I'm Really a Superstar

Chapter 1320

Chapter 1320
Chapter 1320: An entirely new program list rolls out!

Translator: Legge  Editor: Legge

The next morning .

News was spreading through the grapevine .

"A situation at the Spring Festival Gala"s first approval session?"

"No acts were pa.s.sed at the first approval session?"

"The Spring Festival Gala"s program list could be cast aside! "

"The Spring Festival Gala"s organizing committee is extremely unsatisfied with the acts!"

"Zhang Ye loses his temper in public!"

"Where will this year"s Spring Festival Gala go from here?"

"The most difficult year of the Spring Festival Gala!"

"Will Zhang Ye be able to save things?"

At Central TV .

In the office of the Spring Festival Gala"s production team .

Zhang Ye stayed overnight . This was the fifth night he spent at Central TV . He did not step out of Central TV during the day either . He ate, slept, and worked there . As long as the production team or organizing committee had any matters to resolve with him, they could always find him in his office or on the stage . This was who Zhang Ye was . When it came to work, he would risk his life . For the Spring Festival Gala, he was really throwing all he had into it .

The brand-new program list was out!

Only the names of the acts could be seen . No description of their contents was available . Only he knew all about them for the time being .

But this was the most brilliant program list that Zhang Ye felt that he had come up with after racking his brains all night . He had deliberated repeatedly and changed his choices until he thought it was the most appropriate and brilliant program list there was!

An opening dance?





It had all of that . In fact, even the order of the acts was rudimentarily decided upon!

If the people of this world had a look at the program list, they would definitely find it rather odd and not understand it . But if it were the people of Zhang Ye"s previous world who saw it, they would surely be dumbfounded . This was because all of the acts listed were the most closely watched programs in all the years of the Spring Festival Gala in that world . They were the most hotly debated and talked about acts of all . To put all of these earth-shattering acts into one gala, just what kind of an impact would that have? No one knew, and not even Zhang Ye himself could predict it!

With the program list out, all that remained was to find the performers . Some of these performers were easy to get, but some were not . Many of the new acts on this list required him to pick out the performers very carefully . Not only would they need to have skill, their statuses, image, and presence would also need to fit together . This was what was so difficult .

Zhang Ye called out, "Old Ha . "

"Director Zhang, you"re calling for me?"

"Where"s Little w.a.n.g?"

"She"s at the main stage . "

"Get her here . I need you both to go out with me for a bit . "


"Yes, now . "


Then Zhang Ye called over a.s.sistant Director Zhang Zuo as well and gave him some instructions . After that, he left with Ha Qiqi and Little w.a.n.g . Right now, Zhang Ye didn"t need to stay put at Central TV in his capacity as the executive director . Only one month was left until the second approval session, which was also the final one before the rehearsals, so there was a need to get all of the acts finalized before that . What Zhang Ye had to do now was to find the performers and make sure that he could get the acts out one by one!

It was a fine day today .

After having not been out for so many days, the sun was very piercing to his eyes .

Little w.a.n.g was driving . "Director Zhang, where are we heading?"

Zhang Ye handed her his cell phone . "Just follow the GPS . "

"Th-This is a construction site?" Little w.a.n.g was stunned .

Ha Qiqi said startled, "Why are we going to a construction site?"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "A song on my new program list requires two people to sing it . "

Ha Qiqi said floored, "And those two people are at the construction site?"

"That"s right," Zhang Ye said calmly .

Ha Qiqi was speechless .

Little w.a.n.g was speechless .

Both of them were a little confused .

Half an hour later, the car reached the location .

Loud singing reached their ears .

Zhang Ye rolled down the car window . "Stop the car and park it to the side . "

Little w.a.n.g steered to the curb and stepped on the brakes .

Ha Qiqi p.r.i.c.ked up her ears .

Two voices were coming from that direction . They were singing songs that Zhang Ye had performed on King of Masked Singers .

