I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 731: Please Keep It A Secret

Chapter 731: Please Keep It A Secret

In the end, I didn’t tell the cla.s.s leader about the highly uneven battle between me and Ai ShuQiao.

Despite being a left-behind child, the cla.s.s leader has always considered her family relationships to be very successful, at least she has a very harmonious relationship with her parents.

As for me being raised in a single parent family, although the cla.s.s leader didn’t really talk about it, she does sympathize with me.

If I tell her that on top of being raised in a single parent family, my mother was also human sc.u.m who does a lot of bad things and treats her own children as toys and p.a.w.ns, it would be to the point where even G.o.ds would be angered.

Then how will the cla.s.s leader react. There have been many times before where I took the goods of our online store and accidentally revealed it at school. When I was caught by the cla.s.s leader, I realized that as long as I mentioned my family, like “it’s not easy for my father to run an online store alone”, then the cla.s.s leader would often be lenient towards me. I got sympathy from the cla.s.s leader because I hinted that I was in an incomplete family.

It’s one thing to have divorced parents, and I’m not the only one in 28 Middle with divorced parents, but a mother like Ai ShuQiao, who doesn’t love her child at all and throws him away like a rag once she has no use for him, is rare in the world. I’m afraid they would be even more rare than a giant panda.

If the cla.s.s leader knew that I had a mother like this, then wouldn’t her sympathy for me rise to the point of no return. I would be equivalent to a stray dog abandoned by their master to her.

I can imagine that after I tell the cla.s.s leader these things, her maternal love would overflow and she will treat me as another brother. Although I do lack a mother’s love, I don’t need it that bad to the point where I have to go to a female cla.s.smate to seek a mother’s love.

In addition, I don’t want to involve the cla.s.s leader in the dispute between me and Ai ShuQiao, because it’s becoming more clear that I am completely vulnerable in this game initiated by Ai ShuQiao. It has completely become a game of cat and mouse with Ai ShuQiao, even if Peng TouSi is on my side, even if Ai Mi’s biological father, John, is also in the United States secretly collecting evidence of Ai ShuQiao’s crimes, I still feel a large disparity in strength. I’ve only been lucky to get to this point with the help of a man like Ren HongDe.

Although Peng TouSi and John hope that I, as the “person of interest to Ai ShuQiao”, can try to attract Ai ShuQiao’s attention so that they can take action, but now that I’m poisoned, I’m afraid that I can’t attract as much attention from Ai ShuQiao as before.

I’m not qualified to talk about defeating Ai ShuQiao’s now that I’m being tortured by poison and having heart attacks at every turn. Now, I’m only looking for self-preservation, specifically, for Ren HongDe to be able to save my sister Ai Mi’s fate through negotiations, and to fight against the disease and not let those who care about me and can’t live without me get hurt because of my early death.

In short, the future of the war with Ai ShuQiao is obscure, it would be extremely irresponsible to involve the cla.s.s leader right now, and some things are better left unknown.

However, although the matter with Ai ShuQiao could be hidden, the heart disease could not be concealed anymore.

“Cla.s.s leader, do you remember the reason that I fell into the bear trap was to catch the blue b.u.t.terfly?”

“I remember.” The cla.s.s leader’s hand was still clasped in my hand, “Didn’t everyone say that the b.u.t.terfly later escaped again?”

I laughed bitterly, “Actually it didn’t escape. I was trapped at the bottom of the trap for too long, my stomach was too hungry… so I ate it…”

The cla.s.s leader covered her mouth with her other hand in surprise, revealing a somewhat nauseated expression, “Um… can you eat it? A lot of beautifully colored b.u.t.terflies, moths, are all poisonous…”

I nodded, “Cla.s.s leader, you’ve guessed correctly, as expected of someone who has lived with your uncle in the woods for a long time. An ordinary blue morpho b.u.t.terfly doesn’t have any poison, but as a subspecies, the blue Moore Armenian b.u.t.terfly, has a special toxin unfamiliar to the scientific community. I was honored to be the first.”

“What does that mean?” The cla.s.s leader felt a vague sense of foreboding.

Although I tried to measure my words and speak tactfully, I finally got straight to the point.

“It means that… I may be the first person to be inflicted with a strange poison because I consumed a b.u.t.terfly worth half a million dollars… it’s funny, isn’t it, I lost so much money not to mention that I now also suffer from a heart disease…”

Shu Sha trembled and I was able to feel her concern through her hands.

“That’s the reason why you had an attack earlier?”

“Yeah, I acted impulsively for a moment because I was furious with Zhuang Ni.”

After a pause, I decided to explain to the cla.s.s leader why I slapped Zhuang Ni and why I choked her. Although the cla.s.s leader didn’t ask, it does not mean that I should hide it.

Also, the cla.s.s leader was aware of Auntie Ren’s relationship with my father and also knew about Auntie Ren’s miscarriage.

