I'm Really a Superstar

Chapter 1318

Chapter 1318
Chapter 1317: The most daring executive director in the history of the Spring Festival Gala!

Translator: Legge  Editor: Legge





Two days!

The higher-ups spent two entire days discussing it!

At this time, the Spring Festival Gala was becoming a very pressing issue. The previous appointment of the executive director had already been dragged on for too long. In fact, it was one of the latest appointments in all the past years. In the end, that executive director did not even take a few days before he decided to step down from the role. After another period of dragging on, they finally invited Zhang Ye to take charge of the Spring Festival Gala. The timing was so tight that every minute and second was extremely precious and couldn"t be wasted. Yet the higher-ups spent these two days cooped up in a meeting to decide on the possibility of implementing an advertising format for the Spring Festival Gala. From that, it showed how important this matter was!

No one dared to make the decision!

No one was willing to bear this infamy!

But now, Zhang Ye had stepped up. He would be responsible for all the consequences. Further, he even submitted such a shocking advertising proposal and had also worked out the preliminary negotiations with the other party. After the Spring Festival Gala"s organizing committee saw this proposal, they were all astounded. And even the executives above these executives could not help but feel impressed by Zhang Ye"s idea when they learned about it—he was truly a prodigy at advertising and marketing. If they adopted this advertising plan by Zhang Ye, not only would they be paid the advertising fees, it could even drive up the Spring Festival Gala"s viewers.h.i.+p ratings and popularity!

Should they go ahead with it?

Could they allow such a precedent?

The higher-ups were hesitating!

For such an important matter, even the Spring Festival Gala"s organizing committee executives were unable to make a decision about it. It would require someone even higher up, or even the higher higher-ups to approve of the plan!

In the office of the Spring Festival Gala"s production team.

Zhang Ye was busy preparing the set design proposal.

"Director, this won"t work."

"It will work if I say it does."

"But this would cost too much money."

A bunch of stage designers were arguing back and forth.

Zhang Ye was actually waiting as well. He had already been waiting for the past two days. Without money, all these set design proposals would have been done for naught. It wouldn"t get translated onto the set at all.

Were they still undecided?

Was it really not possible?

He was getting really anxious.

Suddenly, Ha Qiqi ran in. "Director Zhang!"

Zhang Ye looked at her. "How goes it?"

Ha Qiqi exclaimed excitedly, "It"s been approved! They"ve approved it!"

Zhang Ye immediately said, "How did they say it would be done?"

Ha Qiqi quickly explained, "There can only be a maximum of five advertisers and we mustn"t exceed on that number. Of the advertis.e.m.e.nt money received, 1 billion yuan will be disbursed to us for our operating expenses. The leader has requested that every single yuan be used wisely. As for how the money should be spent, you can decide on it as long as you submit the requests for approval!"

Instantly, the Spring Festival Gala production team"s staff screamed!


"The higher-ups have really approved it?"

"This is great!"


"We finally have money! We"re rich!"

Some of the women on the team got so emotional that they almost cried!

There was a time when these people on the Spring Festival Gala production team were laughed at and called the poorest production team in the industry by their peers. They had the biggest gala stage to work on, but didn"t have the budget of a large scale variety show. They couldn"t afford to buy or get anything done, didn"t manage to have their plans approved, and even had to miserly calculate if they had enough money left when ordering equipment. If they spent a little more than it looked necessary, they would get criticized by the media for recklessly spending the taxpayers" money. As a result, the higher-ups became very cautious and managed their spending very carefully. Who could understand what they went through? It was simply unbearable to look back upon that!

However, it was different now!

Their executive director"s proposal had been approved by the higher-ups!

This would mean that they would be getting the funding very soon, and it wasn"t just 100 million or 200 million they were talking about. It was 1 billion RMB! And it was even money from sponsors, so they wouldn"t have to worry about others wagging their tongues about how they spent it! They were about to turn from the poorest production team into the richest one in the world!

What did that feel like?

They felt as though they were soaring to the skies!

Zhang Ye also suddenly became very confident. "Old Ha, quickly contact the advertisers. Make an appointment with them to get the contracts signed so that we can immediately execute the advertising proposal!"

Ha Qiqi replied, "OK, I"ll get to it immediately!"

Zhang Ye said, "I only have one request for them!"

Ha Qiqi said, "What is it?"

Zhang Ye said, "That they disburse the advertising fees within a week!"

Ha Qiqi said, "Alright, I"ll talk to them about that!"

Everyone got down to business!

Some of the people were full of energy, while others had a bitter look on their faces.

Director Zhang was playing with fire this time. Was the Spring Festival Gala really going to advertise now? What kind of a result would that garner? Right now, no one dared to make any predictions!

In the outside world.

The media was getting restless.

It has already been two days, but there was still no sign of any activity regarding the Spring Festival Gala. They had spent the past few days waiting for Zhang Ye"s first move since his appointment as the executive director. However, there was still nothing that came out of that. A lot of the reporters could not believe this. This was Zhang Ye they were talking about, the well-known hooligan of the entertainment industry. If it were any other executive director who stayed quiet after their appointment, they might still believe it! But to see Zhang Ye not making a move? That was just impossible! He didn"t pick a fight with anyone? He didn"t scold anyone? When had this fellow ever been so composed? This was not his style!

Beijing Times.

The editorial department was abuzz with conversation.

"The Spring Festival Gala production team is too quiet."

"Yeah, it"s so quiet that it"s scary."

"Why do I feel like a storm is brewing?"

At this moment, someone ran in!

"Not good!"

"What"s the matter, Little Li?"

"I just got back from Central TV. Something big has happened with the Spring Festival Gala!"

"What is it? Say it quickly!"

"Zhang Ye is—"

"What did he do?"

