Immortal Mortal

Chapter 919: Darkness Origin

Chapter 919: Darkness Origin

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

The moment they entered the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, Mo Wuji and co. felt the turbulent Laws of Heaven and Earth. Compared to the outside, the Laws in the newly incubated area was simply chaotic without order. However, at every instant, the Laws seem to reorder themselves. Then, they would merge together in harmony.

"Ku Cai will follow me. Everyone can go on their own. There are plenty of treasures in the G.o.d Domain Nest. If it’s not necessary, try not to fight with others for treasures. If you encounter any danger, communicate using the communication beads." Practically everyone that entered the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest would rush off in all directions. Before they scattered as well, Mo Wuji instructed everyone once more.

He was only in Nascent G.o.d Level 2. In this newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, he couldn"t do anything much for everyone. Everyone could only depend on their own luck.

The group bid their farewells and left. Mo Wuji also left swiftly with Ku Cai.

Most people only know to head towards the depths of the G.o.d Domain Nest. However, unlike them, Mo Wuji knew where he needed to go exactly. It was where the Laws of Darkness were.

The reason why he brought Ku Cai was because Ku Cai cultivated a dark-type technique. Previously in G.o.d Domain, Ku Cai didn"t have much conditions for cultivation. Now that he found a direction with the Laws of Darkness, Mo Wuji naturally had to bring Ku Cai to it.

Back when Mo Wuji felt the Laws of Darkness, he only knew its direction. Now that he was actually going towards it, Mo Wuji found out that it was actually very far away. At the same time, he came to know that this newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest was truly vast.

Additionally, Mo Wuji was especially shocked at the amount of treasures here.

As he and Ku Cai made their way, they didn"t specially search around for G.o.d herbs. However, they actually found at least a hundred different varieties of G.o.d herbs. Moreover, Mo Wuji could tell that they were all at least Tier 3 and above. Even though there weren"t any high tiered G.o.d herbs, Mo Wuji was able to find loads of Tier 4 and Tier 5 ones.

Don"t look down on these Tier 3 to 5 G.o.d herbs. Even though G.o.d Domain was extremely vast, there weren"t many high grade G.o.d herbs; G.o.d herbs above Tier 5 were practically as rare as a phoenix feather or a qilin horn. Most herbs were in Tier 1 and Tier 2. A Tier 3 G.o.d herb was already considered a valuable item in G.o.d Domain.

During their journey they were also able to casually pick up tens of ores. Moreover, this was when Mo Wuji didn"t move towards the direction with denser G.o.d spiritual energy.

As Mo Wuji and Ku Cai went deeper, the Laws around them got increasingly chaotic. However, the energy of the Laws had gotten thinner than before. They found increasingly fewer G.o.d herbs and they couldn"t even find ores anymore.

One month later, Mo Wuji stopped at the periphery of a large desert. Because of the chaotic Laws, the desert buffeted with crazy amounts of dust and sand. Nothing could be seen clearly.

It wasn"t unusual to find deserts and seas in the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. The G.o.d Domain Nest was basically a newly incubated continent; there could be all sorts of different terrains. The G.o.d Domain Nest Sea was the sea left behind when previous G.o.d Domain Nest had fully incubated.

"Big brother, the G.o.d spiritual energy here is spa.r.s.e and there doesn"t seem to be any treasures." Ku Cai asked confusedly when she saw Mo Wuji stop in front of the large desert.

Mo Wuji pointed towards the vast and buffeting desert and said, "Ku Cai, there should be a Law of Darkness within this desert. This Law of Darkness is especially clear. Unfortunately, I only know that this Law of Darkness is within the desert, but I don"t know its exact position. The two of us both cultivate a dark-type technique. The G.o.d Domain lacks the Laws of Darkness, so for us to cultivate, as need to find this Law of Darkness in the desert."

There were indeed many treasures in G.o.d Domain Nest. However, to Mo Wuji, whatever treasures couldn"t compare to his cultivation.

"Big brother, I will listen to you." To Ku Cai, everything that Mo Wuji says was the truth.

"Alright, then we will go in." With that, Mo Wuji stepped into the desert. Even though the sand danced wildly, they weren"t able to deal much damage to him. Ku Cai was in Nascent G.o.d Level 2, so she also wouldn"t be hurt by the raging sand.

The direction towards the Law of Darkness that he felt using his spirit storage channel had disappeared. This desert was too vast. Even Mo Wuji could no longer determine an exact direction.

"Big brother, I can sense the Law of Darkness…" Just as Mo Wuji was thinking about what direction they should head to, Ku Cai cried out agitatedly.

When he heard Ku Cai"s words, Mo Wuji also got excited, "Then hurry and lead the way. I will follow behind you."

He had some faint understanding why it was like so. Ku Cai had always been cultivating this dark-type technique and the Laws of Darkness in G.o.d Domain were truly too indistinct. Because of this, Ku Cai was more sensitive towards the Laws of Darkness. Thus, she could sense the direction towards the Law of Darkness within this desert.

"En." Ku Cai acknowledged and sped into the raging sand.

Mo Wuji followed closely behind Ku Cai. He was extremely excited. The faster he found the place with the Law of Darkness, the more gains he would obtain in the new G.o.d Domain Nest.

The newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest"s array gate.

A goateed man flashed a fake laugh towards Pang Jie as he said, "Dao Friend Pang’s methods are not bad ah."

Pang Jie said calmly, "This Pang is dumb and doesn"t understand what G.o.d King Dark Bodhi means."

This goateed man was Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s only G.o.d King - G.o.d King Dark Bodhi, Xiang Zicheng. This person was at G.o.d King Level 3 and he was a greedy and vicious man. Previously, he was the one that s.n.a.t.c.hed Heavenly Mortal Sect"s five placings. Not only that, he also took several G.o.d spiritual veins and some peak grade treasures from Pang Jie.

G.o.d King Dark Bodhi chuckled loudly, drawing the attention of the other G.o.d Kings in the area. He said, "Previously, Dao Friend Pang pleaded me to leave behind one placing to enter the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, claiming that he had promised it to a disciple. But just now, why did I see at least seven to eight disciples of Heavenly Mortal Sect entering the G.o.d Domain Nest? I, Xiang Zicheng, might be old but my eyes aren"t blinded by age. So Brother Pang actually used such a method to leave behind so many placings. Respect, respect!"

Pang Jie"s expression turned ugly. He forcefully suppressed the fire in his heart and said, "As the ancestor of the sect, I haven"t been very useful. Luckily, my disciples have some capabilities to obtain their own placings."

"This words of Dao Friend Pang are actually true. Heavenly Mortal Sect truly has a capable disciple. At the very least, my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate"s Tang Wuzhen simply cannot compare." By the side, G.o.d King Salt Pavilion snickered and interrupted.

The group"s gaze turned towards him. Salt Pavilion continued, "Heavenly Mortal Sect’s concealment technique is very strong. Even I am unable to discern that he was at Nascent G.o.d Level 9, much less my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate"s good-for-nothing Nascent G.o.d disciple."

Others might not know the reason why Tang Wuzhen had been convinced by Mo Wuji but G.o.d King Salt Pavilion knew it clearly.

Even if Tang Wuzhen wanted to hide it, he wouldn"t dare to hide it from G.o.d King Salt Pavilion. It was just that he also didn"t know that Mo Wuji wasn"t in the Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage. In fact, Mo Wuji was only in Nascent G.o.d Level 1 when they battled. Not only that, Mo Wuji didn"t even use his powerful Seven World Finger.

G.o.d King Pang Jie didn"t refute. He knew that Heavenly Mortal Sect was facing its most difficult times. These people were simply looking for excuses to get rid of him. If he was killed, then his entire Heavenly Mortal Sect would disperse like smoke.

Seeing Pang Jie"s silence, both G.o.d King Dark Bodhi and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion sneered. G.o.d King Pavilion had already instructed his Heavenly G.o.d disciples to eliminate Mo Wuji.

As for Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s G.o.d King Dark Bodhi, he was even more vicious: his Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect"s disciples were ordered to kill all Heavenly Mortal Sect"s disciples that were in the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest.


Within the new G.o.d Domain Nest"s desert, Ku Cai stopped in her tracks.

"Ku Cai, why have we stopped?" Mo Wuji asked questioningly.

Ku Cai excitedly pointed at the whirlwind of sand beneath her feet and said, "Big Brother, I have an intense feeling that the Law of Darkness that we"re looking for it right under us."

"Then we"ll go down. Follow behind me." With that, Mo Wuji directly dug into the ground.

After digging in for several hundred miles, Mo Wuji also felt the Law of Darkness clearly. Even though he didn"t have a dark-type cultivation technique, the energy from this Law of Darkness was truly too clear.

In another half a day, Mo Wuji and Ku Cai landed within a huge s.p.a.ce.

This s.p.a.ce was like ink. The moment Mo Wuji entered, he felt as though his entire body and soul had fallen into darkness. Whether it as his blood or his bones, everything was invaded by this darkness. The pressure from the darkness left his entire body feeling discomfort.

His spiritual will was also frozen. Fortunately, he still had his spiritual eye, allowing him to see a radius of several tens of miles. In the s.p.a.ce around him, there was only one kind of the Law, that was the Law of Darkness. Clear and raw Law of Darkness.

Within this radius of tens of miles, floated an ink black bead. The Law of Darkness circulated within that bead. Mo Wuji already had a Lightning Origin Bead. Thus, he only needed a single glance at this bead to know that it was a Darkness Origin Bead.

Around the Darkness Origin Bead, there was a row of ten-over black crystals.

Mo Wuji had also gotten his hands on primal crystals before. When he laid eyes on those black crystals, he knew that they should be primal darkness crystals.

"Big Brother, there are so many crystals here." Ku Cai swiftly rushed forward and picked up two primal darkness crystals.

"Ku Cai, your spiritual will can see the things in here?" Mo Wuji asked quizzically.

Ku Cai nodded, "That"s right. My spiritual will is like a fish in water here. Above those crystals, there"s even a black coloured bead."

"That should be a Darkness Origin Bead," Mo Wuji answered.

"Big Brother, you can keep the Darkness Origin Bead and those crystals. I feel that if I cultivate here, my speed will be extremely fast." Ku Cai"s voice was slightly emotional; this was one of the desires in her heart.

Mo Wuji kept the Darkness Origin Bead and took some crystals. Then, he said to Ku Cai, "Ku Cai, these crystals should be primal darkness crystals. You can keep the rest. These things will be very useful to you. I will keep the bead first; I might have some use for it."

Mo Wuji"s Undying World had yet to be perfected and he didn"t know whether his Undying World would need this Darkness Origin Bead. Thus, he was going to keep it first.

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Chapter 920: Scheme

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Ku Cai started cultivated. Even though his eyes were closed, Mo Wuji could feel Ku Cai"s staggering pace of cultivation. In this s.p.a.ce, Ku Cai was like at home. Even though the G.o.d spiritual energy here wasn"t very pure, Ku Cai was able to extract the G.o.d spiritual energy from within.

Mo Wuji felt like he was seeing things; he was actually able to see Ku Cai"s cultivation improving with his naked eye.

This was truly too incredible. Even Mo Wuji couldn"t help but exhale a breath of cold air. His cultivation speed was definitely one of the fastest already, but even he couldn"t achieve the same speeds as Ku Cai.

Mo Wuji hurriedly installed several defensive arrays within this Law of Darkness s.p.a.ce. At the same time, he retrieved that dark-type skill crystal and sent his spiritual will in.

In merely ten over breaths of time, Mo Wuji had fully immersed in his cultivation.

Strands of the Law of Darkness were continuously swept away by Mo Wuji. During every circulation path, these strands would go through his dao revelation channel.

The dao energy within the dark-type skill crystal ball also merged with the Law of Darkness in the surroundings. Because of Mo Wuji"s insights, one dao inscription after another began to form around him.

The newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest had settled down and the seals over the array gate had also been formed. Except for those who could open the seals with their placing jade tokens, those that tried to forcefully enter the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest would be killed.

Pang Jie heaved a sigh of relief. Under the leaders.h.i.+p of Mo Wuji, his Heavenly Mortal Sect was able to send a group of people in. Supreme treasures could be found within the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. As long as they were able to return alive, they would definitely have a chance to become a true expert.

He, Pang Jie, was only an outer disciple. Those years ago, because of a meritorious deed for the sect, he was rewarded with the opportunity to enter the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest.

It was true that his advancement into the G.o.d King Stage was related to the Heavenly Mortal Technique. However, Pang Jie also knew that the treasures that he obtained in the G.o.d Domain Nest were also important factors.

"Various Dao Friends, this Pang has some matters to handle and I need to return to my encampment. I will take my leave first." Pang Jie knew that with the opening of the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, no one would leave for a few years. He needed to use this time to go back to the encampment and stabilise his cultivation.

"Haha, Dao Friend Pang, we are also preparing to return back to our sect encampments. Since that"s the case, let"s go together." Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect"s G.o.d King Dark Bodhi chuckled and said.

"Right, right. We should leave together." G.o.d King Salt Pavilion also stood up. Thereafter, he turned towards G.o.d Kings Yi Ming and Yan Du and said, "The two of you will be joining us?"