"There are times I feel like I"m a small, li"l bird .

"I wanna fly, but no matter how I can"t fly high .

"Perhaps I"ll one day perch on the branches,

"Yet the hunters I"ve incurred .

"Only when I flew into the blue sky did I discover,

"that I had nothing upon which to rely . "


"ye pris"ners of starvation!


"ye wretched of the Earth!"

"ye wretched of the Earth!"

One song .

Two songs .

Three songs .

Two people were singing as they carried steel beams .

They were blood-related brothers . One was called Zhang Guang, the other was called Zhang Fang .

Their nearby coworkers were listening in enjoyment and even sang along with them at times .

In the car .

Little w.a.n.g exclaimed, "It"s the Laborer Brothers!"

Ha Qiqi looked at Zhang Ye in surprise . "You"re here to look for the Laborer Brothers?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "You two know them as well?"

"Of course, we know them really well . " Little w.a.n.g said, "They"re really popular online . It was around the end of last year when a pa.s.serby recorded a video of them and put it up on the Internet, which ended up going viral . That song was especially touching . I heard that a lot of people came from afar just to listen to them sing . They"ve been calling them the Laborer Brothers . In terms of laborers, the two of them are the most well-known . But I wonder why they"re still working at the construction site?"

Ha Qiqi said, "That"s because their singing is not up to standard . Do you think everyone can sing as well as Director Zhang? Just listen to them . Even though they"re not singing out of tune and have quite an alright vocalization technique, would it be proper to describe it as an earth-shattering performance? Is their singing really that exquisite? I really don"t think so . We can pick any professional singer, and they would all sing better than them . Besides, they"re too lacking in their image as well . If they"re thinking of making it in show business? That possibility is too far-fetched . "

They continued listening for a while longer .

Little w.a.n.g nodded . "You"re right . They"re really not comparable to pros . "

Ha Qiqi said, "Director Zhang, you"ve heard them too, right? Let"s go . They can"t sing your songs, and they"re also not popular enough . Right now, you have the entire entertainment circle"s performers and singers to pick from . "

Zhang Ye chuckled . "But they"re who I"ve picked . "

Ha Qiqi said, "Are you serious?"

"Little w.a.n.g, go approach them," Zhang Ye instructed .

Little w.a.n.g didn"t know whether to laugh or cry . "You"re sure about this?"

Zhang Ye laughed and said, "Of course! Why else would I come all the way here for? Do you think that I have a lot of time on my hands?"

The Spring Festival Gala has been too routine in recent years . Other than celebrities, it was still celebrities . Other than big name performers, it was still big name performers . It seemed to suggest that only they could support the stage of the Spring Festival Gala . It was as though the audience would only recognize them . Actually, that wasn"t how things worked . They simply could not understand how powerful it was to subvert expectations .

So what if they were laborers?

So what if they didn"t have the looks?

So what if they weren"t professional singers?

Their voices could still be just as impressive!

At the site .

Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang sat down for their break . Both of them had not eaten breakfast yet and wiped their hands before picking up a large bun each and pairing it with some pickled vegetables, chewing on the food . They changed their lifestyle much ever since they became famous .

Their coworkers were chatting with them .

"The Spring Festival Gala is almost here . "

"Yeah, I heard that they"re still selecting the performers . "

"Zhang Guang, Zhang Fang, it would be great if you two could get on the Spring Festival Gala . "

"That would really cheer us up as well!"

"That would really cheer us up as well!"

Zhang Guang gave a wry smile as he waved it off . "Us two brothers are just singing for fun, so how could we possibly dare to think of getting onto the Spring Festival Gala"s stage?"

Zhang Fang chewed on his bun and whined, "I wish I could though . "

Zhang Guang rolled his eyes . "Stop dreaming . "

Zhang Fang snorted, then simpered, "We have to have dreams . "

In the distance, a pretty girl came walking over .

The workers looked over .


"It"s someone from the city?"