"He"s turning to advertis.e.m.e.nts!"


"Holy s.h.i.+t!"

"I knew it, I knew that something big would happen!"

At Xinhua News Agency.

"Something has happened! The Spring Festival Gala is going to advertise!"

"Get lost, that"s impossible."

"It"s true!"

"Hur hur, who would dare advertise during the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Zhang Ye dares!"

"d.a.m.n, are you serious?"

"It"s verified to be 100% true! This news has been confirmed!"


"Has Zhang Ye gone crazy?"

People"s Daily.

The editorial department was in utter silence!

"Holy f.u.c.k!"


"This is crazy!"

"This is insanity!"

"They"re going to have advertis.e.m.e.nts on the Spring Festival Gala?"


"This year"s Spring Festival Gala is going to be chaos!"

"That"s what they get for appointing a reckless man like Zhang Ye to take charge of the gala!"

The media was stunned!

The industry was puking blood!

After two days of waiting and inaction, the first thing that Zhang Ye did for the Spring Festival Gala had stunned the entire country"s citizens! Zhang Ye was indeed still that same old Zhang Ye. When he didn"t make a move, everything was fine. But the moment he did, it would always be earth-shattering. The Spring Festival Gala was going to have advertis.e.m.e.nts in it? Other than him, who would even toy with that sort of idea!

The people were dumbfounded!

"Are you serious?"

"Oh my G.o.d!"

"Zhang Ye is too bold!"

"He f.u.c.king has the courage of a lion!"

"I knew that there would be trouble the moment they said he was taking charge of the Central TV Spring Festival Gala. Just look at this. It"s only been a few days, but the Spring Festival Gala is going to take advertisers? If this continues for another two months, the Spring Festival Gala will surely get dismantled by Zhang Ye! Aiyo, G.o.ddammit, there have never been advertis.e.m.e.nts on the Spring Festival Gala before!"


"Zhang Ye is such a scammer!"

"This is great. He"s dragged the Spring Festival Gala down!"

"He"s capable of causing trouble everywhere he goes!"

"This has turned into something big!"

"How could he bring what they do on variety shows onto the Spring Festival Gala!"

"If the Spring Festival Gala has advertis.e.m.e.nts on it, how much would the advertising fees cost? Just having a brief moment of screen time would cost at least a 100 million, right?"

"What a scammer this Zhang Ye is! They appointed you to be in charge of the Spring Festival Gala so that you could improve it, not earn money for it. Aiyo, this is so funny!"


"Zhang Ye is indeed very unconventional!"

"The higher-ups too, why would they approve a proposal like this?"

"Yeah, the higher-ups are really giving a lot of face to Zhang Ye."

"This year"s Spring Festival Gala will definitely be different from the previous years."

"That"s right. With Zhang Ye around, how can there not be any controversies?"

"The world can"t stop our Lord Zhang!"

"Just let him do it. The past years have always been too traditional because everyone was so concerned with their statuses. It"s not bad to have Zhang Ye introduce some chaos into the equation. Who knows, he might just be able to come up with a few tricks. Furthermore, this year"s Spring Festival Gala bears his name. It won"t matter how much of a mess it gets into. Zhang Ye will be totally responsible for it. He must have considered the consequences before going ahead with this plan."

People were praising it.

People were sarcastically poking fun at it.

People were scolding it.

People were criticizing it.

Zhang Ye"s actions had caused a great uproar in the country!

The news also started being reported about in the nation!

Even the Asian media outlets started picking up on the reports. For a world-cla.s.s stage like the Spring Festival Gala, there was also a lot of attention given to it in Asia. Besides, Zhang Ye was also an list celebrity in the Asian Celebrity Rankings, so even if he was still not that appealing to people in Asian countries, he was still known to many of them!

He was getting a mixed reception!

There was a continued controversy about this!

But there was an opinion that seemed pretty unified across all the media outlets!

All of them unanimously agreed that Zhang Ye was: the most daring executive director in the history of the Spring Festival Gala!

Daring to advertise also required courage!

Further, on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala?

This was a decision that no any ordinary person could make!

Comments (308)Reading_Alien

for someone who"s every word worth millions... then his projects should worth a billion.


FC Barcelona did not have a s.h.i.+rt sponsor until the past decade or so due to tradition. some times, it"s not about the idea of rescuing revenue, but who is willing to be that person to break tradition


Legge oh Legge ..... My patience is running out...... You to is scamming us in reading chapters to know the conclusion.... d.a.m.n.....


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Chapter 1318: Arrival of the five rip-off cards of fortune!

Translator: Legge  Editor: Legge

When the 1 billion RMB was received.

Work on the stage began.

The advertising negotiations were carried out.

The program list was drawn up.

Preparations for the first approval session began.

The Spring Festival Gala"s production team led by Zhang Ye suddenly got busy.

Meanwhile, there was no lack of doubting voices from the outside world.

Little w.a.n.g reported, "Director Zhang, there is quite a lot of scolding directed at us outside."

Zhang Ye said, "I know, just leave them be."

Tong Fu was slightly surprised. "Aren"t we going to issue a response?"

Zhang Ye smiled and said, "There"s no need. If they keep talking about us, it proves that there is a lot of attention given to the Spring Festival Gala. That"s much better than having no attention at all, isn"t it? It can also be seen as a different form of publicity. Besides, this isn"t even that much of a scolding. They still have not started with the serious scolding." There was a deeper meaning to his words.

Everyone was dismayed.


"Have not started yet?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"Is it because of the advertis.e.m.e.nts?"

"Are there going to be problems with the advertis.e.m.e.nts?"

They kept up with the questioning. The Spring Festival Gala production team members did not have the same strong mental fort.i.tude as Zhang Ye.

