Immortal Mortal

Chapter 779: Cosmos Edge

Chapter 779: Cosmos Edge

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Immortal Friend, please stop. This is the Heaven"s Beyond Human Corridor. No flight is permitted." Just as Mo Wuji reached the Human Corridor"s protective array, he was stopped by an Immortal Reverent.

Mo Wuji wasn"t here to start a war; so he kept his Half Moon Weighted Halberd.

On the other hand, this Immortal Reverent"s heart was filled with incomparable shock. The reason why he was so polite was because Mo Wuji was flying. Except for some extremely powerful flying-type treasures, it was basically impossible to fly within Heaven"s Beyond Corridor. However, this fella who did not seem to have a high cultivation could actually fly here.

Even though this place was near the Human Corridor, it still wasn"t a simple matter.

"I want to borrow the Heaven"s Beyond Human Corridor"s transfer array to make a trip to Heaven"s Beyond Cosmos. Friend, may I ask how I can get to it?" Mo Wuji clasped his fists and said.

Right in front of him, was the Human Corridor"s protective array. When Mo Wuji arrived, he discovered that there weren"t any warning alarms; this meant that the danger period from killing human race cultivators had already ended. In reality, Mo Wuji wouldn"t be afraid even if there were warning alarms. His current abilities were even enough to kill Grand Emperors, why would he need to care about such minor things.

After all, Mo Wuji knew that there were very few Immortal Emperors within Heaven"s Beyond Corridor.

This Immortal Reverent was instantly stunned; where did such a provocateur come from? Was the transfer array something that any random person could use? If not for the fact that Mo Wuji could fly, he might have already attacked.

Seeing the other party"s silence, Mo Wuji retrieved a jade token and threw it over, "I am a shop owner at Heaven"s Beyond City Square."

This Immortal Reverent glanced at the name and shop inscribed within the jade token and his heart started racing. Was this fella Mo Wuji?

Who didn"t know of the incident where Mo Wuji killed multiple Immortal Emperors?

Before this Immortal Reverent could return the jade token, a message landed within the communication bead on his wrist. The message was simple: Not long ago, a thin man challenged Heaven"s Beyond City Square"s Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion, killing Immortal Emperor Yu Xing and robbing Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion.

When he saw this message, this Immortal Reverent felt his entire body shuddering. Even though this Mo Wuji looked affable, he looked far from weak. By now, if he couldn"t guess that this fella in front of him was the one that robbed Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion, then he would truly be an idiot.

"So it"s House Master Mo. Please enter. From here, you only need to walk straight. After you cross the Human Corridor, you will reach a huge plaza. The transfer array is at the centre of that plaza." This Immortal Reverent hurriedly returned the jade token to Mo Wuji and replied in a respectful manner.

Mo Wuji had just razed Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion and killed an Immortal Emperor. He didn"t believe that Mo Wuji wouldn"t dare to kill a mere Immortal Reverent like him.

"Many thanks." Mo Wuji kept his jade token. His Wind Escape Technique conjured a breeze, and just as fast as the breeze came and went, Mo Wuji disappeared in the Human Corridor.

Seeing that Mo Wuji didn"t lay hands on him, this Immortal Reverent exhaled deeply. He even felt cold sweat trickling down his back. This was the first time he had seen such a person; after killing four Immortal Emperors of Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion, he was still outrightly heading over to Heaven"s Beyond Cosmos. This fella"s b.a.l.l.s was probably big enough to cover the sky, right?

In a mere half an incense"s time, Mo Wuji arrived at a huge plaza.

Before Mo Wuji could even say anything, a Grand Luo Immortal came to him and said reverently "House Master Mo, please enter the transfer array."

"How many green crystals is it?" Mo Wuji didn"t intend to act like an unreasonable tyrant.

"House Master Mo is a revered senior. How could I accept your green crystals?" This Grand Luo Immortal"s tone became increasingly fervent and reverent.

"Then, many thanks." Mo Wuji nodded. He knew that the person in charge wasn"t this Grand Luo Immortal. The experts within Heaven"s Beyond Human Corridor was probably worried that he would cause a ruckus, so they wanted to send him away as soon as possible. The reason why they felt that Mo Wuji was an incomparably arrogant and unreasonable thug. They didn"t want to give Mo Wuji an excuse to attack.

Mo Wuji was speechless, but he was also too lazy to explain himself. With a simple word of thanks, he stepped into the transfer array.

White light enveloped around him. In a single breath, Mo Wuji landed back on hard ground. He had landed on a huge floating stone. In the centre of this huge stone, there were three transfer arrays.

There was a tall wooden pillar erected on the edge of the huge stone. It wrote: Heaven"s Beyond Corridor Transfer Array.

There was quite a number of people on this huge stone. When Mo Wuji walked out of the transfer array, he saw two paths. One path headed to the Cosmos Edge, while the other seemed to be sealed. These two paths were floating in mid-air, and they seemed to extend interminably.

Even though he could release his spiritual will back in Heaven"s Beyond Corridor, he found that it was much easier here. Clearly, there weren"t any restrains on spiritual will here. That death energy which blackens one’s dao foundations also wasn’t present here. The only restrain was a divine sense seal at the end.

Mo Wuji had heard of the Cosmos Edge before, but his knowledge wasn’t in-depth. He only knew that it was a place within the Cosmos Communal Domain.

Now that he was already here, Mo Wuji didn’t go around asking further. He directly headed straight to Cosmos Edge. If Lou Si hadn’t left yet, she should also be at Cosmos Edge.

The distance between the transfer array platform and Cosmos Edge wasn’t very far. With Mo Wuji’s speed, he only took half an incense’s time. Moreover, this was his speed without flying; if he was flying, he would only take two to three minutes, tops.

A majestic floating immortal continent appeared in front of Mo Wuji. The defensive arrays around this immortal continent were definitely peak grade immortal arrays. Mo Wuji only needed a single scan of his spiritual will to know that it would be hard for him to escape if he ever gets trapped in this level of immortal arrays.

Currently, he was still a Grade 8 Immortal Array Master. Even though he could see through Grade 9 immortal arrays, he might not necessarily be able to break through them.

There were two aged words floating in the s.p.a.ce above the array - Cosmos Edge.

Mo Wuji only hesitated for a brief moment before he stepped into the array gate leading into Cosmos Edge. There were several powers within Cosmos Edge; he didn’t believe that his strife with Mifei Trade Union would warrant the use of Cosmos Edge’s array to trap him. If Mifei Trade Union was really that powerful, he wouldn’t have been able to steal Mifei’s business for an entire one to two months those years ago.

The moment he entered the array, a wave of rich immortal spiritual energy swept towards him. Even though this level of immortal spiritual energy would no longer be useful to his cultivation, Mo Wuji was still inwardly shocked. Exactly how many immortal veins were buried under here? The level of immortal spiritual energy here was close to rivalling his Ping Fan.

Wide roads and rows of shops appeared in front of Mo Wuji’s eyes. When he saw this, Mo Wuji heaved a sigh of relief. There were indeed many powers here; Mifei definitely wouldn’t openly deal with him.

Originally, Mo Wuji thought that he would be surrounded by the men of Mifei Trade Union the moment he entered the Cosmos Communal Domain. What he didn’t expect was that not a single person of Mifei Trade Union had appeared in front of him this whole time. There was also no wonder why there had been such a long delay for them to dispatch help to Heaven’s Beyond City Square those years ago.

Still, Mo Wuji was sure that Mifei Trade Union would definitely come to find him. It was simply a matter of time. However, he was completely unafraid. In fact, if Mifei Trade Union didn’t come to find him, he would be the one going to find Mifei Trade Union.

Now that he had arrived at Cosmos Edge, there were plenty of things that he needed to do. The first thing was to find a resthouse to stay in.

"My lord, this place is truly bustling with activity." When Shuai Guo noticed the liveliness of the place, it started to get excited and spirited. It really wished that Mo Wuji would say to it: You can go off and explore by yourself. Unfortunately, Mo Wuji couldn’t even be bothered to respond to its words.

"Friend, are you House Master Mo Wuji?" A middle-aged man in green robes walked in front of Mo Wuji and clasped his fists.

"That’s right." Mo Wuji looked at this middle-aged man and answered calmly. In his heart, he was guessing whether this person was from Heaven’s Beyond City Square.

An enthusiastic expression immediately emerged on this middle-aged man’s face, "That’s truly too good. I am a deacon of Mifei Trade Union. Our Deputy Union Head wishes to invite House Master Mo to be our guest."

Mo Wuji snorted coldly, "What kind of thing is your Mifei Trade Union? It has the rights to invite me?"

The expression green-robed man’s face instantly hardened. By this time he regained his countenance, Mo Wuji had already left. He stared at Mo Wuji’s gradually disappearing back and sneered in his heart, If not because most of the Mifei Trade Union’s Immortal Emperors aren’t in Cosmos Edge, do you think a mere ant like you would have the opportunity to even walk in here?

Even if you, Mo Wuji, were any more arrogant, you would have to pay for robbing Mifei Trade Union’s Pill-Smith Pavilion.

Half an incense’s time later, Mo Wuji stood in front of a luxurious immortal resthouse. It was called Dao Listening Immortal House.

He decided that he would temporarily stay in this resthouse. Just when Mo Wuji was about to walk into the resthouse, he saw a hazy figure of a seductive woman appear on the huge display screen in front of the resthouse.

Below this figure, there were even some lines of introduction: "Peak Grade Immortal Slave. Gorgeous Appearance. Perfect Choice For A Pure Yin Cauldron. If you are interested in owning here, please attend tonight’s Heavenly Eon Auction."

Mo Wuji stopped in his tracks. A hint of fear suddenly arose in his heart; he actually felt that this woman’s figure looked very familiar. At this instant, his hands started shaking. He was afraid that this figure belonged to Cen Shuyin.

With Cen Shuyin’s stunning beauty, it wouldn’t be strange if she was caught and sold as an immortal slave.

Just when Mo Wuji wanted to continue verifying this, the image on the screen changed. Now, it was the image of a scroll. Below the scroll, it wrote: "Peak Grade Water Escape Sacred Art. If you wish to possess this sacred art, you can head to…"

"This senior, are you looking for a place to stay?" At this moment, a witty looking attendant appeared in front of Mo Wuji and asked respectfully.

"That’s right." Mo Wuji forcefully calmed himself down. He knew that he could disregard average Immortal Emperors, but he still didn’t have the power to challenge the entire Cosmos Edge. No matter how fearful, how angry and how worried he felt, he could only suppress it. Moreover, that figure was hazy; so he could not confirm that it was Cen Shuyin.

And if it was Cen Shuyin, then it was even more pertinent that he had to be calm. Otherwise, not only would he be unable to save her, he would also be landing himself in a disaster. Even though there were a myriad of powers within Cosmos Edge, he would still be encircled if he publicly disrupted an auction.

Hearing that Mo Wuji wanted a place to stay, this attendant instantly got spirited, "Senior has made the right choice. Our Dao Listening Immortal House is definitely the number one immortal resthouse in the entire Cosmos Edge…"

"I want a relatively s.p.a.cious room. Also, send me an introductory jade token of Cosmos Edge. Oh right, I also want a ticket for tonight’s Heavenly Eon Auction." Mo Wuji directly interrupted this attendant’s words.

As he heard Mo Wuji’s list of demands, a blank expression appeared on this attendant’s face. After some time, he finally reacted, "Senior, because there are many good things in the coming Heavenly Eon Auction, it is very had to get entrance tickets. The ticket for an ordinary seat would already require 500 green crystals…"

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Chapter 780: Immortal Slave

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji cursed in his heart, this price was indeed very steep. He remembered when he used to treat every single green crystal like a treasure; now, a simple entrance ticket already needed 500 of said green crystals. Don’t simply look at his millions of green crystals. He only had that much because he earned them as a Pill Emperor, and because he just robbed Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion. For an average immortal in Cosmos Edge, 500 green crystals was truly a lot.

"What’s the price of a good room?" Mo Wuji interrupted the attendant’s words again,

"20 green crystals for a night. It is rich in immortal spiritual energy and it overlooks half of Cosmos Edge. In the room, there are two cultivation rooms and an auxiliary room. Of course, there are cheaper options. For example, there are rooms which cost 10 or 5 green crystals a night…" This attendant could tell that Mo Wuji seemed like a hot-tempered person; so he said all these words in a single breath.

Indeed, an average person couldn’t afford to stay here. Back in Heaven’s Beyond City Square, people only needed 10 green crystals as a down payment for his services.

However, Mo Wuji did not mind. These thousands of green crystals weren’t vital for his cultivation. After this attendant finished speaking, he retrieved 1150 green crystals and said, "I want an entrance ticket near to the front of the auction. Also, I want to stay in the room which costs 20 green crystals a night for a month. The remaining 50 green crystals are your tip."

"Ah…" This attendant was instantly enveloped in joy. However, he quickly reacted and hurriedly kept the green crystals as he said respectfully, "Senior, you can rest a.s.sured. I will arrange everything properly for senior."

50 green crystals. This was the biggest tip that he had ever gotten.

This attendant wasn’t lying. Not only did he help Mo Wuji get a relatively good room in Dao Listening Immortal House, he also helped Mo Wuji get a seat in the first 30 rows of the auction.

The moment Mo Wuji entered the room, he immediately modified the seals and arrays protecting the room. Thereafter, he headed for the auction together with Shuai Guo. Even though there were still two to four hours before the auction began, he couldn’t help but feel anxious.

If not because of his insufficient abilities, he would have directly gone and questioned the auction. If the immortal slave was really Cen Shuyin, then he would have immediately attacked.

The auction site was shaped like a cone; right at the centre, there was a huge jade stage. The items displayed on the jade stage which could be seen clearly in all directions.

The auction had yet to start. Thus, Mo Wuji spent the time browsing through the introductory jade letter of Cosmos Edge. Within an incense’s time, Mo Wuji had a rough understanding of Cosmos Edge.