G.o.d King Yi Ming promptly nodded in agreement. On the other hand, G.o.d King Yan Du snickered, "I like a crowd. I will not leave for now."

When G.o.d Kings Yi Ming and Salt Pavilion heard G.o.d King Yan Du’s words, they both started. One must know that they had previously made arrangements to force the secret out of Heavenly Mortal Sect’s Pang Jie after the opening of the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. Their return to the encampment area now was exactly for that matter. G.o.d King Yan Du definitely knew about it. Why would he choose to back out now?

"Fat monk, what do you have to do here? Why can"t you return with us?" G.o.d King Yi Ming frowned slightly.

G.o.d King Yan Du slapped his tummy, "Hehe, even though the new G.o.d Domain Nest has already opened, there"s still some lingering Laws that I can pursue. I intend to try and gain some insights before I leave. The few of you don"t need to wait for me."

After the opening of the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, there were indeed some strands of Laws in the area. However, they were all extremely weak and obscure. An expert like G.o.d King Yan Du had no need to gain insights on such Laws. These words were mostly an excuse to not leave.

G.o.d King Yi Ming"s expression turned slightly unsightly, "Since Brother Yan Du isn"t willing to leave, then we will take our leave first."

Looking at G.o.d Kings Yi Ming, Salt Pavilion and Dark Bodhi left with Pang Jie, G.o.d King Yan Du sneered. Thereafter, his figure flashed and he left as well. However, he wasn"t returning back to G.o.d Domain Nest. Instead, he disappeared in a different direction.

The reason why he didn"t follow G.o.d King Yi Ming and co. back to G.o.d Domain Nest was because he knew that they were going to lay hands on Pang Jie.

Previously, before the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest opened, G.o.d King Yi Ming and co. didn"t dare to cause a ruckus because they didn"t want to incur the wrath of the Ten Great G.o.d Kings.

Now that the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest had opened, they only need to come up with an excuse to lay hands on Pang Jie. If the Ten Great G.o.d Kings found out about it, they would only give them a verbal warning at the most.

If this was before, G.o.d King Yan Du would have definitely followed them to deal with Pang Jie. He, Yan Du, also wanted to know the secret of Heavenly Mortal Sect.

But now, Yan Du wouldn"t do such a thing.

There was only one reason - Mo Wuji.

He was sure that Tang Wuzhen wasn"t convinced by Mo Wuji through words. Instead, it was because Tang Wuzhen had been defeated. Moreover, Yan Du was also sure that Mo Wuji was only at Nascent G.o.d Level 1. The reason why G.o.d King Salt Pavilion thought that Mo Wuji was at Nascent G.o.d Level 9 was because Salt Pavilion was misguided by Tang Wuzhen’s words and because Salt Pavilion didn"t have the same as him.

A Nascent G.o.d Level 1 cultivator was able to easily defeat a late stage Nascent G.o.d like Tang Wuzhen. What did this mean?

This meant that if Mo Wuji didn"t die, his future would be limitless. And this person with limitless potential had actually entered the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. He, Yan Du, was not willing to offend such a person.

Back then, he also considered milling Mo Wuji. Because of the opening of the new G.o.d Domain Nest, he didn"t have the opportunity to do so. And now that Mo Wuji had entered the G.o.d Domain Nest, he wouldn"t even have the opportunity to do so. Since he couldn"t kill Mo Wuji, why would he involve himself in such trouble?

The moment Pang Jie returned to the sect encampment, he was infuriated by what he saw before him. The entire first-floor hall of Heavenly Mortal Sect"s encampment was filled with corpses. At least twenty disciples lay mangled on the floor. The entire air was filled with the smell of blood.

"Who are you? You actually dare to kill in my Heavenly Mortal Sect"s encampment?" Pang Jie howled furiously. He extended his hand and grabbed two Heavenly G.o.ds, pinching them up in midair.

"Ancestor, these two people got wind that our Heavenly Mortal Sect still has two placings to enter the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. They actually came here trying to rob them and they even started slaughtering our disciples…" A pet.i.te woman in red roles bawled as she rushed over and kneeled on the ground.

Pang Jie recognised this disciple; she was called Dan Ya. He forcefully suppressed the killing intend on his heart as he spoke slowly, "What happened exactly?"

Dan Ya cried and said, "Senior Brother Mo left behind two placings for Yu Minyi and Zhan Chou. Supposedly, Senior Brother Zhan Chou and Senior Sister Yu Minyi would wait for Ancestor to return before heading to the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. I"m not sure how exactly these two Heavenly G.o.ds came to know of this matter. They came to our Heavenly Mortal Sect encampment and started a ma.s.sacre, attempting to steal our placings. If Ancestor hadn"t returned in time, all of our disciples would have been killed…"

As Dan Ya was speaking, a short and pudgy disciple stumbled over and kneeled on the ground, "Ancestor, please help."

This disciple was Jiao Xiangqi, Pang Jie also recognised him. At this instant, Pang Jie"s face was ashen. G.o.d Domain Nest"s sect encampment area was a place which prohibited any form of violence. What galls did these two Heavenly G.o.ds have to actually kill people here?

Even though he simply wanted to turn these two Heavenly G.o.ds into dust, Pang Jie still suppressed his intense anger. He released his palm and threw the two Heavenly G.o.ds onto the ground.

He knew that this matter definitely wasn"t initiated by these two Heavenly G.o.ds; there was definitely a mastermind behind them. Even if these two Heavenly G.o.ds had their b.a.l.l.s enlarged by ten thousand times, they wouldn"t dare come here and ma.s.sacre the Nascent G.o.d disciples of Heavenly Mortal Sect.

When these two Heavenly G.o.ds were dropped onto the ground, they heaved a sigh of relief. Even though they received the G.o.d King’s a.s.surance that everything would be fine as long as they left immediately after killing everyone, they didn"t expect that G.o.d King Pang Jie would return so timely. Fortunately, G.o.d King Pang Jie still had some reason in him and he hadn"t killed them. As long as he didn"t kill them, they would have hopes to survive.

"Bang! Bang!" Just as these two Heavenly G.o.ds landed on the ground, their brains exploded. A terrifying force of elemental energy directly tore their spirit channels and seas of consciousness apart. Their primordial spirits were also destroyed at that instant.

Before they died, their eyes were filled with shock, regret and hatred.

When Pang Jie saw these two’s brains exploding in front of his eyes, he was also astonished. He hadn’t thought of killing these two people. He still maintained his reason; he knew that he couldn’t kill anyone here. As long as he handed the two over to the authorities, they would undoubtedly be punished with death even if they were disciples of top sects.

"Dao Friend Pang, what’s going on?" A familiar voice sounded from outside. Pang Jie’s heart sank; he could tell that it was G.o.d King Dark Bodhi.

Pang Jie was able to cultivate to the G.o.d King Stage. How could he not see through such an obvious scheme?

"Dao Friend Pang, you’ve killed so many people?" G.o.d King Salt Pavilion’s voice came afterwards. Behind him was G.o.d King Yi Ming.

Pang Jie took in a deep breath. He knew that these three wanted to deal with him but he didn’t think that they would be so bold as to do so in the G.o.d Domain Nest’s sect encampment area.

Dan Ya hurriedly came forward and said, "Seniors, please don’t be mistaken. These are all disciples of my sect. They aren’t killed by my Ancestor, but those two Heavenly G.o.ds."

As she got here, Dan Ya pointed at the corpses of the two Heavenly G.o.ds and said, "My Ancestor only killed the two of them. That was because they slaughtered out Heavenly Mortal Sect’s disciples in our own encampment."

Pang Jie stared at Dan Ya coldly. He spoke to her, one word at a time, "You’re good, very good…"

He didn’t think that he would be betrayed by a mere Nascent G.o.d disciple of his very own sect. If his own disciple claimed that he was the one that killed those two, then any reb.u.t.tals from him would lose their effect.

"Brother Pang, even though I’m your friend, we’re still helpless against the rules of G.o.d Domain Nest. We’re not allowed to kill anyone in the sect encampment area. Even though Brother Pang has a reason for your actions, but we must take Brother Pang to meet G.o.d King Uncruel," G.o.d King Pavilion said indifferently.

Pang Jie had a calm expression on his face. He knew that he definitely couldn’t be taken away. Even if he had to die in battle, he couldn’t be taken away. If he was taken away, then he could forget about meeting the Ten Great G.o.d Kings.

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Chapter 921: Encounter With Senior Brother Death

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji felt like he had opened a whole, new door. His elemental energy and his insights towards the Laws were perfected. Previously, there were only two causes holding his cultivation back: 1. The lack of cultivation resources; 2. The imperfect Laws of the Heaven and Earth around him.

Only now did Mo Wuji knew that he had been cultivating in places with incomplete Laws of the Heaven and Earth. Since the very beginning, his cultivation had been lacking the Laws of Darkness.

Now that he finally cultivated within the Law of the Darkness, he felt like a withered desert that was being showered by a clear spring.

With the addition of the Laws of Darkness, his Grand Dao became clearer and his understanding towards his sacred arts also became more profound.

Half a year pa.s.sed in a flash before Mo Wuji finally opened his eyes. Even though he was still in Nascent G.o.d Level 2, the glee in his eyes couldn’t be concealed.

In half a year, he had completely perfected his Immortal Mortal Technique. Previously, his meridian-based reverse Immortal Mortal Technique was already a top-rated cultivation technique in the entire cosmos which could continuously perfect itself together with Mo Wuji’s greater insights towards the Laws. However, it seemed to be lacking something. Now, he finally understood that the something that he had been lacking was the Laws of Darkness.

Now that the Laws of Darkness had been integrated into his cultivation technique, his Immortal Mortal Technique could finally be considered perfect. Even though it was still lacking somethings, those will come following his improvements in cultivation. They were not things that could be obtained simply because he wanted it.

Mo Wuji stopped his cultivation and stood up. He noticed that Ku Cai was already at Nascent G.o.d Level 3; this pace of improvement was truly astounding.

He didn’t go and disturb Ku Cai. The quality of Ku Cai’s spiritual roots was extremely strong and they were suitable for cultivating the Laws of Darkness. This was different from him, even after he integrated the Laws of Darkness, his cultivation was still at Nascent G.o.d Level 2, but his power did improve. However, if he wanted to improve his cultivation, he would need to find a place rich in G.o.d spiritual energy.

Mo Wuji left a message for Ku Cai, asking her to continue cultivating here while he went to explore the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest for cultivation resources.

Because he wanted to integrate and study the Laws of Darkness, Mo Wuji spent half a year of time. However, this half of year of time had been very fruitful for Mo Wuji. Moreover, Mo Wuji believed that with the immensity of the G.o.d Domain Nest, it definitely wouldn’t be swept clean in half a year.

In reality, Mo Wuji had underestimated the cultivators’ ability to milk the treasures from the G.o.d Domain Nest. An entire month pa.s.sed but Mo Wuji didn’t manage to find any relatively good treasures. His entire path clearly seemed to have been ravaged clean. If not for that there was nothing good in the desert besides the Law of Darkness, it would probably also have been swept clean.

Mo Wuji decided to stop searching around the area. Activating his Wind Escape Technique to the max, Mo Wuji sped away.

After another month, Mo Wuji finally stopped. He saw a field of G.o.d herbs.

This was finally a place that had yet to experience any sort of human activity; there were at least hundreds of strands of G.o.d herbs here. As a pill refiner, these G.o.d herbs were going to be useful to him.

Mo Wuji called Shuai Guo and Da Huang out. Since they were going to be harvesting herbs, more hands would naturally be better.

"My lord, I discovered a Xiantian material…" Da Huang cried out in astonishment the moment he came out of the Undying World.

Mo Wuji anxiously asked, "Where? And how do you know that it’s a Xiantian material?"

Da Huang hurriedly said, "It’s not far from here. I guess that it’s related to my body. I can feel that the material had an energy similar to my Phecda Clay."

"Hurry and dig all these G.o.d herbs up. Then, Da Huang will lead the way to find the treasure," Mo Wuji instructed promptly.

He didn’t suspect Da Huang’s words; he had used Phecda Clay to model Da Huang’s body. What kind of thing was Phecda Clay? It was a Xiantian material. Since Da Huang’s own body was made of Phecda Clay, it wasn’t surprising that it could detect other Xiantian materials.

Shuai Guo had been cooped up in the Undying World for so long that it almost died of constipation. Now that it could come out and harvest G.o.d herbs, it was naturally very happy.

With three people working together, all hundreds of G.o.d herbs were soon sent into Mo Wuji’s Undying World.

Thereafter, under the leaders.h.i.+p of Da Huang, they travelled for half a day before they finally arrived at the edge of an unfathomably deep gorge. The widest part of the gorge was only 30 centimeters long while the thinnest part was only a tiny sliver. Instead of a gorge, it was more accurate to call it a crack. The entire crack was less than 100 meters long.

There were strange rocks on both sides of the gorge. Mo Wuji sent his spiritual will into the gorge but it couldn’t extend any further than 10,000 meters. It seemed as though his spiritual will had been blocked by something.

"My lord, it’s in this gorge," Da Huang pointed towards the depths of this narrow gorge and cried excitedly.

He knew who valuable the Phecda Clay used to sculpt his body was. Perhaps only this lord of his would use Phecda Clay just to help him forge a body. Since the aura of the thing in this gorge was similar to his Phecda Clay, it naturally wouldn’t be inferior. Since he could help his lord find a great treasure, Da Huang was extremely elated.

