Immortal Mortal

Chapter 839: Returning To Jingshou Mountain

Chapter 839: Returning To Jingshou Mountain

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"What are the two options?" Tan Zhenman did not seem to be able to hold it in when she asked this question.

"The first method is for me to help you to complete three challenges in an hour… no, in less than an hour. Of course, with what I will be teaching you, it should be easy for you to pa.s.s any tests…"

Before Mo Wuji could finish speaking, Tan Zhenman said earnestly and anxiously, "Big Brother Mo, you’re saying that if you help for the next hour, I will definitely be able to pa.s.s the Three Star Exam? Not only that, I can also place among the top three in the federation’s selection?"

"That’s right," Mo Wuji nodded, "not only that, even if you choose not to take the exam, but go for those free-for-all challenges, you will still be able to pa.s.s and enter Planet Diyuan."

Even though Mo Wuji didn’t know what’s the difference between the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation and Earth’s s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation [1], he couldn’t be bothered to ask about it.

"Big Brother Mo, is what you’re saying true? Only 20 to 30 people out of 10,000 actually pa.s.s the challenges…" Tan Zhenman was so agitated that her voice was trembling slightly.Mo Wuji said with certainty, "My words weigh more than gold."

His 108 meridians had already been fully linked. Even though his sea of consciousness hadn’t recovered, his current abilities could still put him at the top of the Immortal World. If he helped Tan Zhenman and she still wasn’t even able to deal with some puny animals, then he would be a fake Immortal Emperor.

"I’m willing. I choose this method." Tan Zhenman didn’t hesitate to say.

Mo Wuji sighed in his heart, "You’re not willing to hear my second option?"

Even though Tan Zhenman’s temperament was not bad, it seems like she was still not suitable to be his disciple. She should have kept her cool and waited for him to say both his options before she made her decision, right?

The reason why he suddenly considered of accepting Tan Zhenman as a disciple was because Tan Zhenman had really helped him. If not for Tan Zhenman’s slash, his breath scattering channel wouldn’t have been stimulated. Consequently, his other meridians wouldn’t have been stimulated. This was especially important for his spirit storage channel and his elemental storage channel.

This time, his sea of consciousness had suffered a terrible damage. Even his Star Sea Sacred Technique and his Zhi Nature Pills weren’t able to do much. Thus, he could only depend on his spirit storage channel. Even though it was going to be a long and arduous process, it was only made possible due to that slash.

Moreover, Tan Zhenman was relatively kind; she did more than 10 probing slashes before she finally decided to go all out. Mo Wuji even left his legacy behind on Planet Heavenly Crow. Naturally, he intended to leave behind a part of his legacy on Earth, and that person definitely couldn’t be a bloodthirsty person.

Xian Zhiyang was not bad, but Mo Wuji only needed a single glance at Xian Zhiyang to tell that his innate talent could not make it. In a place spa.r.s.e in spiritual energy like Earth, lacking talent as well was simply a waste of time. He wouldn’t spend his time to slowly develop a disciple with his meridian opening solution. Thus, he could only give Xian Zhiyang some riches.

Tan Zhenman’s face was slightly red; she knew that she had been too agitated and had lost her calm. She asked awkwardly, "Big Brother Mo, what’s this second option?"

"The second option is for you to give up on Planet Diyuan and accept me as your master. I will teach you for one month, and your results after this one month will depend on you," Mo Wuji said solemnly.

He was an Immortal Emperor. Even in a place lacking in spiritual energy like Earth, a month was more than enough to help Tan Zhenman step into the Yuan Dan Stage and walk the path of cultivation.

"Ah…" Tan Zhenman uttered. She didn’t know how she should reject Mo Wuji. The first option allowed her to fulfil her wish to go to Planet Diyuan. On the other hand, the second option was for her to learn under Mo Wuji for only a month, and she even had to give up on Planet Diyuan.

Mo Wuji only needed a single glance at Tan Zhenman’s expression to know what she was thinking. His heart was slightly disappointed as he said, "You only have one chance to choose. After this choice, you can no longer change it. I will not give you another chance to change."

Tan Zhenman pursed her lips, "Big Brother Mo, I choose the first option: To have the ability to pa.s.s the federation’s test after one hour."

"Alright. Sit in front of me with your back facing me." Mo Wuji didn’t waste any words. Since Tan Zhenman had already made her choice, he wasn’t going to explain any further. Every individual’s path was decided by oneself. Whether the decision was right or wrong, every individual must take the responsibility of the consequences. In Tan Zhenman’s perspective, she chose the option which she found the most beneficial to her; in her right, it wasn’t a wrong option.

"Yes." Tan Zhenman excitedly sat in front of Mo Wuji with her back facing him.

Mo Wuji’s voice gently sounded beside her ear, "Close your eyes. Try to calm yourself down, from your body to your mind…"

Tan Zhenman followed according to Mo Wuji’s instructions. Suddenly, she felt a warm sensation flowing down from the top of her head. At this moment, she felt like she had entered a hot spring. The hot spring seemed to continuously cleanse the dirt on her body.

It was truly dirt. At this instant, Tan Zhenman even felt the dirt within her body oozing out of her. She wanted to open her eyes and take a look, but her eye bags felt too heavy; she was completely unable to open her eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, her brain suddenly felt like it was being washed with ice-cold water. Her mind gradually got clearer. Countless of information was entering her brain; a complete fist art and a complete knife art appeared within her mind. Thereafter, there was an art of agility.

Just when Tan Zhenman was hoping that this feeling could carry on forever, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Tan Zhenman suddenly opened her eyes and she saw Mo Wuji looking at her calmly.

"Big Brother Mo, I…"

Tan Zhenman merely said half a sentence but she could feel that something was different. It felt as though her entire body was lighter. At the same time, her mind felt clearer. She suspected that if someone gave her a profound text now, she could memorise it without missing a single word.

She clearly didn’t have a proper training in martial arts but she felt strong and self-confident. She was sure that even a strong martial artist wouldn’t even be able to do anything to her.

Tan Zhenman subconsciously stood up, then she suddenly punched out;

"Bam!" The teacups in the box room were directly smashed into pieces by her punch.

Mo Wuji said, "I’ve helped you to wash your marrows and clean your channels. I’ve also incribed some things within your mind. Of course, you would still need to go through several days of practice for all these to set in. Thereafter, you would be ready to take part in the exam. Remember to practise your fist art every day. Even though it can’t increase your longevity, it would be able to help increase your inner energy."

Tan Zhenman didn’t even respond to Mo Wuji’s words. She felt that all this was so unreal. However, she could clearly feel the changes to her body.

"That’s not right. Big Brother Mo, I remembered that my body seemed to secrete a lot of dirt…" Tan Zhenman finally recalled what happened to her body not long ago.

Mo Wuji pointed to an egg-sized ball of dirt in the rubbish bin and said, ‘Those are the impurities within your body. I helped you to expel them."

That was a simple impurity removing technique. To Mo Wuji, the marrow cleansing process was even harder. Of course, it was impossible for him to raise Tan Zhenman’s potential indefinitely. After all, he only had one spirit storage channel and the recovery of his sea of consciousness depended on his spirit storage channel. Even though the Zhi Nature Pill could replenish spiritual will, he didn’t have much Zhi Nature Pills left either.

Moreover, before his sea of consciousness was completely recovered, he didn’t dare to casually concoct pills.

"The train has arrived at Qi Kou. Pa.s.sengers heading to Qi Kou, please take note…"

An announcement came from the train’s system. Mo Wuji stood up, "Go back and acclimatise yourself for a few days. Then, you should be ready to take the exam. I will get off now."

"Big Brother Mo, you don’t need me to follow you to Jing Yang?" Tan Zhenman asked hurriedly.

Mo Wuji replied, "Yes. I suddenly have a method to find that place. I no longer need you to accompany me."

With that, Mo Wuji opened the door to the box and left with the crowd.

It was only until Mo Wuji disappeared into the crowd that Tan Zhenman suddenly realised that she had countless questions that she wanted to ask Mo Wuji. By the time she anxiously left the train, Mo Wuji had already disappeared.

Tan Zhenman started to quicken her footsteps. She seemed to have a feeling like she had missed out on something.

However, just as she used strength in her footsteps, she suddenly sprang forward by several meters.

In her shock, Tan Zhenman stopped moving. Thereafter, she ignored the surprised gazes as she left the scene swiftly. She finally understood the meaning behind Mo Wuji’s words; she needed some time to get used to her new power.

Now that Mo Wuji’s spirit storage channel had recovered, he naturally didn’t need Tan Zhenman to follow him. He could directly fly to Jing Yang and with his spirit storage channel, he could easily search through the entire Jingshou Mountain.

Jingshou Mountain. This wasn’t an unfamiliar place; Mo Wuji had been here before.

Jingshou Mountain was near Jing Yang City, and it could be considered the tallest mountain within Jing Yang. Back when Mo Wuji first came here, he felt the majesty of Jingshou Mountain. With Jing Yang River nearby, Jingshou Mountain had an additional sense of loftiness.

Even though Jingshou Mountain was near the river, this place didn’t develop into a tourist site. This was because Jingshou Mountain didn’t have any other special characteristics besides its height.

Today, Mo Wuji paid another visit to Jingshou Mountain. Now, Jingshou Mountain had turned bare and was littered with grey rock and sand. Jing Yang River seemed to have dried up a long time ago; now, its riverbed was filled with all sorts of rubbish.

Mo Wuji stood at the peak of Jingshou Mountain. He remained silent without speaking. If Wen Xiaoqi knew that the Jing Yang River below Jingshou Mountain would become a trash dump, she definitely wouldn’t have chosen this place to be his grave.

After a simple sigh, Mo Wuji sent his spiritual will out.

Jingshou Mountain wasn’t small. But with Mo Wuji’s cultivation, he didn’t need a long time to penetrate into every bit of Jingshou Mountain.

In merely ten minutes, Mo Wuji landed on the side of the mountain next to Jing Yang River. He opened his hand and grabbed a b.u.t.ton from the ground.

Even though he was in his second life, Mo Wuji could still feel that this was the b.u.t.ton from the clothes that he was wearing when he was on Earth. This should be the place that Wen Xiaoqi chose to be his grave.

[1] The second one is referring to the control centre established by the 200 over countries.

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Chapter 840: Examination

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Besides this b.u.t.ton, there was no other of his belongings. Mo Wuji’s spirit storage channel’s spiritual will scanned the surroundings once more; in a short time, he understood what was going on.

This place had been excavated, and it was excavated more than once. He clenched his fists tightly, killing intent revolved around him.

If he knew who was the one that excavated this place, it didn’t matter who that person was; it didn’t matter if that person was an ordinary person, he would not hesitate to reduce that person to ashes.

He got a second chance at life, so his corpse wasn’t that important. However, Wen Xiaoqi’s corpse was also in the area. Now that this place had been excavated like this, where on Earth could he find Wen Xiaoqi’s corpse?

After a long time, the gloominess in his heart gradually receded. Mo Wuji decided that he would first find a place to recover his cultivation. Regardless whether Wen Xiaoqi’s corpse was still in Jingshou Mountain, he would still find Wen Xiaoqi’s relatives.

An hour later, Mo Wuji sold some jade stools at a jade equipment shop. Thereafter, he rented a remote room in Jing Yang City and started to recover his sea of consciousness.

He didn’t know how long this seclusion would last; thus, he had no means of staying at a hotel.

Qi Shu City was the provincial capital of Kai Nam Province. However, it wasn’t very famous within the country. And when compared to the entire world, Qi Shu City could only be considered a small city. There were even many people that had never heard of it. But because the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation was recruiting three graduating students here, the inconspicuous Qi Shu City had suddenly brimmed with activity.

Countless people streamed towards Qi Shu City. They all had the same goal: To obtain one of the three places to Planet Diyuan.

The public announcement by the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation was very clear, that was only students from Kai Nam Province could take part in the examinations. However, the ones truly taking part in the examination wasn’t limited to native students from Kai Nam Province; there were even foreign students as well.

