Immortal Mortal

Chapter 899: Rejection

Chapter 899: Rejection

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"That’s right, I am the person in charge." Mo Wuji guessed that these four women must have heard from the disciples outside to know about Mo Wuji.

"I am Lan Ou from the Forgotten Creek Dao School and you can call me Senior Sister Lan. You are definitely a talent. I’ve heard that you’ve only used a few days to turn this a wasteland into something so spectacular. Even though it isn’t luxurious, everyone seems extremely pleased with it. Moreover, you manage to collect so many gifts from so many people. You are indeed pretty incredible." Lan Ou stared at Mo Wuji with a smile.

"That’s right, this plaza is sloppy and ordinary. Furthermore, I can break through the defensive array with a lift of my hand. The immortal birds and music are not worth anything at all. Even the golden carpet is rubbish… yet when all these low grade items come together, they made everyone’s eyes lit up. In fact, to have so many people present gifts to your sect so willingly, you are indeed a talent. However, the four of us are very poor so we don’t have any gifts for you." Yet another woman chuckled as she said this.

Mo Wuji’s heart started fuming slightly because of the comment ‘rubbish’. She should have realised that she have crossed the line which was why she stopped herself at the last minute.

Mo Wuji said faintly, "The four of you come from peak grade sects and if I am as fortunate to be born in the same sect as you are, I probably wouldn’t need to spend any G.o.d crystals when I shop outside."

Lan Ou seemed to have failed to notice the sarcasm in Mo Wuji’s words as she replied calmly. "If you’re willing, you can join our sect. Your apt.i.tude seems average but you are indeed capable. I can guarantee you a slot as an outer disciple. Just because your apt.i.tude is average, it didn’t mean you will not progress further. My Forgotten Creek Dao School has many average cultivators who made it into the Heavenly G.o.d Stage eventually too."

Mo Wuji replied coolly, "Thank you for your kind offer but I know myself the best. Being able to enter the Heavenly Mortal Sect is already one of my greatest fortune. As for your peak grade sect, I really don’t dare to have extravagant hopes. Su Xia, bring the guests into the guest hall."

If Mo Wuji wasn’t fearful that he might cause trouble for the Heavenly Mortal Sect, he would have added in a few more words of sarcasm. However, Mo Wuji was well aware that he mustn’t offend any one of these four women. If he did, he would be inviting calamity upon the Heavenly Mortal Sect.

"Yes." Su Xia answered before turning to the four women. "May I invite senior sisters to follow me?"

"Tsk, simply unappreciative of my senior sister’s kindness. My senior sister allowed you to join the Forgotten Creek Dao Sect as an outer disciple and that was your opportunity. I can’t believe you’re so pretentious by rejecting her. Do you think my Forgotten Creek Dao Sect accept disciple so casually? You should know that given your apt.i.tude, you would never be able to enter the Heavenly G.o.d Stage right?" The red robe woman shouted furiously at Mo Wuji.

Mo Wuji’s dao spirituality was gloomy which proved that his apt.i.tude was low. This was something everyone could tell.

Even so, Mo Wuji maintained his coolness as he replied. "I know that the few senior sisters are experts in the Heavenly G.o.d Stage and I know I might not be able to even step into the Nascent G.o.d Stage. Fortunately, I am flexible and ready to adapt anywhere so I really don’t mind."

"We are currently not in the Heavenly G.o.d Stage but all of us would charge into the Heavenly G.o.d Stage very soon." The red robe woman said while feeling slightly embarra.s.sed.

She didn’t believe that Mo Wuji saw through their cultivations and was mocking them. Out of the four women, she had the lowest cultivation level at Nascent G.o.d Level 8 while the rest were all in level 9. Even if Mo Wuji had entered the Nascent G.o.d Stage, he would at most be in the elementary stage of it. For a Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage ant to see through their cultivation level? He could only dream about doing that.

"Ah…" Mo Wuji appeared shocked but didn’t continue saying anything.

However, his silence contained more killing intent than a million words.

Lan Ou smiled faintly as she grabbed the red robe woman. "Forget it, Huang’Er. Let’s go in first."

Having said that, she turned to Mo Wuji once more. "Junior Sister Huang’Er’s words might not be pleasant to the ear but why don’t you think more about her words? Also, we will definitely meet again."

Su Xia, who was observing the entire situation, hurried to lead the way as she prepared to bring these four women into the guest’s hall. These four women were supposedly not qualified to enter the guest’s hall. It was only because they came from peak grade sects which was why special arrangements were made for them to be invited to the guest’s hall. Otherwise, they would really invite unnecessary troubles for themselves.

"Senior Sister, that person’s spirituality is blur and he clearly has a rubbish apt.i.tude for cultivation. Why do you want him to be an outer disciple at our Forgotten Creek Dao School?" The red robe Huang’Er transmitted a message after leaving Mo Wuji’s sight.

Lan Ou replied, "My Forgotten Creek Dao School is a peak grade sect in the entire G.o.d Domain. We are a sect not comparable to the Heavenly Mortal Dao Sect which had almost all their resources ruined and wasted. However, when we hosted a ceremony the previous time, did you take a look at the arrangements and set up? It was simply not matching of our renowned name. This Mo Wuji only had like ten helpers and very little resources yet he was able to set up such a scene in a few days. Evidently, he is a master of guest reception. We definitely need a talent like him because this involves the pride of our sect."

"That Mo Wuji actually don’t know how to appreciate your kindness. Why don’t we ask Pang Jie directly? I doubt he will reject you." Huang’Er transmitted the message back to her.

"Huang’Er, you must not spout nonsense. Senior Pang Jie is after all a G.o.d King expert and had his pride as a G.o.d King. Remember not to say such words ever again." Lan Ou’s tone became stricter.

Huang’Er said disdainfully, "Our Forgotten Creek Dao School has two G.o.d Kings. Our supreme lord is already in the advanced G.o.d King Stage. So what if he is a G.o.d King…"

Lan Ou could only answer, "Huang’Er, our current strength is miles away from Sect Head Pang Jie’s strength. We are invited to the guest hall not because of our strength but because of the strength of our sects. Therefore, even if we want Mo Wuji, we cannot mention it now. Mentioning it now would be equivalent to slapping the Heavenly Mortal Sect in their face. With Mo Wuji’s capability, he would definitely want to be sent to the G.o.d Domain Nest’s incubation. At that point in time, we can ask our sect head to negotiate with G.o.d King Pang Jie for the exchange of Mo Wuji for a few items. This was possible as long as we don’t embarra.s.s the Heavenly Mortal Sect too severely."

Mo Wuji couldn’t understand why the Forgotten Creek Dao School’s Lan Ou must stare at him. Fortunately for him, she didn’t continue pestering him. Now that she had entered the guest’s hall, it would not be his problem to settle anymore.

Now that the welcoming ceremony had ended, Mo Wuji’s job was also almost finished. As for the receiving and entertaining of guests, that would be the task of Ancestor Pang Jie and the elders of the sect. He would only need to prepare himself by the side so that he could settle any problems that might appear abruptly.

After a few days, the reopening ceremony and G.o.d King ritual had finally concluded. Even though the Heavenly Mortal Sect didn’t have much manpower, Mo Wuji’s planning ensured that there were no major issues throughout the ceremony. At least there were still several praises from the public after the ceremony.

As the guests started departing the sect, Heavenly Mortal Sect’s s.h.i.+ Su started recruiting new disciples on the Heavenly Mortal Plaza.

Mo Wuji was the External Affairs Hall Lord so the recruitment of disciples had nothing to do with him. Just as he was about to return to cultivate, Ancestor Pang Jie personally called him over.

"Wuji, please take a seat first. You have done a very good job for the guest reception this time around. If I were to do it, I might not have done a job as great as you. This was especially so in your treatment of the low grade disciples of the Forgotten Creek Dao School, Nine Evolutions G.o.d Sect and Moonlight G.o.d Sect. I’ve not misjudged you because not only are you extremely capable in comprehending issues, you have extraordinary abilities." The instant Mo Wuji reached Pang Jie’s residence, Pang Jie started talking.

Mo Wuji replied calmly, "This is all because of Ancestor Pang’s prestige which attracted so many experts here to observe the ceremony."

Pang Jie exclaimed, "You were in charge of reception so you should have realised that other than the G.o.dly Grain Valley’s Elder, none of the big sects came. The few disciples of the big sects were merely pa.s.sing by so they decided to join the ceremony coincidentally. Wei Zheng G.o.d King was also the only G.o.d King who came and he was a rogue cultivator who had a good relations.h.i.+p with us since a long time ago. Wuji, do you know why?"

"Disciple does not know why." Mo Wuji didn’t know why Pang Jie was telling him these. Logically speaking, Mo Wuji was only an ordinary disciple who would have no qualification to discuss such matters with Ancestor Pang Jie.

"Many years ago, almost all the big sects, except the G.o.dly Grain Valley and a few sects who were located further away, came to rob my Heavenly Mortal Sect. If there wasn’t a rule which prevented G.o.d Kings from plotting against or attacking each other, someone might have came to me already."

Pang Jie didn’t continue as he looked at Mo Wuji, "I want to help you find a master and that is G.o.d King Wei Zheng. G.o.d King Wei Zheng had a wide collection of sacred arts and was in the G.o.d King Intermediate Stage. If you’re willing to accept G.o.d King Wei Zheng as your master, I will do my best to help you cleanse your spiritual roots."

When Mo Wuji heard that Pang Jie was finding a master for him, he stood up anxiously. "Many thanks Ancestor but even though I have an average apt.i.tude, my speed of cultivation is still decent. Moreover, I have my own technique so I don’t intend to take anyone as my master."

Pang Jie was shocked because he didn’t expect Mo Wuji to reject his offer. Logically speaking, such a good offer wouldn’t be rejected no matter who the person was. As he recalled that Ku Cai had also rejected his offer to take her as his disciple, Pang Jie couldn’t help but feel agonised.

Fortunately, Pang Jie was open minded and kind as he didn’t mind Mo Wuji’s rejection. He sighed and said, "Wuji, I know you have a low apt.i.tude. I hold you in high regard because you are inspirational and is capable of supervising and managing. Even though you had the lowest cultivation level, you are still able to lead a group of senior brothers and sisters in getting the reception job done.

The truth was that after I become a G.o.d King, it wasn’t impossible for the Heavenly Mortal Sect to recruit a few peak grade talents. However, my Heavenly Mortal Sect would still need a leader within the disciples. If your spiritual roots could be cleanse, I intend to make you that leader. Also, for the G.o.d Domain Nest Incubation which would happen soon, I intend to let you lead a group of our Heavenly Mortal Sect’s newly recruited disciples over."

Mo Wuji inwardly praised the good temper of G.o.d King Pang Jie as he stood up and bowed. "Ancestor, I, Mo Wuji, am already a disciple of the Heavenly Mortal Sect so I would definitely do my best for the sect. As for the cleansing of my spiritual roots, I would like to search for that possibility in the incubating G.o.d Domain Nest myself."

Looking at how convincing Mo Wuji sounded, Pang Jie could only say, "Since that is the case, go back and cultivate then. As for cultivation resources, you can collect them from Elder Hui Yu. After the sect is completely rebuilt, you can choose a mountain for yourself."

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Chapter 900: Held In High Regard

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Even though Pang Jie told Mo Wuji that he could collect cultivation resources, Mo Wuji didn"t go to collect them. After all, Pang Jie was considered one of the Heavenly Mortal"s ancestors so he must have some good items on him. After reopening the Heavenly Mortal Sect, he had barely managed to rebuild the Heavenly Mortal Scripture Library.

Mo Wuji didn"t collect cultivation resources and also didn"t cultivate for the time being. He spent all his available time at the scriptures library. As the scripture library was just built up, any ordinary disciples could go in to look for materials regarding techniques. This was even without any contribution to the sect. The reason was that the sect contribution system had yet to be in place at this point in time.

As the External Affairs Hall Lord and also a future Mountain Lord, he would naturally have the rights to be reading in the entire scriptures library. Because he had just arrived at the G.o.d Domain not too long ago, Mo Wuji was still unsure of many things in the G.o.d Domain. In fact, he didn"t even recognise any of the G.o.d spiritual herbs here.

Although the scriptures library only had a portion of the scriptures kept by Pang Jie after the attack on the sect, it was sufficient for Mo Wuji.

In fact, Pang Jie managed to retain quite a lot of items. Other than a few peak grade techniques which he didn"t display, there were some reading notes regarding the G.o.d Domain, some ordinary techniques and even a full range of introduction and explanation to the cultivation in the G.o.d Domain. As for the introduction of arrays, talismans, G.o.d spiritual herbs and all sorts of peak grade materials, Mo Wuji placed quite a bit of emphasis on them.

Three months later when Mo Wuji had almost finished reading most of the techniques and introductions, Su Xia entered. She told Mo Wuji that all 108 G.o.d mountains of the Heavenly Mortal Sect were finally put in place. Additionally, the Sect Head had personally installed a grand array over the sect. She came to inform him to choose the G.o.d mountain he preferred.

The Sect Head was truly very kind to Mo Wuji. Despite Mo Wuji"s limited cultivation, the Sect Head still gave Mo Wuji quite a bit of privilege. Not only was he able to enter the Heavenly Mortal Scripture Library casually, he was also able to choose any G.o.d mountain he favored.

In other words, Mo Wuji could choose any G.o.d mountain he liked except for the main mountain. The Heavenly Mortal Sect had only just been rebuilt and even though it had 108 G.o.d mountains, many of them were there to serve as a stopgap for the time being. By letting Mo Wuji choose, he was simply gifting Mo Wuji with the best G.o.d mountain possible.

Mo Wuji was already very pleased with this arrangement. However, after the sect"s a.s.signments Hall was built up, Mo Wuji"s External Affairs Hall Lord token had an immediate increase of 1,000,000 sect contribution points.

These 1,000,000 contribution points were equivalent to future cultivation resources. He could also use these to exchange for anything in the sect.

After hearing about this, Mo Wuji was really appreciative of Ancestor Pang Jie"s generosity towards him. Having read for a few months worth of scriptures, Mo Wuji had a new understanding towards the G.o.d Domain"s cultivation. He was about to start incorporating this understanding into his Immortal Mortal Technique. Concurrently, he would help Ku Cai alter her cultivation technique too.

