Immortal Mortal

Chapter 869: I Want To Change The Heavenly Emperor

Chapter 869: I Want To Change The Heavenly Emperor

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

What Mo Wuji didn"t expect was that even though they didn"t use any transfer arrays, they were still able to reach their destination in merely two days. Moreover, the place looked very familiar.

To put it in other words, the site of Tian Ji was in the same Immortal Domain as his Ping Fan Immortal School.

"This is Yong Ying"s Immortal Chasm?" Mo Wuji asked with furrowed brows.

Yong Ying Immortal Chasm was the chasm to Half Immortal Domain. Those years ago, he even traversed across it.

"That"s right. This is Yong Ying Immortal Domain"s Edge of Yong Ying. To think about it, it is in the same Immortal Domain as Sect Head Mo"s Ping Fan Immortal School," Gai Ying answered.

Mo Wuji saw at least ten experts not far away, he even recognised a few of them. This included Heavenly Emperor Zizai and Yong Ying Immortal Domain"s Heavenly Emperor Kui Fengyun.

This place was truly too familiar; back when he traversed across Yong Ying"s Immortal Chasm, there was a killing array here. However, at this moment, that array was no longer present; it should have already been destroyed.

"This place used to be restrained by the Laws of the Heaven and Earth; only Golden Immortals and below could come here. But not long ago, it suddenly changed. Cultivators from lower worlds could ascend into the Immortal World and the Laws here are no longer oppressed by the Heaven and Earth," Qing Yang explained.

Mo Wuji came to a realisation. Back when he first came, there were indeed restrains to the Laws of the Heaven and Earth here. He even made use of those restraints to kill some Golden Immortals from the Immortal World.

It was just that he cultivated the Mortal Dao, causing him to not face any of these restraints. This was why he didn"t think about it at the very first moment.

"Greetings Sect Head Mo…" The ten over experts guarding over the Yong Ying Immortal Chasm all came over to greet. News of Mo Wuji"s deeds had already spread over here. Thus, no one here dared to show any disrespect to Mo Wuji.

Even though Kui Fengyun eagerly wanted to kill Mo Wuji, Kui Fengyun knew that he couldn"t kill the current Mo Wuji. In fact, if Mo Wuji had any killing intent towards him, he was the one that was going to be easily killed.

"Kui Fengyun greets Sect Head Mo." At this instant, Kui Fengyun"s heart was palpitating in uncertainty; he was incomparably respectful towards Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji"s eyes swept across Kui Fengyun coldly, his tone did not contain half a strand of respect as he said, "Kui Fengyun, now that cultivators can ascend to the Immortal World, are you going to think of another method to kill those newly ascended cultivators?"

Kui Fengyun jolted and he hurriedly said, "I don"t dare. I have long realised my mistake. Without cultivators ascending to the Immortal World, my Yong Ying Immortal Domain"s power gradually got weaker. I"ve already ordered the great efforts to protect newly ascended cultivators."

At this instant, Kui Fengyun could only curse in his heart. Why must this problem happen in his Yong Ying Immortal Domain? If it wasn"t in Yong Ying, he definitely wouldn"t have come.

But now that it had happened in Yong Ying Immortal Domain, as its Heavenly Emperor, he couldn"t find a reason not to come even if he was searching from a pool of a million reasons.

Even though Xing Shan and co. hoped that Mo Wuji wouldn’t get caught up in such trivial matters and to hurry over to the site of Tian Ji, they didn’t dare to come forward and offend Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji coldly snorted, "As the Heavenly Emperor, you were too selfish and your cultivation is also too weak. I"m too lazy to accuse you of a crime. After this matter ends, hand your position as the Heavenly Emperor to Wei Zidao."

In reality, Mo Wuji had long been discontented with Kui Fengyun"s rule as the Heavenly Emperor. This fella was too selfish; he had never considered the Immortal Domain in his decisions. With such a Heavenly Emperor, the Immortal Domain would eventually be doomed.

His Ping Fan Immortal School was in Yong Ying Immortal Domain. If Kui Fengyun continued to imprison the talents that ascend to Yong Ying Immortal Domain from the cultivation world, then Yong Ying would eventually grow weaker than the others. Ping Fan, being in Yong Ying Immortal Domain, wouldn"t be any better off either.

"Ah…" Kui Fengyun even prepared for the scenario if Mo Wuji attacked him. However, he never expected that Mo Wuji would directly remove him from his position as a Heavenly Emperor.

Did this fella think he was the Dao Emperor of the Very High Heavens? He could just decide who the Heavenly Emperor was going to be?

A voice filled with derision sounded, "Mo Wuji, others respect your Pill Dao and call you Sect Head Mo, but you actually consider yourself as the Dao Emperor of the Very High Heavens? Yong Ying Immortal Domain"s Heavenly Emperor had been decided on a long time ago, how can it be changed along with your whims? Moreover, who are you to meddle with what a Heavenly Emperor does?"

The one speaking was a black-robed old man behind Kui Fengyun. Mo Wuji had sensed that this fella was a Grand Emperor some time ago.

"Who are you?" Mo Wuji"s tone was icy cold.

"This Emperor is the Grand Protector of Yong Ying Immortal Domain, Chang Beihe. Mo Wuji, I know that your sacred arts are strong and that I am not your opponent. However, Yong Ying Immortal Domain is not a place where you can cover over its skies with your hands and have it go along with your dictations. You are merely a sect head but you actually want to interfere with the matters of Yong Ying Immortal Domain and interfere with the matters of the Heavenly Emperor…"

The surrounding people glanced towards each other; they really didn"t know what madness Chang Beihe was going on about. Mo Wuji even dared to challenge Zi Changluo, you think that he wouldn"t dare to attack you? A mere protector?

Mo Wuji was too lazy to speak; he directly released a punch towards Chang Beihe. He didn"t even use his domain but his fist still easily tore through Chang Beihe"s domain.

"Sect Head Mo, please stop." When Xing Shan saw Mo Wuji"s actions, he hurriedly tried to step forward to stop Mo Wuji. It was just that Gai Ying blocked his way.

Qing Yang, Gai Ying, and those of the likes could tell that something was wrong with Chang Beihe. As a Grand Emperor, he still dared to challenge Mo Wuji despite knowing about his deeds. Wasn"t he simply courting his death?

Kui Fengyun"s face changed and he didn"t move. He was very clear that he was the number one person that Mo Wuji wanted to kill here. If he dared to make a move, he might be Mo Wuji"s next target. Moreover, he could tell that Chang Beihe was indeed trying to court his own death.

"Kacha!" This fist of Mo Wuji"s easily landed on Chang Beihe"s chest; even those at the furthest edge could hear the sound of cracking.

Mo Wuji could defeat Zhu Yin and he could even kill multiple Grand Emperors. It really wouldn"t be strange to see him kill Chang Beihe this easily.

What left everyone shocked was that after this fist landed on Chang Beihe, a black mist oozed out of Chang Beihe"s body. His aura didn"t get weaker, and in fact, it became slightly stronger.

Before everyone could even react, they saw a scene that left them in greater disbelief: Chang Beihe actually whipped out his magic treasure.

Logically, even if Mo Wuji"s fist wasn"t able to kill Chang Beihe, Chang Beihe still wouldn"t be able to retaliate with such energy and spirit.

But when Chang Beihe finally attacked, everyone saw that Chang Beihe"s target actually wasn"t Mo Wuji, but Kui Fengyun.

Even Monk Xing Shan understood what happened. There seemed to be a seal within Chang Beihe"s body and that fist of Mo Wuji"s helped to remove that seal.

Looking at Chang Beihe"s actions, anyone that wasn"t a fool could tell who was the one who laid the seal.

Indeed, when he saw Chang Beihe"s attack locked onto himself, Kui Fengyun"s face changed. He immediately retrieved a talisman.

But at the instant where he wanted to activate that talisman, he suddenly felt the s.p.a.ce around him harden. A hint of hatred flashed across his eyes. He knew that Chang Beihe didn"t have the capability to do such a thing; Mo Wuji definitely was the one.

"Pff!" Chang Beihe"s magic treasure landed on Kui Fengyun"s body, turning Kui Fengyun into a mist of blood.

Chang Beihe"s hand flipped, sweeping Kui Fengyun"s storage ring into his hand..He immediately handed the ring over to Mo Wuji and said, "Many thanks to Sect Head Mo for your saving grace. This is the ring of Kui Fengyun that thief."

Mo Wuji did not show any courtesy as he kept that ring. Chang Beihe was seeking to die. On the contrary, he saved Chang Beihe"s life.

After accepting the ring, Mo Wuji didn"t pry into the incident that happened between Chang Beihe and Kui Fengyun. He smiled and faced the crowd, "I was once the sect head of Tian Ji Sect and I heard that this is the site of Tian Ji. I still need those that arrived earlier to tell me when the site of Tian Ji first appeared."

When even a person of Yong Ying Immortal Domain like Mo Wuji didn"t ask about what happened between Kui Fengyun and Chang Beihe, the others were even less willing to ask about it.

Heavenly Emperor Zizai was more familiar with Mo Wuji. He stood up and said, "This place used to be the Immortal Chasm. However, when Half Immortal Domain collapsed, this Immortal Chasm began to spread outwards. A pa.s.sage appeared nearby. This pa.s.sage opens intermittently and every time it opens, it will open for roughly half a day. However, any cultivator that entered this pa.s.sage would indubitably die…"

Just as Heavenly Emperor Zizai got here, a mist began to form over the innocuous-looking Immortal Chasm. Following which, an entirely new sight appeared before everyone.

A huge stone, hundreds of meters tall, stood tall above the mist. At the top of this huge stone, there seemed to be another stone that lay horizontally.

The moment Mo Wuji saw this sight, he knew that Qing Yang and co. were right; this really matched the faint image on his white Sect Head Token. This huge stone was standing above a marsh, which was also described in the jade letter than Su Zi’An gave him.

Indeed, there was a strong energy of destructive wafting out from that pa.s.sage. It felt equivalent to an ordinary person standing on top of a landmine - extremely uncomfortable.

"When you go closer, you will see two words on that horizontal stone. Those two words are ‘Tian Ji’," Gai Ying explained.

"Over the few days that you all went here, something else happened," Heavenly Emperor Zizai added.

"What happened?" Monk Xing Shan seemed especially concerned over the events here. This was why he was extremely anxious.

"Another two people went in. However, their corpses haven’t been sent out," Heavenly Emperor Zizai said solemnly.

Mo Wuji hurriedly asked, "Don’t tell me that when people enter and die inside, their corpses would be sent out?"

"Yes. As long as anyone dies inside, their corpses would be sent out. It seems as though something inside feels disgust towards these corpses," Gai Ying explained.

"Anyone recognises these two people? And did they go in together?" This time, it was Mo Wuji’s turn to be anxious.

Standing by Heavenly Emperor Zizai’s side, a pale clean-shaven man said, "I recognised one of them; he was the Very High Heavens’ Hu Chisheng."

Hu Chisheng? Why did this name sound so familiar? Mo Wuji soon recalled when he heard of this fella. This fella screwed over Han Yi, who was the ancestor of Han Long. Even though Han Long didn’t come to Ping Fan Immortal School, she was also considered one of them. Moreover, Han Yi was the one that brought Da Huang to the Immortal World.

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Chapter 870: The Land Of Tian Ji

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Heavenly Emperor Zizai also said, "Even though I didn’t recognise the second person, I could tell that he was wearing a mask. Moreover, I could sense that he was very young; young to the point of disbelief."

As he was speaking, Heavenly Emperor Zizai glanced towards Mo Wuji, implying that the second fella’s age was comparable to Mo Wuji’s.

Mo Wuji suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly asked, "Immortal Friend Zizai, you mean that the second person is roughly the same age as me? How was his cultivation?"

"I’m afraid that his cultivation is not weaker than mine and I’m unable to discern it clearly. I even suspect that I’ve seen him before," Heavenly Emperor Zizai said honestly.

Mo Wuji’s heart sank; he was 100% sure that the second person was Lei Hongji. That fella possessed the Tian Ji Sword. Now that the site of Tian Ji has appeared, that fella definitely wouldn’t miss out on this opportunity.

"Sect Head Mo, you can also feel the terrifying energy from within the pa.s.sage. In terms of power, I believe that Sect Head Mo is already standing at the absolute peak of the Immortal World. This problem is not one that can be solved with greater numbers. With our current powers, even if we can install powerful seals over the pa.s.sage, they will still be to no avail in the face of such terrifying energy," Xing Shan tried hard to speak in an indirect and tactful manner. It was just that he wasn’t an expert at doing so.

Anyone that heard Xing Shan’s words could tell what he was implying. He was saying that Mo Wuji was the strongest person in the Immortal World; among all of them here, only Mo Wuji could take a look inside.

The others all prepared for Mo Wuji’s rejection. And if Mo Wuji really rejected Xing Shan’s words, everyone could only join hands to seal this place, then find a way to get to the Very High Heavens.