There were hundreds of races gathered here in Cosmos Edge. It’s rumoured that this is the entrance to a higher world. If an Immortal Emperor wishes to take a step further in his cultivation, he could only leave from here. Otherwise, due to the low-levelled Laws of this world, even the most talented cultivators couldn’t reach a higher level.

There were several strong races in Cosmos Edge. There were the Demon Race, the G.o.ds Race, the Devil Race, the Barbarian Race, the Vampiric Race, the Sea Race, the Spiritual Race, etc. The Human Race used to be one of these strong races. However, because of continuous defeat in the Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos, it had lost most of its territory. Now, it doesn’t even have an encampment in Cosmos Edge. It only has a Very High Heavens Cosmos Immortal City. It had thoroughly dropped to the ranks of inferior races.

Besides the Cosmos Wall, which he already knew of, there were also other sources of cultivation resources and treasures here in Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos. They were the Shattered Ruins outside the cosmos and the Heaven’s Beyond Secret Realm.

In comparison, the items from the Cosmos Wall were the most ordinary. By most ordinary, it didn’t mean that the things from the Cosmos Wall were of low value. Instead, there were no inferior items here, and the items from the Cosmos Wall were simply the most ordinary ones of the lot.

On the other hand, a majority of the best treasures came from the Shattered Ruins. It’s rumoured that even Xiantian treasures had appeared in the Shattered Ruins.

It was also specially stated that to survive in Cosmos Edge, one must not offend several powers. Besides the strong races, there were also some trade unions, city squares, organisations, etc.

Apparently, Mifei Trade Union was among this list of "Powers that could not be offended".

Mo Wuji frowned as he kept the jade letter. He wasn’t afraid of Mifei Trade Union. He was currently at the pinnacle of the Immortal Reverent Stage; the Great Circle of the Immortal Reverent Stage was just a step away. Even if there was a Grand Emperor, he wouldn’t be afraid. However, Mo Wuji was clear that it was still a long road till he became a peak expert here.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to advance to the Immortal Emperor Stage first before coming. It was because he was very clear of his own Dao. Stepping into the peak of the Immortal Reverent Stage in ten years was indeed too fast. By this time, even if he had more cultivation resources, and even if he was any more talented, he still wouldn’t be able to step into the Immortal Emperor Stage immediately.

Originally, he wasn’t afraid. Since he was by himself, he had the freedom to do whatever he wanted. He wouldn’t even be afraid to enter the void. But now, he was really worried that the immortal slave on auction was Cen Shuyin. If it was Cen Shuyin, then he couldn’t go according to his previous plans of openly antagonising Mifei Trade Union.

Moreover, after reading this jade letter, Mo Wuji became especially clear that he had to be prudent here in Cosmos Edge. He could only act if someone else was the one that challenged him and laid hands on him first.

After some time, Mo Wuji sighed. His power was truly not enough. Even though his cultivation speed was heaven-defying to the point where it could not get any better, he could not help but feel his deficiencies at this moment.

As time pa.s.sed, more people entered the auction venue. Soon, the seats around Mo Wuji were filled with cultivators of varying auras.

After another incense’s time, the jade stage in the middle of the auction site lit up. A pretty woman in a green dress walked onto the stage. Mo Wuji didn’t even need to use his spiritual will to know that this woman’s cultivation was merely in the Grand Luo Immortal Stage.

"Welcome esteemed guests from all corners of the Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos to our Heavenly Eon Auction. I am Yi Luo’Er, the auctioneer for today’s auction. Today is the biggest auction that our Heavenly Eon Trade Union will be hosting this year. This is because the Heaven’s Beyond Secret Realm had just closed. Thus, we are sure that there will be plenty of pleasant surprises for everyone." When Yi Luo’Er finished speaking, she bowed.

The auction site went quiet. Even without Yi Luo’Er mentioning it, everyone knew that there was going to be loads of goodies in this auction. They only needed to see the ubiquitous advertis.e.m.e.nts to know that.

Mo Wuji forcefully calmed himself down. He wasn’t here for treasures.

"This auction primarily accepts bids of green crystals and high-grade immortal veins. We don’t accept immortal crystals. Now, let’s start the bid for our first item, a sacred art. This sacred art’s name is Dual Layered Waves…" Just as Yi Luo’Er mentioned the name of the sacred art, Mo Wuji heard slight sounds of discussion within the crowd.

Even though he had never heard of it, he could also guess that this sacred art’s origins should not be simple.

Yi Luo’Er’s following words promptly quelled Mo Wuji’s doubts, "I believe that many of you know who this sacred art belonged to. That’s right, it belonged to Grand Emperor Zhan Peng, the number one expert of the Sea Race those years ago. With this sacred art, one would be able to display a might capable of overturning the oceans. The starting price for this sacred art is 10,000 green crystals, each increment must be no less than 1,000."



Just when Mo Wuji was wondering what happened to this Grand Emperor Zhan Peng that he had to sell his signature sacred art, the price had already surged to 30,000 green crystals.

Even though he had over 5 million green crystals, he knew that he wasn’t extremely rich when he heard these people bidding.

Eventually, this sacred art was sold for 37,000 green crystals.

Another jade box was transferred in front of Yi Luo’Er. Yi Luo’Er raised the jade box and announced in a loud and crisp voice, "This second item is extremely rare. I believe that many of you have come here especially for this treasure. This treasure came from the Heaven’s Beyond Secret Realm, it’s a pair of Void Illusory Wings…"

Indeed, the moment this name was uttered, the atmosphere in the crowd went electric. Mo Wuji was also startled; he also knew of this treasure.

The Void Illusory Wing was actually a peak grade immortal material. Even without the need for a smith, anyone could use it to forge a personal set of wings. When it isn’t in use, this pair of wings can disappear. And when in use, it can appear with a single thought. It was an extremely useful treasure.

Most importantly, the Void Illusory Wings could be upgraded. As long as one obtains a better treasure, it could be used to upgrade the Void Illusory Wings.

Exactly which fella would actually take such a treasure out for auction? Exactly how short was he of green crystals?

"The starting price for the Void Illusory Wings is 100,000 green crystals. Each increment must be no less than 10,000." The moment Yi Luo’Er finished speaking, the price shown on the display screen changed rapidly.

Within a short time, the price rose from 100,000 to 300,000. That’s when it finally slowed down.

Mo Wuji sighed, he also wanted this treasure. He was also able to afford these hundreds of thousands of green crystals. However, he did not want to waste a single green crystal before he got to see that immortal slave. Even though Mo Wuji guessed that the price of an immortal slave wouldn’t exceed 10,000, he didn’t want anything to go wrong.

The Void Illusory Wings was eventually purchased for 370,000 green crystals and 6 immortal veins.

The third item on auction was a peak grade flying-type magic treasure; its starting price was 5,000 green crystals. Eventually, it was purchased for 14,000 green crystals.

The fourth to sixth items were either extremely rare immortal materials, or G.o.d equipment that exceeded the level of immortal equipment. However, no matter what came out, Mo Wuji wasn’t interested. That G.o.d equipment was s.n.a.t.c.hed from within the Cosmos Wall. Even though it was considered a G.o.d equipment, it was broken. Thus, it couldn’t even be compared to a peak grade immortal equipment.

Clearly, Mo Wuji wasn’t the only one who understood this. The pretence of a low-grade G.o.d equipment wasn’t enough to get the crowd bidding at higher prices.

"Now, we are auctioning an immortal slave…"

Yi Luo’Er’s words caused Mo Wuji’s eyes to instantly light up as they went glued to the stage.

Actually, few were interested in the sale of an immortal slave. In fact, bringing an immortal slave out for an auction was completely a waste of time. If one wanted a slave, he could simply go to Cosmos Edge’s immortal slave market. Why would one come to an auction?

Yi Luo’Er seemed to know that everyone was disinterested. With a smile, she said, "This immortal slave is no ordinary immortal slave. Not only is she an extremely beautiful immortal, she also has a Pure Yin Physique. Moreover, these aren’t the important points. The important point is that this immortal slave has hidden water-type spiritual roots…"

After hearing these four words, the originally disinterested crowd instantly clamoured noisily.

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Chapter 781: Where Did This Rash Dolt Come From?

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji’s heart sank. Hidden spiritual roots might never appear in one’s entire lifetime. But once it did, that person would definitely be treated as a commodity.

Hidden spiritual roots are the best targets for possession, and they also make the best cauldrons. As for the hidden water-type spiritual roots, it was especially able to curb cultivation deviation.

Cultivation deviation was a common occurrence, especially when one starts cultivating sacred arts. During cultivation deviation, it was easy for one to rupture his veins and burst his spirit channels. However, hidden water-type spiritual roots were able to completely resolve this problem.

But once the person with the hidden water-type spiritual roots starts cultivating water-type skills, the value of his hidden spiritual roots would completely disappear. No matter what spiritual roots this person had previously, it would be completely dissolved. At the same time, the hidden spiritual roots would become the sole spiritual roots of the cultivator, and quality of this spiritual roots was also very pure.

Thus, when one discovers that he has hidden spiritual roots, he would usually choose to cultivate a technique that was of the same element as his hidden spiritual roots. Not only would it aid in his cultivation, it would also help in self-preservation. Once cultivated, hidden spiritual roots would no longer remain hidden.

Yi Luo’Er said with a smile, "I believe that everyone knows the value of hidden spiritual roots, especially water-type ones. The moment this immortal slave’s hidden spiritual roots appeared, she was discovered. Up till now, she has yet to cultivate them."

As she was speaking, the stage in front of Yi Luo’Er started to flash. A girl in a blue dress was transferred over. All eyes landed on this girl; everyone knew that this girl was the immortal slave that Yi Luo’Er was speaking of.

"The starting price of this immortal slave is 100,000 green crystals. Each increment must be no less than 10,000. Let the bidding begin." Yi Luo’Er’s voice resounded.

The moment he saw this female slave, Mo Wuji knew it was not Cen Shuyin. Even so, Mo Wuji sighed; he recognised this female slave.

Mo Wuji remembered that this female slave’s name is Yan Yuerong. She was a pure and kind girl. There was a girl, Xiao Xiaoyu, that constantly followed by her side. Xiao Xiaoyu was also a kind girl. Back when he disguised himself as an ordinary mortal called Da Huang, that Xiao Xiaoyu didn’t try to steal his Draining Immortal King Pill.

On the other hand, this Yan Yuerong actually actively tried to save mortals.

There was no need to talk about how Mo Wuji had a favourable impression of Yan Yuerong and Xiao Xiaoyu and treated the two of them as his friends, just from Yan Yuerong’s kindness alone already warranted his help. Even if he ran out of green crystals, he could find other solutions. But if a person was gone, she was gone forever.

Yan Yuerong’s expression was pale and blank; it seemed as though her soul had already disappeared. Mo Wuji knew that even if he saved Yan Yuerong, that pure and innocent girl would never return.

He recalled Meditation Nunnery’s Su Xi. He had personally witnessed Su Xi’s change. Clearly, in this dog eat dog world, many values were gradually disappearing.

In a short time, Yan Yuerong’s value rose to 300,000 green crystals. The value of a hidden water-type spiritual vein was simply immeasurable. There was no need to talk about how beautiful Yan Yuerong looked. Even if she was used as a cauldron, she would already be very valuable.

"This Emperor offers 400,000 green crystals!" An icy cold voice resounded from within an auction box. Even though it was merely a voice, it seemed to cause the temperature of the auction site to fall significantly.

In that moment, the bidding started to stabilise. No one continued to bid any further. Mo Wuji knew that there were several reasons behind this: 1. The price of 400,000 green crystals was already extremely absurd; 2. Many people feared this fella.

In this auction, one would only need to write his bid on a bidding tablet for the bid to appear on the display screen.

However, this person publicly announced his bid. He was clearly telling others not to compete with him.

Except for Mo Wuji, most of the people in the auction site knew who this icy cold voice belonged to - Leng Ren, the Deputy Head of West River Religious Order.

This person had long gone numb from slaughters and ma.s.sacres. He completely didn’t place the lives of others within his eyes. Additionally, his West River Religious Order had a notorious reputation of being built on fresh blood.

Everyone also knew the reason why Leng Ren was willing to purchase this immortal slave at such a high price. It was because Leng Ren had been heavily injured in Shattered Ruins, causing his spiritual roots to suffer irreparable damage. He only had one motive in purchasing this immortal slave - possession.

Facing such a vicious person, no one dared to bid any further. Doing so would be offending an unscrupulous expert. Even though this was an auction, no one dared to offend West River Religious Order’s Leng Ren.

Mo Wuji did not hesitate to write "450,000 green crystals" on the bidding tablet in front of him. He did not know Leng Ren was; he only knew that he had to bid.

Yi Luo’Er’s crisp voice resounded through the crowd, "Box 29 bids 400,000 green crystals. 400,000 going once…"

Mo Wuji jolted. This was not right, he had just bid 450,000 green crystals. What was going on? Why didn’t it appear on the display screen? Could his bidding tablet be spoiled?

However, Mo Wuji soon dispelled that thought. This was not some electronic device; it definitely wouldn’t spoil for no apparent reason.

"400,000 going twice!"

Just when Mo Wuji wanted to shout his bid, the price on the display screen suddenly changed. It went from 400,000 to 420,000.

Mo Wuji frowned. He knew that this bid also wasn’t his.

The moment this new bid appeared, Yi Luo’Er immediately said, "Someone has raised the bid to 420,000 green crystals. If there is no higher price, then…"

"Wait, who is going against me, Leng Ren?" The icy cold voice resounded from Box 29 once more.

A lazy voice could be heard, "This Reverent’s name is Wu Li. You can fight me if you want."

What left Mo Wuji shocked was that Leng Ren no longer uttered another word. Disdain filled Mo Wuji’s heart; so this fella was merely a pretentious p.r.i.c.k.

"420,000 going once…"

Before Yi Luo’Er could call for twice, Mo Wuji wrote "450,000" on his tablet again.

What infuriated him was that his bid still didn’t appear on the screen. Mo Wuji had experienced far too many things. If he still didn’t know that the auction house was pulling some strings, he would truly be an idiot. Clearly, this auction house was fearful of both Leng Ren and Wu Li. The moment these two started bidding, they prevented others from doing so.

