I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 533 – Zhuang Ni’s Conditions

Chapter 533 – Zhuang Ni’s Conditions

For some strange reason, the cla.s.s leader and I were trapped inside our hotel room.

It happened almost immediately after Zhuang Ni declared she would “teach us a lesson”.

“Does Zhuang Ni have superpowers?”

I tried to joke around with the cla.s.s leader after we heard from the front desk we had to wait for news from the electrician.

The cla.s.s leader was more anxious than me as she pushed and banged against the door to no avail.

To be honest, if I charged against the door with all my strength, I might be able to break the door open, but what good would that do for me?

I didn’t hate being locked in a room with the cla.s.s leader. I didn’t have any thoughts of doing anything wrong to her, but why would I refuse a G.o.d given opportunity?

After trying N times, the cla.s.s leader realized she was unable to open the door and she pounded the door one last time in annoyance.

At that moment, the light coming in from the peephole suddenly dimmed, as if someone was blocking the peephole.

After a burst of hasty footstep sounds, a cold, gloomy female spoke from outside the door.

“Cla.s.s leader, if you’re not going to accept my love, why are you interfering with me and Gong CaiCai.”

“Zhuang Ni, you…”

The cla.s.s leader gnashed her teeth. She knew Gong CaiCai must have already ran away, so it was impossible to question Gong CaiCai what happened between them.

“I don’t think I did anything wrong and I didn’t force Gong CaiCai either. Or are you stopping us out of jealousy?”

Zhuang Ni laughed. Although I couldn’t see her expression, I can imagine she looked like Snow White’s evil stepmother.

“Nonsense, why would I be jealous of you?”

“Cla.s.s leader, I never said you were jealous of me, but that you were jealous of Gong CaiCai. It should have been you having your skin caressed by me… but you were the one who rejected me.”

“You… you actually… to Cai Cai…” the cla.s.s leader was too angry to speak properly.

“By the way, I’m curious, how did you check out a room without ID?” Zhuang Ni asked.

“It’s none of your business.” The cla.s.s leader angrily pounded the electronic door, then she suddenly thought of something and asked back: “You don’t have an ID card either, so how did you and Gong CaiCai check out a room?”

“That um, I don’t think that’s something you have to worry about, basically I have my ways… anyway, I’m going to eat dinner first, then I’ll come back later to keep you company.”

After saying that, Zhuang Ni walked away in her squeaky sandals.

“What now?” I asked.

The cla.s.s leader suddenly got an idea and rushed to the window to spot traces of Gong CaiCai. If she had just left the hotel, then she wouldn’t have gone too far.

But our window wasn’t facing the right direction and we couldn’t see the hotel’s front door, so the cla.s.s leader walked back in frustration.

“Ring Ring~~~” The landline phone on the bedside table rang.

The cla.s.s leader thought it was Zhuang Ni who called or it was the receptionist telling us the door would be repaired soon, so she grabbed the phone first.

But it was a delicate woman’s voice in the phone: “Excuse me, sir, do you need any special services?”

“No.” The cla.s.s leader roared back. I had just found a box of poker cards from under the coffee table, and was so frightened by the cla.s.s leader and almost dropped the deck of cards.

“No use being in a hurry.” I advised the cla.s.s leader, “Fortunately, Zhuang Ni and Gong CaiCai didn’t check into a room with a man, but just the two of them. Actually, it’s not a big deal for two female cla.s.smates to live in the same room is not a big deal. Why do you have to listen to Zhuang Ni’s instigation, she might be just trying to make you angry on purpose.”

The cla.s.s leader considered my words carefully while I threw the deck of cards on the bed.

“Since we’re not doing anything, why don’t we play old maid. It doesn’t require much thinking.”

The cla.s.s leader agreed to play with me, probably to change her mood, but when she was shuffling she realized there were only 53 cards and the 2 of hearts was missing.

What’s wrong with this hotel? One of the gla.s.s windows needs to be fixed and the deck of cards is missing a card. Fortunately, you don’t need all the cards to play old maid, only half or even a quarter is fine…

“Cla.s.s leader, you don’t have look for it, we can play old maid even if we’re missing one card.”


The cla.s.s leader didn’t answer, instead, she was on all fours looking for the card on the carpet like a racc.o.o.n foraging for food. She looked at every place where the 2 of hearts might appear.

I sighed and played with the rest of the cards while… sneaking peeks at the cla.s.s leader crawling around.

It’s not an usual sight you would see. Especially when she reached behind the TV cabinet to find the card, her b.u.t.t was perked up to its extremes. She was way too focused and didn’t notice my impure gaze.

