Soon, there will be the culture festival. However, even if it"s a culture festival, the first years almost don"t do anything. It was settled that the first years will only do a cla.s.s exhibition, with the partic.i.p.ation being of your choice. Because of that, most cla.s.ses won"t partic.i.p.ate. My cla.s.s decided such too.

So, I thought I could enjoy the culture festival with peace of mind. Yes, I thought so but…..

“I beg you, Kaguragi-san~! Save your sensei please~.”

“I ask this of you too. We really have no one to ask, other than Rinka.”

It"s you guys again! You d.a.m.n student council combi!

The day before the culture festival, in the interval of the preparations, I, that didn"t have anything to do, thought of going to the library by myself. My friends were out for club activities and committee members meetings.

For the sake of the second and third years that had their hands full with the preparations, the club activities and committee member meetings were mainly arranged by the first years.

At the time of the sports festival, I was an executive committee member and only did activities in the committee member meetings; so, since I didn"t enter a club I was free.

That"s right, I"m free however…...

“I still haven"t entered the student council right? So why do I have to help with student council work?”

“The other member got an influenza…….”


At this time?

“Yes, yes. It seems like this year’s epidemic was early~. Some schools cancelled cla.s.ses because of it, you know?”

“Is that so…...it"s terrible.”

“That"s right, it"s terrible~. That"s why, Kaguragi-san.”

Sensei said with an unpleasant broad grin.

Gooseb.u.mps raised from me at that smile.

“You will help the student council, right?”

“No, I am not worthy of…….”

“You refuse? If so, then it can"t be helped.”

The relief brought by his giving up, was but just a moment, because with a smile that looked as if he ate a person, sensei said.

“It can"t be helped. Then, from today you"ll have inherited your position in the student council.”

“E-excuse me?”

“In the event that you inherit the position and join, you"ll have to help the student council. Understand?”

“N-no way…..”

“U n d e r s t a n d?”

“Yes…..I understand.”

I lost to sensei’s intensity. At such a me, Asahi-san said, “don"t mind it,” and patted my shoulder.

I glared at Asahi-san with mixed resentment, and reluctantly decided to help with the work in the student council.

Guided by Asahi-san, I stepped into the student council room. With this, I have to part with my tranquil school life. Good bye, my peace…...

When I entered the student council room, Hasumi was there, elegantly seated with crossed legs for some reason. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, why are you here. Ah, now that I think about it, didn"t he say he would enter the student council?

Beside Hasumi was also Asuka. Since he is the future student council president, I did predict that he would join. He was reading a paper looking really serious.

“Ooh, the first year student council members have all gathered.”

Hasumi, expressionless, looked at Asuka and Asahi-san and bowed in greeting. Un, your character is really showing.

Since I was instructed by Asahi-san to sit, I sat in the seat between Hasumi and Asuka.

Seeing how I came together with Asahi-san, Hasumi muttered in a subdued tone.


I looked in front of me as if I didn"t know him. Hasumi looked offended at that.

Asuka looked at a bit surprised at our exchange. There"s nothing surprising, I just ignored him.

“There’s a girl that would ignore Hasumi as he tries to accost her……”

Asuka whispered something, but at that too, I pretended to not hear.

Don"t think that just because I"m a girl, I"ll want to give Hasumi face.

“I"m going to explain your work, alright? Guys.”


“Go ahead.”

“Hurry up and say it please.”

Asuka, Hasumi, and I answered in that order. Interestingly, even here our personalities are showing, mh.

Asahi-san hearing our response made an interested face, and began explaining our work.

The details of the work we had to do were all odd jobs. With this degree, I think, I was a fool. The quant.i.ty of these odd jobs was large.

Even when Hasumi and Asuka skillfully finished their work, the tasks came in one after another. We ran around here and there, frantically trying to settle our odd jobs. At lunch break too, we ate a bento while doing work. For the bento, Asahi-san prepared something easy to eat, like sandwiches. He is an attentive man. Hasumi and Asuka, that seem to be in the school cafeteria faction, obediently accepted the bento. Today, I planned to go to the cafeteria too, so I gratefully received it. This cutlet sandwich is delicious.

We finished all of our miscellaneous tasks after the sun set down. As expected even Hasumi and Asuka have tired faces. I was completely exhausted. I"m not saying this to boast, but I don"t lack physical strength.

Asahi-san said, ‘Thanks for the good work, you saved us,’ to the tired us with a refreshing smile.

Even though Asahi-san was busier than us, why doesn"t he look tired? Does he have a ridiculous amount of physical strength?

Perhaps what I was thinking showed on my face, Asahi-san beat my head. P-painful.

Hasumi with shocked eyes, and Asuka while slightly laughing said, “are you alright?” Gentlemen. It would be good if he followed after their example.

It seems like tomorrow’s work will only be patrolling.

’I"d like it if you decided the pair in the meantime,’ so we were told.

We decided our patrolling times and the pairs. We programmed that first it will be me and Asuka, the second patrolling pair will be Hasumi and Asuka and last it will be Hasumi and I.

Apart from that, we are free; so, I thought of trying the food at the various restaurants with all I"ve got at the culture festival.

The food at the various restaurants, I"m looking forward to that.

Tn: Naoriel 

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner 

Almost there!!!! Hasumi"s pov is almost there!!!

Chap 30 is pretty much edited so I"ll post it on the first day of may! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

If you enjoy my work and want to support me, gib me some coffee here!  (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))  

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