I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 389 – Xiao Qin’s Retaliation

Chapter 389 – Xiao Qin’s Retaliation

“YeYeYeYeYe Lin cla.s.smate, if I’m not mistake, you just stuffed… a pair of girl’s underwear into Xiao Qin cla.s.smate’s bag…”

“That’s right.” I openly admitted. I would have had a heart attack if it was the cla.s.s leader questioning me.

“Why does Ye Lin cla.s.smate have female underwear?”

Ever since I saved Gong CaiCai from the rabbit incident and also borrowed her homework to copy from, she seemed to be no longer afraid of me and even questioned me continuously.

“It was during cla.s.s when Xiao Qin…. no, she gave it to me last night, but I’m returning it to her now.”

Gong CaiCai showed a frightened expression and the homework she collected slowly fell one by one to the ground, and I could only help her pickt them up.

“Thank you for your help… but why did Xiao Qin cla.s.smate remove her underwear and give it to you, it’s so embarra.s.sing….”

“It’s because I’m perverted and love forcing girls to do embarra.s.sing things. Didn’t I tell you to keep your distance from me?”

“I… I’m not afraid of Ye Lin cla.s.smate.”

Gong CaiCai lowered her head and mumbled.

“What?” Someone like Gong CaiCai who cries when a beetle lands on her head can claim she’s not afraid of me? Is she implying I’m inferior to a beetle?

“I’ve read that the ones who say they are bad are never really bad…”

“Don’t believe everything you read! When I was in elementary school, I read in a book that eating sweet potatoes can increase Neigong, so I ate it for a whole week but only got diarrhea as a result.”

Gong CaiCai pursed her lips and laughed a bit after hearing my childhood story.

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate really knows how to joke around, why would you need neigong as a kid?”

It’s not a joke, it’s a true story. I needed neigong to defeat the Little Tyrant. There were no travelling masters nearby to pa.s.s me their skills, so I could only eat sweet potatoes on my own!

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate must have picked up Xiao Qin’s underwear by chance and wanted to return it to her without embarra.s.sing her.”

Gong CaiCai gave a benevolent conjecture on what had happedned.

“No, even if I did pick up a pair of underwear, how would I know it belongs to Xiao Qin? Listen, Xiao Qin took a nap at my home yesterday and I took off her underwear while she was sleeping.”

“Uh…. that….”

“I’m shameless and I already said I’m an incorrigible pervert. Don’t come into contact with me other than lending me your homework for me to copy.”

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate, the cla.s.s leader will be sad…”

Do you still think the cla.s.s leader and I are a couple? Do you still firmly believe it because you witnessed us kissing first?

“And it’s not good to play around with Xiao Qin cla.s.smate’s feelings… if Ye Lin cla.s.smate can’t endure it, I….”

You… will do what? Are you going to act as a subst.i.tue for Xiao Qin?

“I could let you borrow two year’s worth of FHM magazines. You can use them to alleviate your l.u.s.t…”

Isn’t FHM essentially a Chinese playboy magazine targeted towards males? I heard it’s filled with female celebrities wearing revealing clothing. Why would you have two years worth of that magazine? If your father ordered it, he should do a better job of hiding it from his daughter!

“Actually… my dad didn’t order it, I did…”

“Why would you order that?”

“Because… when I was home alone, a salesman came to our house and I couldn’t refuse him, so I could only place a order…”

Forcing a sale and making a middle school girl buy FHM. That salesman has no morals.

“I also ordered ‘Modern Weapons’, ‘World Military Affairs’, ‘Navy Warships”…. and 120 cases of makeup and gave it all to my mother….”

You’re basically the savior of all salesman. You will definitely have to pay bitterly later in life if you don’t learn how to reject people.

“If Ye Lin cla.s.smate needs it…”

Xiao Qin and Loud Mouth and the others came back before we finished speaking. When she saw me speaking with Gong CaiCai, she frowned and said while grabbing Gong CaiCai’s collar:

“Give my b.r.e.a.s.t.s back to me.”

Gong CaiCai trembled and escaped back to her own seat. She was close to falling flat on the ground while running with the stack of homework.

Xiao Qin mumbled: “Trying to show off to Ye Lin cla.s.smate because you have large b.r.e.a.s.t.s… I’m working really hard and will have bigger ones than you one day.”