"She must be here to listen to Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang sing . "

No one found this strange .

Little w.a.n.g walked up to them . "Are you Teacher Zhang Guang and Teacher Zhang Fang?"

Zhang Guang hurriedly put down his bun and stood up . "We"re not teachers, we"re not teachers . "

Zhang Fang was also taken aback by this term of address .

Little w.a.n.g said, "h.e.l.lo, I am from the Central TV Spring Festival Gala production team . We would like to invite both of you teachers to take part in the Spring Festival Gala this year . Would you be interested?"

They were stunned silly!

The other workers present were dumbfounded as well!

Zhang Guang exclaimed, "Ah?"

Zhang Fang did not believe it . "Us? On the Spring Festival Gala?"

Little w.a.n.g smiled . "That"s right . "

Zhang Guang furiously waved his hands and said, "That"s impossible, impossible . "

Zhang Fang said, "Are you teasing us?"

Little w.a.n.g said, "Come with me to the car and you"ll understand . "

Some of their coworkers cautioned them .

"Don"t go! She must be lying!"

"Yeah, you two might get sold off and still be clueless as to how it happened . "

"Yeah, there are a lot of scammers in the city these days . "

"You must not get into the car!"

The group of them nearly surrounded Little w.a.n.g!

A scammer?

Sell them both off?

Little w.a.n.g nearly fainted . You two are rugged, grown men . Who would possibly want to buy you two!

Zhang Ye, who was inside the car, was quite amused . He opened the car door and got out, saying, "Little w.a.n.g, I only asked you to do a simple task, but look at this efficacy of yours . "

Little w.a.n.g said anxiously, "You can"t blame me for that, Director Zhang . They don"t trust me . "

Zhang Ye said with a grin, "That"s because you look like a bad guy . "

Little w.a.n.g said anxiously, "You can"t blame me for that, Director Zhang . They don"t trust me . "

Zhang Ye said with a grin, "That"s because you look like a bad guy . "

Little w.a.n.g got angry .

Ha Qiqi also got out of the car in laughter .

An uproar occurred at the construction site!

Zhang Ye!

It was Zhang Ye!

The executive director of this year"s Spring Festival Gala!

Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang were stunned!

At this point, their coworkers should surely know that this was for real even if they were idiots . These people were really from Central TV!

"Alright, let me say it . " Zhang Ye looked at the two brothers . "Do you wish to go on the Spring Festival Gala?"

Zhang Guang"s eyes reddened . "Yes! We wish to!"

Zhang Fang also stared with wide eyes as he nodded furiously .

Zhang Ye said, "Alright then, I"ve got a song here . If the two of you can perfect it before the Spring Festival Gala"s second approval session, I"ll leave a slot open for the two of you on this year"s gala . "

Zhang Guang was so excited that he almost went crazy . "Thank you! Thank you!"

Zhang Fang said, "We, we"ll definitely sing it well! Definitely!"

Zhang Ye said, "During this time, there will definitely be a need to practice, go to the approval session, and attend the rehearsals . As such, from now until Lunar New Year"s Eve, the two of you might not exactly have much time to work . I"ll say this first . The appearance pay for the Spring Festival Gala is not much, probably amounting to only several thousand yuan . So if you two have any difficulties or requests, please let me know in advance . I can help you to handle the issue in private . Be it if you need a.s.sistance in your daily lives or financial help, it"s all fine with me . "

Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang immediately looked at one another .

Ha Qiqi smiled and said, "Just speak . You don"t have to stand on ceremony with Director Zhang . "

Zhang Guang said hesitatingly, "We don"t lack any money, we have enough to use . "

Zhang Ye said, "What about any other difficulties? You can request anything you want . "

Zhang Fang said, "Anything?"

Zhang Guang tugged at him .

Zhang Ye nodded . "Yes, anything is fine . "

Zhang Fang cautiously said, "I"m really gonna say it then?"

"Go ahead . " Zhang Ye grinned .

