I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 423 – Harmonious Society

Chapter 423 – Harmonious Society

Normally if I started a fight in front of the cla.s.s leader, she would come and stop me, but today she was a tad bit late in stopping me.

I was already able to fight Mohawk Head multiple times during the time she was late.

To be more accurate, he was fighting with words while I was fighting with my fists.

Mohawk Head: “Owww, let go of my hand you brat, you actually hit me?”

I didn’t respond, but I grabbed him by his mohawk and punched him on the nose.

Mohawk Head held his nose and snorted: “Do you know who I f.u.c.king am?” Although he sounded tough, you could hear some sobs in his voice.

It seems like a lot of people in society don’t know who they are. I sent another punch at his left eye and gave him a black eye.

“Ah, I’m blind, I’m blind!” Mohawk Head covered his swollen left eye and shouted out in a fl.u.s.ter.

Since I was stepping on his right hand, he could only try to desperately defend with his left hand hoping he could at least divert some of the force away.

Now the cla.s.s leader came to stop me.

“Ye Lin, stop hitting him, I… I didn’t really suffer a lot.”

What, being felt up doesn’t count as suffering? If you’re that open-minded let me have a feel too.

Wait, it seems I already felt the cla.s.s leader’s legs before. I accidentally mistook the cla.s.s leader for Shu Zhe and even spanked her until she fainted. I even took the opportunity to rub oil all over her legs and it was all caught on tape by Shu Zhe’s hidden camera. Cla.s.s leader, if you ever see that video, you should be as open-minded as today and let it go.

The pa.s.sengers already began to whisper right when I hit Mohawk Head, they began to whisper ever louder after the cla.s.s leader talked to me.

“So the girl was riding the bus with her boyfriend…”

“But the girl looks like a good student, why is her boyfriend… so violent, and his appearance is also…”

But the woman who was now sitting at the last row with her red bag smiled at me and stuck up her thumb.

The old granny, who was the cause of the incident, grabbed on to the cla.s.s leader’s arm in alarm and said:

“Girl, tell your boyfriend to stop or he’s going to kill him!”

The cla.s.s leader’s face turned red from the fact that all the pa.s.sengers unanimously believed that I was her boyfriend.

“We… we’re only cla.s.smates.”

I’m not sure who the cla.s.s leader was speaking to.

Mohawk Head pried open his swollen eyes to check his vision, and he unexpectedly chose to pick a fight:

“Who the f.u.c.k would believe you? He almost beat me to death because I touched your thigh. Why would he be so mad if he wasn’t your boyfriend?”

He’s still mentioning her thigh? I used the back of my hand to slap him his face. His purple mohawk that moved along with his head made him look like a rooster.

The bus driver who was afraid of getting involved pressed another b.u.t.ton. We could hear the ring of an announcement followed by a woman’s gentle voice:

“Modesty and courtesy is a virtue. If you have an argument with other pa.s.sengers during the ride, please remain calm and resolve it peacefully so as to ensure a harmonious society…”

Harmony my a.s.s! The reason we can’t achieve a harmonious society is because we have too much sc.u.m.

The cla.s.s leader who has many more virtues than me walked towards me and plead for Mohawk Head.

“Let him go. You already stepped on his hand for a long time, and… he didn’t even use that hand to touch me.”

I asked in return: “So I should step on his other hand?”

“Don’t.” Mohawk Head, who had blood running from his nose and mouth, pleaded, “I was wrong. I was planning on racing with my bros tomorrow. If you break my hands, how will I ride a motorcycle…”

His words made me remember the time he almost ran me over. My anger got the best of me and I gave him another slap on the face.

Mohawk Head was knocked silly and would have fell down if I wasn’t grabbing onto his shirt.

“That’s enough.” The cla.s.s leader patted my shoulder. She seemed to be annoyed as I had no signs of stopping and said, “If you don’t stop, I’ll get angry.”

Her words word effective as I smacked my lips and flung Mohawk Head on the ground. I dusted my hands and stood back up but made sure to step on his left hand once before I left.

Neither the pa.s.sengers nor the announcement was able to stop me from hitting him, but I stopped immediately after the cla.s.s leader said she would get angry. The pa.s.sengers all look at the cla.s.s leader and thought: “And you still say he isn’t your boyfriend?”

“Cla.s.s leader, you’re too softhearted. As Lei Feng once said: You have to be ruthless towards your enemies as is better than them getting a chance to make a comeback and be ruthless towards your friends.”

I was only focused on my conversation with the cla.s.s leader and had no idea Mohawk Head had already recovered. Even though he was still sprawled out with his back on the ground, he still tried to take out the knife from his pocket. He used his two numb hands to clumsily pull out the blade.

The cla.s.s leader was able to see it clearly from her position. She didn’t show any signs of alarm, instead, she simply walked past me slightly angry she pleaded for him. She raised her shiny white sneakers and stepped down towards Mohawk Head’s legs, stopping gracefully an inch away from his family jewels.

“Do you want to see who’s faster?” The cla.s.s leader smiled and looked down at his b.l.o.o.d.y face.

I also turned around, so Mohawk Head completely lost his chance.

It just so happened a few pa.s.sengers wanted to get off the bus because we were stuck in traffic for way to long. After the bus driver opened the door, Mohawk Head took the opportunity to scramble up and run off the bus.

“You better watch out!” Mohawk Head screamed at the top of his lungs, “My boss will avenge me!”

He spat on the ground and quickly disappeared into the traffic.

“Do you want to sit?” The cla.s.s leader pointed to the empty chair that Mohawk Head was sitting on.

“No need, your oil is still under the seat. I could stand on the side.”

“There’s also an empty seat at the front…” The cla.s.s leader told me after I sat down. It seemed she didn’t seem comfortable with me standing by her side.

“No worries.” I said, “Where are you getting off? I’ll help you carry the oil home.”

“I can do that myself…” the cla.s.s leader didn’t look at me directly, instead she looked at the long queue of cars outside of the window. Or maybe she looked at me through the reflection of the gla.s.s.

“What’s Shu Zhe doing at home?” I asked.

“He’s doing some research on the internet at home. Apparently one of his cla.s.ses had origami homework and he wants to do something unique…”

That sounds suspicious. Don’t tell me he’s doing more customer service work for my store? But I only handed off the worn underwear section of the business to him. Regardless of how hard he works, he’s restricted to a minimum of 72 hours! Unless he set up a new product?

After 5 or 6 minutes, the traffic finally cleared up. As the bus began to move, all pa.s.sengers had an expression as if they were finally able to go to the washroom after three months of constipation.

Since I didn’t get off the bus even as we pa.s.sed Hai He Nan Road, the cla.s.s leader knew I was going to follow her home.

After another stop pa.s.sed, the cla.s.s leader bent down to grab the oil, but I beat her to the punch and got it first.

The cla.s.s leader didn’t have a choice but follow behind me while dodging looks from the other pa.s.sengers as we got off the bus.

It was already 8:30 and it was getting dark outside. I wasn’t comfortable leaving the cla.s.s leader alone at this time at night, much less while carrying two jugs of oil.

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