Mo Wuji’s heart was filled with contempt. These people wanted to run an auction with this kind of b.a.l.l.s?

"420,000 going twice."

"450,000 green crystals!" Mo Wuji did not hesitate to interrupt Yi Luo’Er’s words as he announced his bid loudly. Even though his voice wasn’t as gloomy as Leng Ren’s, it was also able to reverberate throughout the auction site.

The crowd went dead silent. Who didn’t know of Wu Li? Wu Li was a genius of the G.o.ds Race; he was also an existence that could not be offended in the entire Cosmos Edge.

Even a notorious person like West River Religious Order’s Leng Ren didn’t dare to bid against Wu Li. But now, some fella that didn’t even have an auction box was doing so. If this wasn’t courting death, then what was?

Wu Li snorted coldly. But before he could say anything, Mo Wuji said in a loud voice, "Can I ask the auction house, why is my bidding tablet unable to show my bid? Why is the auction house forcing me to say my bid out loud?"

Even Yi Luo’Er was shocked by Mo Wuji. Where did this ignorant fool come from? He actually dared to bid against the G.o.ds Race’s Wu Li?

"What’s going on? Are my green crystals fake? No one is even answering me. And I have just placed a bid, why doesn’t it appear on the screen?" Mo Wuji’s voice was stern. He didn’t even acknowledge Wu Li’s cold snort.

He had already offended Mifei Trade Union. It’s not much worse to offend another power.

"Ah…" Yi Luo’Er finally reacted. She hurriedly said, "There should be a temporary glitch with the system. You can place your bid again."

In reality, Mo Wuji didn’t even need to place a bid again for his bid to appear on the screen - 450,000.

Mo Wuji knew clearly that this was because he had come forward. Thus, the auction house no longer wanted to place restrictions on this matter.

"460,000 green crystals." The bid on the screen flashed when Wu Li’s voice was uttered. "That fella that just bid, your b.a.l.l.s are pretty fat."

Why would Mo Wuji care about Wu Li? He directly raised the bid to 500,000 green crystals. At the same time, Mo Wuji felt speechless about this Heavenly Eon Auction. It was truly doing a terrible job. If not for the great treasures appearing during this auction, Mo Wuji guessed that there probably wouldn’t have been so many people."

"Good. And rich." Wu Li’s voice turned as cold as Leng Ren. However, he didn’t bid any further.

Even though he was the proud child of the G.o.ds Race and a famous person in Cosmos Edge, it was still a headache for him to cough out that many green crystals.

There was only one reason why he wanted Yan Yuerong - her hidden spiritual roots. If he devoured her spiritual roots, the effects would be no less than devouring Xiantian spiritual roots. If not for the rules of the auction, he would have directly used his status to prevent others from bidding.

"500,000 green crystals going once, 500,000 going twice…"

Yi Luo’Er’s voice was shaking; she was worried that Wu Li would flare up against the auction house. If that happened, then they would be screwed.

Fortunately, her worries didn’t come true. With a shaking voice, she said the final words, "500,000 going thrice. Congratulations to Row 28’s Number 136 for obtaining this immortal slave…"

An expressionless Yan Yuerong was brought to Mo Wuji’s side. Mo Wuji used a storage bag to pay the 500,000 green crystals.

Even though there weren’t any discussions in the crowd, Mo Wuji could feel many spiritual wills scanning over. Not only that, many eyes landed on Mo Wuji. Everyone wanted to know who this impulsive dolt was.

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Chapter 782: Dao Discussion Challenge

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Yan Yuerong"s expression was plain blank. She was completely unable to recognise Mo Wuji as Da Huang.

Mo Wuji only came to this auction for this matter. Now that Yan Yuerong had returned, he did not intend to stay here any further.

Just when Mo Wuji was preparing to leave, a calm voice came over, "This Immortal Friend is indeed bold and courageous. I wonder if this immortal friend is willing to follow me, Wu Li, to discuss the dao on the Dao Discussion Stage? I, Wu Li, am officially inviting you to a Dao Discussion Challenge."

The auction site went incomparably silent. Only the Heavens know how many talented immortals were killed by Wu Li in the guise of the Dao Discussion Challenge.

Also, even an idiot would know why Wu Li was seeking Mo Wuji out for this Dao Discussion Challenge.

When the blank Yan Yuerong heard the two words "Dao Discussion", she suddenly cried out in fear, "Don"t discuss the dao."

Mo Wuji did not know the exact power of Wu Li. However, he was even willing to antagonize Mifei Trade Union. Why would he be afraid of one Wu Li?

There was a clear rule of the Heaven"s Beyond Dao Discussion Stage: the challenger could only challenge someone that was at the same or higher cultivation stage. If a person challenges you, you must accept it, or immediately leave Cosmos Edge. You would only be allowed to return to Cosmos Edge after a hundred years.

Mo Wuji was very clear why Wu Li wanted to discuss the dao with him. If he didn"t accept, then he would no longer have the rights to stay in Cosmos Edge, and he would be chased out.

The moment he gets chased out, Wu Li would also leave Cosmos Edge and kill him outside Cosmos Edge.

If he agrees, then Wu Li would directly kill him on the Dao Discussion Stage. Until now, Wu Li hadn"t even asked him for his name. Clearly, Wu Li already treated him as a dead man.

"As you wish." Mo Wuji"s voice was calm, "I"ll see you on the Dao Discussion Stage."

Mo Wuji could also guess why Wu Li was so anxious to discuss the dao with him; Wu Li was worried that he would give Yan Yuerong a water-type cultivation technique.

"Good. You have some b.a.l.l.s." Wu Li chuckled.

Mo Wuji"s guess was right. The reason why Wu Li was so anxious was because he was worried Mo Wuji would really allow Yan Yuerong to cultivate a water-type cultivation technique. If Yan Yuerong started cultivating, it would be useless even if he killed Mo Wuji.

"Next, we will be auctioning for a map of the Shattered Ruins. It’s rumoured that this map leads to a peak grade Dao Fruit Tree…" Yi Luo’Er’s voice sounded out timely.

Everyone was clear that Yi Luo’Er wanted to divert the topic to ease the tension. It was true that the auction house couldn’t afford to offend Wu Li. On the other hand, while Mo Wuji was some unknown person, he was able to take out so many green crystals and he was willing to stand against Wu Li, was he really an impulsive dolt?

Mo Wuji had intended to leave, but Yi Luo’Er’s words stopped him in his tracks.

Mo Wuji came to know about the Dao Fruit Tree only after he entered Heaven’s Beyond City Square. When an immortal came to trade with him for pills, this immortal retrieved an introductory jade letter on immortal herbs, among which contained the simple description of the Dao Fruit. The Dao Fruit was an immortal fruit which contained the Laws of the Heaven and Earth. Actually, its level might even surpa.s.s the ranks of immortal fruits.

It"s rumoured that the Dao Fruit was a heavenly treasure that would raise one’s level of enlightenment. There was no need to talk about how Mo Wuji already intended to make a trip to the Shattered Ruins. Even if he wasn’t going, he wasn’t going to miss out on this map to the Dao Fruit Tree.

"This jade letter map’s starting price is 50,000 green crystals. Each increment must be no less than 5,000…"

"60,000 green crystals." Before Yi Luo’Er could finish speaking, a voice suddenly interrupted her words.

The originally restless crowd instantly calmed down. Even though the bid didn’t appear on the screen, everyone knew who was the one who placed the bid. It was G.o.ds Race’s Wu Li.

Wu Li had just been infuriated deeply by Mo Wuji. Everyone knew that even if they wanted this jade letter, bidding for it was simply courting death.

Yi Luo’Er had an unpleasant expression on her face. Wu Li was clearly flouting the rules. According to the tacitly agreed rules, Wu Li would have to wait before some time before he could bid; he could only bid after the 10th bid. But now, before anyone could even place a bid, he used his status to place a bid. This was a blatant breach of the rules. Moreover, this was his second time.

At this instant, the other people of Heavenly Eon Trade Union were also filled with displeasure. However, they knew that coming forward to reprimand Wu Li would be going against the G.o.ds Race. Wu Li would leave this auction, but the future days would not be good for their Heavenly Eon Trade Union.

No one else placed a bid. After some time, Yi Luo’Er said in a hoa.r.s.e voice, "Someone has placed a bid of 60,000 green crystals. Are there any higher bids? 60,000 going once…"

Yi Luo’Er’s heart was palpitating with fear. She realised that she was the one in the wrong, she should not have made the decision to start the next bid to interrupt Wu Li’s matter. This jade letter was supposed to have gotten a higher price, but now, the price wouldn’t rise any further. When this auction ends, she would definitely face a hard time.

"65,000 green crystals." Mo Wuji’s voice resounded. From his slow and unwavering voice, anyone could tell that if Wu Li continued to bid, Mo Wuji would definitely follow suit.

Yi Luo’Er was too afraid to utter a single word. The other immortals at the auction site, however, felt that this was normal. After all, the feud between Mo Wuji and Wu Li could no longer be redeemed.

"Then I will have to thank you. You used your 65,000 green crystals to buy me a map that I really wanted." Wu Li’s voice was still very calm.

Everyone knew what he was implying. Even though the jade letter map was going to be purchased by Mo Wuji, it would still ultimately end up in Wu Li’s hands.

"65,000 green crystals going once…’ Yi Luo’Er’s voice was trembling slightly. Actually, even her legs were trembling. She had committed a huge mistake during this auction.

Even when Yi Luo’Er reported thrice, no one placed another bid. Everyone knew that this jade letter was going to end up with Wu Li; so who would dare to raise the price?

The jade letter was soon transferred to Mo Wuji. Just as Mo Wuji paid the green crystals, Wu Li’s voice resounded from the exit of the auction site, "I will wait for you at the Dao Discussion Stage."

When they heard Wu Li’s words, many of the immortals left the auction site.

These people all wanted to know what G.o.dly place Mo Wuji came from; to think that he actually dared to go against Wu Li.

Mo Wuji did not hesitate to bring Yan Yuerong out of the auction site. He did not care whether Wu Li was waiting for him at the Dao Discussion Stage. He headed straight back to Dao Listening Immortal House.

When he returned back to his room, Mo Wuji didn’t even need a minute to remove the seals on Yan Yuerong’s body. At the same time, he popped a Spirit Cleansing Pill into Yan Yuerong’s mouth.

Yan Yuerong instantly sprang up. She stared at Mo Wuji fearfully, "Who are you? Where am I…"

Mo Wuji chuckled, "You don’t recognise me? Where’s Big Little Sister Xiaoyu?"

"Ah…" Yan Yuerong uttered in shock. She instantly recalled, "You are... You are…"

She recognised Mo Wuji, but she truly couldn’t believe her eyes.

Mo Wuji said gently, "That’s right. I am Da Huang. Those years ago, at Seaside Trade Union…"

"You’re really Da Huang. How…" Yan Yuerong realised that she was right. Because only Da Huang would call Xiaoyu as Big Little Sister Xiaoyu.

"How did you end up in this auction? And how was it revealed that you have the hidden water-type spiritual roots? And where are Xiao Xiaoyu and Yu Qian?" Mo Wuji asked doubtfully.

Yan Yuerong finally regained her countenance. As she recalled her plight, she instantly started to bawl loudly.

She had always been pampered well. However, her time in Cosmos Wall was simply h.e.l.l.

"Thank you, Big Brother Da Huang. If not for you, I, Yan Yuerong, probably even have the chance to reincarnate." Yan Yuerong kneeled on the floor and cried in an aggrieved tone. She faintly remembered what happened at the auction. Da Huang had actually become so powerful.

Mo Wuji supported Yan Yuerong up and said warmly, "Come, explain things in detail. There’s no need to worry."

"It’s all because of that G.o.ds Race’s Wu Li. He coveted Sister Xiaoyu’s Xiantian fire-type spiritual roots. He wanted to devour Sister Xiaoyu’s Xiantian spiritual roots, so he claimed that Sister Xiaoyu had offended him and he wanted to challenge her to discuss the dao. Sister Xiaoyu and I didn’t dare to leave Cosmos Edge, and no one here wanted to help us…"

"Bang!" Mo Wuji slapped the tea set as he said angrily, "That Wu Li is an Immortal Reverent. To think that he would so shameless as to challenge an Immortal King to discuss the dao."

Mo Wuji didn’t know Xiao Xiaoyu’s exact cultivation level, but he was the one that gave the Draining Immortal King Pill those years ago. He was sure that even if Xiao Xiaoyu’s talent was any better, she still wouldn’t have advanced to the Immortal Reverent Stage. Back when Wu Li left the auction, Mo Wuji had scanned that fella with his spiritual will. Thus, he knew that Wu Li was an early stage Immortal Reverent.

Yan Yuerong sobbed, "Back then, that devil hadn’t advanced to the Immortal Reverent Stage. He could be considered the same stage as Sister Xiaoyu. He only entered the Immortal Reverent Stage after devouring Sister Xiaoyu’s Xiantian fire-type spiritual roots. I personally saw him grab Sister Xiaoyu’s Mind Palace…"

"Then how did you end up as a slave?" Mo Wuji frowned and asked.

By now, he already knew some rules of Cosmos Edge. Even though the status of the Human Race was low, and even if it was any lower, a human race cultivator like Yan Yuerong shouldn’t have been placed at an auction. Even if people coveted Yan Yuerong’s hidden water-type spiritual roots, they might secretly kidnap her. However, she shouldn’t have been casually been put in an auction.

"After Wu Li devoured Sister Xiaoyu’s Xiantian spiritual roots, I went to plead with Gong Shuxiang…"

"Wait, who’s Gong Shuxiang?" Mo Wuji interrupted Yan Yuerong’s words.