Zhang Fang suddenly said, "Can you send me a work dedication card of fortune?"

"What?" Zhang Ye sounded like he had misheard .

Zhang Fang quickly said, "I can use the prosperity and strength fortune card to trade for it!"

Zhang Ye was floored!

Little w.a.n.g giggled, "Pfft!"

Ha Qiqi was speechless .

Those five rip-off cards of fortune had even made its way to the laborers and the construction sites?

Chapter 1320 An entirely new program list rolls out Translator Legge Editor Legge The next morning . News was spreading through the grapevine . A situation at the Spring Festival Gala 39 s first approval session No acts were pa.s.sed at the first approval session The Spring Festival Gala 39 s program list could be cast aside The Spring Festival Gala 39 s organizing committee is extremely unsatisfied with the acts Zhang Ye loses his temper in public Where will this year 39 s Spring Festival Gala go from here The most difficult year of the Spring Festival Gala Will Zhang Ye be able to save things At Central TV . In the office of the Spring Festival Gala 39 s production team . Zhang Ye stayed overnight . This was the fifth night he spent at Central TV . He did not step out of Central TV during the day either . He ate, slept, and worked there . As long as the production team or organizing committee had any matters to resolve with him, they could always find him in his office or on the stage . This was who Zhang Ye was . When it came to work, he would risk his life . For the Spring Festival Gala, he was really throwing all he had into it . The brand new program list was out Only the names of the acts could be seen . No description of their contents was available . Only he knew all about them for the time being . But this was the most brilliant program list that Zhang Ye felt that he had come up with after racking his brains all night . He had deliberated repeatedly and changed his choices until he thought it was the most appropriate and brilliant program list there was An opening dance Acrobatics Magic Skits Crosstalks It had all of that . In fact, even the order of the acts was rudimentarily decided upon If the people of this world had a look at the program list, they would definitely find it rather odd and not understand it . But if it were the people of Zhang Ye 39 s previous world who saw it, they would surely be dumbfounded . This was because all of the acts listed were the most closely watched programs in all the years of the Spring Festival Gala in that world . They were the most hotly debated and talked about acts of all . To put all of these earth shattering acts into one gala, just what kind of an impact would that have No one knew, and not even Zhang Ye himself could predict it With the program list out, all that remained was to find the performers . Some of these performers were easy to get, but some were not . Many of the new acts on this list required him to pick out the performers very carefully . Not only would they need to have skill, their statuses, image, and presence would also need to fit together . This was what was so difficult . Zhang Ye called out, Old Ha . Director Zhang, you 39 re calling for me Where 39 s Little w.a.n.g She 39 s at the main stage . Get her here . I need you both to go out with me for a bit . Now Yes, now . Alright Then Zhang Ye called over a.s.sistant Director Zhang Zuo as well and gave him some instructions . After that, he left with Ha Qiqi and Little w.a.n.g . Right now, Zhang Ye didn 39 t need to stay put at Central TV in his capacity as the executive director . Only one month was left until the second approval session, which was also the final one before the rehearsals, so there was a need to get all of the acts finalized before that . What Zhang Ye had to do now was to find the performers and make sure that he could get the acts out one by one It was a fine day today . After having not been out for so many days, the sun was very piercing to his eyes . Little w.a.n.g was driving . Director Zhang, where are we heading Zhang Ye handed her his cell phone . Just follow the GPS . Th This is a construction site Little w.a.n.g was stunned . Ha Qiqi said startled, Why are we going to a construction site Zhang Ye laughed and said, A song on my new program list requires two people to sing it . Ha Qiqi said floored, And those two people are at the construction site That 39 s right, Zhang Ye said calmly . Ha Qiqi was speechless . Little w.a.n.g was speechless . Both of them were a little confused . Half an hour later, the