Even though there were seven Immortal Domains in the Immortal World and each Immortal Domain was separated by the vast void, the Laws across the Immortal Domains were connected. If this energy of destruction explodes, the Laws of the Heaven and Earth would collapse. When that happens, Yong Ying Immortal Domain wouldn’t be the only one that gets destroyed.

"Alright, I will go in and take a look. But if I’m unable to escape, then I would have to request for everyone’s help to take care of my Ping Fan Immortal School," Mo Wuji answered in a straightforward manner; he did not beat around the bush.

"Sect Head Mo, my life was saved by you. In the future, when Immortal Friend Zidao takes over as the Heavenly Emperor, I, Chang Beihe, would definitely show him my full support," Chang Beihe was the first to clasp his fists.

"Alright, farewell everyone." With that, Mo Wuji’s figure flashed and he directly entered that pa.s.sage.

The remaining people didn’t even have time to react. Why was Mo Wuji so forthright and straightforward? Why didn’t he even ask for any benefits?

Xing Shan sighed, "Sect Head Mo is truly a hero among men. I, Xing Shan, am inferior."

Qing Yang could only shake her head. She didn’t know whether she should be complimenting Mo Wuji or sighing for him. They did have intentions of asking Mo Wuji to enter the pa.s.sage when they invited him over, but Mo Wuji always seemed to rush through things. He didn’t even prepare himself; he simply entered the pa.s.sage.

He was the same those years ago. And it was exactly because of his straightforward and direct way of doing things which caused him to be pursued by multiple Grand Emperors.

After Mo Wuji entered, Gai Ying stepped forward and said, "Because of certain reasons, our Immortal World’s strength gets weaker as the days pa.s.s. Sect Head Mo should be the strongest expert of our Immortal World. No matter what happens, we should still prepare for the worst and start to install a seal over the pa.s.sage."

Gai Ying’s words immediately received the acknowledgement from everyone. Everyone all took out their best materials and started to join hands to install a grand seal.

Whether this seal was successful or not, they were still going to attempt to form it.

If he didn’t know that Lei Hongji had already entered, Mo Wuji might actually have prepared a plan and asked for some benefits before entering the site of Tian Ji.

But now that he knew that Lei Hongji was a step ahead of him, how could Mo Wuji still have the time to think about anything else? Only Mo Wuji knew exactly how terrifying Lei Hongji was. Moreover, since Heavenly Emperor Zizai said that Lei Hongji’s cultivation was no weaker than his, it would mean that Lei Hongji had also stepped into the Immortal Emperor Stage.

The reason why he, Mo Wuji, could step into the Immortal Emperor Stage at such a fast pace was because of his Immortal Mortal Technique and his 108 meridians. At the same time, he obtained vast amounts of green crystals in the Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos.

This Tian Ji Secret Domain was definitely far from simple. If Lei Hongji managed to conquer it, then it would definitely have a huge impact on the gap between Lei Hongji and him.

The moment he entered the pa.s.sage, Mo Wuji linked to his six pages of the Book of Luo. The moment anything feels amiss, he would immediately activate his Book of Luo to protect himself.

The curious thing was that there wasn’t even any form of danger. Besides the deep concentrated elemental energy here, this whole pa.s.sage was a blur. He wasn’t even able to release his spiritual will.

Mo Wuji cultivated with green crystals before. The moment this natural elemental energy flooded towards him, he could feel that a portion of the energy was similar to the energy of the green crystal.

And even though his spiritual will couldn’t be released, Mo Wuji still had his spiritual eye.

Condensing his spiritual eye, a vast and boundless swamp appeared in front of Mo Wuji. What’s different from usual was that this swamp was inclined downwards. Additionally, there weren’t any signs of life in the swamp; even the puddles around the swamp were all dried up.

At the centre of this downward-sloping swamp, there stood the huge stone. When Mo Wuji saw that stone previously, he estimated that it was only 300 meters at the very most. But now, he could see that this huge stone was at least multiple times of that. At the top of this huge stone, there was indeed another piece of stone laying horizontally. Two words could be seen on the horizontal stone - Tian Ji.

As Mo Wuji moved forward, the natural elemental energy around him got thicker. In less than a single breath’s time, the s.p.a.ce around him suddenly started to bend and a violent force began to tear at Mo Wuji’s body.

Even though Mo Wuji had a late stage G.o.d Physique, trails of blood still started to form throughout his body.

At this instant, Mo Wuji finally understood why no one was able to escape. The Laws of Heaven and Earth over this area were too strange. He had his Book of Luo but his Book of Luo couldn’t even be activated. Perhaps he might be able to use his Book of Luo once he fully refines it, but for now, he wasn’t able to use it at all.

Even with his spirit storage channel, he was unable to make use of his defensive treasure. There was no need to talk about others; it was definitely impossible for them to use their defensive treasures.

That fella that managed to escape definitely must have been a physique tempering expert.

Just as Mo Wuji thought of this, he suddenly felt a pain akin to ant bites over the injuries that just formed over his body. Following which, a layer of faint white smoke oozed out from his injuries.

Mo Wuji"s detoxification channel immediately went into reverse circulation. Very soon, the remaining meridians all joined it in circulation. As this happened, smoke continuously got expelled from Mo Wuji"s injuries.

Mo Wuji was inwardly very impressed. The spatial distortions that could easily tear through the bodies of cultivators actually weren"t the most terrifying threats here. Instead, it was the poison which entered him without him even noticing it.

If he didn"t have his detoxification channel, he would have already died by now. Even though he was a Tier 9 Pill Emperor, he wasn"t sure that he could resolve this poison through his pills alone.

Since the two people that went ahead of him were still alive, it was clear that the two of them were truly impressive. Mo Wuji did have some idea as to how powerful Hu Chisheng was. This fella had lived for G.o.d knows how many years, and if he wasn"t strong, he wouldn"t have been able to kill Han Long’s ancestor, Han Yi.

On the other hand, if the other fella was really Lei Hongji and if Lei Hongji was really still alive, then he would need to reevaluate Lei Hongji"s strength.

Mo Wuji proceeded with greater caution and speed. Soon, Mo Wuji reached the edge of this strange swarm. To his astonishment, he discovered that the huge stone, which should have been near the centre of the swamp, was now further in the depths of the swamp.

Indeed, this was a peculiar place.

As Mo Wuji stood at the edge of the swamp, his spiritual eye saw that there was only one direction in the swamp where the natural elemental energy was getting thicker. The other directions were much weaker in comparison.

Mo Wuji did not hesitate to enter into the swamp.

The spatial distortions got stronger and stronger; the pressure that Mo Wuji"s body had to bear also got increasingly terrifying. At this instant, Mo Wuji really appreciated the fact that he was a true physique temperer. Otherwise, he really would have died by now. Perhaps he could try retreating, but he had a faint premonition that he wouldn"t be able to retreat.

His physique tempering technique also went into circulation. What delighted Mo Wuji endlessly was that this place was actually very suitable to temper his body.

Moreover, as the spatial distortions caused more injuries to form throughout his body, more poison was absorbed into his detoxification channel. The poison was converted into a form of elemental energy and this elemental energy was able to strengthen Mo Wuji"s body at a hitherto unheard of pace.

Mo Wuji had been stuck in G.o.d Physique Level 7 for a very long time. But this time, he only needed a short moment to step into G.o.d Physique Level 8.

If not for the secrets of Tian Ji and the fact that Lei Hongji was a step ahead of him, Mo Wuji would have stayed here to cultivate. After all, this place was truly too suitable to temper his body.

With his spiritual eye, Mo Wuji saw that this swamp was vast and boundless. However, in reality, this swamp wasn’t really without an end.

At the end of the swamp, there was a door. Behind that door, there was a hall with no walls. If the walls couldn"t even be seen, one could only imagine how vast this hall was. If not for that door and the hard ground, perhaps this place would simply be the void.

At this instant, there were three people facing each other in the hall.

If Mo Wuji was here, he would definitely have recognised one of them as Leo Hongji. Even though Lei Hongji might be disguised and the two of them didn"t have many encounters, Mo Wuji would still be able to immediately notice Lei Hongji"s intense lightning-type dao aura.

Among the other two, one was an old man with a slightly blurred face while the other was a young woman.

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Chapter 871: Familiar Woman

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"The two of you are actually able to reach here. That takes some abilities. No, I should say, that takes some secrets." The one speaking was that young woman.

As she was speaking, the young woman suddenly opened her hand. A violent tornado suddenly seemed to sweep up around them. The other two hurriedly brought out their defensive treasures.

This tornado soon disappeared. At the same time, the faces of the two other people changed. At this instant, the disguise of the black-robed man with the blurry face was revealed. He was a youth with slightly pale skin. The other person was also a young man; he had a long face and a pair of eagle-like eyes.

Seeing this young woman easily remove their disguises with a simple opening of her hand, the two of them were incredibly shocked. They were both top cla.s.s powerhouses of the entire Immortal World, but at this instant, both of them were unable to even see through this woman’s cultivation.

"This dao friend’s methods are indeed not ordinary. However, it still shouldn’t be easy for you to kill us, right? If we go all-out, I’m sure that the regulation talisman on dao friend would definitely shatter." The one speaking was the pale-faced black-robed youth.

Secretly, his heart was shaking in shock; he had not expected that Lei Hongji would appear here. Now that Lei Hongji’s disguise had been destroyed by that young woman, he was naturally able to recognise Lei Hongji.

Likewise, Lei Hongji also didn’t think that he would meet the most mysterious subordinate of Zi Changluo here. He only knew that this fella’s name was Hu Chisheng, nothing else.

The young woman laughed blandly, seemingly dismissing the words of this pale-faced youth. She remained calm as she said, "If you don’t have the Four Marks of Tian Ji, then screw off. If you don’t believe me, the two of you can try attacking me together. Let’s see whether I can kill the two of you."

Lei Hongji suddenly said, "My name is Lei Hongji and I really don’t believe you. If this senior sister really wants to fight, I, Lei Hongji, will accompany you to the very end."

Hu Chisheng regained his composure the moment Lei Hongji said those words. Perhaps this young woman might be stronger than them but she was definitely bluffing when she said that she could squash them easily. He could not help but feel slightly ashamed. Because he was too cautious, he wasn’t able to immediately tell that this woman was trying to deceive them. Just now, it must have been due to some unique sacred art which allowed her to destroy their disguises. It was not because she was leagues above them.

Indeed, this young woman jolted slightly in response to Lei Hongji’s words. She didn’t utter any further threats.

Even though this young woman didn’t threaten them any further, Lei Hongji retrieved a sword and said, "This should be one of the marks of the Four Marks of Tian Ji that you mentioned, right?"

This sword looked very ordinary, but at the same time, it looked strange. This sword didn’t have a sword k.n.o.b nor a sword blade; it was a sword with a sword point and sword face that were of equal thickness.

"Tian Ji Sword!" The moment this woman saw the sword, she cried out in astonishment and her eyes turned serious.

"I wonder if this sword is considered one of the four marks?" Lei Hongji said unhurriedly.

The young woman nodded, "That’s right. This is indeed one of the Four Marks of Tian Ji - Tian Ji Sword."

Thereafter, her gaze landed on Hu Chisheng. Now that Lei Hongji had taken out the Tian Ji Sword, if Hu Chisheng didn’t have anything to show, it was likely for Lei Hongji to join hands with her to deal with Hu Chisheng.

Hu Chisheng opened his hand and a palm-sized black token appeared in his hand.

Seeing the black token in Hu Chisheng’s hand, a hint of delight flashed across the young woman’s eyes. Indeed, only those that possess the Four Marks of Tian Ji could arrive here.

"I wonder if this is considered one of the Four Marks of Tian Ji?" Hu Chisheng said gloomily.

The young woman responded, "That’s right. This is the Yin Mark of the Four Marks Of Tian Ji."

Lei Hongji unhurriedly kept his Tian Ji Sword and said, "This dao friend, Dao Friend Hu Chisheng and I have both brought out our marks of Tian Ji. Aren"t you going to take yours out too?"

The young woman didn"t retrieve anything. Instead, she said calmly, "I don"t have any of the four marks. But which one of you knows how to use the four marks to open Tian Ji? Only I know how to do it, so I have my own leverages. Of course, since we"re all working together, I will reveal my name. I am Yu Zhenna."

"Then are we able to open Tian Ji now?" Hu Chisheng wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. He was different from Lei Hongji, he was dispatched to the Immortal World by Zi Changluo to destroy Ping Fan Immortal School. It was just that he discovered the site of Tian Ji, which was why he detracted from the mission to deal with Mo Wuji and came here instead.

Thus, he didn"t know that the army sent by the Very High Heavens to deal with Mo Wuji had already been decimated, nor did he know that Lei Hongji had already killed Zi Changluo.