Since the federation made the announcement, the busiest people weren’t from the federation itself. Instead, they were from the various universities in Kai Nam Province. This was because countless students were trying to use their connections to enrol in the various universities in Kai Nam Province.

Everyone was clear that when compared to going through the three challenges, pa.s.sing the federation’s test as a student was less dangerous and had higher rates of success.

Qi Shu City’s Observatory Plaza. Not only was this one of the biggest public plazas in Qi Shu City, it was also where the examinations were being held. Thereafter, the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s selection was also going to be conducted in the same plaza.

Because the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation was soon going to accept three students from Kai Nam Province, there were many students coming here to take part in the Three Star Exam.

Currently, Tan Zhenman was sitting calmly in the hall. She had already reported her name but because there were too many people, she had to sit here and wait.

Don’t simply look at how her Tan Clan was a relatively powerful clan. In this sort of examination site, the Tan Clan also wouldn’t have the qualifications to make use their relations. This was even more so for a female of the Tan Clan; if the Tan Clan had some relations that they could tap on, they would reserve it for a male descendant.

There were many students waiting in the hall. They were all engaged in their own discussions about the topics tested in the Three Star Exam. At the same time, they were discussing the various little tricks and tips they could employ during the different tests.

Tan Zhenman didn’t engage in such discussions. She had come to take part in this examination by herself; she didn’t even tell any of her cla.s.smates.

After a month of training, Tan Zhenman’s heart was especially clear that what Mo Wuji had taught her was extremely dumbfounding. No, it shouldn"t be ‘taught her’ but ‘gave her’. She merely spent one month to adapt to her new abilities and knowledge.

If it was the previous her, she definitely wouldn’t believe that she could jump over this 8m-tall wall in front of her. There was no need to talk about 8m; even if it was 4m or 5m, she still wouldn’t be able to get over it with her full effort. Moreover, that was even after she had trained hard for the Three Star Exam. But now, this 8m-tall wall was nothing. She only needed to jump up with her feet; she didn’t even need to use her hands.

She was very clear that if she had another few months to train, there was no need to talk about 8 meters, even if it was something taller, she would still be able to get over it. The Three Star Exam was exactly as Mo Wuji had told her - it really wasn’t anything much. She had 100% certainty that she was able to pa.s.s it.

When Mo Wuji left, Tan Zhenman was wondering why she felt like she had lost something. Now, she could faintly feel that she had lost the greatest opportunity in her life.

What she gained was something beyond her wildest dreams. Tan Zhenman knew that if she became Mo Wuji’s disciple, these gains would only be a fraction of what she could get. Now, she was sure that Mo Wuji was definitely an heir to a powerful martial artist; he was definitely a man of substance.

The only thing she couldn’t understand was why she had to stay on Earth if she wanted to be Mo Wuji’s disciple.

"This junior, are you also here to take part in the Three Star Exam?" A robust-looking youth walked to Tan Zhenman and sat down beside her. He invited himself to a conversation.

"Yes." Tan Zhenman answered indifferently.

This robust youth did not seem to mind Tan Zhenman’s indifference. Instead, he grinned and extended his hand, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Gong Xuefeng, I’m from Ping Hai’s Gong Clan and I’m a student of Hai Tong Aviation University. Now, I have transferred to Xing Wu University and I’m also here to take part in the Three Star Exam."

Tan Zhenman didn’t extend her hand. She only nodded and said, "h.e.l.lo. Tan Zhenman. Also from Xing Wu."

If it was one month ago, she would definitely have stood up and introduced herself to this Gong Clan’s Gong Xuefeng. In terms of clan history, her Tan Clan wasn’t even a tiny dot in front of the Gong Clan.

But today’s Tan Zhenman knew that even if the entire Gong Clan was in front of her, they would still be far inferior to that mysterious Big Brother Mo.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know where Mo Wuji came from. Half a month ago, she wanted to ask Xian Zhiyang about it. However, Xian Zhiyang had actually quit school and had disappeared. Tan Zhenman suspected that Xian Zhiyang really listened to Mo Wuji’s words to give up on Planet Diyuan and purchase land on Earth.

Currently, all the wealthy people on Earth wanted to go to Planet Diyuan. Land was the least valuable thing left on Earth.

When Gong Xuefeng saw that Tan Zhenman still dismissed him even after he stated his background, he was slightly infuriated. This had never happened before. Just as he was about to continue speaking, his name was announced. Following which, he heard Tan Zhenman’s name. He was actually in the same examination batch as Tan Zhenman.

Tan Zhenman took in a deep breath and stood up. Then, she walked towards the Three Star Exam’s physical examination site.

Although she was sure that she would be able to pa.s.s the Three Star Exam, she was still feeling slightly nervous. After all, any student that could pa.s.s the Three Star Exam was an incredible existence. There was no need to talk about how they would be respected in their schools; even their clans would focus resources on them.

Even if they weren’t able to go to Planet Diyuan, anyone that pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam would have a high status on Earth; it was a status that an ordinary person could never hope of comparing to.

The first event of the Three Star Exam’s physical examination was the Gravity Test. The Gravity Test was different from the Endurance Test; the Endurance Test was still separated into minor tests such as Heat Endurance, Cold Endurance, etc. There was only one test in the Gravity Test, that was to cross nine gravity steps.

The gravitational force on these nine steps increased gradually. Ordinary people that have never trained in their lives definitely wouldn’t be able to withstand these nine gravity steps. By the time they reached the final two steps, they wouldn’t even be able to lift their thighs. Bones fracturing due to the pressure was a common sight. Some wealthier clans would purchase the body tempering solution from the Xia Clan. After using the solution to temper their bodies, they would attempt the Gravity Test.

However, most people were like Tan Zhenman, they could only go through this test with their own innate talents.

Tan Zhenman was sure that if she hadn’t met Mo Wuji, she would never pa.s.s this Gravity Test in her entire life. If she couldn’t even pa.s.s the Gravity Test, then there was no need to even mention the other tests.

As she stood in front of the nine gravity steps, Tan Zhenman actually calmed down. She lifted her feet and placed it on the first gravity step. The pressure, that she used to be unable to endure, actually didn’t seem to affect her at all. She subconsciously turned to see the people falling off the steps around her; her heart was increasingly filled with grat.i.tude towards Mo Wuji.

Even though this physical examination wasn’t life-threatening like the Three Challenges, injuries were still a common sight.

The second step, third step…

Tan Zhenman casually climbed up the nine steps and easily pa.s.sed the Gravity Test.

Just as Tan Zhenman pa.s.sed the Gravity Test, an automatic announcement sounded, "Examinee Tan Zhenman has pa.s.sed the Gravity Test. Please head down to the next test room for your Endurance Test."

In the Examination Score Calculation Office, a man and a woman were engaged in a conversation. It was unknown what they were talking about but the two of them seemed to be increasingly absorbed in it. In reality, for such an examination, the Examination Score Calculation Office was merely there to handle minor inquiries. Once an examinee enters the test rooms, the tests would run automatically. Even the points were automatically allocated by the system; no one could externally change the scores.

The two of them heard the announcement regarding Tan Zhenman pa.s.sing the Gravity Test but they didn’t pay much heed to it. After all, the Gravity Test was only the first test.

However, on the huge display screen behind them, a row of words appeared: Tan Zhenman, Three Star Exam Gravity Test Score - 100.

It was one thing to pa.s.s the Gravity Test, but another to score 100 points. It’s rumoured that since the inception of the Three Star Exam Gravity Test, less than 10 people in the entire Earth attained full marks of 100 points. Planey Diyuan’s number one expert, Xi Li, was one of the few that scored 100 points.

If the two of them saw the score, perhaps they would have been stupefied. Then, they would run off in a fl.u.s.ter to inform their higher-ups.

This was the first time Tan Zhenman came to the Endurance Test Room. She had attempted the Three Star Exam several times before but she had always been eliminated in the very first round.

The moment she entered the room, Tan Zhenman saw an orange flame. In front of the orange flame, there was a line of words: Walk into the fire. The temperature of this fire wasn’t exceptionally high. Moreover, if the examinee faints or suffers heavy injuries while within the fire, the fire would be immediately extinguished and help would be sent over.

Tan Zhenman walked into the fire. She only felt some slight heat. Ten minutes later, she got past the fire and walked into an icy-cold pool.

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Chapter 841: Huge Stir

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Tan Zhenman walked out of the Three Star Exam’s building; a feeling of emptiness appeared in her heart. One month ago, pa.s.sing the Three Star Exam was her greatest dream. But now, after pa.s.sing the Three Star Exam, she discovered that she had lost the goal that she was fighting for.

She once heard that the person who pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam in the shortest time was Senior Xi Li; he only needed one day. This was because rest was allowed after every test. On the other hand, Tan Zhenman didn’t even use two hours. Moreover, this was even when some tests required her to spend a fixed amount of time during the test. Otherwise, her time would have been shorter.

At this instant, partic.i.p.ating in the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s selection wasn’t important to her anymore. With her current abilities, she could easily go use the ‘challenge’ method to get to Planet Diyuan. There was completely no need for her to fight with others for those three placings.

Tan Zhenman lowered her head to look at the Star Grade Watch on her wrist. Previously, there were only two stars on the watch. Now that she had pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam, there was an additional star on the watch. This watch was a symbol of her status. Even if she didn’t go to Planet Diyuan and stayed on Earth, she would still be respected everywhere she goes.

Moreover, the three stars on her watch were gold. Only students that got full marks for the Three Star Exam would obtain gold stars.

According to Tan Zhenman’s understanding, Senior Xi Li was the only other person with three golden stars.

Senior Xi Li? Tan Zhenman smiled with self-contempt. This senior probably wouldn’t even be able to withstand a slap from Mo Wuji.

A feeling of regret rose in Tan Zhenman’s heart. She had made the wrong choice.

As she looked at the bustling Observatory Plaza ahead of her, Tan Zhenman suddenly clenched her fist. She decided to give up on this struggle for those three places. With her abilities, she could go to Planet Diyuan at any time she wanted. Perhaps, what was most important to her now was to find that Big Brother Mo Wuji.

Even though she knew that Mo Wuji said that he would only give her one chance, she still wanted to try her luck.

The Three Star Exam Score Calculation Office. That man and woman finally concluded their conversation. When that woman stood up, her eyes suddenly went wide. She stared straight at the huge display screen behind the man.

"Wanfei, are you alright?" The man was shocked by the expression in the woman’s eyes. He also stood up anxiously.

The woman called Wanfei pointed at the display screen behind the man. Her voice was stammering as she said, "Ju Shangqi, you, you, look…"

Ju Shangqi suddenly turned. His mouth went agape. After some time, he stuttered, "Full marks in all the tests. Three Golden Stars. A time of 1 hour and 49 minutes. This, this…"

"Hurry and report to the higher-ups. That person would definitely have left by now. We’re screwed…" Wanfei finally reacted; her voice was trembling.

"Right, right…" In a fl.u.s.ter, Ju Shangqi grabbed a telephone. Then, he pressed the red b.u.t.ton on it.

Nan Ji.

When the Age of s.p.a.ce came, this used to be where the headquarters for the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation was located. After Planet Diyuan was discovered, the headquarters was relocated to Planet Diyuan. This place then became the biggest Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation Branch on Earth.

At this instant, within the Nan Ji Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Building, more than a hundred people were in an important meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss how the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation was going to accept 200 talented students and nurture them to enter Planet Diyuan.

The one at the head of this meeting was the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s Chief Deacon, Ka Sanuo.

"Deacon Ka Sanuo, the condition on Planet Diyuan is getting worse and worse. I feel that accepting 200 people is far too inadequate." The person speaking was a German. He was a committee member of the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation. His name was Woolf.

The number of placings the Chinese had in the Joint s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation Committee was getting higher. Even the current Chief of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation, Wei Yiyu, was a Chinese. Even though Chinese hadn’t eliminated the use of English, it had become one of the two major languages of Earth.

After Woolf finished speaking, another committee member stood up and said, "Deacon Ka Sanuo, I believe that Committee Member Woolf’s words are very reasonable. The costs of sending people from Earth to Planet Diyuan is indeed very high. However, I feel that at this stage, nurturing talent is the most important thing we should do. 200 people are truly too little."