“Sigh, I’m also really stupid. I didn’t get angry when Zhuang Ni said I fell into the bear trap because of her curse, but once she said that the child in Auntie Ren’s belly died because she blocked the curse for me, I lost control of my emotions. Actually, when you think about it, what can her curse even do other than make people feel bad.”

The cla.s.s leader did not seem surprised by my explanation, Zhuang Ni was famous for always mentioning people’s sore spots. She would call Loud Mouth fat on a daily basis, so in terms of making people angry, she was definitely a first-cla.s.s master.

As for Zhuang Ni provoking me, the cla.s.s leader and I only talked about it a bit and we quickly moved on. She was more worried about my body’s condition.

“Ye Lin, how serious is your heart disease… is it easy to cure.”

She asked cautiously, and lightly bit her lower lip while waiting for my answer.

I suddenly remembered what Dr. Yu had told me and couldn’t help but imitate him in a very unserious manner and say to the cla.s.s leader:

“The cure rate could be 0% or it could be 100%. It’s difficult to make a judgment when the toxicity of the blue b.u.t.terfly is unknown.”

The cla.s.s leader did her best to remain calm, but I saw that something clearly sank in her eyes.

“It’s life threatening, right? So the reason you stayed with Dr. Yu for treatment was because it was necessary to have the world’s cutting edge technology to be able to a.n.a.lyze the toxins of the blue b.u.t.terfly?”

I nodded. Talking to the cla.s.s leader was very pleasant as her intelligence saves me a lot of extra talking, and she wouldn’t be a smart-a.s.s and say something that would add to my troubles. Basically, the cla.s.s leader was very considerate after her maternal outbreak.

When I nodded, the cla.s.s leader’s eyes darted around, as if searching for something in this small bedroom that would allow her to take control of the uncertain future.

A sad expression surfaced again, but she can still face it optimistically for me and barely squeezed out a cheerful face and said:

“There should be hope for a cure, Dr. Yu is a world-cla.s.s doctor, although I didn’t see his research team in person…”

“He has a senior colleague who is an expert in pharmacology.” I told the cla.s.s leader his colleague knows a lot about toxins, nicknamed the ‘King of Poison’, and currently with the two of them as the core, they are working hard to study the toxicity of the Blue Morpho b.u.t.terfly, and there seems to be some progress.”

I’m not exactly lying, in the few phone calls between Dr. Yu and his colleague, although full of medical terms, I observed Dr. Yu’s expression and tone of voice, and was able to see that they made a small breakthrough.

The cla.s.s leader was slightly comforted, but still frowned and said, “While their medical skills and research equipment should be among the best in the world, but are you only going to consult with them, do you want to go to another hospital?”

If I went to another hospital, it would be difficult for them to keep my secret like Dr. Yu did, and my dad would know about my current situation, which I didn’t want.

Also, while Dr. Yu and the “Poison King” are both Ai ShuQiao’s men, they both have pride in their medical skills and won’t let their patients die under their hands. I think the most likely way for me to be cured is to continue to have these two people as my primary care doctors, instead of trying to get many more. It’s like having twenty antivirus programs on one computer, which is actually useless.

Not to mention that Dr. Yu has been tracking my poison status since I was saved and has records of the changes in my body, which is a very important reference for my treatment. If I go to someone else for treatment, it is hard to believe that the self-respecting Dr. Yu will give up that information.

I haven’t met the “Poison King” yet, so I won’t mention him for now. But in the last few weeks, I felt that Dr. Yu will not delay my treatment and he is the one most likely to cure me in Dong Shan city.

So I briefly told the cla.s.s leader my reasons and asked her to keep it a secret and to not mention it to my dad, Ai Mi, Xiao Qin, or anyone else.

“Why.” The cla.s.s leader wondered, “As someone with heart problems, it’s important to let those around you know about your illness, otherwise, in case they take it to far when messing around with you…”

I interrupted the cla.s.s leader with a wave of my hand, “After a period of recuperation, my symptoms have decreased. I can even do a 100 meter sprint or a fight within a 3 minute time limit…”

The cla.s.s leader was infuriated by my statement, “You… you’re still going to fight when you have a heart condition?”

“I’m just giving an example. Just now when I had a heart attack, it was mainly because I was too angry. It wasn’t really a vigorous exercise, but it still triggered a heart attack.”

“So what you’re saying is…” The cla.s.s leader muttered, “Not only should you avoid strenuous exercise, but you should also try to maintain a cheerful mood and never get angry.”

“That’s basically it.” I nodded, “Cla.s.s leader, other than Dr. Yu and Ai Mi’s bodyguard, Peng TouSi, you are the only one who knows about my heart disease, so I hope you can help me keep it a secret.”

I intentionally left out Ai ShuQiao. I wasn’t going to make things worse in a bad situation, so I’m not going to tell her about my heartless mother right after telling her about my heart disease.

“I… I understand.” Despite not fully understanding my reasoning, the cla.s.s leader agreed to my headstrong request, probably because she didn’t think it was appropriate to argue with me and make me angry in my current situation.

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