"No. We need all Four Marks of Tian Ji to open Tian Ji." Yu Zhenna did not hesitate to reply.

Hu Chisheng and Lei Hongji glanced towards each other. They were still missing two marks, so what bullsh*t ‘working together’ was she talking about.

Yu Zhenna said calmly, "From the looks of it, the two of you still don"t know what are the Four Marks of Tian Ji. Since they"re called the Four Marks of Tian Ji, the people that possess them would definitely know that this place has opened. Once they do, they would come here. This is also part of heavenly fate." [Tian Ji is translated to heavenly fate].

"What if they enter but are unable to reach this place. What do we do then?" Lei Hongji asked worriedly.

Yu Zhenna smiled faintly, "As long as it enters, each of the marks of Tian Ji will find their way here. If the person who possesses the mark of Tian Ji dies, the mark would automatically fly here. However, do you think that any random person could obtain a mark of Tian Ji?"

Yu Zhenna didn"t need to continue speaking any further for Hu Chisheng and Lei Hongji to understand her meaning. She was saying that one must possess a certain level of heavenly fate and luck in order to obtain any one of the Four Marks of Tian Ji.

"Since that"s the case, we will wait here." With that, Hu Chisheng retreated ten steps, closed his eyes and stopped speaking.

The instant Hu Chisheng sat down, Yu Zhenna and Lei Hongji also retreated. They each found a spot to cultivate.

Following Mo Wuji"s continuous advancement, the pace of his physique tempering got increasingly faster. However, no matter how far he walked, the huge stone would always be in front of him.

Five days later, Mo Wuji stopped. He had walked to the end of the swamp.

Even at the end of the swamp, that huge stone was still erected in the distance. But at this point, it looked far taller.

Mo Wuji didn"t pay attention to that huge stone. Instead, he was looking at the black door which was at the end of the swamp. This door was like an array gate; it stood alone at the end of this dried-up swamp.

Mo Wuji"s Array Dao had long exceeded Immortal Grade 9. He was very clear that this wasn"t an array gate. This door was an ordinary door. However, there was dao energy flowing within this door, giving it an indescribable aura.

Mo Wuji did not immediately step into the door. By this point, he had already calmed down significantly.

He didn"t think that traversing this swamp would take him five days. Now that so many days had pa.s.sed, Lei Hongji might already have found the treasure and it would be useless for him to go in and fight for the treasure. On the other hand, it was better for him to be careful and to use this opportunity to eliminate Lei Hongji.

If Lei Hongji hadn"t even obtained the treasure, then there was even lesser need for him to worry.

Mo Wuji condensed his spiritual eye and carefully peeped through the door.

Behind the door was actually a vast and s.p.a.cious hall; he couldn"t even see where the hall"s walls were. Within the hall, there were three people. These three people were sitting in a triangle, seemingly on guard against one another.

Previously, Heavenly Emperor Zizai said that there were only two people that entered. But now, he clearly saw three and one of them was even a woman.

Yu Zhenna seemed to notice Mo Wuji"s gaze; she actually opened her eyes.

In an instant, Mo Wuji closed his spiritual eye. At the same time, his figure flashed, retreating by tens of kilometres and landing back within the swamp.

If he didn"t guess wrong, the two young men inside should be Hu Chisheng and Lei Hongji. He had never seen Hi Chisheng before while he had battled with Lei Hongji once.

On the other hand, he felt a strange sense of familiarity from that woman. That woman gave him a sense of danger, so huge to the point where he felt that he would immediately die if he walked through that door.

As he inscribed hundreds of array runes around himself, Mo Wuji thought: Who’s that woman?

In merely a few breaths of time, Mo Wuji"s face turned pale. He finally remembered. Before returning to the Immortal World, he killed a mysterious brown-haired youth.

That brown haired youth’s cultivation was far higher than his. If not for that brown-haired youth"s cultivation being sealed by the regulation talisman and that talisman causing the youth"s entire body to tear apart, there was no need to talk about killing the youth, Mo Wuji might not even be able to withstand a single of his sacred arts.

This woman actually looked similar to that brown-haired youth.

By this time, if Mo Wuji didn"t know where that chilling sense of impending doom came from, then he would be too much of an idiot.

Clearly, that brown haired youth was related to this young woman. If he went in, that young woman would definitely kill him to take revenge for that brown-haired youth...

That"s still not right, Mo Wuji frowned. Only those with him would know that he killed that brown-haired youth. None of them would reveal that news, so how would this woman know about it?

Mo Wuji shuddered. He finally came to an understanding. There was a 100% certainty that some sort of imprint latched onto him after he killed that brown-haired youth.

As he thought of this, Mo Wuji was increasingly sure that he was right. No one would have noticed the spiritual will imprint besides that brown-haired youth"s family. Now that it was likely that this young man was a relative of that brown-haired youth, she would definitely discover the spiritual will imprint if he appeared before her.

Mo Wuji"s expression turned slightly unsightly. He stood up and retreated another tens of kilometres before he stopped.

This wasn"t his first or second time that someone left a spiritual will imprint on him. Thus, after he killed the brown-haired youth, he checked himself for any imprints but he didn"t find any.

From the looks of it, he had been too careless. The imprint was still there; it was just that he didn"t locate it.

As for the threat that this young woman posed to his life, Mo Wuji didn"t suspect it. The brown-haired youth was in the cultivation world; the pressure from the regulation talisman in the cultivation would definitely be at least two times the pressure here in the Immortal World. When he saw that young woman just now, he saw that there weren"t any blood cracks throughout her body like that brown-haired youth. With such power, would she even face any difficulty in killing him, Mo Wuji?

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Chapter 872: Four Marks Of Tian Ji

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Yu Zhenna lifted her head to face the door; her brows furrowed slightly. Was that a misperception? She actually felt that there was a person peeking at her through the door.

Soon, Yu Zhenna placed that thought aside. No matter who it was, that person would definitely come in here ultimately. Thus, if it was not a misperception and if there was actually a person peeking at them, then that person would eventually come in.

After obtaining this fortune, she would return. Her brother and her obtained two peak grade regulation talismans and secretly came to this lower realm. The two of them split apart in the void, so she didn"t know where her brother was now. As long as she obtains the opportunity here, it would be worth it even if her father locks her up for a period of time.

Mo Wuji sat within the swamp; his surroundings were hidden within a concealment array. His spiritual will from both his spirit storage channel and his sea of consciousness continuously flushed through his body. He searched every nook and cranny on his body at least ten times but the results always left him depressed. He was unable to find any imprint.

If it was before, Mo Wuji might have thought that he was overthinking things. However, ever since he was ambushed by those three Grand Emperors and Quasi-Emperor, he would feel a deep sense of foreboding. Even back when he left Heavenly Chasm City, he also felt some bad omens. However, he still chose to head towards Ding Po Immortal City. Indeed, something bad happened and Han Qingru was even caught and thrown into Sword Prison.

Moreover, that woman he saw was 70% similar to that brown-haired youth. This only left Mo Wuji more unwilling to take the risk.

His spiritual will searched through his body another ten times but he still didn"t find anything. Mo Wuji stopped using his spiritual will; he felt that if he continued using such a method, he still wouldn"t find anything even after 10,000 years. He needed to find a new and reliable method.

As Mo Wuji frowned and sat in contemplation, the spatial distortions in the air continued to tear Mo Wuji"s skin apart. As his skin continued to lacerate, Mo Wuji felt more pain throughout his body. This also caused him to awake from his rumination. His vitality channel went into circulation, healing the injuries caused by the spatial distortions.

Looking at the cracks form on his skin before being completely healed by his vitality channel, Mo Wuji"s heart started pounding. He stopped his vitality channel from circulating. He even stopped his detoxification channel. Not only that, he burned the clothes on him and sc.r.a.ped off all his hair.

After Mo Wuji stopped the detoxification and the healing of his injuries, his body started to get riddled with cracks. The spatial distortions caused injuries to form on every single inch of his body.

Because he stopped the circulation of his detoxification channel, the poison in the air gathered around Mo Wuji. Soon, a white mist of poison could be seen rolling round him.

His life force got weaker and weaker and his eyes started to turn dim. He still didn"t circulate his detoxification channel but started to use his spiritual will to search his entire body.

This time, in just a few breaths, Mo Wuji’s spiritual will stopped near his heart. All his blood had been invaded by the poison and had started to turn white. However, a fist-sized blob of blood still continued to flow around his blood. It didn’t show any signs that it was poisoned. In fact, it was still bright red.

Mo Wuji was the one who created his own path of cultivation. Naturally, he was extremely clear about his own body.

Under such venomous poison, he wouldn’t be able to leave a blob of blood unaffected. There was definitely a problem with this unaffected blob of blood. Mo Wuji didn’t hesitate as he gorged into his chest. He grabbed that blob of blood, threw it into a jade box and sealed it.

By this time, Mo Wuji’s bones started to emit a grey aura of death. The only reason why he was able to endure till now was because of his G.o.d Physique. After gorging out that blood blob, Mo Wuji struggled to consume a vitality pill and continued to use his spiritual will to inspect his body.

After searching for three more times and verifying that there weren"t any abnormalities in his body, Mo Wuji started to circulate his detoxification channel to resolve the poison in his body. At the same time, his vitality channel also started reverse circulation to heal his injuries.

If he delayed the detoxification any further, his meridians would have started to rot.

His detoxification channel furiously went into reverse circulation. With his fastest speed, Mo Wuji expelled the venom within his body.

From his previous experience, Mo Wuji was clear that he could temper his physique more efficiently here. Thus, while he expelled the venom out of his body, he also used his physique tempering technique and circulated it to the max.

In merely a few cycles, Mo Wuji was stunned still. He had never felt that physique tempering was so easy before. His G.o.d Physique Level 8 soon reached the peak of the level and he was able to step into G.o.d Physique Level 9 without facing any bottlenecks.

The moment he stepped into G.o.d Physique Level 9, Mo Wuji could clearly feel that the damage the spatial distortions could deal to him had fallen significantly.

If he chose to activate his elemental energy, the spatial distortions wouldn"t even be able to leave scars on his body.

In half a day, Mo Wuji"s detoxification channel had removed all the venom within him. At the same time, his physique stabilised at G.o.d Physique Level 9.

Indeed, fortune and danger come together. If he simply stayed here and cultivate, it wouldn"t have been so easy for him to enter G.o.d Physique Level 9.

After completely recovering, Mo Wuji allowed himself to get poisoned for the second time. Because the damage that the spatial distortions have on him had decreased, he had to forcibly absorb the poison in the air.

After poisoning his entire body once more, Mo Wuji used spiritual will to search again. After verifying that there weren"t any abnormalities, he started to detoxify himself.

After using poison to temper his physique twice, Mo Wuji"s physique had strengthened to the peak of G.o.d Physique Level 9.

After changing into a set of clean clothes, Mo Wuji entered his Undying World. While in the Undying World, he opened that jade box. In that jade box, there was a blob of blood. This was the blob that he had just pulled out of his body.

If he wasn"t poisoned, he wouldn’t have been able to notice that this blood blob was different from the rest of his blood; this blood blob was completely mixed in with the rest of his blood. When he searched his body with his spiritual will, he wasn’t able to notice this blood blob out of the rest of his blood. Even now, his spiritual will was unable to detect any abnormalities in this blood blob. It could clearly be seen how terrifying this imprint was.

Moreover, Mo Wuji knew that if he decided to use this method to search for imprints right after he killed that brown-haired youth, his affected blood wouldn’t be so huge as to form a blob. In order words, if he hadn’t inspected his body now, perhaps all the blood in his body might have been converted by this imprint. Even if he used this poison method, he wouldn’t be able to notice the difference.

If someone told him that the imprint was within his blood, he wouldn"t even be able to remove it with his current level of cultivation. Would he have to release all the blood within his body?

The more Mo Wuji thought about it, the more fearful he got. He didn"t know exactly who he killed, but he did know one thing: that brown-haired fella must definitely be of some terrifying background.

The Undying World was Mo Wuji"s own world but he still didn"t dare to have this blood blob exist within it. He installed array after array around it and had the Book of Luo to guard him. Thereafter, he whipped out his Scholar’s Heart and threw it at this blood blob.

The Scholar’s Heart was a Grade 9 immortal flame. Moreover, this was Mo Wuji’s territory. The flame engulfed the blood blob and the blood blob was soon ignited and burned. An extremely small drop of blood floated within his defensive array. No matter how his Scholar’s Heart tried to burn it, that blood drop didn’t evaporate.

Mo Wuji’s heart was filled with shock. This imprint was so strong. Even his Grade 9 immortal flame was helpless against it. If the owner if this imprint were to discover it, wouldn’t he definitely be screwed?

Mo Wuji did not continue trying to burn this imprint. This was his Undying World. He even whipped out piles of array flags and installed arrays around this imprint. Not only that, he even used two pages of the Book of Luo to guard over this imprint.

