I'm Not Human

Chapter 3

Fourth Day of Not Being a Human

Speaking of the Zerg turmoil caused by the unconscious Gu Huai, this matter started more than a dozen hours ago.

The spiritual link was Gu Huai"s innate ability as king of the Zerg. The role of this ability was to build spiritual links and Gu Huai could convey his consciousness to any Zerg.

It could be a single, purposeful communication or group communication that was large enough to cover the entire race. There was no distance limit.

As long as Gu Huai wanted it, the Zerg would receive his spiritual link no matter how far away.

Gu Huai"s planet was a very remote, abandoned planet. There were no intelligent creatures on the planet except for him and the dozens of Tak Zerg in the cave. These Tak Zerg were the only ones who knew he broke out of the eggsh.e.l.l and was born.

Then when he fell half a day ago, Gu Huai instinctively built a spiritual link because of the pain stimulation.

This spiritual link was also the group type.

If he compared the Zerg to a group cat, Gu Huai"s spiritual link was tantamount to @ all the members in the group.

The consequences were predictable.

Throughout the universe, all races at war with the Zerg forces should have the same feeling.

"f.u.c.k, did these Zerg eat medicine that made them explode?!"

The low-grade Zerg in the Zerg army suddenly entered a collective rage, their fighting force soaring so much that the soldiers of other races were caught off guard.

These low-grade Zerg stared at them like they had done something heinous and unforgivable.

In addition, The Zerg troops vented their anger and fought with them for less than a minute before acting like they were air. The Zerg turned and quickly retreated from the battlefield, so quickly that no one would catch up.

This confused the various ethnic forces who had been ready to abandon the occupation of the new resource star.

All the resources stars in the interstellar world that didn"t have their data registered were ownerless territory. The race that first found and occupied this planet could obtain ownership of this resource star.

It was also simple if multiple forces found it at the same time. They could either discuss sharing or fight directly. The party that withdrew first was regarded as voluntarily giving up possession of the planet.

The current situation was that the Zerg troops were fighting them very well. The Zerg suppressed them in military force, only to pat their a.s.s and turn away, directly giving them the resource star.

Was there such a good thing in this interstellar world?

The Zerg race"s actions caused shock among the ethnic forces as well as a lingering fear of the collective rampage of the Zerg. They felt the situation was somewhat unusual but didn"t want to touch the Zerg at this time.

Gu Huai"s spiritual link might be very short but it was enough to declare his existence to the entire Zerg race.

The higher grade Zerg with normal intelligence still had the ability to think, while the low-grade Zerg lacked intelligence and responded more directly. They instinctively started to search for it.


The universe was so vast that the short spiritual link didn"t allow these Zerg to determine their king"s location.

However, their king called them and they had to find him.

Gu Huai, the man living on the remote planet, knew nothing about what he caused. He spent two days on this planet after his initial transmigration.

The planet was poor in resources and the environment was very bad. Gu Huai already knew this after two days of living here.

On this planet, there were no other intelligent creatures other than him and the Tak.

Most of the native species that could adapt to the planet"s harsh environment were ferocious but naturally, they were nothing in front of the Tak.

Their king was in the cave and the large and dangerous Tak guarded the entrance of the cave. They were highly protective and directly attacked anything that attempted to go near the cave.

They didn"t engage in any negotiations. The act of approaching the nest was marked as a threat in the eyes of these Tak.

The threat must be handled because their king couldn"t be harmed.

Gu Huai had the experience of these two days and was very aware that the Tak"s protective mentality was like a parent. It wasn"t until something happened this morning that Gu Huai knew the extent to which these parents would protect him.

Even a yellow b.u.t.terfly that flew to the mouth of the cave was dangerously close to dying.

Gu Huai prevented this scene from happening and his lips slightly twitched.

This world was truly wonderful. A fragile creature such as a b.u.t.terfly tenaciously survived on this barren planet that ordinary large beasts couldn"t survive on.

The b.u.t.terfly who didn"t know it almost died flutters its wings as it flew and landed on the back of Gu Huai"s hand.

It was indeed a b.u.t.terfly. It might"ve adapted to the environment and become a variation but it still didn"t have any lethality.

The moment the b.u.t.terfly rested on the back of Gu Huai"s hand, the Tak Zerg around him instantly tightened their vertical pupils.

The Tak Zerg might be listening to Gu Huai and didn"t attack but they sent a hoa.r.s.e warning sound from their throats, scarlet vertical pupils staring straight at the b.u.t.terfly.

