I quietly ate my cake.
I wonder why my chest hurts. Is this heartburn?
I wonder if I was. .h.i.t by the couples at the terrace.
Un, it must be like this. Without doubt.

I forcibly convinced myself.
Drinking the milk tea, my heart calmed down.
Then, I slowly raised my face to look at Hasumi.
Um, it"s all good. It doesn’t feel like before.
I must have been hit by the couples.

Hasumi was elegantly eating his cake.
Hasumi can eat cakes hmm, I absentmindedly stared at him, a sullen looking Hasumi glared back at me.

“Is it so strange that I"m eating cake?”
“It’s not that it"s strange but…..the image doesn"t match.”
“Is that so….. I like cakes, though……”

Hasumi said, a bit downhearted.
Is that so... he like cakes……. Though it’s not like I wanted such an information.
It appears like the 『Wishing Miku-sama happiness’ fan club』is an a.s.sembly of cake lovers. Well, it"s not like there are other people apart from us, right?

“Ah, seems like they are returning home.”

When Hasumi mentioned it, taken aback, I looked at them.
They certainly looked to be preparing to go back.
Soon, I"ll be able to meet Miku-sama.
I suddenly began to feel nervous.

“Will I be okay I wonder…..will I do something weird in front of Miku-sama…..”
“You are weird most the time though, won"t you be fine?”

Hasumi, by pretending to encourage me, splendidly insulted me.
For now, I should calm down. I moistened my throat with some milk tea.
Un, I feel like I"ve calmed down a bit.

After a while, the prince left.
And then, I finally carried out my meeting with Miku-sama.

“I"m sorry for being late, Sousuke, and nice to meet you Kaguragi Rinksan. I"m Minase Miku.”

Aah, the Miku-sama I admire is smiling in front of me.
A dignified appearance, a figure overflowing with elegance.
I stared at Miku-sama to my heart content, and sweetly smiled back like a young lady.

“Nice to meet you, I"m called Kaguragi Rinka. I"m delighted to be able to meet Minase-san. Minase-san is someone I greatly admire.”
“My, thank you. I heard the rumors about Kaguragi-san you know. Your test scores were almost the same as Sousuke’s. That"s amazing.”
“No, such a thing…...that was by chance.”

Ah, I"m talking to the Miku-sama I admire.
This isn’t a dream right? This isn’t a hallucination created from my delusions, right!?
I secretly pinched the back of my hand.

.....it hurt. This is reality!
I did it…..! My wish come true!!
Thank you G.o.d! I"m glad I"m alive!
I expressed my grat.i.tude to G.o.d in my mind.

“Was Subaru satisfied?”
“Yes. He ate 10 serves of cake, you know. Just by watching him I felt like I was having a heartburn.”
“.....that idiot…..”

As if amazed, Hasumi sighed.
Was the prince a sweet tooth? Aree, I seem to remember he liked spicy things though…..

“I"m sure that his stomach will hurt tomorrow…...why did he suddenly feel like his stomach could hold the cakes…..”
“Subaru likes sweets things. It"s hard for him too, to not be able to eat the things he likes.”
“It certainly is as you say but…..well, since tomorrow is a holiday I guess it"s okay……”

Hasumi said, looking like he’s given up.
I don"t understand the meaning of their exchange.
The prince can"t eat sweet things, even though he likes them?
I made an absent minded expression. Miku-sama that noticed it, explained to me.

“You know, Subaru likes sweets things. However, for some reason he can"t digest it easily when he eats cake, so he usually avoids eating them but…..it seems like once in a while he can"t endure it.”
“At the times that he eats cake, he makes a ruckus and says that his stomach hurts…...He is annoying.”

Hasumi said it like it was a real bother. Looking at the state of such a Hasumi, Miku-sama also smiled bitterly.
These three really get along.
I too have two childhood friends, I wonder if we look like this from the surroundings.

My meeting with Miku-sama was harmonious from beginning to end.
I had an enjoyable chat with her for awhile, and suddenly Miku-sama raised her arm and looked at the watch as if realizing something.

