Chapter 320: Stage

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Caroline suddenly remembered that the current Rolle Resource Development Head, Ji Bonong, held a banquet at A16 Manor every year.

Then she felt it was both absurd and unbelievable.

Could Boss Lin be heading out for the banquet that Ji Bonong was hosting?

This... How is it possible?

Caroline was instinctively skeptical, for even though Rolle Resource Development was known as a gigantic monopoly by ordinary folk, in the eyes of the transcendent community, especially the Truth Union and Secret Rite Tower, that conglomerate was merely a convenient means of garnering money.

In terms of status, it was inferior to the Druid-controlled Ash Chamber of Commerce which at least had the opportunity to negotiate, engage, and cooperate with the aforementioned transcendent organizations.

For example, additional funding for Secret Rite Tower"s Intelligence Division was provided by the Ash Chamber of Commerce and Joseph still had to give them some face.

Rolle Resource Development, on the other hand, was purely a mining tool. Even if they made a lot of money, that money was from the transcendent folk. Wouldn"t it be ridiculous using this wealth as a means to negotiate?

Bluntly put, Ji Bonong was a figurehead, and the ones manipulating behind the scenes were actually the authorities of the Central District; transcendent beings in the upper echelons of the Truth Union as well as Secret Rite Tower"s Council of Elders.

Ji Bonong was just an ordinary mortal, and that was his greatest sin.

Just this fact doomed him and Rolle Resource Development to never have a place on the stage of transcendent beings.

And it was those at the top who had so evidently arranged this meticulously. The things that Rolle Resource Development controlled were too important. If these were allowed to be in the hands of transcendent beings, it would inevitably lead to seeds of ambition giving rise to rebellion.

But when it was an ordinary person with no talent, it didn"t matter whatever ideas he had, for it would never translate to action.

However, this time around, those bigwigs seemed to have miscalculated.

Just as a ma.s.sive war that had been brewing for a long time erupted, Rolle Resource Development seemed to stealthily attempt a home run and had inconceivably succeeded...

Having a.s.sumed thus far, Caroline couldn"t help but be shocked, her originally firm opinions wavering.

From a normal perspective of a.n.a.lysis, it"s impossible for Ji Bonong to move Boss Lin, but the premise is... from a normal perspective.

But does Boss Lin belong to a normal range? Evidently not.

Moreover, he"s the greatest variable in the equation.

He isn"t evil but is in pursuit of his own pleasure. And now, if he wants to see a show—a show where the ordinary overthrow the transcendent—then, without a doubt, Ji Bonong seems to be the best choice!

Caroline"s eyes widened as if she had instantly understood what was on Boss …

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