and the cla.s.s leader discussing about her affairs in front of the cla.s.s, she might have felt too embarra.s.sed and suddenly leaned down on the checkered square exercise book and cried.


Don’t cry! You, and also that first year school committee member, are all school committee members specialized in crying? You’re crying even louder now! Your crying also sounds slightly ethnic! I think your genetic gifts are slightly biased! ——Where the h.e.l.l is the cla.s.sroom discipline!

Shoot! The cla.s.s leader is glaring at me ready to pull out a knife! If any hooligan glares at me like that, they definitely want to fight with me to the death!

The cla.s.s leader supported herself on the blackboard and took one step closer.

What? Have you not recovered from hypotension yet? Do you want to vent by killing me even when you’re unwell?

I subconsciously stepped back and was about to fall off the platform.


I didn’t see the movements of the cla.s.s leader and a white object suddenly flew toward my nose.

I hurriedly turned my face and the white thing brushed past my eyes.

It slammed into the gla.s.s of the window behind me and almost broke it.

It was the d.a.m.n blackboard eraser! Were you supporting yourself to get a weapon and not because of hypotension! How could you treat teaching equipment like this! Are you also not cherishing the gla.s.s in the cla.s.sroom? This is what you have worked hard to maintain!

I touched the corner of my eyes.

Dam, I’m bleeding! Yesterday, those hoodlums didn’t even make me bleed. And I ended up bleeding because of you!

ShuSha, aren’t you too scary when you just wake up!

It may be because no one has seen the cla.s.s leader so violent, the whole cla.s.s was dumbstruck and didn’t know what to do.

I couldn’t see Xiao Qin’s expression from my view point, but the loyal dog bro stood up from his seat and seemed to be planning to come help the cla.s.s leader.

The cla.s.s leader felt that throwing one eraser at me wasn’t enough, so she stepped forward and wanted to pick up another blackboard eraser.

This eraser was close to me, I can’t let the enemy replenish their ammunition this easily.

I didn’t even think about it, reached out and pressed down on the eraser.

I was one step too late, the cla.s.s leader’s hand arrived first, and I held down the cla.s.s leader’s hand along with the blackboard eraser.

I heard from a movie that snipers pay special attention to maintaining their fingers.

I didn’t feel anything special about the cla.s.s leader’s fingers, but the back of her hand was very smooth, as if it had just been soaked in milk.

“Let go of my hand!”

The cla.s.s leader flew into a rage.

But if I let go, you’re going to throw the blackboard eraser! You made me see blood on the first hit, the second hit might even be a headshot!

I firmly held down her hand and wasn’t going to let go no matter what.

My strength is not necessarily the greatest among my peers, but there is no problem with controlling a female like the cla.s.s leader.

The cla.s.s leader struggled a few times, but couldn’t break free of my grip.

She stopped and gasped for a few breaths, her chest undulating.

It may be my misconception that the cla.s.sroom suddenly became very quiet.

Although I couldn’t see Xiao Qin, but it felt like a murderous aura floated over from her position.

I couldnt care about that right now, it’s more important to survive first.

“Hey, cla.s.s leader, just listen to me first…”

Suddenly, something black flashed before my eyes.

Whenever the cla.s.s leader moves quickly, the long hair she drags behind her will always interfere with my sight.

Instead of fighting for the blackboard eraser with me, she instead pounced at me ad kicked my lower abdomen!

You’re too d.a.m.n ruthless! If you kicked any further down, I’m going to be sterilized!

I was already standing on the edge of the platform. After this kick, I lost my balance and my body couldn’t help but fall back.

Originally, I was still holding the cla.s.s leader’s hand. If I wanted to take her down with me, I could have pulled the cla.s.s leader and rolled off the platform together.

However, if I did, the cla.s.s leader would have inevitably fallen into my arms and it would have been bad to be seen by the whole cla.s.s (especially Xiao Qin).

Thus, I let go of the cla.s.s leader’s hand with great compa.s.sion.

I fell off the bottomless cliff alone.

My b.u.t.t hurt quite a bit.

I held the wooden floor and sat myself up and looked at the still angry cla.s.s leader on the platform.

The cla.s.s leader opened her mouth multiple times wanting to say something. But for some reason swallowed her words.

She finally pointed at my nose and said:

“Ye Lin, don’t try to get any funny ideas with Gong CaiCai in the future! She’s the eldest daughter of an affluent family, she doesn’t need your dirty money!”

I felt very wronged.

“Cla.s.s leader, arent you guys being too unreaonable? I am really… I’m really going to get angered to death by you! Also, it’s not a small amount, it’s one thousand dollars every single time!”

I felt that I was unlucky as soon as those words came out of my mouth.

The contempt and hatred in the cla.s.s leader’s eyes could no longer be described with words. She grabbed the big triangle ruler on the desk and looked like she was about to stab it towards my heart.

The loyal dog bro and Loud Mouth stopped her from behind.

“Cla.s.s leader, cla.s.s leader! Don’t be so angry! We’re still in cla.s.s and there’s so many students watching!”

“Yeah, cla.s.s leader, calm down first, we can deal with him in a place where there’s no one around!”

The cla.s.s leader didnt listen and wanted to struggle free.

“Don’t stop me! Let me kill him! I have to kill him for our cla.s.s!”


The big triangle ruler was thrown at me as a shuriken.

Fortunately, I was already prepared and clapped it between my hands and intercepted the concealed weapon midway.

It was only 6 cm away from my eyes! Do you really want to take my life that badly!

The cla.s.s leader who was held down by Loud Mouth and the loyal dog bro, was dragged away while raining curses upon me:

“Ye Lin! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I didn’t expect you to already be this shameless!”

“Hurry and die! You might as well just be beaten to death by someone in the streets!”

“Just you wait! After I become a detective, the first one I arrest will definitely be you!”

“——I will also personally execute you!!”

Seeing that the cla.s.s leader wouldn’t calm down no matter what. Loud Mouth and the loyal dog bro exchanged a look and dragged the cla.s.s leader into the hallway.

I was finally able to sigh in relief.

What, is the cla.s.s leader’s future dream to become a detective? Can you not tell me that kind of thing! It’s already very uncomfortable for me to know that you have a shotgun in your house!

I am so tired, and this was only the first lesson of the day.

Xiao Qin seemed like she wanted to ask me something.

I gotta hurry and run, I wont come back until the second lesson.

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