Shocked by what he said; I didn"t know what to say.


"Don"t just stay silent, how about saying something?"


"Shall I force you to say it?"


Hasumi approached me. To escape, I tried to step back; however, when I moved the foot I twisted earlier, the pain wouldn"t let me escape.

In an instant, Hasumi reduced the distance between us, and his good looking face neared.

Hasumi"s eyes were flickering. I am in such a situation, but I still thought that his eyes were pretty.

"Why didn"t you step back?"

Hasumi"s face distorted as if in pain. At that, I showed him a smile.

"Hasumi-sama isn"t the type of person that would do something bad."

"......why do you….."

"I"ve only got to know you for less than a year, but I know that Hasumi-sama is a kind person. The sweets that Hasumi-sama makes have a gentle taste."

"..............even when I thought to……."


Without catching what he muttered, I asked him again, but he didn"t tell me.

I gave up on asking.

Hasumi brooded for a bit and then opened his mouth.

"Hey, that day, what did you talk with Asuka about?"

"Aah…...that day, we talked about……"

Hasumi looked down as if enduring pain.

"j.a.panese sweets."

"ーーーha? j.a.panese sweets?"

"Yeah. Asukkun"s household has a j.a.panese confectionary shop, and Asukkun makes sweets too. So he wanted me to eat some and tell him my opinion…….Hasumi-sama? Is something wrong?"

Hasumi-sama covered his face with his hand and sat down.

I wonder what happened. Does he suddenly feel bad?

"......what, was that just my misunderstanding…...I misunderstood and got angry…...I"m the worst……"

I got concerned over Hasumi who sat down and began to grumble about something, so I tried to sit too, but my sprained foot hurt so much that it destroyed my balance.


Thinking that I"d fall down, I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the impact, but the pain didn"t arrive. When I timidly opened my eyes, I found myself in Hasumi"s arms.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I"m fine. Thank you very much."

Fl.u.s.tered, I tried to step back but my foot hurt and I couldn"t move.

c.r.a.p. It looks like when I fell it got aggravated.

"What happened to your foot?"

"No, ehm…...I twisted it a little, you don"t need to worry."

"You don"t seem fine though……"

"It"s really not a big deal."

"......then, try walking?"


Secret technique, laugh to cover up. My ultimate skill bursted through.

However, it seemed like it didn"t have effect on Hasumi, as he only looked at me with an exasperated face.

"It"s grave right…….no matter how you look at it."

"...... yes, I"m sorry."

"Hah…..it can"t be helped. It"s dark here so let"s move to another place. Hold on to me tightly."


I got carried by Hasumi. Carried in his arms, in other words, a princess carry.

"E-ehm, Hasumi-sama……"


".......Am I not heavy…….?"

"Really? Aren"t you on the light side?"

"......that…...thank you very much."



Held by Hasumi, I thought, "Hasumi unexpectedly has muscles."

I didn"t feel anxious in his arms. Rather, he gave me a sense of stability.

I held onto him tightly, leaning against his shoulder. It was natural, but I smelt Hasumi"s smell.



"Can we reconcile? It seems like, towards Hasumi-sama, I………."

"Towards me, you……?"

Hasumi"s eyes shook as if he was expecting something.

While staring at such eyes I said.

"Feel like you are a better friend than I originally thought."

"...........................I see. A friend, right….."


When I happily smiled and nodded Hasumi smiled bitterly.

"Un, well, since it"s you…….it can"t be helped."


"This time was totally my bad. I vented my anger on you. I"d like to have the same relationship we had before from now on."

"Yes……! Of course."

When I nodded, Hasumi also smiled. It would be good if he always kept this face, or so I thought. I like Hasumi"s smiling face.

Hasumi carried me to a room somewhere and softly placed me on a sofa.

Hasumi took out a first aid kit from somewhere in the room and said, "let me look at your foot."

I obediently showed him my sprained foot.

Hasumi cautiously touched my foot with his hands, looking at the affected part.

As if I had a fever, I felt good when Hasumi"s cold hands touched me.

"It"s swollen….. it"s probably a sprain, but it would be better to let a doctor see it. I can only do the first aid measure, but……."

"Ah, the stocking…...ahem, can you close your eyes so I can take it off?"

"Ah, yeah."

Hasumi turned a bit red and then turned his back. I tried to take the stocking off as fast as I could.

I put the stocking inside my bag and told Hasumi that I finished.

Hasumi turned around and gave me first aid treatment at once.

To Hasumi, who bandaged me as if accustomed to it, I thought, "Hasumi really can do anything" and admired him.

"Thank you very much, Hasumi-sama."

"No…...it"s my fault, so this much is only natural."

Hasumi turned to the side and said that looking embarra.s.sed.

Hasumi is a very shy person unexpectedly.

Before Hasumi left to go call my parents, as if remembering something, he turned to look over his shoulder.

"I forgot to say it but….. that dress really look good on you."

Hasumi left quickly after saying that.

Left alone in the rooms I stared at the door.

Surely, my face turned bright red.

Such a surprise attack is sly.

I pressed my face against a cushion in the sofa, and cooled the myself down.

Author note


"...........even when I thought to…….." was "Even when I thought to give up."

Hasumi seeing that Asuka and Rinka has a good atmosphere, misunderstood and, driven by jealousy, turned his anger on Rinka, that"s what happened. Seeing these two together he felt unpleasant and jealous and so avoided Rinka. That"s so childish Hasumi-san!



Nao"s lil corner ༽΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵༼

Pffft and we already reached 50 pinches....

So pinches work better than pats mh? xD

The dark side of readers..... lol

I just released the chapter before going to sleep yesterday, didn"t expect to see in the morning people pinching Hasumi to death. 

The pinches game continue! You are almost at 60 pinches (another extra chappy)! If you reach 70 another chapter will be released!

At chapter 40 we have the prince"s pov! 

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