I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 535 – Alternate Showering

Chapter 535 – Alternate Showering

Actually, there are a lot different ways to leave the room, but each of them has a negative.

The cla.s.s leader said to me after she decided to make a bet with Zhuang Ni.

“That’s why I’ve decided to spend the night in this room to prevent Gong CaiCai from continuing to be hara.s.sed by Zhuang Ni, can you cooperate?”

“Of course, I originally came to help.”

I nodded while I also had some vulgar thoughts: I wonder what kind of ‘cooperation’ the cla.s.s leader needs.

“As you can see, there’s only one bed in the room…”

The cla.s.s leader stopped halfway because she suddenly felt there was something wrong with the bed sheets.

“Ye Lin, are the bed sheets spread the wrong way?”

“No, definitely not.” I firmly denied it. Since I bled on it, I was worried they would ask me for cleaning fees, so I flipped the sheets over. The cla.s.s leader was too focused on her conversation with Zhuang Ni, so she didn’t notice my actions.

“It feels a bit off…” the cla.s.s leader stared at the sheets for a while, then said to me, “Anyway, I’ll sleep on the bed tonight and you’ll sleep on the carpet.”

“Huh, why?” I blurted out, “I’m paying for the room, so isn’t your decision a bit rude?”

It’s not that I wasn’t willing to give up the bed to the cla.s.s leader, but she didn’t even act modest nor did she offer to share the bed which really disappointed me.

The cla.s.s leader took out her wallet and pulled out three bills then handed it to me with a disgusted face and said:

“Now I paid for the room, do you have anything else to say?”

The cla.s.s leader already said earlier she would pay me back for the room. For someone who even had to pay me back for a bottle of water, this was normal.

It felt slightly weird accepting money from the cla.s.s leader in a hotel room while sitting on the bed. It feels like I was hired by the cla.s.s leader and she wasn’t satisfied.

“Um… cla.s.s leader, I know you control the finances in your family, but let me pay for the room. It feels bad letting a girl pay or we can even AA…”

The cla.s.s leader was p.i.s.sed off by my words.

“What did you say? Who wants to AA with you, the room isn’t meant for the both of us.”

“I let you come with me hoping you could act as a bodyguard, but it was pointless. Currently, our relationship is nothing more than that between an employer and employee. I just hope that you don’t drag me down.”

“I understand… then, cla.s.s leader, what do I need to do now as an employee?”

“First of all, turn… turn the volume of the TV to the max.” For some reason, chairman Shu Sha, who was just bossing me around, suddenly blushed.

“It’s already at 75% and I think it’s loud enough. Did you want to stop Zhuang Ni from eavesdropping? I don’t think she could hear anything even if the TV wasn’t on.”

“Don’t worry about it, just turn up the volume.”

Being unreasonably ordered around by the cla.s.s leader made me feel so uncomfortable, but I still turned up the volume based on her orders.

The cla.s.s leader who inexplicably watched a part of the boxing program along with me suddenly got up and walked towards the bathroom with reluctance, then she turned back to me and said:

“I have to go to the bathroom, so don’t peek, just keep watching TV.”

So she wanted me to turn up the volume because she didn’t want me to hear her using the washroom?

Based on my experience with H manga, don’t most girls turn on the faucet to hide the sounds? There’s no way the cla.s.s leader didn’t know when she’s that smart, so maybe she wanted to save water?

As for TV volume… my dad told me power consumption is actually the same regardless of volume, so it seems the cla.s.s leader really understands about home electronics.

As I’ve said before, the bathroom had frosted gla.s.s, so you can see a fuzzy silhouette inside. So if I turn around, I can probably make out a figure of the cla.s.s leader’s jeans pulled under her knees.

No, if I did that then I wouldn’t be any different than Eunuch Cao. Besides, the cla.s.s leader was probably keeping an eye on me the entire time in case I turned around.

“Now you can turn down the volume.”

The cla.s.s leader returned a short while later. She returned with a fresh smell and both her arms covered with a soapy scent.