However, Zhang Ye did not give them a direct answer. He simply gave a sheepish smile and said, "You"ll find out when the time comes."

For the Spring Festival Gala"s viewers.h.i.+p ratings, Zhang Ye had resorted to using his killer move. This killer move was the kind that would sacrifice a 2,000-strong army to defeat an army with only 1,000 enemies. It was one of the most controversial marketing cases in Zhang Ye"s previous world but an extremely explosive technique that was very deceitful as well. The people of this world would surely not know about it, but if it was mentioned to anyone in Zhang Ye"s previous world, eighty percent people would surely jump up and start cursing at it!

That"s right!

It was just such a deceitful marketing technique!

And now, Zhang Ye was getting ready to introduce it to this world!

The days pa.s.sed.

The production pace of the Spring Festival Gala started picking up.

On this day.

The country was in an uproar!

Everyone had been stunned by a sudden piece of news!

The Spring Festival Gala"s advertising partner, one of the country"s largest payment processors called " Unipay 1 ," had announced some extremely shocking news. With a cash prize pool of 200 million RMB, the Spring Festival Gala"s "Five Cards of Fortune Collection" campaign was launched.

And what were the five fortunes?

The prosperity and strength card of fortune.

The harmony card of fortune.

The friends.h.i.+p card of fortune.

The patriotism card of fortune.

The work dedication card of fortune.

The rules were: A user who adds ten new friends on Unipay will stand to receive three cards of fortune. The remaining two cards could be gifted or exchanged between Unipay friends, and the users who managed to gather all five cards of fortune would stand to win an equal share of the 200 million RMB cash prize. This was not simply a chance at winning the prize money, but a definite one as long as you could gather all five cards of fortune. So that would mean that if only one person could gather all the cards, then that person would win the entire share of the 200 million RMB. If two people each managed to gather the five cards, the 200 million yuan cash pool would be split equally between them!

It was cold, hard cas.h.!.+

This was as fair as it could get!

The Spring Festival Gala"s official Weibo shared the post!

This campaign was widely advertised across all the major forums!

Unipay"s promotions instantly covered every nook and cranny in an overwhelming fas.h.i.+on!

When had the people ever witnessed such a strong marketing push before? They were dumbfounded!

"Holy s.h.i.+t!"

"200 million RMB?"

"I didn"t read it wrong, did I? Has Unipay gone crazy?"

"Is this what the Spring Festival Gala"s advertis.e.m.e.nt is?"

"Is this what the Spring Festival Gala"s advertis.e.m.e.nt is?"

"Haha, I like this advertis.e.m.e.nt!"

"No s.h.i.+t, who wouldn"t like it since it involves money to be won!"

"Are they really going to give out 200 million yuan in red packets?"

"Did they have to make such a big move! Isn"t this a little too much?"

"This is f.u.c.king 40 times higher than the prize money for those sports lottery tickets!"

"My G.o.d!"

"Ahhhhh! 200 million! It"s 200 million!"

"Great showing, Unipay! Nicely done!"

"200 million, here I come!"

"Get lost, it"s mine!"

"I"m gonna give it a try!"

"Hurry, add me as a friend! Quick!"

"If we"re too slow, it"ll be gone. Requesting ten contacts to add!"

"Let"s help each other out, comrades!"

"This is so exciting!"

Everyone was bursting with excitement!

The red packet war had started!

At Tsinghua University.

In a cla.s.sroom.

An English teacher was currently giving a lecture from the front of the room.

"How do we play this?"

"Add me as a friend first, then I"ll tell you."

"Wow, I"ve already gotten three fortune cards!"

"Me too, I"m just short of another two!"

"Who has the work dedication card of fortune? I"ll trade the prosperity and strength card of fortune for it!"

"Shh, be quiet. We"re in cla.s.s."

At a company.

"Old Li, I"ve already gathered four cards of fortune."

"What cards of fortune? Why are you gathering them?"

"Don"t you know? There"s 200 million yuan to be won!"


"Quickly sign up for a Unipay account."

"Alright, let me give this card gathering thing a try too!"

In a restaurant.

The waiters were huddled together in groups of two and three.

"Give me a patriotism card! Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"I only have two cards of fortune!"

"I"ll trade the harmony card with you!"

"Alright, I"ve sent it to you!"

"Where"s the work dedication card?"

"I don"t know! No one has it!"

In the crosstalk world.

"What are you all doing?"

"We"re gathering the five fortunes."

"Whoa, you guys are also playing such games at your age?"

"There"s no chance for us to get on the Spring Festival Gala anyway, so we might as well just give it a try. Who knows, we might end up winning the red packet prize."

The number of people collecting the cards of fortune was increasing!

Even the old comrades from the crosstalk world had joined in, so just imagine what kind of a situation this was!

On one of the days.

A Weibo photo went viral.

The first person in the country to gather all five of the cards of fortune finally appeared. That person posted a screenshot with the five cards flush with color2 , while the comments below were all envious voices.

"That"s amazing!"

"You"ve gathered them all so quickly?"

"Big Bro, please give me a share of your prize!"

"This is worth 200 million, bro!"

"If no one else manages to gather them all, the entire 200 million RMB prize will belong to you!"

"d.a.m.n, where"s the work dedication card!"

"I"m also looking for it. There are too few of them!"

"f.u.c.king work dedication card, show yourself!"

"Collecting the work dedication card, paying 50 yuan for one!"

"I"ll pay 100 yuan!"

"Whoever has the work dedication card, please PM me. I can act cute for you and warm your bed too!"

"Could this poster end up winning the entirety of the prize money?"

