I'm Really a Superstar

Chapter 1329

Chapter 1329
Chapter 1329: Just who the h.e.l.l"s sister is this?

Translator: Legge  Editor: Legge

Just before noon .

At an entertainment company .

"Jin Ni, the company will definitely make sure you get first place this time .

"But the people behind me are right on our heels . "

"It won"t be a problem . The company has bought another 100,000 votes for you . "

"Thanks, Sister Chen, thank you . "

"We"ll buy however many votes that they are catching up by . There"s nothing to be afraid of . "

"I understand . "

"Work hard in the future and don"t let everyone down . "

At a villa .

"Dad! Why am I only in second place!"

"Hur hur, Little He, don"t be anxious . "

"But I want to be in first place . It"s no use getting second!"

"Daddy knows . Don"t you worry, I already got someone to take care of this . When the voting ends at midnight tonight, my darling daughter will surely be in first place . "


"Really . It"s just about spending money, isn"t it? I"ll see who can outbuy whom for the votes!"

At a university .

In the female dorms .

"Chen Di, you"re in third place!"

"Yep . "

"Why are there so many people accusing you of stealing their accounts?"

"Ignore them, those are the alt accounts the top two girls sent to slander me . "

"You didn"t buy votes, did you?"

"Would I need to?"

"Haha, that"s true . Our Didi is so beautiful!"

"Yeah, Didi will definitely win the most beautiful school belle!"

The compet.i.tion for Most Beautiful School Belle was getting intense .

The top three were in a knock-down, drag-out brawl . At times, one of them would suddenly gain an additional 20,000 votes . At times, another one would suddenly gain 30,000 votes . The voting pattern was very strange as the three of them were determined to take first place!

The netizens were also watching the fun .

"This is getting really intense!"

"How did these three girls get so many votes?"

"The girl in fourth place is behind by so many times fewer votes than them?"

"Hur hur, did you think that those votes were real? They"re all bought votes . "

"At least 95% of the votes here were bought with money . It"s too shady . "

"I don"t like any of these three . "

"Let"s see which of them will get first place . "

"The Most Beautiful School Belle is now just a matter of who can spend more money . There"s no meaning to it anymore . "

"Yeah, this ranking"s authority is getting worse and worse each year . "

"f.u.c.k, my account was hacked by them! It was used to vote for one of those three!"

"Mine too! I"ve already filed a complaint, but it"s no use!"

"Motherf.u.c.ker, how is this the "Most Beautiful School Belle" compet.i.tion? It should be called the "Most Shady School Belle" compet.i.tion instead!"

"Nice sarcasm, hur hur hur . "

But it was at this time that something really surprising occurred!

A name suddenly appeared at the front of the rankings!

30,000 votes!

50,000 votes!

100,000 votes!

The netizens were stunned!

"d.a.m.n, here comes another vote buyer!"

"What strong momentum!"

"She gained over 100,000 votes in just five minutes?"

"Who the h.e.l.l is this person?"

Then, in the blink of an eye, that girl"s votes skyrocketed once more!



1 million!

With hardly any effort, she had been pushed into first place!

The netizens were dumbfounded!

"Oh my G.o.d!"


"This is going to be interesting!"

"How awesome, there"s a school belle who"s even shadier than those three shadiest school belles!"

"This is so exciting!"

The change in the rankings surprised everyone! A lot of people could not even react in time as they witnessed in dumbfounded shock that girl"s votes soar upwards . The votes kept going higher and higher until it reached a number that made many people p.i.s.s their pants . It was only then that everyone realized that something was off!

"This isn"t right!"

"This doesn"t look like vote buying!"

"d.a.m.n, is this girl insane?"

"Who"s voting for her?"

"There can"t be anyone buying this many votes! They wouldn"t be able to vote at such a fast rate either!"

"The price per vote has already reached 2 yuan . Just look at the number of votes, G.o.dd.a.m.n! If a vote really cost 2 yuan each, how much would they have to pay for all of that!"

"Of course she didn"t buy those votes!"