Humans are indeed social creatures, even going to the bathroom was contagious. I wanted to go after the cla.s.s leader finished, so I stood up and pointed to the bathroom and said in a very gentlemanly manner:

“It’s my turn to go. You don’t have to turn the volume up, I’m not afraid of being heard.”

The cla.s.s leader took the remote and looked at me sulkily.

I can’t help but act a bit mischievously: “In fact, I won’t mind if you peek…”

d.a.m.n, a slipper flew over, good thing I had lightning reflexes and dodged it. I mean she already saw my thing without mosaics last time by the river, so I don’t think there’s any problems with seeing one with a mosaic.

When I went into the bathroom to empty my bladder, I realized you can definitely tell if anyone outside was looking inside. I could clearly see the cla.s.s leader changing channels with the remote. Luckily I held back my urge to peek or I would have been caught red handed.

“Cla.s.s leader, do you want to take a shower?”

After I finished urinating, I poked my head out of the bathroom and asked.

“What do you… mean?” The cla.s.s leader held the remote control on her left hand and was ready to throw it over at any time, while her right thumb was on the redial b.u.t.ton probably ready to call Zhuang Ni to save her.

“Cla.s.s leader, you don’t have to be so nervous. I’m not a bad person.”

I actually wanted to take a shower myself, although I wore waterproof pants, my upper body was still soaked. Even if I was able to dry my sports vest with my body heat, it would still be uncomfortable without taking a shower.

“I got soaked by the rain today morning, so now my whole body is itchy. Do you mind if I take a shower? I can let you use it first if you also need to shower.”

“I don’t need to shower, you can do whatever you want.”

The cla.s.s leader turned her back to me and changed the channel to a program about police dogs. It’s a good thing the show was to her tastes, so it was able to divert her attention away from the large man showering right behind her.

We should enjoy ourselves since we already paid for it. I used a generous amount of hot water to wash every nook and cranny of my body.

I was showering naked while facing the blurry figure of the cla.s.s leader. When it was time to clean my private parts, it felt a bit inappropriate.

Although we were separated by a layer of frosted gla.s.s, we were less than 5 meters away, would it be disrespectful if I face her when I grabbed my part that got pumped up from the heat.

But it would also be disrespectful if I turned around and faced my b.u.t.t to her.

I think it’s fine if I just focused on washing and didn’t play with myself.

The cla.s.s leader focused on the TV without moving an inch to not see my naked body. I wouldn’t be able to face the cla.s.s leader anymore if I did anything inappropriate when showering.

After the shower, I wore the waterproof pants and walked out barefoot with only a towel covering my naked upper body.

The cla.s.s leader’s long silky hair was trembling as if she was crying.

Huh, but I didn’t do anything. Was showering near her that much of a shock to her?

On closer look, she was actually moved to tears by the show. The show talked about a decommissioned soldier who had to be separated from his dog who he was with night and day. The dog jumped on the roof of the car and refused to let the soldier leave. The dog let out a sad wail and drove the soldier to tears.

The cla.s.s leader may have been reminded of the sick little black dog that was put down.

After hearing me come out of the bathroom, the cla.s.s leader wiped her tears with the sleeve of her shirt because she didn’t want me to see her cry.

I pretended to not notice that she cried and casually asked, “Cla.s.s leader, I’m done. Are you sure you don’t want to take a shower?”

The cla.s.s leader froze for a moment and I could see that she actually wanted to take a shower. It was summer, so girls who liked to be clean basically took a shower every day. Plus, she was just kneeling on the carpet to find a playing card, then wiped her tears on her sleeves, so she must have been covered with a lot of dust.

But it was already very dangerous with a lone man and woman living in the same room.

“If I take a shower, how can I guarantee you won’t show your true form?”

The cla.s.s leader asked.

Hey, hey, why are you using the same words as Zhuang Ni. Why are you saying true form like I’m actually a monster or something.

“Suit yourself.” I said while adjusting the towel around my neck, “I’m comfortable after washing, but I don’t care if you’re helping the hotel save money and you’re willing to endure it.”

“Do you… promise you won’t sneak up on me?”

“I already told you I won’t.”

“No, I don’t trust you.” The cla.s.s leader looked at the furnishings of the room and said, “Unless you let me tie you up beforehand.”

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