He didn’t dare to casually throw this imprint away. If this imprint was thrown into the Immortal World and discovered by that expert who made it, then the entire Immortal World might be destroyed because of him.

Leaving the Undying World and cleaning his tracks, Mo Wuji returned back to that huge door. He still didn"t go in immediately. Instead, he condensed his spiritual eye and continued to observe that vast and boundless hall.

The moment Mo Wuji"s gaze landed on that woman, she turned her head to face the door and she sneered coldly.

Mo Wuji knew that the first time he laid eyes on her, she knew that he would definitely return. This was why she didn"t chase after him.

This time, Mo Wuji didn"t hesitate to step into the hall. This was because he no longer felt any sort of deathly threat. Clearly, that imprint was the existence that could have threatened his life.

"I thought that you were going to hide for a few more days. I didn"t think that you would come so soon." Yu Zhenna stared at Mo Wuji. Her mouth arced into a smile of disdain.

When Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng saw Mo Wuji, they also stood up.

"Mo Wuji, it"s you? Previously, I didn"t manage to kill you. This time, I wanna see how much you"ve improved." Lei Hongji stared at Mo Wuji; his eyes were filled with incomparably sharp killing intent.

Compared to Mo Wuji"s desire to kill him, his desire to kill Mo Wuji was far greater. He knew that Mo Wuji was strong and was also an Immortal Emperor. However, he, Lei Hongji, remained dauntless. Even though he was only in the early Immortal Emperor Stage, he was sure he could easily kill Zi Changluo in an open battle. Those that never crossed swords with him before wouldn"t know that he was completely different from other Immortal Emperors.

Mo Wuji sneered, "If I recall correctly, I wasn"t the one that fled previously."

"So you"re called Mo Wuji. It takes some capabilities to arrive here. Do you have the Four Marks of Tian Ji?" Yu Zhenna had no interest in the grudge between Mo Wuji and Lei Hongji.

By the side, Hu Chisheng didn"t wait for Mo Wuji to speak as he brought out a black token and said, "The Four Marks of Tian Ji are four different kinds of things. My token here is the Yin Mark of the Yin Yang Marks. Lei Hongji"s sword is the Tian Ji Sword."

Indeed, this black token was similar to his white token; there were also some faint diagrams on it.

Looking at the three"s postures, Mo Wuji immediately knew that if he didn"t take out any of the Four Marks of Tian Ji, the three of them would probably join hands to attack him.

There was no need to talk about joining hands; Mo Wuji guessed that he wouldn"t even be a match for that young woman. This woman was definitely related to that brown haired man; they looked far too similar.

"What do the Four Marks of Tian Ji do?" Mo Wuji didn"t immediately retrieve his Tian Ji Pole and his white token. Instead, he asked a question.

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Chapter 873: Extracting Fate

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"If you don"t have any of the Four Marks of Tian Ji, then f*ck off. If you have one, then I will naturally explain," Yu Zhenna said harshly. She felt great contempt towards this cowardly Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji completely ignored Yu Zhenna as he walked into the depths of this hall. Su Rou"Er had said it before, the white token and the Tian Ji Pole could also open this place. Thus, he was going to go in and take a look.

He could tell that Yu Zhenna was being restrained by a regulation talisman. However, he could also guess that he still wouldn"t be a match for her. Even so, he wanted to test out this woman"s capabilities. In the event that they had to vie for treasures, he needed to know where he stood at the very least.

Expectedly, the moment Mo Wuji went about on his own, Yu Zhenna suddenly opened her hand and a hand of elemental energy grabbed towards Mo Wuji.

The Laws of s.p.a.ce was instantly activated by this elemental hand as it tried to seal Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji turned and released a punch. This was his most ordinary Domain Smas.h.i.+ng Fist; he didn"t even imbue it with his immortal flames.

"Boom!" The Laws of s.p.a.ce that tried to seal Mo Wuji were instantly blown apart, it was as though a lorry’s tyre had exploded suddenly. The energy that sealed Mo Wuji then transformed into an elemental hammer which slammed against Mo Wuji"s chest.

Bang! A m.u.f.fled sound resounded throughout the hall. Mo Wuji was sent flying for tens of meters before he finally landed on the ground.

Mo Wuji heaved a sigh of relief. Indeed, he was far weaker than this young woman. But it was also clear that this young woman was restrained by the Laws of the Heaven and Earth and she didn"t dare to use her full power. Otherwise, that simple exchange would have already been enough to shatter his limbs.

Clearly, he still had some power to contest with them. This was unless this young woman chose to ignore her regulation talisman and forcefully try to kill him. With this young woman"s current power, she could threaten his life if she decided to forcefully ignore the Laws.

This young woman was definitely not simple. At the very least, her background wasn"t simple. At this instant, Mo Wuji was especially glad that he had removed the imprint before entering. Otherwise, his consequences would be too disastrous to consider.

"Eh." Yu Zhenna exclaimed in astonishment when she saw Mo Wuji accept the brunt of her elemental hammer and only retreat a few tens of meters. She thought that with that blow, she would have at least forced Mo Wuji to cough out blood. From the looks of it, she had underestimated the experts in this realm.

"You"re not bad. You deserve the rights to be here and know about the Four Marks of Tian Ji. There"s no need for you to go deeper in because without all Four Marks of Tian Ji, we are completely unable to release the fate of Tian Ji. So, there"s no use in you going in alone." Yu Zhenna didn"t continue attacking.

Even though she was restrained by the Laws of the Heaven and Earth here, she didn"t use her full power in her previous attack. However, she could also guess that Mo Wuji didn"t go all-out in that fist of his.

Mo Wuji also didn"t continue moving on his own. Su Rou"Er"s information had been pa.s.sed through many hands, so it might not necessarily be accurate.

Even Yuan Yi, who established Tian Ji Sect, might not be fully clear of the exact situation.

"Is this one of the Four Marks of Tian Ji?" Mo Wuji brought out his white token.

"That"s right. That’s the Yang Mark of the Yin Yang Marks." Yu Zhenna said delightedly when her eyes landed on the white token in Mo Wuji"s hand. By now, she had a rough understanding of Mo Wuji"s character; Mo Wuji was a person that wouldn"t bend in the face of threats.

Lei Hongji had long guessed that the Yang Mark would be with Mo Wuji. Thus, he didn"t find it strange when Mo Wuji brought the white token out.

Hu Chisheng clasped his fists and said, "Sect Head Mo, let me make the introductions. I am Hu Chisheng of the Very High Heavens and this is Lei Hongji from the Lightning Sect. I believe the two of you are already acquainted. Also, the one that just attacked you is Dao Friend Yu Zhenna. Her origins are still unknown."

Hu Chisheng carefully stoked the flames between Mo Wuji and Yu Zhenna. Currently, he was also slightly curious as to how Mo Wuji could appear here. However, he didn"t ask Mo Wuji about it; he didn"t even care about such matters. Zi Changluo might have dispatched him to kill Mo Wuji, but to him, it was simply a matter of convenience. In his eyes, whether it was Lei Hongji or Mo Wuji, they were only brats that he could easily deal with.

"I wonder if Dao Friend Mo knows about the tale of fate?" Yu Zhenna asked.

Mo Wuji shook his head, "Never heard it."

Even though he never heard it, Mo Wuji knew that fate existed. Whether it was a person, a sect or a world, they all had fates.

"The land of Tian Ji has extracted the fate of the Immortal World. This sort of fate is majestic and vast. It could be said that even if this fate is split equally among the four of us, each of one will be able to pull ahead of the We will be able to step onto the peerless path of the Dao and stand at the pinnacle of the entire universe…"

Before Yu Zhenna could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Mo Wuji, "You"re saying that this place is extracting the fate of the Immortal World?"

This time, Yu Zhenna didn"t have to be the one to answer. Lei Hongji sneered, "Natural fate has always been predestined. Do you think fate comes out of thin air? The disasters befalling the Immortal World and even the fact that there are seven Immortal Domains are because the Immortal World"s fate has been extracted."

Hu Chisheng nodded, "Since a long time ago, I knew that someone was extracting the fate of the Immortal World. Do you know that there used to be ten Immortal Domains in the Immortal World? When fate is extracted, it will cause a person or even a cosmos to collapse. A planet without fate would be struck by meteorites and debris, and it would ultimately be destroyed.

On the other hand, if a planet has its own fate, it would condense its own Laws. These Laws would protect it from collapsing. The fate of the Immortal World had been gradually extracted for a long time. Because the entrance of the extraction is Yong Ying Immortal Domain, Yong Ying Immortal Domain has become the weakest Immortal Domain. Eventually, it would also be the first Immortal Domain to crumble."

Mo Wuji"s heart sunk. He was very clear about what was going on. If Yu Zhenna"s words were really true and if he obtained the fate here, even if it was only one-quarter of the total, it would provide incomparable benefits to his Great Dao.

However, he didn"t have such intentions. If he did so, he would be nothing more than a leech. If he really did this, then wouldn"t the Immortal World eventually be reduced to the state of the environmentally damaged Earth?

Because the Earth"s environment had been damaged, Earthlings were forced to leave Earth and find other planets. If the fate of the Immortal World was fully extracted, what would the Immortal World be left with?

He cultivated in the Immortal World and absorbed its immortal spiritual energy. If he really extracted the fate of the Immortal World, then he would be too much of an ingrate.

This was worse than biting the hand that feeds you.

At the same time, he understood why Monk Xing Shan, Gai Ying and co. all felt forebodings. Their forebodings were true. If the group of them really divided the fate here, then the Immortal World was likely to collapse.

"Will anyone know if we divide the fate in here?" Mo Wuji asked calmly. He really wanted to kill the three people here, but he was very clear that he definitely wouldn"t be able to defeat that Yu Zhenna.

Yu Zhenna"s tone was also calm as she said, "The Immortal World"s fate has been extracted to this place but it still remains in the Immortal World. So before we divide up this fate, no one would know. After we split the fate up among ourselves, it is likely that the Immortal World would collapse. By that time, the Immortal World will no longer be related to us."

What a vicious woman. Even though he knew that he couldn"t kill this woman, his heart still burned in killing intent. Among the four of them here, he was the only one that wanted to leave the fate here for the Immortal World. If they really decided to fight, he would have no chances of winning.

"I have one final question. Is this extraction of fate due to artificial or natural reasons?" Mo Wuji"s tone was slightly excited as he clasped his fists and asked.

In reality, there was no need for Mo Wuji to act excited. Because no one here would suspect that Mo Wuji would try to return the fate back to the Immortal World. Only an idiot would reject this extracted fate after knowing its vast benefits.

"Tian Ji is an ancient existence. It could be considered a primordial form of fate. However, this primordial fate wouldn"t extract the fate from other objects, but absorb the fate from the vast cosmos to strengthen itself. Many years ago, a peerless expert found this place. During that time, the Immortal World"s fate had yet to reach its peak. That expert made use of Tian Ji to build this location to extract the fate of the Immortal World. Unfortunately, he didn"t manage to reap the benefits of his actions. He was pursued by his enemies and has since vanished without a trace." Yu Zhenna seemed to be much more patient towards Mo Wuji than towards Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng.

Mo Wuji asked confusedly, "If we take away the fate, will others also be able to do so in the future?"

Yu Zhenna laughed coldly, "Ignorance is so pitiable. Is fate so easy to take? This place has the primordial fate of Tian Ji and it is also able to extract the fate of the Immortal World due to that ancient expert. Even so, we still need to use the Four Marks of Tian Ji in order to open this place. The moment this land of fate opens, it will be reduced into nothingness. Even if the Immortal World manages to avoid collapse, who would still be able to extract the fate of the Immortal World? Even if you are a lord of G.o.ds, you cannot dream of doing it."

"What"s a lord of G.o.ds?" Mo Wuji hurriedly asked.

Yu Zhenna"s gaze swept across Mo Wuji disdainfully. This time, she couldn"t even be bothered to answer him.

Mo Wuji also didn"t have any further questions. He clasped his fists and said, "Three Dao Friends, we haven"t taken an actual look at the place where Tian Ji is extracting fate. Why don"t we go in and take a look?"

"Without the Tian Ji Pole, we would only be wasting our time," Yu Zhenna said coldly.

Mo Wuji did not seem to mind; he continued speaking, "If we don"t go, how would we know its a waste? Little lady, you know much more about this place than the three of us. Could you be trying to deceive the three of us, which is why you"re stopping us from taking a look?"

"Who"s a little lady?" Yu Zhenna"s eyes went large and killing intent exploded out of her. If not because she knew that she wasn"t able to immediately kill Mo Wuji, she might have already swatted him.

Hu Chisheng saw the opportunity and hurriedly said, "Sect Head Mo is also right. We can go take a look at how the site of extraction looks like first. I believe that when the holder of the Tian Ji Pole arrives, he would know to go there."

Lei Hongji added, "That"s right. After all, we aren"t familiar with this place."

