31 best friend

Hasumi’s pov

On the day of the culture festival, the school was crowded with people.

Sakuragaoka academy had a ticket system, if you didn"t have a ticket you would be denied access.

For the sake of the many sons and daughters of big companies in Sakuragaoka academy, many people were involved in it.

If I looked around, I could see faces I knew here and there. Occasionally there were people that would greet me. I returned the greeting so as to not be discourteous, and resumed patrolling.

“You have it tough too.”

Asuka, who was patrolling with me, said.

What"s fun about being alone with another guy at a culture festival and patrolling? I didn"t plan this, but it"s work so it can"t be helped.

“Well…..this much should be normal.”

“No, I don"t think it"s normal…….”

“Is that so?”

“What to say…...as expected of Hasumi.”

Asuka smiled wryly whilst saying that. Even from the point of view of a guy like me, I think that Asuka is cool. In a different way from Subaru.

―――that girl, is her type someone like him?

No no, thinking about this is useless.

But certainly, her type was: a good-looking face, but with proper muscles, guy, right?

Doesn"t that apply to Asuka then?

No no, that"s why, don"t think about it, me.

While I was having such conflicts, Asuka suddenly stopped and stared off towards something.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, but, I think that it"s noisy over there……”

“Certainly. Shall we go look?”

“Yes, let"s do it.”

Asuka and I went towards the ruckus.

I had a hunch about the person behind the fuss; however, I hoped to have made a mistake.

And then, at the centre of the noise was the person I expected.

“Kyaa! Tojo-sama is wonderfuUuUulll!!”

“Hey, what about the person over there?”

“That"s Yuto-sama from the Kaguragi household. Come on, there"s a Kaguragi-san in the first year, right? That"s her younger brother.”

“Well, that"s right. The younger brother is wonderful right…….”

“Tojo-sama and Yuto-sama…...really look like they came out from a picture…….”

I endured the sigh that was about to escape from me.

As I expected, Subaru was the cause of the uproar. But it looks like it wasn"t just him, but Yuto too.

Subaru and Yuto were riding on a horse in the equestrian club. Subaru on a white horse while Yuto was on a grey one, this certainly looks like it would be straight from a picture.

But why are the two of them horse riding? Yuto, what about your sister?

If you were to look in the vicinity, you would see Kaguragi glaring with an angry expression in a far away place. She was probably vexed by the fact that her time with her little brother was stolen, right? And because the other party is Subaru, she can"t suddenly appear in front of him to take him back, so she can only glare at him, is it?

“Yo, isn"t that Sousuke?”

“Long time no see, Hasumi-san.”

The two that noticed me, approached while still on their horses.

The girls that noticed Asuka and I began to make noise again but, as I am used to it, I didn"t concern myself. However, it was different for Asuka, as he appeared troubled.

“Subaru, Yuto. It looks like both of you are having fun.”

“Obviously. It"s the culture festival, if I don"t have fun, it would be a loss, right?”

“Well, you"re right.”

“How about you? Ah, you"re with Asukkun? Horse riding is fun. How about you two ride one as well?”

“Sorry, but we are in the middle of patrolling, so another time.”

“Sorry, Tojo.”

“Ah, I see. For the student council? Must be difficult.”

When Subaru said so, sympathetically, a clear voice called out his name.


“Ah, Miku.”

Miku trotted over and approached Subaru.

Subaru descended from the horse.

“I"m sorry, did I make you wait, I wonder…..”

“No. Yuto-kun was just nearby, so I hung out with him, so it"s okay.”

“My, is that so? Thank you for staying with Subaru, Yuto-kun.”

“No. It was a good diversion for me as well.”

“Well then, I"m going to return my horse. Wait a little bit.”


As Subaru and Yuto went to return the horses, Miku looking at us and laughed. And then gave us some sweets presented in bundles.

“Thanks for the hard work in patrolling, you two. I brought this a little while ago. If you like it, how about eating it?”

“Thank you, you"re of help Miku.”

“Thank you.”

Subaru and Yuto returned soon, then Subaru and Miku left. Yuto did too after saying that he would go to over to his sister.

I glanced over to the place she was before, and she appeared to be properly chasing Miku and Subaru"s figures with her eyes, and when our eyes met, she gave me a small thumbs up.

She is the same as usual. My cheeks loosened. To see that action as cute, the saying ‘love is blind’ was well said.

Wait that"s not it. I still haven"t fully accepted it.

“Hasumi? Shall we go too?”

“Ah, yeah.”

I followed Asuka as if to shake off my muddled thoughts.

In the middle of patrolling, while looking in front of me, I casually listened to Asuka.

It seems we were able to finish patrolling without trouble. Hearing that relieved me.

Before long Asuka finished his patrolling time, so we separated. The next patrol is in an hour. Until then, I"ll go rest in a place without people.

Thinking so, I began aimlessly searching for a place.