Yan Yuerong said with a pale face, "He is the sixth disciple of Very High Heaven’s Dao Emperor Zi Changluo. He is a late stage Immortal Reverent. Back then, he was also observing the dao discussion. I pleaded him to help Sister Xiaoyu. However, he actually chased me out of the Human Race. Now, I don’t even have the status of the Human Race…"

Mo Wuji’s face turned cold. He could guess the why Gong Shuxiang did that. However, he was a mere Immortal Reverent, why did he have the rights to expel Yan Yuerong from the Human Race? Did he see himself as the originator of the Human Race?

"I will find that Gong Shuxiang later. Now, we will go to the Heaven’s Beyond Dao Discussion Stage. I do want to see whether this Wu Li has some unknown dao that he could discuss with me," Mo Wuji stood up and said.

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Chapter 783: You"ve Encountered A Steel Wall

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

When Yan Yuerong heard that Mo Wuji wanted to meet Wu Li on the Dao Discussion Stage, she hurriedly cried out, "Big Brother Da Huang, you must not go to the Dao Discussion Stage. That Wu Li used to be one of the Three Great Immortal Kings of Cosmos Edge. Back when he was in the Immortal King Stage, he was already able to kill experts at the pinnacle of the Immortal Reverent Stage. Now that he had advanced to the Immortal Reverent Stage, he could probably kill Immortal Emperors…"

Mo Wuji laughed faintly, "No worries. Come let’s go. I will take revenge for Big Little Sister Xiaoyu. Oh right, Where’s her corpse?"

Yan Yuerong’s eyes turned red, "My storage ring was taken. Sister Xiaoyu’s corpse was in my storage ring."

"Do you recognise the person the person who took your ring? And when did this happen?" Mo Wuji asked. He was a very sentimental person.

He had befriended Xiao Xiaoyu and Yan Yuerong under the guise of a mere mortal. This only made this friends.h.i.+p more valuable. He wasn’t able to do anything when disaster befell Xiaoyu because he didn’t know about it. But now that he was aware of the situation, how could he, Mo Wuji, simply ignore it?

"It happened half a year ago. That person had an extremely fiece appeareance, and his entire body was shrouded in baleful aura." When Yan Yuerong thought of that man, she could not help but shudder.

If not for her sudden awakening of her hidden water-type spiritual roots, she would have been tortured to death by that person. But it was also because of her hidden water-type spiritual roots, that she was sent to the auction.

Mo Wuji nodded. This man was the one that sent Yan Yuerong off to the Heavenly Eon Auction. After getting rid of Wu Li, he would then ask the auction about this person.

"Your aura is in disorder. It should be because you have not cultivated for a long time and also because your state of mind had been forcefully suppressed. I will go and discuss the dao with that Wu Li. Stay here and cultivate. I will leave this storage ring with you. There are some cultivation resources inside." When Mo Wuji finished speaking, he retrieved a storage ring and offered it to Yan Yuerong.

The moment Yan Yuerong heard Mo Wuji’s words, she knew that was unable to convince her Big Brother Da Huang to discuss the dao. She did not hesitate to say, "Big Brother Da Huang, I will follow you. If I stay here, I wouldn’t be able to calm myself and cultivate. I want to see Big Brother Da Huang take revenge for Sister Xiaoyu."

Mo Wuji didn’t mind. He knew what Yan Yuerong was thinking. Should he fail in the dao discussion, she wouldn’t be able to escape the fate as an immortal slave.

"Since that’s the case, let’s go." Mo Wuji casually pa.s.sed the storage ring to Yan Yuerong.

It had been a long time since Heaven’s Beyond Dao Plaza was so lively. The reason was simple: This was the first time that Wu Li challenged a person to discuss the dao since he advanced to the Immortal Reverent Stage.

Ever since Wu Li came to Cosmos Edge, the number of times he had discussed the dao with others was no less than a hundred. And every time, the dao discussion would not last for more than half an incense’s time. It was because Wu Li was truly too strong.

Heaven’s Beyond Resthouse. This was the resthouse closest to Heaven’s Beyond Dao Plaza.

Currently, there were two people at the highest level of Heaven’s Beyond Resthouse. One was a bearded old man with a reserved aura. He looked extremely ordinary, just like Mo Wuji. If an average person saw this old man, he definitely wouldn’t think that this old man was from the Demon Race.

In fact, this old man wasn’t simply of the Demon Race, he was actually a peak expert of the Demon Race. His name was Ji Ku. Ji Ku had stepped into the Grand Immortal Stage over a million years. Even though no one had tested his abilities, many believed that Ji Ku had already reached the level of the Dao Emperor.

The other person was a clean-shaven man with a medium built. He exuded a refined and scholarly aura.

This man also didn’t look extraordinary. However, anyone that knows him wouldn’t dare to show direspect. This man was Feng Huang, the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge.

The reason why Feng Huang was so renowned wasn’t because many people knew him, nor was it because he was the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge. Instead, it was because of his other ident.i.ty as one of the Five Great Grand Emperors of Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos.

In a place like Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos, there were countless of various races gathered here. It definitely numbered in the hundreds.

With so many races gathered here, coupled with the vast cultivation resources, Immortal Emperors weren’t outstanding existences. Even Grand Emperors were in abundance here.

The Five Great Grand Emperors of Heaven’s Beyond Cosmos were naturally the five strongest Grand Emperors here. As one of them, Feng Huang was naturally extremely strong.

"Keke, this Wu Li should have have struck against a steel wall. With that Mo Wuji’s bad temper, it would be hard for that Wu Li to survive. He can only blame his arrogance for not investigating on the cultivator that he wanted to discuss the dao with." Ji Ku glanced at the Dao Discussion Stage, then he unhurriedly took a sip of his wine.

Feng Huang chuckled lightly, "Brother Ji probably doesn’t understand Wu Li. I’m sure that not only does he know about Mo Wuji, he had even conducted a thorough investigation on Mo Wuji."

Ji Ku jolted and he said suspiciously, "Those years ago, Mo Wuji killed two Immortal Emperors of Mifei Trade Union. Not long ago, he even killed Immortal Emperor at Heaven’s Beyond City Square. This Wu Li is merely at the early Immortal Reverent Stage. What does he have to discuss the dao with Mo Wuji?"

"Confidence." Feng Huang said calmly. "There’s no need to talk about how Wu Li is one of the Three Great Immortal Kings of Cosmos Edge. In fact, I believe that Wu Li is the number one ImmortalKing. And who he is, is far from the arrogant and violent person that he portrays himself to be. You see, every time he challenges a person to discuss the dao, he did it for a reason. Every time he succeeds, his talent and confidence rises another level. Not only that, he has such a huge reputation within Cosmos Edge.

Over these years, I have never seen a person from the G.o.ds Race support Wu Li. Even so, Wu Li was still able to do as he pleases. This is shows that he, Wu Li, was the strongest in the G.o.ds Race, and in Cosmos Edge. Clearly, Wu Li would hold immense popularity if there was ever a power struggle in Cosmos Edge."

"That Mo Wuji is here…" Feng Huang also took a sip of his wine. He continued, "The reason why Wu Li dares to challenge Mo Wuji is because he believes that he is also capable to vanquiis.h.i.+ng early stage Immortal Emperors, and that he is undefeatable among those in the same stage. Moreover, those years ago, Mo Wuji had killed Ou Zhaohe and Ling Rong with his killing array. This probably wasn’t even placed in Wu Li’s eyes. Unfortunately, Wu Li had indeed met the wrong person this time."

Feng Huang and Ji Ku knew about Mo Wuji’s origins, as well as what Mo Wuji had done. However, many people in Heaven’s Beyond Dao Plaza did not know about that.

At this instant, Wu Li was standing atop the Dao Discussion Stage with his hands behind his back. In what way did he look enraged and arrogant? He looked like a peaceful man appreciating the beauty of a setting sun.

"That fella probably doesn’t dare to come, right? Otherwise, why isn’t he here yet?"

"He’s just another fool. There’s no lack of fools here in Cosmos Edge."

"Senior Wu Li is truly too strong. Even though his dao discussions all end very quickly, I was always able to feel his powerful dao aura."

"That’s for sure. Actually, I’m surprised that they didn’t provide a handicap?"

"That person is here…"

The news of Mo Wuji’s arrival spread rapidly. Soon, the entire Heaven’s Beyond Dao Plaza went silent. Everyone’s eyes s.h.i.+fted to Mo Wuji. As for Yue Yanrong, who was behind Mo Wuji, she had been disregarded.

Yan Yuerong had hidden water-type spiritual roots. In the eyes of all these spectators, Mo Wuji was going to be easily killed by Wu Li, and Yan Yuerong would eventually end up in Wu Li’s hands.

"Junior Sister Yuerong, wait for me here. I will discuss the dao and return soon." As Mo Wuji walked over, the crowd consciously formed a path for him.

Yan Yuerong inhaled deeply. Thereafter, she stared at Mo Wuji resolutely and said, "Big Brother Da Huang, go on. I will wait for you here. I am not afraid."

Mo Wuji nodded. With a single step, he went up the Dao Discussion Stage and landed in front of Wu Li.

In his heart, Mo Wuji was sighing with emotion. Ever since he started cultivation, he had always been fighting against opponents that had a higher cultivation than him. Today was actually his first time challenging a fella with a lower cultivation. From the looks of it, this fella was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with self-confidence. This fella actually challenged a peak Immortal Reverent despite only being at the early Immortal Reverent Stage.

"If you are in the Immortal Emperor Stage, perhaps you would have some chance of matching me. Unfortunately, you aren’t very smart." Wu Li spoke to Mo Wuji in a warm and calm tone. He did not have the same arrogance as he did back during the auction.

Mo Wuji was utterly exasperated when he heard these words. To be honest, he had never lost against any other cultivator in the same stage. The person that was closest to him was Lei Hongji. Back then, the two of them were Great Circle Grand Luo Immortals and their battle resulted in Lei Hongji fleeing. So who exactly gave this Wu Li his confidence.

Wu Li said calmly, "Cultivators at the same stage as me have never been able to walk out of the Dao Discussion Stage alive…"

Mo Wuji couldn’t be bothered to banter with this fella. His Half Moon Weighted Halberd formed a crescent arc in mid air and landed in his hands. He said coldly, "Banter can wait till you reach the Circle of Reincarnation. Half a year ago, Sister Xiaoyu perished here. Today, I will take revenge for Sister Xiaoyu…"

A faint killing intent swept outwards. At this moment, Wu Li also took half a step forward, bursting forth with his domain. At this instant, the entire Dao Discussion Stage felt suffocating. So what if Mo Wuji could transcend realms and kill early stage Immortal Emperors? He, Wu Li, had just advanced to the early Immortal Reverent Stage. He was also able to kill early stage Immortal Emperors.

Wu Li brought out a huge, gold stamp. In an instant, it covered the entire Dao Discussion Stage.

Mo Wuji slashed his halberd, using his second move of his Four Halberd Strikes, Winding River. After twenty years of secluded cultivation, Mo Wuji’s insights towards Grand Desert, Winding River, and Setting Sun were no longer as uneven as before.

Now, his Four Halberd Strikes had become a chain sacred art. His first strike, Grand Desert, could transform into millions and millions of array flags.

However, facing an early stage Immortal Reverent like Wu Li, Mo Wuji really couldn’t be bothered to go serious. Millions and millions of array flags? This Wu Li was truly overestimating himself. If not because Mo Wuji knew that Wu Li definitely wasn’t simple, he wouldn’t even have used his Winding River.

The silver Winding River cascaded down from mid air. In an instant, it filled the entire stage with a deadly white waterfall of killing intent.

The pressure from Wu Li’s domain instantly dissappeared as the killing intent surrounded Wu Li. Wu Li’s face changed. This was the first time that he had been too careless. This Mo Wuji definitely wasn’t only capable of killing early stage Immortal Emperors; he could probably slaughter Grand Emperors as well.

In merely half an exchange, Wu Li knew that he had met with a steel wall. Even if he used all his methods, he wouldn’t be an opponent for Mo Wuji.

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Chapter 784: Setting Sun

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Stop, I am the Young Lord of the G.o.ds Race. If you kill me, there"s nowhere under the skies that you can run to…" Wu Li shouted harshly. Even though he still had some methods to escape, it would be at the cost of igniting his vital dao foundations. If he did that, it would be hard for him to recover the talent that he worked so hard to acc.u.mulate. Moreover, he would not be able to devour spiritual roots to raise his talent.

Additionally, he had already released his killing ace; his killing ace was Broken Sand.

Within the void, there was an extremely rare kind of flower. This flower was called Broken Sand Flower. The Broken Sand Flower didn"t have a tier; it was an extremely beautiful flower that bloomed in the void. However, if it was refined into Broken Sand, then it would be an undefeatable weapon. Many knew of Broken Sand, but only few could actually obtain it. This was because this flower truly too rare.

Broken Sand wasn"t a sacred art, but it was far more terrifying than any sacred art. This was a poison without an antidote. It"s rumoured that it didn"t matter how powerful you are, even if you"re a Dao Emperor, Broken Sand would be able to turn you into minute grains of sand. Thereafter, you will disappear without a trace as you scatter into the wind.

This was one of the reasons why Wu Li dared to continuously challenge experts and obtain such a huge reputation. Another reason was because he was sure that he would be able to escape.

All this while, he had never met a person that required him to use his forbidden escape technique, nor had he met an opponent who he had to use his Broken Sand on.

When Wu Li knew that Mo Wuji was much stronger than him, he cried for Mo Wuji to stop. That was also when he used that chance to release his Broken Sand.

Even though Broken Sand was rare and valuable, it wasn"t as important as his future and his life.

Stop? Mo Wuji acted as though he didn"t hear his opponent"s words. He had never stopped when battling G his opponents.

"Crack!" It was like slicing through tofu; Winding River sliced through Wu Li"s gold stamp and ripped through Wu Li"s domain.

How was this possible? When Wu Li saw that nothing had happened to Mo Wuji even after he used his Broken Sand, his face changed drastically. By this time, did he still have to consider whether he should use his forbidden escape technique? One spiritual root after another was ignited as his entire body started to turn illusory.

"Pff!" As Winding River descended upon him, Wu Li"s illusory body returned to its tangible state.

A fog of blood burst out as Wu Li"s tangible body was sliced in half.