"No way, right? There will definitely be others who can gather all five of them as well. In fact, I heard that there will be an indication of how many people have managed to gather all the cards of fortune during the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on Lunar New Year"s Eve. The hosts will also be handing out cards of fortune that will be up for grabs to the viewers, so there should still be quite a few work dedication cards getting released. We can only depend on luck to see if we can get them!"

"No way, right? There will definitely be others who can gather all five of them as well. In fact, I heard that there will be an indication of how many people have managed to gather all the cards of fortune during the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on Lunar New Year"s Eve. The hosts will also be handing out cards of fortune that will be up for grabs to the viewers, so there should still be quite a few work dedication cards getting released. We can only depend on luck to see if we can get them!"

"What? It will be a concurrent event with the Spring Festival Gala?"

"That"s right."

"This advertising campaign is really fun and gimmicky!"

"Zhang Ye is so devious!"

"Yeah, the campaign was thought up by him in the first place!"

"Pfft, Zhang Ye is too good at business. I was still wondering why he was suddenly open to taking advertis.e.m.e.nts for the gala. So it was because the advertis.e.m.e.nts could help increase the viewers.h.i.+p ratings and bring in viewers.h.i.+p for the Spring Festival Gala!"

"I don"t care about the gala. All I want is the work dedication card!"

"I"ll be the girlfriend of whoever gives me their work dedication card!"

"d.a.m.n, previous poster, are you serious?"

"I hope the Spring Festival Gala gets broadcast soon. I can"t wait anymore!"

"I hope they"ll give out a few more of the work dedication cards during the Spring Festival Gala!"

One spread to ten.

Ten spread to a 100.

Some people were doing it for the red packets while others were doing it purely for the fun of it. There were also people who saw their friends asking for cards of fortune who ended up joining in the activity as well. A propagation like this through social media was extremely frightening. Once a user started gathering the cards of fortune, the ten friends they added would also know about it. When those ten friends joined in to gather the cards, they would then bring in another 100 friends with them. The 100 friends would then bring in 1,000 friends, and the 1,000 friends would bring in 10,000 friends. This would go on and on until no new users were left!

It was a form of viral marketing!

In just a short period of time, the entire country was caught up in the craze of the Spring Festival Gala"s Five Cards of Fortune Collection!

That"s right!

It was crazy!

It was an unparalleled madness!


Zhang Ye had been on the receiving end of countless phone calls from his relatives and friends in recent days.

His mother called.


"Mom, I"m busy at work."

"Wait, I haven"t even said anything yet."

"Go on, go on."

"Send me a work dedication card."


"The work dedication card! Hurry up!"

"But I don"t have it."

"The cards of fortune are given out by the Spring Festival Gala, so how can you not have any when you"re the executive director?"

"I really don"t have any. They"re handed out by Unipay; we"re just their partner."

"Alright then, I"ll go check with others."

Rao Aimin called.

"Little Zhang!"

"Big Sis Rao, what"s the matter?"

"Send me a work dedication card."

"What? You"re playing that too?"

"There"s money to be won. Only a fool would not play!"

"But you"re already so rich. Anyway, I don"t have it."

"Rascal, don"t you give me that bulls.h.i.+t. Hurry up and get me the card!"

"I really don"t have it."

After hanging up, Zhang Ye gave a wry smile. Then he looked at Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo, and the group of people from the Spring Festival Gala production team who were on their break. A lot of them were whispering to each other, and it could be seen that they were all trading cards of fortune with one another. They were really enjoying it, and it could be seen that even the Spring Festival Gala production team had fallen into the craze of gathering the five fortunes!

The entire country had fallen!

No one was spared!

They had all been taken in by the scam!

It had gotten big!

It had gotten huge!

Zhang Ye shuddered in fear on the inside. He wiped away his sweat and called Ha Qiqi over. "Sister Ha, uhh, come over for a bit. I have something that I need to talk to you about."

"Coming, Director Zhang." Ha Qiqi quickly traded a card of fortune with Little w.a.n.g before coming over. "Is the noon break over? Should I notify everyone to start working?"

Zhang Ye coughed and said, "Were you the one who liaised with Unipay?"

Ha Qiqi nodded. "Yes, I"m in charge of that."

Zhang Ye cleared his throat and stammered, "Umm, so, tell them quickly that I said to let them come up with another promotion to create another prize pool on the day of the Spring Festival Gala. It doesn"t have to be much, just tens of millions, or a 100 million would be fine too. Or they could also work with some of the artist studios and invite the celebrities to join in. They can then hand out red packets in the name of the celebrities or stuff like that. This would not require the use of the cards of fortune, nor will there be any limitations on who can grab the red packets. Everyone is allowed to take part, and it"s best that everyone can partic.i.p.ate in it. When the time comes, we"ll also help them to promote it here on the Spring Festival Gala."

Ha Qiqi was taken aback. "That shouldn"t be necessary, right, Director Zhang? This Five Cards of Fortune Collection campaign has taken off so crazily that everyone is trying their hand at it. Why is there still a need to directly give out additional red packets? The publicity effect is in place, and the advertising world is totally shocked by this advertising and marketing push that you"ve started!"


They were all in shock!

But what was even more shocking was still to come!

This marketing push was a complete scam. It was a bottomless pit!

Zhang Ye said, "Just do as I say."

"Alright, understood. I"ll get in contact with them about it," Ha Qiqi said.

Zhang Ye said, "Tell them that this is to earn goodwill for them, so don"t be afraid to spend. They"ve already spent 200 million anyway, so this amount should not really matter that much."

Ha Qiqi went to carry out his instructions. "OK."

