I ended up seeing an embarra.s.sed Hasumi.

Precious. While thinking ‘let"s store it in my mind"s camera,’ to the embarra.s.sed Hasumi I said with a full smile.

“You are welcome.”

Hasumi had an awkward expression for a little while, but recovered relatively fast.

“I properly told you my reason. So, it"s your turn now. What"s your motive?”

It would"ve been fine if you hadn"t recovered.

While internally clicking my tongue, I began to think.

What should I do? Should I honestly come out?

I"m sure that Hasumi had needed an incredible amount of courage to confess that.

And he said that to an outsider like me.

That’s why I should show sincerity fit for the occasion.

But is it really fine to say it?

Hasumi is an influential person. I wonder if it’s safe to say something that he wouldn"t usually believe.

It"s fine if I alone think that my head is going funny. However, I don’t want to stain the reputation of my family, the Kaguragi household; I don’t want to trouble them.

I motionlessly stared at Hasumi.

And he directly took my gaze.

I think Hasumi isn’t the type of person that would say things to drop my reputation.

That’s why, if he won"t believe in my “reason,” then that"s all there is to it.

I prepared myself for the worst.

“......my reason, is something that Hasumi-sama would probably not believe. Even so, do you want to know?”

“Whether to believe or not, I"ll judge after listening.”

“I understand. Actually……―――”

I explained the reason I"ve been avoiding the prince without concealing anything.

While listening to my story, Hasumi"s expression didn’t change.

“.......certainly, it"s a story hard to believe.”

“I think so.”

“This is a shoujo manga where you are the heroine, riiight……”

When Hasumi said heroine, he looked at me as if seeing a disappointing child.

Huh. What. Do you have any problem with the fact that I am the heroine? If you want to fight then bring it on! Anytime!

Inside my head a gong resounded.

“But, I understand the motive for why you avoided Subaru.”

The me inside my head, that was doing poses, quickly surrendered to Hasumi.

“......you believe me?”

“It didn’t appear like you were lying. Well though, I can"t believe you are the heroine of a manga.”

“You know, you are a bit…” said Hasumi looking disappointed.

What"s the point you can"t believe? What’s the part in me you can"t believe?

“Let"s put aside whether you look like a heroine. If this is the world of the manga, then Subaru would fall in love with you on sight, right? However, you"ve been avoiding him with everything you"ve got, so Subaru still hasn’t fallen in love.”

Put aside wherever I look like an heroine!?

Don"t put it aside! I look plenty like a heroine, right!?

The objection in my head, didn"t leave my mouth.

I am a child that can read the mood.……..probably.

“Yes, that"s right. I absolutely have no intention of making Tojo-sama fall in love with me at first sight. I would like the Miku-sama, that I really liked in the manga, to be happy.”

“......got it. Then we are the same.”

“Yes. I confer unto Hasumi-sama, the position of 『 Wishing Miku-sama Happiness’ fan club』 president.”

“What"s that club?”

Incidentally, I am an honourary member.

“Anyway, I cannot meet Tojo-sama. That"s why I"ll support from the shadows, I entrust the direct work to Hasumi-sama.”

“I know.”

“Then let"s decide our current plan of action.”

Let us discuss of our current plan of action.

For the time being, we had decided to let those two be alone in the last event we partic.i.p.ated in.

Well, we can only do this much.

Afterwards, we need Miku-sama to use a more forward approach.

“Miku"s approach, mh? …...it seems like something hard for me to talk about with Miku.”

“Is that so…...Hasumi-sama is her childhood friend, but of the opposite s.e.x. It would be hard for Miku-sama too.”

The things that are easy to say between girls and boys differ.

As expected, love talks are good between girls.

“So it"s like this…...then, it"s fine if you become Miku"s counselor.”

“.......ara? I wonder if my ears have gone strange…….I didn’t hear you, can you please repeat that?”

“I said, it"s fine if you become Miku"s counselor.”

“.............me, Miku-sama"s counselor…….?”

“That"s right. I will ask Miku to keep a secret about you. Just for a.s.surance.”


“Hey, are you listening?”

I trembled.

Oh, G.o.d. For the first time, I"m grateful towards you.

No way, for my desire to talk with Miku-sama to come true this fast……!

Aah, such a thing……!

I"m so happy that I feel like I’m soaring……!!

Ah, the tears…...

“......why are you crying?”

“I"m too happy…...to think I"ll be able to talk to the Miku-sama I admired, I feel like rising up to heaven…….!”

“You"re happy enough to cry…….?”

I was so excited that Hasumi backing away didn’t enter my eyes.

“I"ll do my best! I"ll give my all in giving advice to Miku-sama, let"s make a stew out of Tojo-sama!”

“...........I may have made the wrong decision…….”

Something like Hasumi’s regretful voice, I can"t hear any of it.

Ah, I look forward to the day I"ll chat with Miku-sama.

I"m glad I didn’t skip school today. Seriously glad.

I"ll hear about Miku-sama"s schedule from Hasumi for the day I"ll go to talk to her.

As expected of the president of the of the ‘Wishing Miku-sama Happiness’ fan club’.

Suddenly, Hasumi recalled something and said.

“There is something that bothers me a bit.”

“About what?”

“What did you think of me in your previous life?”

“You were a character I quite liked.”

“And now?”

“And now……”

What do I answer?

Honestly speaking, my feelings towards Hasumi are complex.

Ah, no, there is an exact word that simply summarizes what I feel.

I laughed.

“And now, I 『Really Hate』you.

Hasumi was surprised for a moment at my plain declaration, and then immediately laughed as if it was funny.

“Hahah……! This is the first time a girl has told me 『I really hate you』........as I thought, you are interesting.”

“My, thank you very much”

“Once again, let"s get along from now on, Kaguragi.”

“I don"t really want to but, let"s get along, Hasumi-sama.”

I shook hands with Hasumi.

Like this, 『Wishing Miku-sama Happiness’ fan club』was established.

Tn: Naoriel 

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

Tomorrow"s chapter will be from her lil bro and Hasumi"s pov!

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