I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 644: Doing It Again

Chapter 644: Doing It Again

The cla.s.s leader let me choose how I wanted to die with an icy smile that could make your heart freeze.

At the same time, she began to move her numb wrists that were bound for a while. She began to smooth out all the wrinkles on her nightgown that was a result of the previous struggle.

Gong CaiCai was still under the effects of the sleeping pills while Zhuang Ni was still unconscious on the floor.

That said, I don’t think 18.51mm and 16.82mm would make any difference for me.

Either one would be able to blow off my head in one shot.

The cla.s.s leader continued to say: “I recommend the 18.51mm with the 12 gauge shotgun. It’s compatible with the 00 buck which has 15 pellets inside and will kill anything hit with a pellet within 100 meters.”

Wait, wait. Isn’t the 00 buck you’re referring to used for hunting deer? A two to three hundred kg deer can’t even hold up against a 00 buck, are you trying to turn me into a honeycomb?

The cla.s.s leader used her right hand as a comb and began to straighten out her messy hair. It was the scene of a beauty combing her hair, but there were some unnerving words coming out her mouth.

“The pellets travel close to 400m/s, faster than the speed of sound. You would be dead before you even hear the gunshot.”

Cla.s.s leader, are you trying to be compa.s.sionate by killing me before I realize? You can’t kill me, I am an endangered animal! There’s only one of me in the entire universe!

“Cla.s.s leader, didn’t I already say that these are all misunderstandings, the physical evidence…”

The cla.s.s leader glanced at my shorts with resent. I bet she still can’t forgive the fact I rubbed her feet of my little brother.

That’s true, although most of it was due to a misunderstanding, but my physiological reaction was indeed triggered by seeing the cla.s.s leader’s disheveled clothing and hearing her moan.

That’s why even though I was not responsible for tying her up, she was quite unhappy with my ‘erect’ rescue.

“Why did you drink?” The cla.s.s leader glared at me with a stern look.

Maybe if I wasn’t drunk to begin with, the cla.s.s leader would not have immediately a.s.sumed I was there to a.s.sault her.

“I…” I can’t say it was to try Xiao Qin’s aphrodisiac. My people pleaser mode had already pa.s.sed, so in the heat of the moment, I stuck out my chest and said:

“I can drink whatever I want, what does it have to do with you? Didn’t Xu LiJun also drink beer in secret?”

The reason I was bold enough to talk back after the cla.s.s leader had threatened to kill me with a 12 gauge shotgun was because I realized the cla.s.s leader had no weapons on hand.

The only reason she would say she was going to kill me to a close range fighter while she was an unarmed long range fighter, was because she simply wanted to vent her frustrations.

To put it another way, the cla.s.s leader should have already determined that I would no longer pose a threat to her. Otherwise, she would not have used words to provoke an attempted rapist.

Seeing me talk back, the cla.s.s leader turned her head to look at me with a surprised and disgruntled look as she sat on the bed.

“Do you really think you could dodge a bullet that travels faster than the speed of sound?”

I raised my arm unintentionally and showed off my biceps to the cla.s.s leader.

“Cla.s.s leader, it’s not like you really want to kill me. You probably feel like you’ve been wronged, so you want to take it out on me by scaring me.”

“What would you know?” The cla.s.s leader’s posture did not change. Her cold eyes that belong only to snipers really scared me a little, but I maintained my composure on the surface.

“Isn’t it obvious? If you really were going to kill me with a buckshot, why would you tell me beforehand? Isn’t an unprepared target much easier to take down than a prepared target?”

I replied rather confidently.

The cla.s.s leader, however, looked even more confident than me.

“You will die even if you are prepared, and you will die even if you wear a bulletproof vest. I will take responsibility to the point of shooting you dead, to prevent you from resurrecting to harm more people.”

I was a bit unhappy, “Cla.s.s leader, what are you saying? Who did I harm, did I harm you?”

“You…” The cla.s.s leader could not think of a comeback, but only subconsciously grabbed the blanket that covered her lower body.

I was proud to be able to beat the cla.s.s leader with words, so I followed along with the flow and said:

“If I wanted to harm you, wouldn’t I have already done so when you were tied up? Not just you, but even Gong CaiCai and Zhuang Ni might not have been able to escape my hands.”

“You… you’re sc.u.m.” The cla.s.s leader cursed at me, but it was not the type of detest she feels towards criminals, rather it had a hint of fake anger.

I, who was just scared by the cla.s.s leader’s gun knowledge, began to get a bit conceited.

