The day after the outing was a day of resting, and I holed myself up in my room.

My little brother made a really worried face; but I said that I was okay and kept my distance from him.

At any rate, I want to be alone to think right now. I wanted to be left alone.

When I recall the day of the trip, my heart goes Kyun.

I was confessed to, by Hasumi. By that Hasumi.

Honestly, I was bewildered at being confessed to.

Because, I mean, Hasumi to me is just a friend, not a romance target. The thought that I like Hasumi was instilled in me by Miku-sama.

I wonder, why me?

In front of Hasumi, I practically only do weird things.

There must have not been even a single likeable thing.

Even so, why?

That"s wrong. It"s futile to think about such a thing. I am not Hasumi, so there"s no way I could understand why he likes me.

It"s just that, being confessed to by him made me strongly confused; but, I also felt happy at the same time.

Because, I think that he didn"t come to like me just from my outside appearance.

But that is different from accepting his feelings.

I think that the good will I feel toward Hasumi isn"t love.

In the first place, I realize that I don"t have much consciousness of him as a person of the opposite s.e.x.

Well, he certainly made my heart throb; but I saw him like an idol, a character"s behaviour that I like that made my heart throb, I wasn"t conscious of him as a member of the opposite s.e.x.

―――Look at me properly. Not as a main character of a manga, look at the me that is in front of your eyes.

These words that Hasumi said came to my mind.

When I heard these words my heart felt pain as if it was pierced through.

Hasumi saw through me.

Somewhere in my head, I was seeing Hasumi as a main character of the manga [Sekakoi].

Not only Hasumi. Other people too.

Because I arrived in a manga [Sakakoi], I didn"t try to know the people in it.

Because I knew and understood it, I never tried to know the people around me.

Because, I didn"t see the people around me as "real".

How disgusting I am?

While saying that I am their friend, I wasn"t properly looking at them.

"I truly am stupid….."

When I said that, my heart continued to feel it"s weight.

Even when I said that I"d stop running away, I still continued to do it unconsciously.

That this isn"t the real world, but the world of a manga.

I can"t continue to not admit it.

This place is "reality".

There are many things that are different from the manga.

I remembered each and every person around me.

I"m not really that close with the prince, so I don"t know him well; but, I understand that he isn"t just a sparkling guy like in the manga.

Miku-sama, is dignified and her cool image is strong; but, she unexpectedly has a playful side. I like this Miku-sama more than the Miku-sama from the manga.

Asuka, had a really serious and stubborn image in the manga; well, he is really like this, but he’d properly hear you out and is a level-headed person. I didn"t really feel like his image of the manga blurred but, in the manga, it wasn"t depicted that he was good at making j.a.panese sweets.

And even though Asahi-san was described as an Oniisan that you could really rely on; in reality, he is a person that would only speak about his girlfriend and is a mr. disappointment. He is annoying to the level of wanting to beat him. And in the manga he didn"t have a girlfriend.

My little brother in the manga was just a little brother that always think about his older sister. It"s like this even now; but, somehow, I feel like he has blackened recently. I wonder if this differs from the manga?

Hasumi, in the manga was a kind person that helped Miku-sama from the shadows. Because of that, there were moments where he was cold to Rinka [heroine]; but, he was a person that felt worried about Rinka [heroine] too.

Actually, he is sarcastic, shy, and usually you wouldn"t sense any kindness from him; but at important moments he"s a guy that would be concerned about you.

He"s bad with horror and skillful at making sweets.

I know many things that weren"t depicted in the manga.

I should properly accept this as reality.

I really like everyone. Sometimes I think that they are a pain; but even so, I really like them.

 ―――I, like you.  

Suddenly, Hasumi"s words replayed in my head.

My face became bright red, though it had come at such a late time.

Wait a moment.

Thinking about this calmly, does this not resemble Rinka"s [heroine] situation?

The prince pressed closer to Rinka, then she got confessed to by Asuka, tottered between the prince and Asuka, and continued to act vague until graduation.