Seeing that the three agreed to go in and take a look, Yu Zhenna could only say, "Since that"s the case, then let"s go in and take a look."

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Chapter 874: Fifth Mark Of Tian Ji

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Indeed, this hall was very huge. The group walked for an entire hour but they still couldn"t see its walls. Mo Wuji inwardly praised his luck. If Yu Zhenna and the other two weren"t near the door, he might have directly entered. The moment he entered, Yu Zhenna might discover the imprint he got from killing that brown-haired youth and the consequences would be too disastrous to consider.

After walking for another incense"s time, the group stopped. In front of them wasn"t the wall of the hall, but a rune sheet.

This rune sheet looked transparent and it rippled with powerful dao laws. Ordinary methods definitely weren"t able to open those dao runes. At the same time, Mo Wuji wondered whether his Kun Wu Sword could slice this sheet open. After all, Kun Wu was one of the ten ancient G.o.dswords.

Mo Wuji"s spiritual will was completely unable to penetrate through this sheet.

"This is the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. These runes on the exterior of this sheet is a peak-grade primordial fate array. It’s said that no one can replicate this sort of array because it can only form with the primordial fate of Tian Ji. Within the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate, is the land where the Immortal World’s fate is being extracted." Yu Zhenna pointed at that rune-filled sheet and said.

"Then how do we open this Sheet of Fate?" Mo Wuji’s heart was feeling slight uncertainty. Even with his attainments in the Array Dao, he was actually unable to see that this was actually a huge array.

Yu Zhenna said indifferently, "We’ll take when the Tian Ji Pole arrives."

Mo Wuji was truly helpless. If he was in her position and believed that all four marks hadn’t been gathered, he would have said the same thing.

Yu Zhenna shot Mo Wuji a glance of disdain, "Don"t tell me you’ve never heard of fate attachment? The Laws of Fate far exceeds the Laws of s.p.a.ce and the Laws of Time. Some even say that fate has no laws. You might have heard of various kinds of sacred arts, but have you heard of a fate-type sacred art? Besides the extracted fate, there"s no form of life within the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. If we are able to get past the sheet, fate will automatically attach itself to our body. As for exactly how much each of us gets would have to depend on our own luck."

Mo Wuji was sure that it wasn"t going to be based on luck. It was likely that this fate was based on cultivation or based on a cultivator"s Laws. If he really wanted to divide this fate with them, the fate that would attach itself to his body would most probably be the least.

He cultivated the Mortal Dao. Fate was something that could not be seen nor touched; why would it attach itself to him? And if it wasn"t based on Laws, it would be based on cultivation level. Over here, his cultivation level was only slightly higher than Lei Hongji.

"Then if we enter, is it possible for the fate to disperse itself?" Mo Wuji exclaimed. He anxiously hoped that Yu Zhenna would reveal how the fate inside could be dispersed. According to what this woman was saying as far, if he manages to disperse the fate here, it would automatically return to the Immortal World and it would no longer be extracted.

This time, Yu Zhenna turned serious, "So we need to work together. When the Four Marks of Tian Ji are gathered and placed into their respective spots, a force of suction will instantly appear around the Four Marks. This suction force is what absorbs the extracted fate. After the fate is absorbed into us, the array will collapse and disappear. What I"m saying is that when the suction force appears, we must not resist the suction force. Otherwise, the fate would be dispersed. Even if it was a single breath of time, a good half of the fate inside would be dispersed."

Mo Wuji celebrated. These words of Yu Zhenna"s had revealed two important information. Firstly, for then to open this array and absorb the fate, they would need to place the Four Marks of Tian Ji into their four respective spots. Secondly, fate disperses easily. Even a short delay would allow the fate to slip through the gaps and disperse considerably. If he delayed them for some time, it might be possible to return all the fate back to the Immortal World.

Mo Wuji focused his attention on the sheet. However, no matter how he observed with his spiritual will, he was unable to see the places where they could place the Four Marks of Tian Ji.

This time, Mo Wuji intentionally moved closer and condensed his spiritual eye.

Indeed, Mo Wuji saw four, no, five grooves. Among which, two of the grooves were roughly the same size as the token in his hand; they should be for the Yin Yang Marks.

There were also two other grooves; one was shaped like the Tian Ji Sword while the other was shaped like his Tian Ji Pole. It was just that they were all roughly the size of a palm; Mo Wuji really didn"t know how he could place the Tian Ji Pole in.

Besides these four palm-sized grooves, there was a groove which was slightly larger. This groove looked like a square brick.

Mo Wuji opened his spiritual eye for only an instant. But the moment he saw the five grooves, he knew that Yu Zhenna had not been totally honest. He recalled what Su Rou"Er said those years ago. When the Tian Ji Tablet shattered, it split into five different items. One of it was the Tian Ji Stone Tablet.

"Dao Friend Yu, the three of us all have a mark. What about you? Don"t tell us that you would just follow along because I definitely wouldn"t believe such lies," Mo Wuji said calmly.

Yu Zhenna stared at Mo Wuji and said, "I really couldn"t tell that you actually have the spiritual eye."

When Mo Wuji heard these words, he truly felt quite awkward. He thought that his spiritual eye only opened for an instant. He didn"t expect that this woman would actually notice it. He even went on to act in his own self-directed show.

"I"m indeed able to see that there are five grooves here." Mo Wuji didn"t continue hiding. It didn"t matter that she knew about it; he had no reason to fear.

Yu Zhenna brought out a square brick and said, "You"re right. There are not four, but five marks of Tian Ji. I concealed some information, but I don"t have any malicious intentions. By the time everyone arrives, I would have still revealed the fifth mark."

Mo Wuji slowly retreated, "I don"t want to work with you anymore. Your plots are too deep. When the time comes, I might have been scammed by you and I still have to help you count your money."

"Wait…" Seeing that Mo Wuji was about to leave, Yu Zhenna was truly anxious.

Mo Wuji didn"t have any intentions of stopping. He even brought out his Half Moon Weighted Halberd as he raised his guard against Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng.

Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng had originally already had some reservations towards Yu Zhenna. After hearing Mo Wuji"s words, they were even less inclined to join hands with her to deal with Mo Wuji.

When Yu Zhenna saw the situation, she hurriedly said, "I admit that I have been too cautious. But don"t tell me that all of you have been 100% honest with me? Dao Friend Mo, when you saw us previously, didn"t you also leave secretly for a few days in order to prepare a plan against us? I have always proposed the idea of working together. Working together is beneficial for everyone and I won’t gain any benefits from having any malicious intentions."

Mo Wuji stopped retreating but he was still wary as he said, "Since that"s the case, then let me take a look at your mark and see if there are any problems with it."

When Yu Zhenna heard Mo Wuji"s words, her voice turned cold, "Pa.s.s my mark to you? Your idea is truly good…"

Mo Wuji brought out his Yang Mark and said, "To prevent any mishaps, I will pa.s.s my Yang Mark to you. If you still don"t dare, then that would only show that there"s a problem with you."

Hearing Mo Wuji"s words, Yu Zhenna frowned. Then, she turned and saw the wary Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng. She hesitated slightly before she said, "Ok, but you must return it immediately after you look."

Mo Wuji didn"t say anything as he directly placed his Yang Mark on the floor.

Yu Zhenna could only place the square brick on the floor. The moment her square brick touched the ground, Mo Wuji"s hand swept over. However, that square brick was protected by her domain. At the same time, Mo Wuji"s Yang Mark was swept away.

When they saw Yu Zhenna"s actions, Hu Chisheng and even Lei Hongji who had an enmity with Mo Wuji brought out their magic treasures.

Yu Zhenna had thoughts that Mo Wuji"s Yang Mark would also be defended by his domain and she would have used that as an excuse to reject handing over her Tian Ji Mark. She didn"t think that Mo Wuji wouldn"t even extend his domain and she would only need a slight movement of her spiritual will to sweep the Yang Mark into her hands.

By this point, if she still insisted on keeping her Tian Ji Mark then things would get problematic. As she thought of this, she could only let go of her Tian Ji Mark. At the same time, she prepared herself. If Mo Wuji dared to retreat, she wouldn"t hesitate to attack him.

The moment Mo Wuji grabbed this square brick, he saw the two words: Tian Ji. He was very clear that this square brick was the most valuable mark of the five.

The value of this square brick definitely far exceeded that of his Yang Mark.

"You should have taken a good look by now. Return it to me." Yu Zhenna had already blocked Mo Wuji"s path of retreat.

When they saw Yu Zhenna pa.s.s the square brick to Mo Wuji, Lei Hongji and Hu Chisheng didn"t say anything further. From the looks of it, Yu Zhenna really wanted to work together with them.

Mo Wuji didn"t even have any intentions of retreating. Instead, he took a step forward and came in front of the biggest groove on the sheet, "I want to take a look and see if it"s fake."

"Idiot, we"re still lacking one mark. Even if you try now, it would be useless," Yu Zhenna berated.

Mo Wuji said coldly, "Dao Friend Yu Zhenna, do you still think that I don"t know that this is a land of fate and that there are five grooves here? I have a spiritual eye and I only need a moment to verify it. Also, I have something to add. I am able to obtain that Yang Mark because of my fortune. Also, I know of an item that can replace the Tian Ji Pole."

"What item?" All three of them seemed to exclaim at the same time.

"Everyone, stand at your respective positions. I will stand at the position of the Tian Ji Mark. In at least six hours and at most one day, I can allow everyone to experience the suction force of fate." Mo Wuji started to bullsh*t.

Yu Zhenna"s voice was icy cold, "Return my Tian Ji Mark to me, then share your method."

Mo Wuji chuckled and said with contempt, "Why? Since you didn"t manage to deceive us, you decided to go the hard way?"

"My abilities are the highest. Naturally, I will be in charge of such matters." Yu Zhenna forcefully tried to suppress her anger. She was highly suspicious with Mo Wuji’s incoherent words. Previously, he didn"t know anything, but now he suddenly seemed to know how to open this Tian Ji Sheet of Fate.

Mo Wuji continued his bullsh*t, "Idiot, who told you that you require cultivation to open this place? This place requires the combined forces of the Array Dao, the Dao of Changes, and the Dao of Conning [1]. How many of them do you know?"

Yu Zhenna instantly frowned. She was proficient in both the Array Dao and the Dao of Changes. But what was the Dao of Conning?

[1] The word for Conning here is 忽悠 (Hu You) which also has other meanings such as flickering and swaying. Thus, she might not immediately get that Mo Wuji was referring to the ‘conning’ meaning.

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Chapter 875: I Won"t Give You Time To Think

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Before Yu Zhenna could make sense of his words, Mo Wuji had already slapped the Tian Ji Mark into the groove. By this time, how could he give Yu Zhenna time to think? If she thought any further, she would definitely come to a realisation.

The moment the square-shaped Tian Ji Mark was slapped into its groove, the remaining four grooves immediately appeared on the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. Various dao laws revolved around the edges of each groove.

"What are you guys waiting for? Hurry and place the other marks into the grooves. My method can only work once. If we don"t hurry, don"t blame me if we miss this opportunity," Mo Wuji cried loudly.

At this instant, Mo Wuji had occupied the initiative. He didn"t even give the remaining three any time to consider. Even though all of them simply wanted to devour Mo Wuji right now, they could only place their marks into the grooves.

It took them much difficulty to get to this place which contained the fate of the entire Immortal World. If their delay stopped them from obtaining this fortune, then it would be too late for regrets. No matter what grudges they had towards Mo Wuji, they would have to wait.

Yu Zhenna"s teeth were gritted so tightly that they almost shattered. No matter how this matter ends, she would definitely kill Mo Wuji.

"Everyone, pay attention. One incense"s time later, you will feel the majestic energy of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth. When that happens, everyone must take note to defend against it. This is to prevent any injuries from the sudden Tian Ji light…" Mo Wuji was still on with his bullsh*t.

Originally, the three of them thought that they would be able to go through the Sheet of Fate at any moment. If Mo Wuji failed at this moment, they would definitely join hands to murder Mo Wuji.

They didn"t think that Mo Wuji would still ask them to be on the guard for some Tian Ji light. If such a thing actually appeared, would they even be able to dodge it?

Even though Yu Zhenna had never heard of this Tian Ji light, she could only choose to believe it at this moment.

The three that were originally prepared to charge in now subconsciously used their elemental energy to protect themselves. They weren"t raring to charge through the sheet like before.

Mo Wuji noticed that when Lei Hongji placed the Tian Ji Sword in front of its groove, it automatically went in; there were no problems faced in placing it in the groove.

At almost the same instant the three of them placed their marks into the grooves, he brought his Tian Ji Pole in front of its groove. Indeed, the Tian Ji Pole was like the Tian Ji Sword, it automatically went into the groove. It fitted into the groove nicely; it was not too big, nor too small.

With all five marks gathered, an immense and overbearing Law descended down onto the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate.