This proposal that Zhang Ye was suggesting was actually to help Unipay dig its way out of the pit. Once the campaign ended, Unipay should be able to benefit quite a bit from it, and the Spring Festival Gala would not be implicated either. Be it the Five Cards of Fortune Collection or grabbing of the red packets that the celebrities would be giving out, all of that would help to boost the Spring Festival Gala"s viewers.h.i.+p ratings. As such, the Spring Festival Gala was the party that stood to gain the most out of this campaign. So when you thought about it, the blame would only fall onto Zhang Ye. Not only was he the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala, he was also the manager of this advertising and marketing proposal. This fellow could already imagine how many people would curse at him on the day the campaign ended!

Hai, come at me then. He was already mentally prepared for the backlash that he would receive over his "scamming" of the entire country"s citizens in a bid to boost the viewers.h.i.+p ratings of the Spring Festival Gala!

The five fortunes?

Five fortunes, my a.s.s!

This was more like the five deceptions!

But the thing was, n.o.body knew what it was yet!

Chapter 1317 The most daring executive director in the history of the Spring Festival Gala Translator Legge Editor Legge Meetings Debates Disagreements Voting Two days The higher ups spent two entire days discussing it At this time, the Spring Festival Gala was becoming a very pressing issue. The previous appointment of the executive director had already been dragged on for too long. In fact, it was one of the latest appointments in all the past years. In the end, that executive director did not even take a few days before he decided to step down from the role. After another period of dragging on, they finally invited Zhang Ye to take charge of the Spring Festival Gala. The timing was so tight that every minute and second was extremely precious and couldn 39 t be wasted. Yet the higher ups spent these two days cooped up in a meeting to decide on the possibility of implementing an advertising format for the Spring Festival Gala. From that, it showed how important this matter was No one dared to make the decision No one was willing to bear this infamy But now, Zhang Ye had stepped up. He would be responsible for all the consequences. Further, he even submitted such a shocking advertising proposal and had also worked out the preliminary negotiations with the other party. After the Spring Festival Gala 39 s organizing committee saw this proposal, they were all astounded. And even the executives above these executives could not help but feel impressed by Zhang Ye 39 s idea when they learned about it he was truly a prodigy at advertising and marketing. If they adopted this advertising plan by Zhang Ye, not only would they be paid the advertising fees, it could even drive up the Spring Festival Gala 39 s viewers.h.i.+p ratings and popularity Should they go ahead with it Could they allow such a precedent The higher ups were hesitating For such an important matter, even the Spring Festival Gala 39 s organizing committee executives were unable to make a decision about it. It would require someone even higher up, or even the higher higher ups to approve of the plan In the office of the Spring Festival Gala 39 s production team. Zhang Ye was busy preparing the set design proposal. Director, this won 39 t work. It will work if I say it does. But this would cost too much money. A bunch of stage designers were arguing back and forth. Zhang Ye was actually waiting as well. He had already been waiting for the past two days. Without money, all these set design proposals would have been done for naught. It wouldn 39 t get translated onto the set at all. Were they still undecided Was it really not possible He was getting really anxious. Suddenly, Ha Qiqi ran in. Director Zhang Zhang Ye looked at her. How goes it Ha Qiqi exclaimed excitedly, It 39 s been approved They 39 ve approved it Zhang Ye immediately said, How did they say it would be done Ha Qiqi quickly explained, There can only be a maximum of five advertisers and we mustn 39 t exceed on that number. Of the advertis.e.m.e.nt money received, 1 billion yuan will be disbursed to us for our operating expenses. The leader has requested that every single yuan be used wisely. As for how the money should be spent, you can decide on it as long as you submit the requests for approval Instantly, the Spring Festival Gala production team 39 s staff screamed What The higher ups have really approved it This is great Ahhhh We finally have money We 39 re rich Some of the women on the team got so emotional that they almost cried There was a time when these people on the Spring Festival Gala production team were laughed at and called the poorest production team in the industry by their peers. They had the biggest gala stage to work on, but didn 39 t have the budget of a large scale variety show. They couldn 39 t afford to buy or get anything done, didn 39 t manage to have their plans approved, and even had to miserly calculate if they had enough money left when ordering equipment. If they spent a little more than it looked necessary, they would get criticized by the media for recklessly spending the taxpayers 39 money. As a result, the higher ups became very cautious and managed their spending very carefully. Who could understand what they went through It was simply unbearable to look back upon that However, it was different now Their executive director 39 s proposal had been approved by the higher ups This would mean that they would be getting the funding very soon, and it wasn 39 t just 100 million or 200 million they were talking about. It was 1 billion RMB And it was even money from sponsors, so they wouldn 39 t have to worry about others wagging their tongues about how they spent it They were about to turn from the poorest production team into the richest one in the world What did that feel like They felt as though they were soaring to the skies Zhang Ye also suddenly became very confident. Old Ha, quickly contact the advertisers. Make an appointment with them to get the contracts signed so that we can immediately execute the advertising proposal Ha Qiqi replied, OK, I 39 ll get to it immediately Zhang Ye said, I only have one request for them Ha Qiqi said, What is it Zhang Ye said, That they disburse the advertising fees within a week Ha Qiqi said, Alright, I 39 ll talk to them about that Everyone got down to business Some of the people were full of energy, while others had a bitter look on their faces. Director Zhang was playing with fire this time. Was the Spring Festival Gala really going to advertise now What kind of a result would that garner Right now, no one dared to make any predictions In the