After these two, a few other people also stood up and expressed their agreement. Basically, they felt that 200 people were too little and that they should send more people to Planet Diyuan.

Ka Sanuo’s was thin and tall, and his eyebags were very heavy. When some people came forward to suggest alternative opinions, he didn’t interrupt. Instead, he waited for everyone to finish speaking before he said slowly, "With the resources on Planet Diyuan and with our current abilities, we can only nurture 200 people. That is the maximum. Even an expert like Xi Li doesn’t have the ability to protect himself when he arrived at Planet Diyuan. Selecting more people that do not have the talent is useless; you would only be sending them to their deaths. Even among these 200 people, if 20 of them could survive after one year, it could already be considered a miracle."

There were some matters that some of these committee members weren’t clear of. However, he, Ka Sanuo, was extremely clear about them.

When Planet Diyuan was first discovered, Earth used their advanced technology to occupy a huge plot of land on Planet Diyuan. The air on Planet Diyuan was very clean and it was rich in ores and minerals. This caused all the rich and powerful people on Earth to head towards Planet Diyuan.

Following which, their territory on Planet Diyuan expanded. At the same time, more and more people headed towards Planet Diyuan. That’s when various problems started to appear. One of these problems was the appearance of savage beasts; these beasts started to devour the human beings that were living on Planet Diyuan.

These beasts had staggering physical resistance and strong healing factors. Weapons of smaller calibres were completely useless against these beasts. Only huge guns were able to kill them. However, these huge guns were generally very heavy; a single person wouldn’t be able to carry one on him. As for tanks, they couldn’t even be operated on the densely forested Planet Diyuan. Moreover, there were beasts that were ten times larger than an elephant. These beasts only needed a single foot to crush multiple tanks into pieces.

After multiple battles with the savage beasts, the human beings realised that cold weapons were more effective against these savage beasts. These cold weapons would deal more damage to the beasts, and at the same time, the injuries formed by the cold weapons take longer for the beasts to heal.

Recently, some scientists discovered that the beasts didn’t seem to fear fire. It was even possible for the essence within the fire to become the nutrition of these beasts. Some beasts could even absorb the explosive power of a bullet and convert it into their own energy. Because the scientists on Earth didn’t know anything about physique tempering, they couldn’t understand why these beasts could absorb the power of bullets.

If the bullets didn’t kill the beast, that beast would get stronger. As for the residual effects of the bullets in the beasts’ bodies, the beasts were too stupid to consider them. They would simply fight to their deaths.

The beasts that could be killed by bullets were basically the weaker ones. This was why the Federation’s tests didn’t place much emphasis on guns.

Planet Diyuan was a place the human beings wanted to relocate to. Naturally, human beings didn’t dare to casually use nuclear weapons. If nuclear weapons were used to frequently, then Planet Diyuan might no longer be habitable.

Besides all this, there was another secret in Planet Diyuan. That was the meat and innards of these beasts contain some mystical power. Human beings that consume these meats would see an increase in their strength and their physical resistance. The premise was that these beasts had to be killed using cold weapons. If the beasts were killed using heat-type weapons, the quality of the meat would change. Even though there were still some effects, these effects weren’t even a tenth of when the beasts were killed using cold weapons.

As more people got killed by the savage beasts, human beings were forced into a small corner. Many of the wealthy people that went towards Planet Diyuan started to regret their decisions. It was just that the Federation had a tight seal over this information; they didn’t allow any sort of panic to spread to Earth.

After Ka Sanuo said those words, the meeting room went silent. Even though the Federation tried to keep the information sealed, many of the people here could already faintly guess that the situation on Planet Diyuan wasn’t good. Woolf sighed and didn’t speak any further; his knowledge was slightly higher than most of the others here.

Right at this moment, a switchboard operator hurriedly came to Ka Sanuo’s side and whispered, "This is an important call."

"Hurry." Ka Sanuo anxiously accepted the call. His heart was beating rapidly; he thought about the defensive line on Planet Diyuan.

They had gone through many difficulties to find Planet Diyuan. Almost half of Earth’s talented scientists and other sorts of talents were on Planet Diyuan. Because there were far too many strong beasts on Planet Diyuan, they spent a large number of resources to build a defence line. If this defence line was torn apart by the savage beasts, then those people on Planet Diyuan would have lost all hope.

The phone call was connected. When Ka Sanuo heard that this wasn’t regarding Planet Diyuan, he heaved a sigh of relief. Thereafter, he got angry. This was an important meeting, why was such a call allowed in?

Before Ka Sanuo could express his rage, he cried out excitedly, "You said that you found an examinee pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam in less than 2 hours and even got full marks in all the tests? Ok, ok, immediately find that person. I will immediately head over to Qi Shu City…"

Even when Ka Sanuo put down the phone, he was still very excited. The pillar of support in Planet Diyuan was experts. The number one expert, Xi Li, had said it before: To suppress the beasts on Planet Diyuan, the only way is to find more experts. Perhaps only one absolute expert was needed to suppress all the beasts here.

This was also why the Chinese had such a high standing. It was because most of the experts were from China. At the same time, this was also why the Federation wanted to recruit talented students to Planet Diyuan; they wanted to nurture experts.

"What?" At the same time, Xia You suddenly stood up. His eyes were red as he stared at the middle-aged man in front of him. He spoke, one word at a time, "You are saying, someone pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam with full marks? And that person did it within 2 hours?"

"Yes, it’s definitely true. According to what I know, the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s Ka Sanuo is already heading to Qi Shu City."

Xia You clenched his fists tightly. He did not hesitate to say, "Make use of all of the Xia Clan’s power. We need to find that person as soon as possible. We must s.n.a.t.c.h that person before Ka Sanuo does."

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Chapter 842: Where Should I Go

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji heaved a sigh of relief. In the past month, he had been carefully using his spirit storage channel and continuously consuming Zhi Nature Pills which gradually started the healing process for the large crack in his sea of consciousness.

Due to that strike, the violet energy lake in Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness had been split open. At this moment, not only was the violet energy lake completely devoid of any violet energy, it was dry to the point of cracking.

However, Mo Wuji was not worried. Anything new would be difficult at the beginning, but as long as you start on it, things would get progressively easier. If he finished repairing his sea of consciousness, the violet energy lake would also be filled up once again.

Indeed, his guess was spot on. Once his sea of consciousness began healing, the speed of restoration became faster over time. Towards the end, on top of his spirit storage channel, even his Star Sea Sacred Technique and Zhi Nature Pills kicked into effect.

Days pa.s.sed, and the pain from his sea of consciousness disappeared suddenly. He felt as though a seed had just sprouted in his head, and a completely new feeling overwhelmed him.

Out of excitement, Mo Wuji jumped up. His sea of consciousness had actually turned into a sort of realm.

A sea of consciousness could be easily invaded by expert’s souls because it was just a sort of consolidation of a cultivator"s spiritual will and dao. Under normal circ.u.mstances, one’s sea of consciousness would be rather difficult to break into, but once the other person’s cultivation level was much higher than yours, it was a completely different story.

But this was different after a realm was formed. Any expert that wanted to gain access to your sea of consciousness would have to pa.s.s through the realm first. No matter how strong a soul and primordial spirit were, they were just a form of willpower. Other than for a few special cases, most realms with some defences were impossible to invade.

This meant that as long as his sea of consciousness could become totally consolidated, no one would be able to possess him in the future unless he allowed their primordial spirit to enter his sea of consciousness.

As long as he remained sane, Mo Wuji would never allow other people’s primordial spirit to enter his sea of consciousness.

As his sea of consciousness’ realm took shape, his sea of consciousness gradually healed, and violet energy started to return to the violet energy lake.

Everything inside the sea of consciousness became clear. Previously, Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness exceeded that of an Immortal Emperor, but now, not only was it larger than before by many times, it had become much more solid.

Soon, Mo Wuji’s attention was brought to a large talisman that was left in a corner of his sea of consciousness. The Kun Wu Sword formed layers of sword qi around it, which had a suppressive effect. That talisman was too familiar to Mo Wuji: it was the Sage Dao Talisman of the Talisman Race.

So the Kun Wu Sword had indeed suppressed the Sage Dao Talisman. Since the talisman was already inside his sea of consciousness, it could forget about ever leaving.

Mo Wuji formed tens of array flags without hesitation and dragged the Sage Dao Talisman straight into his Undying World after locking onto it. Inside the Undying World, no matter how impressive the Sage Dao Talisman was, it wouldn’t be able to escape. The Undying World was his territory, and once he was free, this Sage Dao Talisman would definitely be refined by him.

The Sage Dao Talisman was obtained after striking a deal with Fu Xiuhan and putting his life at risk, hence even if the Talisman Race were to demand it, he wouldn’t give it u.

As soon as the Sage Dao Talisman was suppressed inside the Undying World, the Kun Wu Sword let out a distinct buzz before landing in Mo Wuji’s hands.

"Thank you. This time, you’ve saved me and helped me to suppress the Sage Dao Talisman. It’s not your fault that my sea of consciousness got broken. The main problem is my lack of strength." Mo Wuji said appreciatively towards the Kun Wu Sword.

He knew that although this sword did not have an equipment spirit, it would have some sort of subconscious mind. Since the Kun Wu Sword helped him this much after he only refined the first layer of its seals, it obviously made up its mind to follow him.

Originally, Mo Wuji intended to give the Kun Wu Sword away as he did not cultivate the Sword Dao, but at this moment, he discarded that idea.

After putting away the Kun Wu Sword, Mo Wuji began investigating why his sea of consciousness started forming a realm. Within moments, he understood the reason behind it.

It had to do with his world channel. Back when his world channel consolidated his Undying World, although it continued to undergo minor circulation with his 108 meridians, its main role was to stabilise and grow the Undying World.

During the circulation process, the world channel actually integrated part of the dao aura into his sea of consciousness. It seemed like after his sea of consciousness broke, the world channel also took the initiative of improving on its defensive capabilities, forming a realm for his sea of consciousness.

As expected, without destruction, there would not be any construction. If he didn’t split his sea of consciousness open with the Kun Wu Sword, the world channel might not have helped to form a realm for it.

Mo Wuji knew that once his cultivation level was high enough, and his understanding towards the dao was deep enough, these things would happen too. However, for it to happen now, it had a completely different meaning.

Now he still had a low cultivation level, so doing these things was like sending him coal on a snowy day. In the future when his cultivation level grew higher, it would only be icing on the cake.

At this point, even without him going into closed doors cultivations, the Star Sea Sacred Technique, spirit storage channel, and world channel would continuously repair his sea of consciousness.

It was finally time to search for Xiaoqi’s family. Once he found them, his next move would be to go to the Xia family to look for Xia Ruoyin. If Xia Ruoyin was dead, he would still take back what rightfully belonged to him. Finally, when he was ready to leave, he would help to restore the environment of Earth and set up a Grade 9 immortal defensive array before going away.

As for Planet Diyuan, he had zero interest in going over there.

Chang Luo City, this was Mo Wuji’s birthplace, and also where he got acquainted with Wen Xiaoqi.

However, the thought of visiting the Mo family never crossed his mind. There were no longer any feelings for them left in him. The Mo family was considered to be a decent clan which gained their riches through salvaging items from the sea. Mo Fan was the main member of the Mo family involved in these operations, and rumors had it that he once salvaged a treasure worth 110 million from the ocean.

But for someone like Mo Fan that made such immense contributions, he could only live an ordinary life, collecting a month salary from the company. On top of that, he had an ordinary appearance, kept to himself, and couldn’t even find a wife in the end. Back then, Mo Wuji was picked up by Mo Fan by chance, and eventually, they relied on each other heavily.

Finally, during one of the salvage trips, Mo Fan never returned, which meant that no one really cared for Mo Wuji anymore. At that point in time, he was only 11.

As Mo Wuji had become mature at that young age, he was able to live on his own despite being 11. The inheritance Mo Fan left behind was also sufficient for him to complete his university studies.

After graduation, Mo Wuji even went back to search the area in the sea that Mo Fan had disappeared in, but nothing came out of it.

