I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 368 – Cla.s.s Outfi

Chapter 368 – Cla.s.s Outfi


Since the cla.s.s outfit is only a white T-shirt with a pattern, it only costs 35, which isn’t even enough for a meal at KFC. That’s why all 45 students in our cla.s.s agreed to buy it.

The main problem was what to write on the shirt, as everyone had different ideas.

“We should have a picture of Luffy hugging Boa Hanc.o.c.k.” One person suggested.

“You don’t need Luffy, Boa Hanc.o.c.k alone is enough.” another person responded.

The cla.s.s leader’s face sank: “We’re discussing our cla.s.s outfits. What does Luffy have to do with cla.s.s 2-3?”

“We all have to live with rubber.” Someone mumbled.

The cla.s.s leader knocked on the lectern to make everyone quiet down, then she wrote the word ‘pattern’ on the left side of the blackboard, and the word ‘words’ on the right side of the blackboard.

The words written in chalk were dignified and graceful and had a calming effect.

“Raise your hand if you have a suggestion. Stop shouting it out randomly.”

“I’ll write all the patterns and words on the board, then we can vote for the best one.”

She might have remembered that her main role was to keep order, so she would be missing a person to count the votes. Thus, she looked at Gong CaiCai who was nearby.

“Cai Cai, you come help me count the votes.”

“Me?” Gong CaiCai was reluctant as if the cla.s.s leader told her to strip in front of the cla.s.s.

“Yes, you’re the learning committee member, and you can write neatly with chalk, so you’re the best option.”

Gong CaiCai could only walk abashedly next to the cla.s.s leader. Standing next to the cla.s.s leader made her appear even shorter.

“Oh right, let me know if you have any good ideas.”

“I… I can’t think of any good ideas…” Gong CaiCai’s voice was as quiet as a mosquito, “I can’t say it even if I do think of something…”

The cla.s.s leader sighed, “If there’s anyone as shy as Gong CaiCai, you can pa.s.s up your suggestion in a paper slip and we’ll help you read it out loud.”

There were a lot of unreasonable suggestions for the pattern like Spongebob, Kung Fu Panda, and one person even suggested Che Guevara.

Apparently, because Spongebob had holes all over his body, it made people think of acne, so all the girls vehemently refused. The other ideas like Kung Fu Panda were called unoriginal, but the cla.s.s leader wrote down all the options on the board.

Xiao Qin expressed her ideas like Doraemon and h.e.l.lo Kitty through a paper slip. Although it received a lot of support from the girls, the boys were strongly against it, so it was dropped.

The cla.s.s leader furrowed her brows and looked at the nearly empty blackboard, “Are there any more suggestions for a pattern? It’s better if it’s related to cla.s.s 2-3…”

Little Smart raised her hand without spirit: “Why not draw the Star of David and put a 3 in the middle.”

“What’s the Star of David?” The cla.s.s leader asked.

“Oh, it’s basically a hexagram used in Judaism, and occasionally in some curses…”

Little Smart explained as she glanced at me with hate.

“A hexagram is good, at least it’s even…” The cla.s.s leader mumbled, “Then, does the 3 refer to cla.s.s 2-3?”

“That’s right, and it can still be used even when we enter our third year…”

Little Smart’s words made the cla.s.s leader’s eyes light up.

As expected, she thinks like a housewife and tries to save whenever possible. It’s worth it if you can wear a ¥35 for two years. It’s really sad how your brother likes to show off in front of your girlfriend, 35 USD might not even be enough for his daily expenditures.

“Sounds good.” Eunuch Cao suddenly jumped up and said, “Let’s use the hexagram, it’s awesome.”

Everyone looked at Eunuch Cao with doubt as they waited for him to continue.

“Jie jie jie jie… Have you guys seen the Da Vinci Code? In the Da Vinci Code, it says hexagrams are composed of two triangles. The one pointing up represents men and the one pointing down represents women. So our cla.s.s outfits represent men hooking up with women.”

“As for the 3 in the hexagram, it could represent cla.s.s 2-3 or it could represent the fact we don’t mind 3somes….”

“Cao JingShen, shut up.” The cla.s.s leader’s cold gaze made Eunuch Cao quickly sit back down.

But the hexagram idea was completely destroyed by Eunuch Cao, but everyone agreed to keep the number 3.

“How about this.” Niu ShiLi, “We can use a bigger 3 then add a crown on top of the 3.”