"I will go down and take a look. The two of you wait for me here… Eh, someone’s coming. The two of you go back in first." Mo Wuji directly sent Da Huang and Shuai Guo into the Undying World. At the same time, he swallowed a Dry Wimple Pill and changed his appearance. Thereafter, he even put on the mask that Wei Jie lent him.

There were only Heavenly G.o.ds here. Coupled with the protection of his domain, a Heavenly G.o.d shouldn’t be able to see through his two layers of disguises.

Just as Mo Wuji did this, three figures sped over.

Mo Wuji had already decided; if there were Heavenly G.o.ds among the three, he would leave immediately. However, from the aura of these three, he found that the strongest was no more than Nascent G.o.d Level 9.

Moreover, Mo Wuji recognised the strongest one, Qu You. He had saved this woman once before. He didn’t think that he would meet her again here. The newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest was so vast, but he was still able to meet Qu You. There seemed to be some fate between them.

Together with Qu You, there was one man and one woman, both in the intermediate Nascent G.o.d Stage.

Just as Qu You and her group landed, another two figures sprinted over from the distance.

Mo Wuji still didn’t move. From their spiritual ripples, the two newcomers were also in the Nascent G.o.d Stage. When these two finally approached, an intense killing intent immediately sprouted within Mo Wuji’s heart.

One of the two people was actually Senior Brother Death, Wu Liang. If asked who Mo Wuji wanted to kill the most now, it would be this Wu Liang.

"Qu You, I didn’t think that you would also be able to detect the treasure aura here. It’s truly a small world. I will say my words once more. Are you going to hand that thing over? If you hand it over, I wouldn’t lay hands on you. But if you don’t, I don’t care even if you’re a core disciple of the Forgotten Creek Dao Schoool." Wu Liang blocked Qu You’s path; his voice was laced with a strand of killing intent.

Thereafter, he turned to the man and woman beside Qu You and said, "That goes for the two of you."

Mo Wuji was slightly shocked. He was extremely clear of Qu You’s origins. Who’s the backer of this Senior Brother Death? To actually be unafraid of Qu You? Mo Wuji also discovered that the Nascent G.o.d that came together with Wu Liang also seemed to be afraid of him. The moment they gathered, he stood at a distance away from Wu Liang.

Qu You harrumphed, "Wu Liang, others might fear you but my Forgotten Creek Dao School doesn’t. I’m not the only one from my Forgotten Creek Dao School. Even if I’m not a match for you, there are still experts from my Forgotten Creek Dao School."

"Haha…" Wu Liang chuckled, "Try and call them. I give you three breaths of time. Hand the thing over. Otherwise, you die. I, Wu Liang, truly want to see, who’s able to do anything to me?"

Qu You’s face was filled with uncertainty. She could run away the first time because Wu Liang had been hindered by a trap array. She didn’t have that same luck now. When she heard Wu Liang’s words, she could tell that after killing her, he was confident of killing the rest here.

"Your name is Wu Liang? You truly have an ugly face." [1] A voice suddenly interjected, startling everyone.

Everyone turned to look at Mo Wuji. Even though Mo Wuji was the first to arrive, no one placed Mo Wuji in their hearts.

None of them expected that this n.o.body would actually come out and scold Wu Liang.

Wu Liang looked at Mo Wuji speechless and shook his head. "It’s normal to try and gain the favour of a beautiful woman. Unfortunately, you need to know the right time to do so. Originally, I intend to give you some time before I killed you. But since you’re courting your own death, then don’t blame this senior brother for being impolite."

As Wu Liang was speaking, he opened his palm and five black strings shot towards Mo Wuji. These five strings looked spa.r.s.e and fragmentary, but in the blink of an eye, they formed a huge net.

Mo Wuji’s figure flashed. Like a breeze, he dodged this string net.

Wu Liang jolted. He thought that his five strings would be able to easily trap Mo Wuji. Thereafter, he would slowly teach Mo Wuji how to behave. The first rule he would teach was to not try and gain the favour of a beauty in front of him, Wu Liang.

He didn’t expect that his five strings would actually be able to catch Mo Wuji. Exactly what was going on?

Mo Wuji still didn’t make a move. Instead, he spoke to the remaining people, "I’m a disciple of Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect. The few of you here, are you going to wait for me to kill Wu Liang first before I kill the rest of you? Or are you going to wait for Wu Liang to kill me before he kills the rest of you?"

When they heard Mo Wuji’s words, the four remaining people, including Qu You, hurriedly retreated. No one knew exactly how strong Mo Wuji was, but they knew how terrifying Wu Liang was. There was no need to talk about four of them. Even if there were more, Wu Liang was perfectly capable of killing all of them.

Wu Liang wanted to go forward and block them. However, Mo Wuji took a step forward and released a punch.

His Domain Shattering First directly shatttered Wu Liang’s domain. A terrifying wave of G.o.d elemental energy came surging towards Wu Liang. A whirlpool-like domain wrapped around Wu Liang. Wu Liang’s heart was filled with shock; he no longer tried to block Qu You and co. He could tell that Mo Wuji wasn’t weaker than him.

"Who are you?" Wu Liang shouted harshly and a copper gong floated in front of him. Those five black strings began to vibrate in the air, each ripple of vibrations emitting heavy killing intent. He knew all the famous Nascent G.o.ds in G.o.d Domain. Where did such a Nascent G.o.d expert like Mo Wuji come out from?

Mo Wuji knitted his brows. It wasn’t because he was afraid of Wu Liang, but because the four people he scared away had returned. They didn’t come back alone. Instead, twenty to thirty cultivators were with them.

Seeing the group of people approach the area, Mo Wuji decided to go ahead and attack. A finger shot towards Wu Liang.

Originally, he wanted to use his Seven World Finger to get rid of Wu Liang after chasing those people away. Now that there were so many people coming, he had to get rid of Wu Liang before they arrived.

The moment that finger shot out, white clouds began to disperse. All pursuits of the Dao transformed within the World of Men.

[1] The Hanyu pinyin here is "You truly have a Wu Liang face", where Wu Liang means not good.

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Chapter 922: Recognised

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

The moment that finger appeared, Wu Liang felt as though the s.p.a.ce around him had transformed into a world of its own and he was being pressured by this world. At this instant, Wu Liang felt all his sacred arts gradually melt and transform into a living thing living in this World of Men.

Everything in this World of Men seemed to be within the control of some majestic force. He felt like an ant within this control. Even if he was any stronger, he was still under the Laws of someone else. The moment these Laws fully take shape, he would no longer have any means of resistance.

What a strong sacred art. Wu Liang immediately knew that this was a peerless sacred art. He subconsciously wanted to attack with his Five Elemental String. He believed that even if his Five Elemental String was unable to break through this sacred art, it would at least be able to get him out of this predicament.

However, Wu Liang instantly gave up on that idea. He was a battle-hardened man; the number of people that died under him was too many to count. He could faintly tell that Mo Wuji didn"t only have this one finger. To put it in other words, after this World of Men, Mo Wuji should still have another move. Even if he managed to break through this World of Men, he would still die. The reason why he could live till this day was because of his strong intuition.

Wu Liang still chose to attack with his Five Elemental String. The instant the five strings shot out, a fracture appeared in Mo Wuji World of Men. The Laws seemed to return back to the natural Laws of Heaven and Earth.

Mo Wuji thought that Wu Liang would flee and he prepared to use his Second World Killer, Heaven and Earth, at that instant. However, Wu Liang actually charged into that crack in the earth.

This was the first time that Mo Wuji"s First World Killer, the World of Men, had been unable to cause any damage to his opponent.

He"s truly very strong. Not only was he strong, his ability to grasp opportunities in battle was also very astute. However, Mo Wuji didn"t find this strange. If Wu Liang could be killed so easily, he wouldn"t have obtained a place within the Ten Vicious Cultivators of G.o.d Domain Nest.

The more important reason was that his cultivation was too low. Thus, his World of Men could be broken through. If he had the same cultivation as Wu Liang, Wu Liang wouldn"t be able to rip through his World of Men even if the Five Elemental String was any stronger. No, if he was at Nascent G.o.d Level 4, then Wu Liang wouldn"t have been able to rip through his World of Men.

The instant Wu Liang charged into that crack, Mo Wuji didn"t hesitate to rush in after him.

That crack was where that supreme treasure was. How could Mo Wuji allow Wu Liang to enter it alone?

Mo Wuji and Senior Brother Death seemed to enter the crack one after another. After they entered the crack, the group finally arrived at the edge.

Qu You didn"t flee. Even if Senior Brother Death was here now, he would no longer dare to try and attack her.

"Who was that man? Why did it seem as though Wu Liang had been forced to flee into that crack by him?" A Nascent G.o.d Level 7 cultivator stared at that crack and asked in disbelief.

"Junior Sister Qu, who was that man that was fighting Wu Liang? To actually force Wu Liang to flee into that crack in a single move?" Another tall and young man asked doubtfully.

Qu You hurriedly answered, "Greetings Senior Brother Kong Fei. I also don"t know who that person was. The moment he came, he provoked Wu Liang. It seemed as though he had some hatred with Wu Liang."

Qu You admired this Kong Fei in front of her. He was a legacy disciple of Phecda G.o.d Sect, his character was upright, and his cultivation was strong. The reason why he wasn"t as notorious as the G.o.d Domain Nest"s Ten Vicious Cultivators was because he had always been merciful. If he could spare a person, then he would; he rarely engaged in slaughter.

"There was actually such an expert?" Kong Fei muttered to himself in shock. From what he knew, there were few Nascent G.o.ds that could force Senior Brother Death, Wu Liang, into retreat.

"That person should have seen that Wu Liang was trying to lay his hands on Senior Sister Qu, which was why he could not help but come forward. It"s Senior Sister Qu"s absolute beauty that saved the few of us," The female cultivator that was with Qu You laughed and said.

Qu You blushed lightly. In reality, she also had some suspicions that Mo Wuji came forward to help her. She naturally knew about her own beauty; there was no need to talk about G.o.d Domain Nest, there was no lack of experts in the entire G.o.d Domain that wanted to take her as a dao companion. It wasn"t weird for that young man that attacked Wu Liang to view her with favour.


If that young man viewed her with favour, then why did he chase them away? Also, she seemed to feel that the young man was slightly familiar. As for why he felt familiar, she couldn"t understand it at the moment.

"That person claimed that he was from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect. However, I believe that he shouldn"t be from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect. He had changed his appearance, and he had even put on a mask." The man that had been chased by Wu Liang came forward and said.

Everyone understood the meaning of his words. Even though Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect was a big sect, it didn"t have many Nascent G.o.d experts. In fact, they probably didn"t have a single Nascent G.o.d that could easily force Wu Liang into a crack.

A Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect disciple snorted, clearly dissatisfied by those words. His Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect was one with a G.o.d King. What did a mere Wu Liang even count for?

Kong Fei chuckled and diverted the topic, "Everyone should have come here for the same reason right - the treasure light…"

"Could that treasure light have come from this crack?" Before Kong Fei finished his words, another cultivator excitedly pointed towards the crack that Mo Wuji and Wu Liang entered.

Everyone stared at the crack. In reality, this cultivator didn"t need to say a thing; everyone could guess that this crack was where that treasure light came from.

Kong Fei said loudly, "If I"m not wrong, the treasure light should have come from that crack. Everyone, take a look around us. Besides this crack, there are no other peculiarities in the area."

No one said anything in response to Kong Fei’s words. Their spiritual wills couldn"t even reach the bottom of this crack; no oneness willing to take the risk to go down.

"Who has a demon pet? We can get the demon pet to go down first." After some time, someone in the crowd suggested.

When they heard demon pet, everyone"s eyes gathered on a weak looking female cultivator. She hurriedly said, "My Xiao Duo’s cultivation is too low. It can"t go down."

A cold snort sounded from within the crowd, "If I had a demon pet, I would have definitely sent it in. Since everyone"s here in search for treasures, then we must naturally work together."

The weak looking female cultivator recognised the cultivator that just snorted; it was a disciple from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect, Tai Mao. The Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect was notorious for being overbearing. She reluctantly brought out a spiritual beast bag and carefully opened it, "Xiao Duo, come and take a look whether there"s any danger in here. If it"s dangerous, then don"t go in."

A little foxlike beast came out of the bag. It seemed to understand the meaning behind its owner"s words. It carefully walked to the edge of the crack and peeped down. Thereafter, it turned and walked away; it seemed as though there was some sort of danger within the crack.

A gold robed man came forward and directly kicked the beast down the crack.

"You…" When the weak looking female cultivator saw her beast being kicked down, she was instantly filled with anxiety. However, she didn"t dare to complain because the person who kicked her beast was Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect"s Tai Mao. It was also because of him that she grudgingly brought her beast out in the first place.

"Tai Mao, that"s too much. There"s clearly some danger within that crack, and you actually kicked someone else"s beast inside it…" Qu You originally didn"t want to stand out and speak. However, she thought about the cultivator that helped her at the G.o.d Domain Nest seafloor. That person didn"t even know her but he came forward to help; he didn"t even ask for anything in return.