Based on subsequent investigations, Mo Wuji found out that the Mo family had treated Mo Fan as a piece of salvage equipment as he was part of a very distant branch of the family. Moreover, Mo Fan was a little too honest and old-fas.h.i.+oned. If it were anyone else, they would be able to get a share of at least a million after salvaging a treasure worth over 100 million, but Mo Fan only took a few thousand dollars as a reward.

On the other hand, Wen Xiaoqi was a cla.s.smate of Mo Wuji from back when he studied in Chang Luo First Middle School.

Even though decades had pa.s.sed, Chang Luo First Middle School was still around, albeit looking more run down than before. The only thing missing was that familiar figure on the school grounds.

Mo Wuji stood at the gate of Chang Luo First Middle School, gazing at the numerous students wearing the school uniform streaming in and out, and an unspeakable feeling began moving within him.

He was once just like this together with Wen Xiaoqi. Every day, they would go home together after school, and meet at the same location, at the same time, before heading to school. Eventually, both of them were admitted to Jin Nan University, which was the present day Jing Yang Star School. It was at Jing Yang Star School that Xia Ruoyin overshadowed Wen Xiaoqi.

Why didn’t he choose to get together with Wen Xiaoqi in the end? Instead he choose Xia Ruoyin? Mo Wuji suddenly thought of a woman named Yue Lingshan from a novel. She didn’t choose to be together with her senior brother but went with the person that wanted to kill her instead.

Could love not blossom if both parties knew each other too well?

Mo Wuji’s eyes began to redden. He knew that this was not the real reason. It was because he simply did not know how to love another person. More importantly, it was because he had slept with Xia Ruoyin once.

If it were still the Mo Wuji from decades ago, he would still think that he had forced himself onto Xia Ruoyin out of a drunken stupor.

But the Mo Wuji now knew that it was definitely not the case. Since young, he had developed an independent and mature mindset, and after that many years of a close relations.h.i.+p with Wen Xiaoqi, he never did anything out of line. How could he have bedded Xiao Ruoyin within half a year of entering university?

No matter what the reason was, the fact remained that he slept with her, so he couldn’t just abandon her. Hence, from that moment on, he started drifting apart from Wen Xiaoqi.

Although he had intentionally distanced himself from Wen Xiaoqi, she did not complain at all, continuing her trips to his dorm, and silently tidied up his room and helped him with little errands. As long as she caught wind of any issues, she would secretly help him settle them.

In those days Mo Wuji was just like an ostrich - with his head in the sand, pretending that he didn’t know what was going on, and devoting all of his energy and time on researching solutions.

Only now did he realise that Xia Ruoyin had followed him just for his knowledge and talent for medicine. If he hadn’t published multiple revolutionary medical papers in high school, if he didn’t create a solution that could increase one’s vitality, if he didn’t go to university and receive the invitation of the greatest medical research inst.i.tute in the world…

Without all that, would Xia Ruoyin have known who he was? Would Xia Ruoyin have used drugs to trick him into bed? Xia Ruoyin dared to do all that and even knew what his personality was like. She knew that as long as she slept with him, he wouldn’t s.h.i.+rk the responsibility.

What a devious woman. Mo Wuji took in a deep breath of cold air as he thought of this.

"Your surname is Mo?" A slightly raspy voice appeared beside Mo Wuji. When he lifted up his head, a lady not older than 30 came into sight.

This gave Mo Wuji a shock. The lady actually had a few similarities with him. On top of that, he could feel a sort of relation by blood.

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Chapter 843: Foolish Woman

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

As he thought about bloodlines, Mo Wuji’s heart couldn’t calm down anymore.

His reborn self looked very similar to his original self, and after cultivation, his appearance changed to become even more alike to him in his previous life.

This woman could recognise him and was connected to him by blood. Could she be a relative of his? That wasn’t very possible. Even if the other party was one of his relatives, it shouldn’t provoke such a strong blood connection within him. At most, it would be a brief feeling.

Suddenly, Mo Wuji thought of one possibility. Back in the day he had slept with Xia Ruoyin once, could it be…

As he thought of this, his hands began to s.h.i.+ver. If this woman was Xia Ruoyin’s descendent, how would he deal with her?

"May I ask if your surname is Mo?" The lady realised that Mo Wuji’s reaction was a little off, so she prompted him with another question.

Only then did Mo Wuji respond. It’s impossible. She couldn’t be Xia Ruoyin’s descendant, because someone like Xia Ruoyin would definitely reveal such information to make him more loyal to her.

Moreover, Xia Ruoyin was by his side almost everyday, and even when he drank tea, the tea was warm, all because she stuck by him and took proper care of him while he dove into his research. So how could he not know if she was pregnant?

Sighing, Mo Wuji spoke softly, "That’s right, my surname is Mo. You look rather similar to me, may I ask who are your parents?"

Just as the lady was about to speak, her expression changed. After turning around, she pulled Mo Wuji along as she walked away, "Let’s leave first, we’ll talk about this later."

"Qingche, who is he?" Although the lady was the one pulling Mo Wuji, a tall, well built man still blocked them.

The woman named Qingche replied with a grunt, "This is my cousin. I have something on now, get out of my way."

After giving Mo Wuji a glance, the man did not rebut what Qingche said since Mo Wuji indeed looked rather similar to Qingche.

"Qingche, there’s only a few days left, have you not come to a decision yet?" The man asked again.

Biting onhis lips, Qingche responded, "Tomorrow, I’ll give you an answer tomorrow."

"Good, I’ll find you in school tomorrow. Don’t forget what you just said." After he finished speaking, the man scanned past Mo Wuji with a cold gaze before turning around and leaving.

All this while Mo Wuji remained quiet. Even till now he did not know what kind of relation he had with this woman named Qingche. But he didn’t believe that that man stopped her because he was interested in her.

Although Qingche had a refres.h.i.+ng look, with well proportioned features, but yet wasn’t really an extremely beautiful woman. On the other hand, that tall man was very handsome and exuded a sort of n.o.ble aura. Qingche, however, obviously had a humble background. Even her clothes were kind of worn out.

As expected, Qingche did not live in a very good house. It was a room not more than 30 square meters on the bottom floor of an old building. Other than a pile of books, there were only a few old cupboards in it.

After entering the room, Qingche poured a cup of water for Mo Wuji, and asked while sitting opposite him, "Is your grandpa Mo Wuji?"

Once he heard her ask whether his grandpa was Mo Wuji, he knew that he had a real connection with Qingche. It wouldn’t be some branch of his uncles or aunts, otherwise she wouldn’t know the name "Mo Wuji".

Sadness welled up in Mo Wuji’s heart. The only woman that he had s.e.xual relations with was Xia Ruoyin, and since Qingche asked if his grandpa was Mo Wuji, this meant that she was definitely Xia Ruoyin’s descendent, and Xia Ruoyin gave birth to a child without telling him.

Xia Ruoyin was unforgivable in his eyes, but this child was totally innocent.

"My name is Mo Qingche. My grandfather was also Mo Wuji." Seeing a glint of sadness appear in Mo Wuji’s eyes, Qingche heaved a sigh of relief and explained.

Upon hearing this, Mo Wuji tried his best to soothe his own emotions while he asked, "What are your parents’ names? What is your grandma’s name?"

Since Mo Qingche had said that her grandpa was Mo Wuji, she was definitely his descendant. Worldly affairs were just as such. Today, he looked even younger than Mo Qingche, but he was her grandpa.

"Then what’s the name of your grandma?" Mo Wuji knew that her grandma was Xia Ruoyin, however he couldn’t resist asking this question.

"My grandma is called Wen Xiaoqi…"

"Crack!" Even though Mo Wuji was an Immortal Emperor, his hands couldn’t help but quiver, knocking over the cup of water on the table.

"It’s impossible, completely impossible, your grandma can’t be Wen Xiaoqi." Mo Wuji stood up in disbelief. The two of them might have been in love, but there was never anything that went beyond their boundaries.

Mo Qingche was not affected by Mo Wuji’s actions, and she spoke calmly, "I should refer to you as cousin right. It seems like grandpa told you everything, so you must think that my grandma is that b*tch named Xia Ruoyin."

This sentence cooled Mo Wuji off. He knew that things couldn’t be so simple. However, he did not tell her straight up that he was Mo Wuji, instead, he sat down and probed further, "Qingche, tell me everything. No matter what it is, I’ll take responsibility."

Yet, she shook her head lightly. Mo Wuji appeared so downtrodden, so how could he take any responsibility for her?

"For us to have met today, it must be because grandma is looking over me from heaven. I brought you here today because there’s something very important I have to pa.s.s to you." Mo Qingche warmly explained.

"Explain why your grandma is Wen Xiaoqi first, pa.s.sing anything to me can wait." Mo Wuji cut her off.

Nodding her head, she spoke, "Even if you didn’t bring this up, I would have told you anyway. Actually this was recorded in grandma’s diary, and that diary was given to me by my grandma, so how could I not know?"

"Your grandma is still around?" Mo Wuji stood up again.

Sadly, Mo Qingche replied, "How am I supposed to hand over the item from the Mo family if you’re so wishy washy? Eh, something’s not right…"

When she reached this point in her sentence, she seemed to recall something and stood up to inspect Mo Wuji from head to toe. A full minute later, she muttered in a confused manner, "Grandma said that grandpa was killed by that b*tch, Xia Ruoyin, so how could you appear here…"

At this moment, Mo Qingche slammed her hand on the table, "I understand now. Men are indeed nothing good. Grandpa must have had a third woman secretly behind Xia Ruoyin and grandma’s back. This is because Xia Ruoyin was still a virgin after killing grandpa, so you are definitely not her grandson. But that’s not right, how could it be such a coincidence. The Xia family just found me and wants to take something that belongs to me, while you simply just appeared. Could it be that grandma was deceived, and you are really Xia Ruoyin’s grandson…"

When Mo Wuji heard the second half of Mo Qingche’s statement, he felt a little guilty. He really had Cen Shuyin, but as he listened to her last couple of sentences, everything began to fall apart, and he asked with an ugly look on his face, "You said that people from the Xia family came looking for you?"

"You’re not Xia Ruoyin’s grandson? If you are, then take it that I never said anything at all and please leave." Mo Qingche said without hesitation.

In response, Mo Wuji calmly refuted, "I have nothing to do with Xia Ruoyin. Even if there is, it’s only hate towards her."

This statement made Mo Qingche stare at Mo Wuji for a good period of time, and after ascertaining that he was not lying, she nodded her head, "I believe you, a member of the Xia family would not be as down and out . Xia Ruoyin killed our grandpa, Mo Wuji, so she’s naturally our common enemy."

He didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and without any prompting from him, she carried on, "Back then, my grandma’s family was poor, and grandpa loved to do research. However, medical research is an expensive venture. After entering university, Xia Ruoyin was interested in grandpa’s talent and hence provided all sorts of equipment, laboratories, and materials for his research…

Grandma’s heart was always with grandpa, but all she could do was to help him with some errands. Grandma never stopped grandpa from getting together with Xia Ruoyin even though she knew Xia Ruoyin’s true intentions as she knew that Xia Ruoyin could help grandpa in ways she could not, until one day…"

When Mo Qingche reached this point, her eyes turned red and she paused for a moment. By then, emotions were swirling inside Mo Wuji’s heart. He recalled that he had told Wen Xiaoqi that the labs and research materials were provided by a research inst.i.tute specialising in medical research. This was because he had given the patents for a few of the medicines he had created to that inst.i.tute, and also signed some contracts with them. So how did this have anything to do with Xia Ruoyin’s family? The Xia family was at most a middleman.

Soothing her emotions, Mo Qingche continued with her story, "Until one day, a woman from Jin Nan University went to my grandma and kneeled in front of her while confessing that she already had someone that she loved, so she begged grandma to secretly tell grandpa to let her go..."

"What was the meaning of that?" Mo Wuji had a bad feeling about this.

Mo Qingche explained, "That woman said that Xia Ruoyin requested for her to sleep with grandpa for a night at Jing Shang Hotel…"

Now Mo Wuji completely understood everything. It was indeed Xia Ruoyin who played some tricks to get him drunk, even using some drug. Obviously, she did not intend to lose her virginity to him. Moreover, after drugging him, she used another woman to replace her while he was in a groggy state.