"It won"t hurt me." Gu Huai slowed down his voice and patiently explained.

Seeing that this Tak Zerg were unmoved, Gu Huai looked at the b.u.t.terfly and suddenly went on tiptoe, putting the b.u.t.terfly on the sharp forearm of the Tak Zerg in front of him.

The yellow b.u.t.terfly obediently parked there. It was so weak that it couldn"t feel the danger around it.

Good features required embellishment. Gu Huai felt that the b.u.t.terfly on the Tak"s forearm made this scene very lively and harmonious.

"Look, isn"t it beautiful?" Gu Huai said with a smile.

Hearing this sentence, the Tak Zerg with the b.u.t.terfly on its sharp forearm c.o.c.ked its head. The scarlet eyes stared at the b.u.t.terfly for a moment before looking up at Gu Huai, low voice coming from its throat.


This word was outside the Tak"s scope of understanding but since the young man"s eyes curved in a smile when he said it, they believed this word represented good things.

Of course, in the eyes of these Tak Zerg, the best thing in the world was the black-haired youth in front of them.

There was nothing for entertainment on this abandoned planet and outside the huge cave, Gu Huai could see a barren scene.

Dust flew, vegetation was very spa.r.s.e and no water could be seen.

However, after going east, a small forest could be seen. The fruit that Gu Huai previously ate had been picked by the Tak from this forest.

There was still a lot of food left but Gu Huai wanted to explore the outside of the cave. Gu Huai stood in front of the Tak and raised his finger to the forest in the east.

"I want to go there."

Gu Huai was looking up at the tallest Tak Zerg. If Gu Huai wasn"t present then this Tak would be the leader of this small force.

The young man pointed to this place and the Tak soon understood Gu Huai"s meaning.

The Tak Zerg would never refuse Gu Huai"s request. The group of Zerg followed as Gu Huai went smoothly to his destination.

He understood that this group of Tak Zerg were nervous and made sure to stay in their line of sight in order to prevent them from worrying.

Most of the trees in the forest were dark, just like the sh.e.l.l of the fruit Gu Huai had previously eaten. It was like charred charcoal.

A few trees with a normal colour bore golden fruit. It was very eye-catching among the black so Gu Huai saw it instantly and wanted to go over to pick it.

However, this tree was really too tall. Gu Huai could only stand nearby. As for climbing the tree… forget it.

The baby stared at the fruit on the tree for a few seconds. He didn"t say anything but the surrounding Tak understood what it meant.

They found that the baby wanted to reach out to pick it on his own.

Realizing this, a Tak Zerg approached Gu Huai and leaned down.

Gu Huai, "?"

Gu Huai looked over with puzzled eyes. He didn"t know what this Tak Zerg wanted to do but he didn"t move because he understood the other side wasn"t going to hurt him.

The next second, the huge Tak Zerg extended his forearm to Gu Huai, easily lifting him up and carefully placing him on its left shoulder.

His height changed and Gu Huai"s vision suddenly became broad. The surrounding scenery in his eyes became different.

Gu Huai couldn"t respond for a second or two after being placed on the shoulder of the Tak Zerg. Then the Tak Zerg carried him to just below the golden fruit he had been looking at.

"Hiss…" The Tak Zerg made a low sound as it raised the youth to a place he could pick the fruit just by stretching out his hand.

This way, the baby would be happy.

Gu Huai reached out to pick the fruit. He looked down at the golden fruit in his hand for a moment before suddenly rubbing his cheek against the hard sh.e.l.l of the Tak"s head.

At almost the same time, the Tak Zerg"s pupils shrank from a relaxed state to a needle and the sound in its throat became much clearer.

The other Tak Zerg saw this scene and stared firmly. One by one, they learned how to carry Gu Huai on their shoulders.

They also wanted to be intimate with the youth.

The weather on this barren star was varied. In some areas, it was sunny one second and then raining without any warning the next second.

The weather grandfather"s temper was probably good together. A drizzle started first, allowing Gu Huai and the surrounding Tak Zerg enough reaction time.

It was raining but the Tak didn"t have the concept of sheltering from the rain.

Once again, they could survive in a harsh environment and a storm was nothing.

However, their king was different.

The Tak Zerg carrying Gu Huai instinctively put Gu Huai down.

Once Gu Huai stood on the ground, the Tak Zerg covered Gu Huai with its large body and stood motionless, like a huge rock.