It’s not something you can get with hard work. I remember when we lived in the compound there was a kid who worked hard to try and become ultraman. But even if his wish came true, your wish wouldn’t come true.

“Hmph, if you’re still larger than me in ten years, then I’ll cut…”

Seeing me glower at her, Xiao Qin quickly picked up a history textbook and said to me with a smile:

“Which year did Colombus discover the Americas?”

Well, it’s defintiely not the year when you cut off someone else’s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, or are you actually thinking… of doing a transplant? Will your hate disspate after you switch out your flat b.r.e.a.s.t.s?

I spent the entire history cla.s.s managing the online store on my phone. Lately, business has been going pretty well. We’ve even been able to sell two blow-up dolls that hasn’t been selling well before.

The perverts Uncle Fireball, Cilantro Buns, and Popeye still fight over ‘Southland Red Berries’ underwear. Especially Cilantro Buns who always chats with her and got entranced by Shu Zhe’s sweet words. He would always message me about one thing: how can he make Southland Red Berries agree to open a room with him.

Uncle Fireball also criticized our store for a lack of new products. Even the lipstick balloons he suggested aren’t available for sale. I could only tell him it’s being prepared and will be sold within the next couple of days.

During lunch break, the cla.s.s leader fulfilled her promise and brought Xiao Qin to play Jianzi on the sports fields, but Xiao Qin had terrible performance and couldn’t catch nine out of ten hits. Later, she even pretended to faint from lack of stamina, so the cla.s.s leader could only stop and buy some sports drinks for Xiao Qin.

Xiao Qin drank the sport drink the cla.s.s leader gave her while mumbling:

“Although I let the cla.s.s leader take the first sip, I still can’t guarantee she didn’t poison it. If I die, then it would be a while before I’m able to see Ye Lin cla.s.smate again…”

Are you not going to give up even after you die? Are you going to be waiting in the nether world?

And isn’t it an indirect kiss if you drank it right after the cla.s.s leader? But I guess it’s harmless since you’re both girls. But why am I feeling a bit jealous of Xiao Qin?

I continued to do customer service during the afternoon’s chemistry cla.s.s. I strained my eyes too much when cla.s.s ended, so I laid on my desk to rest for a while.

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate, you’ll damage your eyes if you keep playing with your phone.” Xiao Qin said with worry, “You should let me hold onto your phone next cla.s.s.”

“Give it to you?” I lifted my head, “Then you will look through my SMS and chat histories again.”

“I won’t this time.” Xiao Qin promised, “I only want to play Angry Grandma.”

So in the end, it’s you who wants to play? I guess you still have traces of a boy’s personality left inside of you. Now I know why I was feeling jealous earlier, it’s because the one who indeirectly kissed the cla.s.s leader was the Little Tyrant!

I opened the Angry Grandma app and coincidentally Xiong YaoYue pa.s.sed by at the same time. She saw the colorful screen on my phone and exclaimed:

“Oh, you can play this game on your phone! My phone’s CPU is really bad, so I can’t play any games on it, you should let me borrow your phone some time.”

“I was the one who asked for it first.” Xiao Qin protested.

“Ah, sorry. Then, I’ll be after Xiao Qin.”

I rolled my eyes and pa.s.sed my phone to Xiong YaoYue: “You can use it first. Xiao Qin sits right next to me, so she will have plenty of chances in the future.”

“No~~~~ (gt;__lt;) ~~~ I want to play it now.” Xiao Qin pouted.

“Then I’ll give it to you if you call me sister Winnie.” Xiong YaoYue said.

“Ye Lin cla.s.smate is bullying me.” Xiao Qin ignored Xiong YaoYue’s request, laid down on her desk and began to fake cry.

Xiong YaoYue patted Xiao Qin’s head, “Don’t cry, I’ll give it to you. It’s only a game, we shouldn’t let it affect our relationships.”

I waved at Xiong YaoYue to tell her to ignore her, “She’s faking. If you don’t believe me, you can tickle her.”

Xiong YaoYue curiously reached into Xiao Qin’s armpits. As expected, Xiao Qin bounced up and began laughing uncontrollably.

“Hahahahah, hurry, and, stop.”

“So you were that sly.” Xiong YaoYue puffed up her cheeks, “Then I’ll use Ye Lin’s phone first. You can use it next cla.s.s.”