outside world. The media was getting restless. It has already been two days, but there was still no sign of any activity regarding the Spring Festival Gala. They had spent the past few days waiting for Zhang Ye 39 s first move since his appointment as the executive director. However, there was still nothing that came out of that. A lot of the reporters could not believe this. This was Zhang Ye they were talking about, the well known hooligan of the entertainment industry. If it were any other executive director who stayed quiet after their appointment, they might still believe it But to see Zhang Ye not making a move That was just impossible He didn 39 t pick a fight with anyone He didn 39 t scold anyone When had this fellow ever been so composed This was not his style Beijing Times. The editorial department was abuzz with conversation. The Spring Festival Gala production team is too quiet. Yeah, it 39 s so quiet that it 39 s scary. Why do I feel like a storm is brewing At this moment, someone ran in Not good What 39 s the matter, Little Li I just got back from Central TV. Something big has happened with the Spring Festival Gala What is it Say it quickly Zhang Ye is What did he do He 39 s turning to advertis.e.m.e.nts What Holy s.h.i.+t I knew it, I knew that something big would happen At Xinhua News Agency. Something has happened The Spring Festival Gala is going to advertise Get lost, that 39 s impossible. It 39 s true Hur hur, who would dare advertise during the Spring Festival Gala Zhang Ye dares d.a.m.n, are you serious It 39 s verified to be 100 true This news has been confirmed What Has Zhang Ye gone crazy People 39 s Daily. The editorial department was in utter silence Holy f.u.c.k This This is crazy This is insanity They 39 re going to have advertis.e.m.e.nts on the Spring Festival Gala Heavens This year 39 s Spring Festival Gala is going to be chaos That 39 s what they get for appointing a reckless man like Zhang Ye to take charge of the gala The media was stunned The industry was puking blood After two days of waiting and inaction, the first thing that Zhang Ye did for the Spring Festival Gala had stunned the entire country 39 s citizens Zhang Ye was indeed still that same old Zhang Ye. When he didn 39 t make a move, everything was fine. But the moment he did, it would always be earth shattering. The Spring Festival Gala was going to have advertis.e.m.e.nts in it Other than him, who would even toy with that sort of idea The people were dumbfounded Are you serious Oh my G.o.d Zhang Ye is too bold He f.u.c.king has the courage of a lion I knew that there would be trouble the moment they said he was taking charge of the Central TV Spring Festival Gala. Just look at this. It 39 s only been a few days, but the Spring Festival Gala is going to take advertisers If this continues for another two months, the Spring Festival Gala will surely get dismantled by Zhang Ye Aiyo, G.o.ddammit, there have never been advertis.e.m.e.nts on the Spring Festival Gala before Pfft Zhang Ye is such a scammer This is great. He 39 s dragged the Spring Festival Gala down He 39 s capable of causing trouble everywhere he goes This has turned into something big How could he bring what they do on variety shows onto the Spring Festival Gala If the Spring Festival Gala has advertis.e.m.e.nts on it, how much would the advertising fees cost Just having a brief moment of screen time would cost at least a 100 million, right What a scammer this Zhang Ye is They appointed you to be in charge of the Spring Festival Gala so that you could improve it, not earn money for it. Aiyo, this is so funny Hahahahaha Zhang Ye is indeed very unconventional The higher ups too, why would they approve a proposal like this Yeah, the higher ups are really giving a lot of face to Zhang Ye. This year 39 s Spring Festival Gala will definitely be different from the previous years. That 39 s right. With Zhang Ye around, how can there not be any controversies The world can 39 t stop our Lord Zhang Just let him do it. The past years have always been too traditional because everyone was so concerned with their statuses. It 39 s not bad to have Zhang Ye introduce some chaos into the equation. Who knows, he might just be able to come up with a few tricks. Furthermore, this year 39 s Spring Festival Gala bears his name. It won 39 t matter how much of a mess it gets into. Zhang Ye will be totally responsible for it. He must have considered the consequences before going ahead with this plan. People were praising it. People were sarcastically poking fun at it. People were scolding it. People were criticizing it. Zhang Ye 39 s actions had caused a great uproar in the country The news also started being reported about in the nation Even the Asian media outlets started picking up on the reports. For a world cla.s.s stage like the Spring Festival Gala, there was also a lot of attention given to it in Asia. Besides, Zhang Ye was also an A list celebrity in the Asian Celebrity Rankings, so even if he was still not that appealing to people in Asian countries, he was still known to many of them He was getting a mixed reception There was a continued controversy about this But there was an opinion that seemed pretty unified across all the media outlets All of them unanimously agreed that Zhang Ye was the most daring executive director in the history of the Spring Festival Gala Daring to advertise also required courage Further, on a stage like the Spring Festival Gala This was a decision that no any ordinary person could make Comments 308 Reading Alien for someone who 39 s every word worth millions... then his projects should worth a billion. Legge FC Barcelona did not have a s.h.i.+rt sponsor until the past decade or so due to tradition. some times, it 39 s not about the idea of rescuing revenue, but who is willing to be that person to break tradition Mrin Al Legge oh Legge ..... My patience is running out...... You to is scamming us in reading chapters to know the conclusion.... d.a.m.n..... VIEW ALL COMMENTS Rate this chapter Vote with Power Stone Send Gifts Chapter 1318 Arrival of the five rip off cards of fortune Translator Legge Editor Legge When the 1 billion RMB was received. Work on the stage began. The advertising negotiations were carried out. The program list was drawn up. Preparations for the first approval session began. The Spring Festival Gala 39 s production team led by Zhang Ye suddenly got busy. Meanwhile, there was no lack of doubting voices from the outside world. Little w.a.n.g reported, Director Zhang, there is quite a lot of scolding directed at us outside. Zhang Ye said, I know, just leave them be. Tong Fu was slightly surprised. Aren 39 t we going to issue a response Zhang Ye smiled and said, There 39 s no need. If they keep talking about us, it proves that there is a lot of attention given to the Spring Festival Gala. That 39 s much better than having no attention at all, isn 39 t it It can also be seen as a different form of publicity. Besides, this isn 39 t even that much of a scolding. They still have not started with the serious scolding. There was a deeper meaning to his words. Everyone was dismayed. Ah Have not started yet What do you mean by that Is it because of the advertis.e.m.e.nts Are there going to be problems with the advertis.e.m.e.nts They kept up with the questioning. The Spring Festival Gala production team members did not have the same strong mental fort.i.tude as Zhang Ye. However, Zhang Ye did not give them a direct answer. He simply gave a sheepish smile and said, You 39 ll find out when the time comes. For the Spring Festival Gala 39 s viewers.h.i.