“Cla.s.s leader, you don’t have a weapon right now, so you should at least show a little respect to the sc.u.m standing in front of you. What if he gets some weird thoughts and decide to consecutively harm all three of you…”

“You dare?”

“Why would I not?”

“I’ll kill you with a shotgun.”

“Hmph, everyone eventually dies. At least I won’t get pregnant if I get shot…”

I was actually very afraid, but just putting on a brave front.

The cla.s.s leader’s face turned red from anger. She bit her lower lip and her body began to tremble.

After the cla.s.s leader stayed silent for a while and faced the wall like she was mad at me, I felt I may have gone a bit overboard.

I already took advantage of the cla.s.s leader earlier and now I was arguing with her, it was not really very manly.

“Um, I was just kidding, please don’t take it seriously.”

The cla.s.s leader still faced the wall and ignored me.

I took a step closer, then propped my hands on the edge of the bed and continued to apologize, “I can swear to G.o.d that I never had any bad thoughts toward you today. I simply become willing to help others when I get drunk.”

“18.51mm or 16.82mm?”

The cla.s.s leader still did not move as if the wall was my face.

Her refusal to communicate made me slightly impatient. If I don’t go to bed, I would not have enough energy tomorrow, and I still don’t know where Xiao Qin went after she jumped out the window.

“Anyway.” I slightly raised my voice, “Cla.s.s leader, be a bit more generous. If you promise not to shoot me, then I also promise not to harm you…”

“Slap.” The cla.s.s leader suddenly turned around and smacked me across the face.

Huh, cla.s.s leader, is there something wrong with you? Are you mad because I said I wouldn’t harm you? I intended to say I wouldn’t harm you guys!

My left cheek was burning with pain. After the cla.s.s leader slapped me, her thumb hovered in mid air like she suffered from counter shock.

“What thick skin.”

The cla.s.s leader commented with a slight smile. It was as if she still didn’t get enough and wanted to give my other cheek a slap as well.

“Now for the other side.” The cla.s.s leader actually said to me, “I have to make it symmetrical.”

Don’t put your OCD into practice on my body! Are you taking out your anger on me? What if after you slap my right side, you felt like you didn’t use enough strength, so you go again to balance it out. By this logic, will you keep trying to chase after symmetry while making my face completely swollen?

I stood by the cla.s.s leader’s bed, so I was a head taller than her who was sitting down on the bed, so I was looking down at her.

It was as if the cla.s.s leader suddenly got shorter.

I was slapped by someone who I was looking down upon and it felt humiliating.

I felt angry when I saw the cla.s.s leader about to hit me again, but I knew I couldn’t act violently or she would not let me off easily.

It was at this time, Zhuang Ni woke up from behind me. The loud slap from earlier caused her to completely regain her consciousness.

She held her head and got up with help from the edge of the bed. Her eyes were filled with hatred.

“My plan…”

The cla.s.s leader had already calculated the distance and fired off her left hand.

I did not want to take the slap and I especially did not want Zhuang Ni to see me get slapped by the cla.s.s leader.

I could have grabbed the cla.s.s leader’s wrist. There were eye-catching red marks on it due to being tied up.

But I didn’t, I don’t even know what I was thinking. Maybe it’s because if I grabbed the cla.s.s leader’s wrist, it would make Zhuang Ni think we were fighting and it would make her happy.

That’s why I did not avoid the cla.s.s leader’s slap, but instead went forward and embraced the cla.s.s leader’s thin waist. As she panicked, I planted a deep kiss on her lips.

Perhaps it was revenge for slapping me, but I felt since we already kissed before, it’s okay to do it again.

I deliberately wanted to show Zhuang Ni. When Xiong YaoYue didn’t believe I was straight, I tried to kiss her as proof, but I got hit.

Now I wanted to show Zhuang Ni that the cla.s.s leader was not a lesbian like her. She’s heteros.e.xual, so just give it up.

It was hot.

The cla.s.s leader’s lips were very hot.

The cla.s.s leader’s face instantly reddened from her lips to her ears.

The left she was going to use also froze in mid air and then it was lowered feebly.

For a moment, she was a little disoriented and even looked like she wanted to put her arms around my neck, but seeing that Zhuang Ni had stood up, she immediately signaled with her eyes to her go and tried to push me backwards.

I held the cla.s.s leader unreasonably in front of my chest. Since her hips were under my control, she had to keep kissing me.

After being in the same position for three or four seconds, the cla.s.s leader kind of gave up. Well everything Zhuang Ni was supposed to see has already been seen.

Zhuang Ni who witnessed the scene…

Spat out blood! She didn’t even hit her own abdomen, she just directly spat out blood from anger.

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