Now that the sect offered him a G.o.d mountain, he would naturally not reject it. However, he didn"t choose a good mountain as he chose an isolated one. He named it the Mortal Mountain and it would be where he cultivates.

After the emergence of a G.o.d King and the ma.s.s recruitment of disciples, the Heavenly Mortal Sect was no longer like when Mo Wuji and co. first joined. The entire sect appeared to have a flouris.h.i.+ng energy surrounding it.

In the Heavenly Mortal Sect"s hall, Ancestor Pang Jie, Sect Head s.h.i.+ Su and the various elders were all gathered here.

After the reconstruction of the Heavenly Mortal Sect, there were few experts within the sect itself. Other than G.o.d King Pang Jie himself, there wasn"t even another World G.o.d around. Below Pang Jie, s.h.i.+ Su"s cultivation was the highest among everyone else. Even so, he was also only in the G.o.d Monarch Intermediate Stage. Among the newly recruited disciples, the strongest talent was only in the Heavenly G.o.d Stage.

Usually, sects in G.o.d Domain wouldn"t be able to recruit Heavenly G.o.d disciples. However, Heavenly Mortal Sect was able to recruit a few. This was even despite the Heavenly Mortal Sect"s previous fall.

After Pang Jie and co. sat down, Pang Jie addressed. "My Heavenly Mortal Sect had been through supreme glory and also the lowest of dire straits. In fact, we were almost exterminated. Fortunately for our Heavenly Mortal Sect, we had a bit of luck and I managed to enter the ranks of a G.o.d King. Over the few months, we managed to recruit disciples and I would consider it a successful recruitment. I could tell that everyone treated this place as their home and had all our hearts devoted to improving the sect.

I want to talk about a few unrelated matters now. According to what I know, there is an unknown number of places similar to our G.o.d Domain in the vast and boundless universe. Any planet domain, regardless of how rich it was in terms of cultivation resources, would eventually delve into dullness and loneliness after countless years. The G.o.d Domain is indeed a boundless place but no matter how boundless the place was, overexpansion of the place would always end in the exhaustion of cultivation resources. This was of course except for the restricted places or places where men are incapable of leaving a footprint."

Pang Jie paused as he sighed.

Frankly speaking, when Pang Jie saw the 99 concealed peak grade G.o.d spiritual veins underground, he was incomparably shocked at the hidden wealth of the Heavenly Mortal Sect. One must know that if a sect had even one peak grade G.o.d spiritual vein, they would already be considered wealthy. Many peak grade sects would only have a few of these peak grade spiritual veins.

A person like G.o.d King Wei Zheng, who would generously present a peak grade spiritual vein as a gift, was incredibly rare.

However, rumours spread that almost every peak grade G.o.d sect in the ancient times would have at least 100 peak grade G.o.d spiritual veins. Even sects with over 1000 G.o.d spiritual veins were nothing surprising.

Pang Jie raised his voice. "The difference between our G.o.d Domain and the other planet"s domain would be that our G.o.d Domain Nest could incubate. Occasionally, our G.o.d Domain would be able to expand our area and this expanded area often consists of many unexpected treasures. The main reason for the emergence of some G.o.d Kings after a period of time would be because we had a foundation like this.

Now that the G.o.d Domain Nest is about to incubate once more and my Heavenly Mortal Sect had just been rebuilt, we have to head over. Not only must we go over, we must fight for more disciples of our Heavenly Mortal Sect to enter the G.o.d Domain Nest early. For the G.o.d Domain Nest this time around, I shall personally lead the way. External Affairs Hall Lord, Mo Wuji, shall be in charge of the disciples. s.h.i.+ Su, has Hall Lord Wuji moved into his new mountain?"

s.h.i.+ Su stood up quickly to reply, "Hall Lord Wuji had already chosen his G.o.d mountain and had moved into it. The mountain was named as Mortal Mountain and he should be in seclusion now."

Pang Jie nodded and as he was about to continue, s.h.i.+ Su commented. "Master, Hall Lord Wuji might be capable but his apt.i.tude is simply…"

s.h.i.+ Su didn"t continue his words but everyone knew what he meant.

Pang Jie looked across the hall as he said in a calm tone. "I believe everyone thinks that I gave Wuji a G.o.d mountain of his own and even a.s.signed him to be the External Affairs Hall Lord because he did well in hosting the ceremony previously right?"

n.o.body spoke but their expression indicated this belief.

Pang Jie explained. "If we were to compare the love for our sect, I believe everyone loves the Heavenly Mortal Sect as much as myself. In fact, I know that everyone would even sacrifice our lives for it. But I have to be completely honest when I say that even s.h.i.+ Su and Pang Fengban would only be ordinary disciples of our sect. If the sect was at its golden age and flouris.h.i.+ng, this would be a good thing. However, now that our sect is rebuilding and would face strong wind and rain, we need someone capable to defend the wind and rain for us."

Even though everyone wanted to refute to say that Mo Wuji still had a poor apt.i.tude, n.o.body dared to talk back while Ancestor Pang Jie was speaking.

Pang Jie continue. "I agree that Wuji"s apt.i.tude is very ordinary now. Nevertheless, I believe that before he transformed his spiritual roots, he should be one of the top in terms of apt.i.tude. Even one with the peak grade…"

Everyone exchanged glances doubtfully as Pang Jie explained further. "Wuji"s bones are very young and even though I didn"t check it, I believe the age of his bones wouldn"t exceed 10,000 years. It might even be much lower than what I thought. How poor could his apt.i.tude be if he could reach the Nascent G.o.d Stage in less than 10,000 years? The problem should have been when he was transforming his spiritual roots into G.o.d spiritual roots. This should be why his peak grade spiritual roots turned bad. In the incubation of the G.o.d Domain Nest this time around, as long as we find a magic treasure to help cleanse his spiritual roots, don"t you think Wuji will have a tremendous future ahead of him?"

"Many thanks master for your explanation. Disciple understands it now." s.h.i.+ Su and co. seemed to have finally understood the Ancestor"s intentions and hard work.

Pang Jie smiled slightly, "There is also one more point which I believe none of you managed to pick up. When I developed a killing intent to Ku Cai, only Mo Wuji stood up. For a newly recruited disciple with poor apt.i.tude, doesn"t he know that standing up against a G.o.d King would mean death? Even so, he stood up so what does this prove? This shows his resolute and that he would go all out to safeguard a junior sister which he barely knows. With a character like this, he would never betray the Heavenly Mortal Sect as long as we treat him sincerely."

After Mo Wuji settled Ku Cai"s cultivation technique, he was indulged in his own cultivation. He felt that as long as he was using his Immortal Mortal Technique, he would be able to absorb that incomparably dense G.o.d spiritual energy which contained the laws of Heaven and Earth. In the Heavenly Mortal Sect, his cultivation progress was extraordinarily rapid.

Five months flashed by and Mo Wuji had completely stabilised himself in the Nascent G.o.d Level 1.

After entering the Nascent G.o.d Stage, no matter how quickly he managed to absorb G.o.d spiritual energy, entering the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 2 was still very long away.

Today, while Mo Wuji was absorbing wildly, the restrictions he installed around his Mortal Mountain was disrupted.

Mo Wuji stopped his cultivation as he opened the restriction. To his surprise, Sect Head s.h.i.+ Su came personally to visit him. Since Sect Head s.h.i.+ Su was here, he hurried out to welcome him.

"Haha, Hall Lord Wuji, I guessed I have disrupted your cultivation?" Before he even entered, s.h.i.+ Su was chuckling.

Mo Wuji replied, "No, I was about to head out for a walk coincidentally. Why has the Sect Head come to visit me?"

As he spoke, Mo Wuji had already guided s.h.i.+ Su into this own guest hall in his immortal residence.

As s.h.i.+ Su stopped Mo Wuji from pouring immortal tea, s.h.i.+ Su said, "Wuji ah, you should know about the incubation of the G.o.d Domain Nest right?"

"Yes, I do." Mo Wuji nodded because he recalled Ancestor Pang Jie mentioning about it. He would naturally not let an opportunity like this slip by.

"Previously when the G.o.d Domain Nest incubates, our Heavenly Mortal Sect would only be there to make up the numbers. Now that Ancestor is back, our Heavenly Mortal Sect would no longer be there for the sake of being there. The time of incubation is not certain yet but regardless, our Heavenly Mortal Sect would be heading out three days later. Have you prepared yourself?" s.h.i.+ Su said with a faint tone.

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Chapter 901: Someone Is Unhappy

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Mo Wuji was also interested in heading to the G.o.d Domain Nest. While he had 108 meridians and had access to peak grade G.o.d spiritual energy in the Heavenly Mortal Sect, he knew that it was impossible to break through to the next stage so quickly.

Rumours spread that there were peak grade treasures after the incubation so Mo Wuji would naturally not want to miss out.

"Sect Head, you don’t have to worry about me. Three days later, I will bring the sect’s disciples over to the G.o.d Domain punctually." Mo Wuji said convincingly.

"Since that is the case, I shall make my move first. Do prepare yourself too." s.h.i.+ Su stood up as he was rather satisfied with Mo Wuji thus far.

Just like how his master described, Mo Wuji’s innate character and capabilities were all extraordinary. The only drawback was his poor apt.i.tude for cultivation. The most likely cause of this problem should be during the spiritual roots transformation.

Three days later, Mo Wuji brought Ku Cai into the plaza of the sect. At this moment, there was already a ma.s.sive flying s.h.i.+p stopped in the middle of the plaza. It was about ten times more impressive and glamorous than the flying s.h.i.+p that brought him here.

There were at least over hundreds of people on the plaza. However, Mo Wuji only recognised a mere tens of people there.

"Wuji, why did you bring Ku Cai along?" s.h.i.+ Su was also on the plaza and when he spotted Ku Cai, he hurried over to question.

Mo Wuji whispered, "Sect Head, Ku Cai had already advanced into the Nascent G.o.d Stage. Her dark spiritual roots will not reveal itself even during the spiritual roots test."

Mo Wuji was also very impressed by Ku Cai’s progress. With his 108 meridians, his rate of cultivation was definitely considered rapid. From the Cultivation World to the Immortal World, he really hadn’t seen a few cultivators with a faster rate than his. Back then, Murong Xiangyu’s progress was only faster than his because she had the few pages of the Book of Luo. Otherwise, Mo Wuji was certain than Murong Xiangyu’s cultivation would definitely not surpa.s.s him.

However, Ku Cai’s rate of cultivation was really frightening. In just half a year, Ku Cai was able to conceal her dark elemental energy as well as taking a step into the Nascent G.o.d Stage. Presently, Ku Cai was already in the Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1. On the other hand, Mo Wuji had barely been able to stabilise his cultivation at Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1.

"Ah, really?" s.h.i.+ Su asked emotionally.

Following that, Ancestor Pang Jie transmitted a message over. "Wuji, Ku Cai really managed to conceal her dark spiritual roots while being in the Nascent G.o.d Stage? This matter mustn’t be taken lightly because if anything were to happen outside, our Heavenly Mortal Sect would be in trouble."

Mo Wuji walked over and bowed to Pang Jie, who was coincidentally nearby. "Ancestor, it is indeed true."

Pang Jie nodded before saying to Ku Cai. "You follow me up to the flying s.h.i.+p for the test."

"Yes, Ancestor." Ku Cai answered promptly.

After Pang Jie brought Ku Cai away, s.h.i.+ Su brought Mo Wuji to the crowd of disciples before saying with a clear voice. "This is the External Affairs Hall Lord Mo Wuji who is currently residing in the Mortal Mountain. He would be the Head Disciple of our Heavenly Mortal Sect during this trip to the G.o.d Domain Nest.

Just like how Mo Wuji didn’t recognise many of them, only some of the disciples in the crowd could recognise Mo Wuji.

Other than the few disciples who knew Mo Wuji beforehand, the rest of the disciples merely expressed their welcome pretentiously. Evidently, they could tell from Mo Wuji’s faint dao spirituality that he was only able to become the External Affairs Hall Lord because of connections.

"Sect Head, why is our sect sending so many disciples over?" Mo Wuji looked shockingly at the hundreds of disciple standing on the plaza.

s.h.i.+ Su revealed a bitter smile. "49 disciples will be heading over this time around but it will be 50 including Ku Cai. My Heavenly Mortal Sect had just been rebuilt and even though we managed to recruit quite a few decent disciples, the time period was simply too short. I doubt we will be able to gain any advantage in the fight for the G.o.d Domain Nest. Ai…"

Everyone knew the importance of the G.o.d Domain Nest. However, the fight for it was not something a single G.o.d King could resolve.

Mo Wuji looked around and noticed that there were a few disciples in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 8 and 9. Even so, Mo Wuji was able to empathise with s.h.i.+ Su’s helplessness. These Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 8 and 9 experts had clearly not cultivated much in the Heavenly Mortal Sect. Just like Yin Lin and Di Butong, they were probably already in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 7 when they joined the sect.

A strength like this might seem decent on first look but when compared to the talented disciples from the bigger sects, there was really nothing they could do.

Very soon, Wei Jie announced the orders of Ancestor Pang Jie that all the disciples heading towards the G.o.d Domain Nest could board the s.h.i.+p now.

The team leading the Heavenly Mortal Sect were Pang Jie, Mo Wuji and Elder Wei Jie. Sect Head s.h.i.+ Su and the remaining elders only came to send them off.

After Mo Wuji boarded the flying s.h.i.+p, Ku Cai had returned to his side too. Her face was full of smiles as her dark spiritual roots were clearly hidden well in the test Pang Jie did for her.

Among the 50 disciples including Mo Wuji and Ku Cai, Yin Lin and Di Butong were also in it. This made Mo Wuji’s impression of the Heavenly Mortal Sect much more favorable once more. This proved that the Heavenly Mortal Sect respected their relations.h.i.+p with their disciples. In terms of strength, Yin Lin and Di Butong should never have been chosen to enter the G.o.d Domain Nest. He also made it into the group only because he was slightly capable in managing events. In fact, he was even rewarded with the t.i.tle of ‘Head Disciple’.

Now, even Ku Cai was allowed to join them for this trip.