In that way, I almost got caught by some annoying girls, but I somehow managed to escape.

In the courtyard I searched for an uncrowded spot. This academy courtyard is big; the food stalls that are outside only use a part of it.

That"s why, there must be a place were people"s eyes don"t reach.

I went out of the area for the food stalls and walked, still searching for a good place.

In the end, I decided to go rest in the place I usually meet with her.

I sat under the shade of a tree and closed my eyes. In the meantime, I should sleep a bit.

“.......mi-sama…...Hasumi-sama, wake up please, Hasumi-sama!”

Shaken by someone, I sobered up.

Slowly opening my eyes, I found her face near mine with a troubled expression.



My consciousness awoke at once.

Wait, isn"t your face too close? Just the previous time you"ve been done such a thing, isn"t your sense of danger too lacking? Or is it that you trust me?

My emotions hardly show on my face. And that invites negative circ.u.mstances sometimes, but right now, I"m grateful or this face that hardly show emotions. It would be unbearable to me if such chaotic feelings showed on my face.

Not knowing my feelings she looked at me, seeming relieved.

“Have you finally woke up? It"s already time for patrolling. Let"s hurry up and go.”


“Hasumi-sama? Do you feel unwell somewhere?”

Worried, she touched my forehead with her hand when I stayed silent for the sake of calming down my emotions.

White and long fingers. A pretty hand. I absent mindedly stared.

“It doesn"t seem like you have a fever…...if you feel unwell, then I"ll go patrol by myself, so Hasumi-sama can rest.”

“Ah, no. I"m fine. My condition isn"t really bad. I just s.p.a.ced out a bit.”

“Is that so?”

She tilted her head a little, and released the hand on my forehead. Unconsciously, I grabbed that hand.



Fl.u.s.tered, I released her. What on earth am I doing?

“Still, you look a bit strange. It would be better if you rest…..”

“I"m okay. Let"s go.”

I pushed aside her worried words and stood up.

She still looked worried, but didn"t say anything.

Then we began to walk.



Im the middle of patrolling we remained in silence.

The usually talkative her today is taciturn.

......awkward. How do I talk to her usually?

Yesterday, Miku, appearing to have heard that we would be patrolling together from her, called me saying, “since with so much trouble you"ll be able to go around with her at the culture festival, you should confess to her when the atmosphere turns good,” or so I was told, but it"s truly impossible. “If you don"t hit her straight, it won"t reach the thick headed Rinksan, you know?” even when she said this, something impossible is impossible.



Without letting one bit of my inner impatience out I turned my head and looked at her.

“Could you wait here for a bit?”


“I would like to go somewhere for a bit if I may……”

“......alright. It"s okay, you can go.”

“Thank you very much. I"ll return immediately.”

Saying that, she ran off somewhere with her skirt fluttering.

It would have been okay even if she didn’t hurry that much.

I decided to wait for her while taking it easy and relaxing.

She came back about 10 minutes later. With her hands holding something.

“Sorry I made you wait. Now, let"s resume patrolling.”

“Ah, yeah…...what"s with that package?”

“Ah, you mean this? This is a m.u.f.fin package. These are things that the home economics club is selling.”

“Ah, I see……”

Did you go to buy it?

If I were to say that it"s something she"d do, then it is.

“Here, this is Hasumi-sama"s portion.”

“Wa? Why……”

“You"ll feel better if you eat sweet things. Today, Hasumi-sama somehow doesn"t look well…...or am I being a bother?”

“No…...I"ll take it. Thank you.”

Did you go buy it for me?

That fact spreaded warmth in my heart.

I took a bite of the m.u.f.fin she went to buy. The m.u.f.fin she bought tasted very sweet.

From then on she was quite talkative.

Like, how she was happy to see Miku and Subaru together at the culture festival, or like how she was moved at Yuto"s cool figure while riding a horse.

And also how there was something delicious in that cla.s.s, and said event was wonderful.

Then, she asked me to go with her to a haunted house with a mischievous face, I almost nodded without thinking, but my reason caught me and I refused. I didn"t want to show her my uncool appearance. Though that might already be too late.

She probably knew I"d refuse. As she said, “what a pity,” while chuckling. She was so cute doing so that I couldn"t look straight at her.

With this, I can only admit it.

That, I"m certainly attracted to her―――

Tn: Naoriel

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner 

Aaaah so sweet! HASUMI IS SERIOUSLY DONE FOR NOW! Hahahaha even though he is considered on the same level as a dog....

A shout-out for all the people that went to NU to rate this novel!!! Seriously *sniff sniff*  from the earlier 3.6 now it"s almost a 4 star!! I love you readers!!!! *seize you all in a hug*

And nowwww, craving for some ill.u.s.trations, I went to search them and found these~

Miku and Rinka

Asuka, Hasumi and the hero

Lil brother Yuto and Asahi

If you enjoy my work and want to support me, gib meh some coffee here! 

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