"No…" The decapitated Wu Li shrilled in grief. He didn"t believe that he would die like this; he didn"t believe that someone would be able to resist his Broken Sand; he didn"t believe… However, darkness continued to sweep over him. He no longer had the chance to find an answer.

Mo Wuji opened his palm, retrieving Wu Li"s storage ring. Thereafter, he shot out a ball of flame and burned Wu Li"s body to dust. Only a gold stamp, which had been sliced in half by Mo Wuji, sat desolately at a corner of the Dao Discussion Stage.

Mo Wuji"s heart was also filled with shock. Don"t simply look at how simple it was for him to kill Wu Li. In reality, he knew that if he didn"t have the detoxification channel, he would have been screwed. To think that this Wu Li had a potent poison like Broken Sand. There was no need to talk about how this poison didn"t have an antidote, even if it did, who was able to administer it in time during a battle?

The entire Heaven"s Beyond Dao Plaza went silent. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for a Dao Discussion Challenge with Wu Li to last a single move. This was because Wu Li had always ended many dao discussions with a single move.

However, that was Wu Li vanquis.h.i.+ng his opponent in a single move, not his opponent vanquis.h.i.+ng him.

Immediately, many people thought about the aftermath of this incident. Even though Wu Li had never received any support from anyone in Cosmos Edge, it was because Wu Li didn’t need anyone’s help. But now that Wu Li was killed, things definitely wouldn’t be so simple. Many believed that Wu Li had an unordinary status in the G.o.ds Race.

Now that such an unordinary person had been killed on the Dao Discussion Stage, how could the G.o.ds Race simply let it go?

If the Dao Discussion Stage was truly a fair place, then perhaps things might be simpler. However, even an idiot knows that neither the Dao Discussion Stage, nor the entire Cosmos Edge itself, was a fair and just place.

"So strong." With the room at the highest level of Heaven’s Beyond Resthouse, Ji Ku was stroking his beard. He had completely forgotten about the wine that he wanted to drink.

Beside him, Cosmos Edge’s Dao Lord Feng Huang also exhaled and said, "He’s indeed very strong."

After some time, Ji Ku said slowly, "Even though this person isn’t comparable to me, he’s not far off."

Previously, he already guessed that Mo Wuji would win. However, he would never have thought that Mo Wuji would win in such a clean and straightforward matter. He even intended to find some trouble with Mo Wuji after this Dao Discussion Challenge.

Naturally, his excuse would be that Mo Wuji had killed the bis.e.xual Immortal Reverent. Since Mo Wuji was so rich, he wanted to extort some green crystals from Mo Wuji. That way, not only would he obtain green crystals, he would also be doing a favour for the G.o.ds Race.

But now, he directly abandoned this thought. Even though Mo Wuji was not as powerful as him, Mo Wuji wasn’t much worse. He did not need to offend such a person for mere green crystals.

Feng Huang didn’t say a word. He was sure that Mo Wuji was stronger than Ji Ku. Unfortunately, that Wu Li had been too weak; so Mo Wuji only needed a single sacred art, Winding River, to defeat him. Feng Huang had seen this sacred art before in the recording crystal ball. Now that he had personally witnessed it, he started to contemplate on how he could avoid it if he was the one attacked by it.

"You dared to kill Young Lord Li…" An aggrieved shout could be heard as three figures charged onto the Dao Discussion Stage.

On the surface, these three people looked like ordinary immortals. However, the moment they stepped onto the Dao Discussion Stage, their aura burst forth violently. Even the weakest Yan Yuerong knew that these three were all Immortal Emperors.

Yan Yuerong didn’t even have time to commiserate Xiao Xiaoyu before her face turned deadly pale. Three Immortal Emperors were actually encircling her Big Brother Da Huang. Even if Da Huang was heaven-defying, he was definitely going to die here today.

Mo Wuji stared calmly at these three Immortal Emperors: two early stage Immortal Emperors and one intermediate stage Immortal Emperor. Honestly, this ensemble really didn’t catch his eye. In his mind, he was only thinking about how stuck-up and arrogant these people were.

On the Dao Discussion Stage, only Wu Li was allowed to kill others. If Wu Li was killed, then it was considered a crime.

"Kill!" The three people seemed to shout at the same time. In an instant, multiple beams of light sealed the entire s.p.a.ce.

Below the Dao Discussion Stage, the spectating immortals all hurriedly retreated. These Immortal Emperors had broken the seals over the Dao Discussion Stage. Facing the sheer might of three Immortal Emperor Domains, the spectators could not help but retreat.

Besides retreating, these people were also sighing. They all knew that Mo Wuji was screwed. With three Immortal Emperors surrounding him, it would be weird if Mo Wuji could survive.

Moreover, these were Immortal Emperors that the G.o.ds Race a.s.signed to protect Wu Li. It would also be weird if these three were weak.

Mo Wuji chuckled as his whirlpool domain flooded out like violent waves. Even though he was facing three Immortal Emperors, his domain definitely wasn’t at a disadvantage. Unless, these three Immortal Emperors could merge their domains.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" As the domains clashed, immortal elemental energy erupted. There was even some dao energy which spilt outwards.

Shock suddenly entered the three’s infuriated hearts. It was true that their domains couldn’t mere. But even so, they were three Immortal Emperors.

But now, Mo Wuji’s one domain was completely able to defend against their three domains. That whirlpool domain surged strongly like waves, forcing them to concentrate to prevent their domains from being shattered by Mo Wuji’s. If their domains were shattered, then this entire s.p.a.ce would become Mo Wuji’s backyard.

The three calmed down. They knew that Mo Wuji was able to kill Wu Li based on true capability, and not schemes or luck. If they continued to fight with an unstable mentality, they might find themselves losing.

Mo Wuji didn’t even wait for the three of them to join hands; his halberd light transformed into a boundless desert.

Waves of halberd light swept over, blocking out the entire sky. It looked as though millions upon millions of array flags had covered the entire Dao Discussion Stage. The halberd light within the Grand Desert continued to spread, then they rapidly transformed into waves of sand. These waves of sand directly penetrated through the three’s domain and surged violently towards them.

These three Immortal Emperors suddenly felt that they were in the middle of a raging and tumultuous ocean. Moreover, they weren’t strong s.h.i.+ps facing this violent ocean, but mere planks of wood.

At this instant, they really couldn’t tell whether they were facing an ocean or a desert.

"This is an intent-level sacred art formed from this person’s halberd light. Let’s directly attack…" That intermediate stage Immortal Emperor was the first one to awaken from his daze. After saying that sentence, a huge stalk formed from his hands. In an instant, that huge stalk formed countless of vines which shot towards Mo Wuji.

The other two Immortal Emperors also woke up. One sent a black flag which enveloped the s.p.a.ce around Mo Wuji, while the other used a huge hammer to smash down towards Mo Wuji’s head!

This clearly wasn’t the first time that these three were working together. Their actions were smooth and fluid.

At this moment, Mo Wuji’s Grand Desert started to emit ripping sounds. The vines in front of Mo Wuji directly transformed into a huge vine hand.

If Mo Wuji took a step forward, this vine hand would grab him. If Mo Wuji took a step backwards, he would be within the domain of the black flag and he would be directly smashed into meat juice by that huge hammer.

However, a calm expression remained on Mo Wuji’s face. He simply waved his hand and Winding River came descending down.

That intermediate stage Immortal Emperor snorted coldly. He had seen this sacred art before. Even though it was very strong, it wasn’t enough to heavily injure them. And even if they were heavily injured, they were still going to destroy this human race cultivator that killed their young lord.

The Winding River looked sad and beautiful. Before it fully descended, it had already ripped the s.p.a.ce sealed by the flag and caused that huge hammer to slow down.

"Boom!" Grand Desert finally exploded. At this moment, there was no place on these three Immortal Emperor’s bodies that were without injuries. However, at the same time, two vine shadows pierced through Mo Wuji’s chest.

A grey and deathly energy swept towards Mo Wuji. Even though that intermediate stage Immortal Emperor had been injured by Grand Desert, he could not help but be filled with elation. His G.o.d Vine was going to suck Mo Wuji’s life force, then split Mo Wuji’s body apart.

However, he was instantly startled. Mo Wuji did not seem to be affected at all as he punched outwards.

"Boom!" Mo Wuji’s fist landed on that giant hammer. The bones in his hands shattered. But at the same time, the hammer was sent flying by Mo Wuji.

That intermediate stage Immortal Emperor promptly uttered, "He has been sealed by my G.o.d Vine. We only need to protect ourselves, there’s no need to attack him…"

Before this Immortal Emperor could finish speaking, he stopped. He stared in aghast as a setting sun appeared before him. He felt as though his life had been fused with the setting sun. As the sun set, his life also came to an end.

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Chapter 785: Destroying The Dao Discussion Stage

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Boom! The incomplete sun exploded. These three Immortal Emperors immediately felt their domains shattering as their dao energy seeped outwards.

This person is too strong. We have to escape. This thought ran through all of their minds.

"Kacha!" The wave-like sand suddenly exploded. Without the protection of their domains, the three of them were directly ravaged by the sand.

The two early stage Immortal Emperors’ bodies directly got destroyed. Just as their primordial spirits emerged from their shattered bodies, they were torn apart by the halberd light within the Grand Desert.

That intermediate stage Immortal Emperor was slightly stronger. Even though the sand wave ripped through his body, he still had a chance to retreat. However, Mo Wuji didn’t give him that chance; the vast and unending desert disappeared, transforming into a boundless beam of halberd light.

This halberd light seemed to have torn s.p.a.ce apart as a huge chasm appeared in the s.p.a.ce between them. It was simply and undeniably tyrannical.

The halberd light sliced through this intermediate stage Immortal Emperor’s body; he didn’t even have a chance to resist. His eyes closed gradually. Before he died, he wasn’t thinking about Mo Wuji’s final sacred art - Remnant Chasm. In reality, he completely didn’t understand why Mo Wuji would want to use the Remnant Chasm Sacred Art. The moment that the incomplete sun set, this intermediate stage Immortal Emperor no longer had a chance to resist.

This intermediate stage Immortal Emperor also wasn’t thinking about what would happen now that the G.o.ds Race had created an enemy out of such an expert.

Instead, he was thinking about the very first move - Grand Desert. Grand Desert did not look as terrifying as Winding River, and it wasn’t as breathtaking as Setting Sun. However, when all three of them had their bodies destroyed by the halberd light within Grand Desert, he finally came to an understanding on Grand Desert. The moment Grand Desert appeared, it was continuously restraining their energy and staring at them. If they revealed even a single gap, Vast River would explode violently, directly turning their bodies to dust.

"What a strong chain intent-level sacred art…" This intermediate stage Immortal Emperor closed his eyes. He didn’t even release his primordial spirit. He knew that it would only take an additional slash from Mo Wuji to destroy his primordial spirit; it would be better if he directly sent it into reincarnation.

"What a strong chain of sacred arts!" When Ji Ku saw Mo Wuji kill three Immortal Emperors in such a short time, he exhaled deeply and sighed, "I was wrong. I shouldn’t be a match for him."

Feng Huang remained silent. He was stronger than Ji Ku, and his discernment was also higher than Ji Ku. He could tell that Mo Wuji’s sacred arts were chain intent-level sacred arts, and not merely a chain of sacred arts.

"Brother Feng, that Mo Wuji completely didn’t need to use his fourth sacred art to kill the last person. So why did he still choose to reveal his sacred art?" Ji Ku asked curiously.

In his eyes, Mo Wuji’s chain of Grand Desert, Winding River and Setting Sun had already killed two Immortal Emperors, and left the final one with only a single breath. At this time, using his fourth sacred art would be unnecessarily revealing his methods. This didn’t seem compatible with his reputation.

Feng Huang sighed and said, "Take a look…"

Even without Feng Huang saying it, Ji Ku had already taken a look. Under Mo Wuji’s Remnant Chasm, the Dao Discussion Stage had been directly reduced into ruins.

"I understand," Ji Ku said in aghast.

Feng Huang said helplessly, "He is clearly showing his disdain of Cosmos Edge, for creating such an unworthy Dao Discussion Stage. Thus, he made use of his final halberd strike to turn this Dao Discussion Stage into dust.

It was true that Cosmos Edge’s Dao Discussion Stage didn’t deserve its name. Otherwise, someone would have stopped those three Immortal Emperors of the G.o.ds Race from encircling Mo Wuji.

"This…" Ji Ku was speechless as he stared at the remnants of the Dao Discussion Stage, "Isn’t he afraid creating too many enemies in Cosmos Edge? He even dares to destroy the Dao Discussion Stage?"

Feng Huang said bitter, "Tell me, does he look like a person afraid of offending others?"

Ji Ku understood Feng Huang’s feelings. Feng Huang was, after all, the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge. Mo Wuji’s actions were simply a slap to his face.

"That’s true. This person killed several Immortal Emperors of Mifei Trade Union, but he still dares to come to Cosmos Edge. This shows that he is a very bold person. If that’s not true, he wouldn’t have killed Wu Li. Brother Feng, if you went against him, would you be able to restrain him?" When he finished speaking, Ji Ku turned to look at Feng Huang.

Feng Huang shook his head, "I’m not confident. If there’s no need for it, I suggest that Brother Ji doesn’t allow the Demon Race to offend him. Unless you are able to kill him at a single shot, you would only be creating boundless disaster for the Demon Race."

"I know. Actually, I believe that he also understands a bit about rules. Otherwise, he would have long stormed Mifei Trade Union." Ji Ku nodded his head.

Feng Huang laughed coldly, "I’m sure that he would cause a ruckus at Mifei Trade Union soon."

"Why?" Ji Ku looked at Feng Huang in confusion. Logically, Mo Wuji didn’t need to wait till now to deal with Mifei Trade Union. He could have done so the moment he reached Cosmos Edge.

"Because he has a reason now," Feng Huang said calmly.