Before Qu You finished speaking, she suddenly jolted. She finally understood why the cultivator that challenged Senior Brother Death felt familiar.

That person was the one that saved her at the seafloor of G.o.d Domain Nest. He definitely was.

Qu You definitely didn"t believe that someone would unintentionally save her twice. Now, she even suspected that Mo Wuji was a secret admirer and he was silently protecting her from the shadows. It was just that his cultivation was far stronger than hers, which was why she didn"t notice it right away.

As she thought of this, Qu You"s heart suddenly started to pound heavily. It wasn"t because she fell in love with Mo Wuji, but because she anxiously wanted to find this person that saved her. If this person didn"t help her in the G.o.d Domain Nest, she, Qu You, would have already been killed. No matter who he was, she should take him personally.

"It was just a beast." Tai Mao said faintly. He dared to scold that nameless female cultivator but he didn"t dare to do that to Qu You.

At almost the same instant that Tai Mao uttered those words, a shrill cry resounded from within that crack. Everyone turned and faced one another. They all heard it clearly; that cry should have come from that beast called Xiao Duo.

After that beast went down, it only cried out before there weren"t any further signs of life from it. Although everyone sent their spiritual will in, they didn"t notice anything.

"Xiao Duo…" The weak looking female cultivator cried out in grief. Very clearly, she was very close with Xiao Duo.

"I will take my leave first." An early stage Nascent G.o.d didn"t hesitate to turn and leave.

Treasures were good, but only if one was alive to enjoy them. He was only an early stage Nascent G.o.d, even if there weren"t any dangers within the crack, he wouldn"t have been able to s.n.a.t.c.h the treasure over everyone else here.

Following the departure of that cultivator, several others left consecutively.

"Junior Sister Qu, what about you?" Kong Fei turned to Qu You and asked.

Qu You shook her head, "I will wait for now."

Her heart was slightly in disarray. If that cultivator that just went down was the same one that saved her in G.o.d Domain Nest Sea, then he would have saved her twice. Now that she knew that there were dangers within the crack, should she try to go down and save him?

Just as Mo Wuji entered the crack, five streams of killing intent swept towards him, seemingly enveloping the entire s.p.a.ce.

Mo Wuji could be considered a battle-hardened man. The moment he entered the crack, he immediately used his domain to protect himself. His spiritual will also detected that Wu Liang had laid an ambush. He clearly saw Wu Liang charge straight into the depths of the crack. However, that fella was actually able to prepare an ambush at the entrance.

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Chapter 923: The Treasure In The Gorge

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Five Elemental String tore through Mo Wuji"s whirlpool domain at lightning fast speeds, piercing accurately into Mo Wuji"s skin. A huge tearing force came over; the strength of Mo Wuji"s G.o.d Physique was revealed at this moment.

Supposedly, the five strings should have directly torn Mo Wuji into pieces. But because Mo Wuji"s physique was too strong, only two managed to penetrate through his body. Moreover, their explosive elemental energies were neutralised within Mo Wuji"s body. As for the remaining three, they were all blocked by Mo Wuji"s bones.

Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness suddenly started to tremble. Even though only two strings pierced through his body, the dao laws within these two strings actually tried to seal his sea of consciousness.

"Kid, let’s see where else you can go to…" Wu Liang’s cold laughter suddenly sounded beside Mo Wuji. At the same time, a cold light sailed through the air, cleaving towards Mo Wuji’s forehead.

Mo Wuji was inwardly very shocked. Not only was this Senior Brother Death very strong, he also had many methods. Even his very own teleportation couldn’t allow him to appear out of the depths of the gorge in such a short time. This was because there was a strong gravitational force within this gorge; it was easy to enter but hard to leave. Moreover, this Senior Brother Death was even able to do it without him noticing it.

This was probably due to some spatial transfer ability in this fella’s Five Elemental String, allowing Wu Liang to directly be sent out from the depths of the gorge.

However, such a method was not enough to kill him, Mo Wuji. There was no need to talk about how these two strings didn’t manage to completely seal his sea of consciousness. Even if his sea of consciousness was completely sealed, he still had his spirit storage channel.

At the same instant that Wu Liang tried to kill him, Mo Wuji made his move. His Half Moon Weighted Halberd conjured a huge, silver river which cascaded down towards Wu Liang.

Mo Wuji was shocked, but Wu Liang was even more so. Even G.o.d Monarchs would face difficulties against his Five Elemental String’s Five Elemental s.p.a.ce. The moment the Five Elemental String was in place, even if it couldn’t tear his opponent’s body apart, it would still trap him within the Five Elemental s.p.a.ce.

Even though this puny Nascent G.o.d didn’t notice his Five Elemental String, only two out of the five managed to pierce through his body. Clearly, his opponent was an extremely strong physique temperer that was at the late stage G.o.d Physique at the very least. It was already an incredible feat for a mere Nascent G.o.d to reach the late stage G.o.d Physique.

As he thought about Mo Wuji’s strength, Wu Liang suddenly had a weird sense of excitement. He, Wu Liang, believed that he was extremely strong despite being at the Nascent G.o.d Stage. Besides his talent, a more important reason for this were the secrets that he, Wu Liang, had.

His greatest secret was his Five Elemental String.

He definitely didn’t believe that this incredibly strong Nascent G.o.d in front of him didn’t have any secrets. As long as he managed to kill this fella, all those secrets would belong to him.

Fantasies are beautiful, but reality is often very cruel. Before Wu Liang’s cold light approached Mo Wuji’s forehead, an overbearing sensation of death wrapped around him. He lifted his head to see a cascading, silver river.

At this point, how could Wu Liang still want to try and kill Mo Wuji? Even though he could end Mo Wuji’s life at the expense of his own, he wouldn’t do such a thing. His figure immediately flashed as he tried to escape. Suddenly, he felt as though the s.p.a.ce around him had been sealed. Wu Liang was actually unable to flash away.

In his anxiety, he directed the cold light, which he shot towards Mo Wuji, towards the silver river. It was also at this instant that Mo Wuji’s Spatial Imprisonment ended.

"Kacha!" The halberd light crashed against the cold light, turning the cold light into nothingness. In that short gap, Wu Liang was finally able to move.

"Pff!" A trail of blood gushed out. The halberd light which could have cleaved Wu Liang in half only managed to decapitate one of Wu Liang’s arms.

Wu Liang’s figure flashed as he charged into the depths of the gorge.

He managed to bring away three of the Five Elemental String. The two that pierced through Mo Wuji were locked in place by Mo Wuji’s elemental storage channel and spirit storage channel. Wu Liang wasn’t able to quickly pull them out and he also didn’t dare to tangle himself with Mo Wuji any further.

Mo Wuji pulled out those two strings and threw them into his Undying World. A greyish white mist oozed out of his injuries. An intense sensation of weakness began to spread throughout his body. His detoxification channel went into action and swept that greyish white mist away.

What a strong Law of the Five Elements ; Mo Wuji exclaimed inwardly. This Law of the Five Elements was actually able to create a fatal poison. This was the first time he saw such a thing. If he didn’t have his detoxification channel, then he might have really fallen by that.

To be famous throughout the entire G.o.d Domain Nest, this Senior Brother Death truly had some moves.

Without waiting for his injuries to fully heal, Mo Wuji charged into the depths of the gorge. Even if there weren’t any treasures below, Mo Wuji didn’t intend to let Wu Liang off.

The gorge couldn’t be considered shallow but it also wasn’t as deep as Mo Wuji imagined. In merely half an incense’s time, Mo Wuji found Wu Liang with his spiritual eye. The bloodied Wu Liang was sitting among a pile of crushed rocks.

He chuckled, "Kid, I, Wu Liang, will die here today. But you are going to die with me…"

Wu Liang’s words stopped abruptly. He stared at Mo Wuji in shock and he muttered, "This is not possible. Why aren’t you poisoned?"

At this moment, Mo Wuji felt a terrifying venom a.s.sailing him; his detoxification channel continuously converted this poison in elemental energy.

"So that poison wasn’t manifested due to Wu Liang’s Five Elemental String." Mo Wuji immediately came to a realisation when he saw Wu Liang’s face of defeat. The poison wasn’t from the Five Elemental String but this gorge. Both him and Wu Liang didn’t notice it. Thereafter, the Five Elemental String pierced through his body, allowing the poison to invade inside him. He only managed to detect the poison when his detoxification channel went into action.

Previously, he thought that Wu Liang was the one that poisoned him. Now, he knew that it wasn’t related to Wu Liang. Because at this instant, Wu Liang was also poisoned.

Mo Wuji no longer cared about Wu Liang. He didn’t need to do anything; this poison was enough to easily kill Wu Liang. His gaze turned towards an eight-sided crystal floating behind Wu Liang. This crystal was the size of a fist and it was floating above the crushed rocks.

When Mo Wuji’s spiritual will landed on that crystal, the majestic aura of the Heaven and Earth came surging over. At the same time, he felt an immense pressure. This pressure was so strong that it made it hard for him to breath. Mo Wuji hurriedly retracted his spiritual will as he stared at this crystal in shock.

"What is this?" Mo Wuji muttered to himself. Ever since he came to G.o.d Domain, he furiously filled himself with knowledge on various kinds of materials and herbs. However, he actually didn’t recognise this eight-sided crystal.

"You actually don’t recognise this thing, you’re…" Wu Liang suddenly started to chuckle. His energy was getting weaker.

Mo Wuji stared at Wu Liang coldly, "What’s this thing?"

Wu Liang finally stopped his maniacal laughter. He looked at Mo Wuji with a hint of irrepressible envy, "You are under a disguise, right? If I’m not wrong, you are the one that took away the Medicinal Cauldron Stone when the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest first opened. That person that took it also disguised himself."

Mo Wuji said faintly, "Seeing that you are about to die, I will tell you the truth. You’re right, I’m the one that took the Medicinal Cauldron Stone."

When Wu Liang heard Mo Wuji’s confession, his eyes were filled with unwillingness. He, himself, had obtained many opportunities, but he was never like Mo Wuji, to obtain so many great opportunities in a single year. If he could move, he would definitely strangle Mo Wuji and take away all those treasures.

"Tell me, did you attack me because of Qu You?" Wu Liang stared at Mo Wuji. If Mo Wuji really attacked him because of a woman, he, Wu Liang, would really die with regrets.

"Thin monkey. A man of your eminence is apt to be forgetful. Not long ago, you even prayed for me to live longer. I didn’t think that you would forget it so quickly. Let me tell you, my name is Mo Wuji…" Mo Wuji took a step forward and looked down coldly at Wu Liang.

When Wu Liang heard Mo Wuji’s name, he was instantly stunned still. After some time, he said with a trembling voice, "It’s you, it’s actually you…"

He finally understood why Mo Wuji didn’t get affected when his name, Senior Brother Death, was mentioned. Back then, he thought that Mo Wuji was a fool that didn’t know how impressive the Ten Vicious Cultivators were. That was why he chuckled towards Mo Wuji and prayed for Mo Wuji to live a long life. During that time, he had already decided to kill Mo Wuji. It was just that he didn’t meet Mo Wuji since then.

Now, he finally understood that it wasn’t because Mo Wuji didn’t know about the Ten Vicious Cultivators. Instead, it was because this fella didn’t even place the Ten Vicious Cultivators in his heart… At the same time, he also knew why Mo Wuji wanted to kill him. He was obsessed with killing the disciples of the Heavenly Mortal Sect. Even on the Battle Stage itself, he killed more than one Heavenly Mortal Sect disciple. It would be weird if Mo Wuji didn’t want to kill him.

"Pff!" He coughed out a mouthful of black blood. Wu Liang cried out harshly, "I hate you! What virtues and abilities do you have? To actually be able to obtain the Medicinal Cauldron Stone and the Primal G.o.d Lattice…"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Liang’s head tilted to the side. All signs of life disappeared without a trace.

It’s actually a Primal G.o.d Lattice? Mo Wuji looked at that eight-sided crystal in shock. He knew how valuable the Primal G.o.d Lattice was; it was something that exceeded a Five Star G.o.d Lattice. It was something of legends; he didn’t think that he would actually see one in real life.

Seeing the Primal G.o.d Lattice of legend was indeed enough to excite Mo Wuji. However, unlike other cultivators, Mo Wuji didn’t anxiously rush over and grab it.

Other Heavenly Immortals needed to condense their immortal lattice. He, on the other hand, didn’t condense an immortal lattice. However, wasn"t he still able to reach the Nascent G.o.d Stage? Thus, a G.o.d lattice, even the Primal G.o.d Lattice, wasn’t enough to excite Mo Wuji greatly.

On the other hand, his gaze landed on the dead Wu Liang. Wu Liang’s life force had disappeared and his Laws had dispersed. These were clear signs that he was dead.

Mo Wuji didn’t leave it like that. He swept Wu Liang’s ring away. At the same time, he threw a ball of fire towards Wu Liang.

The lifeless Wu Liang suddenly opened his eyes. He cried out harshly, "Mo Wuji, you’re truly vicious…"

Mo Wuji was really got a shock. He actually couldn"t tell that this fella was alive. At this moment, his Scholar"s Heart began to burn with greater frenzy. Instants later, Wu Liang was completely burned into nothingness.