This way, the young man wouldn"t get caught in the rain.

Would their king feel cold in such weather?

If the young person felt cold, how could they get something warm so that their king was in a comfortable environment?

The rain kept dripping around them and the Tak Zergs" only thoughts were related to Gu Huai.

The rain on this abandoned planet was corrosive and trees that could grow in this environment were said to be very resilient.

It often rained in this forest area. Since exposure of the body could cause damage, the planet"s ferocious native species didn"t go near the forest.

The ones who often came to this small forest were probably only these Tak Zerg.

They came here to collect fruit and prepare food for the baby after he was born.

There might be a lot of damage but for these high-defense Tak Zerg, the rain in this place was superficial.

It would recover naturally after a day of resting in the cave and the Tak Zerg didn"t regard this level of minor damage as an injury.

"Let"s hurry back." In fact, it hadn"t been long since they came out to explore but he didn"t want the surrounding Tak Zerg to continue being rained on. Gu Huai immediately made a decision.

The rain on this planet wasn"t the same as ordinary rain and Gu Huai discovered this.

If he could make an umbrella…

On the way back to the cave, Gu Huai asked a Tak Zerg to cut him a few branches to bring back. Once at the cave, Gu Huai sat on the ground with these branches.

Gu Huai recalled that when he broke out of the eggsh.e.l.l, he subconsciously used an ability to make the clothes he was wearing.

He thought that he wanted clothing and the eggsh.e.l.l in his hand disappeared into the air and clothing appeared on him.

Could he interpret this ability as being similar to equivalent exchange…?

The most primitive substance that made up the clothing was fiber and the eggsh.e.l.l that made up the Zerg egg wasn"t ordinary. It was reasonable that this substance could be exchanged for a piece of clothing.

Gu Huai had a basic awareness of his ability and put his hand on the long branch and huge leaf on the ground, trying to imagine the shape of an umbrella.

The branch became the frame of the umbrella and the leaves the canopy of the umbrella.

In the blink of an eye, several branches and leaves that Gu Huai touched disappeared. As he wished, a new creation appeared on the ground that could be used as an umbrella.

It wasn"t very sophisticated and was even a bit ugly but Gu Huai happily picked up this ugly umbrella from the ground. He walked to a Tak Zerg watching him and held up the umbrella to it.

"For you." Gu Huai handed the new creation to the Tak Zerg in front of him, eyes smiling.

The Tak Zerg gently held the handle of the umbrella, scarlet eyes staring for a while.

It didn"t know what this thing was used for but it didn"t stop the Tak Zerg from being happy that the youth gave him a gift.

Gu Huai wanted to create a few more umbrellas but the consumption of mental strength caused him to feel a strong burst of sleep. He once again fell asleep on the ground.

As a Zerg, Gu Huai"s situation was very special. He had been in the egg for decades and his body had already advanced to the humanoid adult form, but his mental strength was just the level of a baby.

It was why he felt sleepy after building a wide range of spiritual links or using his power.

Just as Gu Huai fell asleep, an overwhelmingly one-sided battle had just ended in the Santa Galaxy hundreds of stars away.

The Saatchis who ruled this galaxy were recognized as the most powerful individual fighting race in the interstellar world. However, at this moment, the Saatchi soldiers were lying on the ground. They were facing only one enemy.

It was easy to judge from the Zerg that the person in the centre of the war circle was a Zerg and it was a high-ranking Zerg.

The higher-grade Zerg had an appearance similar to humans but their eyes were vertical pupils and they retained some Zerg features.

The higher-grade Zerg in the war circle was currently expressionless. A black blindfold was covering his eyes so people couldn"t see the emotions in his eyes and therefore found it hard to distinguish his mood.

His eyes might be blocked but based on the other facial features, this high-grade Zerg was undoubtedly unusually beautiful. It was just that he looked extremely cold due to a lack of expression.

The battle had clearly just ended but the militant mood still hadn"t been removed from Alves" heart. He looked indifferently around the battlefield and then shook off the blood on the tip of his tail with an impatient look.

He was like a dangerous beast that had just finished hunting but still hadn"t left this state.

It was noisy…

Despite being blindfolded and not being able to see anything, his ears instinctively captured sound. The superior hearing ability of the higher-grade Zerg only had a negative impact on Alves.

Countless sounds were mixed together and this made him very irritable. Alves didn"t know how far he was from completely falling into madness.

