I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 366 – Caught Again

Chapter 366 – Caught Again

The next day was Friday and Xiao Qin reverently returned my Qing Zi Academy uniform with the b.u.t.tons sewed back on.

What shocked me the most were that the b.u.t.tons were identical to the original ones. Where did she even get this, it’s clearly authentic b.u.t.tons.

She even sewed the school uniform emblem back onto the chest area. Did she wait in front of Qing Zi Academy and force someone to hand over their b.u.t.tons and emblem?

Since Xiao Qin has androphobia, then she might have mugged a girl. It makes me feel uneasy thinking I could be wearing b.u.t.tons stolen from a girl.

Even though the b.u.t.tons may be identical to the originals, Xiao Qin’s needlework is clearly inferior to the cla.s.s leader’s.

Well it’s still better than if I had done it myself. At least all the b.u.t.tons line up.

I wanted to compliment her, but I discovered blood stains underneath multiple b.u.t.tons.

Then I saw Xiao Qin had band aids on four of the fingers on her left hand.

I mean, don’t try to sew if you don’t have the proper equipment. And you even said helping me sew clothes was one of your top ten wishes, but you haven’t done any practice at all.

Xiao Qin began to pout when I said she lacked practice.

“I’m excited because it’s my first time sewing. Why would I practice beforehand, that will only ruin the mood. One of my other biggest wishes is to have Ye Lin cla.s.smate’s children, and I’m not planning on practicing beforehand.”

How the h.e.l.l would you even practice having kids??

“(*^__^*) Hehe… I accidentally left some blood behind on your uniform. I was originally planning on washing it, but I was afraid it wouldn’t dry in time and you would hit me if I didn’t bring it on time…”

She said as she covered her face with her arms as if she was afraid of being hit while peeking out at me from the crevice between her arms.

“Whatever.” I said, “You already did a great job sewing the b.u.t.tons, I could wash the blood off myself.”

As I saw Xiao Qin’s band-aid covered fingers, I couldn’t help but ask: “Does it still hurt?”

“It doesn’t hurt anymore.” Xiao Qin abruptly raised her voice, “Although I bled because of Ye Lin cla.s.smate last night and it also hurt, I don’t regret it.”

Niu ShiLi, who was secretly drinking water behind a textbook, almost choked when he heard her words.

Of course, he was called to go to the blackboard to answer a question.

d.a.m.n, don’t say something that’s so easily misunderstood. At most you only poked yourself with a needle, do you really need to talk about whether you regret it or not?

Xiao Qin asked with a smile:

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate, did I do a good job completing the task you gave me?”

“You did okay.”

“Then…” Xiao Qin became excited and her eyes were flickering with hearts.

“Shouldn’t I get a reward for completing the task?”

Hey, do you think you’re playing an online game? Do I even look like an NPC who hands out quests? I’m the protagonist!

“Hmph, what do you want as a reward? I’ll treat you to lunch.”

“Oh, that would cause too much trouble for you…” Xiao Qin chuckled and waved her hands, but then she turned serious: “As long as Ye Lin cla.s.smate marries me.”

Marriage? Is marriage less troubling than eating lunch in your eyes? Stop being naive, neither of us are at an legal age where the government would even let us get married. Even if you only wanted to host a wedding reception, that would still be many times more annoying than eating lunch.

When I said I wouldn’t get married to her, Xiao Qin asked for a different reward.

“Then how about my second wish… come to my house tonight to practice having a child.”

I mean she has dirty thoughts, but she has no courage and she’s going to run away again halfway.

In the case where you don’t run away, I still can’t actually push you down. Although I might want to push you down when my body is burning with desire, I know it will lead to an endless amount of trouble after I calm down. Especially because of what happened between my dad and Auntie Ren…

Xiao Qin called me stingy when I wouldn’t have kids with her and she kept pestering me for the rest of the cla.s.s for other things.

I walked down the hallway towards the washroom with Xiao Qin following closely behind and tugging on my clothes.

“A reward~ reward~, I want a reward (gt;_lt;). It could be exp or equipment, hurry and give me something.”

Are you actually treating me as an NPC now? Have you even seen an NPC use the washroom? Do you think I’m just carrying around exp in my pockets?