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Chapter 924: Huge Rewards

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

After killing Senior Brother Death, Wu Liang, Mo Wuji brought out a jade box and swept that floating Primal G.o.d Lattice in.

The moment Mo Wuji kept the eight-sided crystal, the s.p.a.ce around him started to turn turbulent.

Not good, this place is going to collapse . Just as Mo Wuji thought of this, the rocks around him began to fall like dominoes - they began to crumble continuously. The s.p.a.ce around him was a huge mess of chaos.

Mo Wuji sighed as he hurriedly entered his Undying World. He didn"t wish to get injured during such a collapse.

As Mo Wuji"s location collapsed, those standing outside the gorge all felt it. The ground beneath them also started to break down. The Laws around them turned chaotic, sweeping up copious amounts of sand and rocks. It was like a whirlpool formed within that gorge; everything in the surroundings was swept away by this whirlpool.

Facing such a chaotic whirlpool of Laws, even a Heavenly G.o.d wouldn"t dare to stay behind. If they were accidentally swept in, even if they didn"t die, all their skins would get sc.r.a.ped away.

The cultivators that didn"t leave previously all fled. Even Kong Fei retreated.

"Senior Sister Qu, we should leave too. Facing this collapse of Laws, we definitely wouldn"t be able to find the treasure, if there even is one, unless a G.o.d King personally intervenes." When they saw the crowd take their leave, the man and woman that came with Qu You advised.

Qu You hesitated slightly before saying, "You guys leave first. I still want to wait."

The man and woman both sighed; they could only retreat by themselves. There were plenty of treasures in this newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. To wait here for a treasure that might not even exist would truly be a huge loss.

After the crowd all retreated, Qu You tried approaching the eye of the whirlpool. However, this whirlpool was truly too terrifying. There was no need to talk about approaching it physically, even when her spiritual will got close, it would instantly get swept away. The Laws in the area was a patch of chaos; it wasn"t a place that ordinary Nascent G.o.ds could get close to.

After waiting for another ten over days and making more than a hundred attempts, Qu You sighed and left the area.

When the whirlpool first formed, Mo Wuji wasn"t able to send his spiritual will outside. Even after half a month pa.s.sed, the strength of this whirlpool didn"t seem to weaken and the Laws in the area continued to get increasingly chaotic. Mo Wuji decided to give up on proving his surroundings and wait in his Undying World.

Within his Undying World, Mo Wuji took out Senior Brother Death’s, Wu Liang"s, storage ring.

Mo Wuji had great expectations towards Wu Liang"s storage ring. There was no need to talk about how Wu Liang was exceptionally strong despite being only in the Nascent G.o.d Stage. More importantly, it had been half a year since the G.o.d Domain Nest opened. During this time, he and Ku Cai had been hiding in a corner cultivating. Wu Liang, on the other hand, had been exploring the area. The newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with treasures; he didn"t believe that Wu Liang wouldn"t have better yields than him.

In this long time since he entered the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, besides that Primal G.o.d Lattice which he just obtained, he only managed to get his hands on those hundred over G.o.d herbs.

Moreover, Mo Wuji still couldn"t be sure that the crystal was actually a Primal G.o.d Lattice. This was just something that Wu Liang said. Who"s to know whether that fella was telling the truth?

Mo Wuji"s Array Dao had already reached the level of a Grade 2 G.o.d Array Master. In less than two hours, he was able to break open the seals in Wu Liang"s storage ring.

When Mo Wuji saw the things within Wu Liang"s ring, he was truly dumbfounded.

Compared to Wu Liang, he couldn"t even be considered a beggar.

Wu Liang"s storage ring was clearly not an ordinary one. Inside, there was a huge herb field. This field was filled with different kinds of G.o.d herbs

Mo Wuji didn"t recognise at least 10% of the herbs, and of those that he recognised, they were all Tier 2 and above.

The more ordinary Tier 2 and Tier 1 G.o.d herbs were stashed by the side. They were enough to form a small mountain.

Skirting pa.s.s these G.o.d herbs, Mo Wuji"s spiritual all landed on three piles of crystals.

Since Mo Wuji came to G.o.d Domain, this was his first time seeing so many G.o.d crystals. More accurately, this was his first time owning so many G.o.d crystals. Previously, Xi Nianmo also took out a huge pile of G.o.d crystals to pay for the transfer arrays. However, those G.o.d crystals didn"t belong to him and he could only look at them.

Now, he was the owner of these three piles of G.o.d crystals.

Mo Wuji guessed that the smallest pile should be high-grade G.o.d crystals, the pile at the centre should be intermediate grade G.o.d crystals, and the pile by the side should be low-grade G.o.d crystals.

Mo Wuji held a low-grade G.o.d crystal in his hand. The rich G.o.d spiritual energy and the completeness of the Laws within this crystal was countless times more than the green crystals he obtained previously.

Only now did Mo Wuji know that the piles of green crystals in his Undying World couldn’t even be compared to the edges of a low-grade G.o.d crystal. They could only be considered junk crystals that didn’t manage to become G.o.d crystals. Only cultivators of the Immortal World would consider them as treasures.

The huge piles of G.o.d herbs and G.o.d crystals were sent into the Undying World. As for the mountains of materials, they were also arranged nicely by Mo Wuji as he prepared to use them for forging.

After organising Wu Liang’s technique manuals and magic treasures, Mo Wuji finally knew what the five strings were - the Five Elemental String. This treasure could be used to form a complete world. The reason why Wu Liang Wu Liang didn’t use the world formed by the Five Elemental String to trap him was due to Wu Liang’s low cultivation; Wu Liang hadn’t even condensed his G.o.d lattice.

As he thought about Tang Wuzhen’s cosmos starry treasure and Wu Liang’s Five Elemental String, Mo Wuji realised that his magic treasures really couldn’t be placed on the same level.

His Half Moon Weighted Halberd was forged by the Immortal World’s Xu Suren. It could be considered a peak-grade treasure in the Immortal World. However, it was equivalent to a chicken rib [1] here in G.o.d Domain.

As for the technique manuals, Mo Wuji didn’t care much about them; he didn’t even place Wu Liang’s sacred arts in his eyes. On the other hand, the Five Elemental String caught his fancy; he decided to refine it as his magic treasure.

Besides the technique manuals, the other miscellaneous items and vases of pills were chucked away to the side.

Even if he had to use pills in his cultivation, he wouldn’t use the pills made by others. He had so many G.o.d herbs now. After he perfected his knowledge regarding G.o.d herbs, he would concoct his own pills.

Mo Wuji also threw a pile of storage rings to one corner. Looking at the large numbers of storage rings, Mo Wuji could tell that this Wu Liang had killed many people.

After organising everything, Mo Wuji started to refine the Five Elemental String.

Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness was strong, and he also had his spirit storage channel. However, after a month, Mo Wuji wasn’t able to refine it any further. What left him slightly disappointed was that while this Five Elemental String was very strong and it was made of great materials, it was actually a defective product. Many of the Laws within it were incomplete. At the very most, it could only be considered a pseudo-intermediate grade G.o.d equipment.

Mo Wuji knew that the equipment in G.o.d Domain were cla.s.sified as low, intermediate, high and peak. Perhaps there were also equipment above the peak-grade but Mo Wuji didn’t know of any.

It was already amazing for a Nascent G.o.d to possess a pseudo-intermediate-grade G.o.d equipment.

At the very least, he could use the Five Elemental String all the way till he advances to the G.o.d Monarch Stage.

After keeping the Five Elemental String, Mo Wuji didn’t move on to cultivate. The Laws within his Undying World wasn’t complete, and if he were to cultivate, he could only condense his G.o.d elemental energy. Instead, Mo Wuji brought out the mountain of materials from Wu Liang’s storage ring. If he didn’t use this time to forge equipment, he would be wasting these materials.

In Mo Wuji’s Equipment Dao, besides the legacy from Xu Suren, most of it was deduced based on his Immortal Mortal Technique.

The Immortal Mortal Technique wasn’t most suitable for cultivation, but the various kinds of auxiliary techniques. Pill Dao, Equipment Dao, Talisman Dao, Array Dao…

Only those that cultivate the Immortal Mortal Technique can understand why it was more suitable for the auxiliary daos. Turning the ordinary into something extraordinary; that was the Immortal Mortal Technique.

Huge piles of smithing materials were wasted by Mo Wuji, turning in

Gradually, a mountain of trash began to form beside Mo Wuji. However, at the same time, Mo Wuji managed to forge one crude low-grade G.o.d equipment after another.

Five months later, Mo Wuji forged an incomparably boorish low-grade halberd. He finally stopped his forging.

The original mountain of materials was almost depleted. Besides some peak-grade materials which he wasn’t able to melt down and use, he basically used all the materials in his forging.

Within this five months, he was actually able to forge low-grade G.o.d equipment. However, their appearances were far from pleasing.

Mo Wuji didn’t mind. He knew that this was because he had yet to advance to the Heavenly G.o.d Stage and he didn’t fully understand the various Laws of the Heaven and Earth here in G.o.d Domain.

This was already enough for him. Besides having an ugly halberd, he could also start to forge a cauldron.

Mo Wuji specially went back to check on his Medicinal Cauldron Stone. This was a Xiantian material and its only use was to forge a cauldron.

Moreover, there was one speciality of a cauldron forged by the Medicinal Cauldron Stone which leaves every pill refiner jealous, that was it could continuously advance. Even if you forged an immortal-grade cauldron, following your continuous pill concoctions and the integration of your Pill Dao and the Laws of the Heaven and Earth, the cauldron could gradually evolve and become a G.o.d equipment.

In theory, the cauldron forged using the Medicinal Cauldron Stone could advance to the Xiantian grade. Of course, this was only in theory. For this cauldron to advance to the Xiantian grade, wouldn’t it have to concoct countless Tier 9 G.o.d pills? Or more accurately, it would have to concoct pills that exceeded Tier 9 G.o.d pills?

Now that Mo Wuji could concoct low-grade G.o.d equipment, he naturally wouldn’t allow the Medicinal Cauldron Stone to continue lying around.

Originally, Mo Wuji was worried that his understandings towards the Laws and his Scholar’s Heart would be insufficient to forge with the Medicinal Cauldron Stone. However, when Mo Wuji used his Scholar’s Heart to refine the Medicinal Cauldron Stone, he knew that he had been overthinking. This actually left Mo Wuji rather concerned. The Medicinal Cauldron Stone was a Xiantian material after all. But now, it was being melted so easily. After it was successfully forged into a cauldron, would he have to heavily inscribe seals and runes on it? And if the seals break apart, would the cauldron melt in the flames?

The Medicinal Cauldron Stone continuously changed its shape within the flames. Eventually, it turned into an unusually ugly cauldron shape. The moment the cauldron took form, Mo Wuji spit a drop of vital blood on it. What shocked Mo Wuji, thereafter, was that he was unable to inscribe any runes on the Medicinal Cauldron Stone.

The final step of his forging was to inscribe runes to complete the equipment. But now, he didn’t even need to inscribe the runes; the cauldron seemed to have completely taken shape.

The moment the cauldron took shape, Mo Wuji’s flames were no longer able to leave a mark on the cauldron.

Mo Wuji sighed in relief. While this cauldron was ugly, it was already enough to start concocting G.o.d pills.

[1] The chicken rib here is a metaphor. A chicken rib is known for being tasteless and in comparison, his Half Moon Weighted Halberd is seen as being useless.

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Chapter 925: One Must Do Some Foolish Things In Life

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Even though he already had a pill furnace, Mo Wuji still couldn"t concoct G.o.d pills. Forging equipment was different from concocting pills. When it comes to forging equipment, even if you only have one material, as long as you had your own Equipment Dao, you could forge a magic treasure. The greater your understanding towards the material, the better the magic treasure forged. Thus, if your understanding towards the material was shallow, then your magic treasure would come out rather ordinarily. It was exactly because of this reason that Mo Wuji"s low-grade G.o.d equipment were very ugly.

On the other hand, when it came to concocting G.o.d pills, one would need to have a deep understanding towards the G.o.d herbs, their unique characteristics, as well as the pill formulas.

Every pill formula was crafted after countless years with the collective knowledge of countless people. Even if Mo Wuji"s Immortal Mortal Technique was any stronger, it couldn"t continuously churn out pill formulas. At least, he couldn"t casually create pill formulas for G.o.d pills at this moment.

If he was asked to create the pill formula for an immortal pill, it would be as easy as flipping his hand. This was because Mo Wuji"s Pill Dao had already reached the summit of the Immortal World. On the other hand, he had yet to properly start on G.o.d pills.

Even though he could only condense his G.o.d elemental energy in his Undying World, Mo Wuji"s heart would truly itch if he didn"t cultivate with his newfound fortune.

Another two months pa.s.sed before Mo Wuji stood up from the pile of G.o.d crystals. It was as he had expected, his cultivation had reached the Great Circle of Nascent G.o.d Level 2. However, no matter how dense his G.o.d elemental energy got, he was unable to break through Nascent G.o.d Level 2 into Level 3.

I can go out now. Mo Wuji sent his spiritual will out and noticed that the chaotic Laws outside had already started to stabilise.

Two hours later, Mo Wuji was back on the surface. Since a few month ago, this area had been deserted.