Once the flying s.h.i.+p started moving off, Wei Jie called out for all the disciples heading towards the G.o.d Domain Nest. Wei Jie was originally a falsifier but other than Mo Wuji and co. not many of the newer disciples knew what he had done. To the other disciples, they only knew Wei Jie as an elder of the sect; a very old and qualified type of elder.

This was the reason why the crowd of disciples acted very discipline when Wei Jie was talking.

Wei Jie nodded his head with a stern look on his face. "All of you are very fortunate because not every sect would have a G.o.d King to accompany their disciples to the G.o.d Domain. But all of you have the luck and honour of the very best."

Wei Jie was truly capable of hoaxing people with good words. With a few sentences like this, all the disciples here started feeling proud and thankful.

Wei Jie nodded satisfyingly, "From today onwards, Mo Wuji will be your Da s.h.i.+xiong[1] and you can report everything to Wuji. If Wuji is unable to settle any problems, I will step out to help. Alright, the journey including transfers to the G.o.d Domain Nest will take months so please go and rest up."

Having said that, Wei Jie simply waved his hand casually before heading straight back to the s.h.i.+p’s cabin.

A few friendlier or slightly weaker disciples came forward to greet Mo Wuji. Despite the fact that Da s.h.i.+xiong, Mo Wuji’s cultivation level was below them, Wei Jie had already mentioned he would be the one leading the group of them. They had only joined the sect for a few months so they naturally wouldn’t go against the instructions of an elder.

"Wuji, I know that you’ve joined the sect several months earlier than the few of us. According to the order, you are indeed our senior brother. However, as our Heavenly Mortal Sect aspires to become a peak grade sect, only the strong can lead the way. I hope to ‘consult’ Hall Lord Mo and if I lose, I will definitely regard you as Da s.h.i.+xiong and listen to you." Not everyone would obey Elder Wei Jie’s words and the moment Wei Jie left, a tall built young man stood out.

Even though Mo Wuji was only in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1, he could tell that this fella should be in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9.

Mo Wuji sighed because none of the original disciples of the Heavenly Mortal Sect would make such comments. After the ma.s.s recruitment, the close friends.h.i.+p and bond between members of the sect disappeared gradually. In the fight for benefits and authority, everyone lost the most precious and valuable spirit of the sect.

"What is your name?" Mo Wuji asked faintly.

Mo Wuji was well aware that Elder Wei Jie wasn’t the one who made the decision for him to lead the group of disciples. It was Pang Jie and he knew that he must not give away this t.i.tle of Da s.h.i.+xiong so easily. It would not only disappoint Pang Jie but also suffer a huge loss in terms of his own benefits.

If he were to lead the group and the Heavenly Mortal Sect was only awarded one slot to enter the G.o.d Domain Nest, he might have that opportunity to enter. If he gave away this opportunity to lead the group, he would simply be giving the chance to enter the G.o.d Domain Nest away. Ever since Mo Wuji cultivated his dao, he knew of the logic to grasp chances when it came.

"I am Disciple Pu Yin of the Main Mountain. May Hall Lord Mo show me your way." The tall man walked out as he clasped his fists towards Mo Wuji. However, he didn’t draw any magic treasure.

Because the Heavenly Mortal Sect had just been reopened, all the other disciples resided in the Main Mountain. Mo Wuji was the only disciple who had his own mountain. After a specific period of time, there would be grand compet.i.tion in the sect. After that, the many disciples would then be split into the various G.o.d Mountains taken care of the various Mountain Lords.

The Heavenly Mortal Sect doesn’t have a lot of Mountain Lords so all these disciples here could become a Mountain Lord like Mo Wuji in the future..

Because Pu Yin knew that Mo Wuji was also a disciple and while he was already a Mountain Lord, his status wasn’t much higher than the rest. In terms of cultivation level, Mo Wuji’s one was not even comparable to his own.

Simultaneously, he heard that Mo Wuji was chosen to become a Mountain Lord not because of his apt.i.tude but because he knew how to host a guest reception. In Pu Yin’s eyes, events like guest reception are jobs for the service disciples, the lower cla.s.s disciples. Previously, the Heavenly Mortal Sect didn’t have any lions so even the monkey dared to address themselves as the overlord. He, Pu Yin, was much better in every aspect when compared to Mo Wuji. This was why he dared to step out to challenge Mo Wuji’s position. With his current ability, Pu Yin was certain that he would also become one of the Mountain Lord in the near future.

Mo Wuji’s eyes landed on the other disciples before asking calmly. "Anyone else, like Junior Brother Pu Yin, feels unsatisfied with me being your Da s.h.i.+xiong?"

Hearing that Mo Wuji continued calling him junior brother so unhesitatingly, Pu Yin’s anger started surging from within.

A red robe woman stood out with her fists clasped, "Hall Lord Mo, I am Main Mountain’s Disciple Dan Ya. We are all in awe of Hall Lord Mo’s capability in hosting the guest reception for our G.o.d King well. However, I still feel that Senior Brother Pu Yin’s words are also true. The G.o.d Domain Nest is not a children’s playground and we would be going there to fight. Senior Brother Pu Yin is in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9 so I feel more certain with him."

Dan Ya looked very pretty with a nice figure and clear voice. Her cultivation level was also not weak as she was at the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 8.

Just as Dan Ya finished speaking, yet another disciple stood out. He was a short and fat fella in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 5. He spoke while smiling, "I am Main Mountain’s Disciple Jiao Xiangqi. I also believe that Senior Brother Pu Yin’s words are true and just like what Senior Sister Dan Ya mentioned, we are not going there to play…"

[1]: Da s.h.i.+xiong also refers to Big Senior Brother if everyone remembers from very long ago.

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Chapter 902: Fear of Battle

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

From within the s.h.i.+p’s cabin, Wei Jie stood respectfully in front of Pang Jie. "Ancestor, these newly recruited disciples don’t look like they are willing to obey or comply with Mo Wuji. From the looks of it, it seemed like they’re going to fight. Should I go ahead and berate them?"

Pang Jie replied faintly, "Previously, the group of disciples at our sect were all amiable with each other because our sect was still rather obscured. Now that our sect is going to expand, there had to be compet.i.tion. As long as n.o.body dies, we shouldn’t need to intervene when disciples have disputes. A sect like a pool of stagnant water would never progress far."

"But Mo Wuji would at most be in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 3 and with very poor apt.i.tude. That Pu Yin is a talented boy and is already in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9. If they really fought, Mo Wuji might not be his match ah…" Wei Jie answered anxiously. Up till now, he was still very satisfied with Mo Wuji’s performance in the sect. It wasn’t just because Mo Wuji was personally recruited by him. More importantly, Mo Wuji’s handling of the sect’s guest reception didn’t lose the aura of a great sect which the Heavenly Mortal Sect used to have.

Pang Jie shook his hand, "I hold Mo Wuji’s ability in high regard and I know he is definitely not a match for Pu Yin. However, he and Pu Yin are both in the Nascent G.o.d Stage. While one of them is in Level 1 and the other in Level 9, they are after all, still in the same stage. If he wasn’t able to convince Pu Yin, who was in the same stage as himself, he shall remain as just an External Affairs Hall Lord forever."

"Yes, Ancestor." Wei Jie answered promptly but his heart was still feeling uneasy. This dispute appeared like it had to be settled with a battle but how was Mo Wuji supposed to convince Pu Yin and co. if he can’t fight?

Even Wei Jie, a talent at speaking and reasoning, wouldn’t be able to convince them if he were in Mo Wuji’s shoes.

Because of Mo Wuji’s question as to who else was also unsatisfied with him being the Da s.h.i.+xiong, Dan Ya and Jiao Xiangqi stood out in support of Pu Yin. Following which, a lot more people stood out to Pu Yin’s side. Evidently, Mo Wuji’s words had seemingly lifted a rock off everyone’s feet.

Eventually, only about nine people remained on Mo Wuji’s side. These nine people included Ku Cai, Di Butong, Yin Lin and Mo Wuji himself.

In other words, among the newly recruited disciples, only 5 of them agreed for Mo Wuji to be their Da s.h.i.+xiong. Out of the 5 disciples, four were already on Mo Wuji’s side as they came over to greet Mo Wuji initially. If they knew that Mo Wuji would have so little votes, they might be regretful about coming over from the start."

Pu Yin turned to the 30 plus people behind him as he clasped his fists and said, "Many thanks fellow junior brothers and sisters for supporting me, Pu Yin. I will definitely not let everyone down."

Having said that, Pu Yin turned back to face Mo Wuji. "Hall Lord Mo, if we are going to play, I wouldn’t fight with Hall Lord Mo for the opportunity to lead everyone. However, we’re going to the G.o.d Domain Nest and it concerns the future of our Heavenly Mortal Sect so I, Pu Yin, have no choice but to fight. This is because I am a member of the Heavenly Mortal Sect. Even if Elder Wei Jie came down to blame me, I will admit what I’ve done. When we are back from the G.o.d Domain Nest, I will naturally return this position back to Hall Lord Mo."

If Pu Yin didn’t mention the last sentence, Mo Wuji wouldn’t mind everything that he had said. With might comes respect, Mo Wuji was already used to this logic. However, by adding that last sentence, Mo Wuji knew instantly that this Pu Yin is a hypocrite. He sneered in his heart because now that this matter had been blown up, how could Elder Wei Jie not know about it? Unless Elder Wei Jie was an idiot of course.

The reason why Pu Yin’s tone could become stricter was because he already knew of Elder Wei Jie’s tacit approval. Who would actually believe that he would give up on the Da s.h.i.+xiong’s t.i.tle when they returned?

"Senior Brother Pu Yin is certainly n.o.ble and benevolent that Junior Sister Dan Ya is full of admiration." After that speech by Pu Yin, Dan Ya’s clear and crisp voice could be heard once more. Following Dan Ya’s praise was the compliments of the other disciples.

Pu Yin had already said everything he needed to say so everyone was basically staring at Mo Wuji now. As long as Mo Wuji agreed to the battle against Pu Yin, the outcome wouldn’t change.

If Mo Wuji fought against Pu Yin and Mo Wuji lost, Pu Yin would be the legitimate Da s.h.i.+xiong. If Pu Yin lost… Ah, Senior Brother Pu Yin was in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9 and also a peak grade genius so how could he lose?

Mo Wuji replied faintly, "Junior Brother Pu Yin, I will not fight against you. My Heavenly Mortal Sect emphasise on love and respect between members. My blade is only meant for enemies, not for my sect mate…"

The instant Mo Wuji’s words were heard, everyone started discussing as disdainful eyes fell onto Mo Wuji’s body.

Not pointing of the blade towards sect mates? He must have known that he wasn’t a match for Pu Yin which was why he decided to avoid the battle.

Even more people shook their heads because the sect actually recruited a coward to be their Da s.h.i.+xiong? If Senior Brother Pu Yin didn’t step out, how many people were they going to lose in the G.o.d Domain Nest?

Everyone standing behind Mo Wuji except Ku Cai were all disappointed at Mo Wuji’s lack of courage to accept a fight.

Even if Mo Wuji were to lose, it would be better than avoiding a fight altogether. At least he had the courage to stand up against a fight instead of acting like a coward.

Only Ku Cai knew how powerful Big Brother Wuji was. For whatever reason Mo Wuji was avoiding the fight, she was convinced that Mo Wuji was not a coward.

Mo Wuji sneered in his heart because he really didn’t bother about what these people had to say. Even though he was in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1 and Pu Yin was in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9, Mo Wuji was confident he could get rid of Pu Yin. This was entirely based on the confidence he had of himself.

But killing Pu Yin was simply too unrealistic.

His Spiritual Will Arrow, Wheel of Life and Death and Seven World Fingers were all peak grade sacred arts. Why would he execute these sacred arts if he had no intention to kill someone?

Moreover, he noticed that Pu Yin was in the Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9 and was already near a breakthrough in terms of his understanding of the laws of Heaven and Earth.

If he were to fight Pu Yin and executed these sacred arts, he had 60% confidence that he could let Pu Yin gain new enlightenment from the realms of life and death on new laws of sacred arts. This was, of course, if Mo Wuji doesn’t kill off Pu Yin.

Why should he help Pu Yin for no apparent reasons? If not for the fact that executing his peak grade sacred arts or the Four Halberd Strikes would help Pu Yin gain new enlightenment on sacred art dao spirituality, Mo Wuji would have accepted his challenge. Even though the Four Halberd Strikes were slightly weaker, Mo Wuji was still unwilling to help Pu Yin.

Because he wasn’t going to kill Pu Yin, there would be loopholes in his sacred art. With loopholes like that, Pu Yin would definitely be able to grasp it. The closer he is to death, the easier it would be for Pu Yin to gain enlightenment. Mo Wuji was different from others because his sacred arts were self-created. Now that he had entered the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1, all sorts of dao spirituality would be the clearest if he attacked.

"Hall Lord Mo really knows how to disappoint me." Pu Yin shook his head as his tone brought along a strong sense of disappointment.

Mo Wuji didn’t mind as he turned to the people behind him, "If the few of you are willing to trust Junior Brother Pu Yin, you can head over there too."

Even though two of them hesitated for a while, but all eight of them remained where they were. None of these recruited disciples were foolish. If they were to stand on the other side from the very beginning, n.o.body would complain. If they were to switch places now, they would offend both Mo Wuji and the future Da s.h.i.+xiong Pu Yin. After all, they didn’t choose Senior Brother Pu Yin from the start.

Noticing that n.o.body went over, Mo Wuji said with a clear voice. "From today onwards, I will bring the eight of you along with me while Junior Brother Pu Yin can lead the people behind him. As for whether we would be able to obtain opportunities in the G.o.d Domain Nest, we would have to depend on everyone’s ability. After the G.o.d Domain Nest concluded, I would welcome those who want to join my Mortal Mountain. Alright, this matter has come to an end. Everyone, please rest well in your cabins."

By saying such words, Mo Wuji was equivalent to admitting that Pu Yin’s s.n.a.t.c.h of leaders.h.i.+p was half completed. Many of the disciples could imagine that the Head Disciple of the sect after returning from the G.o.d Domain Nest would be Pu Yin.

Pu Yin smiled faintly as he said to Mo Wuji. "Hall Lord Mo is indeed capable. Since that is the case, I shall not accept this responsibility willingly."