Everyone thought it was a good suggestion, and someone suggested: “Make the crown slanted, it would seem more charming.”

We orginally thought we were getting closer to the final design, but it looked like the cla.s.s leader’s eyes were being p.r.i.c.ked by a needle.

Then, everyone remembered the cla.s.s leader had OCD. Apparently, the world heritage site she destests the most is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. If one day the tower falls over, the cla.s.s leader would mercilessly light up a lantern in celebration as all the Italians mourn.

That’s why it would be torture to make the cla.s.s leader wear a shirt with a slanted crown.

The cla.s.s leader was never willing to admit she had a serious case of OCD, so she tried to have a discussion with an unnatural expression:

“Um… wouldn’t it be to informal to have a slanted crown. I mean if we do win, we want to place the crown properly, so it doesn’t fall down…”

Although no one said anything, we all knew we would drive the cla.s.s leader crazy if we made her wear the shirt, so we unanimously decided to adjust the crown.

The cla.s.s leader sighed in relief and thanked everyone for their understanding.

After deciding on a pattern, we had to decide on what words to write.

Someone suggested “Our cla.s.s” written in grids.

“Cla.s.s 2 is already using it, isn’t it embarra.s.sing copying them?” Loud Mouth was against it.

The skinny and pale literature cla.s.s representative stood up and said, “Let’s use, Let your dreams fly or Hand in Hand with connected hearts.”

“It sounds alright…” someone said, but a portion of people thought it was too cheesy.

We might as well use ‘Our Youth’.

The English cla.s.s representative was a serious girl. She raised her hand and stood up and said:

“We might as well write girl for girls and boy for boys.”

“Umm… are you afraid people can’t recognize your gender or something?”

A few people sneered at her.

The other suggestions became more and more outrageous, like ‘Don’t annoy me’, or ‘It’s so hot’…

At this point, someone pa.s.sed up a noted slip. Gong CaiCai read it out loud:

“Today we’re cla.s.smates, tomorrow we’ll be roommates…”

Her face turned red like an apple in an instant. If it was the cla.s.s leader, she would have definitely skimmed it before reading it aloud. Everyone already knows it must have been Eunuch Cao who wrote the message. He must feel so proud after teasing her.

“Cao JingShen.” The cla.s.s leader said coldly, “Do you think I can’t recognize your writing? Next time we’re doing a cleanup, you’re in charge of scrubbing the tiles in the hallway.”

“Jie jie jie jie, it’s still worth it.”

Eunuch Cao laughed with no regrets.

Xiong YaoYue suddenly raised her hand and stood up.

“Ban Ban, I have something to say.”

“Ban Ban.” The cla.s.s leader frowned, “What did you call me?”

“Hehe…” Xiong YaoYue scratched the back of her head, “Because you always called me Xiao Xiong, so I felt it’s more fair if I also give you a nickname. Or maybe I should call you Xiao Ban Ban.”

The cla.s.s leader’s face darkened and couldn’t find words to say. Why did you stand up if weren’t going to contribute to the topic at hand?

I can’t believe the most handsome guy in school likes someone who derails a conversation as much as you.

I feel like I don’t have a high chance of being the match maker for her.

Some students couldn’t hold back a snicker when they heard Xiong YaoYue call her ‘Xiao Ban Ban’.

“Xiao Ban Ban… I feel like the cla.s.s leader loses her threatening aura…”

“That’s right, we could even write Xiao Ban Ban and Us on our outfits.”

The nickname made the cla.s.s leader red with anxiety. She bit down on her lips and announced solemnly:

“I have never been in support of giving cla.s.smates nicknames, so I won’t accept it. If anyone calls me by that name, I’ll ignore them. In short, I won’t allow anyone to call me by that name.”

“Okay, okay~~” Xiong YaoYue replied unenergetically, “It took me a while to think of it, so I thought you would be happy.”

She plopped back down in her seat with regret.

In the end, we decided to write ‘We were together that year’, but the words would go on the back with only the 3 with a crown on the front.

Even if the cla.s.s leader didn’t like the nickname, there were still some naughty girls like Loud Mouth who would purposely use the wrong name when calling the cla.s.s leader… like “Ban… cla.s.s leader”. Every time this happens, the cla.s.s leader would grind her teeth and try to ignore the ones who did it.

I couldn’t help but imagine cla.s.s leader in elementary school where her nickname was actually Xiao Ban Ban.

Whenever I think of a little and young cla.s.s leader, I can’t help but regret at not attending the same elementary school as her.

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