However, this woman that Xia Ruoyin found as a subst.i.tute did not dare to plead with the powerful Xia family, nor did she dare to plead with him, and only went to Wen Xiaoqi. After all, he had been immersed in his research in Jin Nan University, and other than Xiao Ruoyin, the other person that was close to him was Wen Xiaoqi.

This was a devious woman indeed. No wonder Xia Ruoyin always avoided this topic, and wanted their second time to only be on their wedding night. If Mo Wuji wasn’t sure why Xia Ruoyin killed him before, now he definitely understood her intentions. He had concocted such a drug, so it wasn’t unusual for this sort of woman to kill him.

"My grandma was very kind hearted, and on top of that she also loved my grandpa from the bottom of her heart. Hence she hid inside the room, and took the place of that woman after Xia Ruoyin left. How silly was she…" Mo Qingche sighed after saying her piece. Inside she really felt that her grandma was stupid to do such a thing.

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Chapter 844: My Name Is Mo Wuji

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Is your grandma still around?" The guilt in Mo Wuji’s heart began to build up. He knew that if he did not fanatically pursue his research without a care in the world back then, he wouldn’t have lost Wen Xiaoqi, and she wouldn’t have lived a life of solitude and sorrow.

At the same time, Mo Wuji was aware that without all of this, there wouldn’t be him standing here today. Without the channel opening solution, he would just have been another begrudged soul even after reincarnating.

There was nothing wrong with creating the channel opening solution, but it wasn’t right for him to have been an ostrich and not think about Wen Xiaoqi.

Mo Qingche shook her head, "My grandma has long pa.s.sed. Grandma and grandpa once studied at Chang Luo First Middle School, and after grandma died, I came here to be a teacher."

"So where is your grandma buried at now? What about your parents?" Mo Wuji probed further.

To this, Mo Qingche replied, "My father failed at being an entrepreneur and incurred heavy debts. In the end, he wanted to try his luck at the casino, but he simply lost even more. My mother then died of depression. Soon after, as my father had owed too much to the casino, they chopped off both his hands, and he died in a hospital bed. My grandma had always lived in Jing Yang. Once she caught wind of this, she secretly brought me away. Otherwise, based on the brutal nature of that casino, I probably wouldn’t have gotten off easy either.

After grandma pa.s.sed away, I followed her wishes and buried her at Jingshou Mountain, together with grandpa. Who knew that grandpa’s tombstone was made of pure jade, and when other people found out about that, the area became a digging ground. Hence I quickly relocated both grandpa and grandma’s remains to a small village in Chang Luo City. What made me puzzled was that grandpa didn’t even have any remains. The inside of his coffin was empty. I only dared to come back to grandma’s alma mater to teach only because Planet Diyuan found out about the casino, and it spent almost all of its resources to deal with them."

This story stunned Mo Wuji. Never did he imagine that his descendants would have such a tough life.

"Where are your father’s remains?" Mo Wuji sighed to himself.

"My father’s and mother’s ashes were scattered into the ocean. This was my father’s last wishes."

"Bring me to see your grandma." Mo Wuji felt a profound feeling of sadness. He couldn’t even suppress this sadness. The rate of healing of his sea of consciousness started to slow down too.

After Mo Qingche finished speaking, she grabbed a shovel by the door, opened the door, took away the mat, and began digging at the door. The concrete was quickly broken apart by her, and she dug up a box from inside, before filling up the hole with concrete again.

These actions left Mo Wuji speechless. This Mo Qingche actually tried the best she could to hide something outside of the house.

The box was opened up by Mo Qingche, and she took out a plastic bag. There were a few layers of plastic, which revealed a few pieces of yellowish paper filled with words after being opened up. On top of that, there was a well preserved diary.

"This was left behind by grandma. The diary is grandma’s too. You’re a man of the Mo family, so I’ll pa.s.s it all to you." Mo Qingche handed over the pieces of paper and diary to Mo Wuji.

As he received the items, Mo Wuji didn’t open up the diary, instead, his gaze fell on the few yellowish papers and understood what was going on. The contents of these papers were the incomplete formula that he used as reference while doing research into the channel opening solution.

He had obtained that incomplete formula by chance, but now that he saw it again, how could he not realise that this was given to him by Wen Xiaoqi by some means? This was just a copy, while the original had already been destroyed by him.

"This formula is very valuable. I heard that grandpa was killed by Xia Ruoyin over this. Leave once you take it, and if there’s a chance in the future, you can produce the thing listed inside this formula. Perhaps the Mo family will have a chance to prosper from it." Mo Qingche spoke extremely seriously.

Grabbing the formula and diary in is hands, Mo Wuji sent them into his storage ring.

"Where have you hidden those items?" Mo Qingche stared at Mo Wujji with a surprised expression. She suspected that Mo Wuji was performing some sort of magic, making something disappear into thin air.

However, he did not answer her question, instead replying with one of his own, "You mentioned that it was the Xia family that wanted this formula. What are you going to do when they come looking for you again since you have already given it to me?"

Mo Qingche shook her head again, "There’s nothing I can do. I’ll just leave straight away. We cannot leave together, you’ll go your way, I’ll go mine. I gave you the items, and even though we have the same grandpa, I’m very poor now, so I can’t help you out financially."

"You think the Xia family will let you go? I suspect that right outside the area, there’s a lackey of the Xia family monitoring you." Mo Wuji did not suspect this, and neither did he have to extend his spiritual will out to check, he just knew.

"Unless it’s something big, there’s nothing that I, Mo Qingche, have not seen before. What is there to be afraid of? If you’re afraid then please leave first." Mo Qingche replied uncaringly.

"Pack up everything you need and leave with me, then bring me to take a look at your grandma’s final resting place." Mo Wuji sighed.

Surprisingly, she didn’t object to this, very willingly responding, "Ok. That’s right, till now I still don’t know your name. I can’t just keep calling you ‘cousin’ right."

Mo Wuji stared at Mo Qingche, and Wen Xiaoqi’s figure seemed to appear before his eyes. Memories of their time together in Chang Luo flashed through his mind.

"Hey, I’m asking you a question. What are you staring at me for?" Mo Qingche was very unhappy at his unresponsiveness.

"My name is Mo Wuji."

Just as she had lifted up her cup of water and was about to take a sip, she spat out all of the water in her mouth after hearing Mo Wuji’s reply.

But this water did not hit him and just fell to the ground.

"You said that your name is Mo Wuji. You have the same name as grandpa…" Mo Qingche didn’t dare to continue this line of thought. No matter how unfilial, he shouldn’t dare to take the same name as their grandpa. Unless this person was her grandpa, but this was simply not possible.

With a look of complete seriousness, Mo Wuji nodded his head, "I am indeed Mo Wuji. Just as you must have guessed, I can be considered to be your grandpa."

"You’re a lackey of the Xia family? Have you come to swindle me of my stuff?" Mo Qingche accused Mo Wuji loudly.

With a sigh, Mo Wuji refuted her, "This might sound a rather impossible, but it’s really happening, listen to my explaination…"

On a mountainside of Jing Shou Mountain, four men in black clothes stopped Tan Zhenman.

Tan Zhenman had come here t look for Mo Wuji, but she never expected that four black clothed men would block her way.

"What are you guys doing?" After the initial fright, she calmed herself down. After all, she had taken lessons from Mo Wuji, that mysterious expert, so how could she be afraid of a few ordinary black clothed men?

"Nothing much, we just need you to cooperate with us and follow us to meet our boss." One of the four

Tan Zhenman’s face darkened, "I’m sorry, I don’t have the time. Get out of my way."

"That’s not up to you to decide." All four of the men charged at her simultaneously.

Inside, she began to panic, forgetting that she could use her lightness skill to easily weave through these four men. At this point, she drew out a dagger without hesitation and slashed out.

"Sss...Sss...Sss...Sss…" Four spurts of blood splashed out. Before any of the four men could get close to Tan Zhenman, they were killed by this blade. Each of them had a slash mark on their necks, the precision of which made her doubt her eyes.

Fearful, Tan Zhenman took a few steps back. She looked down at the dagger in her hand. When she took action just now, she could clearly sense the location of the men’s necks and she direct slashed in those directions.

"How strong." She mumbled to herself, repressing the discomfort in her heart.

She didn’t mean that she was strong, but that Mo Wuji was indeed very strong. Just with an hour’s guidance, and a month of self-training, she had come to possess such impressive techniques. So how powerful would Mo Wuji himself be?

Tan Zhenman looked at the four men that she had just killed, then swept her gaze through the surrounding Jingshou Mountain. At this moment she knew that she had lost a great opportunity that day. It was already very lucky of her to have met an expert like Mo Wuji, so how could she meet one like him a second time?

There was also the issue of these four men. Without any investigation, she knew that these were men of the Xia family. Usually, she was not one that bore grudges, and the only time she stood out was during the Three Star Exam. Only the Xia family could find out her exam results this quickly, and only the Xia family would come to capture her after finding that out.

Now that she had killed members of the Xia family, other than pa.s.sing the exam of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation and leaving for Planet Diyuan, there was not other option left.

As she thought of this, Tan Zhenman kept her dagger, and decided to return to Qi Shu City.

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Chapter 845: Xia Family’s Power

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

After Mo Wuji finished speaking, Mo Qingche stared at him out of disbelief, only responding a good while later, "Are you an idiot or do you take me for an idiot? Why don’t you say that you can fly instead…"

In the middle of her sentence, Mo Qingche suddenly stopped. She discovered that Mo Wuji gradually went higher, and she exclaimed when she looked down, "You really can fly…"

At this point, Mo Wuji landed, and spoke in a serious tone, "That’s right, everything I’ve said is true."

Then, he grabbed out with his hand, creating a black-hole-like crack in midair. Once Mo Qingche’s gaze fell on the black hole, a dizzy feeling began to overwhelm her. She felt as though the black hole crack let to an endless world. The s.p.a.ce surrounding them shuddered, and she found herself floating as if she was in a giant ocean.

Thankfully, the black hole soon reverted back to its original state, which made her heave a sigh of relief. Without any prompting, Mo Wuji explained, "This is the void that I tore open. Don’t think that this black hole is just right in front of you. Once you go in, it’s like entering a vast s.p.a.ce that’s who knows how many hundreds of million of light years away from Earth. In the void, a random blade of wind can turn you into nothing."

"You’re really my grandpa. You must teach me, is this immortal cultivation?" Mo Qingche became very agitated. Finally, she believed Mo Wuji’s words, and grabbed onto his arm tightly.

If there weren’t Planet Diyuan, perhaps she might not have believed him. But since Planet Diyuan had been discovered, and it was rumored that the beasts on Planet Diyuan were powerful beyond measure, so how could what Mo Wuji said not be possible?

Patting Mo Qingche’s hand down, Mo Wuji said, "You really aren’t anything like your grandma."

"It’s enough for me to be like you. Teach me. I’ll bring you to where grandma is…" Mo Qingche became a little incoherent.

"Let’s go." Mo Wuji nodded his head. He originally didn’t plan on leaving Mo Qingche alone on Earth since he wouldn’t be returning after he left.

Once she heard his instructions, she quickly tidied up her clothes, "Let’s go, erm… Forget it, I’ll just call you grandpa."

A short while later, Mo Qingche had calmed down and held her hand to her forehead. Calling a man that looking younger than her ‘grandpa’ really didn’t sit well with her. However, she also felt that Mo Wuji was speaking the truth, and she also had some innate feeling that he was indeed her grandpa.

"Someone’s here." Once Mo Wuji’s completed his sentence, a knocking sound came from the door.

This made Mo Qingche rather puzzled as very few people came knocking on her door since she moved in. Before she went to open the door, the knocking sound grew louder.

In a swift motion, she opened up the door, and a man and woman appeared before her.

"You’re Mo Qingche? Mo Si’s daughter?" The woman asked upon seeing Mo Qingche.

Deep inside, Mo Qingche felt uneasy, but she still nodded, "That’s right, I’m her."