After saying that, he turned to the crowd of disciples behind him once more. "Thank you, everyone for having faith in me. We would definitely need some luck and fate in the G.o.d Domain Nest but I believe strength is more important."

He acted as though Mo Wuji had agreed to hand over the responsibility of a Da s.h.i.+xiong.

"We support Senior Brother Pu!" The cheers of the crowd were twice as loud. Mo Wuji’s backing down allowed Pu Yin to gain everyone’s approval.

"Senior Brother Mo, why didn’t you fight with him? At the very most, you could still afford to lose." After entering the cabin, Yin Lin was still slightly unhappy with the outcome.

She was full of admiration for Mo Wuji. Despite Mo Wuji’s lack of courage to fight, she had personally witnessed Mo Wuji’s ability. Pu Yin might be stronger than Mo Wuji but if Pu Yin were to host the guest reception, she was confident that Pu Yin wouldn’t be able to do what Mo Wuji did.

‘Indeed, I really can’t wait to teach that fella a lesson. The pity was that I am also not a match for him." Di Butong also commented unhappily.

Mo Wuji chuckled as his eyes landed on that slightly fatter young man. "What is your name?"

"In reply to Da s.h.i.+xiong, my name is Zhu[1]." The slightly fatter man bowed.

Pig? Fortunately, Mo Wuji reacted quickly and realised that his name was Zhu, not pig. This person named Zhu was the only person who walked through the crowd of people to support Mo Wuji. This was during the period when support for Pu Yin was unrivaled.

Mo Wuji didn’t question why Zhu wasn’t like the rest as he simply said. "There are still a few more months before our destination. Everyone, focus on your cultivation and I shall head back in to cultivate too."

Wei Jie returned back to the Ancestor’s room as he bowed. "Ancestor, do you think we made a mistake? That Mo Wuji actually backed out from a fight. Even though he didn’t directly say that he had given up on the position of a Da s.h.i.+xiong, his performance somehow implied that."

Pang Jie revealed a slight smile as he shook his hand, "Don’t worry about this. Go back and cultivate because your cultivation level is still too poor."

"Yes." Wei Jie didn’t dare to speak much as he hurried away.

Pang Jie’s eyes landed on Pu Yin, who was addressing the crowd of disciples. He shook his head because he felt that Pu Yin was far too obsessive with utilising people.

While Pang Jie was also slightly disappointed at how Mo Wuji chose to resolve this dispute, he knew that Mo Wuji only did that because he was helpless. In his eyes, Mo Wuji would at most be only in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 1 and was definitely not in Level 3. For an ordinary disciple to fight against a Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9 genius disciple, it was simply asking too much of Mo Wuji.

However, he wasn’t convinced that Mo Wuji backed out because he was scared. Mo Wuji had even stood up for Ku Cai in front of him so why would he be afraid of one Pu Yin?

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Chapter 903: Suspicion Of An Immortal Swindler

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

For the next four months, they had been constantly changing between travelling on the flying s.h.i.+p and transfer arrays.

Just as everyone was complaining about how far away the G.o.d Domain Nest was, the flying s.h.i.+p came to a halt on an extremely grand plaza together with the other s.h.i.+ps. While some of the flying s.h.i.+ps were magic treasures which could be kept away, many others were those ma.s.sive flying s.h.i.+p which were unable to be kept.

There were a great number of shophouses and rest houses on the plaza. Therefore, Mo Wuji lost count of the number of people pa.s.sing by here.

Initially, Mo Wuji thought that this would be an extremely big cultivation city or city square. After descending from the flying s.h.i.+p, he realised that the average cultivation city or city square would definitely not be of such large scale.

Mo Wuji had no idea how long the continuous stretch of shophouses extended for while towering buildings were seen one after the other. The most worthless thing here seemed to be the land as even the narrowest path were a few metres wide.

One more difference between this place and a G.o.d city was that there were almost no G.o.d restrictions here. Other than the individual shophouses which had their own arrays, the entire street seemed boundless and the spiritual will had a panoramic view of everything.

Looking at all the shocked expressions of the disciples, Wei Jie said proudly. "Haven’t been to the G.o.d Domain Nest before right? The one thing this place doesn’t lack was land. Anybody, as long as you’re willing, could set up a shophouse or immortal residence at the periphery of this place. This was why the people here ranged from G.o.d Kings to even mortals with their spiritual roots wasted."

Yin Lin whispered, "Could this really be the G.o.d Domain Nest? Why is it look like a levelled wilderness?"

Pu Yin chuckled, "Junior Sister Yin Lin wouldn’t have known of it since you’ve not heard it before. This is indeed the G.o.d Domain Nest but this was the area of the G.o.d Domain Nest which was incubated a long time ago. The incubated G.o.d Domain Nest would be searched over and over again so even the most concealed underground treasures would be dug away. Even so, there were countless treasures being found. This was because the periphery s.p.a.ce around the G.o.d Domain Nest would be incubated and everytime it incubates, it would add on from the original foundation of this place.

Following incubations after incubations, there was an increase number of treasures found here so even more people gathered here. Gradually, it had turned into what you see today. Even the most uneven places would have been even off by people. However, everyone has a share to this place and while you can build immortal residences here, you cannot mark out your territory. This was also why there are no signs of any huge arrays in place here."

Pu Yin clearly knew a lot about this place and he had been constantly explaining and describing everything to everyone.

Mo Wuji also found out from his words that no matter how many times the G.o.d Domain Nest was searched, there would still be some undiscovered treasures.

With Ancestor Pang Jie leading the way, Mo Wuji and the group of disciples travelled past the business district into the sect gathering district.

Even though no signs of strong spiritual will swept across them, the instant Mo Wuji entered the sect gathering district, he could feel an oppressive aura. He could clearly feel that in this district, there were far too many experts around.

At the periphery of the biggest plaza in the sect gathering district, Mo Wuji noticed the G.o.d Domain Nest Dao Discussion Plaza, G.o.d Domain Nest Battle Plaza and many other plazas.

In the area further into the sect gathering district, Mo Wuji noticed the signboards of even more sects.

G.o.d Evolution Sect, G.o.dly Grain Valley, Moonlight G.o.d Sect, Five Oceans G.o.dly Palace, Refined Star G.o.d Sect, Heavenly Turbid G.o.d Sect…

Almost all the sects had an encampment here and Mo Wuji also noticed the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s.

The Heavenly Mortal Sect’s encampment was adjacent to the other peak grade sects. The sign looked like it had just been put up not too long ago. The reason should be the recent emergence of a G.o.d King which was why they were treated with slightly more prestige as compared to the other ordinary grade sects.

"Haha… Brother Pang, because I was in the G.o.d Domain Nest, I couldn’t make it for your G.o.d King ritual a few months ago. I hope that Brother Pang would forgive me for this." Even before Pang Jie could bring Mo Wuji and the other disciples into the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s encampment, a long bearded elder walked over. In fact, he clasped his fist to greet Pang Jie even when he was still physically far away.

Pang Jie also returned the greetings with a smile. "So its G.o.d King Li He. The Phecda G.o.d Sect has so many disciples and the G.o.d Domain Nest is busy as ever. G.o.d King Li He would naturally be too busy to come over."

Mo Wuji wasn’t able to tell G.o.d King Li He’s specific cultivation level. Even so, he could sense that G.o.d King Li He was probably more than an entire level above Ancestor Pang Jie.

Mo Wuji also paid special attention to this G.o.d King Li He as this fella was the G.o.d King of the Phecda G.o.d Sect. Back in the Immortal World, there was also a sect called Tian Ji Sect so he wondered if there were any differences between Phecda G.o.d Sect and the Tian Ji Sect. [1]

"I wonder if Brother Pang had added a G.o.d King Throne?" G.o.d King Li He asked enthusiastically.

Pang Jie replied, "Because I’ve only just entered the G.o.d King Stage and the ritual was rushed, I haven’t been able to add a G.o.d King Throne."

G.o.d King Li He laughed, "That is great! One of the ten great G.o.d King, G.o.d King Clear Rise is also here. Why don’t Brother Pang follow me over and discuss about Brother Pang’s addition of the G.o.d King Throne? This is definitely not a small matter."

Without waiting for Pang Jie to answer, G.o.d King Li He continued speaking. "Let these disciples enter the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s encampment to have some rest on their own. Anyway, the G.o.d Domain Nest has yet to incubate and we might even need to wait here for another hundreds of years."

Pang Jie nodded, "Will do."

Having said that, Pang Jie turned to Wei Jie. " Wei Jie, you shall be in charge of bringing the disciples into the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s encampment to rest. Restrain and make sure that our disciples don’t go wandering around."

"Yes." Wei Jie bowed respectfully as he received the orders.

After Ancestor Pang Jie and G.o.d King Li He left, Wei Jie mentioned loudly. "All disciples are to take note, you are only allowed to walk around the G.o.d Domain Nest’s residential district. No one is allowed to walk out of the residential district."

"Why not? Didn’t Pu Yin said previously that there were still treasures undiscovered in places where n.o.body is living? If we go on a search, we might actually find some more treasures?" Yin Lin asked curiously.

Wei Jie chuckled, "Do you think those treasures would wait for a small Nascent G.o.d expert like you to be discovered? If the treasures were so easily found, I, Wei Jie, would have left to find them already. Stop spouting nonsense and follow me back to the encampment to rest."

Pu Yin commented faintly, "There are indeed treasures but dangers exist too. There are way too many people here and everyday, someone would die in areas where n.o.body else is there. Even though the G.o.d Domain Nest had been searched countless times, there were still plenty of dangers around. Some dangers were man-made while some dangers remained natural."

Mo Wuji never intended to leave this place. The instant he entered the G.o.d Domain Nest, he sensed that the G.o.d spiritual energy was dense. However, there was an indescribable feeling within the laws of Heaven and Earth here. It was as if something had yet to mature, the laws of Heaven and Earth didn’t appear completely formed up.

From Mo Wuji’s guess, this should be related to the G.o.d Domain Nest. The G.o.d Domain Nest had yet to be fully incubated so the laws of Heaven and Earth would naturally not be complete. Cultivating here would be a notch lower than when he cultivated in his own Mortal Mountain.

Fortunately, even if Mo Wuji didn’t cultivate, he had many other things to do. He could deduce talisman or learn more about G.o.d array dao. If Mo Wuji chose not to head out, Ku Cai and the other disciples under Mo Wuji, would naturally not head out too.

After nine consecutive days of seclusion and when Mo Wuji could deduce a grade 2 G.o.d array, someone knocked on his room’s restriction.

Mo Wuji opened up his restriction to find Elder Wei Jie with an anxious look outside his door.

"Elder Wei Jie, what happened?" Mo Wuji asked worriedly.

Elder Wei Jie’s body flashed as he entered Mo Wuji’s room directly. He said, "Wuji, could you help me think of a way quickly?"

"What is it?" Mo Wuji was confused. From what he remembered, Elder Wei Jie’s cultivation might not be very strong but when faced with problems, he was always calm and collected.

Wei Jie answered anxiously, "Because Shen Ming managed to purchase a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit…"

"Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit?" Mo Wuji repeated the name shockingly. After the few months of reading up in the Heavenly Mortal Scripture Library, Mo Wuji was no longer that clueless in terms of G.o.d spiritual herb.

A dao fruit like this was extremely valuable because it was also a dao fruit which could cleanse someone’s spiritual roots. Even though the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit was one of the lowest grade dao fruits capable of cleansing spiritual roots, it was still very valuable. Try imagining how many people would have incomplete transformation of spiritual roots when advancing into the Nascent G.o.d Stage? As long as there were many people with incomplete transformation, this dao fruit would remain priceless and treasured.

Previously, Ancestor Pang Jie mentioned that he would help him get a dao fruit to cleanse his spiritual roots. This Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit should also be considered as a dao fruit Pang Jie promised. And now, Shen Ming actually managed to purchase one Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit? Mo Wuji was stunned at how many good items the G.o.d Domain Nest had. And someone would actually bring the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit out to sell?

Wei Jie nodded, "Yes, but this is not the main point. The main point is that Shen Ming ate this Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Now, the other party wants Shen Ming to pay back with another Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit…"

"Elder Wei Jie, hold on. While my cultivation level is not high, I’m not completely inexperienced. I know that a fruit like the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit is not usually brought out for sale. Even if someone wanted to sell, it would be usually during an auction right? Alright, let’s take a step back and say that the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit was really sold there. Shen Ming had that many G.o.d crystals to purchase?" Mo Wuji asked.

Elder Wei Jie sighed, "This is where the problem lies. The person who sold the dao fruit to Shen Ming didn’t know it was the Soul Cleaning Dao Fruit. He thought that it was the Heart Cleansing Fruit."

Mo Wuji had not seen both the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit and Heart Cleansing Pill before but according to the manual he read, these two fruits indeed look similar. The only difference was that the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit contained a law of G.o.d dao. On the other hand, the Heart Cleansing Fruit was merely an ordinary G.o.d spiritual herb.

"Elder Wei Jie, It still doesn’t add up ah. Since it was the other party’s mistake, it should be counted as Shen Ming’s gain right?" Even though Mo Wuji said this, he started suspecting something. A G.o.d Domain Cultivator, unless he had just arrived here, should never have mistake these two fruits for each other.

Elder Wei Jie said, "That person is a disciple of the Phoenix G.o.d Soul Estate and he simply said he made a mistake and would compensate Shen Ming with some G.o.d crystals in exchange for the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit back. However, Shen Ming had already eaten the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit and they had detained him. I suspect that this might all be part of their plan but I have no prove…"

Mo Wuji sneered in his heart. He was certain that this person was definitely an immortal swindler. "Elder Wei Jie, you are an elder so why have you come to me for help?"

Wei Jie exclaimed, "You don’t know the rules here right? As long as we’re in the residential district, Heavenly G.o.d Stage experts cannot intervene disputes between Nascent G.o.d Stage disciples. G.o.d Monarch Stage experts cannot intervene disputes between Heavenly G.o.d Stage experts. The Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate also had a G.o.d King and countless of genius disciples under them. This matter couldn’t be resolved with violence…"

"Elder, Senior Brother Pu Yin had gone to rescue Shen Ming already…" Yet another disciple came over in a hurry.