A few hundred metres away from here, a group of high-grade Zerg in black uniforms were watching from afar. They didn"t dare to approach at his time.

"The boss" recent emotional state seems more and more unstable lately…" Alger spoke in a worried tone as he looked at the silver-haired Zerg.

The other high-grade Zerg didn"t say anything but they agreed with Alger.

They didn"t know the reason but from time to time, their leader would fall into an abnormal state. It was like the Tak Zerg"s berserk state and anyone who was on the other end of their leader was unlucky.

As the deputy, Alger had more than one headache.

The biggest headache right now was due to the spiritual link he received for a short moment, a number of high-grade Zergs on the battleship had lost their souls. Some of them already wanted to leave to find the king…

The spiritual link was very short, the distance was extremely far away and the king"s spiritual strength wasn"t strong after being born. This meant the spiritual link wasn"t very clear and the influence was relatively limited.

Even so, Alger had been listening to his colleagues on the battleship for two days.

"The king… what if the king is bullied on another planet?"

"The king must"ve been bullied. That"s why a pained sound emerged."

"The king was just born and is just a baby… if he encounters someone from a hostile race…"

They all felt suffocated at the thought of their young king possibly being captured by the enemy.

The reason why they hadn"t left yet was because they were desperately waiting patiently. If the king built another spiritual link, they would probably directly betray the current leader and rush in the link"s direction.

Alger listened to the words and his mood was complicated.

There was no way… he couldn"t think about it anymore. If he thought about it, he would also want to go search.

The Zerg were originally without a king. They always thought the alpha cla.s.s Zerg like their leader were already the top power of the Zerg. Then this idea was completely broken by the spiritual link two days ago.

Regardless of what his subordinates were doing hundreds of metres away, the silver-haired Zerg failed to suppress the restlessness caused by the battle and the pressure around him made him colder and scarier.

There was only one line between reason and madness.

The limit might come at any time. The moment the irritability acc.u.mulated to an impending outbreak, a voice directly conveyed into his consciousness made Alves stop moving.

「 Call… don"t be angry… 」

Gu Huai could perceive the mood of the Zerg family. This wasn"t necessarily an active ability. If a Zerg"s emotions were too strong then he might pa.s.sively receive it.

He perceived a sharp madness in his sleep and Gu Huai subconsciously tried to appease it.

The pent-up irritability and destructive desire suddenly subsided. Thanks to this voice, something deep in Alves" heart stopped at the edge of collapse.

His world quieted down for a moment.

Fifth Day of Not Being a Human

The voice conveyed in his consciousness was very light, like it was talking in its sleep.

The spiritual link continued but the owner of the voice no longer spoke.

His ears still instinctively captured all the sounds in his environment but the sounds that made Alves irritable and impatient seemed to disappear. All he could hear was the shallow breathing in his consciousness.

This wasn"t the first time Alves had heard the sound. Like the other Zerg, he received the brief spiritual link two days ago.

At that time, he was in the middle of battle and in a high combat state.

Unlike the other Zerg, Alves didn"t feel any subservience because of this spiritual link.

Perhaps it was due to being an alphcla.s.s Zerg or because he was a different type from the rest of the Zerg, but he was only irritated by this spiritual link.

He didn"t understand why but this irritability was so sharp that he almost wanted to give up his sanity.

Now, the second time he heard the voice, he was appeased.

It was hard to understand the difference between the two times but the sound of breathing now caused Alves to subconsciously shake his silver tail. The terribly cold pressure around him was reduced to an ordinary indifference.

This meaning was clear.

Alger, who had been hiding a few metres away, soon found the difference and ran over.

"Leader, where are we going next?" Alger suppressed the wavering in his heart and looked at the silver-haired Zerg in front of him.

Alves" expression was cold and he didn"t immediately answer. At his silence, Alger added, "There is something to report to you. Some of our soldiers left alone but this subordinate didn"t stop them…"

He was unable to stop them.

In Alger"s heart, he might not be able to leave to find the king but he hoped the other Zerg would find him.

He wanted the precious thing he hadn"t seen to be protected. Therefore, Alger didn"t try to control the Zerg who should"ve been considered as traitors.

His restraint had already been shaken to the limits. It wasn"t just Alger. The Zerg soldiers watched their colleagues leave and were influenced by the same selfish desire. Therefore, they didn"t see this as a betrayal.

Even one person was fine. If one person could quickly find the king and protect him…

"Why didn"t you and the others leave? Nothing was said about betrayal." Alves asked in an expressionless manner.