The woman carried on with a snort, "Mo Qingche, do you know that your father owes our casino a large sum of money?"

These words cause Mo Qingche’s heart to sink. She didn’t know why these people would come to chase their debt at this time, hence replying in an impatient manner, "I know, but do I look like someone that can return that money to you guys? If I had the money, I wouldn’t be living in this house."

However, the woman calmly retorted, "If you don’t have money, you can use other items as collateral. As long as it’s something left behind by your family."

In an instant, Mo Qingche knew what was going on, and replied with a cold face, "You’re also here for the formula?"

Obviously, the objective of the Xia family was found out by the casino, and they wanted to intercept the formula before she handed it over to the Xias.

"If you have the formula, we can use that as collateral. If you don’t, you’ll have to come with us." The woman remained expressionless.

"Let’s go, the formula is with me. Bring me to the casino, I’ll personally hand it over to your boss." Mo Wuji stopped Mo Qingche, who was about to continue speaking.

If it weren’t for his still-damaged sea of consciousness, his spiritual will would have swept outwards long ago. Before his sea of consciousness healed fully, he didn’t want to use any spiritual will from it. The spiritual will in his spirit storage channel was also meant for repairing his sea of consciousness, hence he wouldn’t use it for a few ants either.

Even if the casino didn’t come here today, Mo Wuji would have gone searching for them once his sea of consciousness had healed. Out of 10 rounds of gambling, 9 probably had cheating involved. He knew that Mo Si was very likely cheated by the casino even without visiting it. If it were just swindling Mo Si’s money, then that would just be it. But they actually chopped off Mo Si’s two hands. He would be a rather useless Immortal Emperor if he couldn’t at least collect on this debt.

"You want to go to the casino?" The woman sized Mo Wuji up with a shocked expression on her face. When she realised that he had some resemblance to Mo Qingche, she knew what his intentions were.

"Lead the way." Mo Wuji said impatiently.

"Ok." Without any further delays, the woman turned around and started walking.

At this point, Mo Qingche kept quiet. If this was before she knew that Mo Wuji was an immortal cultivator, she would have tried her best to hide or escape with him. But now that he had revealed that he was an immortal cultivator, in her mind no amount of lackeys could match up against him.

On a summit in the South Pole.

A flying s.h.i.+p stopped, opening its doors, and out stepped a man with numerous scars on his face. This man was a good 1.9m tall, well built, and exuded a b.l.o.o.d.y aura from his entire body. Behind him, there was another middle sized fat man.

Over 10 people of various skin colours gathered over almost immediately, all greeting at the same time, "Instructor Xi Li, Star Enforcer Kan Er."

The man with the scar on his face was Planet Diyuan’s number 1 expert, Xi Li, and was also the overall instructor for the entire planet. The fat man was the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s number 2 in charge, Kan Er, who was only Second Star Enforcer, only second to the First Star Enforcer, Yu Yiwei.

Although Xi Li’s rank wasn’t as high as Kan Er’s, but his influence in the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation greatly exceeded Kan Er’s, possibly being even on par with Yu Yiwei.

Xi Li wore a serious expression, and he asked after nodding, "Why don’t I see Ka Sanuo?"

"Head Enforcer Ka Sanuo went to Hua Xia’s Qi Shu City. I heard that a student that achieved full marks for the Three Star Exam appeared there." Replied Federation Committee Member Woolf.

Upon hearing this, Xi Li slightly frowned. To him, there were quite a few students that achieved full marks on the exams every year, and all it took was hard work to achieve this, so why did Ka Sanuo have to make a trip in person?

One look at Xi Li’s face was all it took for Woolf to know what he was thinking about, hence Woolf quickly explained, "It wasn’t full marks for the written component, but for the practical component. She received full marks for every single aspect of the practical component…"

"What? There’s such a student?" Xi Li exclaimed, and a his eyes gleaned. His objective for returning here this time was to oversee student admissions, and in reality he also knew that it was almost impossible to recruit extremely talented students. Without these geniuses at Planet Diyuan, they might just have to retreat back to Earth in the end.

"Yes, not only did she achieve full marks for all aspects of the physical component, she completed the whole thing in less than two hours." Woolf added on.

"Quick, bring me to Qi Shu City now. Immediately." Xi Li didn’t even think about resting inside the house and gave these orders in an instant.

The situation on Planet Diyuan was worsening by the day, and his potential was near maximised already, so leading the planet had begun to become out of his hands. Full marks for the Three Star Exam’s physical component was something that even he couldn’t do back in the day. Not only that, his score was also much too far off from full marks.

"Pui!" Tan Zhenman spat out a mouthful of blood as she stumbled into Qi Shu City’s Observatory Plaza. She knew that this was her only way to live.

After killing the four experts with a slash each, she didn’t expect the Xia family to deal with her that quickly. But to her surprise, once she came out from Qi Shu’s Ju Feng Airport, she was shot straight away. If weren’t for the fact that the other party didn’t intend to kill her, perhaps she would have already become a dead soul.

She swiftly ran all the way till she reached the Observatory Plaza. However, as she had been running frantically since she was shot, by the time she reached this location, she had damaged her internal organs.

The s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s Three Star Exam venue in Qi Nan Prefecture was the Observatory Plaza, hence there was a small branch here. If the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation couldn’t help her, then she could only wait for death.

"Tan Zhenman, are you going to s.h.i.+rk off the responsibility after killing men at a whim?" Before she could step into the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation’s exam hall, two men stopped her.

"You’re Tan Zhenman?" A man about two meters tall excitedly rushed forward.

"You’re Head Enforcer Ka Sanuo?" Since Tan Zhenman had been stopped by men from the Xia family, she had already lost all hope. However, at this moment she actually saw Ka Sanuo, someone who was definitely one of the top five members of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation. She had seen him on television more than once too.

Ka Sanuo answered, :That’s right, I’m Ka Sanuo...What’s wrong with you? You’re injured?"

After he had arrived here, Ka Sanuo did not manage to find Tan Zhenman, which made him very frantic. Who knew that she would come knocking on his door of her own accord. When the excitement faded away, he then realised that her waist was covered in bloodstains.

One of the men that blocked Tan Zhenman stepped forward, stretched his hand out to Ka Sanuo while speaking, "Head Enforcer Ka Sanuo, Tan Zhenman just killed four men. We were about to take her away."

Now Ka Sanuo finally understood where the injury on Tan Zhenman came from. Hence he loudly commanded, "Tan Zhenman is a three star genius of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation. I don’t care who you are. You don’t have the authority to take her away."

He was so angry to the point that he did not bother extending his own hand to shake the man’s hand. These men shot a student who achieved full marks for the Three Star Exam, which was simply too bold a move.

"Oh really?" The man that was about to bring Tan Zhenman away coldly chuckled. "I’m from the Xia Family Federation. Head Enforcer Ka Sanuo, do you mean that men of the Xia family can be killed at one’s whim?"

This stunned Ka Sanuo. If there was someone or something that the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation feared, it would naturally be the Xia family. The Xia family controlled the body tempering fluid, which was what the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation urgently required. Because of it, the Xia family would earn disgusting amounts of money from the federation.

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Chapter 846: Scary Experts

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Take her away." Seeing that Ka Sanuo was stunned, the man that claimed to be from the Xia family laughed coldly while another went forward to grab Tan Zhenman.

"Splat!’ A bright light flashed, and after that a spurt of blood exploded. The man that reached out towards Tan Zhenman fell onto the ground with his eyes opened up wide. There was a b.l.o.o.d.y hole through his throat, and a three inch long blade lay on the floor behind him. That blade actually pierced through his throat completely.

A tall man with an extremely intimidating aura walked over, staring at the remaining man, "Even the Xia family cannot take a genius of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation away."

"Head Instructor Xi Li." Ka Sanuo instantly exclaimed in joy when he saw the man that approached them.

"Xi Li, even if you’re the head instructor of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation, you can’t kill men of the Xia family as you please." The remaining Xia family man declared loudly.

However, Xi Li didn’t bother with this guy, instead looking at Tan Zhenman warmly, "You’re not bad. Don’t worry, no matter how daring the Xia family is, they can’t take away someone of the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation. Head Enforcer Ka Sanuo, immediately arrange for Tan Zhenman to receive treatment, then I’ll bring her away from here."

On the way to Qi Shu City, Xi Li had investigated everything thoroughly. Tan Zhenman had pa.s.sed the Three Star Exam with full marks and the Xia family wanted to take her away, but she killed four of them. While escaping back to Qi Shu City, she was intercepted by men from the Xia family.

‘My Xia family has always respected the s.p.a.ce Navigaition Federation and also Instructor Xi Li. However, we don’t fear the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation. Our Xia family’s men aren’t people that others can kill at a whim, not even for those from the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation." A chilling voice echoed from behind.

Following which, a yellow clothed man walked out. This man was about 1.85m tall, and had a slender face despite being a male, which made him appear rather weird. Behind this man, there were five muscular men in brown.

"Xia Fengkuang?" Xi Li could ignore all members of the Xia family except for this man before him.

Xia Fengkuang’s name wasn’t self-given, but established through fights on Planet Diyuan. Back in the day, this slender faced man killed an uncountable amount of beasts on Planet Diyuan. Once he entered his battle mode, he would execute extremely wild movements. Regardless whether it was man or beast that he faced, he wouldn’t back off until the other party died.

Although Xi Li didn’t battle with him before, but he knew that this man was an expert. At this point, Xi Li was aware that there was a good gap in strength between the both of them, but he still couldn’t kill Xia Fengkuang. There weren’t many experts on Earth in the first place, hence the death of Xia Fengkuang would be a great loss to the cause.

"You’re not my match. Even if all of you attack at the same time, you still won’t be my match." Xi Li calmly said.

"Ha ha, I didn’t fight you in the past not because I’m afraid of you, but because the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation is the cash cow of my Xia family. Today, let me see if you, Xi Li, are qualified to call yourself number 1…" Xia Fengkuang ordered as he dashed towards Xi Li, "Bring that woman that killed men of the Xia Family away. If anyone gets in the way, kill them without exception."

"Roger!" The five brown clothed men following Xia Fengkuang leapt at Tan Zhenman.

With a cold snort, Xi Li threw a punch at Xia Fengkuang, at the same he opened his other hand, shooting out six beams of light.

"Pew pew pew!" Six streams of blood spurted out. Including the member of the Xia family that remained at the Observatory Plaza, six people fell to the ground, each of them penetrated in the throat by a blade.

Tan Zhenman simply stood there staring at the six men, stunned and s.h.i.+vering. Whne the six men leapt towards her, she had reacted as well, but because of her injury, she couldn’t even draw her dagger.

On the other hand, Xi Li used six flying knives to kill six people with a wave of his hand. Obviously, he was much more capable than she was. At the same time, she realised how powerful cold steel was. If a gun was used, it would definitely not be able to kill the six of them at once.

"Boom!" Xi Li’s fist connected with Xia Fengkuang’s, blowing Xia Fengkuang back, with him spitting out a mouthful of blood in midair.

"You…" Xia Fengkuang sat on the ground, staring at Xi Li in chock. He was sure that Xi Li’s strength had more than doubled since he had left Planet Diyuan. In the old days, Xi Li was not this strong for sure, so his Xia family’s intel had some error.

"I won’t kill you. Please leave. Tell Mr Xia You, the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation and Xia family will still have a cooperative relations.h.i.+p." Xi Li calmly told Xia Fengkuang as he stared at the man lying on the ground.

However, Xia Fengkuang did not respond to his words, directly pilling out a circular token two inches in radius and throwing it out.

A bright light shot into the sky, and even though it was daytime, the light still blew open the fog in the air, s.h.i.+ning brightly for all to see.

Seeing the firework that shot upwards, Xi Li frowned as he said, "Xia Fengkuang, no matter how many men from the Xia family you call over, it’s useless. If the Xia family dares to use explosive weapons in Qi Shu city, don’t blame the federation for being unpleasant."

Xia Fengkuang only stared at Xi Li, not speaking a single word.