Ji Ku didn’t ask any further; he also understood what was going on. If Cosmos Edge really cares about rules, then those Immortal Emperors wouldn’t have been allowed to surround Mo Wuji after he killed Wu Li. Since that’s the case, it demonstrated that Cosmos Edge didn’t even care about rules.

Consequently, there’s no need for him, Mo Wuji, to be afraid of rules.

Ji Ku suddenly felt a chill. He finally understood why Mo Wuji decided to use his final sacred art to destroy the Dao Discussion Stage: 1. He wanted to test Cosmos Edge’s bottom line; 2. He wanted to let everyone know not to offend him; 3. He wanted to give off the impression of a thug; since he was a thug, it was simply natural for him to cause trouble for Mifei Trade Union since they had offended him.

Even though there were many people in Heaven’s Beyond Dao Plaza, it was dead silent. Many of those that didn’t know about Mo Wuji were currently inquiring about him.

Mo Wuji opened his palm and collected the three storage rings. At the same time, he grabbed that life-sucking vine and casually removed the spiritual will imprints on it.

Then he threw it directly in his storage ring.

If not for his vitality channel, that vine would really have been able to restrain him. The moment he gets restrained, he could only wait for death. There was no need to talk about this vine, even that previous Broken Sand Poison had left Mo Wuji feeling trepidations.

Indeed, in the vast cosmos, there were countless of experts and countless of methods. He might have the vitality and detoxification channel to deal with some methods. But what if there was a method that he couldn’t deal with?

The G.o.ds Race was one of the reigning races in Cosmos Edge. It would definitely have many Grand Emperors. If those Grand Emperors gathered at Cosmos Edge to trap him, he wouldn’t be able to escape even if he had three heads and six arms.

It was exactly because he knew that his abilities were insufficient that he used his final sacred art to destroy this unworthy Dao Discussion Stage. After destroying this Dao Discussion Stage, he would immediately head over to Mifei Trade Union. He knew that Cosmos Edge wasn’t a place that he could stay for long. Since he had to leave, then why shouldn’t he rob some money before he leaves?

"Brother Da Huang." Seeing Mo Wuji walk out from the shattered Dao Discussion Stage, Yan Yuerong hurriedly went to receive him. Her voice was so agitated that it was trembling slightly; Brother Da Huang had really helped Sister Xiaoyu take revenge.

"Yuerong, we need to go to another place." Mo Wuji smiled and side. He was too lazy to even return back to his resthouse. After robbing Mifei Trade Union, he would immediately leave this place.

"Brother Da Huang, I will stay with you." Yan Yuerong had long seen Mo Wuji as her bigger brother. If not for Mo Wuji, she, Yan Yuerong, would have already been dead.

"Alright, from now on, you are my younger sister," Mo Wuji said loudly. He knew that Yan Yuerong had no means of support besides him. If he wasn’t with her, she would definitely die. Thus, he said those words loudly as he wanted everyone here to know. If anyone wanted to deal with Yan Yuerong, then they would first have to get through him, Mo Wuji.

Even without Mo Wuji saying anything, the crowd had already started to disperse.

There were some people that wanted to befriend Mo Wuji, but at this instant, none of them dared to approach him. Who did Mo Wuji just kill? He just killed three Immortal Emperors and a young lord of the G.o.ds Race. Who would still dare to talk to Mo Wuji now? Wouldn’t they be throwing themselves into conflict with the G.o.ds Race?

Even though no one dared to speak to Mo Wuji, many still had their eyes on Mo Wuji. They wanted to know where Mo Wuji was heading to now. Some of them even wanted to stalk Mo Wuji and see where he stayed. That way, when the experts from the G.o.ds Race came over, they would be able to report it to the G.o.ds Race experts and earn some rewards.

"I think I know who he is?" Someone in the crowd finally cried out in alarm.

"Who is it?" Multiple people asked at the same time.

"He’s Mo Wuji, the one that opened a pill house in Heaven’s Beyond City Square those years ago. I heard that he killed two Immortal Emperors of Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion…"

"Yes, that’s him. I also heard rumours that he destroyed Heaven’s Beyond City Square’s Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion before coming to Cosmos Edge. He even killed their Immortal Emperor Yu Xing."

"So impressive…"

"He’s definitely heading over to Mifei Trade Union. Take a look at the direction that he’s heading towards."

"Let’s hurry and take a look. There’s definitely another good show to watch. Over these years Mifei Trade Union has been earning a huge fortune from Heaven’s Beyond City Square. They didn’t even allow other pill houses to sell any good stuff. This time, they finally offended the wrong person…"

"However, Mifei Trade Union isn’t the G.o.ds Race. Many experts of the G.o.ds Race aren’t here, but most of Mifei’s experts are."

"House Master Mo…" Just as Mo Wuji walked to the front of Mifei Trade Union, a green-robed man hurriedly came to greet him.

Mo Wuji recognised this green-robed man; he was a deacon of Mifei Trade Union. Back when he first entered Cosmos Edge, this was the man that stopped him, claiming that the Deputy Union Head of Mifei Trade Union had invited him.

"F*ck off." Mo Wuji directly released a slap. This Immortal King deacon was directly sent flyings tens of meters by Mo Wuji’s slap. He landed heavily on the ground and immediately coughed out a mouthful of fresh blood.

Mo Wuji instantly felt multiple spiritual wills land on him. However, these spiritual will only scanned him briefly. Mo Wuji sneered in his heart; Cosmos Edge was truly a marvellous place where people only cared about the snow right in front of their doorstep. (i.e they only care about their own business.) This was good; he liked it that way.

His Half Moon Weighted Halberd slashed an arc in the air, forming a silver halberd light which sailed towards Mifei Trade Union’s door.

"Kacha!" The three gold words above the door, Mifei Trade Union, was directly reduced to ash. In fact, the entire door was turned into dust.

Mo Wuji felt truly carefree. Those years ago, when he opened his Mortal Pill House in Heaven’s Beyond City Square, he didn’t antagonise Mifei Trade Union, but they still tried to screw him. Today, he could finally collect some interest.

"Stop!" A cold and harsh voice cried out. Thereafter, a middle-aged man in yellow robes landed on the rubble.

This yellow-robed man didn’t attack. Instead, he spoke coldly, "House Master Mo, why did you attack my Mifei Trade Union without a reason?"

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Chapter 786: Compensation

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji allowed his Half Moon Weighted Halberd to float by his side as he asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"This Emperor is Mifei Trade Union’s Deputy Union Head Ju Chuan." As this yellow-robed man spoke, he allowed his aura to burst forth. Even though he didn’t want to fight against Mo Wuji, he wanted Mo Wuji to know that he, Ju Chuan, was a Grand Emperor.

It was enough as long as Mo Wuji had apprehensions towards him. His Mifei Trade Union was also not willing to continue their conflict with a lunatic like Mo Wuji. What was a person that dared to kill the young lord and three Immortal Emperors of the G.o.ds Race if not a lunatic? Moreover, many experts of Mifei Trade Union weren’t present at the moment.

According to Ju Chuan’s idea, Mo Wuji would definitely have some reservations after he revealed his Grand Emperor aura. Thereafter, Mo Wuji would want to negotiate with him.

Unfortunately, he wasn’t Mo Wuji, so he couldn’t have known what Mo Wuji was thinking. Mo Wuji didn’t even utter a single word of rubbish as he, similarly, burst forth with his whirlpool domain. At the same time, he slashed with his Half Moon Weighted Halberd, conjuring a devastating halberd light.

"You…" Anger and shock surged into Ju Chuan’s heart; he didn’t think that Mo Wuji would be such a deviant of towards the rules. All this while, Ju Chuan had been rather contented with the rules of Cosmos Edge. Cosmos Edge was simply a place where only the strong were allowed to talk. If the weak dared to break the rules, then enforcers would immediately appear.

Today, however, Ju Chuan had a newfound opinion. Mo Wuji had been behaving so arrogantly in front of his Mifei Trade Union. However, there weren’t any enforcers being dispatched over. What was the use of such dogsh*t enforcers?

Hurriedly, Ju Chuan brought out a copper mirror. Instantly, the copper mirror conjured millions of golden light on the mirror surface.

"Boom!" Remnant Chasm directly tore Mifei Trade Union’s defensive array apart and proceeded towards Ju Chuan’s domain.

Even Ju Chuan, himself, could see his domain shattering in front of his eyes. Explosions of immortal elemental energy reverberated through the air, and some traces of dao energy seeped outwards.

Ju Chuan’s millions of golden light were instantly scattered as a raging force of immortal elemental energy landed on his chest. On the spot, Ju Chuan coughed out a mouthful of blood and he was forced back tens of meters. He struggled just to remain standing.

That single instant had caused Ju Chuan’s heart to turn cold. Even though he knew that he was a Grand Emperor, he wasn’t a match for Mo Wuji. Only the Five Great Immortal Emperors of Cosmos Edge could defend against an expert like Mo Wuji. The only thing he could do was try to delay Mo Wuji. If a huge ruckus and destruction were created here, people would definitely come.

Mo Wuji knew that he had taken the initiative; so how could he simply allow Ju Chuan to collect himself? Taking another step forward, his Half Moon Weighted Halberd formed millions of halberd light. At the same time, a Spiritual Will Arrow began to condense in the violet lake within his sea of consciousness.

In that single exchange with Ju Chuan, Mo Wuji knew that the only way he could get rid of Ju Chuan in a short time was to use his Spiritual Will Arrow. Otherwise, this battle would drag on for a long time, which was not what he wanted.

Originally, Ju Chuan wanted to blast forth with his sacred art. However, at this instant, he suddenly felt the air around him turn cold; it felt as though he had been locked on by some deadly energy. Moreover, he actually couldn’t tell where this deadly energy was coming from.

The previous exchange had left him feeling that he was only slightly inferior to Mo Wuji. But now, Ju Chuan knew that he was completely unable to delay Mo Wuji. If that deadly energy was released, then he, Ju Chuan, would undoubtedly die.

"Stop!" Ju Chuan cried out frantically.

Mo Wuji completely disregarded Ju Chuan’s cry. Why would I stop just because you asked me to stop?

"Immortal Friend Mo, this is Cosmos Edge after all. I hope that Immortal Friend Mo can take into account of my, Feng Huang’s, reputation and stop temporarily." A gentle voice came over.

Mo Wuji jolted and that Spiritual Will Arrow condensing within his sea of consciousness gradually scattered.

Just from this person’s aura alone, Mo Wuji knew that this oncoming person was no weaker than him. If he had to battle this person, he would definitely be forced to reveal all his cards. Unless it was truly against his interests, he really wasn’t willing to offend such an expert.

Moreover, he didn’t come to Mifei Trade Union to kill, but to obtain cultivation resources. In his eyes, Ju Chuan was merely a simple Immortal Emperor that could be killed at any time. On the other hand, this Feng Huang definitely wasn’t a simple person.

Not only that, he felt that this Feng Huang’s spiritual will was slightly familiar. If he was not wrong, Feng Huang’s spiritual will should have been on him during his battle on the Dao Discussion Stage.

Seeing Mo Wuji retract his killing intent, Ju Chuan heaved a sigh of relief. Thereafter, he clasped his fists towards the oncoming man and said, "Many thanks, Dao Lord Feng."

At a time like this, face was secondary. Ju Chuan knew better than anyone else that if Feng Huang hadn’t arrived, then he could only wait to die.

Mo Wuji turned to see the oncoming people: there were two of them. One was the clean-shaven man who addressed himself as Feng Huang. He had a refined and scholarly appearance, as well as the aura of a Grand Emperor. However, Mo Wuji was sure that this fella was not a simple Grand Emperor. He should definitely be much stronger than Ju Chuan.

By Feng Huang’s side was a bearded old man. He was also a Grand Emperor. In terms of dao aura alone, he was also stronger than Ju Chuan.

Feng Huang nodded towards Ju Chuan, then he smiled and clasped his fists towards Mo Wuji, "Perhaps Immortal Friend Mo doesn’t know me. I am the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge, Feng Huang. This is my good friend, as well as a Grand Emperor of the Demon Race, Ji Ku."

When Ji Ku saw the battle between Mo Wuji and the three Immortal Emperors of the G.o.ds Race, he already started to have apprehensions and slight fear towards Mo Wuji. Now with Feng Huang’s introduction, he hurriedly took the initiative to clasp his fists towards Mo Wuji, "Immortal Friend Mo’s sacred arts are staggering. Ji Ku is truly impressed."

"So it’s Dao Lord Feng and Immortal Friend Ji. Please forgive Mo Wuji for my previous lack of courtesy." Mo Wuji clasped his fists in return. He had just offended the G.o.ds Race and Mifei Trade Union. Now, it seems like this Feng Huang didn’t want to offend him; so he naturally wasn’t going to offend such an expert. Moreover, this expert was the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge.

"I’ve long heard of Immortal Friend Mo’s ill.u.s.trious name. However, I wonder why House Master Mo destroyed the doors of Mifei Trade Union?" Feng Huang said while maintaining his smile.

He was also feeling rather helpless. According to his intentions, he definitely didn’t want to ask such a question. Even if Mifei Trade Union was destroyed, why would it matter to him?

However, as the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge, he had to ask about it.

"Dao Lord Feng, this person is arrogant and disrespectful. He had complete disregard for the rules of Cosmos Edge. The moment he came, he destroyed Mifei Trade Union’s doors and defensive array. I plead Dao Lord Feng to stand up for Cosmos Edge, and to stand up for Mifei Trade Union." Before Mo Wuji could speak, that green robed deacon hurriedly came over and expressed his grievances.

Ju Chuan’s heart sank; he knew that things have gone bad. How could he not know what was on Feng Huang’s mind? If the rules of Cosmos Edge were truly of use, then that Mo Wuji wouldn’t have been allowed to destroy the Dao Discussion Stage.

If Feng Huang dares to talk about the rules, then Mo Wuji would immediately mention the matter of being ganged up by three Immortal Emperors on the Dao Discussion Stage. This deacon was really a pig. If Feng Huang could easily be coerced by such words, then he wouldn’t be the Dao Lord of Cosmos Edge. The reason why Feng Huang was here wasn’t because he wanted to help Mifei Trade Union, but because he had no choice but to do so.