In less than a breath’s time, the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate went "kacha!". Following which, everyone felt a majestic force of suction.

Because of Mo Wuji"s warning, the other three subconsciously defended themselves.

Mo Wuji frantically steadied himself. After which, he brought out Kun Wu and cleaved downwards. The overbearing sword intent crashed down on the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. A loud cras.h.i.+ng sound reverberated throughout the air.

Fate has always been something that was intangible; it was not something that the five senses could feel. With Mo Wuji"s attack, the fate was directly turned into nothingness and returned back to the Immortal World.

The entire process didn"t even take a single breath"s time. By the time the three realised that Mo Wuji actually possessed the Tian Ji Pole and had opened the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate, the entire Tian Ji Sheet of Fate had already been turned into nothingness.

Fate attachment was not bad. But if Mo Wuji, Lei Hongji, Yu Zhenna and Hu Chisheng went into the Sheet of Fate, the one that would benefit the most from the fate attachment would definitely be Yu Zhenna.

But because Mo Wuji used Kun Wu Sword to rip the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate apart, all the extracted fate was completely returned to the Immortal World.

In an instant, the entire hall felt fragile and empty; it seemed as though everything was melting apart and dissipating.

"You"re courting death…" Yu Zhenna was the first to react. With a twist of her hand, she conjured a black light which transformed into a curved rope which whipped towards Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji could feel the Laws of s.p.a.ce in area breaking apart. He hurriedly brought out his Book of Luo. At the same time, he extended his hand to grab his Tian Ji Pole and the Tian Ji Square Brick. He knew that he wouldn"t be able to grab the Tian Ji Sword. By the time Lei Hongji reacted, Lei Hongji immediately grabbed the Tian Ji Sword instead of joining hands with Yu Zhenna to attack him.

On the other hand, Hu Chisheng reacted by whipping out a talisman. Seemingly, he wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. It could clearly be seen that Hu Chisheng was a rational man. Even though Mo Wuji had ruined his opportunity with the fate within the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate and he simply wanted to kill Mo Wuji, he still chose to leave at this moment instead of joining Yu Zhenna to attack Mo Wuji.

"Pff!" A mist of blood exploded from Mo Wuji"s body. Mo Wuji"s entire body was almost split in half by that black rope.

Boom! This entire place also started to collapse. Mo Wuji allowed the Book of Luo to protect himself as he followed the collapsed hall as it got swept into the endless void.

The ripping force of the void came ravaging over. However, Mo Wuji"s was already at the pinnacle of the G.o.d Physique. Thus, this bit of ripping force wasn"t enough to cause him any damage.

As the threat of death gradually pa.s.sed, Mo Wuji"s heart remained shaking with lingering fear.

That Yu Zhenna was truly too terrifying. Even though he had the Book of Luo to protect himself, albeit his Book of Luo had yet to be fully refined, he was still almost decapitated in half by that black rope of Yu Zhenna’s. If he didn"t have the Book of Luo, he would already have been dead.

His vitality channel furiously went into motion and Mo Wuji"s injuries started to gradually heal. To Mo Wuji, as long as he wasn"t insta-killed just now, he wouldn"t die.

After Hu Chisheng fled, Lei Hongji also grabbed the Tian Ji Sword and escaped. The only one that wasn"t swept away by the collapsing hall was Yu Zhenna. She stared hatefully at the dark void; her killing intent was so concentrated that it almost seemed to take form.

She knew that Mo Wuji was the only one that was swept into the void. However, she didn"t go and chase after him. She was clear that Mo Wuji was already dead meat.

If not for that page of the Book of Luo, her rope would have already turned Mo Wuji into dust. Actually, even though Mo Wuji had the Book of Luo, he would still undoubtedly die. That strike of hers was enough to destroy Mo Wuji’s primordial spirit. After Mo Wuji’s primordial spirit gets destroyed, the killing intent from that strike would gradually tear at Mo Wuji’s body and sea of consciousness.

Even if Mo Wuji was any stronger, he could only prolong his death.

Those with higher cultivations than her would also die by that strike.

The only unfortunate thing was that page of the Book of Luo. She knew that after Mo Wuji dies and his primordial spirit collapses, that Book of Luo would disappear into the cosmos. Even if she chased after him, she wouldn"t be able to retrieve it.

Yu Zhenna sighed; she knew that it was time for her to return. Perhaps her brother had already returned. She wondered what kind of fortune her brother managed to obtain in this trip.

As she thought about how the fate of an entire world slipped out of her hands because of that b*stard, she simply felt like vomiting blood.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Thunderous rumbles resounded through the air. The experts standing outside Yong Ying Immortal Chasm all glanced at each other. They stopped their preparations of the seal because they knew that the seal was no longer needed.

The entire Yong Ying Immortal Chasm had collapsed and reduced into a patch of nothingness.

"What happened? That terrifying energy of destruction has disappeared." Heavenly Emperor Zizai was adroit in the Dao of Changes. Thus, he was the first to react.

"The Immortal Chasm has collapsed. That huge stone has also disappeared…" The Immortal Emperor beside Heavenly Emperor Zizai muttered.

It could be said that everyone gathered here were the strongest experts of the entire Immortal World. Everyone soon understood what had happened and they all glanced towards each other meaningfully.

After some time, Gai Ying said solemnly, "If I"m not wrong, Sect Head Mo should have used his efforts and his sacred arts to resolve this threat. But Sect Head Mo, he…"

That terrifying energy of destruction had disappeared but Mo Wuji hadn"t returned. They didn"t need to think to know that things didn"t bode well for Mo Wuji.

"Excellent, excellent (Shan Zai, Shan Zai)[1]! Sect Head Mo has done a great deed for the Immortal World. I’m ashamed…" Xing Shan only said half his sentence when he suddenly lifted his head to face the vast sky.

It wasn"t just Xing Shan; the other Immortal Emperors also felt it.

"Why do I feel that the Immortal World is different from before?" Devil Immortal School"s Grand Emperor Jin Ping exclaimed in astonishment.

Heavenly Emperor Zizai said emotionally, "That"s right, the Immortal World"s fate has become deeper and more profound. I’m unable to deduce anything but I know that the Immortal World is definitely different from before."

"It"s definitely related to Sect Head Mo." Qing Yang suddenly felt that her knowledge could not be applied to Mo Wuji. Previously, she was speechless towards Mo Wuji"s rash actions. But now, not only did Mo Wuji resolve their threat, he even caused helped the fate of the Immortal World to become more profound.

"The Laws here are crumbling. Things don’t bode well for Sect Head Mo. No matter what happened to Sect Head Mo, I suggest that we erect a statue of Sect Head Mo here." Heavenly Emperor Zizai was skilled with the Dao of Changes. The instant he felt a change in the Immortal World’s fate, he knew that Mo Wuji’s contributions were far more than what the others could have imagined.

"These words are excellent." Xing Shan placed his palms together in agreement. Even though he felt that Mo Wuji’s penchant for slaughter was too strong, Mo Wuji still cared for the Immortal World and disregarded his own safety to enter the site of Tian Ji. Ultimately, Mo Wuji didn’t manage to escape but he still resolved the threats from the site of Tian Ji. Even he, Xing Shan, couldn’t compare to such magnanimity, what more the other immortals in the Immortal World?

[1] 善哉 (Shan Zai) is a term of praise used by monks.

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Chapter 876: G.o.d King Lone Cauldron

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Tangled streams of force continuously swept towards Mo Wuji. Even though this ripping force wasn"t enough to cause Mo Wuji any damage, Mo Wuji was still extremely worried. He was worried that he would get swept out of the Immortal World by these streams.

During that violent explosion when the site of Tian Ji collapsed, it wouldn"t be strange if a tear was formed in s.p.a.ce.

At the beginning, Mo Wuji didn"t resist these tangled streams. He only allowed the Book of Luo to protect him as he used all his effort to heal himself. Besides his heavy injuries, another reason why he did this was to prevent Yu Zhenna from chasing after him.

Multiple days pa.s.sed. Mo Wuji"s injuries had fully healed and he did not detect any signs of Yu Zhenna chasing after him. At this time, Mo Wuji wanted to release his domain and take a look at his surroundings.

He soon discovered that he wasn"t able to release his domain. Moreover, his spiritual will and elemental energy could only linger within the area around his body. Also, the tangled streams didn"t get weaker, but increasingly violent.

What caused Mo Wuji to be more worried was that there seemed to be a boundless force of gravity below him. Coupled with the streams in the air, he was continuously being drawn downwards.

Initially, Mo Wuji could still protect his entire body and try to manoeuvre himself. However, after a month, Mo Wuji couldn"t do anything else besides protecting himself.

The gravity below him seemed to get stronger and stronger; Mo Wuji"s speed also got faster and faster. This left Mo Wuji extremely worried. He suspected that if he continued like this, he might be squashed into meat juice.

Even if his body was any stronger, if he continued to fall at this continuously accelerating pace, he would definitely die.

He was completely unable to communicate with his Undying World. Now, the only thing he could do besides protecting himself with his elemental energy was to cultivate.

Even if Mo Wuji"s heart was any bigger, he wouldn"t be able to calm down and cultivate.

He couldn"t even bring out his other pages of the Book of Luo. Besides the page of the Book of Luo which he was using to protect himself now, his other pages were all stuck in his Undying World.

Mo Wuji grudgingly expanded the domain of the Book of Luo protecting him. Thereafter, he tried to find a way to reduce his speed.

Two months later, the continuously increasing speed caused Mo Wuji to keep his Book of Luo in anxiety.

The Book of Luo could protect him but it was unable to help him slow his descent. Over these months, his speed had already accelerated to an unimaginable degree. If this carried on, even if the Book of Luo could protect him, he would still get killed by the rebound force within the Book of Luo.

Moving at this terrifying speed way beyond the controls of his spiritual will, Mo Wuji could not help but feel bouts of dizziness despite his strong sea of consciousness.

Mo Wuji didn"t have time to think about that. He frantically used his Wind Escape Technique. After a few days, Mo Wuji was finally able to stop this crazy descent. With his Wind Escape Technique, he was no longer falling at an accelerated pace.

Even though he was still falling at a scary pace, Mo Wuji"s heart was slightly rea.s.sured. At this pace, he would be able to survive with heavy injuries at the very most.

Mo Wuji didn"t dare to bring out his Book of Luo. When he was descending at such uncontrollable speeds, the Book of Luo had restricted the use of his Wind Escape Technique.

Several more months pa.s.sed. Just as Mo Wuji was wondering whether there was even an end, he felt a tremor beneath his feet.

"Boom!" Dust and sand were directly sent flying into the air by Mo Wuji. He could clearly hear the sounds of his bones breaking. Thereafter, a sensation of suffocation came. This suffocation wasn"t on his breathing, but on his vitality and his meridians. His life force turned sluggish and his meridians were on the brink of shattering.

Fortunately, this process didn"t last for a long time. Mo Wuji"s surroundings suddenly cleared up, and at the next instant, he had landed properly on hard ground.

Feeling his shattered bones, his blood all over his body, and the remaining blood inside his body which threatened to shoot out of his mouth, Mo Wuji actually sighed in relief. He had finally reached the end. As long as he had a single breath left, he would be fine.

Mo Wuji then tried to release his spiritual will. This time, his spiritual will could actually extend to a radius of 3 meters. Mo Wuji immediately jumped into his Undying World.

Da Huang and Shuai Guo were both cultivating furiously. This was especially the case for Da Huang; Mo Wuji could feel that Da Huang was multiple folds stronger than when he had first been rebuilt.

This time, Mo Wuji didn"t use the Breath of Hongmeng. After all, his injuries were on his physical body. As a physique temperer at the Great Circle of the G.o.d Physique, he was least afraid of physical injuries. Of course, Mo Wuji also wasn"t affected by attacks or injuries to his primordial spirit; he didn"t even have a primordial spirit.

Mo Wuji sat on multiple peak-grade immortal veins. All his 108 meridians went into reverse circulation and formed a circulation path. Among them, his vitality channel circulated at an even faster pace in order to heal the injuries on Mo Wuji"s body.

Compared to when he was first ganged up on by several Grand Emperors, Mo Wuji"s injuries were a lot lighter. It wasn"t because the damage was lesser, but because he was at least a hundred million times stronger than he was back then?

In merely a month, Mo Wuji"s bones reverted to normal and his body had recovered. Besides his overpowered vitality channel, Mo Wuji knew another important reason for this was that he was a physique temperer.

Mo Wuji didn"t go and disturb Shuai Guo"s and Da Huang"s cultivation. Instead, he left his Undying World.

With his injuries completely healed, Mo Wuji"s spiritual will could not expand to a radius of close to 30 meters. He lifted his head to look above him. Even with his spiritual eye, he could only see a deep patch of grey. However, Mo Wuji was clear that he pa.s.sed by something similar to a planet’s open land right before he landed.