"Is that it?" A voice suddenly rang out. Following which, Xi Li noticed that another person had suddenly appeared. This seemed to be an extremely young man.

"Who are you?" Xi Li trembled in his heart. After years of battle with the wild beasts at Planet Diyuan, he could clearly sense that this man was much more dangerous than most of those beasts.

Although the other party did not make any moves yet, that sort of oppressive aura made it difficult for him to catch his breath.

He, Xi Li, was the number one expert after all, and he also had some special opportunities on Planet Diyuan, but this person could still suppress him with such ease?

The strong will hardened through long periods of battle with wild beasts gave Xi Li the mental fort.i.tude to let out a roar, step forward, and throw out a punch.

"Since you’re confident in your fist, let me give you one too." The man threw a punch while speaking.

"Crack!" Xi Li could clearly hear the bones in his fist shattering, and just like Xia Fengkuang moments ago, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Who are you? Why are you so strong?" Xi Li’s eyes were filled with shock as he fell b.u.t.t first onto the ground.

"Xia Zhi." The young man casually said, at the same time gradually approaching Xi Li.

When she saw this, Tan Zhenman rushed forward to help Xi Li up, frantically pleading with the young man, "You can’t kill Instructor Xi Li."

"Ha ha." Xia Zhi chuckled, "If I, Xia Zhi, want to kill anyone, no one can stop me. Initially, I thought that I would just be pa.s.sing through Qi Shu City. Who knew I would have to really join the fight."

Tan Zhenman desperately pleaded once more, "If you don’t kill Instructor Xi Li, I’ll tell you guys my secret."

She was very aware that the reason the Xia family wanted to take her away was for the secret she had.

This made Xia Zhi stop in his tracks, coldly staring at Tan Zhenman, "Speak."

The icy stare made her feel a sort of coldness that would determine whether she lived or died, just as if a poisonous snake was staring at her. She forcibly suppressed the fear in her heart and explained, "An expert not from out world taught me some techniques. He told me to wait for him here at the beginning of next month and he would continue instructing me then…"

"Very good, I’ll come at the start of next month. If you two dare to leave Observatory Plaza by a single step, I will wipe out everyone in the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation and all members of the Tan family. Of course, you guys will die as well." Xia Zhi coldly spoke.

As he spoke, he suddenly threw out two silver needles which were as thin as a cow’s hair, and they buried themselves in Tan Zhenman;s and Xi Li’s chests. Following which, Xia Zhi waved his hand, and a formless blade slashed across Kan Er’s neck.

Even when Kan Er fell to the ground, he didn’t know how he had died.

After finis.h.i.+ng these last few acts, Xia Zhi turned and left.

Although in the recent years, the climate and environment had become worse, and most people wanted to leave Earth, law and order was still rather intact. Many people had died on Observatory Plaza, but the surrounding crowds had been dispersed long ago, and the entire area cordoned off.

All partic.i.p.ants for the Three Star Exam were sent away too, leaving only personnel from the s.p.a.ce Navigation Federation, Ka Sanuo, Xi Li, and Tan Zhenman on the plaza.

"There’s no use, I know that you were trying to delay it by days, but Xia Zhi has already progressed to a stage that’s frightening beyond my imagination. Even some of the most vicious beasts on Planet Diyuan are not as impressive as he is." After the plaza quietened down again, Xi Li spat out a mixture of saliva and blood while slowly speaking.

"No, The expert i know is stronger than Xia Zhi." Tan Zhenman quickly explained.

Upon hearing this, Xi Li was stunned. Since when did this many experts appear on Earth?

Only some time later did he ask, "Are you sure that guy is stronger than Xia Zhi? Do you know how Xia Zhi killed Kan Er just now? That was the inner qi blade of legends. I always thought that these things never existed, but it seems like I was wrong."

This time Tan Zhenman became a little more doubtful, as she replied hesitantly, "The person that taught me shouldn’t be weaker than him…"

Xi Li simply sighed, "If an expert like Xia Zhi went to Planet DIyuan, I would definitely give up the position of head instructor to him. I don’t understand why he still wants to remain on earth. Sigh."

The few of them remained silent, but after awhile, Xi Li carried on, "Ask that expert to stay away. He’s definitely not Xia Zhi’s match. If I hadn’t seen Xia Zhi yet, and I heard that someone could produce a student like you, I would have personally gone to invite your master over. But if he came over now, it would just be another life lost."

Tan Zhenman shook her head, "He won’t come. I just wanted to delay Xia Zhi before going to look for him."

When he heard these words, Xi Li was speechless. There was actually someone with such naive thinking in this world.

"We’re here, the two of you can get out and follow me inside." The woman at the front seat of the car said to Mo Wuji and Mo Qingche who were seated behind.

"Grandpa, this is Xi Guan Casino, Calm Sea District’s largest casino, and also one of the 10 largest casinos in the world." Mo Qingche softly explained to Mo Wuji. After a few hours of close interaction, she could call him ‘grandpa’ without any awkwardness.

Mo Wuji nodded his head. In front of them were two grand skysc.r.a.pers. The plaza of the skysc.r.a.pers had over 10 security guards patrolling, and in between the buildings, four gigantic words were erected: Xi Guan Organisation.

Ignoring the lady, Mo Wuji directly walked to the building on the right. His spirit storage channel had already scanned through the entire building, giving him a clear view of all the different entertainment venues, gambling halls, and the meeting that was going on in the top floor of the right building.

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Chapter 847: Another Step Forward

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

As he walked into the grand skysc.r.a.per, Mo Wuji exclaimed to himself.

If it were at Cosmos Edge or Immortal World, he wouldn’t have even set foot into the building. Instead, he would have used his immortal elemental energy to crush both of them to bits.

However, he couldn’t do that here. This was Earth, where he was born; his home planet. There were many innocent people inside the skysc.r.a.per, and since the beginning of his cultivation, he had understood something very important about his dao.

He could be so brutal and unfeeling before because he had a conviction and a baseline. His dao became increasingly complete over time also because he had no regrets and followed his principles.

Thus, he did not grind the buildings to dust, not even killing those who killed Mo Si without distinguis.h.i.+ng between right or wrong, instead coming here to get an answer from them.

A formless gate seemed to open, and at this moment, Mo Wuji felt as though as his sea of consciousness was extremely cooling. The sea of consciousness, that initially had an unknown time till being completely healed, had suddenly totally recovered in an instant without any warning.

"Crack!" The bottleneck for Mo Wuji’s cultivation level seemed to break open as well, and a new world appeared before him: the healed sea of consciousness expanded by multiple times and extended outwards. On top of that, his spiritual will became more condensed, and the realm of his sea of consciousness became firmer.

Streams of dao aura from the heavens and earth surrounded Mo Wuji, forming countless runes that vanished in his dao, causing him to become increasingly ordinary.

Finally, intermediate Immortal Emperor Stage. Mo Wuji heart suddenly calmed down. He had become enlightened on many things. Sometimes one’s cultivation level could also be advanced under circ.u.mstances other than having the presence of dense immortal spiritual energy and top grade laws. He had just crossed the boundary between elementary and intermediate Immortal Emperor Stage not with the laws of heaven and earth, but with a breakthrough in his own laws.

This was his dao, his immortal mortal dao. Everything was built on his own world.

Deep in his heart, an unexplainable desire surfaced, and even though it was very blurry, Mo Wuji knew that one day, this desire would become increasingly clear to him.

When Mo Wuji stopped, Mo Qingche, who was walking behind him, stopped as well. Those two people that brought him over wanted to scold them, but sensed a sort of boundless aura. This sort of boundless and endless aura was something they could not understand, but it could make them feel how insignificant they were. Under this aura, they were ants. No, they weren’t even considered as ants.

Thankfully, this aura disappeared as quickly as it had come. Once they looked at mo Wuji again, they could sense that something about him had become more ordinary than before. Even a random pa.s.serby would attract one’s attention more than him.

"Grandpa…" Mo Qingche regained her senses and asked out of concern.

Patting her head, Mo Wuji sighed, "Qingche, the path with me is destined to be a lonely one, much lonelier than you would expect…"

"Grandpa, I’m not afraid. I’m already used to being lonely." Mo Qingche declared.

But Mo Wuji shook his head, "You don’t understand the level of loneliness I’m talking about… Before we leave, if you have any friends, say goodbye to them. There won’t be any chance for us to return here in the future."

"Please follow me upstairs." The woman that brought Mo Wuji over started to respect him a little more.

"Wait outside." When they reached the top floor of Xi Guan Building, the woman instructed Mo Wuji before going to knock on the door.

In reality, it was because her boss was simply too interested in the item that Mo Qingche had, otherwise she wouldn’t dare to interrupt him meeting at this time.

"There’s no need for that." Mo Wuji stepped forward. Without touching the woman, she subconsciously backed off.

Before the woman could understand what was going on, Mo Wuji kicked down the doors to the meeting room.

"Bang!" The door broke, and everyone in the meeting room jumped up from shock.

"It’s you?" The man at the head of the table recognised Mo Qingche who was standing behind Mo Wuji, and he immediately shouted, "You’re really, barging in here. Security, chop this guy’s legs off…"

The order to search for Mo Qingche was given by him, but never did he imagine that she would bring someone who dared to kick down the meeting room at the top floor of the Xi Guan Casino.

"Splat, splat!" The security guard didn’t even have the time to come over as two flashes of blood spurted out. The man who was about to cut Mo Wuji’s legs off had his own suddenly split open. He then fell only the large chair behind him.

This reduced the entire meeting room to silence. All those present were naturally not ordinary men, and each of them had some level of training. However, none of them knew how Mo Wuji chopped off Fei Youqi’s legs because neither Mo Wuji nor Mo Qingche made any moves since they entered.

"Who are you? When did I, Fei Youqi, offend you?" Although both his legs had been cut off by Mo Wuji, Fei Youqi’s hands still reached for his handgun.

He still desired for the Mo family’s formula, but he didn’t make a move yet.

"It looks like I won’t be treating you unjustly. I only kicked down your door and you want to chop off my legs? The order to chop Mo Si’s hands off here was given by you back then right?" Mo Wuji casually commented.

"Mo Si?" The pale Fei Yousi repeated out of confusion. He seemed to remember who this ‘Mo Si’ was, but in the next moment he raised up his hand and fired multiple shots at Mo Wuji.

Even though he shot many times, but only bullet flew out, while the rest seemed to be jammed in the gun, not able to exit the barrel.

"There’s no need to look at your handgun, I only allowed one bullet to be fired, otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to shoot a single one out."

Upon hearing Mo Wuji’s words, Fei Yousi looked up instinctively. To his surprise, the single bullet was floating right in front of Mo Wuji.

The room was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop. At that moment everyone knew that Mo Wuji wasn’t someone that they could afford to offend.

"I don’t know…"

Right after saying those words, Fei Youqi felt as though as he couldn’t control his mind any more as he spoke, "Mo Si’s arms were chopped off by Hong Yi. He set up the trap to make Mo Si bet his house and…"

"There’s no need to explain any further, who is this Hong Yi?" Mo Wuji’s tone turned cold.

A bald man man over 50 quickly spoke up, "I am Hong Yi, Mo Si’s arms were chopped off by me…"

Mo Wuji’s gaze swept across the remaining men, and he clearly saw that every single one of them had some evil energy from unjust souls lingering in the aura. All those were were able to enter this meeting room indeed had stained their hands quite a bit.

Sighing, Mo Wuji said, "Let’s leave it at that. Qingche, we’re leaving."

After finis.h.i.+ng his sentence, Mo Wuji turned and left, leaving Mo Qingche puzzled as to why her grandpa would let these people off. But she didn’t say anything as she already knew that this grandpa of hers wasn’t that simple…

"Grandpa, this is not the elevator…" Seeing that Mo Wuji brought them to the end of the corridor, Mo Qingche quickly pointed out.

"I know…" When Mo Qingche heard these two words, she shockingly discovered that she was already on the ground.

As she turned around to look at the top floor, she felt that her grandpa was too kind. If she were so capable, things wouldn’t have stopped with just cutting Fei Youqi’s legs off. At the very least, that guy named Hong Yi would be crippled.