Even though the Laws here weren"t perfect, Mo Wuji"s G.o.d elemental energy had already reached a certain threshold. The moment he emerged, he was exposed to stronger dao laws from the Heaven and Earth. He didn"t even need to cultivate as his cultivation directly broke past Nascent G.o.d Level 2 and into Level 3.

If he were to fight Wu Liang now, Mo Wuji was confident that fella wouldn"t escape with simply a decapitated arm.

Although he was set back another half a year, Mo Wuji didn"t mind. The items within that Senior Brother Death’s, Wu Liang"s, storage ring was already enough to compensate him.

Mo Wuji took put his mask and reverted back to his original appearance.

People had witnessed him and Senior Brother Death entering that crack. His involvement in this matter definitely couldn"t be revealed to others. That Senior Brother Death"s backer was definitely not simple. If people know that he was the one that killed Senior Brother Death, then what kind of trouble would he be landing himself in?

It was exactly as Mo Wuji had predicted. Another two months pa.s.sed but he still didn"t find anything good. Not only that, he didn"t even see a second silhouette.

Just as Mo Wuji was thinking about which direction he should go to, he received a message from a Heavenly Mortal Sect disciple. More accurately, he received a call for help.

Mo Wuji was the Da s.h.i.+xiong of Heavenly Mortal Sect after all. How could he hesitate when he received a distress call from his Heavenly Mortal Sect? He immediately activated his Wind Escape Technique to the max and rushed over.

In less than an incense’s time, Mo Wuji saw a crowd of people. With his rough estimates, there were at least one to two hundred people.

Waves of fragrance wafted over. Even Mo Wuji felt relaxed and spirited when he smelt this fragrance; it felt as though his cultivation stage had loosened. Mo Wuji extended his spiritual will over and saw a giant tree which was tens of meters tall. And on that giant true, were plenty of fruits.

The fruits were very green. Clearly, these cultivators were waiting for these fruits to ripen. Even before ripening, the smell of these fruits was already enough to cause Mo Wuji to feel so relaxed. It was obvious that these fruits were extremely valuable and there was no wonder why there were so many people gathered here.

However, Mo Wuji’s attention wasn’t on this fruit tree but a bloodied cultivator.

It was Heavenly Mortal Sect’s disciple, Wei Ru. He was a one of those that Mo Wuji had given a jade token to.

One of Wei Ru’s arms was gone, his aura was withered and he seemed to be in a state of unconsciousness. Even his storage ring was missing.

"I didn’t think that you would actually come. You’re pretty fast." A devious voice sounded beside Mo Wuji’s ear. Mo Wuji’s gaze turned towards the owner of this voice. It was a Nascent G.o.d Level 7 cultivator. From the sect emblem on his robes, he should be from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect.

Mo Wuji didn’t care about this Nascent G.o.d disciple. With a single step, he landed beside Wei Ru and sent a healing pill into Wei Ru’s mouth.

Although Mo Wuji still couldn’t concoct his own G.o.d pills, he had a fair amount of healing pills. All these were obtained from Wu Liang’s ring.

The efficacy of the healing pill was really not bad. In a short time, Wei Ru regained consciousness. The moment he saw Mo Wuji, he anxiously cried, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, they forced me to send that message to you. You need to hurry and leave…"

Mo Wuji finally understood that Wei Ru’s call for help was actually forced. He retrieved more healing pills, sent them into Wei Ru’s mouth and said, "Exactly what happened, tell me."

"Ant, let this old man tell you." Yet another arrogant voice sounded. Thereafter, a Nascent G.o.d with a huge beard emerged, seemingly wanting to attack Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji turned and stared at this cultivator that was about to make a move on him, "Tang Wuzhen, you want to fight with me?"

He recognised that this fella with the huge beard was from the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate and the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate’s Tang Wuzhen was also present here. Even though Mo Wuji really wanted to start a slaughter, he still hadn’t made full sense of the situation. Moreover, there weren’t only one or two Heavenly G.o.ds here. He was merely at Nascent G.o.d Level 3; it was not enough to lord over everyone here.

Tang Wuzhen said speechlessly, "Mo Wuji, I am not involved in this."

Although he said this, he still turned to that bearded cultivator and said, "Junior Brother Huan, this matter doesn’t involve our Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate for now. Don’t do anything."

When they saw Tang Wuzhen compromising with a single sentence from Mo Wuji, everyone’s eyes turned towards him. If they previously treated Mo Wuji as an ant, now, they treated him as a peculiar ant.

Of course, an ant was still an ant.

Mo Wuji had offended Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect but he still came here. Besides death, there was no other path for him. There was no need to talk about how there were 20 over Nascent G.o.ds from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect here. There were also three Heavenly G.o.ds.

On the other hand, Mo Wuji was only a single early-stage Nascent G.o.d. It didn’t matter whether he forced Tang Wuzhen to compromise. In front of the Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect alone, Mo Wuji didn’t have a chance.

When that Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s Nascent G.o.d Level 7 disciple saw Tang Wuzhen standing down due to Mo Wuji’s threat, he halted his fellow junior brothers and himself. He was momentarily at a shock.

The healing pills that Mo Wuji gave Wei Ru started to take effect. Even though Wei Ru’s arm had yet to regrow, he was able to stand up.

"What happened?" Mo Wuji asked calmly

Wei Ru mumbled in grief, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, Heavenly Mortal Sect is gone…"

Mo Wuji knitted his brows and clapped Wei Ru’s shoulders, "Junior Brother Wei Ru, even if all our disciples die in here, Heavenly Mortal Sect will still exist."

"No…" Wei Ru’s voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, "One year ago, Ancestor Pang was killed due to the encirclement of three G.o.d Kings…"

"What?: Mo Wuji instantly exploded with killing intent. Wei Ru felt the air around him turn icy cold. Even that Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s Nascent G.o.d Level 7 cultivator also subconsciously moved backwards.

"You say that Ancestor Pang Jie is killed?" Mo Wuji’s voice turned cold as he stared at Wei Ru, "How do you know this?"

Wei Ru uttered in distress, "Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s G.o.d King Dark Bodhi, Phoenix Soul G.o.d Sect’s G.o.d King Salt Pavilion and G.o.d King Yi Ming used a rubbish excuse to join hands and deal with our Heavenly Mortal Sect’s Ancestor Pang Jie… How I got to know this was through the people that came in at a later time. This news has already spread throughout the entire newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest…"

An intense killing intent filled Mo Wuji’s entire body. He even felt his legs trembling. This wasn’t fear, but immense rage.

Mo Wuji understood Pang Jie very well: Pang Jie wasn’t one who would find trouble. Mo Wuji also knew why G.o.d King Dark Bodhi and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion would find an excuse to kill G.o.d King Pang Jie; Pang Jie had told him about it before.

Mo Wuji had never met another expert that he could trust wholeheartedly besides Pang Jie. In his eyes, Pang Jie was a senior, a role model. The reason why he agreed to address Pang Jie as ‘Senior Brother’ wasn’t because of himself, but his sect. In the future, he was going to establish his own sect. As the progenitor of his sect, he couldn’t be calling another sect’s person as ‘Ancestor’, right?

But in Mo Wuji’s eyes, Pang Jie was indeed a respectable ancestor.

Today, this senior was actually killed by the combined forces of some selfish sc.u.m. How could his heart not seethe with anger?

A wave of depression rushed into his head. Mo Wuji could no longer maintain his previous calm and patience. If the Heavenly Mortal Sect was still present, he could endure it. But now, he couldn’t endure it any further.

He retrieved a storage ring and handed it to Wei Ru, "This land is filled with opportunities. You continue to work hard with your cultivation. No matter whether we meet again in the future, I will remember that you were once from Heavenly Mortal Sect."

Now that Pang Jie was killed, Mo Wuji didn’t need to use his brains, but his feet, to know that Heavenly Mortal Sect would no longer exist. That meant to say that after spending only two to three years in Heavenly Mortal Sect, he was now back to becoming a rogue cultivator. As for why Wei Ru was almost killed, Mo Wuji didn’t question about it. What good would he get for asking? Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s G.o.d King could kill Pang Jie so why wouldn’t their disciples kill the disciples of Heavenly Mortal Sect?

"Senior Brother, let’s leave together." Wei Ru also understood that with Ancestor Pang Jie gone, Heavenly Mortal Sect will naturally cease to exist.

Mo Wuji took in a deep breath and said slowly, "If I leave with you today, I will never feel joy again for the rest of my life."

Sensing Mo Wuji’s conviction, Wei Ru’s heart trembled. He knew the meaning behind his Da s.h.i.+xiong’s words. Even though he clearly knew that he would die, he still wanted to stay behind and kill some Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect disciples.

"Senior Brother, the combined number of Nascent G.o.ds from those two sects is at least 40 to 50. And there are also some Heavenly G.o.d experts. If you stay here…" Wei Ru’s heart was filled with concern.

Mo Wuji chuckled, "One must always do some foolish things in life. If I don’t do this today, it would be hard for my cultivation to improve any further."

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Chapter 926: I Want To Give You G.o.d Lattice Crystals

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

There were a total of 44 Nascent G.o.ds and 5 Heavenly G.o.ds from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. Among the five Heavenly G.o.ds, the highest cultivation was at Heavenly G.o.d Level 4 while the rest were either at Level 1 or 2.

Mo Wuji didn"t believe that everyone of them were exceptional experts like Senior Brother Death. Even if he died, he would still kill a few of them at the very least. Facing this kind of situation, if he chose running instead of fighting, then he wasn"t Mo Wuji.

When Wei Ru heard Mo Wuji"s words, he felt as though a fire had ignited in his heart. He said resolutely, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, if I, Wei Ru, run away by myself, I will also be unable to feel joy for the rest of my life. If Da s.h.i.+xiong is willing to die in battle, then I, Wei Ru, am also willing to do so."

As Wei Ru was speaking, Mo Wuji was already inscribing array runes in the air through his spirit storage channel. When he heard Wei Ru’s words, Mo Wuji clapped Wei Ru"s shouldered and transmitted, "Later when I attack, I will definitely be unable to differentiate between friend or foe. Your presence here will limit my attacks. Also, I have a peak grade escape technique. Perhaps, I would still have a chance to escape. Moreover, even if I die, you might be able to find some luck in this place and take revenge for me."

Wei Ru calmed down. He understood that his being here would only be dragging Mo Wuji down. As he thought of Mo Wuji"s final sentence, Wei Ru said with determination, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, as long as I, Wei Ru, survive, even if I"m personally unable to take revenge, I will definitely pa.s.s down this will to my later generations. One day, they will eventually take revenge for Heavenly Mortal Sect and Da s.h.i.+xiong."

"Alright, go." As Mo Wuji nudged Wei Ru, his killing intent shone with ominous light. In front of this light, the surrounding cultivators all gave way.

No one actually blocked Wei Ru as he fled away.

Only after Wei Ru left, that Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect"s Nascent G.o.d Level 7 disciple sneered, "A trash can"t go far. Moreover, you are my primary target. I heard that you"re the Da s.h.i.+xiong of Heavenly Mortal Sect and you even had the capabilities to get hold of several placings into this newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest. I"m truly curious, where did you get those placings from?"

Somewhere in the crowd, Qu You also heard those words. She also turned her attention towards Mo Wuji. She had invited Mo Wuji once before but she was rejected. She didn"t feel dissatisfied with Mo Wuji because of that though. After all, Heavenly Mortal Sect wasn"t a big sect and Mo Wuji bore a proper att.i.tude and he didn"t reject her without reason.

What she didn"t expect was that Mo Wuji actually managed to get his hands on so many placing tokens. She even used a placing token to try and invite Mo Wuji. If Mo Wuji really had so many placings, then there was no wonder why her conditions didn"t have much persuading power.

Mo Wuji looked at this Nascent G.o.d Level 7 cultivator and smiled, "I will give you an honest answer in a short while."

With that, Mo Wuji turned to the crowd and clasped his fists, "I happen to obtain a few hundreds of thousands of G.o.d lattice crystals. Moreover, these crystals are all two stars and above… Today, I want to sell these G.o.d lattice crystals…"

When they heard Mo Wuji"s words, the crowd started to stir. Some of their eyes even started to turn red. Currently, everyone was waiting for the Nascent G.o.d Fruits to ripen. Now that they heard that Mo Wuji had hundreds of thousands of G.o.d lattice crystals, the matter of the Nascent G.o.d Fruits were cast to the side.

It was true that the Nascent G.o.d Fruit was extremely valuable. For those in the Nascent G.o.d Stage, each fruit was enough to allow them to advance by a whole level. However, when compared to G.o.d lattice crystals, a Nascent G.o.d Fruit truly wasn"t on the same level.

Without a Nascent G.o.d Fruit, a Nascent G.o.d could still continue to progress in his cultivation with time and resources. However, no matter how much time a cultivator has, he could not condense a G.o.d lattice. Without a G.o.d lattice, he wouldn"t be able to step into the Heavenly G.o.d Stage, much less attain a G.o.d Throne of legend.

"Everyone calm down, otherwise, I will ignite my escape talisman and leave right away. I"m sure that with my blood-s.p.a.ce escape talisman, no one would be able to catch up to me." Mo Wuji said loudly when he saw the rousing crowd.

As expected, when they heard that Mo Wuji had the blood-s.p.a.ce escape talisman, everyone quietened down and listened calmly to Mo Wuji"s words.