[1]: Remember that Phecda in chinese hanyupinyin is also Tian Ji with another character ‘Ji’

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Chapter 904: Something Ain’t Right

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Ah, we should hurry over now. Pu Yin is prideful and arrogant so we must not allow him to get into a fight with the Nascent G.o.d Stage Disciple of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. Otherwise, the consequences would be unthinkable…" Wei Jie said worriedly.

Even though he was a falsifier, he was able to see many things very clearly. Even though a G.o.d King had emerged from the Heavenly Mortal Sect, the Heavenly Mortal Sect should be considered as the weakest sect among all the other sects with a G.o.d King in it. In fact, some of the intermediate grade sect with good foundation might even be stronger than the Heavenly Mortal Sect.

If Pu Yin were to offend the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, even Ancestor Pang Jie couldn’t do anything to help.

Shen Ming didn’t get into trouble in the sect gathering district but at the business district of the G.o.d Domain Nest. This place could be considered as a ma.s.sive open air city square or could also be said to be a cultivation city which was complete as compared to a city square.

After they exited the sect gathering district, Mo Wuji only walked for a few minutes before he noticed a crowd of people.

Mo Wuji’s spiritual will sensed Shen Ming easily. Shen Ming’s face was pale and his hands were trembling with fear. Other than Pu Yin, who was standing right next to Shen Ming, there were also about five to six more disciples from the Heavenly Mortal Sect.

Contrary to Wei Jie’s guess, Pu Yin hadn’t got into a fight with the members of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. However, there were blood stains at the corner of his lips and the energy around him was slightly unstable. Evidently, he had already gotten into a clash with the other party.

Even though Pu Yin had blood stains at the corner of his lips, there were no other injuries on him. Mo Wuji’s spiritual will sensed that Pu Yin looked like he was given tight slaps on both sides of his face. In fact, the marks of the slaps seemed to be disappearing.

Standing on the opposite of the six to seven disciples of the Heavenly Mortal Sect were four Nascent G.o.d Stage experts. Among the four people, the one standing in front was an average built man. In terms of cultivation, he seemed weaker than Pu Yin. In Mo Wuji’s eyes, that fella would at most be in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 7.

Behind this average built man were three other Nascent G.o.d Stage cultivators. There was a delicate and pretty woman with slightly smaller eyes while the other two men were both very tall. What made Mo Wuji doubtful was that these three cultivators standing at the back all seemed stronger than the average built Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 7 man. They were either in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 7 or 8. It seemed like the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate had their weakest man standing in front to handle the problem.

Without asking, Mo Wuji already knew that these four people were from the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. As these four people confronted Pu Yin and co, there was already a huge crowd of people watching on.

"Tang Wuzhen, what do you want? My Heavenly Mortal Sect has a G.o.d King too." When Mo Wuji and Wei Jie arrived, they heard Pu Yin’s seemingly furious voice.

Evidently, the average built man standing in front was called Tang Wuzhen. He pulled back his shoulders intentionally as he screamed. "Aiya, I am so scared. A sect with a G.o.d King, hahahaha…"

"Pu Yin, do you not know that you shouldn’t attack here in the G.o.d Domain Nest?" Wei Jie had already squeezed through the crowd as he grabbed onto Pu Yin’s hand angrily.

Pu Yin saw Wei Jie and instantly revealed an expression of relief. He hurried to answer, "Yes."

"What? Could it be that your Heavenly Mortal Sect is going to send a Heavenly G.o.d expert to deal with us? Oh yes, your Heavenly Mortal Sect has a G.o.d King so you’re naturally so brazen." Tang Wuzhen saw Wei Jie scurrying over before commenting with a cold tone.

Everyone knew that Wei Jie didn’t come with the intention to deal with the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. Even though he looked like he was reprimanding his own disciples, he was also warning the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate that they couldn’t act here. However, the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate didn’t seem to acknowledge his warning.

Wei Jie hurried to answer, "I am not intervening for I am only here to watch."

After saying that, he instantly stood to the side and kept quiet.

Tang Wuzhen sneered at the sight of Wei Jie. It almost seemed like he didn’t even put a Heavenly G.o.d Stage Level 9 expert like Wei Jie in his eyes.

Noticing that Wei Jie had backed down, Tang Wuzhen didn’t continue staring at Wei Jie. Instead, he said with a faint tone. "Since n.o.body from your Heavenly Mortal Sect could settle this matter and even threatened my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate with your G.o.d King…"

"Hold up, I am the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s Da s.h.i.+xiong. Come at me if you want to settle any matter. Regardless where the Heavenly Mortal Sect has a G.o.d King or not, it has nothing to do with this matter. Unless your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate wants to act against us using the excuse that you have a few G.o.d King experts backing you?" When Mo Wuji heard that the other party mentioned about the matter of G.o.d Kings, his heart jumped. This matter shouldn’t be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Who are you?" Tang Wuzhen saw Mo Wuji walking over before asking coldly. He could tell that Mo Wuji had an average apt.i.tude and his cultivation level was also very low.

Mo Wuji said calmly, "Heavenly Mortal Sect’s disciple Mo Wuji and I am also the Da s.h.i.+xiong who is leading the group of Heavenly Mortal Sect’s disciples into the G.o.d Domain Nest. Whether it is the matters regarding Junior Brother’s Shen Ming or Junior Brother Pu Yin, I am going to settle it for them."

"Very good! I do want to see how you’re going to settle this." Tang Wuzhen looked disdainfully at Mo Wuji.

Tang Wuzhen didn’t even smile but every other cultivator spectating this conflict laughed out loud when they heard that the lowest cultivation disciple would be settling this matter.

At this moment when Mo Wuji continued to address himself as Da s.h.i.+xiong, Pu Yin no longer dared to say anything else.

Mo Wuji looked at Shen Ming before saying. "Shen Ming, tell me everything that had happened in full details."

"Hold on, if I am not wrong, you look like you’re only in the Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage. Could it be that because you couldn’t handle this, your Heavenly Mortal Sect keeps sending useless disciples to waste everyone’s time?" Tang Wuzhen waved his hand as a G.o.d elemental energy surged towards Shen Ming. Shen Ming, who wanted to step out to speak, was sent right back to his position by the G.o.d elemental energy.

Mo Wuji didn’t obstruct his act as he turned to the crowd. "Fellow Dao Friends, even though my Heavenly Mortal Sect is a sect which had just been reconstructed, we aren’t an existence for anyone to insult as they wish. I am the Head Disciple of the Heavenly Mortal Sect who came to settle this matter. However, the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate didn’t even allow my junior disciple to explain what happened. The first thing they mentioned was that my cultivation level was too low. Oh, could it be that everyone in the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate became a G.o.d King the moment they were born? I really want to know that is it just because the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate is a big sect which is why they can casually convict whoever they want of a crime?"

Mo Wuji had this feeling that something was not right here but because he really had no idea what was not right, he wanted to let all the spectators understand what happened.

"Hahahaha, you are merely in the Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage and you dare call yourself their Da s.h.i.+xiong? Are you lying to me or everyone? If my guess ain’t wrong, you should the one with the lowest cultivation level among everyone from the Heavenly Mortal Sect who came here right?" Tang Wuzhen started laughing hysterically.

After Tang Wuzhen was done laughing, Mo Wuji replied calmly. "My cultivation level was indeed the lowest among the disciples who came from the Heavenly Mortal Sect. If I am not wrong, you are also the one with the lowest cultivation level out of the four of you here right? Why was it that your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate can send the lowest cultivation one to settle matters but my Heavenly Mortal Sect couldn’t do the same? Even if your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Sect claims to be one grade above my Heavenly Mortal Sect, we aren’t standing on your turf. This is the G.o.d Domain Nest which is not somewhere your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Sect can hide the truth from the"

Tang Wuzhen didn’t expect Mo Wuji to be able to tell his cultivation level. One must know that his cultivation level wasn’t something a Heavenly G.o.d could tell.

"Very good, let him say then." Hearing that the crowd around him started to whisper, Tang Wuzhen reacted on the spot by saying this."

Mo Wuji turned to Shen Ming immediately, "Step out and tell us everything that happened. Also, try to be more concise in your description."

"Yes," Shen Ming bowed towards Mo Wuji before continuing. "I was initially planning to walk around the G.o.d Domain Nest city square for a while but I didn’t expect to see him setting up a stall just as I reached this open air transaction district…"

Shen Ming spoke hesitantly and even pointed to one of the taller man standing behind Tang Wuzhen.

"I got excited because I actually saw a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit for sale at his stall. When my spiritual roots were transforming into G.o.d spiritual roots, it wasn’t a thorough transformation but it was still decent. I am certain that with one Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit, my spiritual roots would cleanse the speck of impurities…"

n.o.body was surprised with what Shen Ming said because no matter who it was, seeing a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit would definitely make them incredibly excited.

"At that time, this person said: You like this Cleansing Fruit? If you want, you can have it for this figure as he extended three fingers." Shen Ming’s tone was filled with regret as he continued the story. "I thought he meant three high grade G.o.d crystals so I took out the three high grade G.o.d crystals without any hesitation. At this very moment, a person came over to talk to him so I placed the three G.o.d crystals on his stall before leaving with my fruit. What I didn’t expect was that after about ten steps, he seemed to have realised something. Following which, the person he was speaking with chased over…"

Mo Wuji sighed because that fella was indeed a swindler. If he wasn’t wrong, Shen Ming saw the two people chasing after him so he hurried to swallow the fruit instantly.

The Soul Cleansing Fruit had a benefit which was that it could be consumed anytime. Also, the person consuming didn’t need to circulate his spiritual roots for it to take effects.

Shen Ming shouldn’t be blamed because anybody who was frightened would have done the same. When someone finally spotted a loophole, that item would naturally belong to him after paying for it. If this item was of tremendous use for the person, he might not even be willing to return it even if the other party realised his mistake.

Shen Ming did exactly how anyone else would have done.

"Whether or not I’ve mistaken my dao fruit for another dao fruit, you took away my item even before the transaction was completed. What is the meaning of that? Just because your Heavenly Mortal Sect has a G.o.d King, you can buy whatever you want forcefully?" The taller man pointed out by Shen Ming stood out to respond furiously.

"Who says that the transaction was not completed? I’ve paid the G.o.d crystals before taking your item. Moreover…"

Before Shen Ming could finish his sentence, that same tall Nascent G.o.d cultivator refuted. "You’ve paid the G.o.d crystals but have I agreed? Yes, I was indeed talking to someone else back then but I’ve only extended three fingers when I told you the price. Who says that my three fingers meant three high grade G.o.d crystals? I actually meant to say three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals. Furthermore, you left the G.o.d crystals on my stall and before I even say that I agree with your transaction, you took my item and leave. This is simply daylight robbery."

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Chapter 905: Alerting The G.o.d Kings

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

Three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals was definitely not a small figure. Sometimes during the mining of a G.o.d minefield, obtaining one or two peak grade G.o.d crystals was already considered very impressive. How many minefield would have to be dug out to even acc.u.mulate three thousands peak grade G.o.d crystals? Moreover, even a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit wouldn’t be worth three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals.

"Why are you even selling your Heart Cleansing Fruit for three thousand peak grade crystals in the first place?" Shen Ming refuted.

"Who says that the fruit I sold you was a Heart Cleansing Fruit? I was selling a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit."

"You clearly said Cleansing Fruit."

"Yes, isn’t Cleansing Fruit the short form for the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit?"

"You…" Shen Ming’s expression turned from pale white to red. "But you clearly gave me a Heart Cleansing Fruit. I initially thought it was a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit too but after consuming it, I realised it isn’t."

Mo Wuji was really speechless when he heard this. He initially thought that Shen Ming really did consume a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Mo Wuji thought that even if Shen Ming were to suffer a bit eventually, at least he consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit and had cleansed his spiritual root. He didn’t expect that after all these drama, Shen Ming had only ate a Heart Cleansing Fruit.

However, Mo Wuji started to comprehend the entire situation. He was certain that Shen Ming wanted to take advantage of the transaction. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have acknowledged the price of three G.o.d crystals on his own even before the other party told you specifically.

If Shen Ming managed to make it back to the encampment, things would have been much easier to settle. After all, the transaction would have been completed for some time already. Now, Shen Ming was held back at the transaction place and even swallowed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Evidently, Shen Ming lacked reasoning for this matter.

Mo Wuji was confident that Shen Ming consumed a Heart Cleansing Fruit instead of a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. However, Mo Wuji had this faint feeling that a bigger problem would arise if they kept insisting that Shen Ming consumed a Heart Cleansing Fruit and not a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. As to what the problem might be, Mo Wuji wasn’t sure as this was just a feeling he got.

At the thought of this, Mo Wuji commented instantly. "Dao Friend Tang, I admit that the disciple of my Heavenly Mortal Sect was at fault and we shall accept the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. I would ask the friends from the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate to name a price for the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit and we will compensate."

"I’ve already said that this Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit was from a billion years old Soul Cleansing Tree. This tree had only bore 11 of the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit so every single one was worth cities…"

Before the cultivator who sold the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit could finish his sentence, everyone in the crowd understood something. They had come to realise that this matter might not be resolved with the compensation of the normal price of a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit.

Indeed, the cultivator continued with his sentence. "Since I’ve already said that it is for sale at three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals, my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate will not be unreasonable to ask for me. Just three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals will do."

When Shen Ming heard the last sentence, his heart froze. Three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals was something even Ancestor Pang Jie would not be able to afford. If the Heavenly Mortal Sect wants to abandon him, they could simply s.h.i.+rk responsibilities off themselves. He started suspecting if Mo Wuji intentionally admit that he took away a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit so he can use this opportunity to chase him out of the Heavenly Mortal Sect.

"How could it be? There’s no need to mention that Junior Brother Shen Ming purchased a Heart Cleansing Fruit and not a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Even if he had bought a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit, it wouldn’t even be worth three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals. Junior Brother Mo, is this how you, as a Da s.h.i.+xiong, is going to settle this matter?" Pu Yin’s raging voice could be heard as he didn’t even bother addressing Mo Wuji as Hall Lord Mo.

