Chapter 450

His Aunt"s house.

An alleyway on Nanheng Street.

It wasn"t a big house, only around 60 square meters. It had been segregated into two zones, the inner zone, where Zhang Donghua and Zhang Shuang slept, and the outer zone was the living room. However, since Zhang Shuang started her blogshop last year, the living room had been converted into a "warehouse" and was full of boxes, big and small. There wasn"t even enough room to walk around in the mess.

In the house.

Zhang Donghua put down the phone and said, "Little Ye"s coming over in a short while."

Zhang Shuang walked over cautiously, "You told him?"

"I briefly told him about it." Zhang Donghua complained, "Seriously, this is your own matter and you made me do it for you."

Zhang Shuang bitterly replied, "I just feel bad asking. For Little Ye to get to where he is now, our family didn"t even help at all. I"ve not done much for him as an elder sister either. Now that my brother"s doing well through his own hard work, how can I approach him and ask for help… he"s a big star now, a C-list celebrity. Do you even know how what that means? Even just stepping out and taking public transport, there would be people talking about him. If I buy a random newspaper, there might even be news or pictures of him. He might not be a big shot yet, but he"s definitely not small either. For me to… it just doesn"t feel right for me to ask him for help. You know very well that I don"t like asking people for help, but this time I really have no choice left. If the stock in the living room don"t get cleared soon, I will have no more cash left."

Zhang Donghua was also badly troubled by the stock in the living room. She said, "When it comes to trading, the most unwanted problem is the stock not moving. It might still be alright if you had a job, at least that would guarantee you have some cash flow, but since you are not working a day job anymore, just that amount of unmoving stock is enough to kill you. I"ve taken care of Little Ye since young. He"s filial and places importance on relationship. If he is able to help, he will definitely help."

Zhang Shuang said, "I know that, but I"m worried that he might be bound by some contract restrictions. A celebrity cannot simply do whatever endors.e.m.e.nt they want."

Zhang Donghua did not understand such things, "Ask him yourself when he gets here."

The sound of footsteps could be heard at the front yard. A woman"s voice called out "Shuang!"

Zhang Shuang, "........."

The voice shouted out again, "Shuang!"

And then, a woman, who wasn"t very tall and looked to be around 26-27 walked into the house. She did not knock and just pushed the door open. It could be seen that she was very familiar with the people living here.

Zhang Shuang made an annoyed expression and said, "Liu Qian, how many times have I told you. Can you not call me by just my name alone? At least call out my full name. If you keep randomly calling out "Shuang", what would others think if they saw and heard you? It sounds so weird." ("Shuang" means to feel good.)

Liu Qian smiled happily, "Well, that"s what your name is."

Zhang Donghua smiled, "Qianqian, you"re here?"

"Auntie, I"m here to visit you. How are you doing?" Liu Qian asked.

"Rather good. How are your parents?" Zhang Donghua asked.

Liu Qian said cheerfully, "They are doing even better than I am. They just went to Taoran Pavilion this morning to dance. I couldn"t even stop them."

Zhang Shuang took a cloth bag and said, "Great. Well, I"ll leave you and Little Shuang to yourselves. I need to get some groceries. Stay for lunch, alright?"

Liu Qian unreservedly said, "Of course I will stay. You can"t chase me away even if you wanted to. There"s food, so how could I not stay?"

Zhang Shuang quipped, "You sure are not leaving empty handed."

When Zhang Donghua left, she shut the door behind her. Liu Qian and Zhang Shuang both sat down.

Liu Qian glanced over to the pile of clothes in the living room and asked, "Those still can"t be sold?"

Zhang Shuang said with sadness, "There were only two orders yesterday and none for the day before that. On your side, there"s no need to make any more orders from the factory for now. We can"t even sell what we have now."

"You don"t need to tell me that." Liu Qian said depressingly, "Business has been too poor this year. Although last year wasn"t that smooth either, at least we could earn enough to feed ourselves. We even quit our jobs in hopes that our blogshop would take off, but now look at us. We"ve pushed ourselves into the corner. How much money do you have left?"

Zhang Shuang threw up her hands, "Just some tens of thousands in savings."

Liu Qian sighed, "This sis is the same as you. We"re both poor! Our brand can"t go on like this any longer! We need to find a way out. Yesterday, you called me to come over today saying that you thought of a way we could use to get more business? What"s the idea about? Quick tell me. I"m suffocating from the pressure."

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