The ground beneath his feet was solid. It seemed to be formed from burnt tiles and the tiles were randomly cobbled together.

There weren"t any signs of life around him. Mo Wuji only walked for an incense"s time when his spiritual will detected a huge inclined stone wall. The stone wall looked relatively polished and it was slate grey.

Mo Wuji had a sense of foreboding. He hastened towards this stone wall. He lifted his head to look up; this downward sloping stone wall gave him an extreme sense of pressure.

It felt like he was in a giant pot and this stone wall in front of him was the wall of the pot.

Mo Wuji was naturally very clear about where this place was; it was the Yong Ying Immortal Chasm. Back when he traversed it those years ago, the edge of the Immortal Chasm gave him the same feeling.

But Mo Wuji was also clear that this place definitely wasn"t the Yong Ying Immortal Chasm. It was just extremely similar.

Mo Wuji’s fist landed on this wall. Rocks shot everywhere as a huge hole formed in the wall. To his aghast, this hole was actually started to mend itself.

In less than half a day, that hole had completely mended. The only difference was that it no longer had that same slate grey coating.

There was no need to talk about how Mo Wuji didn"t have intentions to leave through this wall. Even if he did, he could only give up on that idea now. If he entered this wall of unknown thickness, he might possibly seal himself within this self-mending wall.

Mo Wuji guessed that he was trapped in a strange place. This place didn"t seem to have the various dangers that Yong Ying Immortal Chasm had. At the same time, the Laws here were much higher than the ones in Yong Ying Immortal Chasm.

Mo Wuji went to feel the terrain. He decided to walk along the edge of this stone wall to a higher ground. No matter whether it was possible to escape, he was going to try. If one year wasn"t enough, he would take two. If that was still not enough, he would take three. There would definitely be one day when he would walk out of this chasm.

While Mo Wuji was trying to find his way out of that unknown chasm, Yu Zhenna arrived in front of a huge floating rock in the void. This rock was half grey and half white. There were three words on the rock - Seven World Stone.

This was the same place that Mo Wuji had been to before. It was just that Mo Wuji had come here through the Great Desolate Sea while Yu Zhenna came here using a talisman.

Yu Zhenna didn’t know that she could get to the Seven World Stone through the Seven World Sea. If she did, she definitely wouldn’t have wasted that talisman.

At the opposite end of the Seven World Stone, there were seven black and seemingly endless holes. Mo Wuji didn"t do the same thing as Mo Wuji and randomly picked a hole to enter. Instead, she slapped the regulation talisman that was on her body.

The violent pressure of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth came down in her. Yu Zhenna"s entire body began to ooze out with blood. At this time, a suction force came from one of the black holes at the other end of the Seven World Stone. It swept Yu Zhenna away and she disappeared without a trace.


To immortals of the Immortal World, they would ascend to a higher realm once they reached the peak of the Immortal Emperor Stage, just like in the cultivation world. This higher realm was called the G.o.d World.

In reality, over countless years, no one ascended into the G.o.d World from the Immortal World before. Most didn"t even know of the G.o.d World. In the eyes of the immortals of the Immortal World"s seven Immortal Domains, the Very High Heavens was a more conspicuous place. The status of the Very High Heavens was higher than the Immortal World, and its leader, Zi Changluo, was even addressed as a Dao Emperor. This caused many immortals to view the Very High Heavens as the higher realm.

Thereafter, the G.o.ds Tower appeared. Inside, various magic treasures, cultivation techniques and dao marks that far exceeded the Immortal World could be found. The concept of a G.o.d World formed, but it still largely remained as a place of myth. After all, no one had been to the G.o.d World nor met any of its experts. Even in the G.o.ds Tower itself, no one saw an actual G.o.d.

The G.o.d World was a true place. However, it wasn"t called G.o.d World but G.o.d Domain.

In G.o.d Domain, the strongest beings naturally weren"t the G.o.ds, but G.o.d Kings. G.o.d Kings were different from Immortal Kings. There were still Immortal Reverents and Immortal Emperors above Immortal Kings. However, G.o.d Kings were the pinnacle of existences in the entire G.o.d Domain.

G.o.d Domain was vast and endless. Anyone that could become a G.o.d King in G.o.d Domain was an exceptional and peerless existence in the entire cosmos. As long as they reached the stage of G.o.d Kings, even those G.o.d Kings that weren"t ranked within the Ten Great G.o.d Kings and those that didn"t have t.i.tles, they would be at the peak of the entire cosmos.

G.o.d King Lone Cauldron wasn"t only an existence at the G.o.d King Stage. He was also one of the Ten Great G.o.d Kings. Even though his cultivation was the lowest at only G.o.d King Level 6, he was able to use his cauldron to obtain the t.i.tle of G.o.d King Lone Cauldron. Not only that, his abilities were able to suppress the ranked 10 G.o.d King Clear Rise, ranking him as 9th. One must know that G.o.d King Clear Rise was at G.o.d King Level 7.

At this moment, G.o.d King Lone Cauldron was in his own G.o.d King Hall. His face was ashen. In his hand was a shattered soul tablet. This soul tablet belonged to his son, Yu Zhen’Er. The fact that it was shattered meant that his son was already dead.

Who? Who actually dared to kill the son of Lone Cauldron!

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Chapter 877: The Rusty Hilt

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

While he was feeling angry, G.o.d King Lone Cauldron was also worried for his daughter Yu Zhenna. His two children left together. Now that his son was dead, how could he not worry about his daughter?

"Reporting to the G.o.d King. Young Mistress Zhenna has returned!" Just as G.o.d King Lone Cauldron was feeling anxious about his daughter, a handsome young man walked in, bowed and announced.

G.o.d King Lone Cauldron suddenly stood up. The anxiety in his face turned into anger, "Bring her in."

Yu Zhenna had been oppressed by the Laws of the Heaven and Earth and her injuries had yet to fully recover. G.o.d King Lone Cauldron noticed it the moment she entered the hall. His tone was icy cold as he said, "Not bad, you actually have the capability to go to a lower realm."

"Daughter knows her mistake. Father Emperor, please forgive me." Yu Zhenna was proud and lofty in front of Mo Wuji and co. but she didn"t dare show any of that in front of her father. With an angry harrumph from G.o.d King Lone Cauldron, she fell to her knees in fright.

Don"t think that G.o.d King Lone Cauldron was a protective father who indulged his children. He was definitely not such a compa.s.sionate father. If any of his children went against his will, it might be possible for them to be beaten to death. In fact, among the few children that Lone Cauldron had, a few were beaten to death by him.

Yu Zhen’Er had been killed. Besides feeling the grief at the loss of a son, he was more infuriated at the fact that someone would dare to kill the son of him, Lone Cauldron.

"Tell me, how did your brother Zhen’Er die?" Lone Cauldron calmed himself down and asked slowly. This was on the account that his daughter had been heavily injured by the pressure from the Laws of the Heaven and Earth. If not for that, he definitely wouldn"t be speaking in such a genial tone.

"What? Big brother is dead?" Yu Zhenna instantly went still. Since she was young, her brother had helped her significantly in her cultivation. Compared to her stern G.o.d King Father, her older brother had been much warmer to her. Now, her older brother had actually died. She simply couldn"t accept that fact.

G.o.d King Lone Cauldron frowned, "Didn"t you leave with Zhen’Er?"

Yu Zhenna recovered from her grief and she cried, "Big Brother and I obtained two peak-grade regulation talismans that allowed us to leave G.o.d Domain. We were afraid that Father Emperor wouldn"t permit our actions so we secretly left. Big Brother and I were separated in the void. Thereafter, I obtained a Tian Ji Mark. Because Big Brother was much stronger than me, I wasn"t too worried about him. Thus, I went to investigate more about Tian Ji…"

Lone Cauldron interrupted Yu Zhenna"s words, "You say you"ve obtained a Tian Ji Mark?"

Mo Wuji and co. weren"t very clear about the Tian Ji Mark, but this wasn"t the case for Lone Cauldron. This was an item formed from the primordial fate Tian Ji. If used properly, it could extract the fate of an entire world. Imagine, the fate of an entire world used to strengthen you. Even if you didn"t have talent to become strong, that fate would make you strong.

"Yes. That Tian Ji Mark was formed from the shattered primordial fate Tian Ji. There was already a person that tried to use primordial fate Tian Ji to extract the world"s fate and I managed to find that place." Yu Zhenna"s tone was still laced with sorrow. She didn"t manage to obtain a world"s fate and her brother had died. If she could do it all over, she would definitely have advised her brother not to use the regulation talisman to go to the lower realms.

"You"ve obtained the fate of an entire world?" Lone Cauldron"s voice was trembling slightly. Even he couldn"t see a thing like fate. Thus, he could only ask his daughter to know whether she had obtained that fate.

Yu Zhenna shook her head. It wasn"t weird to her that her father was more concerned about the Tian Ji Mark than the death of her brother.

"Just as I was about to open the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate, my plans were foiled by an ant. He probably did it to preserve the Immortal World"s fate. He actually sliced the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate apart and released the extracted fate back into the Immortal World. Thereafter, that person was swept away by the collapsing Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. He should already be dead," Yu Zhenna said honestly.

Lone Cauldron sat down disappointedly. To actually lose such a great opportunity, this was simply…

"Father Emperor, how was Big Brother killed? Are you able to know who killed him?" Yu Zhenna rubbed her eyes; she was still unwilling to accept her brother"s death.

Once a thing like fate was dispersed, it could not be recovered. Lone Cauldron was a G.o.d King. Thus, his heart also had some slight waves before he regained his calm. He suppressed his feelings of unwillingness and said, "Since your big brother wasn"t killed in G.o.d Domain, there shouldn"t be anyone from the lower realms who would be able to kill him. From the looks of it, there should have been a problem with his regulation talisman."

Yu Zhenna hurriedly said, "That"s not possible, Father Emperor. If I didn"t tear my own regulation talisman, it wouldn"t have shattered. The regulation talismans that we obtained are peak grade talismans…"

Yu Zhenna"s words stopped abruptly. She recalled that she had only gone to the Immortal World. What if her older brother went to an even lower realm? The pressure faced by the regulation talisman would have been much higher. Under that terrifying pressure from the Laws of the Heaven and Earth, it wouldn"t be impossible for his regulation talisman to break apart.

"So you"ve thought of it," G.o.d King Lone Cauldron harrumphed, "your regulation talisman allowed you to go to the realm right below the G.o.d Domain. What if you went to an ever lower realm, what would happen then?"

"Ah… I remember something." After saying that, Yu Zhenna retrieved a pearl that looked like a crystal from her storage ring.

The instant she looked at the pearl, she started to bawl, "Father Emperor, Big Brother was killed. This pearl contained both of our blood shadow imprints. If there had been a problem with the regulation talisman, the blood shadow imprint would have disappeared. If we were killed, the blood shadow imprint would turn black. Now, Big Brother"s blood shadow imprint had turned black. This means that Big Brother had definitely been killed."

After Yu Zhenna verified that Yu Zhen"Er had been killed, killing intent burst forth from Lone Cauldron"s body.

After a long time, he said slowly, "Regardless who it is, killing my son can only be paid with the life of a world. Zhenna, which world did you go to?"

"Father Emperor, what about the regulation talisman to go to the lower realm... " Yu Zhenna wasn"t bothered by her father"s claim that he would destroy the Immortal World.

Lone Cauldron’s eyes were filled with conviction, "I will think of a way. You can leave first. Remember, don"t decide such matters on your own in the future. I will not spare you for a second time."

Even a G.o.d King couldn"t go to a lower realm without a peak-grade regulation talisman.

"Yes, Father Emperor. Daughter takes her leave." Yu Zhenna hurriedly bowed and retreated.

She wasn"t all too happy that her father didn"t punish her. After all, her brother had been killed. She would rather have been locked up for 100,000 years.

After months of caution, Mo Wuji decided to move faster. He didn"t know where this chasm was. Besides some restraints to his spiritual will, there weren"t many dangers here.

The only thing that Mo Wuji found pitiable was that he couldn"t cultivate here. With his reverse Immortal Mortal Technique, he wouldn"t face any problems with moving and cultivating. As for physique tempering, it wasn"t really suitable here. Moreover, Mo Wuji"s physique had already reached the peak of G.o.d Physique Level 9, so it really wasn"t possible for him to make any huge improvements here.

Fortunately, Mo Wuji could still condense his spiritual will as he moved.

One year pa.s.sed. At the very beginning, Mo Wuji"s spiritual will could only expand to a radius of 30 meters. Now, it could already expand to a radius of 300 meters. He felt that there was some sort of Law here. As long as his spiritual will could bypa.s.s this Law, it could even expand even further.

By this time, he was basically accustomed to this Law. Now, his spiritual will didn"t even need to bypa.s.s this Law to expand beyond 300 meters.