"Of course she didn"t buy those votes!"

"Previous poster, what"s going on?"

"I also voted for her . You guys should go and check out the celebrities" Weibos!"

"Check the celebrities" Weibos? Which celebrities?"

"—All of them!"


"What do you mean by that?"

At a villa .

"Dad! What"s happening?!"

"I"m not sure either!"

"Who is Cao Dan?"

"Is this girl out of her mind?"

"Dad, I want to get first!"

"—Little He, why don"t we just forget about this?"


"Th-This is really too much to spend!"

At an entertainment company .

Someone ran in from outside .

"Sister Chen, go and look at the rankings!"

"What"s the matter?"

"Jin Ni is no longer in first place!"

"What? Then hurry up and go buy more votes!"

"It won"t work anymore! We can"t catch up to the girl who"s in first place . "

"Why can"t we catch up to her? Just spend more money on it . However many votes they"re buying, we"ll buy just as much! We won"t reject anyone who"s willing to sell their vote . How many votes does the first place girl have right now?"

That person gulped . "12 million votes!"

Sister Chen nearly fell over and hit her head!

Jin Ni nearly vomited blood!


12 million votes?

Bro, we"ve only received several hundred thousand votes after so many hours of buying them!

Who was this person?

Just who could she be?

At a university .

The school campus was in an uproar .

"d.a.m.n! Everyone, quickly go and have a look at the rankings for the Most Beautiful School Belle!"

"What? First place has changed?"

"What? First place has changed?"

"It"s someone from our school?"

"Cao Dan?"

"It"s Sister Dan?"

"Oh my G.o.d! Cao Dan is from our cla.s.s!"

"She has over 10 million votes?"

"She"s even gained an enormous lead over second place!"

"Is Cla.s.smate Cao soaring to the skies?"

"This is so impressive!"

"Sister Dan is invincible!"

"Ah, everyone! Look on Weibo!"

Noon .

At Zhang Ye"s maternal grandma"s house .

Everyone just finished lunch and were chatting .

His eldest younger sister received a call from a cla.s.smate . "h.e.l.lo, Lü Zi?"

Her female cla.s.smate on the other end of the line yelled: "Dandan, you"re in first place! You"re going to be super popular!"

His eldest younger sister was stunned for a moment: "What first place?"

"d.a.m.n, don"t you know? Go look at the Most Beautiful School Belle . You"ve already ama.s.sed over 10 million votes, and it"s still increasing!"

His eldest younger sister shook her head in disbelief . "That"s impossible . I"ve only got about 2,000 votes or so . "

Her cla.s.smate yelled: "But several dozen big name celebrities are soliciting votes for you on Weibo!"

His eldest younger sister finally got a stunned look on her face . "What?"

His third sister asked, "What"s the matter, Sis?"

His first uncle asked, "What happened?"

Zhang Ye and a few other relatives also looked over .

His eldest younger sister quickly checked the rankings and was startled . Then she had a look on Weibo and got a shock too . After that, she dumbfoundedly turned her cell phone around for Zhang Ye and everyone else to see .

The family was shocked too!

"The most beautiful school belle?"

"Sis, y-you"re in first place?"

"Dandan, how did you get so many votes!"

"Aiyo, how did this come about?"

His eldest younger sister swiped the screen and switched over to show the Weibo homepage .

This time, it was Zhang Ye who was floored!

Chen Guang"s Weibo: "This is my friend"s little sister; please vote for her . "

A B-list singer"s Weibo: "It"s my boss"s sister . Please do give her your support and vote . "

Ci Xiufang"s Weibo: "A little sister of mine, please share . "

Gao Xiliang"s Weibo: "Please give your vote to #029121 . It"s my lifesaver"s sister, please help! Please share! Thanks!"

Countless replies were shown below .

"Pfft . "

"Auntie Ci is also involved with this?"

"Pfft . "

"Auntie Ci is also involved with this?"