While Rinka was close with the prince, he never confessed because he wasn"t sure about his feelings, missing each other’s, and in the meantime Rinka got shaken by the kindness Asuka showed her.

―――I, who do I like between Tojo-sama and Asukkun?

Was what that girl asked herself.

Isn"t this similar to my situation right now?

No, I don"t think anything in particular about the prince, and Hasumi is just a friend. A sweets pal.

But, my thoughts apart, the situation is similar.

How could this happen.

Without being aware I walked in the same path of Rinka [heroine].

Am I that dense? Is this a heroine"s fate?

No, if I think back, I feel like Hasumi had acted as if he felt good will toward me before.

It"s just that, at that time, I set in my heart that Hasumi liked Miku-sama; so even when I had that presentiment, I brushed it off as it just being my imagination. 

My gosh.

Am I not the same as that Rinka [heroine] that I hate?!

"You, seriously!!!"

I shouted loudly without thinking.

At that, my little brother from the room beside mine rushed in quickly.

"Neesan, what happened!?"

My little brother opened my door with force and looked at my ghastly pale face.

"Yuto….am, am I dense……?"

"Ha? Ah, un …...yes. "

My little brother that had rushed over, nodded with a perplexed face.

Seeing my brother nodding, I received a shock, so it really is like this.

"Yuto…..I- will stop being dense."


"I will stop being dense and become a considerate woman……"

"..........that"s impossible."

Failing to hear what my little brother muttered, tightening my fist I said:

"I"ll do my best. Yuto, support me okay…..!"

"......yeah. Do your best. I won"t say any more……"

Without noticing my anxious little brother that dropped his shoulders, I hardened my resolve.

First, I need to properly tell Hasumi about my feelings.

It may become awkward. However, it should be better than being like Rinka [heroine] that adopted a "I don"t know who to choose’ att.i.tude.

Without further ado, I took action on Monday.

After the student council activities, I had an opportunity to talk with Hasumi alone.

In the room of the student council, after the end of cla.s.ses, I faced Hasumi.

"What did you want to talk about?"

"About what you said at the Trip. I wanted to properly tell Hasumi-sama of my feelings."

"I did say that I didn"t need an answer, right?"

"Yes but I want to. Please hear me out."

I said, looking straight at Hasumi"s eyes with a serious face.

Hasumi just looked at me and then nodded as though giving up.

"I only like Hasumi-sama as a friend. But I never saw you as a love interest."

"......I know. That"s why you want me to give up?"

I quietly nodded.

At that, a dark light lit in Hasumi"s eyes.

"I won"t give up. I told you, right? That I wouldn"t run away."

Before I noticed, I was cornered to the wall.

With a *dan*, Hasumi"s hand hit the wall.

This is my second kabedon.

However, I wonder why? For some reason my heart feels pain.

"I decided that I"ll make you turn to look at me. Even if you were to find someone you like, I don"t feel like giving up."

 ".......why would you so far for me…...?"

"......I, too, never thought that I would get attracted to a weirdo like you. But before I noticed it, I was."

He said that I am a weirdo. Is that something to say to the person you like?

"Right now, I like you to the degree of wanting to steal you."

Hasumi whispered in my ear.

I distinctly felt my face going bright red.

I don"t know. I don"t know such a Hasumi.

The Hasumi that I know is always expressionless and says cynic things…...

"Did you get that I am serious?"

Hasumi peeked at my face.

I wasn"t able to look at Hasumi directly―just nodding my head with averted eyes used everything I had.

It seemed like the people around me still don’t know some part of me.

At any rate, I think that I lost to Hasumi today.

I mean look.

A triumphant smile is on Hasumi"s face.


This was Hasumi-san"s turn.

Next is Subaru-san"s turn.

Tn: Naoriel 

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner 

I"m happy that Rinka finally reflected on herself! Though, I don"t blame her for thinking about all the person around her as people in a manga.

On 2 Aug I will do a five chapter release for the lauching of our new site!   ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

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