“Hah, what’s there to worry about! Which acquaintance is going to visit a cafe during a downpour?”

The cla.s.s leader still did not feel rea.s.sured: “But this place isn’t far from the school…”

“Don’t worry about it, none of our cla.s.smates would come here. Even if they came, no one would report it to the school as it won’t be beneficial to either of us!”

The cla.s.s leader asked confusedly: “What do you mean?”

“Isn’t it simple?” I sighed. “The weather forecast said that there would be heavy rain today. In this kind of weather, gays would be at home playing computer games and lesbians would be sitting on the sofa watching Korean dramas. Who would come out and eat in this weather if they weren’t in a relationship!”

The cla.s.s leader’s face became even redder after she heard what I said.

I don’t think that my a.n.a.lysis was wrong, I was actually quite proud of it. So I habitually crossed my legs, and I accidentally b.u.mped my knee.

“This d.a.m.n table is so low! If I knew there wasn’t much s.p.a.ce at two people seats, we should have come earlier!”

The cla.s.s leader thought that the size of the table was just right.

“We’re just two people. Isn’t it fitting to sit at a table for two? It would be a waste to sit at a table for four…”

Without delay, a fragrant aroma drifted towards us. The long-awaited meal for two has finally arrived.

The dishes for both of us were identical. A 9-inch pizza, steak, har gow, corn salad… also orange juice and sweet soup.

Many restaurants use group meal coupons, but they either don’t have to pay attention to the dishes or the quant.i.ty is too minuscule. It might be because this shop was new, so there was a lot of food that was carefully prepared.

Since the meal has arrived, and we weren’t dating, I didn’t really have to say anything. I just picked up a chicken wing and stuffed it in my mouth and started chewing.

When I was halfway through my chicken wing, the cla.s.s leader started to cut up the steak that was on her plate.

The default tableware in the café was a knife and fork. The cla.s.s leader was very skilled in cutting meat. It was evident that she was a person who has been in the kitchen for many years.

She cut her own steak into six bite-sized pieces. I was just thinking that she was doing more than necessary, then she took my steak and also cut it into six pieces.

Finally, she pushed all twelve pieces of steaks to me, saying that she doesn’t really like meat, and the pizza and har gow was enough for her. She also said that if I have any vegetables I didn’t like, I could give them to her.

Is this how you usually take care of your brother? Why does it feel like I’m being served? Cla.s.s leader, can you stop acting like a good wife or a good mother? I’m really not used to it!

Every meal I eat has meat, and I didn’t really like to eat vegetables. So I simply pushed the whole plate of corn salad and boiled broccoli to the cla.s.s leader.

The cla.s.s leader smiled as if she was treating a child who was a picky eater. She didn’t say anything. She drank some sweet soup and then started eating quietly.

She didn’t eat like a girl from a wealthy family, nor did she eat as aggressive as me. She just ate the food normally, and if she ate something delicious she would smile slightly and didn’t exaggerate.It was as if all food was equal to her regardless if it was a banquet or plain noodles.

I guess rather than the content of the food, it’s more important who you ate with? If you are eating with your beloved brother, you would probably be more expressive and laugh more often.

I often quarrel with my dad at the dinner table, so I wasn’t used to eating in silence. I randomly spoke about a topic:

“Hey, cla.s.s leader, how much younger is your brother?”

After the cla.s.s leader swallowed a small piece of broccoli, she replied: “He’s younger by a year.”

I blurted out and said: “Eh? Just one year? Then your parents must be pretty diligent!”

d.a.m.n, I’ve spent too much time with Eunuch Cao, even my speech is becoming more and more vulgar!

Although everyone likes to be praised, but praising how a girl’s parents are busy at night is probably borderline s.e.xual hara.s.sment!

I did not expect the cla.s.s leader to laugh instead of being angry while saying:

“Geng Yuhong also said something similar to me. If you guys also had siblings, you wouldn’t make these jokes.”

I wrinkled my brows: “Who is Geng YuHong?”

The cla.s.s leader’s expression turned serious.

“You and her have been cla.s.smates for a year and a half. Recently, You guys have been chatting away every day, yet you don’t even know their name?”

It turns out that Geng YuHong was Loud Mouth’s real name. Due to her ability to pa.s.s information like a radio station, everyone called her Loud Mouth, and it also became a habit for me too.

The cla.s.s leader thought that it was rude to always call someone by their nickname. I disapproved.

The masters in martial art dramas all have cool nicknames, aren’t they all fine with it!

The cla.s.s leader’s gaze seemed like she was telling me to not watch so many martial arts TV series.

“That’s not the same. Students in reality don’t necessarily like the nicknames that others give to them. When you call them by unpleasant nicknames, you are essentially bullying them.”