"I"ve voted . "

"Voted . "

"If Old Chen says so, then I surely have to give face to him . "

"Haha, I"ve already voted . "

In just a short while, several dozen celebrities had canva.s.sed for votes for Zhang Ye"s eldest younger sister on Weibo!

His third sister said, "d.a.m.n!"

His second sister said excitedly, "It really blew up!"

Zhang Ye"s first uncle and aunt both let out an exclamation!

Zhang Ye wiped his sweat . "I didn"t know about this . I never asked them to share it!" He quickly took out his cell phone and sent them a message . "What"s this about? Why did you all share it onto Weibo?"

Ci Xiufang was the first to reply . "Ah? Weren"t you asking for votes for your sister? I just thought that I"d share it . "

Gao Xiliang said: "You"re my benefactor, so your sister"s business is also my business . I just shared it . It"s no big deal . "

Many of the others also replied with a similar response .

Zhang Ye didn"t know whether to laugh or cry . He did not know what to say . It was only at this moment that it hit him that he was now the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala . He was no longer the same person as before . By sharing a post on social media, what would you expect others to think when they see it? Hai, forget it . What"s done is done . It wasn"t like he could take it back anyway .

At an entertainment company .

Sister Chen was close to swearing!

Jin Ni asked dumbfoundedly, "Sister Chen, are we still buying votes?"

Sister Chen nearly wanted to kick her unconscious!

You still want to buy more votes?

Buy, your sister!

We"re already f.u.c.king behind by more than 10 million votes!

Sister Chen had also taken a look at Weibo . She knew that there was no more hope of getting first place this time . However, she could not understand why so many of the big name celebrities and other artists in the entertainment industry were giving their support and canva.s.sing for votes for a university student? What was going on? Just whose sister could this be? All of them were big shots who had already been famous for a long time! There were , B-, and C-listers among them . Any one of them was a very famous person!

This was only a compet.i.tion to pick the most beautiful school belle!

Did it really have to attract all of you G.o.dly people?

Any single one of you stepping forward to canva.s.s votes for Cao Dan would have been enough to leave us with no chance of winning! But now, over 60 to 70 of you big name celebrities are canva.s.sing for votes together? d.a.m.n, did you all need to bully us like that?!

Sister Chen was on the verge of tears!

Today"s battle lineup had given her a terrible scare!

It wasn"t only her though .

Many of the media outlets and citizens were also in a state of shock!

Cao Dan?

Cao Dan?

Who the h.e.l.l"s sister was she?

On the same night .

The voting came to an end .

Cao Dan was chosen as the most beautiful school belle with 28 million votes in the end!