+p ratings, Zhang Ye had resorted to using his killer move. This killer move was the kind that would sacrifice a 2,000 strong army to defeat an army with only 1,000 enemies. It was one of the most controversial marketing cases in Zhang Ye 39 s previous world but an extremely explosive technique that was very deceitful as well. The people of this world would surely not know about it, but if it was mentioned to anyone in Zhang Ye 39 s previous world, eighty percent people would surely jump up and start cursing at it That 39 s right It was just such a deceitful marketing technique And now, Zhang Ye was getting ready to introduce it to this world The days pa.s.sed. The production pace of the Spring Festival Gala started picking up. On this day. The country was in an uproar Everyone had been stunned by a sudden piece of news The Spring Festival Gala 39 s advertising partner, one of the country 39 s largest payment processors called Unipay 1 , had announced some extremely shocking news. With a cash prize pool of 200 million RMB, the Spring Festival Gala 39 s Five Cards of Fortune Collection campaign was launched. And what were the five fortunes The prosperity and strength card of fortune. The harmony card of fortune. The friends.h.i.+p card of fortune. The patriotism card of fortune. The work dedication card of fortune. The rules were A user who adds ten new friends on Unipay will stand to receive three cards of fortune. The remaining two cards could be gifted or exchanged between Unipay friends, and the users who managed to gather all five cards of fortune would stand to win an equal share of the 200 million RMB cash prize. This was not simply a chance at winning the prize money, but a definite one as long as you could gather all five cards of fortune. So that would mean that if only one person could gather all the cards, then that person would win the entire share of the 200 million RMB. If two people each managed to gather the five cards, the 200 million yuan cash pool would be split equally between them It was cold, hard cash This was as fair as it could get The Spring Festival Gala 39 s official Weibo shared the post This campaign was widely advertised across all the major forums Unipay 39 s promotions instantly covered every nook and cranny in an overwhelming fas.h.i.+on When had the people ever witnessed such a strong marketing push before They were dumbfounded Holy s.h.i.+t 200 million RMB I didn 39 t read it wrong, did I Has Unipay gone crazy Is this what the Spring Festival Gala 39 s advertis.e.m.e.nt is Haha, I like this advertis.e.m.e.nt No s.h.i.+t, who wouldn 39 t like it since it involves money to be won Are they really going to give out 200 million yuan in red packets Did they have to make such a big move Isn 39 t this a little too much This is f.u.c.king 40 times higher than the prize money for those sports lottery tickets My G.o.d Ahhhhh 200 million It 39 s 200 million Great showing, Unipay Nicely done 200 million, here I come Get lost, it 39 s mine I 39 m gonna give it a try Hurry, add me as a friend Quick If we 39 re too slow, it 39 ll be gone. Requesting ten contacts to add Let 39 s help each other out, comrades This is so exciting Everyone was bursting with excitement The red packet war had started At Tsinghua University. In a cla.s.sroom. An English teacher was currently giving a lecture from the front of the room. How do we play this Add me as a friend first, then I 39 ll tell you. Wow, I 39 ve already gotten three fortune cards Me too, I 39 m just short of another two Who has the work dedication card of fortune I 39 ll trade the prosperity and strength card of fortune for it Shh, be quiet. We 39 re in cla.s.s. At a company. Old Li, I 39 ve already gathered four cards of fortune. What cards of fortune Why are you gathering them Don 39 t you know There 39 s 200 million yuan to be won Ah Quickly sign up for a Unipay account. Alright, let me give this card gathering thing a try too In a restaurant. The waiters were huddled together in groups of two and three. Give me a patriotism card Hurry, hurry, hurry I only have two cards of fortune I 39 ll trade the harmony card with you Alright, I 39 ve sent it to you Where 39 s the work dedication card I don 39 t know No one has it In the crosstalk world. What are you all doing We 39 re gathering the five fortunes. Whoa, you guys are also playing such games at your age There 39 s no chance for us to get on the Spring Festival Gala anyway, so we might as well just give it a try. Who knows, we might end up winning the red packet prize. The number of people collecting the cards of fortune was increasing Even the old comrades from the crosstalk world had joined in, so just imagine what kind of a situation this was On one of the days. A Weibo photo went viral. The first person in the country to gather all five of the cards of fortune finally appeared. That person posted a screenshot with the five cards flush with color2 , while the comments below were all envious voices. That 39 s amazing You 39 ve gathered them all so quickly Big Bro, please give me a share of your prize This is worth 200 million, bro If no one else manages to gather them all, the entire 200 million RMB prize will belong to you d.a.m.n, where 39 s the work dedication card I 39 m also looking for it. There are too few of them f.u.c.king work dedication card, show yourself Collecting the work dedication card, paying 50 yuan for one I 39 ll pay 100 yuan Whoever has the work dedication card, please PM me. I can act cute for you and warm your bed too Could this poster end up winning the entirety of the prize money No way, right There will definitely be others who can gather all five of them as well. In fact, I heard that there will be an indication of how many people have managed to gather all the cards of fortune during the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala on Lunar New Year 39 s Eve. The hosts will also be handing out cards of fortune that will be up for grabs to the viewers, so there should still be quite a few work dedication cards getting released. We can only depend on luck to see if we can get them What It will be a concurrent event with the Spring Festival Gala That 39 s right. This advertising campaign is really fun and gimmicky Zhang Ye is so devious Yeah, the campaign was thought up by him in the first place Pfft, Zhang Ye is too good at business. I was still wondering why he was suddenly open to taking advertis.e.m.e.nts for the gala. So it was because the advertis.e.m.e.nts could help increase the viewers.h.i.