What the cla.s.s leader said was not unreasonable. The Little Tyrant used to call me “donkey”, and the nearby children followed in suit. It actually made me angry for quite a while, I was only relieved when I moved away.

But was it necessary to have such a serious topic when eating? Your set of principles is too bothersome, can you not push it on me too?

“Shu Sha.” I changed to calling her name so she wouldn’t always consider herself as cla.s.s leader. “Since today’s the weekend, let’s talk about things outside of school. Are you sure you never called someone else by their nickname?”

The cla.s.s leader put down her knife and fork and sat upright in the upper body. She waited for me to make my counterexample, her innocent expression made me very unconfident.

“Yesterday… just yesterday, I heard you call the P.E. committee member, Xiong YaoYue, “Little Bear”!”

The cla.s.s leader chuckled.

“I thought you were going to make a counterexample. ‘Little Bear’ isn’t a nickname. Xiong YaoYue strongly urged everyone to call her that. Have you forgotten?”

Now that she mentioned it, that seemed to be the case.

The female P.E. committee member, Xiong YaoYue, was an excitable sports girl. She had so much energy it was as if she had ADHD.

At the first cla.s.s meeting, the newly elected cla.s.s leader, Shu Sha, asked the elected committee members if they had any goals. Xiong YaoYue raised her hand and said that she didn’t have any goals but hoped that her cla.s.smates would not call her full name. Calling her “Little Bear”, “Xiao Yao” and “Xiao Yue” were all better than her full name.

The cla.s.s leader asked her why, she smiled and revealed two canine teeth, saying that her name gave off the image of a big bear shaking the moon. It was too tragic of a name for a girl.

It was indeed quite a tragedy. Whoever has not met Xiong YaoYue, but only heard the name, the first thought that comes to mind would be a judo pract.i.tioner or a shot putter.

In fact, Xiong YaoYue was a beautiful sunshine girl. If she actually really had a body of a judo pract.i.tioner or shot putter, Eunuch Cao will not PS her photos, and sell it together along with the cla.s.s leader’s, and Gong CaiCai.

The cla.s.s leader suddenly changed a topic: “Ye Lin, what do you think of the little bear as a P.E. committee member?”

“Pretty good.” I didn’t understand why the cla.s.s leader asked, “Xiong YaoYue… No, little bear is well rounded in sports, and many girls who don’t like sports became energetic because of her. In terms of volleyball, many boys can’t even beat her!”

“A bit more.” The cla.s.s leader made a beckoning gesture and said “I want to know how the guys see little bear as a female committee member.”

Was this a poll? Shu Sha, the cla.s.s leader was more tired than the president. Can’t you just stay within the work required of a cla.s.s leader?

Now that you mentioned it, the little bear loves playing around, loves exercising, often accidentally hurts herself, but would not cry. She would just stick on a band-aid and continue horsing around. She was known to be the closest existence to a savage among her cla.s.s.

Since she was cheerful, without a girl’s shyness, she had a pretty good relationship with the boys. She would often treat them as brothers, and no one thought it was inappropriate.

In addition, because she often does outdoor activities, her skin was tanned into a healthy wheat color. When Eunuch Cao is photoshopping pictures of her, he would often complain that he can’t find a woman with the right skin color and he must use a filter.

I hid the fact about the PS photos, and told the rest to the cla.s.s leader.

The cla.s.s leader muttered to herself for a moment, stared into my eyes and asked: “Ye Lin, do you want to be a P.E. committee member?”

“Huh? The little bear is doing pretty well, are you going to take away her position?”

“I will not withdraw her position, she will be the female P.E. committee member. I want to have a male and female system, and the teacher Yu will agree with me.”

“What’s the benefit of adding a male P.E. committee member?”

“There’s definitely benefits. There were boys who complained to me, saying that although little bear was proficient in most areas, she was not very good at basketball. When they played against the neighboring cla.s.ses, she can’t do much other than cheer from the crowd.”

The cla.s.s leader took a sip of orange juice through her straw and continued:

“Don’t you really like to play basketball? I sometimes see you playing with members from the school’s basketball team. I specifically asked the Captain, Guo SongTao, he said that your overall abilities would make you ranked third in our school……”

Brother Tao, you’re too talkative! Why did you answer whatever Shu Sha asked, what if she wanted to harm me!

However, I was very pleased with an evaluation of third in the whole school. Unconsciously, I felt a bit conceited.

Seeing that I didn’t immediately refuse, the corners of the cla.s.s leader’s mouth raised into a slight smile.

“Ye Lin, I have thought about you for a while. The main reason you fight all the time is because you have too much energy and nowhere to use it. If you become a PE committee member, you can lead the boys and host matches everyday. You could also form some good relationships with your cla.s.smates. What could you possibly have against it?”

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