In the distance, Qu You shook her head speechlessly. This Mo Wuji really didn"t understand the meaning of death. The people from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect were eager to kill him but he still wanted to sell his G.o.d lattice crystals. If this wasn"t courting death, then what was? Moreover, to obtain hundreds of thousands of G.o.d lattice crystals, how much luck was needed for that?

G.o.d lattice crystals were extremely hard to find in G.o.d Domain. There was no need to talk about hundreds of thousands, ten thousand was already just enough to allow a Great Circle Nascent G.o.d to condense his G.o.d lattice.

After waiting for the crowd to settle down, Mo Wuji took out one of the black rocks that he dug out in Half Immortal Domain those years ago, "Everyone can use your spiritual will to scan this. Take a look at its grade."

"Oh G.o.d, that"s a Three Star G.o.d Lattice Crystal. No wait, it seems to exceed three stars…" A cry of astonishment sounded within the crowd. The crowd began to stir with greater fervour.

The number of people focusing on the Nascent G.o.d Fruits became lesser. Even the Heavenly G.o.ds that had already condensed their G.o.d lattices were also staring at Mo Wuji with red eyes.

There were less and less good G.o.d lattices in G.o.d Domain. G.o.d Lattice Dao Fruits didn"t have different levels and G.o.d lattice crystals that were above two stars were hard to obtain.

Now that Mo Wuji could take out so many G.o.d lattice crystals that were three stars or higher. It would be impossible for their attention to not be drawn towards him.

Because besides allowing Nascent G.o.ds to condense their G.o.d lattices, high grade G.o.d lattice crystals could allow Heavenly G.o.ds to cleanse and upgrade their own G.o.d lattice.

Most Heavenly G.o.ds would have already spent countless years to condense their G.o.d lattices. Who would have excess G.o.d lattice crystals to upgrade their own G.o.d lattices?

Mo Wuji clasped his fists and said, "Various dao friends, I"ve decided to sell my hundreds of thousands of G.o.d lattice crystals to ten Heavenly G.o.d cultivators…"

As Mo Wuji said this, he saw several cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect move towards him with hostility. He hurriedly added, "Of course, my Heavenly Mortal Sect previously offended Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. Later, I will give all the remaining G.o.d lattice crystals to these two sects. As the saying goes: It’s better to squash enmity rather than to keep it alive. My Heavenly Mortal Sect will still have to depend on these two big sects in the future…"

When they heard Mo Wuji"s words, almost everyone revealed an expression of contempt. Heavenly Mortal Sect was already going to be destroyed by Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, and even their ancestor had already been killed. Now, this disciple of Heavenly Mortal Sect still wanted to please the two sects. What a miserable ant.

After hearing Mo Wuji"s words, the few Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect cultivators stopped in their tracks. It would be better if Mo Wuji gave them the items directly. After all, there are hundreds of people here; the combined forces of Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate was inferior. If the situation escalated into a mad pillage, and even if Mo Wuji wasn"t able to escape, the others definitely wouldn"t allow their Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect to steal the items from Mo Wuji successfully.

"Who are you going to sell the crystals to? Hurry up and tell us." An impatient Heavenly G.o.d called out.

Mo Wuji hurriedly said, grinningly, "I will find them right away."

By this time, almost all Heavenly G.o.d cultivators had stood up. Mo Wuji easily found ten Heavenly G.o.d cultivators. All ten of them either wore masks or used pills to change their appearances.

"We"ve already come forward. I want 100,000 G.o.d lattice crystals. Tell me, how many G.o.d crystals do you need for them?" A Heavenly G.o.d Level 4 cultivator said in a slightly overcast tone.

Mo Wuji had a bright smile as he prepared ten storage ring and handed them to these ten Heavenly G.o.d cultivators. He didn"t even mention anything about G.o.d crystals.

As the ten Heavenly G.o.d cultivators received Mo Wuji"s storage ring, Mo Wuji"s voice transmission sounded by their ears, "These rings have a seal. Two hours later, these seals will automatically disappear. But within these two hours, you must not use your spiritual will to undo these seals. Otherwise, the s.p.a.ce within the ring will collapse and everything inside would be lost."

All ten of them stared at Mo Wuji. Their killing intent was clear: if Mo Wuji dared to continue with any inappropriate words, it would be hard for him to live past this day.

Mo Wuji continued transmitting, "Everyone can use your spiritual wills to check the things inside the ring, as long as you don"t break the seal…"

Without waiting for Mo Wuji to finish speaking, the ten Heavenly G.o.d cultivators all sent their spiritual wills into the storage ring. When they saw the tens of thousands Three Star G.o.d Lattice Crystals in the ring, an expression of delight emerged on their faces. They didn"t even pay a single G.o.d crystal but they were able to receive tens of thousands of G.o.d lattice crystals at this level.

Mo Wuji"s voice transmitted timely by these cultivators’ ears, "How could I dare ask for G.o.d crystals from your esteemed selves? I only have a single request, later if the Heavenly G.o.ds from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate try to attack me, I hope that the few of you are able to defend against them for me, even if it was only for half an incense"s time. Oh right, there"s no need for the few of you to kill the cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate."

A tall and st.u.r.dy Heavenly G.o.d cultivator looked at Mo Wuji meaningfully and said, "Very well, I can help defend one for you."

He wondered whether Mo Wuji was able to tell that he had changed his appearance. However, he didn’t notice Mo Wuji’s spiritual will scanning him?

The rest all glanced towards one another and finally nodded their heads. Very clearly, Mo Wuji’s condition had moved them. It was true that the Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and the Phoenex Soul G.o.d Estate were power. However, they were all in disguise and they weren’t needed to kill the disciples of these two sects. As for defending against them for half an incense’s of time, keke, Mo Wuji must be dreaming. Couldn’t they simply feign an injury and retreat after blocking a blow or two?

At the same time, Mo Wuji was also laughing coldly in his heart. Help defend him for half an incense’s time, did they think he was an idiot? It was already enough if these people could defend a single blow from the Heavenly G.o.d cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate.

After sending the ten storage rings away, Mo Wuji clasped his fists back to the crowd and said, "As I said before, it’s better to squash the enmity between my Heavenly Mortal Sect, Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate than to keep it alive. Now, may my friends from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate please come forward. I will give wach friend 20,000 G.o.d lattice crystals as a symbol of my Heavenly Mortal Sect’s sincerity."

A bright smile was on Mo Wuji’s face; his tone was extremely warm and genial.

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Chapter 927: Bloodied Battle

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Hahahaha!" A loud chortle resounded. Following which, a Heavenly G.o.d Level 2 cultivator from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect said, "Not bad, you know how to adapt to the circ.u.mstances. Those that know how to adapt usually live long lives."

After saying that, this Heavenly G.o.d was the first to come forward.

A bright smile was still plastered on Mo Wuji’s face. However, at the same time, his spirit storage channel was still inscribing array runes in the air.

Soon, all 49 cultivators from the two sects came forward. They stopped ten steps away from Mo Wuji and stared at his hand.

They were all waiting for Mo Wuji to take out the G.o.d lattice crystals. After Mo Wuji gave them the crystals, they would continue to rob him. If Mo Wuji was able to take out so many G.o.d lattice crystals, it would mean that he definitely had more on him.

Mo Wuji grinned as his placed his hand on his storage ring. At the same time, he transmitted a message to the ten cultivators that took his G.o.d lattice crystals, "As long as you are willing to help, my G.o.d lattice crystals are yours."

Everyone stared at Mo Wuji’s storage ring. All of a sudden, Mo Wuji’s hand suddenly twisted. Five strings, as well as a halberd light which filled the sky, shot out.

"He’s playing tricks. Attack and kill him…" One Heavenly G.o.d cultivator had always been keeping his eyes on Mo Wuji. He had already suspected that Mo Wuji’s actions were rather strange. Now that Mo Wuji had revealed himself, he was the first one to notice it and he immediately hurled his magic treasure towards Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji’s Five Elemental String conjured the Five Elemental s.p.a.ce. Thereafter, the boundless halberd light swept across this s.p.a.ce like a surging wave of sand towards the 49 cultivators.

All these were simply on the surface. Mo Wuji’s true killing move was the activation of his array runes and his Grand Desert array flags, forming a peak Grade 1 trap G.o.d array.

As for whether the Five Elemental String would reveal that he was the one that killed Wu Liang, Mo Wuji had long cast that matter aside. His Heavenly Mortal Sect was already gone, why would he have such sh*tty inhibitions? He might not even be to survive this battle.

"Pff! Pff! Pff!!" The heads of seven to eight Nascent G.o.ds fell off their necks as Mo Wuji’s strings sliced past them. Spurt upon spurts of blood gushed out. A few fl.u.s.tered primordial spirits appeared within Mo Wuji’s Five Elemental s.p.a.ce. Before these primordial spirits could escape, lightning bolts began to descend upon them.

In that instant, Mo Wuji killed close to ten Nascent G.o.d cultivators. This was when the attacks from the five Heavenly G.o.d cultivators arrived.

The reason why Mo Wuji picked ten people was because he was worried that some wouldn’t be willing to help.

Reality was just as Mo Wuji had predicted. Even though the ten cultivators that he picked were all in disguise, only four of them actually helped.

The remaining people were either feigning surprise or they were really surprised. Either way, they didn’t even take out their magic treasures.

However, to Mo Wuji, having the attacks of four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators being blocked was already a huge and pleasant surprise. Originally, Mo Wuji had already prepared for the worse case scenario that only two people decided to help out. If that happened, he would have to use his Book of Luo and his Kun Wu Sword.

But if he took them out, he would be thoroughly screwed. He would then become the target of everyone here.

Mo Wuji knew that even though there were four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators helping him, they definitely wouldn’t fight to their full capabilities. It was already not bad if they helped him block an attack each.

Thus, at the same instant, Mo Wuji gave up on his defences as he shot out nine Spiritual Will Arrows.

Even with Mo Wuji’s strong sea of consciousness and his spirit storage channel working together, simultaneously shooting nine Spiritual Will Arrows had left his mind feeling blank and empty.

At this time, how could Mo Wuji care about pill poison and side effects? An entire pill of Zhi Nature Pills was poured into Mo Wuji’s mouth. With his newly forged halberd, he conjured a chasm-like halberd light.

This was one of his Four Halberd Strikes - Remnant Chasm.

It was exactly as Mo Wuji predicted, after these four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators defended a single blow for Mo Wuji, they all seemed to receive ‘injuries’ and they retreated.

But this was already enough for Mo Wuji. The nine Spiritual Will Arrows shot through the air, drawing in all the killing intent and death energy from the surroundings. The instant the four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate were blocked, the arrows shot into their seas of consciousness.

Even though the four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators only helped Mo Wuji block a single attack, they have complemented his plans very well.

The four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate all coughed out a mouthful of blood. Even though they were all in the Heavenly G.o.d Stage, two Spiritual Will Arrows into their seas of consciousness was not something they could defend against.

As the Spiritual Will Arrows slammed into their seas of consciousness, their minds were sent into chaos and disarray. Before they could recollect themselves, Mo Wuji’s 30,000-meter-long Remnant Chasm came descending down upon them.

Mo Wuji knew that this was his only chance to kill these four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators and this chance only lasted a single instant. If he didn’t kill the four of them now, and now that he didn’t have the help of any Heavenly G.o.d cultivators, he could only wait to die.

"Ant, you dare…" That Heavenly G.o.d Level 4 cultivator’s sea of consciousness was far stronger than the other three. Even though he was shot by two Spiritual Will Arrows, he was the first to regain his capabilities.

It was just that at that instant, Mo Wuji’s Five Elemental s.p.a.ce transformed into a killing array.

For a Heavenly G.o.d to get out of this array formed from last-minute array runes and the Grand Desert array flags, only a single breath, maybe even less, was needed.

All this was within Mo Wuji’s calculations. He didn’t even need a breath of them. As he prepared to go into battle with these cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, he already calculated that he would have less than a breath of time.

This wasn’t merely preventing for the worst. More importantly, Mo Wuji was only a puny early-stage Nascent G.o.d. If he claimed that he could fight with close to 50 Nascent G.o.ds and Heavenly G.o.ds, his words could only be treated as a joke and not the truth.

And now, it was a truth that was truer than real gold.

"Pff!" Five mists of blood exploded. The four Heavenly G.o.d cultivators that were blocked were all cleaved in half by Mo Wuji’s Remnant Chasm. The fifth blood mist was from Mo Wuji’s own body.

Even though that Heavenly G.o.d cultivator that wasn’t blocked was shot by one of Mo Wuji’s Spiritual Will Arrow, his magic treasure still landed heavily on Mo Wuji’s chest.

Despite Mo Wuji having a late-stage G.o.d Physique, a straight attack like that was enough to blast a hole in his chest; his bones and ribs could be seen clearly. If not for the strength of his physique and that his opponent had been shot by one of his Spiritual Will Arrows, that Heavenly G.o.d could have exploded half his body with that single attack.

"Pfff! Pff!" After those five blood mists exploded, another ten attacks exploded on Mo Wuji. These were attacks from the Nascent G.o.ds that had just reacted.