However, Ju Chuan also knew why this deacon said these words. This was because Mo Wuji had slapped all his teeth away, causing him to feel humiliated.

Feng Huang remained calm. However, in his heart, he was laughing coldly: You actually dare to threaten me with the rules.

"F*ck off!" Ju Chuan also slapped over. This deacon had just been slapped by Mo Wuji. Now, he was also slapped by Ju Chuan. His newly growing teeth were, once again, slapped out of his mouth.

After slapping this deacon away, Ju Chuan didn’t wait for Mo Wuji to say anything as he said, "Dao Lord Feng, actually, my Mifei Trade Union is in the wrong. Previously, my Mifei Pill-Smith Pavilion saw that House Master Mo had opened a pill house in Heaven’s Beyond City Square. Due to our jealousy, we provoked House Master Mo. Now, House Master Mo has come to seek an account for our actions. On behalf of Mifei Trade Union, I am willing to compensate House Master Mo."

Feng Huang maintained a calm expression on his face. If Ju Chuan wasn’t even willing to say these words, then he, Feng Huang, really couldn’t be bothered to resolve this situation. Moreover, he knew that even if he were to personally get involved, he wouldn’t be able to restrain Mo Wuji. If that’s the case, then why would he want to offend an expert like Mo Wuji for Mifei Trade Union?

When Ju Chuan finished speaking, he threw a storage ring towards Mo Wuji.

"Ding!" Just as this ring was thrown, it landed back on Ju Chuan’s feet.

"House Master Mo, what’s the meaning of this?" Ju Chuan’s expression turned unsightly. At the same time, he was inwardly shocked at the strength of Mo Wuji’s spiritual will; he actually wasn’t even able to throw

"Keke, he’s implying that the things inside the ring isn’t enough to compensate for Mortal Pill House." A voice sounded out from the crowd not far away.

Ju Chuan’s heart pounded. Could it be that this Mo Wuji was able to use his spiritual will to open his ring in that short time? Isn’t that too terrifying?

Even Feng Huang’s heart was racing. There were seals on Ju Chuan’s storage ring. It hadn’t been that long, but Mo Wuji’s spiritual will was actually able to break through those seals? Feng Huang suddenly felt that he was still underestimating Mo Wuji.

"Keke, that immortal friend is right. Those years ago, a tenth of the value of the pills and herbs within my Mortal Pill House is already more than these measly 300,000 green crystals. However, my Mortal Pill House was destroyed by your Mifei Trade Union and not a single strand was left. Could it be that Deputy Union Head Ju is bullying me because you believe that I have never seen green crystals before? Well, that’s true. How can my small pill house be as rich as your Mifei Trade Union? A few hundred thousand green crystals would have left me excited and out of breath." As Mo Wuji was speaking, killing intent started to gather around him.

It was true that he had apprehensions towards Feng Huang. However, if Mifei Trade Union didn’t offer the appropriate compensation, then no one could blame him for not showing courtesy.

Feng Huang didn’t say a word. 300,000 green crystals were indeed too little. However, Mo Wuji’s demand of 3,000,000 green crystals was also too exorbitant. [1]

"I’ll give it." Ju Chuan’s face sunk as he threw another storage ring to Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji saw that this ring has 3,500,000 green crystals as well as some Tier 7 and 8 immortal herbs. Mo Wuji accepted the ring. Thereafter, he stared coldly at Ju Chuan and said, "On account of Dao Lord Feng’s reputation, this matter will end here. But if your Mifei Trade Union dares to find me trouble again, then you can’t blame me for not behaving so courteously."

"My Mifei Trade Union will definitely engrave House Master Mo"s words in our hearts," Ju Chuan said coldly.

Seeing this matter come to an end, Feng Huang clasped his fists and said, "Immortal Friend Mo, I wonder if you’re free to have a sit with me at a resthouse?"

Mo Wuji was in a rush to leave Cosmos Edge; so he naturally wasn’t going to waste time with Feng Huang here. However, before he could answer, Feng Huang continued, "Immortal Friend Mo, the experts of Mifei Trade Union and the G.o.ds Race wouldn’t return to Cosmos Edge for the time being because they have to attend to a matter."

Mo Wuji’s heart pounded. Just when he was about to reply, he heard Yan Yuerong say, "Brother Da Huang, I just received a transmission telling me where the person who caught me is."

[1] Mo Wuji didn’t say it directly. I guess it’s cos Mo Wuji said that 300,000 is worth a tenth of what he lost.

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Chapter 787: Notorious Throughout Cosmos Edge

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Where is it?" Mo Wuji promptly asked.

"At the West River Religious Order." Just as Yan Yuerong answered the question, she felt like she had committed a mistake. Wasn’t this getting her Brother Da Huang to offend the West River Religious Order? She had heard Sister Xiaoyu say that the Head of West River Religious Order was very strong.

As she thought of this, she hurriedly said, "Brother Da Huang, I think it’s better if we leave this place. After all, I turned out fine."

"There’s no need to worry." Mo Wuji gave Yan Yuerong a rea.s.suring gaze. Thereafter, he clasped his fists towards Feng Huang and said, "Many thanks, Dao Lord Feng for your invitation. However, I need to settle some private matters first."

Now that he knew that the experts from the G.o.ds Race wouldn’t return for a period of time, Mo Wuji was no longer in a rush to leave Cosmos Edge. He believed that Feng Huang had to reason to lie to him. After all, the two of them didn’t have a feud; so there would be no reason for Feng Huang to screw him.

"Immortal Friend Mo can naturally do as he pleases." Feng Huang had a gentle smile on his face. His demeanour was especially elegant.

He had also heard Yan Yuerong’s words. Even if Mo Wuji caused a ruckus at West River Religious Order, it wouldn’t be of any impact for him. The West River Religious Order had always been a bellicose place, and its Order Head, An Xuecheng, was equally famous as him; he was also one of the Five Great Immortal Emperors of Cosmos Edge. Currently, An Xuecheng wasn’t present, but Leng Ren was here. Compared to An Xuecheng, Leng Ren wasn’t much weaker. Feng Huang was really interested to know who was the stronger one among Mo Wuji and Leng Ren.

The immortals that came here for the show originally wanted to disperse in their own separate ways. However, when they saw Mo Wuji bring Yan Yuerong to West River Religious Order, they gathered back again.

"This is West River Religious Order. If you have no business here, then f*ck off." A grey robed woman blocked Mo Wuji’s path. She still didn’t know that the man in front of her was the infamous Mo Wuji.

"I need to go in and find someone." Mo Wuji said calmly. This grey robed woman caused him to feel uncomfortable. Her entire figure was exuding a baleful aura. Clearly, this grey robed woman had killed many people, and it even seemed like she killed every single day. The look in her eyes was like she was looking at dead people.

"F*ck off!" This was the second time this grey robed woman told Mo Wuji to f*ck off. At the same time, her body began to release heavy killing intent in all directions.

Mo Wuji was very clear that even if he turned now, this woman will try to kill him.

Cosmos Edge was truly a mystical place. There’s truly no reason here. He only said a single sentence, but he was going to be killed.

This time, Mo Wuji couldn’t even be bothered to explain. He took a step towards this woman. This woman had only just wielded her longsword when Mo Wuji lifted his hand and slapped this woman across her face.

"Kacha!" The sound of bones shattering reverberated through the air. The moment this woman opened her mouth, blood splattered out. Her entire body had been slapped flying and she landed heavily against the wall.

"You crippled my cultivation…" This woman stared at Mo Wuji in disbelief. She, then, coughed out another mouthful of blood.

Even though she was only an early stage Immortal Reverent, she killed people like she would ants. She had never shown mercy. She would never have thought that she would have been slapped flying and that her cultivation would have been crippled. At this instant, her spirit channels were ruptured and her sea of consciousness was evaporating.

"House Master Mo, kill Kill-Girl Li!" A call cried out from within the crowd.

This grey robed woman had an alias killed Kill-Girl Li. Within West River Religious Order, Kill-Girl Li’s cultivation couldn’t be considered the highest, but she was definitely the one that killed the most people.

As long as the person is weaker than her and didn’t know the rules of West River Religious Order, that person would die under her sword.

Many believed that she cultivated the Dao of Killing. Only through constant murder and slaughter, could she perfect her Grand Dao.

"Sister, your vengeance has finally been repaid in half." Among the crowd, a youth stared excitedly at the crippled Kill-Girl Li; he was so agitated that he was shaking. He had always wanted to kill this demented woman. However, his power was too inferior compared to Kill-Girl Li.

"You dared to cripple my cultivation. You actually dared to cripple my cultivation…" Kill-Girl Li was still muttering in disbelief. This was the West River Religious Order, and she was the West River Religious Order’s Kill-Girl Li, but she was actually crippled in front of West River Religious Order.

Mo Wuji looked at this grey robed woman speechlessly. He really couldn’t get it in his head. Where did this woman’s sense of superiority come from? She could kill others, but she didn’t allow others to cripple her cultivation?

"House Master Mo, my Religious Order is indeed a place where you can kill. However, you would have to go to the Religious Hall first. House Master Mo is only at the doorstep of my Religious Order but you already tried to kill a person of my order. Could it be that you really believe that you are the number one in this cosmos?" A cold voice could be heard. Following which, an old man appeared in front of Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji said indifferently, "I know you. You wanted to purchase my little sister as your immortal slave during the auction. Now, you’re coming to cause trouble for me. Very good."

The moment Mo Wuji opened his hand, the Half Moon Weighted Halberd appeared in his palm. He knew of this old man back during the auction. He was Leng Ren, the Deputy Order Head of West River Religious Order.

"Haha…" Leng Ren chuckled loudly, however, there did not seem to be a hint of humour on his face. "Mo Wuji, my Religious Order’s Immortal Emperors aren’t here, but do you think that my Religious Order would be afraid of you? If you want to fight, I, Leng Ren, am willing to oblige."

Mo Wuji said calmly, "I will say it one more time. I want to go in and find a person. If you make way, I will take today’s matters as though they have never happened. But if you continue standing in my way, then don’t blame me for attacking."

It wasn’t that Mo Wuji didn’t want to fight. However, he could only depend on himself here and he also had to take care of Yan Yuerong. If not for that, he would have already slashed his halberd down. He even discovered that Leng Ren’s body was revolving with death energy. Clearly, Leng Ren was a person at the end of his longevity. Mo Wuji didn’t want to pit his life against such a person.

Leng Ren’s face sunk. Honestly, he didn’t want to fight against a hot-tempered dolt like Mo Wuji too. He had just purchased an Immortal Sh.e.l.l Fruit during the auction which could allow him to extend his longevity by 60 years. If he used these 60 years properly, he would definitely be able to find a suitable body which he could possess.

If he succeeds in his possession, he would no longer have to depend too much on the religious order. At this moment, he was feeling slight regret. He regretted leaving the auction so early. He should have continued staying at the auction site till Mo Wuji was done with his business.

During Leng Ren’s hesitation, Mo Wuji had already brought Yan Yuerong to the second floor’s Religious Hall.

The West River Religious Order’s Religious Hall was extremely s.p.a.cious. It was installed with grand spirit gathering arrays, causing the spiritual energy to be dense to the max. There were even some traces of the Laws.

Mo Wuji only needed to stand there for a moment to know that this was a great place to cultivate.

There were countless of seals. Within each seal, there was a cultivator cultivating. Except for those cultivators in the seals, there were also several cultivators at another corner of the hall discussing the dao.

The hall exuded a faint b.l.o.o.d.y smell. Yan Yuerong whispered to Mo Wuji, "I heard Sister Xiaoyu say that a single word of disagreement here could lead to a b.l.o.o.d.y battle. Don’t simply look at how those two seem to be discussing the dao calmly. Perhaps, at the next moment, the two would start flas.h.i.+ng their magic treasures and start battling."

Mo Wuji nodded. Thereafter, he threw out ten array flags and said, "Yuerong, take a look. Is the man who captured you here?"

The moment Mo Wuji threw the flags out, the Religious Hall instantly went clear. Even the cultivators cultivating within the seals came to plain sight.

"It’s him." Yan Yuerong seemed to instantly notice that messy haired man.

Mo Wuji looked at the direction that Yan Yuerong was pointing towards. Indeed, it was a fella that was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with baleful aura. He also had a fierce appearance. Mo Wuji only needed one glance to tell that this was a vicious man. It was just that this man’s cultivation really wasn’t enough for Mo Wuji to even look at. He was merely at the pinnacle of the Immortal King Stage.

Even though the people in the Religious Hall were all vicious people, no one acted when Mo Wuji used his array flags to see through the seals within the hall. Vicious wasn’t equivalent to stupid. Since Mo Wuji dared to do such a thing within West River Religious Order, it meant that he was definitely a peak expert.

"Alright." Mo Wuji responded and extended his hand over.

"Kacha!" This man’s seals were directly shattered. At the next instant, Mo Wuji’s immortal elemental energy hand grabbed onto this man’s neck and dragged him over.

"I was cultivating within my seals. How have I offended this senior?" This man was originally cultivating in seclusion, but Mo Wuji had suddenly ripped his seals apart and grabbed him.

But just as he finished speaking those words, he saw Yan Yuerong who was standing behind Mo Wuji. His heart instantly turned cold. Before Mo Wuji could even say anything, he hurriedly said, "Senior, I didn’t know this girl back then. I also didn’t know that this girl was related to senior. I, Ao Lu, am not willing to accept it if senior kills me because of this."

"Where’s my little sister’s storage ring?" Mo Wuji asked coldly.

"I have already destroyed the corpse inside. The remaining things are still there…"

When she heard that Sister Xiaoyu’s corpse had been destroyed, Yan Yuerong started to bawl.

Before Ao Lu could finish speaking, Mo Wuji’s immortal elemental energy hand squeezed tight. Ao Lu was directly turned to a fog of blood.

"Let’s go." Mo Wuji kept the storage ring, then he brought the sobbing Yan Yuerong past the green-faced Leng Ren.

