The place Asahi-san brought me to was an Italian restaurant. It looks like he"ll treat us to dinner. Lucky-!

Looking at the menù, I thought, ‘What should I eat I wonder~.’ It seems like the sulking me a while ago has disappeared somewhere. Goodbye me from the past.

However, I"m such a calculating person, to restore my mood with a meal, right? I should be honest and warn myself.

“Nii-san, what did you want to talk about?”

“Aah…….someone’s birthday is happening soon.”

“What are you saying. Asahi-san"s birthday is the 1st of January, right?”

“Iya, not mine…..it"s Nao"s.”

“Ha? Nao?”

Why would you care about Nao"s birthday?”

When I looked suspiciously at him, my brother and Asahi-san exchanged a glance. What"s up?

“What? Rinka wasn"t told?”

“About what.”

“Are you serious…..that person, I wonder why she didn"t tell you.”

Asahi-san held his head. At that my brother looked at him with sympathy.

That"s why I"m asking, what the h.e.l.l is going on!?

“Neesan, you really didn"t hear it from Nao-ane?”

“That"s why I"m asking you, what’s happening?”

“Nao-ane and Asahi-san are dating.”


“I-I haven"t heard of it! I haven"t heard of such a thing! Nao didn"t tell me anything!”

Why she didn"t tell me such an important thing. Weren"t we best friends? I must call Nao once I get home.

I didn"t hide my disturbance over the shocking news that Nao and Asahi-san are dating.

“You are 100 years too early to get your hands on Nao! Wash your face off and come out again! You f*cking cousin brother!”

“Wai-, neesan calm down.”

“Ri-Rinka…...you"re scary……”

How could you dare to get your hands on my Nao, mh! I"ll recognise that sin, but I won"t recognise you!

“Ah, mou…...see, neesan has become crazy…...I hope the food will come quick.”

“So-sorry, Yuto…..”

“U-huu…..why you didn"t tell me, Naoo……”

“D-don"t cry Rinka. I"m sure that she was just embarra.s.sed.”


“Uwaah. Stop it, Rinka! Don"t hit me!”

“Neesan, we are in a restaurant so……”

When I finished rampaging, calming down, I looked at Asahi-san with a serious look. Ah- I feel better after beating him. It probably wasn"t a good thing to do as an ojou-sama but I do not mind it.

My little brother and Asahi-san, that desperately tried to stop my rampage, were completely exhausted.

“I want to return home…..”

“Don"t say it, because I feel the same.”

“So, what"s up with Nao"s birthday, Asahi-san.”

I ignored the complaints of my brother and Asahi-san, and returned to the first topic.

Asahi-san readjusted his fl.u.s.tered att.i.tude, and we faced each other.

“And so, I thought of giving Nao a present on her birthday but…...I"ve never given a present to a girl until now so, I’m completely clueless on what would be good to give.”

“Don"t you give me a present every year……”

“Because Rinka in my mind isn’t a girl.”

Wait, isn"t that rude.

“Moreover, I know the things that would make Rinka happy. I wouldn"t fail in giving you sweets.’


I cannot rebut. Oi little brother, don"t laugh. Won"t I become more sorrowful?

“Hey, what do you think would be good to give Nao?”

“Wouldn"t it be fine to directly ask Nao-ane?”

“When I asked, she said that anything is fine, except for accessories……”

“Why except accessories?”

“It"s 『heavy 』 she said…..and that she wouldn"t wear it, so she doesn’t need it.”

“......It"s so like Nao-ane.”


Nao doesn"t like heavy ornaments on her.

She frequently says that a wrist.w.a.tch on her is enough.

Even so, she occasionally wears a necklace.

“Neesan will get a present for Nao-ane"s birthday, right? What will you give her?”

“I intend to give her cute stationary. Since Nao likes practical things she can use. Isn"t it okay if Asahi-san gives her a mug, cup, or something like that?”

“A mug, hm?.....she would certainly use that.”

Asahi-san, looking convinced, nodded his head. Knowing perfectly well the feelings of this Asahi-san, I gave him even more information about Nao.

“And then, since Nao likes flowers, I think she"ll be happy if you give it to her together with flowers.”

“Flowers, hm…..Won"t she mind the language of the flower?”

“That is, of course. Do research it yourself.”


“.....speaking of flowers...”

Muttered my little brother, looking like he recalled something.

“I heard of this before, Hasumi-san gets a bouquet of flowers every year for Miku-san"s birthday.”

“My~, Hasumi-sama does?”

“It cannot be that Sousuke...”

It looks like Asahi-san is acquaintanced with Hasumi-san.

That’s right. Even if he talks like this, Asahi-san is still the son of a distinguished family. That might be how they got to know each other in parties.

More importantly, Hasumi gives a bouquet of flowers to Miku-sama every year? He is unexpectedly romantic.

“The reason is that the bouquet of flowers will eventually wither…..”

An awkward atmosphere descended upon us.

Hasumi…….it"s painful. The reason, is really painful.

“......e, ehmm, how about giving her some small dried flowers? If it"s something small then she can use it to decorate her room…..and it won"t wither.”

“T-that"s right. I"ll go with a mug and dried flowers.”

“I think that"s good.”

There, the food was delivered with good timing.

Because I was informed about Hasumi"s painful story, I couldn’t get the taste of the food that should have been delicious.

That night, I promptly made a call to Nao.

『That’s why I"m saying I"m sorry. I thought of telling you but, saying, ‘Rinka I"m dating your cousin,’ was kind of difficult…』

“Hmmm, is that so-”

『Don"t get angry…..besides, I was embarra.s.sed.』

“I didn"t know that Nao"s type was Asahi-san.”

『…….I, too, didn’t know, you know……』     (Tn: yeah...I didn"t too)

“F-hm, and so, Nao?”


“Well my cousin is like that but, take care of him? If something happens, tell me immediately, okay? I will knock Asahi-san flyng.”

『.......un. Thank you, Rinka. When that time comes, I"ll leave it to you.』

“......good for you, you got a boyfriend.”

The fact that, that boyfriend is that cousin complicates things though.

Even so, for the sake of my best friend that got a boyfriend, I shall bless her with happiness with all my heart.

“Congratulations, Nao.”

Tn: Naoriel "yeah congratulation, myself ʅ(。Ő౪Ő。)ʃ"

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner

For those that don"t know: Yuto calls me Nao -ane. 

Ane= aneue-----> older/big sister

I never explained this because I think most of you already know but since I"m already at it...

Neesan= Oneesan------> older/big sister (it can be "Neechan, oneechan") this addressing form is more casual and close than "Aneue"

(Name)+ (sama)------> super polite way of addressing, usually used when someone is on a superior standing than you. (Seem like rich people use it?) 

(Name) + (san) -------> another polite way of addressing, mostly used with people you are calling out for the first time. 

(Name) + (kun)/(chan)------> casual form of addressing. The "kun" is mostly used for guys, while "chan" usually for girls. (See that Hasumi, Miku and the prince always call Yuto "Yuto-kun" as it would be strange to call Yuto with "san" because they are older than him.) 

Ikemen----> hot/handsome guy

Ojou-sam-----young miss

Mhh now I can"t really remember if there was any other j.a.panese I left be.......

This conclude it! 

Feed your translator love and coffe! And have another dose of Rinka! Here~~

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