“Oh my. It"s already this late. I"m sorry, I have something to do after this.”
“Is that so…...that"s a pity. I wanted to chat some more with Minase-san.”
“Me too. Let"s talk more slowly next time?”
“Yes, I"d love to.”
“It"s a promise then. Well then, I"ll excuse myself. Sousuke, be sure to send Kaguragi-san off.”

Saying ‘Gokigen"yo’ Miku-sama’s returned home.
I continued to follow Miku-sama"s figure until I couldn’t see her anymore.
It was a dreamlike moment. We promised to talk more next time. Ah, it"s like a dream. But this is reality without a doubt.
When I was immersed in happiness, Hasumi as if amazed said.

“You"re making an idiotic face.”

Sorry for having an idiotic face ne.
Really, I wish he wouldn’t douse me with cold water just when I was immersed in my happy feelings.
And even though I was angry, Hasumi said, ‘shall we go?’ with an unconcerned att.i.tude, and taking the bill, he stood up.
And went toward the register like that, so I tried to follow him in a panic.

I tried to pay the bill this time but was stopped by Hasumi.
To be given a treat like this, I don’t want to, because it looks like I"ll owe him.
I unwillingly thanked him.

“Thank you really much.”
“That"s to thank you for being Miku"s counsel. Miku looked to be having fun talking with you, think of it as an advanced payment.”
“I am happy just getting to talk to Miku-sama, I don’t need advanced payment.”
“It’s a matter of my feelings. You should be silent and accept it.”
“Is that so?”

Hasumi didn’t listen and so I reluctantly accepted his treat.
When we left the store, the sky was dyed an orange colour.
So beautiful, I muttered while gazing at the sky without thinking.
It was a beautiful gradient of colour, from blue it turned orange, from orange it dyed to red, and from red it became a deep blue.

The sun in the distance was setting down on the horizon, with a hue that I wouldn’t be able to see in just a moment. I love seeing the sunset, because it"s pretty when various colours are mixed.
Hasumi, that finished paying the bill, came out.
Perhaps seeing that I had looked up, Hasumi raised his face to look above too.
As if looking at something dazzling, narrowing his eyes he muttered, ‘so beautiful.’

For a while, we gazed at the sunset.

And suddenly, I remembered.

“Hasumi-sama, thank you for the handkerchief.”

I took out the handkerchief, that Hasumi lent me previously, from my bag and presented it to him. I completely washed and ironed it myself.
Hasumi made a puzzled expression for a moment but then looking to have suddenly recalled it, he said ‘aah’ and accepted it.

“You really didn’t need to give it back.”
“No, borrowed things should be properly returned.”

I faced Hasumi.
This time, not reluctantly, I put my heart into expressing my grat.i.tude.

“Thank you very much.”

Hasumi made a marvellous face.

“Weird girl……”

The reason as to why Hasumi"s face looked a bit red is, without a doubt, because of the setting sun.

On the way back from the sweets shop, we got in a taxi in silence.
Hasumi was staring off into the distance, looking as though he was thinking of something.

“......looking at the two of them together, is it tough after all?”
“.......well, yes. I always think I’m prepared, but when I see them it"s no good.”

I leaned my body forward and gently caressed the head of Hasumi that suddenly looked sad.

“You looked down, so I"m comforting you.”
“...........I"m not a kid, I don’t get happy by having my head stroked.”

The figure of Hasumi who said that a bit sulkily, overlapped with my brother"s, I laughed.

“What are you laughing at?”
“No, nothing really.”

While saying that, the smile on my face didn’t disappear.
At such a me, Hasumi become even more sulky.
In that state, he looked like a junior, and thinking ‘I"ve seen a precious thing’, my smile deepened further.

“I"m home.”
“Neesan, welcome home. Where have you been?”
“N-h, to eat some cakes, yes.”
“Hmm…...neesan, you look happy? Did something good happen?”
“fufu….well yes.”

In a good mood, I laughed.
My little brother looked suspiciously at me.

“What happened?”
“It"s a secret. I saw something interesting.”
“Something interesting?”

My little brother tilted his head.
I didn’t feel like telling him, no matter how many times he asked.
For the sake of Hasumi"s pride.

Tn: Naoriel 

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner

Hehehe he is falling soo hard already (^0^)

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