Chapter 1329 Just who the h.e.l.l 39 s sister is this Translator Legge Editor Legge Just before noon . At an entertainment company . Jin Ni, the company will definitely make sure you get first place this time . But the people behind me are right on our heels . It won 39 t be a problem . The company has bought another 100,000 votes for you . Thanks, Sister Chen, thank you . We 39 ll buy however many votes that they are catching up by . There 39 s nothing to be afraid of . I understand . Work hard in the future and don 39 t let everyone down . At a villa . Dad Why am I only in second place Hur hur, Little He, don 39 t be anxious . But I want to be in first place . It 39 s no use getting second Daddy knows . Don 39 t you worry, I already got someone to take care of this . When the voting ends at midnight tonight, my darling daughter will surely be in first place . Really Really . It 39 s just about spending money, isn 39 t it I 39 ll see who can outbuy whom for the votes At a university . In the female dorms . Chen Di, you 39 re in third place Yep . Why are there so many people accusing you of stealing their accounts Ignore them, those are the alt accounts the top two girls sent to slander me . You didn 39 t buy votes, did you Would I need to Haha, that 39 s true . Our Didi is so beautiful Yeah, Didi will definitely win the most beautiful school belle The compet.i.tion for Most Beautiful School Belle was getting intense . The top three were in a knock down, drag out brawl . At times, one of them would suddenly gain an additional 20,000 votes . At times, another one would suddenly gain 30,000 votes . The voting pattern was very strange as the three of them were determined to take first place The netizens were also watching the fun . This is getting really intense How did these three girls get so many votes The girl in fourth place is behind by so many times fewer votes than them Hur hur, did you think that those votes were real They 39 re all bought votes . At least 95 of the votes here were bought with money . It 39 s too shady . I don 39 t like any of these three . Let 39 s see which of them will get first place . The Most Beautiful School Belle is now just a matter of who can spend more money . There 39 s no meaning to it anymore . Yeah, this ranking 39 s authority is getting worse and worse each year . f.u.c.k, my account was hacked by them It was used to vote for one of those three Mine too I 39 ve already filed a complaint, but it 39 s no use Motherf.u.c.ker, how is this the 39 Most Beautiful School Belle 39 compet.i.tion It should be called the 39 Most Shady School Belle 39 compet.i.tion instead Nice sarcasm, hur hur hur . But it was at this time that something really surprising occurred A name suddenly appeared at the front of the rankings 30,000 votes 50,000 votes 100,000 votes The netizens were stunned d.a.m.n, here comes another vote buyer What strong momentum She gained over 100,000 votes in just five minutes Who the h.e.l.l is this person Then, in the blink of an eye, that girl 39 s votes skyrocketed once more 200,000 500,000 1 million With hardly any effort, she had been pushed into first place The netizens were dumbfounded Oh my G.o.d Hahahaha This is going to be interesting How awesome, there 39 s a school belle who 39 s even shadier than those three shadiest school belles This is so exciting The change in the rankings surprised everyone A lot of people could not even react in time as they witnessed in dumbfounded shock that girl 39 s votes soar upwards . The votes kept going higher and higher until it reached a number that made many people p.i.s.s their pants . It was only then that everyone realized that something was off This isn 39 t right This doesn 39 t look like vote buying d.a.m.n, is this girl insane Who 39 s voting for her There can 39 t be anyone buying this many votes They wouldn 39 t be able to vote at such a fast rate either The price per vote has already reached 2 yuan . Just look at the number of votes, G.o.dd.a.m.n If a vote really cost 2 yuan each, how much would they have to pay for all of that Of course she didn 39 t buy those votes Previous poster, what 39 s going on I also voted for her . You guys should go and check out the celebrities 39 Weibos Check the celebrities 39 Weibos Which celebrities All of them All What do you mean by that At a villa . Dad What 39 s happening I 39 m not sure either Who is Cao Dan Is this girl out of her mind Dad, I want to get first Little He, why don 39 t we just forget about this Dad Th This is really too much to spend At an entertainment company . Someone ran in from outside . Sister Chen, go and look at the rankings What 39 s the matter Jin Ni is no longer in first place What Then hurry up and go buy more votes It won 39 t work anymore We can 39 t catch up to the girl who 39 s in first place . Why can 39 t we catch up to her Just spend more money on it . However many votes they 39 re buying, we 39 ll buy just as much We won 39 t reject anyone who 39 s willing to sell their vote . How many votes does the first place girl have right now That person gulped . 