+p ratings and bring in viewers.h.i.+p for the Spring Festival Gala I don 39 t care about the gala. All I want is the work dedication card I 39 ll be the girlfriend of whoever gives me their work dedication card d.a.m.n, previous poster, are you serious I hope the Spring Festival Gala gets broadcast soon. I can 39 t wait anymore I hope they 39 ll give out a few more of the work dedication cards during the Spring Festival Gala One spread to ten. Ten spread to a 100. Some people were doing it for the red packets while others were doing it purely for the fun of it. There were also people who saw their friends asking for cards of fortune who ended up joining in the activity as well. A propagation like this through social media was extremely frightening. Once a user started gathering the cards of fortune, the ten friends they added would also know about it. When those ten friends joined in to gather the cards, they would then bring in another 100 friends with them. The 100 friends would then bring in 1,000 friends, and the 1,000 friends would bring in 10,000 friends. This would go on and on until no new users were left It was a form of viral marketing In just a short period of time, the entire country was caught up in the craze of the Spring Festival Gala 39 s Five Cards of Fortune Collection That 39 s right It was crazy It was an unparalleled madness Elsewhere. Zhang Ye had been on the receiving end of countless phone calls from his relatives and friends in recent days. His mother called. Son. Mom, I 39 m busy at work. Wait, I haven 39 t even said anything yet. Go on, go on. Send me a work dedication card. Ah The work dedication card Hurry up But I don 39 t have it. The cards of fortune are given out by the Spring Festival Gala, so how can you not have any when you 39 re the executive director I really don 39 t have any. They 39 re handed out by Unipay we 39 re just their partner. Alright then, I 39 ll go check with others. Rao Aimin called. Little Zhang Big Sis Rao, what 39 s the matter Send me a work dedication card. What You 39 re playing that too There 39 s money to be won. Only a fool would not play But you 39 re already so rich. Anyway, I don 39 t have it. Rascal, don 39 t you give me that bulls.h.i.+t. Hurry up and get me the card I really don 39 t have it. After hanging up, Zhang Ye gave a wry smile. Then he looked at Ha Qiqi, Zhang Zuo, and the group of people from the Spring Festival Gala production team who were on their break. A lot of them were whispering to each other, and it could be seen that they were all trading cards of fortune with one another. They were really enjoying it, and it could be seen that even the Spring Festival Gala production team had fallen into the craze of gathering the five fortunes The entire country had fallen No one was spared They had all been taken in by the scam It had gotten big It had gotten huge Zhang Ye shuddered in fear on the inside. He wiped away his sweat and called Ha Qiqi over. Sister Ha, uhh, come over for a bit. I have something that I need to talk to you about. Coming, Director Zhang. Ha Qiqi quickly traded a card of fortune with Little w.a.n.g before coming over. Is the noon break over Should I notify everyone to start working Zhang Ye coughed and said, Were you the one who liaised with Unipay Ha Qiqi nodded. Yes, I 39 m in charge of that. Zhang Ye cleared his throat and stammered, Umm, so, tell them quickly that I said to let them come up with another promotion to create another prize pool on the day of the Spring Festival Gala. It doesn 39 t have to be much, just tens of millions, or a 100 million would be fine too. Or they could also work with some of the artist studios and invite the celebrities to join in. They can then hand out red packets in the name of the celebrities or stuff like that. This would not require the use of the cards of fortune, nor will there be any limitations on who can grab the red packets. Everyone is allowed to take part, and it 39 s best that everyone can partic.i.p.ate in it. When the time comes, we 39 ll also help them to promote it here on the Spring Festival Gala. Ha Qiqi was taken aback. That shouldn 39 t be necessary, right, Director Zhang This Five Cards of Fortune Collection campaign has taken off so crazily that everyone is trying their hand at it. Why is there still a need to directly give out additional red packets The publicity effect is in place, and the advertising world is totally shocked by this advertising and marketing push that you 39 ve started Yes They were all in shock But what was even more shocking was still to come This marketing push was a complete scam. It was a bottomless pit Zhang Ye said, Just do as I say. Alright, understood. I 39 ll get in contact with them about it, Ha Qiqi said. Zhang Ye said, Tell them that this is to earn goodwill for them, so don 39 t be afraid to spend. They 39 ve already spent 200 million anyway, so this amount should not really matter that much. Ha Qiqi went to carry out his instructions. OK. This proposal that Zhang Ye was suggesting was actually to help Unipay dig its way out of the pit. Once the campaign ended, Unipay should be able to benefit quite a bit from it, and the Spring Festival Gala would not be implicated either. Be it the Five Cards of Fortune Collection or grabbing of the red packets that the celebrities would be giving out, all of that would help to boost the Spring Festival Gala 39 s viewers.h.i.+p ratings. As such, the Spring Festival Gala was the party that stood to gain the most out of this campaign. So when you thought about it, the blame would only fall onto Zhang Ye. Not only was he the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala, he was also the manager of this advertising and marketing proposal. This fellow could already imagine how many people would curse at him on the day the campaign ended Hai, come at me then. He was already mentally prepared for the backlash that he would receive over his scamming of the entire country 39 s citizens in a bid to boost the viewers.h.i.+p ratings of the Spring Festival Gala The five fortunes Five fortunes, my a.s.s This was more like the five deceptions But the thing was, n.o.body knew what it was yet

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