Pu Yin’s words instantly gained the support of all the disciples from the Heavenly Mortal Sect who had rushed over. Even Wei Jie felt that Mo Wuji was mishandling this situation. Shen Ming clearly didn’t purchase a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit yet Mo Wuji chose to admit it. This was equivalent to putting yourself at a disadvantage or rather, admitting that you’re terrified from the start. What kind of tactic was this?

"The Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit should be able to be detected if it was consumed within a day right?" A soft voice could be heard from the crowd.

Pu Yin overheard this sentence and shouted instantaneously. "Yes, yes it would be able to detect."

Truthfully, he had no idea how it could be tested to prove if someone had consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit.

Tang Wuzhen seemed shocked and this made Pu Yin shout even louder. "Who knows how to test if someone had consumed a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit? Please let us know."

Yet another voice from the crowd was heard. "Testing for the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit requires the help of two G.o.d Kings. As long as the person who consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit opens their sea of consciousness spirit channel unrestrictedly, the two G.o.d Kings will be able to pervade into the sea of consciousness spirit channel. By using their own spirit channels to test if there are any changes to the person"s spirit channels, they would be able to tell if someone had consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit."

"Very good, since your Heavenly Mortal Sect insists that what we sold wasn’t the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit, we shall have it tested now. Just like what you’ve mentioned earlier, your Heavenly Mortal Sect has a G.o.d King, my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate has a G.o.d King too." As he spoke, Tang Wuzhen had already waved his hand to send out a message.

Mo Wuji was suspecting why two G.o.d Kings were required to use their own spirit channels to check it Shen Ming consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Logically speaking, one G.o.d King should be able to detect it right? After Tang Wuzhen heard the news, he instantly sent out a message without hesitation. From his att.i.tude, it seemed like he was going to call out for their G.o.d King.

This made Mo Wuji even more uneasy.

What kind of existence was a G.o.d King? They were existence standing on the peak of the entire G.o.d Domain. Regardless of how high Tang Wuzhen’s apt.i.tude was, he shouldn’t be qualified enough to summon a G.o.d King over with a single message right?

Before Mo Wuji could even figure out what was happening, a skinny man wearing a black robe arrived at the scene.

Even though the skinny man looked ordinary, Mo Wuji detected a strong law of Heaven and Earth energy when this man arrived. Mo Wuji had a talk with G.o.d King Pang Jie before so he knew instantly that this person was much stronger than G.o.d King Pang Jie. Evidently, he was also a G.o.d King.

What Mo Wuji didn’t expect was that the moment this skinny man appeared, Tang Wuzhen and co. bowed respectfully to him. "Greetings G.o.d King Salt Pavilion."

Even those cultivators who didn’t know G.o.d King Salt Pavilion all bowed respectfully. The entire scene turned silent and orderly.

Mo Wuji’s heart sank because Tang Wuzhen was merely a Nascent G.o.d and he really did summon a G.o.d King. If this wasn’t planned beforehand, Mo Wuji would never believe what he just saw.

At this moment, Wei Jie felt incredibly uneasy too. With a slightly pale face, he bowed and said, "Heavenly Mortal Sect’s Wei Jie greets G.o.d King Salt Pavilion."

Pu Yin and co. were so frightened that they no longer dared to speak. They didn’t expect that they needed the presence of two G.o.d Kings to test if Shen Ming had consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit.

"What’s happening?" G.o.d King Salt Pavilion said it with a monotonous voice.

Tang Wuzhen explained the entire situation and he didn’t actually exaggerate or cut down on any details.

Mo Wuji hurried to pay his respects. "Heavenly Mortal Sect’s Disciple Mo Wuji greets G.o.d King Salt Pavilion. My Heavenly Mortal Sect is at fault for this matter and I am already thinking of compensating for the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion glanced coldly at Mo Wuji before saying with a faint voice. "We always emphasise on being fair and just in whatever we do. Just because they are disciples of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate, it didn’t mean that they would be speaking the truth. I was just having a conversation with Brother Pang so in this case, let me invite Brother Pang…"

Just as G.o.d King Salt Pavilion mentioned about inviting Pang Jie, Pang Jie landed right in front of everyone. He chuckled as he said, "I’ve heard about the earlier incident and this matter is just like what Disciple Mo Wuji said. It is the fault of our Heavenly Mortal Sect and compensation is a must."

Evidently, Wei Jie had already told the full story to G.o.d King Pang Jie.

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion laughed out loud. "Dao Friend Pang, you and I are existences standing on the very pinnacle of the G.o.d Domain. The G.o.d Domain had always been so peaceful because everyone believes in justice here. Even if I am not friends with Brother Pang, I would definitely not believe my disciples’ side of the story and conclude just like that."

Hearing the words of G.o.d King Salt Pavilion and looking at Pang Jie’s expression, Mo Wuji was certain that the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate wasn’t going after the three thousand peak grade G.o.d crystals. They wanted Ancestor Pang Jie and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion to test and check if Shen Ming really did consume the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit.

In other words, the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate definitely had an ulterior motive. Mo Wuji even suspected that they were more concerned as to whether Pang Jie wanted to test it with G.o.d King Salt Pavilion.

Just as Mo Wuji was about to speak, another clear voice could be heard. "What’s there to conflict about? Just check this fella’s spirit channels and we can all head back to enjoy our wine."

Once everyone heard this, a fat monk and a refined looking man in green robe landed.

Everyone saw the arrival of these two men and they started bowing respectfully again.

From the greetings of the crowd, Mo Wuji knew who these two people were. The fat monk was G.o.d King Yan Du and the refined looking man was G.o.d King Yi Ming.

No matter what happened, he mustn’t let Ancestor Pang Jie do the test for Shen Ming. Even with the arrival of these few G.o.d Kings, he had to find a way to stop this.

"Wuji, I definitely cannot conduct the test with G.o.d King Salt Pavilion to see if Shen Ming really consumed the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit…"

Ancestor Pang Jie transmitted a message anxiously to Mo Wuji. Even before he could finish his message for Mo Wuji, Mo Wuji saw that Ancestor Pang Jie had already went forward to greet G.o.d King Yi Ming and G.o.d King Yan Du enthusiastically.

Mo Wuji took in a deep breath before clasping his fists. "Disciple Mo Wuji of the Heavenly Mortal Sect greets the few G.o.d King seniors. A small matter like this actually alerted the few G.o.d King seniors and I, as the junior, sincerely apologetic. If every small matter would need the help of the G.o.d King seniors, our G.o.d Domain would be in chaos. Junior has a suggestion and that is we abide by the regulations of the G.o.d Domain Nest. Shall we let the Nascent G.o.d Stage disciples settle this conflict? If we really cannot come to a conclusion, then I would like to trouble the few seniors to intervene."

Mo Wuji’s first suggestion was to follow the regulations of the G.o.d Domain Nest to settle this. Heavenly G.o.d experts cannot intervene disputes between Nascent G.o.d Stage cultivators, let alone G.o.d Kings.

Before the few G.o.d Kings could respond, Pang Jie said in a serious tone. "Mo Wuji, they are all your seniors of the G.o.d King Stage. The next time you speak, you must not be so rash."

After reprimanding Mo Wuji, Pang Jie clasped his fists towards G.o.d King Salt Pavilion. "Brother Yan Ting, my rash disciples’ words had some sense too. After all, the G.o.d Domain Nest emphasises on letting the same stage cultivators settle their own problems. Why don’t we watch and see how our juniors settle this? We will step in if they couldn’t settle this."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion glanced at Mo Wuji interestingly before chuckling. "Dao Friend Pang is right."

Having said that, he turned back to Mo Wuji. "Since that is the case, fill us in on how you’re going to settle this."


Near the periphery of the crowd was a green robe woman and another woman in a blue dress. The green robe woman asked, "Sister Lan Ou, that is the Mo Wuji of the Heavenly Mortal Sect whom you talked about right? He is indeed daring. Let’s watch and see how he handle this situation and if he is worth your high regard."

The woman in blue dress was indeed Lan Ou. She smiled and said, "This person definitely has guts. Back then, if he hadn’t controlled his anger, he would have thrown us out. However, I doubt this matter is something he could settle."

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Chapter 906: Settle With A Battle

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

After saying that, Lan Ou turned to the other side to ask another woman in a faint blue dress. "Senior Sister Qu, do you think Mo Wuji would be able to settle this matter?"

Once this question was asked, the few women around Lan Ou turned to this faint blue dress woman.

Even though there were about seven to eight women who came to watch the show with Lan Ou, this Senior Sister Qu looked like the most outstanding one.

Among the few of them, none of them could even compare with her in terms of cla.s.s, appearance or even figure. Not only did she possess picturesque general face features, perfect figure, she had this aura around her which made people want to keep looking at her.

Lan Lu was already considered outstanding but this Senior Sister Qu was definitely on another level when compared to Lan Ou.

Noticing that everyone was staring at her, Senior Sister Qu shook her head. "I’m not familiar with him but if someone were to settle this matter, it would be lead by the member of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate."

She was just like the others as she failed to notice that G.o.d King Salt Pavilion really wanted to test for Shen Ming spirit channels together with G.o.d King Pang Jie of the Heavenly Mortal Sect. She was only wondering why Mo Wuji would suggest to settle among the own stage cultivators. In her eyes, n.o.body in the Nascent G.o.d Stage from the Heavenly Mortal Sect could compare with that Tang Wuzhen from the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate.


Upon hearing G.o.d King Salt Pavilion’s words, Mo Wuji felt some killing intent exuding from him. He knew that he had enraged this G.o.d King expert. If it wasn’t for Ancestor Pang Jie’s last-minute word of support, G.o.d King Salt Pavilion might have already written his name in the Deathnote.

He faintly felt that whether it was G.o.d King Yan Du or G.o.d King Yi Ming, they seemed to be helping G.o.d King Salt Pavilion instinctively. Both of them appeared as though they also wanted G.o.d King Pang Jie and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion to test and check if Shen Ming really did consume the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit.

"Senior G.o.d King Salt Pavilion is definitely big-hearted to allow junior to try and settle this. This is already a huge honour for me so why would I dare to suggest anything? This solution to this was of course suggested by the senior and junior brothers of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate and I would only ask for one additional condition." Mo Wuji’s tone was respectful and humble.

Mo Wuji knew that if he must not continue to insist that Shen Ming ate the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit and suggest to compensate. Otherwise, G.o.d King Salt Pavilion would definitely talk about how he must uphold ‘justice’ and then carried on to check Shen Ming’s sea of consciousness. Therefore, Mo Wuji chose to not mention about this at all.

Tang Wuzhen immediately stood out to bow to G.o.d King Salt Pavilion. "Hearing what Ancestor said, disciple finally realise something. Even when one was certain about something, one should still use the fairest and just method to settle. Just like how disciple was certain that Shen Ming purchased a Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit, this matter must be acknowledged by the Heavenly Mortal Sect. This should be the way of handling matters. If disciple were to suggest a solution, it would be to let the two Ancestors check for the change in Shen Ming’s spirit channels. However, this Junior Brother Mo seems to have an objection.

Since that is the case, why don’t the Nascent G.o.d disciples of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate and the Heavenly Mortal Sect swap some pointers? After which, we shall go according to the suggestions of the disciples of the winning side."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion nodded satisfyingly. "Wuzhen, you are pretty decent. Disciples of my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate will never bully the weak, invert right and wrong or even use our powers to pin others down. We shall go according to your intention then."

Following which, he turned to Pang Jie. "Brother Pang, shall we go ahead with this?"

Pang Jie could only force a smile as he replied. "There are truly so many talents being nurtured by your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. We shall settle this using the G.o.d Domain Nest’s method so as to prevent any more entanglement between both parties."

Upon seeing Pang Jie’s acknowledgment, Tang Wuzhen turned back to Mo Wuji. "Junior Brother Mo, I, your senior, started cultivating because I want to control my own destiny and roam the vast and boundless universe. Only the mighty will be able to control their destiny. Since you let me suggest a solution to this matter, I’ve thought of the most direct one. How about a battle? Whoever wins, shall suggest the solution to this matter. How about that?"

Mo Wuji was certain that Tang Wuzhen would suggest a fight. Even though he was only in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 7, Mo Wuji was convinced that he should be pretty strong. Moreover, Mo Wuji guessed that the two slaps on Pu Yin’s face were given by Tang Wuzhen. It wasn’t simply because Tang Wuzhen was the leader of the group of Nascent G.o.d Stage experts from the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate here. Another point was that when Tang Wuzhen was speaking, Pu Yin looked timid.

Pu Yin was in the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9 but was slapped twice by Tang Wuzhen. Evidently, Tang Wuzhen should be incredibly strong.

When Tang Wuzhen suggested a battle, Mo Wuji noticed how Pu Yin lowered his head. Mo Wuji wasn’t the only one who noticed that action as even Pang Jie saw it. Pang Jie had already guessed that Pu Yin wouldn’t be a match for Tang Wuzhen. However, Pu Yin was the only one in the Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage Level 9. If someone had a chance to win Tang Wuzhen in a face-off, it had to be Pu Yin.

After noticing that Pu Yin lowered his head, Pang Jie sighed as he knew that he couldn’t rely on Pu Yin anymore. He was all mighty and arrogant when trying to fight for the t.i.tle of Da s.h.i.+xiong but when faced against Tang Wuzhen, he didn’t even dare to utter a single word.

Mo Wuji chuckled as he said. "Then we shall go according to Junior Brother Tang’s suggestion."

When Tang Wuzhen heard that Mo Wuji even called him a junior brother, his heart was boiling with anger. A mere Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage expert actually dared to address him as junior brother?"

"Junior Brother Mo certainly looks imposing. Previously, you mentioned about asking for an additional condition. You can go ahead and let us know now. Of course, you can ask for as many conditions as you want. Since a battle would definitely come with injuries or death, Junior Brother Mo can forget about asking if you are trying to plead for mercy. Junior Brother Mo, you can arrange or choose anyone to fight against me." Tang Wuzhen’s tone was filled with killing intent.

He believed that Mo Wuji asked for an additional condition to request for the choice of venue or even suggest something like ending the battle at a certain point.