I stopped near the flight of stairs going up to the third floor and looked around for people, then I patted Xiao Qin’s head.

Since I always pet animals on their head as a reward, it should work for someone with low intelligence like Xiao Qin.

I’ve always thought that girls had colder hair than guys.

Xiao Qin’s hair felt as smooth as silk in my hands and it lowered the temperature of my palms.

At first, she thought I was about to hit her so she closed her eyes in fear. But she calmed down after I only patted her head and began to enjoy it.

“I think that’s good enough as a reward.”

“It’s not enough.” Xiao Qin had a yearning expression after I stopped patting her.

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate has to kiss me as compensation for not marrying me immediately.”

She said as she offered her cherry pink lips. She stood on her tip toes and waited for me to kiss her.

Kissing at school? Looks like your getting bolder.

A teacher came out from the male bathroom after catching a few kids who were smoking. He saw Xiao Qin and I standing together intimately but ignored it.

Xiao Qin closed her eyes and stood on her tip toes for at least five minutes and began quivering.

She’s definitely faking because she should have a strong core after all her training and wouldn’t shake so easily.

But why can’t I steel my heart against her pitiful expression.

s.h.i.t, I’ll kiss since it’s not like you’ll get pregnant. I mean we’ve already done a French kiss, so another kiss is nothing.

I grabbed onto Xiao Qin’s waist and firmly planted my lips against hers.

Strange. Even in summer, a girl’s lips are cooler than mines.

Of course, it’s softer too. My hands that was around her waist grabbed on to her even tighter unknowingly.

To an outsider, we would look like two real lovers kissing.

Suddenly, I felt a sucking feeling coming from between Xiao Qin’s lips.

What are you doing? Are you trying to drink my saliva? Stop doing something so disgusting. Last time we kissed, I thought your saliva was sweet, but mines is definitely not sweet. Don’t drink something so disgusting.

Before having more of my saliva extracted, I grabbed her head and forcibly separated us.

As if she was afraid I would confiscate the saliva she took, Xiao Qin quickly swallowed it with a gulp.

“I’m indebted to Ye Lin cla.s.smate’s hospitality.” Xiao Qin bowed timidly towards me as if she was showing thanks for a delicious meal.

Xiao Qin, your methods of expressing your love are becoming more and more perverted.

I was thinking about how to scold Xiao Qin, but I saw a large breasted girl holding some books who was completely frozen on the stairs because she saw our kiss.

It was Gong CaiCai. Did she see our pa.s.sionate kiss and even the part where Xiao Qin swallowed my saliva? Last time she saw me kiss the cla.s.s leader and this time she caught me kissing Xiao Qin. Her ability at catching people kissing is already at a master grade.

“I’m sorry.” After a brief pause, Gong CaiCai apologized, “I wasn’t watching on purpose, please forgive me.”

Xiao Qin, on the other hand, didn’t mind being seen. She saw it was Gong CaiCai and said with a giggle:

“No worries, it’s not the first time we’ve done it either… right, Ye Lin cla.s.smate?”

I didn’t respond. Instead, I interpreted Gong CaiCai’s fl.u.s.tered appearance in a different manner.

The last time I helped Gong CaiCai on the bridge with the rabbit sellers and she treated me to McDonald’s, she had already stated she hopes I wouldn’t cheat. So since she thinks I’m already in a relationship with the cla.s.s leader, then I shouldn’t be acting intimate with Xiao Qin anymore.

But she caught us kissing soon after. And based on Xiao Qin’s mannerisms, it looks as if I had conditioned her to swallow my fluids. Gong CaiCai must think that I betrayed the cla.s.s leader. And when she ran off in a hurry this time, she didn’t promise she wouldn’t tell anyone.

Is she going to report it to the cla.s.s leader? Since the cla.s.s leader always protects her, then she can’t stand watching me deceive the cla.s.s leader.

You the order completely wrong! You should have reported it to Xiao Qin when you saw me kiss the cla.s.s leader! My womanizer plan was meant to lower my position in Xiao Qin’s eyes, not the cla.s.s leader!

Gong CaiCai, please don’t end up getting me killed with your good intentions. Should I ask her to have a talk alone?

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