After that, I returned home with my little brother who came to pick me up.

Because it was already late; I went to see a doctor the next day, and like Hasumi guessed: it was a sprain.

My worried father and little brother told me to stay put during winter vacation; so as to not put pressure on my foot, I decided to do my homework.

Because I devoted myself to doing my homework, it only took me three days to finish and ended up having nothing to do.

I"m stumped, I had thought, so I mailed Nao who had returned home for winter vacation, and she came to visit the injured me.

Thanks to Nao, who talked through all the day, time pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye.

Perhaps because she had nothing to do like she complained, from that day on, she came to visit me every other day.

With a rotation of Nao, Miku-sama, and Asahi-san.

Maybe he heard it from Asahi-san, because Asuka came to visit me too. Gifting me with a set of tea pastries.

I"m happy that they all tried to cheer me up, but is everyone schedule really okay?

When I asked that, everyone uniformly said: "It"s alright."

I wonder if it"s really alright…..

On New Year"s Eve, no one came to visit me.

The swelling having faded, I decided to clean my room.

However, I was immediately found out by my little brother, and he preached to me until I reluctantly returned to bed. Recently, my little brother was like a mom.

I"m free. What should I do? Should I read a poetry anthology, like a proper ojou-sama?

However, unfortunately I am under a curse that makes me fall asleep after just 10 minutes of reading a poetry anthology.

When I was troubled as to what to do, a servant came in with a smiling face holding a bouquet of pretty flowers.

"Ojou-sama, a bouquet and pastries arrived as a get well gift."

"My, from who?"

"Fufu…...Ojou-sama already knows, I think. It was a really cool guy that came to deliver these, you know. It was Hasumi Sousuke-sama."

"Hasumi-sama? My….."

"Aren"t these some really pretty flowers, Ojou-sama?"

"Yes, they are. I must thank him when I see him….."

I smiled seeing the bouquet that the servant brought. Among the flowers I found some Poppies.

Poppies in the language of flowers is 『Rest』. It"s Hasumi"s way to convey  "Get better soon."

It"s really like him. I felt relieved.

The year changed and winter vacation was over, from today on the 3rd semester has started.

My foot recovered completely and I headed to school in high spirits.

My friends, who seemed to have heard that I got injured, were worried; and when I said that I am already fine, they all got happy and said, thank G.o.d.

Everyone in the student council was worried too.

I reflected, I"m really a fortunate person, as they worried for me when it was just a small injury.

When I thanked Hasumi and Asuka for their get-well gifts, they both said that it"s really good that I recovered.

You guys are my good sweet foo...friends!

Just when I thought that the 3rd semester had begun, the 3rd semester had ended.

They say that the months from January to March pa.s.s quickly, and it seems like it"s true.

Before I noticed, it was time for the graduation ceremony. I didn"t interact much with the 3rd years’ so I didn"t really get attached to them.

However, because I am a member of the student council, I was busy preparing for the graduation ceremony. Making corsages and preparing flowers.

I saw the senpais who accepted the graduation deed, and sticking out their chest as they graduated, as if they were sparkling.

Two years after, will I graduate in the same way as them?

Now that the graduation ceremony had ended, I had to catch up on the preparation for the entrance ceremony.

I prepared the corsages and flowers.

My little brother will attend Sakuragaoka academy from April. According to what I heard, he pa.s.sed as the top student. As expected of my little brother.

For the sake of my little brother I made corsages with the best of my abilities.

"You, do other works beside that will you….."

I feel like I heard Hasumi"s exasperated voice, but even so I continued to wholly dedicate myself in making corsages.

There is no such thing as me that stops making corsages.

And finally, the entrance ceremony day came.

I left home earlier than my little brother to do the last check for the entrance ceremony  preparations.

I didn"t see my brother in his new school uniform. I thought to leave that pleasure for the time of the entrance ceremony.

My cheeks loosened when I tried to imagine my little brother in the uniform.

"Kuguragi…..you"re being creepy you know……?"

"Leave her alone. I"m sure that she is just so happy that the little brother she loves so much is going to attend this school that she can"t help it"

He couldn"t be more right; but, I wonder why I feel frustrated that he guessed it right.

The entrance ceremony began. My cheeks loosened when I thought about my little brother in his uniform.

My little brother, that sat there with his spine straight, was handsome in my eyes. Hasumi quietly muttered to me, who was deeply moved after seeing my brother in uniform.

"There"s a great difference when compared to her dozing off……."

I silently trampled on Hasumi"s foot.

When the entrance ceremony finished, the afternoon opening ceremony will began.

The students that arrived earlier must clean up once the entrance ceremony is over.

The student council members and the teachers cooperated to tidy up.

After tidying up we ate lunch, and confirmed the programme for the opening ceremony.

In the time we were checking the programme, the students arrived one after another, and they looked at the announcement of their cla.s.s that was in front of the short locker.

We went to look to see which cla.s.s we were in too.

Well, I know…….we might have changed cla.s.s.

I had a sliver of hope to challenge the announcement of the cla.s.s but, the result was an overwhelming defeat. It was exactly like in the manga.

"Hoo…...Hasumi and Kaguragi are in the same cla.s.s."

That"s right. In this second year, I"ll be in the cla.s.s with Hasumi.

With this, I"m sure that avoiding the prince will become more difficult.

Hasumi and the Prince are good friends. There are many times that they can be seen together at school. And I am in the same cla.s.s as this fellow. The difficulty of avoiding him won"t be the same as last year.

Hasumi looking amused at me who had turned pale, said.

"Hmm…...seems like I won"t get bored this year?"

This fellow sure is enjoying himself. He must still hold a grudge because I stepped on his foot earlier.

If I"ll be in a cla.s.s together with Hasumi, I"ll live my school life with an ever present feeling of tension.

And I have to be especially careful at break time.

Because he will come over.

"Sousuke, can you lend me your English dictionary please"

Look, he came. I quickly hid under my desk.

At first, the friends I was talking with was surprised and asked "what"s wrong?" but I only responded "nothing at all, ohohoho."

Considerate children really are the best.

A month pa.s.sed as I continued conducting such a lifestyle.

I greatly became accustomed to hiding, and got ahead of myself.

So I thought, that if I continue like this, I might be able to get over this year.

I went to the courtyard that I usually meet Hasumi in to receive the sweet I asked him to make.

Today"s sweet is a cream puff. Though it seems like it took him time to make the cream, he was finally able to make it skillfully.

I went to the courtyard in an euphoric mood, and received Hasumi"s cream puff.

I think it"s good eating with everyone when we do student council activities, but I still decided to eat this without hesitation.

The puff was crispy and the cream had a vanilla flavour, it"s delicious.

When I raised my face to tell him, "It"s delicious."

For some reason, Hasumi was staring behind me

I have a bad feeling.

When I timidly turned around, over there was―――

"Yaa, Sousuke. What are you doing at such a place? Who is she?"


That person was the prince, Tojo Subaru.

Tn: Naoriel 

Ed: Aeternatrix 

Nao"s lil corner ○□○

And here enter the prince! *kicks the prince* ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ

Grrrrrr how dare you intrude between them!!!

This chapter was a continuous "move from that topic to another" I hope it wasn"t too confusing!

And the pinches continue~ 

We are currently at 62, so next person is the 63!

Do not pinch Hasumi twice!! I won"t count people that do that!

Are you hungry for chapters? Give some coffee to this poor translator!  ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ ()

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