Mo Wuji was still thinking that if Tang Wuzhen forgot about his additional condition, he would take the initiative to remind him. He certainly didn’t expect Tang Wuzhen wanted to let everyone around know how big-hearted he was by showing his willingness to accept almost every condition that he, Mo Wuji, requested for.

Mo Wuji clasped his fists awkwardly in all four directions. "Since I am the Da s.h.i.+xiong, it should be natural that I am the one to fight you. However, I have a unique sacred art which could be easily learned by others. Even so, I would still need to fight Junior Brother Tang. Therefore, my only condition would be that I hope we can fight in an enclosed and sealed up location. Whoever wins, shall walk out of the place. As for life and death, we shall go according to Junior Brother Tang’s words. Dying simply meant that one party was not strong enough."

To Mo Wuji, he was never afraid of fighting Tang Wuzhen. He sensed that Tang Wuzhen should be pretty strong so the Four Halberd Strikes might not be enough to oppress him. Whether it was his Wheel of Life and Death or Seven World Fingers, Mo Wuji didn’t wish to reveal it in front of everyone now.

By executing his Wheel of Life and Death, Tang Wuzhen should be unable to see through it. However, his sacred arts would definitely not escape the eyes of G.o.d Kings.

Now that he had yet to step into the Heavenly G.o.d Stage, his understanding towards the laws of Heaven and Earth of the G.o.d Domain were still not thorough. This was why a gap within the laws would be captured by the other experts watching on if he chose to execute his sacred arts in front of them.

These sacred arts were a protection of his own life so he wouldn’t expose the gaps of his laws to anybody. He also didn’t want anyone to learn his sacred arts once he displayed them.

"Alright, I agree. The hall behind this place used to be a speech hall and we shall fight there." Tang Wuzhen was slightly surprised at Mo Wuji’s courage to really dare to fight him. After he said that, he dispersed the crowd as they entered a ma.s.sive grey coloured hall.

Mo Wuji bowed towards G.o.d King Yan Du before saying. "May I ask Senior Yan Du to help me install a layer of protective array restriction over this hall?"

G.o.d King Yan Du smiled, "Go ahead, I will install it for you."

"Yes, many thanks senior. "Mo Wuji bowed once more as he entered swiftly into the speech hall with Tang Wuzhen.

After the two of them entered the hall, G.o.d King Yan Du really did help them install one layer of a protective array. At this moment, everyone outside would no longer be able to see what was happening on the inside.

Even though they couldn’t say anything, everyone continued to stare excitedly at the speech hall.

Logically speaking, Mo Wuji will definitely lose. But if Mo Wuji will definitely lose, wouldn’t accepting the challenge not make sense at all?

Moreover, Mo Wuji wanted to fight in a concealed and enclosed arena. Could it be that Mo Wuji possesses some incredible talisman or magic treasure?

While everyone was discussing the possible reasons, Mo Wuji had already set foot in the hall. Even though the hall had already been abandoned, the concept of the designs was very majestic and it was indeed a ma.s.sive hall.

"The one with the surname Mo, since you want to die so badly, don’t blame your grandfather for being merciless." As he watched Mo Wuji stepped in, Tang Wuzhen sneered and took out an oval-shaped magic treasure.

Mo Wuji smiled faintly as he replied without fear. "Junior Brother Tang, please hold on for a second."

Having said that, Mo Wuji threw out a few array flags and covered up the internal s.p.a.ce within the hall very quickly.

"Ahah, are you trying to trap me with arrays?" Tang Wuzhen laughed as he didn’t seem concerned with what Mo Wuji was planning.

Mo Wuji stopped installing as he answered. "I’m afraid that the monk outside would peek on us which was why I installed another array to prevent peeking. Use an array to fight you? Tang Wuzhen, you’ve overestimated yourself."

"What?" Tang Wuzhen looked slightly troubled. If G.o.d King Yan Du could watch the entire situation of him and Mo Wuji before Mo Wuji installed that additional array, wouldn’t G.o.d King Yan Du saw the inconsistency of his own words earlier?

No wonder when he addressed Mo Wuji as ‘the one with the surname Mo’, Mo Wuji still called him Junior Brother Tang. This fella was indeed scheming.

"Then let me see if you are as incredible as your words…" Tang Wuzhen could no longer be bothered to waste time with Mo Wuji. He only had to kill Mo Wuji and he could let the two G.o.d Kings check Shen Ming’s sea of consciousness spirit channel.

At this moment, Mo Wuji was confident that G.o.d King Yan Du could no longer seep his spiritual will in. Even though the defensive array which he installed was slightly weak, it was attached to a warning sound. If any expert’s spiritual will tried to come close, it would let out an ear piercing sound. He believed that a peak grade expert like G.o.d King Yan Du wouldn’t embarra.s.s himself that much.

Without the surveillance of anyone, Mo Wuji wouldn’t go easy as well. When he extended his whirlpool domain, three Spiritual Will Arrows were shot out concurrently.

Mo Wuji wanted to end this battle as soon as possible so after the three Spiritual Will Arrows were shot out, he started preparing his Wheel of Life and Death. This was his first battle against a Nascent G.o.d Stage expert so he mustn’t go easy.

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Chapter 907: Remember Not To Offend Me

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

When Tang Wuzhen’s domain clashed with Mo Wuji’s whirlpool domain, it didn’t appear to affect Mo Wuji’s whirlpool domain at all. This was when Tang Wuzhen’s heart sank and he knew Mo Wuji was definitely not in the Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage. In fact, Mo Wuji could be in the advanced or even Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage.

Tang Wuzhen, who was initially still underestimating Mo Wuji, no longer dared to do so. The oval-shaped magic treasure in his hands exploded as it turned into an oval-shaped starry sky array.

Stars, one after the other, started warping from within as it turned into a vast and boundless starry sky which had Mo Wuji trapped in the middle.

Just as Mo Wuji’s spiritual will started to blur out, his three Spiritual Will Arrows pierced through Tang Wuzhen’s domain. Presently, there was no longer any protective screen in front of Tang Wuzhen.

A deadly threat was felt and Tang Wuzhen panicked. He no longer cared about how he was going to trap and attack Mo Wuji with his starry sky array as three of his star shadows was swept over by him.

"Boom boom boom!" Consecutive explosions were heard and the stars called back by Tang Wuzhen exploded one after the other. The lacerating elemental energy was finally torn.

Tang Wuzhen felt that his sea of consciousness was going to be ripped apart as he spat out a few mouthful of blood. The weariness of his sea of consciousness could be felt again as he finally heaved a huge sigh of relief.

He had exhausted three star shadows of his starry sky array to block off Mo Wuji’s Spiritual Will Arrows.

The stars in his starry sky array had yet to be completed but every star was formed from extreme energy and sacrifices. In one single attack from Mo Wuji, he had exhausted three of his stars which pained his heart really badly.

This was the first time a same stage cultivator could destroy his Spiritual Will Arrow so casually. That starry sky array of the oval-shaped magic treasure even almost locked onto his sea of consciousness. Fortunately, he acted fast with his three Spiritual Will Arrows which pierced through the opponent’s domain so swiftly. This was how his sea of consciousness cleared up once again.

At a moment like this, Mo Wuji was fully aware of how extraordinary Tang Wuzhen’s magic treasure was. This oval-shaped starry sky should be a growing shape magic treasure. The stars inside this magic treasure should be arranged according to Tang Wuzhen’s thoughts and sacred arts. Additionally, every star should be condensed using a method only Tang Wuzhen had. As the stars within the starry sky array became more solid, this magic treasure would become even more incredible undoubtedly.

Earlier, Mo Wuji’s three Spiritual Will Arrows were able to destroy three of the stars not because Tang Wuzhen’s oval-shaped starry sky array was incapable. It was only because the stars within the starry sky had yet to form up completely. In fact, they weren’t even in the embryonic form.

If the stars within Tang Wuzhen’s oval-shaped starry sky array were more complete, Mo Wuji will lose without a single doubt even before he could put up a fight.

As the gap within Tang Wuzhen’s oval-shaped starry sky array expanded and after Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness cleared up, Mo Wuji changed his mindset at the last-minute. Tang Wuzhen was strong and possessed an incredibly powerful oval-shaped starry sky array. The starry sky array was perplexed and vast in nature so even while fighting against it, Mo Wuji had no idea how many stars there were within.

By executing his Wheel of Life and Death now, he would certainly not be able to restrain the other party. At the very most, he would only be able to destroy a few more of Tang Wuzhen’s stars.

Mo Wuji drew out his Half Moon Weighted Halberd as a winding river descended.

"Kacha!" Just like lightning descending from the sky without restrains, Mo Wuji finally had a clear look at this oval-shaped starry sky from within the silver radiance killing intent.

The starry sky had over ten stars suspending within it. Because Mo Wuji had destroyed three of the stars, Tang Wuzhen’s starry sky array was no longer able to restrain or trap Mo Wuji’s sea of consciousness.

"Boom!" A slightly more condensed star appeared like it had smashed through the heavens. Before Mo Wuji’s Winding River Sacred Art could descend completely, the star landed right onto the river.

Insane elemental energy swept over and Mo Wuji’s chest tightened. Tang Wuzhen was evidently very experienced in battles because without waiting for Mo Wuji to act again, yet another star was swept over. This particular star charged directly at Mo Wuji.

However in this instance, Mo Wuji never even thought about retreating. Not only did he not retreat, he even sent out a punch with his left hand- the Domain Crus.h.i.+ng Fist. Mo Wuji didn’t withdraw the Winding River as the killing intent of the halberd radiance became much sharper. The initially weakening halberd radiance became condensed back once again.

"Boom! Kacha!" The star clashed against the Domain Crus.h.i.+ng Fist and Tang Wuzhen’s fourth star exploded.

Under the backblast of the incredible G.o.d energy, Mo Wuji forcefully swallowed a mouthful of blood. Even so, he didn’t take a step back as he moved forward towards Tang Wuzhen’s oval-shaped starry sky array. He struck out a Yin and Yang hand seal with his right hand.

Sacred Art, Wheel of Life and Death!

The s.p.a.ce enveloped by Tang Wuzhen’s starry sky was split into two abruptly. Tang Wuzhen sensed that the s.p.a.ce was split into two extremes, life and death on either side. The deathly energy swept away all his life force while his primordial spirit and soul were gradually being bound.

The deathly energy overwhelmed the s.p.a.ce around him and Tang Wuzhen’s heart s.h.i.+vered. He really couldn’t wrap his head around how Mo Wuji’s spiritual will and sea of consciousness could be this powerful. His own spiritual will was already considered mighty yet he was unable to display such ferocity in his sacred arts when compared to Mo Wuji.

"Stop." Tang Wuzhen shouted sternly. He had crossed swords with Mo Wuji for only a short period of time and a few exchanges of sacred arts. From this, he concluded that Mo Wuji was no weaker than him. No, Mo Wuji was even stronger than himself. With such the threat of a deathly wheel imprint like this, Tang Wuzhen couldn’t help but feel the extreme danger to his life.

As the deathly energy grew stronger, you would need to exhaust half the number of stars from within his starry sky to protect himself.

Four of these hard-earned stars formed using years and countless sacrifices had already been destroyed. If more were to be destroyed, his magic treasure would be completely done for. This magic treasure was his proudest and most valuable capital. A huge reason why he gained fame while being at the Nascent G.o.d Stage was because of this magic treasure. No matter what, he mustn’t allow his starry sky array to be destroyed so easily.

Mo Wuji had no intentions to stop and not only did he not stop, the life and death marks of the wheels became even clearer.

One life and one death but the deathly energy were forming up around Tang Wuzhen’s body.

"Mo Wuji, I know you’re strong but if I were to break the cauldrons and sink the boat [1], you wouldn’t be able to kill me. You will only deepen the enmity between your Heavenly Mortal Sect and my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate…" Tang Wuzhen shouted furiously and if Mo Wuji still chose not to stop, he will instantly sink the boat with all his might. Even if he were to destroy his magic treasure, he didn’t want to lose his life here.

"Tang Wuzhen, if I want to kill you, I can kill you no matter what you try to do. Try me if you dare. Of course, I can stop my attack but are you sincere in admitting defeat? If I stop and you attack me once you’re free, wouldn’t I be wasting effort?" Mo Wuji said with sarcasm.

He also admired how good Tang Wuzhen was at speaking. Tang Wuzhen didn’t mention about deepening the enmity of himself and Mo Wuji but between the Heavenly Mortal Sect and Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate.

The truth was that Mo Wuji never intended to kill Tang Wuzhen. Even so, he was confident that if Tang Wuzhen were to bring out his trump card, Mo Wuji could still finish him off with his Seven World Fingers. However, killing Tang Wuzhen will unquestionably form a lifelong animosity between the Heavenly Mortal Sect and the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. This wouldn’t do Mo Wuji any good as well.

He was not fearful because he could simply run away. However, he didn’t want to invite unnecessary pressure or animosity for the Heavenly Mortal Sect.

"Mo Wuji, I admit defeat so I plead for you to stop." Once Tang Wuzhen said out these words unwillingly, the deathly energy around him stopped increasing in pressure. While the energy was still oppressive, his heart was slightly more stable now.

"I only have one condition now. After we leave this place, the incident regarding the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit shall be written off at one stroke and both parties will no longer owe each other anything. As for the reason, just say that we had a deep talk and you feel that it would be better to squash enmity rather than keeping it alive." Mo Wuji said calmly.

"Then I wouldn’t be able to account to G.o.d King Salt Pavilion." A sense of helplessness overwhelmed Tang Wuzhen.

"That shall remain as your problem." Mo Wuji replied coldly.

"Alright, I agree." Tang Wuzhen clenched his teeth as he agreed.

Mo Wuji released the Wheel of Life and Death. If it was years ago, someone had to die the instant he executed the Wheel of Life and Death. However, he could control it however he liked now.

After withdrawing his starry sky array, Tang Wuzhen’s entire back was drenched in cold sweat. He looked down on Mo Wuji before saying. "You are indeed very capable at disguising yourself. An expert in the Great Circle of the Nascent G.o.d Stage actually disguises yourself as a cultivator in the Nascent G.o.d Elementary Stage. G.o.d spirituality was almost hidden perfectly. I may be hypocritical but you’re much worse than me."