"If you want to leave, Yula should go with you." Alves" tone was cold, which was why it was so difficult to discern emotions.

Yula referred to the Zerg"s biological warships.

Like the Tak, the Yula were an ethnic group that specialized in providing transportation, air combat and other a.s.sistance to the Zerg.

In stark contrast to the warships of the other races, the Zerg ship had a consciousness. In the eyes of other races, they were a monster that could transform at will.

"Don"t think that we can betray you so easily… we can"t search without you giving an order." Alger stated. "However, I don"t know what the Yula is thinking. The worst result is the Yula leaving us without warning."

It was really possible. If a self-conscious warship wanted to leave then it could make a s.p.a.ce leap and leave the current planet. The Zerg couldn"t go into s.p.a.ce on their own.

From Alger"s perspective, their Yula warship might not be far from becoming angry.

"Then let"s go." Alves stopped looking at him and moved towards the battleship.

Where were they going?

Alger didn"t immediately ask the question. He followed the indifferent silver-haired Zerg and somehow came to a surprising conclusion.

"You mean… go and look for the king?" Alger couldn"t hide the joy in his tone.

Alves didn"t deny it, which was a default agreement. The high-grade Zerg on the warship who received the news entered a state of jubilation.

The Zerg race lacked emotions. This made it difficult for them to feel strong emotions. Therefore, the euphoria in their heart was unprecedented for them.

Compared to humans who smiled when happy and cried when sad, both emotions and expressions were too strange to the Zerg.

Therefore, the high-grade Zerg were clearly very happy but they didn"t know what type of expression should be used to convey this emotion.

The group of high-grade Zergs were currently having a discussion.

"What type of gift should I give the king when I see him?"

"I don"t know what type of gift the king would like…"

"Will the king be glad to see us?"

The more they talked, the brighter the eyes of the high-grade Zerg became. Alger resisted joining in the discussion and stood next to their leader. He said, "The king"s spiritual link to us was too short and there is no way to determine the specific location. What planet do you think it is better to start with?"

"He is here." Alves opened a virtual star chart and directly pointed to a very remote starfield.

The previous spiritual link was so short that even Alger couldn"t determine the location. The fact that their leader could so accurately know the location meant…

"The king… called you?" Alger couldn"t help asking.


Alves listened quietly to the breathing in his consciousness. The sound had silenced his world and without knowing what att.i.tude he wanted to use, he responded without any emotion.

Hearing this, Alger settled down his heart.

This range was much better than having no range. Searching the star field didn"t take much time and they would soon be able to rummage through all the stars in this star field.

However, even if the Yula ship used the highest speed in its excitement, they still took three days to arrive at this remote star field.

On the day that the high-grade Zerg arrived, Gu Huai was together with the Tak Zerg. He held an umbrella and explored the part of the forest that he hadn"t been able to previously explore.

In the past few days, Gu Huai had used his ability to create enough umbrellas and taught these Tak Zerg how to use the umbrellas.

"Raise it above your head like this, so you don"t get caught in the rain." Gu Huai raised the umbrella as a demonstration, carefully showing these Tak Zerg the correct umbrella posture.

After the demonstration, Gu Huai handed his umbrella to the Tak Zerg in front of him, looking up at the other side.

The Tak Zerg extended part of its forearm and clamped onto the umbrella handle. The scarlet eyes stared at the umbrella for a while before raising the umbrella above Gu Huai"s head.

Gu Huai hadn"t expected this result and helplessly scratched his cheek. He looked into the Tak Zerg"s scarlet vertical pupils and patiently explained, "You have to lift it above your own head."

It wasn"t enough to just say so. Gu Huai pushed the umbrella above his head and pushed it towards the Tak Zerg holding it for him.

It was only once this umbrella had gone to the right place that Gu Huai"s eyes curved. "Yes, that"s it."

This planet had nothing for entertainment but this didn"t stop Gu Huai from entertaining himself. Exploring a new location was also very interesting in Gu Huai"s eyes.

The grey-blue sky was drizzling again. Gu Huai sat on the shoulder of a Tak Zerg and was carried into the small forest. Thanks to the umbrella, the Tak Zerg around Gu Huai didn"t have to use their bodies to block the rain.

Once both feet were on the ground, Gu Huai walked with his umbrella to the place he wanted to go a few days ago.

It was on the edge of a huge stone. A small and pure white flower grew in the gap between the stone and the ground.