"This person is very strong…" Only after Mo Wuji vanished did Fei Youqi say this while s.h.i.+vering.

Hong Yi also wiped the sweat off his forehead. He had said this to himself unknowingly just now.

Get out of here quickly. This was the only thought in everyone’s mind.

However, just when this thought popped into their head, the s.p.a.ce around them started to twist and bend, and a crus.h.i.+ng feeling overwhelmed them.

"Grandpa, did we fly down?" Mo Qingche forgot how afraid she was and asked out of curiosity.

"Not really, we only took a step down. You’ll know how to do this very soon if you follow me." Mo Wuji smiled. With his current abilities, Mo Qingche’s cultivation level would naturally increase by leaps and bounds if she cultivated with him.

Clenching her fist tightly, Mo Qingche’s heart beat wildly in her chest. She never thought that such extraordinary things would happen to her.

A short moment later, she eased herself and asked, "Grandpa, why did you let Hong Yi off the hook? He’s the person that killed my father…"

While she spoke, Mo Qingche took another look at the meeting room on the top floor. Her jaw dropped when she saw that the top two floors of the building were in ruins and subsequently disappeared.

Obviously, the two top floors had been turned to dust. The twin buildings that were originally of the same height now had the building on the right a good bit shorter that that on the left. If it weren’t for the unsettled dust, she would have a.s.sumed that something was wrong with her eyes.

Mo Wuji’s voice rang out, "Qingche, the cultivation world is many times for brutal than the mortal world. You must remember not to be merciful towards your enemies. Being kind to them means being cruel to yourself. However, my dao has a baseline, and its own principles."

If it were any other cultivator, such as Immortal Emperor Lun Cai, perhaps it wouldn’t have just been the top floor of the building that was destroyed, but the entire planet.

There were many things that Mo Wuji couldn’t teach Mo Qingche and could only let her experience for herself.

"Yes grandpa." Mo Qingche quickly replied. She witnessed the brutal side of Mo Wuji that easily reduced two floors of a skysc.r.a.per to dust. Obviously, no one in those two floors were alive.

As Mo Wuji’s spiritual will spread outwards, he easily saw that Tan Zhenman was seriously injuried by someone and also pinned by a Soul Fixing Needle. However, he didn’t really care about this. Instead, his gaze fell on the back of a small village.

There was a grave that had gra.s.s growing all over it. A gravestone with the words ‘Grandma Wen Xiaoqi’s grave, erected by unfilial granddaughter Mo Qingche.’ was erected in front of it.

"Grandpa, let me bring you to grandma’s grave. The gravestone was carved by me…"

Mo Qingche didn’t continue speaking as she sensed that something was off with Mo Wuji.


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Chapter 848: The Unusual Quake

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Following which, Mo Qingche felt a little dizzy, and the next moment she realised that she was standing in front of her grandma’s grave.

Her grandma’s gravestone was hand-carved by her, but because she didn’t know the format for gravestones, she carved two simple sentences based on her own format.

"Grandpa, how did we…" A few words into her sentence, Mo Qingche stopped herself. Since her grandpa could bring her out of a building a few tens of storeys high, there was nothing unusual about bringing her to grandma’s grave in an instant.

She also didn’t dare to probe further as the sadness in Mo Wuji’s eyes was very apparent. In this moment, she felt like her grandpa: just a simple, ordinary person, not an immortal.

Previously, she thought that her grandpa was heartless as he abandoned grandma who was sincerely in love with him. Only after Mo Wuji explained the situation did she feel that her grandpa was very distant, like an illusion. But now she felt that her grandpa was very real, possibly even the most pitiful as her grandma knew part of the story and Xia Ruoyin knew another part of it, while this grandpa knew nothing at all.

She felt that it was right for grandma to lie to grandpa in her own way. She also felt that it was right for Xia Ruoyin to lie to grandpa in her own way too.

Upon seeing the gra.s.s and weeds growing all over grandma’s grave, Mo Qingche was a little guilty. Because of her job, she only came back to visit grandma once every Qingming [1].

Mo Wuji stood in front of Wen Xiaoqi’s grave for a good hour, completely motionless. Mo Qingche, on the other hand, didn’t have the endurance of her grandpa, so she just sat at one side, waiting.

When it was sunset, Mo Wuji finally let out a sigh, raising his hand to clear away all the gra.s.s around Wen Xiaoqi’s grave. After which, he took out a pile of high grade immortal crystals and encircled the grave with them. Then, he planted a few immortal flowers too.

Originally, he wanted to move the entire grave into his Undying World, but gave up on this idea.

Although he was reincarnated, he didn’t understand much about the process. Even after cultivating to Immortal Emperor, there were still some things beyond his reach. Wen Xiaoqi was a mortal who had never cultivated, so if he moved her remains into the Undying World, who knew if it would affect her reincarnation?

Perhaps she would not remember anything about her past life after reincarnating, but Mo Wuji didn’t want to affect her reincarnation process still.

"Grandpa, I’m afraid that others will dig up all these beautiful flowers that you’ve planted here." Seeing Mo Wuji earnestly planting flowers on the grave, Mo Qingche commented at the side.

"No one will touch anything here." Mo Wuji stood up and threw out tens of array flags.

The surroundings gradually faded away. In the end, it appeared as though nothing was here.

"Where’s grandma’s grave?" Mo Qingche was shocked.

Staring at the vanished location for a good while, Mo Wuji then spoke, "I’ve placed some protection over it. Even if the Earth no longer exists, no one will be able to disturb your grandma."

He had set up an immortal array which wouldn’t even be scratched if the planet exploded. Once this array received any attacks, no matter where he was, he would be able to sense it. Inside the array, he also left a small strand of his spiritual will behind.

Mo Qingche heaved a sigh of relief. She wanted to ask why her grandpa dumped grandma and chose that evil woman, Xia Ruoyin. However, she kept this question to herself. Even though Mo Wuji appeared younger than her, he was still her grandpa.

"Grandpa, where are we going?" Mo Qingche could sense Mo Wuji’s sadness, and took the initiative to ask.

"To the Xia family. The Xia family earned quite a lot from the formula i developed. It’s about time for me to take it back." Mo Wuji slowly walked down the hillside after speaking.

Seeing that grandpa didn’t use any immortal techniques to whisk her away, instead choosing to walk, Mo Qingche didn’t to probe any further into this matter.

The Xia family was the most powerful family on Earth. There were no more than 10 families that could be considered family federations, and the Xia family was the first to be given this t.i.tle.

However, the Xia family didn’t have many a.s.sets, other than a few super luxury hotels in various large cities, there was only a pharmaceutical organisation.

This pharmaceutical organisation was based in Jing Yang City. Out of the 11 districts in Jing Yang City, the 11th district, Lian Mai District, was where this organisation resided. It was the only company in the district.

The entire Lian Mai district included Xia family’s pharmaceutical manufacturing plant, medicinal plant greenhouse, pharmaceutical research and development center, pharmaceutical purifying center…

On top of these, there were many villas of the Xia family. All of the workers in the manufacturing plant could live in a villa of their own. It was rather obvious how rich the Xia family were.

Mo Wuji brought Mo Qingche in front of a large sign board which was beside a eight lane wide road. The sign board had these words on it: Xia Family Organisation Pharmaceutical Center, no unauthorised personnel beyond this point.

A few hundred meters away from this sign board, there was a large gate that had at least seven to eight men, possibly security personnel, standing around it.

"Grandpa, this is Jing Yang City’s Lian Mai District. No one can enter Lian Mai District unless you have an entry pa.s.s." Mo Qingche quickly explained as she saw that Mo Wuji had brought her outside of Lian Mai District.

As Mo Wuji’s spiritual will had already scanned the entire Earth, he knew very clearly that the Xia family only had this one pharmaceutical research and development center.

Nodding his head, Mo Wuji replied, "Then let’s not go in and just observe from here."

Lian Mai District… Meridian Refining District [2], a mere incomplete solution and they dared to call it meridian refining.

Regardless whether it was complete, the formula was developed by him years ago, and he didn’t intend to allow the Xia family to continue earning a fortune off it.

Even though the Lian Mai District only had one branch of the Xia family’s business, the area wasn’t that dead. Quite the opposite, due to the presence of too many employees, the whole district turned into a city within a city.

Of course, the location with the greatest population density was still the Xia family’s Body Tempering Fluid’s manufacturing area, where factories were linked in an entire row.

It was during working hours, hence every factory had many people streaming in and out, while also producing the loud rumbling of machinery.

But just at this moment, everyone felt vibrations in the ground.

"Earthquake!" A shrill voice rang out, and all personnel within the factories and various research centers starts heading for the outside.

An earthquake was occurring indeed, causing all factories and research centers to shake violently, as though as they would collapse at any moment.

However, though these factories shook more and more, they simply did not fall. This gave those escaping a chance to live. Facing imminent death, everyone frantically charged outside and headed towards open areas or fields.

The Xia family’s investment in Lian Mai District was indeed an insane amount. Even though there were countless factories, villas, and research centers, there were still many wide open fields and soccer pitches; one could even find top notch golf courses.

After everyone escaped to these open areas, they realised that only the factories and research centers were shaking. Once they were out, the vibrations disappeared. They could clearly see that it wasn’t an earthquake, but instead only those particular buildings were wobbling.

When the initial panic wore off, a few of the researchers immediately thought of taking away their important research materials. Hence they hastily grabbed notebooks and a few folders, but to their surprise, once they picked up these items, their legs felt as though they were were a thousand kilos heavy. No longer could they take a single step forward.

It seemed like energy returned to their body after throwing away the items in their hands. This sort of freaky scenario made them give up on the idea of touching anything in there and just run for their lives.

"Grandpa, what’s happening inside Lian Mai District? It seems like there’s some commotion." Mo Qingche, who was standing outside, could sense that something was going on.

"Nothing much, I’m just taking back some things that belonged to your grandma and me." Mo Wuji explained. He couldn’t just ma.s.sacre everyone here. What he could do was to destroy all of the research in this area.

"Did everyone get out? Why haven’t any ambulances come after such a long while? The paramedics have not arrived either?" A bald man shouted after reaching the vast golf course.

"Not a single building has fallen after shaking for so long, so everyone should have escaped right? But none of our calls are going through…"

"Boom boom boom!" Just as these words left the man’s mouth, the previously wobbling research center and manufacturing factories began to collapse. What stunned everyone was that they had never witnessed an earthquake like this, because only dust was produced from the collapse. There wasn’t even a single complete brick, and no building pieces could be seen either…

The earthquake had turned all the buildings to dust? What earthquake was this?

"Qingche, let’s go, to the Xia family…" Mo Wuji knew that there were more people that he wanted to kill inside, but he wouldn’t act today.

As long as he lifted the connection restrictions on this area when he left, the Xia family would gather at once.

Xia You held the phone in his hand in disbelief, with buzzing sounds echoing in his head. He even wondered if he was dreaming? A freak earthquake in Lian Mai District had turned all research centers, manufacturing plants, and warehouses to dust while not a single person was injured. Was this some story out of a storybook?

Regardless whether this was a story, Xia You knew that it was definitely not a simple earthquake. There had to be someone behind this, possibly using some terrifying explosives to blow up all the Xia family facilities. However…

Not a single person was injured. Was there such an explosive in the world? If there were, then this story would be much more of a fantasy story.

"Xia Fengkuang, immediately bring some men to Lian Mai District and seal off the entire area…" Xia You commanded.

"Uncle You, Fengkuang has already…" Xia Zhenni, who pa.s.sed the phone to him, quietly commented.

This woke Xia You up, and he calmly spoke, "Immediately inform Xia Ji to seal the Lian Mai District, then inform Xia Family Pharmaceutical’s main members to meet in meeting room 1. Also, ask Xia Zhi to return at once, remember, at once…"

"Roger!" Xia Zhenni quickly replied as she shuffled out of the room.

[1] Qingming, also known as Tomb-sweeping Day, is a day that people go to pay their respects to their ancestors at cemeteries, graves, memorial halls, etc.

[2] Meridian Refining’s hanyupinyin/romanisation is also lian mai, albeit with different intonation.

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