"Tang Wuzhen, you are not in the position to comment about me. Remember never to offend me in the future, otherwise, I will be hypocritical to you when n.o.body is around." Mo Wuji didn’t bother about what Tang Wuzhen had to say about him.

"Very good, I, Tang Wuzhen, will remember this." Tang Wuzhen grunted as he prepared to leave.

Mo Wuji took out a water crystal ball before saying. "Tang Wuzhen, I have a water crystal ball which recorded everything that happened and everything you’ve said earlier. After you step out of this hall, you are free to say anything you want. If I am unhappy with what you say, everyone will receive a copy of this water crystal ball. And after I distribute this water crystal ball, I will challenge you to a battle at the battle stage. At that point in time, I wouldn’t be as friendly as I am talking to you now."

"You…" Tang Wuzhen looked shockingly at the water crystal ball in Mo Wuji’s hand. He couldn’t believe there was a fella as despicable as Mo Wuji.

This was his first time seeing someone as despicable as Mo Wuji. The truth was that even if he won Mo Wuji, he would never have thought of using a water crystal ball to record everything.

Mo Wuji kept the water crystal ball as he continued. "I know what you’re thinking. You are thinking about how you wouldn’t use the water crystal ball even if you managed to win me right? Because you will kill me directly. I am much more loving than you so look, I didn’t even touch a single strand of your hair, let alone kill you. So remember not to offend me. Humans must always appreciate and be thankful."

"Very good." Tang Wuzhen clenched his fists as he left the speech hall.

"Interesting." G.o.d King Yan Du chuckled as he never expected Mo Wuji to install another protective screen array from the inside.

Just like Mo Wuji’s prediction, G.o.d King Yan Du was indeed able to see through the hall even after helping Mo Wuji install the layer of the array on the outside. Indeed, he had heard what Tang Wuzhen said when they first entered the hall. It wasn’t because he wanted to eavesdrop but because he was the one who installed this array, a movement of his thought and he would be able to see everything.

Mo Wuji’s addition of another protective screen array was indeed full of loopholes in the eyes of G.o.d King Yan Du. However, he didn’t wish to touch it because why would a G.o.d King lower himself to the level of a mere Nascent G.o.d cultivator.

However, G.o.d King Yan Du was also very curious what Mo Wuji was planning to do to win against Tang Wuzhen.

"Tang Wuzhen of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate is out. The winner is Tang Wuzhen, I’ve told you so…" Someone from the crowd exclaimed.

"Isn’t this a little too fast?" Yet another person commented.

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Chapter 908: Secret Of The Heavenly Mortal Sect

Translator: Sparrow Translations  Editor: Sparrow Translations

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion was pleasantly surprised. While he was confident Tang Wuzhen could get rid of Mo Wuji in seconds, Mo Wuji’s request to conduct the battle in closed doors made him slightly uneasy. If he wasn’t a G.o.d King and had to care about his own pride, he would have cut Mo Wuji off and negated his suggestion.

Pang Jie revealed a trace of disappointment. Even though he knew that the chances of Mo Wuji’s victory were slim, he was still hoping that Mo Wuji would give him a pleasant surprise and emerge victorious.

Now that Mo Wuji had lost his life, Pang Jie would also be required to give away the greatest secret of his Heavenly Mortal Sect.

"I didn’t expect him to actually lose his life here…" Lan Ou shook her head with disappointment. She couldn’t believe that she was still thinking of ways to get Mo Wuji to become a disciple of the Forgotten Creek Dao School.

"He didn’t die." Senior Sister Qu said with a cold expression.

Lan Ou was shook and before she could ask anything, Mo Wuji walked out. Not ony did Mo Wuji not die, he didn’t even have a single injury on him. From the outside, it almost seemed like Mo Wuji went in for a cup of tea before coming out.

"Senior Brother Tang actually didn’t kill Mo Wuji of the Heavenly Mortal Sect…" Someone from the crowd explained.

Presently, everyone was staring at Mo Wuji. Before entering, Tang Wuzhen mentioned that life and death would depend on fate the moment they entered the speech hall. It just didn’t seem right that Mo Wuji would leave the hall with his life intact.

"I know, Senior Brother Tang must be very magnanimous to spare Mo Wuji’s life."

"That is of course. The Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate is a peak grade sect and I bet all of you don’t know that the Estate Lord of the Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate was incredibly magnanimous as well. Such magnanimity was indeed not something we could expect of everyone."

As G.o.d King Salt Pavilion heard the discussions among the crowd, he nodded his head pleasingly. He felt that Tang Wuzhen had done a great job because the effects of not killing Mo Wuji had achieved a much better outcome.

"Brother Cheng, this disciple of your Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate is really decent. He is definitely very broad-minded." G.o.d King Yi Ming went on to compliment Tang Wuzhen.

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion smiled, "Yes, he really didn’t disappoint me. Sometimes killing is not the only way to win."

The fat monk G.o.d King Yan Du chuckled. "I’m not too sure about this matter yet."

Based on the difference in expression which Tang Wuzhen displayed before entering and after leaving the speech hall, G.o.d King Yan Du didn’t believe Tang Wuzhen would let Mo Wuji off. Since there was no chance of Tang Wuzhen letting Mo Wuji off, why would these two people come out unharmed? There was only one possibility left; Mo Wuji was the one who let Tang Wuzhen off.

Pang Jie was also surprised when he saw that Mo Wuji had walked out. However, at the thought of what was about to happen, his pleasant surprise disappeared without a trace.

"Greetings G.o.d King Seniors." After exiting the hall, Mo Wuji walked even faster than Tang Wuzhen. After surpa.s.sing Tang Wuzhen, Mo Wuji clasped his fists towards the four G.o.d Kings.

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion nodded before asking. "We didn’t see the battle between you and Wuzhen but I guess you’ve come to a conclusion?"

Following that, Mo Wuji acted terrified as he answered. "Thank you Senior G.o.d King for the trouble to ask this question. Junior Brother Tan and I had familiarity at first sight and managed to have a good talk. Because the senior G.o.d Kings were still waiting outside for us, we hurried out."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion frowned because Mo Wuji’s tone didn’t look like he had been taught a lesson by Tang Wuzhen.

Indeed, Mo Wuji continued to explain. "After a pleasant discussion between Junior Brother Tang and I, we’ve agreed to not let this harm the peace between both parties. We’ve concluded that this matter shall be resolved just like that."

G.o.d King Yan Du suddenly started chuckling. "Mo Wuji, are you saying that the conclusion of your discussion with Tang Wuzhen concluded that this will be it?"

Mo Wuji laughed, "In reply to Senior Yan Du, yes, this is what I meant."

Even G.o.d King Yan Du laughed out loud as he looked at Mo Wuji with a weird expression.

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion was fuming inside but he maintained a calm expression as he looked at Tang Wuzhen. "Wuzhen, so this matter regarding the Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit has been settled? If you dare alert us for such small matters in the future again, you will be severely punished."

If Mo Wuji didn’t record everything that happened using that water crystal ball, Tang Wuzhen would definitely say it had not been settled. He might even say that the conclusion would be to test Shen Ming’s spirit channels.

Currently, he didn’t dare to say such things. Mo Wuji had evidence with him and if he said such things, the water crystal ball would definitely be made public.

Despite being fearful of the questioning from his G.o.d King Salt Pavilion, Tang Wuzhen could only reply with trembling fear. "In reply to Ancestor, it is indeed like what Junior Brother Mo says. Junior Brother Mo says that it is better to squash enmity than to keep it alive. After serious consideration, I’ve realised that our Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate was able to gain a foothold for so many years mainly because of our magnanimity and universal love. We would simply be disrupting the peace of the G.o.d Domain Nest if we were to spoil the relations.h.i.+p between both parties for a single Soul Cleansing Dao Fruit. Disciple thought of what Ancestors had taught us so I agreed to Junior Brother Mo’s suggestion. This matter shall end like this and there’s no point in any more questions."

Mo Wuji couldn’t even be bothered with Tang Wuzhen’s boasting of his sect. As long as Ancestor Pang Jie need not check Shen Ming’s spirit channels, Tang Wuzhen could say whatever he wanted.

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion laughed, "Not bad, Wuzhen, you really have the demeanor fitting of my Phoenix Soul G.o.d Estate. This is the right way to handle this matter and even though it might seem simple to do, it was actually not easy to handle it this way. Must have been tough on you to handle it so well today."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion then turned to Pang Jie and the other G.o.d Kings before suggesting. "Since this has concluded, why don’t we go for a good drink?"

From Tang Wuzhen’s words, G.o.d King Salt Pavilion knew that Mo Wuji had something to threaten Tang Wuzhen. He will undoubtedly not question his own disciple at this moment. Even if he needed to ask, he would wait for everyone to return back to their encampment before asking.

Pang Jie was even more surprised because he didn’t expect Mo Wuji to settle this problem so soon after entering the hall. When G.o.d King Salt Pavilion invited him for a drink, he clasped his fists and said, "Brother Yan Ting, even though your disciple is being magnanimous this time around, my disciples were still at fault in the first place. I have to make a trip back first."

G.o.d King Salt Pavilion’s original name was Yan Cheng. Because of the comparatively close relations.h.i.+p between G.o.d King Yi Ming and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion, G.o.d King Yi Ming addressed G.o.d King Salt Pavilion as Brother Cheng directly. Pang Jie of the Heavenly Mortal Sect was merely an acquaintance to G.o.d King Salt Pavilion and G.o.d King Salt Pavilion even tried to link up with G.o.d King Yi Ming and co. to steal the legacy of his Heavenly Mortal Sect. While he appeared polite to G.o.d King Salt Pavilion, he only addressed him as Yan Ting directly.

"Since that is the case, I shall not hold Dao Friend Pang up anymore." Once he said that, G.o.d King Salt Pavilion signalled before leaving with G.o.d King Yi Ming and G.o.d King Yan Du.

Once the three G.o.d Kings had left, Pang Jie said with a cold voice. "All the disciples from the Heavenly Mortal Sect, get back to our encampment right now."

"I’ve indeed not misjudged him. This person is much more capable than what I thought. I really wonder how did he…" Lan Ou commented as he watched G.o.d King Pang Jie leaving with the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s disciples behind him.

"Sister Lan Ou, are you saying that Mo Wuji is even stronger than Tang Wuzhen?" The green robe woman beside Lan Ou asked.

Lan Ou shook her head, "No, that shouldn’t be quite possible. I believe that he didn’t actually fight Tang Wuzhen and merely used his great eloquence to strike an agreement. I actually didn’t believe Tang Wuzhen would be convinced by his words so I really wondered what he said at that point in time. Evidently, this person is so much better at handling matters than any of us. The only pity would be his lack of cultivation."

"Sister Lan Ou, I’m afraid it might be incredibly difficult for us to recruit him into our Forgotten Creek Dao School now." Yet another woman commented.

Lan Ou smiled but kept quiet. In her opinion, the more capable Mo Wuji became, the greater the possibility of him joining the Forgotten Creek Dao School. Only when Mo Wuji was truly capable, she would be confident in convincing the elders of the Forgotten Creek Dao School to talk to G.o.d King Pang Jie.


At the Heavenly Mortal Sect’s encampment in the G.o.d Domain Nest, Pang Jie sat on the head seat in the meeting hall with an ugly expression.

"Shen Ming." After about ten silent breaths, Pang Jie finally calmed himself down before calling out for Shen Ming.

"Disciple greets Ancestor." Shen Ming stood up, terrified as he bowed.

Pang Jie looked at Shen Ming before saying, "From today onwards, you are no longer the disciple of my Heavenly Mortal Sect. This is the G.o.d Domain Nest so you are free to go anywhere."

Shen Ming’s face turned pale. He thought that because Mo Wuji had settled the matter, he would at most be reprimanded. He didn’t expect to be expelled from the sect just like that.

Fortunately, he wasn’t an idiot as he knew that Ancestor Pang Jie had already controlled his anger to the best of his ability. Otherwise, Ancestor Pang Jie would only need a lift of his hand to turn Shen Ming into bits.

"Yes, disciple understands." Shen Ming answered and was brought out by Elder Wei Jie.

After Shen Ming was chased out of the sect, Pang Jie told the rest. "From today onwards, Mo Wuji will be the Big Disciple of our new generation. There will no longer be any further disputes over this, understand?"

"Yes," All the disciples bowed promptly.

Even though Pu Yin was still unhappy with Mo Wuji, he didn’t dare to say anything. A disciple got into trouble, he went to mediate but was given two slaps by the opponent instead. Eventually, he even alerted the G.o.d Kings of the sects.

Mo Wuji might not be strong but he really did know how to speak. Just like how he hosted the sect’s guest reception, he did a good job today. This could only be said as Mo Wuji’s good fortune.

Now that the Ancestor had given his orders, everyone knew that this fact would no longer be altered. Mo Wuji would be their Da s.h.i.+xiong.

The good point was that even while their Da s.h.i.+xiong had average cultivation and didn’t dare to accept Senior Brother Pu Yin’s challenge, he was still pretty impressive in convincing Tang Wuzhen.

"Alright, everyone may go out now except for Mo Wuji." Seeing that everyone acknowledged the fact that Mo Wuji was their Da s.h.i.+xiong, he really didn’t wish to reprimand anyone anymore.

After all the remaining disciples left, Pang Jie indicated for Mo Wuji to sit. "Wuji, you should know that this was an intentional plot right?"

Mo Wuji nodded and while he didn’t know what the plot was trying to achieve, he was certain that it had to be a plot.

Pang Jie explained satisfyingly, "Wuji, you’ve really done very well whether it was before or after I came back. Do you know why G.o.d King Salt Pavilion wants to check Shen Ming’s spirit channels with me?"

"May Ancestor enlighten me," Mo Wuji bowed.

Pang Jie sighed and said, "Our Heavenly Mortal Sect is famous only because we have a big secret. That is how we manage to allow even the most average of cultivators to have the chance to enter the G.o.d King Stage. In the G.o.d Domain, there was a saying about how those with apt.i.tude below five stars will never be fated with the G.o.d King Stage."

"Could it be that apt.i.tude in the G.o.d Domain was also divided into nine stars?" Mo Wuji asked because he knew that the Immortal World cla.s.sified the apt.i.tudes of cultivators with the maximum of nine stars.

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