At this time, the huge Yula battleship had just landed on the planet.

It landed on this abandoned planet and more than a hundred high-grade Zerg descended, falling silent at the barren scenery in front of them.

Their king was born on this planet…

It was severely polluted and the sky had become grey-blue. Sand was flying and in places covered by dust and sand, some abandoned buildings that were destroyed and buried after they collapsed could be seen.

This was a common sight for abandoned planets.

In the interstellar era, there were many livable planets and many resources stars were regarded as one-time consumables. The occupants consumed resources without any limits until the value of the planet was completely drained. The planet would become an abandoned planet.

The environment of the abandoned planet was so bad that it was impossible for people of some races to step foot on it without wearing protective clothing, let alone live on such a planet.

According to records, this planet should"ve been abandoned more than a hundred years ago.

What kind of planet would their king be born on?

Before coming to this star field, the high-grade Zerg spared no effort to imagine it.

They hoped their king was born on a beautiful planet with gentle sunshine, a soft breeze and was green and vibrant.

The sight was hard for them to accept.

"Once we find the king, we will occupy beautiful planets to give to the king. The human planets are very beautiful." A high-grade Zerg suddenly spoke.

"How is one enough? We will occupy them all and let the king pick himself."

"Go and look at the star rating of the planets. We will grab the planet with the highest rating first."

If a planet could think then the good-looking planets were probably alarmed right now. It was because every Zerg talking about stealing were serious.

Such a discussion in the presence of their leader could be called a transgression but Alves only gave instructions for his subordinates to disperse and search.

The planet gave Alves a slight sense of familiarity but it wasn"t unusual for abandoned planets to look similar.

Once the person he was looking for woke up, the spiritual link to Alves" consciousness was broken. The noisy sounds he thought had disappeared appeared again and his pent-up irritability acc.u.mulated again.

This acc.u.mulation speed inexplicably increased by several times than before. It was only a few days but he didn"t want to endure it.

Previously, Alves would"ve looked for an opponent to vent his irritation through fighting. However, now he was enduring it for an unknown reason.

His subordinates scattered to search. Alves looked in the east direction and chose to go in this direction.

Despite the black blindfold, Alves still knew there was a forest in the east.

In the forest, Gu Huai was crouched down in front of the little white flower he found. He didn"t want to pick the flower, he just wanted to crouch down to see it.

The root of the flower was injured and it might not survive.

Gu Huai stared at the injury on the flower"s root. He didn"t have the ability to heal the damage but he didn"t know if his mental strength could help this flower.

He would use a lot of his mental strength and probably fall asleep again.

In order to avoid falling asleep hungry, Gu Huai first took out an eggsh.e.l.l from his pocket and put it in his mouth to eat. Then he stretched out a finger and touched the petals of this flower.

Since he was concentrating on conveying his mental energy, Gu Huai didn"t find that the Tak Zerg in the vicinity suddenly became highly alert.

Despite being the same race, these Tak Zerg showed their sharp teeth and forearms. They showed wariness to the silver-haired Zerg who came to them.

However, they were facing an alpha cla.s.s Zerg. The absolute hierarchy gap suppressed these Tak Zerg. At this time, they could only allow the other side to continue to approach.

Gu Huai didn"t hear any footsteps because he had managed to convey his mental strength to the injured flower in front of him. Then from his crouching perspective, a pair of black army boots appeared in his field of view.

Gu Huai looked up and saw a blindfolded silver-haired Zerg.

The silver-haired Zerg had an unusually handsome face. His thin lips were extraordinarily beautiful and even with his eyes blinded, his facial features seemed impeccable.

The other side was now bowing his head to "watch" Gu Huai, cold and quiet.

The fine rain fell on the other side, leaving the silver hair slightly wet. Even so, the high-grade Zerg didn"t move.

He couldn"t look at people in the rain like this. Before speaking, Gu Huai stood up and approached the other person, holding the umbrella in his hand to the head of the silver-haired Zerg.

Alves couldn"t hear any sounds or see anything. At this time, he could only perceive Gu Huai"s existence and proximity. This way, quiet was instantly restored to his noisy world.

Alves couldn"t understand why but the silver tail, which reflected the owner"s true mood, instinctively swung. The tail wanted to get close to the young man but finally stopped at touching the ground.

This was the first time Alves had felt such a contradiction.

He wanted to see this man but he didn"t want to hurt this man. Therefore, he preferred not to see the other person.

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