12 million votes Sister Chen nearly fell over and hit her head Jin Ni nearly vomited blood What 12 million votes Bro, we 39 ve only received several hundred thousand votes after so many hours of buying them Who was this person Just who could she be At a university . The school campus was in an uproar . d.a.m.n Everyone, quickly go and have a look at the rankings for the Most Beautiful School Belle What First place has changed It 39 s someone from our school Cao Dan It 39 s Sister Dan Oh my G.o.d Cao Dan is from our cla.s.s She has over 10 million votes She 39 s even gained an enormous lead over second place Is Cla.s.smate Cao soaring to the skies This is so impressive Sister Dan is invincible Ah, everyone Look on Weibo Noon . At Zhang Ye 39 s maternal grandma 39 s house . Everyone just finished lunch and were chatting . His eldest younger sister received a call from a cla.s.smate . h.e.l.lo, L Zi Her female cla.s.smate on the other end of the line yelled Dandan, you 39 re in first place You 39 re going to be super popular His eldest younger sister was stunned for a moment What first place d.a.m.n, don 39 t you know Go look at the Most Beautiful School Belle . You 39 ve already ama.s.sed over 10 million votes, and it 39 s still increasing His eldest younger sister shook her head in disbelief . That 39 s impossible . I 39 ve only got about 2,000 votes or so . Her cla.s.smate yelled But several dozen big name celebrities are soliciting votes for you on Weibo His eldest younger sister finally got a stunned look on her face . What His third sister asked, What 39 s the matter, Sis His first uncle asked, What happened Zhang Ye and a few other relatives also looked over . His eldest younger sister quickly checked the rankings and was startled . Then she had a look on Weibo and got a shock too . After that, she dumbfoundedly turned her cell phone around for Zhang Ye and everyone else to see . The family was shocked too The most beautiful school belle Sis, y you 39 re in first place Dandan, how did you get so many votes Aiyo, how did this come about His eldest younger sister swiped the screen and switched over to show the Weibo homepage . This time, it was Zhang Ye who was floored Chen Guang 39 s Weibo This is my friend 39 s little sister please vote for her . A B list singer 39 s Weibo It 39 s my boss 39 s sister . Please do give her your support and vote . Ci Xiufang 39 s Weibo A little sister of mine, please share . Gao Xiliang 39 s Weibo Please give your vote to 029121 . It 39 s my lifesaver 39 s sister, please help Please share Thanks Countless replies were shown below . Pfft . Auntie Ci is also involved with this I 39 ve voted . Voted . If Old Chen says so, then I surely have to give face to him . Haha, I 39 ve already voted . In just a short while, several dozen celebrities had canva.s.sed for votes for Zhang Ye 39 s eldest younger sister on Weibo His third sister said, d.a.m.n His second sister said excitedly, It really blew up Zhang Ye 39 s first uncle and aunt both let out an exclamation Zhang Ye wiped his sweat . I didn 39 t know about this . I never asked them to share it He quickly took out his cell phone and sent them a message . What 39 s this about Why did you all share it onto Weibo Ci Xiufang was the first to reply . Ah Weren 39 t you asking for votes for your sister I just thought that I 39 d share it . Gao Xiliang said You 39 re my benefactor, so your sister 39 s business is also my business . I just shared it . It 39 s no big deal . Many of the others also replied with a similar response . Zhang Ye didn 39 t know whether to laugh or cry . He did not know what to say . It was only at this moment that it hit him that he was now the executive director of the Spring Festival Gala . He was no longer the same person as before . By sharing a post on social media, what would you expect others to think when they see it Hai, forget it . What 39 s done is done . It wasn 39 t like he could take it back anyway . At an entertainment company . Sister Chen was close to swearing Jin Ni asked dumbfoundedly, Sister Chen, are we still buying votes Sister Chen nearly wanted to kick her unconscious You still want to buy more votes Buy, your sister We 39 re already f.u.c.king behind by more than 10 million votes Sister Chen had also taken a look at Weibo . She knew that there was no more hope of getting first place this time . However, she could not understand why so many of the big name celebrities and other artists in the entertainment industry were giving their support and canva.s.sing for votes for a university student What was going on Just whose sister could this be All of them were big shots who had already been famous for a long time There were A , B , and C listers among them . Any one of them was a very famous person This was only a compet.i.tion to pick the most beautiful school belle Did it really have to attract all of you G.o.dly people Any single one of you stepping forward to canva.s.s votes for Cao Dan would have been enough to leave us with no chance of winning But now, over 60 to 70 of you big name celebrities are canva.s.sing for votes together d.a.m.n, did you all need to bully us like that Sister Chen was on the verge of tears Today 39 s battle lineup had given her a terrible scare It wasn 39 t only her though . Many of the media outlets and citizens were also in a state of shock Cao Dan Cao Dan Who the h.e.l.l 39 s sister was she On the same night . The voting came to an end . Cao Dan was chosen as the most beautiful school belle with 28 million votes in the end

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