car reached the location . Loud singing reached their ears . Zhang Ye rolled down the car window . Stop the car and park it to the side . Little w.a.n.g steered to the curb and stepped on the brakes . Ha Qiqi p.r.i.c.ked up her ears . Two voices were coming from that direction . They were singing songs that Zhang Ye had performed on King of Masked Singers . There are times I feel like I 39 m a small, li 39 l bird . I wanna fly, but no matter how I can 39 t fly high . Perhaps I 39 ll one day perch on the branches, Yet the hunters I 39 ve incurred . Only when I flew into the blue sky did I discover, that I had nothing upon which to rely . Arise ye pris 39 ners of starvation Arise ye wretched of the Earth One song . Two songs . Three songs . Two people were singing as they carried steel beams . They were blood related brothers . One was called Zhang Guang, the other was called Zhang Fang . Their nearby coworkers were listening in enjoyment and even sang along with them at times . In the car . Little w.a.n.g exclaimed, It 39 s the Laborer Brothers Ha Qiqi looked at Zhang Ye in surprise . You 39 re here to look for the Laborer Brothers Zhang Ye smiled and said, You two know them as well Of course, we know them really well . Little w.a.n.g said, They 39 re really popular online . It was around the end of last year when a pa.s.serby recorded a video of them and put it up on the Internet, which ended up going viral . That song was especially touching . I heard that a lot of people came from afar just to listen to them sing . They 39 ve been calling them the Laborer Brothers . In terms of laborers, the two of them are the most well known . But I wonder why they 39 re still working at the construction site Ha Qiqi said, That 39 s because their singing is not up to standard . Do you think everyone can sing as well as Director Zhang Just listen to them . Even though they 39 re not singing out of tune and have quite an alright vocalization technique, would it be proper to describe it as an earth shattering performance Is their singing really that exquisite I really don 39 t think so . We can pick any professional singer, and they would all sing better than them . Besides, they 39 re too lacking in their image as well . If they 39 re thinking of making it in show business That possibility is too far fetched . They continued listening for a while longer . Little w.a.n.g nodded . You 39 re right . They 39 re really not comparable to pros . Ha Qiqi said, Director Zhang, you 39 ve heard them too, right Let 39 s go . They can 39 t sing your songs, and they 39 re also not popular enough . Right now, you have the entire entertainment circle 39 s performers and singers to pick from . Zhang Ye chuckled . But they 39 re who I 39 ve picked . Ha Qiqi said, Are you serious Little w.a.n.g, go approach them, Zhang Ye instructed . Little w.a.n.g didn 39 t know whether to laugh or cry . You 39 re sure about this Zhang Ye laughed and said, Of course Why else would I come all the way here for Do you think that I have a lot of time on my hands The Spring Festival Gala has been too routine in recent years . Other than celebrities, it was still celebrities . Other than big name performers, it was still big name performers . It seemed to suggest that only they could support the stage of the Spring Festival Gala . It was as though the audience would only recognize them . Actually, that wasn 39 t how things worked . They simply could not understand how powerful it was to subvert expectations . So what if they were laborers So what if they didn 39 t have the looks So what if they weren 39 t professional singers Their voices could still be just as impressive At the site . Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang sat down for their break . Both of them had not eaten breakfast yet and wiped their hands before picking up a large bun each and pairing it with some pickled vegetables, chewing on the food . They changed their lifestyle much ever since they became famous . Their coworkers were chatting with them . The Spring Festival Gala is almost here . Yeah, I heard that they 39 re still selecting the performers . Zhang Guang, Zhang Fang, it would be great if you two could get on the Spring Festival Gala . That would really cheer us up as well Zhang Guang gave a wry smile as he waved it off . Us two brothers are just singing for fun, so how could we possibly dare to think of getting onto the Spring Festival Gala 39 s stage Zhang Fang chewed on his bun and whined, I wish I could though . Zhang Guang rolled his eyes . Stop dreaming . Zhang Fang snorted, then simpered, We have to have dreams . In the distance, a pretty girl came walking over . The workers looked over . Eh It 39 s someone from the city She must be here to listen to Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang sing . No one found this strange . Little w.a.n.g walked up to them . Are you Teacher Zhang Guang and Teacher Zhang Fang Zhang Guang hurriedly put down his bun and stood up . We 39 re not teachers, we 39 re not teachers . Zhang Fang was also taken aback by this term of address . Little w.a.n.g said, h.e.l.lo, I am from the Central TV Spring Festival Gala production team . We would like to invite both of you teachers to take part in the Spring Festival Gala this year . Would you be interested They were stunned silly The other workers present were dumbfounded as well Zhang Guang exclaimed, Ah Zhang Fang did not believe it . Us On the Spring Festival Gala Little w.a.n.g smiled . That 39 s right . Zhang Guang furiously waved his hands and said, That 39 s impossible, impossible . Zhang Fang said, Are you teasing us Little w.a.n.g said, Come with me to the car and you 39 ll understand . Some of their coworkers cautioned them . Don 39 t go She must be lying Yeah, you two might get sold off and still be clueless as to how it happened . Yeah, there are a lot of scammers in the city these days . You must not get into the car The group of them nearly surrounded Little w.a.n.g A scammer Sell them both off Little w.a.n.g nearly fainted . You two are rugged, grown men . Who would possibly want to buy you two Zhang Ye, who was inside the car, was quite amused . He opened the car door and got out, saying, Little w.a.n.g, I only asked you to do a simple task, but look at this efficacy of yours . Little w.a.n.g said anxiously, You can 39 t blame me for that, Director Zhang . They don 39 t trust me . Zhang Ye said with a grin, That 39 s because you look like a bad guy . Little w.a.n.g got angry . Ha Qiqi also got out of the car in laughter . An uproar occurred at the construction site Zhang Ye It was Zhang Ye The executive director of this year 39 s Spring Festival Gala Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang were stunned At this point, their coworkers should surely know that this was for real even if they were idiots . These people were really from Central TV Alright, let me say it . Zhang Ye looked at the two brothers . Do you wish to go on the Spring Festival Gala Zhang Guang 39 s eyes reddened . Yes We wish to Zhang Fang also stared with wide eyes as he nodded furiously . Zhang Ye said, Alright then, I 39 ve got a song here . If the two of you can perfect it before the Spring Festival Gala 39 s second approval session, I 39 ll leave a slot open for the two of you on this year 39 s gala . Zhang Guang was so excited that he almost went crazy . Thank you Thank you Zhang Fang said, We, we 39 ll definitely sing it well Definitely Zhang Ye said, During this time, there will definitely be a need to practice, go to the approval session, and attend the rehearsals . As such, from now until Lunar New Year 39 s Eve, the two of you might not exactly have much time to work . I 39 ll say this first . The appearance pay for the Spring Festival Gala is not much, probably amounting to only several thousand yuan . So if you two have any difficulties or requests, please let me know in advance . I can help you to handle the issue in private . Be it if you need a.s.sistance in your daily lives or financial help, it 39 s all fine with me . Zhang Guang and Zhang Fang immediately looked at one another . Ha Qiqi smiled and said, Just speak . You don 39 t have to stand on ceremony with Director Zhang . Zhang Guang said hesitatingly, We don 39 t lack any money, we have enough to use . Zhang Ye said, What about any other difficulties You can request anything you want . Zhang Fang said, Anything Zhang Guang tugged at him . Zhang Ye nodded . Yes, anything is fine . Zhang Fang cautiously said, I 39 m really gonna say it then Go ahead . Zhang Ye grinned . Zhang Fang suddenly said, Can you send me a work dedication card of fortune What Zhang Ye sounded like he had misheard . Zhang Fang quickly said, I can use the prosperity and strength fortune card to trade for it Zhang Ye was floored Little w.a.n.g giggled, Pfft Ha Qiqi was speechless . Those five rip off cards of fortune had even made its way to the laborers and the construction sites

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