I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey

Chapter 357: Treating Social Phobia

Chapter 357: Treating Social Phobia

Greg didn"t even know how he"d managed to finish his breakfast.

His mind was still in a mess, and it was only when he walked to the manor’s garden and saw the boisterous scene of many guests gathered that it hit him—Besides the few of them, who else could have imagined the entire manor nearly being destroyed by a Supreme-rank just a short while ago.

Although everything had returned back to normal, it was probably just a prelude to something that was about to happen…

From past experiences, the reason that this never-before-seen Supreme-rank existence suddenly appeared must have been deliberately set up by the bookstore owner.

He definitely knew that Secret Rite Tower had gotten Greg to watch him and consciously allowed the young apprentice knight to follow him, then he surely knew about this Supreme-rank existence.

So, is this Supreme-rank’s ident.i.ty the key to it all?

All kinds of wild guesses flashed through Greg"s mind, but he still couldn"t figure out how the appearance of this Supreme-rankl existence had anything to do with the bookstore owner’s purpose and how it impacted the current situation.

From the look of things, that Supreme-rank creature seemed to be targeting the bookstore owner as Lin Jie was the only opponent in its eyes and it wanted to kill him.

However, this manor was also the second battlefield between Secret Rite Tower and the Corpse Devouring Sect.

Greg himself was Secret Rite Tower’s inside man, Charlotte must be Wilde’s backup plan, and Fitch was related to the Path of the Flaming Sword. The bookstore owner that controlled everything via his puppet strings definitely wouldn’t let unrelated personnel come in and disturb him from watching the show. So, this being who suddenly appeared must have been…

Wait a minute… Path of the Flaming Sword? Greg suddenly felt as if he"d grasped the looming clue.

Among the few forces in the manor now, Secret Rite Tower was surely the first that could be excluded from having ties with that Supreme-rank. As a new faction, the Corpse Devouring Sect could also be excluded by process of elimination. Moreover, Charlotte had been amongst those affected, so naturally, it was impossible.

The only one left was Fitch that had the Path of the Flaming Sword’s marking.

Greg felt like he had an epiphany.

That"s right. This is the hint that the bookstore owner placed before us right from the start.

Could it be that… this Supreme-rank existence is the shadow mastermind of the Path of the Flaming Sword that the bookstore had been plotting against?

In other words, the bookstore owner"s goal this time round was to lead them into discovering the more obscure side of the Path of the Flaming Sword.

But… why did he let that Supreme-rank go? Given the strength he has displayed, it’s impossible for such a let off because of an oversight. Surely he has some other motive for this.

With regards to this, Greg wouldn’t be able to figure it out on his

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