“Remember to delete Xiao Qin’s save file.” I heartlessly reminded Xiong YaoYue.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to keep an eye out.” I’m guessing Xiong YaoYue didn’t hear me clearly and thought I told her to make sure she doesn’t delete Xiao Qin’s save file.

Xiao Qin once again laid on her desk to cry: “I already spent 5 hours on that file!”

I asked her out of curiosity: “What’s your record on Plants Vs Zombies: Endless?”

Xiao Qin stopped crying and wiped out the tears she got earlier from being tickled: “177 rounds, why?”

177 rounds. My record is only 28 rounds, where do you get so much time to play games? Normal girls wouldn’t even like to play games that much.

“It’s because Ye Lin cla.s.smate helped me install it the last time you came to fix my computer. Every time I play Plants Vs Zombies, I could always feel Ye Lin cla.s.smate’s love.”

“In order to remember Ye Lin cla.s.smate’s childhood. In survival, I would always fill the firont row with shrooms and use coffee beans to wake them up…”

How do you even get to round 177 with such a poor tactic? And why does puff shrooms make you think of my childhood?

“I would try my hardest to prevent the puff shrooms from being eaten by the zombies, but if they were eaten, I could only place a doom-shroom in that spot… since Ye Lin cla.s.smate is odler now too…”

So it’s still that vulgar comparison of a puff shroom growing into a doom shroom? I don’t really care, just tell me how you got to round 177!

When the cla.s.s bell rang, I realized I made a mistake.

This cla.s.s was language, it was the annoying old man Zhang’s language cla.s.s.

Xiong YaoYue recklessly kept the phone between her legs and was playing with her head lowered. We were too far apart, so I couldn’t warn her.

“Quick.” I said to Xiao Qin, “Use your phone and send a text to my phone and tell Xiong YaoYue to play after cla.s.s. It will be too late if old man Zhang catches her.”

Xiao Qin slowly took out her phone and pouted: “Why are you so concerned about Xiong Ni?”

Who’s Xiong Ni? Did you combine Xiong YaoYue’s name and Zhuang Ni’s name? I can’t use your phone because your keyboard is too strange, hurry up and send her a text to tell her to put away her phone!

“But wouldn’t it be worse if your phone rings during cla.s.s?”

“I always set it to vibrate, so hurry up and send it!”

As Xiao Qin was dillydallying, old man Zhang stepped down from the lectern and walked aggressively towards Xiong YaoYue.

One of the cla.s.s leader’s loyal dogs was sitting to the right of Xiong YaoYue. He patted Xiong YaoYue’s arm to let her know the teacher was coming towards her.

Xiong YaoYue broke out in cold sweat. Although our school does permit cellphones, it would still be confiscated if you’re caught using it in cla.s.s. The only way to get it back would be for your parents to come and pick it up.

It would be fine if it was her cellphone, but it just had to be mines. She felt it would be bad if I had to invite my parents to school because she was caught playing games in cla.s.s. So, in a panic, she made an absurd decision.

Xiong YaoYue put my phone into her underwear without hesitation.

I can’t see anything from my angle, but based on her movements, she had definitely stuffed it into her underwear. If she only put it down her shorts, then the phone would slide out when the teacher tells her to stand up.

There was a third year senior girl who used to cheat with her phone and this was how she got past the male exam proctors. In the end, she was actually able to pa.s.s safely and the incident spread through the school. Xiong YaoYue must have been influenced by her.

It’s the only way to prevent the phone from being confiscated.

Both the loyal dog and the teacher were dumbfounded.

“Xiong YaoYue, stand up.” old man Zhang wasn’t going to easily let the matter drop. Even if he couldn’t make her take out the phone, he still could force her to read aloud a pa.s.sage of text before making her sit down.

With help from the loyal dog, Xiong YaoYue began to unnaturally read aloud a pa.s.sage from ‘The Song of the Stormy Petrel’ by Maxim Gorky.

“High above the silvery ocean winds are gathering the storm-clouds, and between the clouds and ocean proudly wheels the Stormy Petrel, like a streak of sable lightning….”

Xiao Qin then suddenly said to me: “Haha, I finally finished writing that text… I’ll send it now.”

Ignoring my words of obstruction, she happily pressed the send key.

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