I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey

Chapter 317: Winter Had Arrived

Chapter 317: Winter Had Arrived

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What... just happened?

Joseph stood on the spot, somewhat in a daze. Faced with questions from knights in the area that had noticed him, he could only first utter some casual replies.

In truth, Joseph himself had no idea and couldn"t give any answers even if he wanted to.

Joseph first let these men head back to their own business as he gradually calmed down.

Since he had been teleported back, those subordinates that had followed him to the Truth Union should have been sent back as well.

He took out his communications device to make sure, and as expected, he got responses all throughout Secret Rite Tower.

Though they were even more confused than Joseph, at least they were all safe and accounted for.

"Phew... At least it can be considered a blessing in disguise." Joseph heaved a sigh of relief.

If things had gone on, it would have likely ended up in a nasty battle with Raziel... This was a famed Supreme-rank scholar from history, and they had been on his turf. Had the battle taken place, approximately only one in ten of those subordinates would survive. Joseph himself didn"t have too much confidence that he could win and reckoned the odds of victory were probably fifty-fifty.

Now, things had taken a strange turn, but avoiding injury and death could be considered a fortunate outcome.

But... Did Andrew really guess what Raziel"s intent was, or did he have some other motive?

Joseph made arrangements for his subordinates and announced the change in their mission. They were to first inform the Truth Union and verify the situation.

Joseph then returned back to his own office and shut the door. With a frown, he continued to think through what had happened just now.

Everything had happened way too quickly...

Since the appearance of the legendary "Ethereal Wisdom" Raziel, who had disappeared for ages, the whole incident had surpa.s.sed Joseph"s range of comprehension and things had only gone on a downward spiral.

It had originally been a routine probing and delay, yet the outcome... Andrew seemingly understood Raziel"s intentions and Raziel too recognized Andrew"s "understanding."

Those two didn"t seem like they were guessing, but rather, it was as if they were on the same wavelength.

And the outcome was to send those "outsiders" away.

Joseph began to a.n.a.lyze the sequence of events which had just occurred.

"What is certain is that Andrew didn"t know Raziel was the one inside Machine Loop"s restricted area. He was surprised as well... He only knew that members of the Path of the Flaming Sword were in the restricted area but didn"t know who it was.

"So, in that short s.p.a.ce of time, he shouldn"t have gotten Raziel"s approval. In other words... He had no way of guaranteeing he would be safe and victorious against Raziel.

"Judging from their exchange, it didn"t seem like a big problem... It"s logical that Raziel really wanted to send away those that could pose a threat to him in order to do something to Andrew and the others.


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