When he felt the deathly energy around Leng Ren, Mo Wuji understood why Leng Ren didn’t do anything. The closer one was to death, the more one was afraid of it. If not for this, Leng Ren wouldn’t have been afraid of G.o.ds Race’s Wu Li.

"This Senior Mo is too strong. He doesn’t even fear the West River Religious Order!"

"It should be because Order Head An isn’t here, right?"

"I’m sure that even of Order Head An was present, Senior Mo would have still dared to do what he just did."

In a short time, Mo Wuji’s name had spread throughout Cosmos Edge. In just half a day, Mo Wuji went from destroying the Dao Discussion Stage, to wrecking Mifei Trade Union, to causing a scene at West River Religious Order. It would be hard to not hear of Mo Wuji.

Half an incense’s later, Mo Wuji brought Yan Yuerong to Feng Huang’s and Ji Ku’s private room in the Heaven’s Beyond Resthouse."

"Immortal Friend Mo takes his vengeance swiftly. Your heart is free from hindrances. Ji Ku is truly impressed." After the four took their seats, Ji Ku took the initiative to start.

At this point, Mo Wuji stood up and raised his wine cup, "Many thanks for Dao Lord Feng’s and Immortal Friend Ji’s magnanimity. You have permitted me to run unbridled in Cosmos Edge."

Feng Huang and Ji Ku naturally knew that Mo Wuji was only saying nice words. Even if Feng Huang and Ji Ku chose to step in, Mo Wuji would still have done what he wanted.

"Immortal Friend Mo is too polite. Please take a seat," Feng Huang said hurriedly.

Mo Wuji took a seat. Thereafter, he directly asked, "Dao Lord Feng, you previously said that the experts of the G.o.ds Race and Mifei Trade Union are all not present. I wonder where they went?"

Mo Wuji was sure that this was also the case for West River Religious Order. Otherwise, Leng Ren definitely wouldn’t have been the only one person standing against him when he went to West River Religious Order.

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Chapter 788: The Experts From The G.o.ds Race Return

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Does Immortal Friend Mo know what’s the stage after the Grand Emperor Stage?" Feng Huang didn’t directly answer Mo Wuji’s question. Instead, he asked a seemingly unrelated question.

Mo Wuji nodded, "I’ve heard of it. It should be the Dao Emperor Stage. Didn’t they say that the Very High Heavens’ Zi Changluo is a Dao Emperor? He seems to above Immortal Emperors."

Feng Huang said disdainfully, "Zi Changluo can only be arrogant in that tiny piece of land he calls the Very High Heavens. Would he dare to come to the Cosmos Edge? Immortal Friend Mo, don’t simply look at how you destroyed the Dao Discussion Stage, wrecked Mifei Trade Union and disgraced West River Religious Order. In reality, the number of experts that can easily deal with you can be counted in more than a hand."

Even though Mo Wuji didn’t believe this, he knew that Feng Huang wasn’t shooting in the dark. There would definitely be experts more powerful than him in Cosmos Edge; that part is true. However, to say that they could easily deal with him was truly underestimating him.

"I hope Dao Lord Feng could shed more light on this." While Mo Wuji didn’t agree with this, his tone was still very humble.

Feng Huang nodded. He had been intentionally direct in his words as he wanted to see whether Mo Wuji still had s.p.a.ce for growth. If Mo Wuji was arrogant to the point where he believes that he could claim to be tyrant in Cosmos Edge, then there was no point in befriending Mo Wuji. This was because such a person definitely wouldn’t grow any stronger.

"Immortal Friend Mo, one reason why no one has dealt with you while you were in Cosmos Edge is because many experts aren’t present. The second reason is that there is a vast jumble of powers, and they all only care about the snow in front of their own doors. In fact, some powers delighted at your ruckus with Mifei Trade Union and West River Religious Order. The weaker their opponents, the stronger they would be. This was also why no one confronted you after you destroyed the Dao Discussion Stage and caused scenes at Mifei Trade Union and West River Religious Order."

Mo Wuji agreed with Feng Huang’s words. The moment he acted against Mifei Trade Union, he already knew about the mystical place that was the Cosmos Edge.

Feng Huang continued, "Just now, I asked you about the stage after the Grand Emperor Stage. Actually, I don"t know about that stage myself, but I know that it"s not Dao Emperor. Dao Emperor sounds like a stage, but at the end of the day, there"s no qualitative difference between a Dao Emperor and an Immortal Emperor. It"s said that when you reach the Great Circle of the Immortal Emperor Stage, you can only take a step forward if you obtain a G.o.d Seat. Immortal Friend Mo, you should have heard of G.o.d equipment before, right?"

Even though Mo Wuji had already guessed that Dao Emperor wasn"t after Immortal Emperor, his thoughts became clearer after hearing Feng Huang"s words. He hurriedly said, "I’ve heard of G.o.d equipment before. I heard that G.o.d equipment frequently appear within Heaven"s Beyond Corridor"s Cosmos Wall, and that it immortal equipment."

Feng Huang laughed faintly, "Those G.o.d equipment from the Cosmos Wall could only be considered at trash. They might not even be comparable to immortal equipment. Of course, the reason why we know of G.o.d equipment and G.o.d Seats isn"t because someone had gone to the world with G.o.d Seats. Instead, it"s because the items dropped from the Cosmos Wall contain information about them. This time, all the experts in Cosmos Edge aren"t present because someone discovered the ruins of a G.o.d Seat Holder within the void. Not only are there powerful cultivation techniques there, there are also manuals revealing methods on how to obtain a G.o.d Seat as well as peak grade G.o.d equipment. That Zi Changluo that you talked about has also gone over.

If not for that, neither Mifei Trade Union"s Union Head Qian Yisa, nor West River Religious Order"s Order Head An Xuecheng would have allowed you to do as you please. Oh right, that Qian Yisa is one of the Dao Emperors you talked about. Even though Dao Emperor isn"t actually a new stage, I know that I"m not a match for that Qian Yisa."

Mo Wuji"s heart clenched. It wasn"t that he was afraid that he wasn"t able to beat Qian Yisa. Instead, it was because he was worried that as a Dao Emperor, Qian Yisa might have the rights to activate the Cosmos Edge"s killing array. If he was trapped by Cosmos Edge"s killing array, it would truly be hard for him to escape.

From the looks of it, he needed to step into the Immortal Emperor Stage as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would only remain as a p.a.w.n.

Feng Huang laughed and said, "And that Wu Li you killed on the Dao Discussion Stage was a young lord of the G.o.ds Race. He was a peerless talent that could devour spiritual roots and continuously raise the quality of his own spiritual roots. Such a talent was actually killed by you before he could mature. I"m afraid…"

Before Feng Huang could finish speaking, a flying messenger sword landed on his hand.

Even though Mo Wuji cultivated his Sta.r.s.ea Sacred Technique, and could thus easily break through the seals of that flying messenger sword, he didn"t do so.

Feng Huang"s spiritual will had already penetrated into the flying messenger sword. Immediately, his face changed and he went silent.

Mo Wuji didn"t hesitate any further. His spirit storage channel"s spiritual will had already seeped over. Those seals on the flying messenger sword weren"t even able to act as obstacles in front of his spiritual will.

Mo Wuji saw the contents of the flying messenger sword clearly; there was only one sentence inside.

"I request Dao Lord Feng to delay that Mo Wuji for half a day, four Dao Emperors of my G.o.ds Race will rush to Cosmos Edge in half a day."

Mo Wuji"s heart sank. Just one Dao Emperor was an existence that he had to look up to. Four Dao Emperors… Perhaps he could only wait for his death.

Even though he knew this, Mo Wuji still didn"t say a word. He wanted to know what Feng Huang would do.

"Brother Feng, what"s the matter?" By the side, Ji Ku asked doubtfully.

Feng Huang sighed, "Just some trivial matters. Oh right, Immortal Friend Mo, if you are interested, would you like to go to my Dao Lord Mansion and share a toast?"

Mo Wuji sighed inwardly. He knew that Feng Huang"s choice was normal, but he could not help but feel slightly disappointed. Originally, he wanted to treat Feng Huang as a friend. After validating his Dao and stepping into the Immortal Emperor Stage, he could join hands with Feng Huang and establish a firm foothold in Cosmos Edge. Befriending him was equivalent to an investment. However, Feng Huang wasn"t willing to take risk.

Mo Wuji stood up and clasped his fists towards Feng Huang and Ji Ku, "I"ve already learnt a lot from this conversation with Dao Lord Feng and Immortal Friend Ji. I will not impose on Dao Lord Feng any further. We will meet again in the future."

With that, Mo Wuji turned and left. He didn"t even slow down.

"Wait, Immortal Friend Mo, I have some G.o.d equipment from Cosmos Wall in my mansion. Even though they aren"t anything much, it would provide a glimpse of the stage beyond the Immortal Emperor Stage," Feng Huang hurriedly cried out.

Mo Wuji turned his head and said solemnly, "I understand Dao Lord Feng’s kind intentions. But now, I need to find a person."

"I wonder where Immortal Friend Mo is heading towards?" While he knew that he wouldn"t be able to get Mo Wuji to stay, Feng Huang still chose to ask.

"I will look around." By the time he finished saying that, Mo Wuji had already left the resthouse with Yan Yuerong.

"What"s wrong?" Feeling that something was amiss with Feng Huang, Ji Ku asked this question again.

Feng Huang frowned and said, "The G.o.ds Race asked me to get that Mo Wuji to stay. They would rush to Cosmos Edge in half a day. It seems like I’ve underestimated the importance that G.o.ds Race placed on Wu Li. I originally wanted to befriend Mo Wuji before he leaves Cosmos Edge. As long as Mo Wuji leaves before the people from G.o.ds Race arrive, then this would no longer be my business. However, I never expected that the G.o.ds Race would send a message even before Mo Wuji left. They were clearly threatening me."

Feng Huang indeed wanted to make an investment. However, he didn"t expect that before he could complete his investment, the G.o.ds Race had sent him that flying messenger sword. Clearly, the G.o.ds Race were very clear of his personality, and they also placed much importance on that Wu Li.

Ji Ku asked doubtfully, "Just now, that Mo Wuji seemed to be in a hurry to leave. Could he have seen the contents from the flying messenger sword?"

Feng Huang shook his head, ‘Thaht’s impossible. Just now, there wasn’t any spatial ripples formed from the usage of spiritual will. Even if there was, there are seals on the flying messenger sword. They wouldn’t be simply broken. Even though Mo Wuji is a Grade 7 Array Master, he wouldn’t be capable of that."

The reason why Feng Huang dared to make such a.s.sertations was because he had felt Mo Wuji releasing his spiritual will back when Mo Wuji broke the seals on Ju Chuan’s storage ring. However, he didn’t feel any movement of spiritual will at all just now.

"There’s no need to care about the G.o.ds Race. Brother Feng had tried to get Mo Wuji to stay, to no avail. At that point, you would have to battle with Mo Wuji in order to get him to stay," Ji Ku rea.s.sured.

Feng Huang nodded but didn’t say a word. He had recorded what had happeend just now. When the G.o.ds Race sent that message, he could help as much as he can. However, he definitely wouldn’t pit his life against Mo Wuji’s just because of a flying sword from the G.o.ds Race.

At the same time, a flying s.h.i.+p was speeding towards Cosmos Edge.

There were four people on the flying s.h.i.+p. The man at the front had black and white runic tattoos on his face. His body was exuding sharp and heavy killing intent, and his aura was so intense that it seemed to tear the s.p.a.ce around him.

This man was a Dao Emperor of the G.o.ds Race - Wu w.a.n.g. Not only was he the ancestor of Wu Li, he was also Wu Li’s master.

"We just sent a flying messenger sword to Feng Huang. Feng Huang wouldn’t help Mo Wuji by telling Mo Wuji about us, right?" The one speaking was an old man standing next to Wu w.a.n.g. His skin was like a tree bark and his voice was like a leaky flute. His aura was also strong and intense; his cultivation was no lower than Wu w.a.n.g.

Wu w.a.n.g said coldly, "Anyone that dares to kill the young lord of my G.o.ds Race would rush to leave Cosmos Edge. I understand Feng Huang’s character very well; he likes to create opportunities. If I didn’t send that flying messager sword to him, he might actually befriended that person, then helped that person to escape.

But now that I sent him that message, he doesn’t have the b.a.l.l.s to reveal the secret. Knowing that we will arrive in half a day, he will try to keep Mo Wuji for at least an hour or two. That would be enough. That fella killed my G.o.ds Race’s young lord and three Immortal Emperors. If I don’t shatter this person’s bones, scatter his ashes, and burn his soul, I, Wu w.a.n.g, would be wasting my long years of cultivation.

"Brother Da Huang, are the experts of the G.o.ds Race coming?" Seeing Mo Wuji anxiously bringing her to leave Cosmos Edge, Yan Yuerong knew that something was amiss.

Mo Wuji nodded, "Yes. The content of that flying messenger sword was a request from the G.o.ds Race, asking Feng Huang to try and delay me for half a day. Four Dao Emperors from the G.o.ds Race would be coming soon."

Yan Yuerong heaved a sigh of relief, "That’s ok. Half a day is enough for us to escape."

Mo Wuji laughed ruefully and said, "Half a day? I’m sure that it would already be amazing if we even have an hour. The G.o.ds Race is making use of Feng Huang’s character. If Feng Huang saw half a day, he would not wholeheartedly delay me, and would only get me to stay for an hour or so. He would already consider that helping the G.o.ds Race. I am sure that in less than an hour, the experts from the G.o.ds Race would arrive in Cosmos Edge."

"Ah…" Yan Yuerong realised that she was still too inexperienced. She hurriedly asked, "Then where are we going?"

"To the Shattered Ruins. I have a jade letter map of the Shattered Ruins. Only if I am able to step into the Immortal Emperor Stage within the Shattered Ruins, then I would have the qualifications to return and discuss the dao with these Dao Emperors." Mo Wuji retrieved his immortal concealment boat. After entering it with Yan Yuerong, the boat shot into the vast void. In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

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