Plus, the cla.s.s leader’s jeans was way too tight. She probably didn’t change clothes even when she was growing to save more money. The school doctor already said, if you always wear smaller clothes (last time it was her bra), it would make her faint.

Not only would she faint, she would also attract the gaze of perverts. The feeling of those plump b.u.t.tocks wrapped in denim… looks very erotic from my point of view. Or does it have nothing to do with the cla.s.s leader’s tight jeans, but I can’t help but having lewd thoughts because we’re locked together in a hotel room.

Then there was a knock on the door, Zhuang Ni had returned outside of room 214.

“Cla.s.s leader, cla.s.s leader.” Zhuang Ni said in a gloating tone, “I went to the front desk and found out you checked out a room with someone else. It might be a fake ID, but based on the description from the front desk, it seems to be Ye Lin.”

“So what if it is?” The cla.s.s leader, who couldn’t find the the missing card and was also ridiculed by Zhuang Ni, roared.

“Really, in that case…” Zhuang Ni paused for a moment, “Then you lost the right to reprimand me and Gong CaiCai…”

“Why would I lose the right?”

“Haha, isn’t it obvious? Gong CaiCai and I are girls, so it’s not a big deal even if we stay in the same room. But you and Ye Lin are opposite genders, so just checking out a room together is already breaking the school rules.”

“You… you already know we only did it because we had no other choice.”

“Is that so, in any case, miss cla.s.s leader of cla.s.s 2-3 who won the scholarship. It’s only been ten days since summer vacation began, but you already checked out a room with a male cla.s.smate.. if word gets out…”

“Are you threatening me?” The cla.s.s leader said righteously, “I have a clear conscience.”

“A clear conscience? Haha, I hope you can still say that by tomorrow morning.”

“What do you mean?” The cla.s.s leader was vigilant, “Are you saying the door won’t be fixed until tomorrow morning? Why do you know that and how did you check out a room without ID? How were you able to get our personal information from the front desk? Why did our door break right when you said you were going to teach me a lesson?”

“Ahhh, cla.s.s leader, if you ask so many questions at once, I don’t know which one to answer first… but please consider the broken door as divine punishment. Or if you promise not to interfere with me and Gong CaiCai, at least for the rest of the summer, I will find a way to get you out. “

“So it was you.” The cla.s.s leader exclaimed, “I won’t let you lead Gong CaiCai astray, and also, let us out.”

Zhuang Ni sighed sorrowfully, “Cla.s.s leader, how do you still not understand the situation when you’re so smart? You’re the one who’s locked together with a ruthless man. If you want to keep your innocence, you should agree to my conditions, or you’re going to be locked up with Ye Lin for the whole night.”

“You… you’re in cahoots with the receptionist, aren’t you?” The cla.s.s leader gritted her teeth and said, “That’s illegal, so if I call the police, you will be held responsible.”

“Well, hmm.” Zhuang Ni agreed unhurriedly, “When the police come to save you, they will also see your honeymoon suite and Ye Lin’s fake ID. I’m not sure who will be in more trouble when the time comes.”

It was the first time I saw the cla.s.s leader backed up against the wall. Zhuang Ni was more difficult to deal with than expected, it’s hard to find the weakness of someone who isn’t even afraid of death.

Cla.s.s leader’s face went red from panic. She looked back at me who was mindlessly fiddling with poker cards, then pounded on the door and said to Zhuang Ni: “Open the door first, then we can discuss the other things…”

“No discussions.” Zhuang Ni said resolutely, “You either agree to my conditions or I keep you two locked up for the night. By the way, I should tell you my room is right next door. I’ll keep my phone on for you, so if you get violated by Ye Lin, you can call me and beg me to save you.”

“But you have to agree to my conditions first, otherwise I will have to regretfully let you be ravaged by Ye Lin. I’ll have something else to use against you and you lost the right to criticize me and Gong CaiCai.”

“You… you’re the devil.”

“Thanks for the compliment, but I still have ways to go.” Zhuang Ni chuckled, “Anyway, I’m right next door. Since Gong CaiCai has gone home, I’ll be lonely alone, so the only way for me to have fun is to eavesdrop on your conversation. Please try to have happy occasions happen.”

Zhuang Ni then went into the neighboring room. She then deliberately knocked on the adjacent wall to show us that louder sounds could be transmitted through the wall.

The cla.s.s leader bit her lips and stood there for a while. Then she tried to call Zhuang Ni’s home, but no one answered. It seems that Zhuang Ni was prepared, there’s a reason she was able to live alone outside at a hotel without going home.

“Ye Lin, is your father at home?” The cla.s.s leader suddenly asked me.

“No, he went on a business trip.”

“Oh… I was hoping we could call Uncle Ye for help. We’re in a difficult spot and I can’t call Xiao Zhe to come over…”

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