Originally, Mo Wuji prepared himself to refine his spiritual will in a casual manner as he moved. However, a sudden and ominous threat of death caused him to stop. He looked in front of him; no matter whether he used his spiritual eye or his spiritual will, he could only see a patch of grey.

Even though he didn"t see anything, Mo Wuji didn"t continue moving forward. He placed a page of the Book of Luo into his storage ring. At the same time, he moved the square-shaped Tian Ji Mark and the Tian Ji Pole into his Undying World. Only then, did he slowly advance forward.

After experiencing these threats of death multiple times, Mo Wuji realised that his Mortal Dao was especially sensitive towards such threats.

He was a mortal and he cultivated the Mortal Dao. Naturally, a mortal was most worried about death. Thus, he would have a foreboding every time he was going to have a close encounter with death.

Heading forward, Mo Wuji felt this threat getting stronger and stronger. If he was anywhere else, Mo Wuji would not have hesitated to turn and leave. However, there was nowhere else he could go to. This was a chasm; he could only advance forward or retreat.

Mo Wuji had never considered retreating. He had been walking in this direction for over a year. And who"s to say that there wouldn"t be any danger in the other direction?

After walking another few hundreds of meters, Mo Wuji stopped. He felt that he couldn"t advance any further. Just 30 meters in front of him, there was a rusty long hilt stabbed into the ground. Mo Wuji couldn"t see the part of that hilt which was under the ground with his spiritual will. And the part that was above the ground looked like a handle of some magic treasure.

Mo Wuji had been to the G.o.ds Tower"s immortal sealing array before. That old fox, Yu Minjiang, had hidden within a rock.

"You"re the first cultivator to come here. Tell me, how did you get here?" In less than three breaths since Mo Wuji stopped, a voice sounded gently.

Mo Wuji"s heart pounded. His guess was right. This voice clearly came from that long hilt.

"I was battling someone while in the void and I accidentally ignited a talisman. Thereafter, I ended up here." Mo Wuji blurted as though that was what actually happened.

"You"re lying. Say it then, how many marks of the Five Marks of Tian Ji do you have?" The other party seemed to understand why Mo Wuji was here very clearly.

When Mo Wuji heard the other party talk about the Five Marks of Tian Ji, he felt as though a lightning bolt had flashed across his mind. He knew who this fella was.

This person was definitely the one that installed the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. He didn"t expect that this fella actually didn"t die but ended up in this mysterious chasm. This fella was willing to extract the fate of an entire world. One could clearly see how ruthless this person was.

"Your guess is right. I was the one that installed the Tian Ji Sheet of Fate. I believe that you should have obtained no small amount of benefits from it." This voice was like a roundworm living in Mo Wuji’s stomach. He was clear about what Mo Wuji was thinking of.

Mo Wuji stared at this rusty long hilt. This fella could read his mind?

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Chapter 878: The Terrifying Sea Of Consciousness

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"You want to possess me and steal the fate that I obtained?" Mo Wuji suddenly said.

"You really obtained the fate of a world?" That voice was clearly stirred up.

Mo Wuji heaved s sigh of relief. He thought that this fella could really peep into his thoughts. From the looks of it, this fella couldn"t do that.

"You"re very smart. If I"m not wrong, you didn"t obtain that fate. You used a Xiantian treasure to rip my Tian Ji Sheet of Fate apart, then you were swept in here by the collapsing hall, right? Being to arrive here safely, that shows that you are at least in the late stage G.o.d Physique."

Mo Wuji was even more relieved. Even though the other party was 99% sure that he didn"t obtain the fate, he would still hug on to that 1% chance. From the looks of it, this sort of fate could be transferred. This fella definitely couldn"t move for some reason, which was why this fella hoped that he obtained the fate and this fella would then forcefully rob it.

Mo Wuji could only say that this fella was overthinking. Even if he was to be killed, he wouldn"t willingly hand the fate over.

"Who are you exactly? If you don"t speak, I will walk in the other direction," Mo Wuji said calmly.

"There"s no harm in telling you. This sage is Kun Yun. I will tell you another thing. You probably guessed that I have been trapped. But even if you changed directions, you still wouldn"t be able to leave." Kun Yun"s voice was laced with an additional strand of coldness.

"What do you mean?" Mo Wuji took a fear steps back and he stared at that rusty hilt which represented Kun Yun.

Kun Yun"s voice went silent. He didn"t answer Mo Wuji"s words.

"What do you want?" After an entire hour, Mo Wuji could not help but ask another question.

After some time, Kun Yun"s voice sounded, "Originally, I wanted to ask you to help me. But looking at your wary appearance, it would be too hard to ask you to save me. How about this, give me a portion of that fate and I will tell you the way out."

After Kun Yun finished those words, the ground beneath Mo Wuji suddenly started to tremble. Following which, huge areas of the sides of the chasm began to crumble.

Mo Wuji rapidly retreated. The place that he was just standing on had already been buried by the falling rocks and sand.

"This is a common occurrence. It won"t threaten your life. These places that crumbled would soon revert to their original states, and after some time, they would collapse again. The largest collapse I saw was when millions of miles of this chasm all came cras.h.i.+ng down…"

Mo Wuji stared at this rusty hilt and he suddenly had a terrifying thought. He had seen such a scene before. It was back when he was in Half Immortal Domain. Half Immortal Domain’s Mining Area of Death also had such earthquakes. Back then, everyone guessed that it was because the Mining Area of Death was living.

After meeting Yan Li in the Immortal World, Mo Wuji was clearer about what the Mining Area of Death was. It was the sea of consciousness of a supreme cultivator. The immortal lattice stones that they excavated in the Mining Area of Death were sea of consciousness crystals.

As Mo Wuji thought of this, he inhaled a breath of cold air.

This pot bottom…

How was this a chasm? This was a terrifyingly large sea of consciousness. Mo Wuji"s own sea of consciousness was also large and had taken form. However, Mo Wuji knew that if his sea of consciousness was thrown into this one, it would merely be a drop in the sea.

There was no need to talk about his sea of consciousness. Even that sea of consciousness back at the Mining Area of Death couldn"t compare to this terrifying sea of consciousness.

Kun Yun could control the collapse of the walls here. Clearly, he was the owner of this sea of consciousness. There was no wonder why it could mend itself.

A trail of cold sweat trickled down Mo Wuji"s back. He didn"t know that he had actually ended up in someone else"s sea of consciousness. That rusty hilt was clearly a scam. If this was Kun Yun"s sea of consciousness, then his voice could have come from anywhere.

In other words, Kun Yun didn"t lie to him. Even if he turned and left, he would still be within Kun Yun"s sea of consciousness.

The reason why he only felt a sense of danger now was probably because Kun Yun was somehow sealed and required him to get closer to that rusty hilt in order to make a move.

"You seem to be very afraid. I said it before, with your physique and capabilities, even if this place continuously collapsed for 10,000 years, it still wouldn"t be enough to kill you," Kun Yun said calmly.

"Tell me then, how can I transfer some of my fate to you." Mo Wuji forcefully calmed himself down. Even though it seemed like Kun Yun was heavily injured, he was still in Kun Yun"s territory.

He would rather the other person be in his sea of consciousness.

"You see that long hilt? That"s a supreme treasure. My primordial spirit is hidden within that treasure. It"s just that I"m too weak and I can"t condense my primordial spirit. So, you need to grab that hilt and follow this method…" As Kun Yun was speaking, a jade letter landed a few steps away from Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji was silent. If he didn"t know that this place was a huge sea of consciousness, he might actually believe the other party"s words. After all, primordial spirits generally need to be hidden within peak-grade magic treasures. Those years ago when he saw Yu Minjiang, Yu Minjiang had also been hidden within a stone.

But now that Mo Wuji knew that the entire place was the other party’s sea of consciousness, he would be a fool to believe those words.

In his own sea of consciousness, why would Kun Yun need to place his primordial spirit in a magic treasure?

"I don’t need much. Just one-third, no, one-fourth of your fate is enough," Noticing Mo Wuji’s hesitation, Kun Yun spoke once more.

Just as Mo Wuji was about to use his spirit storage channel, he suddenly felt that sense of danger again. He swiftly retreated. By the time the sense of danger disappeared, he was already standing far away.

"Since you are not willing to cooperate, then forget about it." Kun Yun said calmly when he saw Mo Wuji retreat; there was a slight disappointment in his voice. Even though he sounded rather disappointed, he seemed to be able to accept it.

Mo Wuji’s spiritual will landed on that jade letter and he discovered that there wasn’t any problem with it. He retracted his spiritual will, then sent his spirit storage channel’s spiritual will onto that jade letter. Mo Wuji’s spirit storage channel immediately detected a faintly discernible energy.

At this instant, Mo Wuji completely understood what was going on. This Kun Yun was truly devious. He thought that the rusty hilt was the threatening existence, but in reality, this jade letter was the one that was truly dangerous.

Before Mo Wuji managed to retract his spiritual will, Kun Yun cried in alarm, "You actually have the spirit storage channel…"

Mo Wuji no longer cared to reply Kun Yun. Kun Yun was far too terrifying. Since he forged his meridian cultivation method, Kun Yun was the first person to know that he had the spirit storage channel.

Kun Yun should be helpless against him. Otherwise, Kun Yun would have attacked him by now.

"Don’t tell me that you don’t have spiritual roots and a primordial spirit? You are a mortal? You actually created the mortal method of cultivating with meridians? How is that possible...?" Kun Yun uttered a series of questions; his tone was filled with agitation.

Unfortunately, Mo Wuji already knew that this person was terrifying so he didn’t respond to this fella. Compared to Yu Minjiang, this fella was far more terrifying. Even though Yu Minjiang was very impressive, he still needed to make use of his surroundings.

"Come over. I promise that I will no longer try to lay hands on you. I have many things to tell you. I admit that I was too cautious previously. I swear that I don’t have any evil intentions." Kun Yun cried out anxiously. He finally understood why Mo Wuji could detect his killing intent; Mo Wuji actually cultivated the Mortal Dao. Even though Mo Wuji was still 108,000 li from validating his Dao, if Mo Wuji was successful, he would definitely be an expert that stood at the peak of the entire cosmos.

That sloppy old man’s guess those years ago was actually right. He guessed that mortals could also cultivate but he was derided by many of the other experts. Kun Yun didn’t think that after so many years, when most cultivation paths had reached their final stages, someone was still able to create the path of mortal cultivation. How impressive must this person be?

If he knew that Mo Wuji cultivated the Mortal Dao, he definitely wouldn"t have employed his previous method. A young cultivator of the Mortal Dao was enough for him to give up everything, including his already recovering giant sea of consciousness.

Despite Kun Yun"s beautiful promises, Mo Wuji continued to retreat backwards. There was no wonder why he couldn"t cultivate here; this was a sea of consciousness after all.

The reason why Mo Wuji was retreating so hurriedly was because he was sure that Kun Yun"s control over the sea of consciousness was limited. Otherwise, Kun Yun would have known about his Undying World.

After retreating for a thousand miles, Mo Wuji stopped and brought out his Kun Wu Sword. Against this old man, his Half Moon Weighted Halberd would be useless.

Kun Wu Sword conjured a sharp sword intent which was hundreds of meters long!

"Boom!" The sword intent slashed against the walls. Rocks from both sides of the walls shattered. A gull that was close to 3000 meters long was sliced out from the inclined walls. This was on the account that Mo Wuji"s spiritual will could only be released a radius of 300 meters. If his meters could reach 3000 meters, then that slash would have been multiple times more powerful.

Mo Wuji swept the crushed rocks to one side. Thereafter, his Scholar"s Heart descended down on these crushed rocks.

The way Mo Wuji saw it, since this was a sea of consciousness, its life force could be burnt using the Scholar"s Heart. Of course, the damage he could deal through such actions was far from fatal, but he had no lack of time. What he needed to do was to prevent this sea of consciousness from recovering.

Even though his cultivation was far from this self-proclaimed sage Kun Yun, he could slowly move this mountain. As long as his Kun Wu Sword continuously sliced at this sea of consciousness, then this sea of consciousness would take a longer time to recover.

"Stop, since you can tell that this is my sea of consciousness, it means that you know that I have the power to restrain you. It"s just that I don"t to disperse that fate and waste my elemental energy." Mo Wuji"s actions finally caused Kun Yun to be fl.u.s.tered. He was no longer in total control.

There was another reason why he drew Mo Wuji over to that rusty hilt. In the case that Mo Wuji decided to attack, the walls of his sea of consciousness within that area were within his control. He would be able to stop Mo Wuji.

But now, Mo Wuji had retreated to a place where he had almost no control over. This had caused him to lose his bottom line. He really couldn"t believe that Mo Wuji was able to figure out that this was a sea of consciousness. No one else would dare to believe this entire place was a sea of consciousness.

Stop? Mo Wuji sneered in his heart. The more you threaten Mo Wuji, the less afraid he would be. Not only didn"t he stop, his Kun Wu Sword conjured up a sword intent which was far stronger than before.

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