Ever since Mo Wuji made his move till he killed seven Nascent G.o.ds and four Heavenly G.o.ds while he himself got injured by a Heavenly G.o.d, only a short time pa.s.sed.

In this short time, he killed 11 people from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, among which, four were Heavenly G.o.d cultivators. Everyone thought that Mo Wuji could kill those seven Nascent G.o.ds because he had used a sneak attack. The same went for those four Heavenly G.o.ds he killed.

The reason why he even mentioned his G.o.d lattice crystals was to get people to help him defend against the attack of those four Heavenly G.o.ds so that he could sneak an attack on them.

However, no one knew what method Mo Wuji used for his sneak attack. It was even less likely that they knew that Mo Wuji had installed an array using mid-air array runes and his Grand Desert.

At this moment, Mo Wuji’s entire body was bloodied while the 30 over Nascent G.o.ds were standing behind that Heavenly G.o.d Level 2 cultivator.

"Mo Wuji, if I don’t extract your soul and slowly torture it, then I, Ping Hong, would have wasted all my years of cultivation…" The only remaining Heavenly G.o.d stared at Mo Wuji with a fire in his eyes which simply wanted to devour Mo Wuji.

Even though he was extremely infuriated, this Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s Heavenly G.o.d didn’t attack immediately. Instead, he stared at the ten Heavenly G.o.ds that received Mo Wuji’s storage ring and said, "The few of you retreat immediately and my Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect will take it as though nothing has happened. If the few of you still wish to interfere, then you will be making enemies of my Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate."

There was no need for this Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect’s Heavenly G.o.d to say anything. Those ten Heavenly G.o.ds that received Mo Wuji’s G.o.d lattice crystals had already started to slowly retreat. Mo Wuji didn’t activate his array to trap these people. His abiltiies were too low. If not for that, he wouldn’t even have asked for these strangers to help him in the first place.

"You’re gutsy. Your attack was a Spiritual Will Arrow, right? If you are willing to give me the method to cultivate the Spiritual Will Arrow, I am willing to help you block another attack and you can kill this Level 2 Heavenly G.o.d." A transmission suddenly sounded by Mo Wuji’s ear.

Mo Wuji didn’t need to run to know that this was the fella that helped him defend against the Heavenly G.o.d Level 4 cultivator from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect. If not for this fella, he could only kill two Heavenly G.o.ds at the very most.

Mo Wuji did not seem to have any hesitations. He retrieved a jade letter, made a few inscriptions, then threw it towards that cultivator.

"Attack, turn his body into meat juice but leave his primordial spirit…" At the same time as Mo Wuji threw that jade letter, the last Heavenly G.o.d from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect ordered. This was because he saw that those ten Heavenly G.o.ds had already retreated. Thus, he no longer had any apprehensions.

Right at this time, Mo Wuji also pounced towards this Heavenly G.o.d Level 2 cultivator. This time, an Yin Yang Diagram appeared in front of his fist and shot towards this Heavenly G.o.d.

By the side, Tang Wuzhen saw this Yin Yang Diagram and subconsciously retreated backwards.

He still had lingering fears towards Mo Wuji’s Wheel of Life and Death. Seeing Mo Wuji’s actions, how could he not know that this was the Wheel of Life and Death?

"Ant!" When he saw that Mo Wuji still dared to try and attack him, this Heavenly G.o.d harrumphed coldly. He also pounced towards Mo Wuji.

Without the help of Heavenly G.o.ds, Mo Wuji was simply an ant among ants.

As this Heavenly G.o.d was still in midair, the energy of death began to wrap around him. What frightened him was that the s.p.a.ce around him was also sealed suddenly.

Someone was definitely helping Mo Wuji secretly. Even if Mo Wuji was any stronger, Mo Wuji couldn’t have sealed his s.p.a.ce, not even for half a breath of time.

"Pff!" A mist of blood exploded. Even though he was only sealed for an instant, that instant was enough for the Wheel of Life and Death to land on him.

The ten Heavenly G.o.ds that received Mo Wuji’s storage ring all retreated. At this same instant, Mo Wuji killed the final Heavenly G.o.d from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate.

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Chapter 928: If You Don’t Fall, Then Continue Fighting

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji was very grateful towards that Heavenly G.o.d that helped him. If not for that Heavenly G.o.d"s help, then with that remaining Heavenly G.o.d and so many Nascent G.o.ds, not only would he definitely die in battle, it would also be hard for him to kill any further Nascent G.o.ds.

Rather than saying that the final Heavenly G.o.d was killed by his Wheel of Life and Death, it was more accurate to say that he was killed by that Heavenly G.o.d. To Mo Wuji, there was no need to talk about the cultivation method for the Spiritual Will Arrow. Even if the other party asked for the Seven World Finger, he would be willing.

The crowd descended into silence. Everyone stated at Mo Wuji and the 30 over Nascent G.o.ds.

Five Heavenly G.o.ds were killed. Even though they fell under Mo Wuji"s schemes, no one dared to underestimate Mo Wuji now. The victor between Mo Wuji and these 30 over Nascent G.o.ds was still hard to determine.

"Attack, even if he"s any stronger, he"s only one man.’ Tang Wuzhen ordered harshly as he took out his Cosmos Starry Sky.

When there were Heavenly G.o.ds around, Tang Wuzhen didn"t need to take charge; the Heavenly G.o.ds would naturally be the ones to lead them. Now that the Heavenly G.o.ds from the two sects were all killed by Mo Wuji, he had to come forward.

Mo Wuji didn"t even utter a single word as his Five Elemental String transformed into five beams of light that shot towards one person within the group. His halberd conjured another huge halberd light and his concealed array runes formed a temporary killing array.

Lightning continuously fell within the halberd light. River upon river also cascaded down without warning. As each river crashed down, a cultivator would be killed. Every time the Five Elemental String shot through the air, another cultivator would be sliced into pieces.

At this instant, Mo Wuji was fighting while burning his life force. At the same time, the 30 over Nascent G.o.ds that were swept into Mo Wuji"s array were attacking with great intensity.

The sounds of bones cracking continuously resounded through the air. Within the Five Elemental s.p.a.ce, blood mists exploded, magic treasure light danced around and elemental energy howled unceasingly. Mo Wuji attacked without defending himself; every time he killed a person, another ten wounds would form on his body.

This was the enmity between sects. Although it was clear that Heavenly Mortal Sect was going to be destroyed, no one wanted to poke their noses into this battle.

"This Mo Wuji is really strong. Could he be a Heavenly G.o.d?" Someone within the crowd cried in astonishment.

"Definitely not. Cultivators that have already condensed their G.o.d lattices would know that Mo Wuji is in the Nascent G.o.d late stage at the most. His Heavenly Mortal Sect"s cultivation technique clearly allows them to conceal their cultivation level, which was why we always thought that he was only an early stage Nascent G.o.d."

"You are all wrong. That Mo Wuji is definitely an early stage Nascent G.o.d and not a late stage one." A resolute voice interrupted the discussion.

No one refuted this person"s words because the one who spoke was Lin Feng, a genius disciple of Forgotten Creek Dao School with a cultivation of Heavenly G.o.d Stage Level 5. No matter how a person concealed his cultivation, he would be able to see through it. This was because Lin Feng had a spiritual eye.

In the entire crowd, Qu You was probably the only one who was worried for Mo Wuji.

The moment Qu You saw Mo Wuji"s Five Elemental String, she knew that Mo Wuji was the person she was looking for. When she thought about how that Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect disciple said that Mo Wuji obtained many placings to enter the newly incubated G.o.d Domain Nest, she was even more sure of her guess.

Mo Wuji was far more powerful than she had imagined.

Mo Wuji had killed five Heavenly G.o.ds in a row and was now battling with 30 over Nascent G.o.ds alone. Would it be weird that he could use his spiritual will in the seafloor of G.o.d Domain Nest Sea?

While she was agitated, she was also worried. If she didn"t want to involve her sect, she might have charged in and helped.

However, she knew very well that she couldn’t do that. It was simple to charge in, but what comes after would be complicated.

She was a core disciple of the Forgotten Creek Dao School. Now, this was a battle between the Heavenly Mortal Sect, Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. If she went in, she would be misrepresenting the intentions of her Forggoten Creek Dao School.

Following the deaths of more cultivators from the two sects, more wounds formed on Mo Wuji’s body. The violet lake within his sea of consciousness seemed to be drying up and his vision started to turn blurry. As he continued to burn his life force, his hair started to turn dull grey.

He did not care as he continued to swallow one pill after another and struck out with sacred art upon sacred art.

At this time, he was either slaughtering or killing. Even though he had a late stage G.o.d Physique, this sort of reckless battling without heed for defence was still too much to handle. There was no need to talk about the hole that was already in his chest. By now, the bones all over his body could be seen. One of his legs was sliced off and one of his arms had been blasted away.

Mo Wuji could no longer be considered a whole person. However, it seemed as though he had gone crazy; he continued to fight without defending himself. With every attack, he would reap the life off one of his opponents.

If he didn’t have a late stage G.o.d Physique, if he didn’t have his vitality channel, if he hadn’t prepared an array…

Few Mo Wujis would have been killed by now.

"He is an arrow at the end of his flight. Everyone, don’t engage in by yourself…" Tang Wuzhen could tell that Mo Wuji was much stronger than them, however, he wasn’t so strong that he could kill all of them by himself. They had made a mistake previously; they should not have fought individually. If they fought with order and in formation, then they would have killed many Mo Wujis by now.

Before Tang Wuzhen finished this sentence, he realised that there were only four people left. It was too late, what kind of effective formation could they form with just four people?

Mo Wuji felt his mind in disarray. Even Tang Wuzhen who was right in front of him looked like two separate people.

"Pff!" A cultivator from Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate used a radiant blade to slice Mo Wuji’s underbelly. Even Mo Wuji’s intestines were on the brink of falling out. With only one leg left, Mo Wuji couldn’t stand any further. He fell to the ground.

Mo Wuji acted as though nothing had happened. His low-grade halberd stabbed into his opponent’s forehead.

What a terrifying battle. All those in the surrounding spectated with trepidating hearts. What was this Mo Wuji made of? He was simply a stone-hard man that couldn’t be killed.

The crowd only saw fresh blood continuously gush out of Mo Wuji’s body. They only saw one bone after another being shattered. Even though Mo Wuji was now sitting on the ground, they didn’t see any sense of defeat or any intentions of stopping.

Perhaps this battle would truly end only when he was completely killed?

"The Nascent G.o.d Fruits have ripened…" A cry of pleasant surprise broke the silence. At the same time, a soothing and comforting fragrance wafted into everyone’s noses.

At this instant, everyone charged towards the Nascent G.o.d Fruit Tree, furiously pillaging the fruits.

The moment the smell from the ripe Nascent G.o.d Fruits invaded his nose, Mo Wuji’s mind received a shock. He regained a slight moment of clarity. He did not hesitate to self-explode his killing array.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Mo Wuji’s killing array was of a low level. However, there were only three people left and they were all riddled with injuries.

At the same time, Mo Wuji used all his remaining strength to release a punch towards the Nascent G.o.d Level 6 cultivator near him.

This Nascent G.o.d Level 6 cultivator clearly saw Mo Wuji’s fist approaching. However, he was just unable to dodge it.

"Bang!" A mist of blood exploded. Mo Wuji seemed to see stars. His mind went blur and his consciousness seemed to be on the brink of collapsing. Mo Wuji used his remaining bit of spiritual will to grab his broken leg and activated his Wind Escape Technique.

He did not take a single one of the storage rings. It wasn’t because he didn’t want them, but because he didn’t dare to take them. Don’t simply look at how no one interfered in their battle. It wasn’t simply because they didn’t want to get involved in the enmity between sects. It was also because they were waiting for Mo Wuji to kill all the cultivators from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, then they could feast on the spoils of war.

If there were still people from the Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate still alive, it wouldn’t be a good idea for them to start scavenging for storage rings.

The moment the Wind Escape Technique was activated, Mo Wuji disappeared.

It was truly because Mo Wuji’s Wind Escape Technique was too strong. Coupled with the fact that he didn’t touch a single storage ring and that the Nascent G.o.d Fruits had ripened, he was able to escape successfully. After Mo Wuji left, almost everyone started to engage in a struggle for the Nascent G.o.d Fruits and storage rings.

If Mo Wuji didn’t show his terrifying combat capabilities, someone would have definitely chased after him. But now that Mo Wuji single-handedly killed five Heavenly G.o.ds and almost wiped out all the Nascent G.o.ds from Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, who would be willing to pursue him?

Moreover, who would be willing to give up the Nascent G.o.d Fruits and storage rings here to attempt to catch Mo Wuji? That Mo Wuji had said it before, he had the blood-s.p.a.ce escape talisman.

Well, there was one person - Qu You.

Qu You didn’t fight for the Nascent G.o.d Fruits, nor did she scavenge the storage rings. Instead, she sped towards the direction that Mo Wuji left in.

She had always been paying attention to Mo Wuji. She was sure that if Mo Wuji met someone along the way, it was very possible that he would get killed.

Mo Wuji had saved her twice. She hoped that she could at least be able to help Mo Wuji, even if it was only for a bit. If she wasn’t able to catch Mo Wuji, then all the better. That would mean that Mo Wuji had successfully escaped.

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